BY E. B. MUEKA ? ?? ? ? ? ? The Punishment Fits the Crime. '. Geeenville, Nov. 19.?Edward Gib? son, the young man who. was convicted yesterday of the abduction and seduction of a young lady named Adella Hanna, wassentenced to-day by Judge Pressley to five years at hard labor in the peniten? tiary, or to pay a fine of one thousand dollars. His lawyers made a motion for a new trial, which was refused, and a notice of appeal was given ; but it is un? derstood that Gibson's father, who is wealthy, will pay the fine. . .' Buckleu's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises,. Sores; Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, 1^-XJhilblwris, Corns, and all Skin Erup? tions, and. positively cure3 Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give . perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For eale by ;? Hill Bros. . . _ -I Tho verdict UaanimouB. if . W.D.:Sult, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., tes p titles: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle -ivsold' has given relief in every case. One " man took six bottles, and was cured of /Rheumatism, of. 10 years' standing." Abraham*Hare, druggist, Belleville, Ohio, :i*:^-aflann8*:-.-';-**The--best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 yeare' experi .:? ? .'.ence, is Electric Bitters." Thousand of i others have added their testimony, so that ??-???- the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bit ters do cure all diseases of tbeN Liver, Kid ;" neys or. Blood. Only a half dollar at Hill Bros. Drug. Store.. . 2 A "Woman's Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery, has been ; ' made and that too by a lady in the county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and : for seven years she: withstood its severest tests, but her . vital organs were under V mined and death seemed imminent. For i^rthree'montbs she coughed incessantly and couldnot sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New. Discovery for Consump ?."ti?nv'and'was so-much relieved on taking ? first dose that she slept all night and with r one'bottle-has been miracnously cored; is Mrs.. Lather Lutz." Thus : --write W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. ? 0.?Get a free -trial bottle at Hill Bros Dru^8tore. 2 Moles. John E. Peoples will have another nice drove of Mules from Tennessee the last of Christmas week. Now is the time to boy. I You can buy oh time if yori give good . paper.. i?? ' 24r-l House to Bent. Apply to John E. Peoples for a nice Cot? tage. Location convenient. 24-1 Farm Hand Wanted. A good, working white man can get a job to work on a farm. Apply to John E. Peoples or Thos. Hickman. 24-1 Dae Notice. '- " -Beginning January 1st, 1888, oar price : for the best quality of the Charlbttesville Cadet Grey Cloth, as selected by Captain I Patrick to bo used in his School for; uni L forms," will ba $3.00 per yard. 23-2 M.-B. Arnstein. ?p. Spencer Bros. 9-inch 4's is the: best a-Chewing Tobacco. Call on Cunningham g Bros, for it. ,19-3m. Boots and. Shoes. Only two weeks until Christmas, and Z. ;s?U we have an immense stock of Boots and 8hqes to be sold. -Don't buy ?-pair .nntil-you see us We are selling cheaper than ever, audfwon't stand on prices. C. F. Jones ; vSold by EiR Bros., Anderson, and Todd ':? vBros., Belton. Christmas Goods. A beautiful line of Casbmere Shawls, Toboggan Caps, Jerseys, Silk Handker r chiefs, and lots of pretty fancy articles, suitable for Christraas presents, just re? ceived at C. F. Jones & Co. Spartanburg to Baltimore. ?What a Spartanburg physician has to say in praise-of Westmoreland's Calisaya Tonic: ' .. . . "Tarn delighted with the benefit I. have derived-from "taking Calisaya Tonic. I /consider it an excellent preparation. My ' health is now better than it has been for {rears. It tones up the stomach, and gives ifefand vigor to the whole system." \ Baltimore, Md., Feb. 12, 188G. Messrs. Westmoreland Bros.?Gentle? men r Having been a confirmed dyspeptic foryears.-receiving no relief from the nest ri?meaical attendance, or the numerously advertised "patent medicines," I tried your "Calisaya Tonic," which I consider ? .the best preparation before the public, hav? ing given me instant re'lef after years of Buffering. Yours truly. OLIVER P. MERRYMAN Use Dr. Dukes' Anti-Bilious Wafers in connection with the Tonic if your liver is out of order. Wilhite & Wilhite, wholesale agents. Children Starving to Death On account of their inability to digest food, will find a most marvellous food end rem - . edy in -Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphite.s. Very Salatable and easily digested. Dr. S. W. ouen of Waco, Texas, says: "I have used ? your Emulsion in Infantile wasting with good results. It not only restores wasted tissues, but gives strength and increases the appetite. I am glad to use tuch a reli? able article." Dr. Charles C. Garrett, . palvOrt, Texas, says: "I have used your Emulsion for over a year, and have derived ? jauch benefit from it'in the marasmus of children, being tolerated by the stomach when all other medicaments were reject? ed." 24 Dr. Gunn's ivor Pills. : Removes Constipation, prevents Malaria ,;cures Dyspepsia, and gives new life to the [system. Only one for a dose. Free samples it Orr & Sloan's. How Has Faith, had been troubled all Winter with cold pain in the chest and got no relief from ledies reccomiuended by Druggists and sicians. At the same time I was adver Dri Bosanko's Cough and Lung j I bad little faith but thought to as a last resort, now I believe even .than they tell me of its curative qual ?jtiesSpjom the News, Elizabethtown, fold by Orr & Sloan. Y & CO. HOW DO WE DIG OUR GRAVES? We must eat or we cannot live. This we all know. But do we all know that we die by eating ? It is said we dig our graves with our teeth. How foolish this Bounds. Tet it is fearfully true. We are ter? rified at the approach of the cholera and yellow fever, yet there is a dis? ease constantly at our doors and in our houses far nore dangerous and destructive. Most people hare in then* own. stomachs a poison, more slow, but quite as fatal as the germs of those maladies which sweep men into eternity by thousands without warning in the times of great epi? demics. But it is a mercy that, if we are ?watchful, we can tell when we are threatened. The following are among the symptoms, yet they do not always neoessarily appear in the same order, nor are they always the same in different cases. There is a dull and sleepy feeling bad taste in the mouth,, especially . the morning; the appetite is change? able, sometimes poor and again it Beems as though the patient could not oat enough, and occasionally no appetite at all; dullness and slug? gishness of- the mind; no ambition to study or work; more or less head? ache and heaviness in the head; dizziness on rising to the feet or moving suddenly; furred and coat? ed tongue; a sense of a load on the . stomach that nothing removes; hot and dry skirt at times; yellow tinge in the eyes; scanty and high-colored urine.; sour taste in the mouth, fre? quently attended by palpitation of the heart; impaired vision, with spots that seem to be swimming in the air before the eyes; a cough, with a., greenish-colored expecto? ration ;'.poor nights'rest; a sticky slime about the teeth and gums; hands and .feet cold and clammy; irritable temper and bowels bound up and costive. This disease has puzzled the physicians and still puz? zles them. It is the commonest of ailments and yet the most compli? cated and mysterious. Sometimes it is treated as consumption, some? times as liver complaint, and then again as malaria and even heart dis? ease. But its real nature is that of constipation^ and dyspepsia. It arises in the digestive organs and soon affects all-:the others through the .?corrupted ' and poisoned blood. Often the whole b??dy?mcluding >the ' .nervous system?is literally starved, even.:., when : there is no emaciation to tell the sad story. Experience has shown that there is ?'put/one remedy that can certainly ? cure this- disease in all its stages, namely, Shaier Extract of. Boots or Mother-Seigel's'Curative Syrup. It never fails but, nevertheless, no time should be 'lost in trying other so called remedieSj^for they will do no good. \ -Get . , this great vegetable .preparation, (discovered by a vener? able nurse whose name is a house-, -hold word in Germany) and be sure to get the genuine article. .. Q gotes up! by seven doctors, .... Shaker. Extract of Boots or Sei 'geTs; Syr-up has raised me to good health after seven doctors had given me .up to die with, consumption.?? So. writes B. F. Grace, Kirkman Tille, Todd Co., Ky. he heard of ix just in time. "I had been about given up to die with dyspepsia when I first Baw " the advertisement of Shaker Extract ?f Ttoots or SeigePs Syrup. After using four bottles I was able to at? tend to my business as well as eyer. I know of several cases of chills and fever that have been cured by it." So writes Mr. Thos. Pullum, of Tay? lor, Geneva Co., Ala. WORTH ten DOLLARS A BOTTLE. Mr. Thomas P. Evans, of the firm of! Evans .& Bro., Merchants, Horn town, Accomack Co., Va., writes' that, he had been sick with digestive disorders for many years and had tried many physicians and medi . eines without benefit. He began to use Shaker Extract of Boots or Sei gel's Syrup about the 1st of Jan. 1887, and was so much better in three weeks that he considered him? self practically a well man. He adds: "I have at this time one bot hand, and if I could not get any more I would not talce a ten dollar bill for it." All druggists, or Address A. J. White, Limited. C4 Warren Si N. Y. Valuable Infromatioib IHAVE in Store for the Christmas trade one of the best selected Stocks of Goods ever shown in Anderson, consisting of PLAIN and FANCY CANDIES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, NUTS, TOYS, FIRE WOKS, All of which will be sold at prices that will please everybody. Don't buy your goods for the little folks until you inspect my stock. I will save you money. Si;oine is believing, therefore come and see tue. Po? lite attention and honest weights to every? body. G. M. TOLLY, At Sharpe's old stand, next door to Hill Bros.' Drug Store. Dec 15,18S7__23_2_ TO THE PUBLIC. rjlHE undersigned has opened a? FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT, At No. i Brick Range, Where Meals will be furnishod nt all hours at the low price of 25 cents. Everything prepared in best manner. I also keep on hand the very best BEEF brought to this market. Will nlso keep PORK regularly as soon as drove hogs ar? rive. I always have a supply of fresh but? ter and eggs, and fat chickens. When you need anything in my line, give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed to every patron. C. C. CUMMINGS. Nov 17,18>}7 19 Silver Brook Cemetery. rriHE Silver Brook Cemetery of Ander X son, has been laid oifand staked into lots of 10 by 30 feet, with convenient drives and walks through the grounds, and the City Council have decided for the next sixty days to sell the lots at 2c, lc or 5c per foot, according to the location. Plats may he seen at the City Council Chamber, and Mr. J. R. Fant, Chief of Po? lice, will give all information desired as to location, &c. Dec 15, 1887 23 8 , FAIR NOTICE. THE Notes and Accounts of Capt. John W. Daniels are in my hands for col? lection. Please take notice, and call and settle, and save cost and trouble. Respectfully, 0. WARDLAW, Attorney at Law. ? Deel, 1887 ? 21 4 an: GO AT ONCE TO THE NEW YOEK CASH STO?E FOR THE Biggest Bargains You Ever Saw. A Big Stock on hand and Christ? mas is Coming. We Must Sell Now or Carry Over Lots of Winter Goods. Beautiful Suits for men reduced to only $5.00 and $7.00, formerly sold for twice as ' much. Overcoats from $2.50 to $3.00, worth dou ble the money. Beautiful all Worsted Dress Goods, sold at 20c, now only 12Jc. We mean to sell. Heavy Athens Jeans?now is your chance to get it cheaper than ever?25c. Rucbing?a big lot?at 5c for ? yard. You can remember when you paid 20c and 25c for the same. Gents'Linen Bosom Shirts, well made, for only 50c?regular dollar Shirt?too ma? ny on hand. Shoes?absolutely the cheapest stock in Anderson; we will not stand on prices; come and try us before you buy. 300 Ladies' Boncle Jerseys is all that is left, but we want to sell them out before Christmas at just half their worth?take your choice therefore at 50c. This is the cheapest thing ever offered in Anderson. 1000 Belts at 5c each. The best Bleaching in Anderson at 7c? can only be had from the New York Cash Store. Still selling Pins?6 Papers for 10c. I Still selling Buttons at 5c for 12. Paper Collars now only 5c a Box. Odds and ends in Gloves put down to 5c a pair. Where else but at the New York Cash Store can you find such bargains ? Thousands of yards of dark Winter Cal? icoes are thrown on our Counters at 2J a yard. We don't want to carry them over until Spring. Black Cashmeres were never so low come and take a look at our seven quali? ties?they beat any in the market. Flannel Dress Goods reduced to 15o? the biggest bargain on record?but they are of no use to us, when this season is over; hence we put the knife to them right now, and offer them at such a price that you can't help buying. Shawls and Blankets at Cost. Why freeze when you can get them so cheap at M. B. Arnstein's Great Bargain Store. Thousands of other Bargains are at your command, such as? . 200.1Ittle Pair of Children Shoes at only a quarter per pair;, those little things are in our way, and we want to close tbem out cheap. "Delay not, but come at once, So as to join in the praises and songs That our wonderful bargains elicit, If soon you pay us a visit." M. B. ARNSTEIN, Proprietor New York Cash Store, Anderson, S. C. Dec 8,1887 Assessment Notice. THE Auditor's Office will be open from the 2nd day of January, 1888, to the twentieth day of February, 1888, to receive Returns of Real and Personal Property for taxation in Anderson County for the year 1S88, and for the convenience of Tax Pay? ers will have Deputies at each of the places named below to receive Returns for the said year: Belton?At Belton, Wednesday and Thursday, 1st and 2nd February. . Brushy Creek?At Wigington's Store, Wednesday, 1st February. Brushy Creek?At J. W. Rosamond's, Thursday, 2nd February. Brushy Creek?At Equality, Friday, 3rd February. Dark Corner?At Iva, Thursday, 5th Jan nary. Dark Corner?At Sherard'B Store, Fri? day, Gth January. Fork?At G. W. Farmer's, Wednesday and Thursday, 1st und 2nd February. Garvin?At Larkin Newton's, Monday and Tuesday, 6th and 7th February. Hall?At W. J. Milford's, Wednesday, 4th January. Honea Path?At Honea Path, Friday and Saturday, 3rd and 4th February. Hopewell?At Piercetown, Thursday, 9th February. Martin?At Clinkscales' Mill, Monday and Tuesday, 6th and 7th February. Pendleton?At Pendleton, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 9th, 10th and 11th February. Pendleton?At Pendleton Eactory, Sat? urday, 4th February. Rock Mills and Savannah?At Holland's Store, Saturday, 7th January. Varennes and Savannah?At Dean's. Monday, 2nd January. Varennes and Savannah?At Starr's, T uesday, 3rd January. Wiliiamston?At Williamston, Thurs? day and Friday, 9th and 10th February. . Wiliiamston?At Pelzer, Saturday, 11th February. Real Estate is not assessed this year, and remains at the same valuation it was in 1887, except in cases where parties have bought and sold between the first day of January, 1887, and the first day of Janua? ry. 18S8. All new structures erected between the first day of January, 1887, and the first day January, 1888. are to be returned this year (1888) for taxation, and those destroy? ed during that time deducted. Every male citizen between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years on the first day of January, 188S, except those incapable of earning a support from being maimed, or from other causes, shall be deemed taxable Polls. Tax Payers return what they own on the first day of January, 1888. All Returns that are made after the twentieth day of February next, have to be placed in the Additional List, and fifty per cent, penalty added thereto, unless prevented by sickness during the time of listing, or out of the County at the time. THOMAS J. WEBB, County Auditor. Dec 1,1887_21 3 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. E. W. TAYLOR & CO. ARE heavily loaded for the Christmas Holiduys. Come at onco and get your Raisons, Citron, Currants, &c, for your Christmas Cukes. Wo also have in slock and to arrive CONFECTIONERIES of all kinds?Plain and Fancy Candies, Nuts, Fruits, tfce. FINE FULL CREAM CHEESE. Fire Works. Wo also keep up our Family Groceries. The above Goods, with others too nu? merous to mention, we propose to sell within the next thirty days at surprisingly low figures. We are not selling, nor do we propose to sell, Goods at or below cost. Nor do we claim to have a stock of goods superior in quality to any one else in town, but we do propose to meet legitimate com. petition, and to give as good Goods for tue same money?sixteen ounces to the pound Give us a trial, and wo will do you right, Dealer in Fresh Fish and Oysters. Dec 15, 18S7 _23_ SHERIFF'S SALE. State of South Carolina, Anderson County. BY virtue of a warrant on crop to me, directed by M. P. Tribble, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, I will expose to sale on Tuesday after Saledny in Janua? ry, 188S, within legal hours of sale, at the residence of Jacob Reese, near Calhoun, about one thousand pounds of Seed Cotton, ubout lifteeu bushels Corn, five hundred bundles Fodder, sixty bushels Cotton Seed. Levied on as the property of Josephine Reese, at the suit of Lewis & Moreliend. Ti? kms?Casli. WM. L. BOLT, Sheriff. Deo 15, 1S87 23 3 DEESON, S.C., THI Hill & Adams' Column. OVER STOCKED. -o THE TRADE OF HILL & ADAMS HAS been so much larger this Fall than they even dared to anticipate, they were obliged to order and re order Goods un? til now they find themselves greatly overstocked on Winter Goods. Their policy has never been to buy Goods to keep from one year's end to another; so they have marked down all these Goods lower than ever, and simply mean to sell all such Goods as will soon go out of season, irrespective of what they may have cost. We havo a magnificent line of? Ladies' Wraps, Newmarkets, Jackets, &c, All new Goods that come in rather too late, that we will sell at? Actual First Cost, And when we say COST, we MEAN IT. Also, Fine Dress FLANNELS, and many other Winter Dross Goods at prime First Cost. MRS. SLOAN has also made a sweeping reduction of prices .on MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS. - It matters not what bargains may be offered by others, if you wiil only do us the favor to call before making your purchases we will SAVE YOU MONEY. Our Winter Goods must go, else we will be una? ble to find room in our crowd? ed house for the Mammoth Spring Stock of Dry Goods and Ladies Goods generally, which we are already figuring on. COME TO THE Red Front Store on Granite Row, And if yon don't repeat the visit, it will bo a wonder. Hill & Adams' Column. ESDAY MOENING, TO RENT. AVALUABLE FARM, either one or two horse, three and one-half miles south of Anderson. Will furnish stock to a good tenant, or will let it to person fur? nishing his own stock. W. W. HUMPHREYS. Dec 22,1887 2-t 1 JOHSy C?TLETT, HEADQUARTERS FOR Good Kentucky Mules and Horses. COME one, come all to your old trading ground, see the (ruth, buy a Mule, and get the worth of your money. Dec 22, 18S7_24_1_ Pure Concord Grape Wine, FOR Medicinal and Sacramental purpo? ses ONLY, one Dollar per gallon, at DAVE GREEN'S, six miles above Ander? son,.on Pendleton Road. Also, LEAF TOBACCO at 20c per lb. Dec 22,1887_24__4 WARNING. ALL persons are warned not to harbor or hire Laura Hall, or her daughter Ida, or her son Will, as they are under con? tract with me for the year 1S88. The law will be enforced against those disregarding this notice. J. W. FERGUSON. Dec 22,1887_21_1* A CARD, REPORTS are in circulation that I will leave Anderson to remain after Jan? uary 1, 1888. This being a mistake, I de? sire to inform the public that I will only be absent until the first of March. After which time I can be found in my present office daily, and will be pleased to serve my friends and patrons .as heretofore. Thanking them for past patronage, and so? liciting a continuance of the same, I am, very respectfully, A. C. STRICKLAND. Dec 22. 1887 24 COTTON SEED WANTED. THE ANDERSON OIL MILL is now in the market for buying Cotton Seed, and will pay the highest Cash prices. De? liver the Seed at the Oil Mill. Bring your Seed early as possible. ANDERSON OIL MILL CO. Sept 15,1887_10_3m NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un? dersigned will apply to the Judge of Pro? bate at Anderson C. H., S. C, on the 30st day December 1887, for a final settlement of the Estate of J. R. Welborn, deceased, and a discharge from his office as Admin? istrator. W. 0. WELBORN, Adra'r.. Nov 24, 1887_20_5_ 500 Bushels Peas Wanted. T WANT to buy by 1st Janaary next 500 X bushels Peas?for the Cash. J. 8. FOWLER. Dec 8, 1887 22 _ LAST N?TICE. EVERY ONE indebted to the late- Firm of W. S. LIGON & CO. will come forward on or before the 28th day of De? cember and sottle. I am compelled to col? lect for the purpose of settling with the Estate of W. S. Ligon, deceasod, by that time, and it is not at my discretion to except any one from this notice. R. S. LIGON, Surviving Partner. Dec 15,1387_23 _2_ A COUNTRY SCHOOL. THE HUNTER'S SPRING SCHOOL will open Jan. 3rd, 1888, and will be presided over by C. O. Burriss and wife, who have been there as pnpjb, and can appreciate the demands of the situation. Free from the excitement and temptation of a town ; moderate charges, and with a special view to thorough, systematic and moral training, make it thereby advanta? geous. Board in Christian families con? venient to School can be had at low rates. For further information apply to C. O. BURRISS, Anderson, S. C. Dec 15,18S7_23_2_ FAIR NOTICE. THE Books and Accounts of FRANK O'DONNELL are in my hands for collection. Payment must be made during this month, in order to save costs. C. WARDLAW, Trial Justice. Dec 15,1887_23_3__ TO RENT!. I^HE HOUSE now occupied by Col. John G. Clinkscales will be for rent January 1st, 1888. Apply to R. F. DIVVER, Dec 15,1887_23_ SOMETHING USEFUL ! AFINE assortment of RUGS, MATS. LAP ROBES, and FINE BLANKETS, for Christmas Presents, for sale low by A. B. TOWERS. Dec 15, 1887 23 CHRISTMAS GOODS - FOR - WE HAVE SOME AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Waverly Houso Corner. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT The.undersigned, Executors of the Estate of Hannah Smith, deceased, hereby give notice that they will apply to the Judge of Probate for Anderson County, on the Kith day of January, 1888, for "a Final Settlement of said Estate and dis? charge from their ofllct! as Executors. I). V. ANDERSON, 1 , JOSEPH N. BROWN, J 5* Dec 15. 1887 23 5 DECEMBER 29, 1887. CKLEY, BROWN & FRETWELL'S EVERYBODY in the County knows our House, from the Fork to Houea Path, from Brushy Creek to the Dark Corner, from Savannah and Tugalo Rivers to Saluda River. Any boy can tell?.you whore to find BLECK LEY'S STORE. In fact, the House is known in all the trade centres of the United States. We now have thirteen Salesmen engaged in our Mam? moth Double Stores, and still we are unable to waiton the mass of delighted customers who throng our Stores daily. Why ? Because they have found out that BLECKLEY'S is the plane to trade at, as we have magni6cent Bargains now to offer in EVERY LINE. Another fact is that we treat everybody alike. It makes no difference how rich, or how poor, or how influ? ential you are, you shall have the Red Ticket, Rock Bot? tom Price every time. Get your breakfast early, make up a memorandum of the Goods you want to buy, come right straight to BLECKLEY'S, and we will wait on you promptly and courteously. We offer NEWMARKETS and SHORT WRAPS, on which we are overstocked, for 33J per cent of their value. It is against our rules to carry these Goods over, so if you want a nice garment cheap now is your chance. BLANKETS are now moving rapidly, but we still have a few pairs left, and can surely plcnse you, if $1.50 for a nice white 10-4 Blanket will do it. In DRESS GOODS of all descriptions we carry the largest lines, and ask no fancy pricos, but sell them all at closely cut prices. Our double width CASHMERES at 18 cenls is tho wonder of all. If you want anything in the Grocery, Hardware or Crockery line BLECKLEY'S is tho place to go to. In Farming Implements you can find anything you want at BLECKLEY'S. Jf you waut a Wagon or Harness go to BLECKLEY'S. At Cost! At Cost! At Cost! A large line of Shot Guns at BLECKLEY'S. In fact, BLECKLEY'S is the place to go to buy your Goods, no matter what it is, from a Needle to a hogshead of Molasses, you will find it at 9 RO., JEWELERS. | = E! ALWAYS AHEAD! We have tlic Choicest and Largest Display of JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE Ever Opened in Anderson ! Solid Gold Stem Winding, American Lever, Watches, $25.00 to $75.00. Nickel and Silver Watches $2.50 to $15.00. A wonderful Variety of Novelties suitable for Christmas Presents. The best Quadruple Plated Silverware. Many new and beautiful pieces. - Be sure to visit our Store before making your Christ? mas purchases. s&* Now's a good time to try one of our Never-Go-Back Rings. They go. Dec 8,1887_ 22_ LET US REMIND YOU -THAT ANOTHER CHRISTMAS DRAWS NEAR! .AlND while it brings us many joy*, it generally forestalls them with innumerable perplexities. When one gives a Present the natural desire is to have it appreciated, not only as a token of regard, but also for its beauty and utility as well, and so the generous and judicious gift-maker finds himself or herself in a sea of troubled doubts over other people's tastes and preference?, and has a realizing sense that there is more depth to a loving heart than there i3 lo the purses of ordinary mortals. People are Saving Money and Securing the Best By purchasing from our seasonable line and choice selection for the Holiday season, consisting of most? At prices nobody cares to meet. This Card is an invitation for you to call and 3ee our Goods, regarding which too much favorable comment can scarcely be made. It is our purpose, however, to say only enough to make sure of a visit from every reader between now and Christ? mas, as we believe Lhat our large line of Elegant Goods will appeal to the taste and admiration of every visitor better than any words that we might speak in praise of them. Suitable' Gifts for Big, Little, Great and Small. DOM t Buy your Presents haphazard at the first Store you come across, but look about you, and make sure that you are get'ing the value of your money. Thanking you for your kind atention, we wish you all a Merry Christmas, and cordially invite you to come and .see us soon. WILHITE & WILHITE, TO GRANITE ROW. A PIC NIC FOR ALL. NO CARDS,.EVEEYBODT INVITED. DRESSING CASES for l'.jc up. Elegant Plush Work Boxes 7.r)c up. Christmas Boxes all prices, Gilt Christmas Greeting ?1 up. Writing Desks $1 up, Fancy Cologne Sets 25c up, Mirrors all prices, Odor Stands all prices, Gift Cups. Saucors and Plates, Lamps, all kinds, 25c to $1. Towel Rncks, Wail Pockets, Whisk Broom Holders, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Shaving Caces, Music Boxes, Etegant Sachets, four odors, Writing Cases, Gontlemen's Cases. We are very proud of our this year's selection, and show them with a great deal of pleasure, even to parties who have no intention of buying. We have had access to several beautiful lines of samples, and have given the matter more- than our usual care, both as to quality and price. We confidently hope to compete successfully with any in the up-country in this line of Goods. In looking around, pass this way, We are conveniently situated, and a w?rm and anxious welcome awaits you, whether you buy or not. IIILJL, BROTHERS, Dec 8,1887 ?XcCully's Corner. VOLUME ? AT T LADIES' THE above named personage having dec coming Holidays, will be found wi Stock of? CHRISTMAS Both cheap and good, for both great and brains to think of something to give your will be both useful and ornamental. Wives, bear in mind that the above ru Aud now "a word to the wise" : Young man, if you want to make hap do not hesitate, but come at once and get 1 Eemember, Christmas Presents from 5c i MISS Dec 8,1887 Valuable Laud for Sale. ONE hundred ac/es of very desirable land for sale, immediately around Willington depot, free from all obstruction to intensive farming. No rocks, stumps or gullies. Can bo d'vided into two nice lit? tle farms, with water firewood on each, and a good brickyard o i each. No health? ier location on the Savannah Valley Kail road or in the up country. Twenty per? sons in two miles of the depot, whose ages range from 72 to 95 years of ago. The neighborhood first-class, two Stores, two Churches, and several dwellings in ?process of construction. The soil is firmly adapted to all field crops, and vegetables of all kinds, aud spe? cially adapted to all tbo fruits, both large and small, that grow in this climate, aud lies remarkably well." No washing away. Surface sand}', with good red clay subsoil. Terms easy, with moderate prices. For further particulars write to AGENT, Willington, S. C. Dec 15, 18S7 23 4 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ANDERSON. IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. Ex Parte John A. McAlister In Re. the Estate of William Rogers, deceased.? Petition for Final Settlement and Dis? charge. To Mary Ann Sbm^^^ornelia Elrod. M. E. McAlis-tcr, D. H^?gcrSy Ruik.MliL_. likin, Sulia MulHkW; Emma Martin, William A Martin.i Richard Rogers, James Rogers, Sarah-, Ann Duckworth, the heirs at law of Umprey Rogers, num? ber and names unknown, and the heirs at law of Elizabeth Ellison, number aud names unknown : TAKE notice that the undersigned will apply to tho Judge of Probate at An? derson C. H., S. C, on Thursday, the Oth day of February, A. D. 1SSS, at" 11 o'clock a. m., for a Final Settlement of the Estate of William Rogers, deceascJ, and Dis? charge from the office of Administrator of said Estate. Dated 9th day of December, A. D. 1887. . E, W. LONG,; Attorney for Petitioner. Dec 15,-1887_23_. 0 Notice to Creditors. Charles Smith, as Administrator, vs. Millie Moore, and others. IN obedience to an order of the Court in above case, all creditors of Mrs. Millie Smith and Andrew Smith, deceased, are notified to present and prove tbeir claims before me on or bv 15th December next. W. W. HUMPHREYS, Master. Nov 10,1887 J8 5 DUE SMOTfiOE. ! -.-? ... i EVERY" one indebted to the old firm of of HILL,. ADAMS & CO., will please pay up before the 24th day of thi.s month. The Administrator of the Estate of the deceased Partnor demands a settle? ment, and all due claims not paid by the 1st day of January, 1888, will pass out of our hands into the hands of an Attorney for collection. HILL & ADAMS. Dec 8, 13S7 22 4 Notice to Pay Up. ALL persons indebted by Note or. Ac? count to me, either in my own rjgbt or as Executrix of the last Will of my late husband, J. B. Rogers, arc hereby notified to call and pay up before the .ist day of January next.--After that date all unpaid claims "will he placcdin the bands of my Attorncvs,'Messrs. Prince & Vaudiver, for collection. MRS. J. B. ROGERS : Williamston, S. C. DecS, 18S7 . 22.. 4 1888. Harper's Bazar, ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar is a home journal. It combines choice literature and fine art illustrations with the latent intelligence regarding the fashions. Each DUiuher has clever serial and short stories, practi? cal and timely essays, bright poems, humorous sketches, etc. Its pattern-sheet and fashion-plate supplements will alouc help ladies to save many times the cost of the subscription, and papers on social etiquette, decora.ive art, house-keeping in all its branches, cooke.y, etc., make it useful in every household, and a true promoter of economy. Its editorials are marked by good sense, and not a line is admitted to its columns that could oll'end the most fastidious taste. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR.$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE....... 4 00 HARPER'S WEKKLY.4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOFLIS....? 2 00 Postage Free to all subscrihers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of tho Baiar begiu with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned,1 subscript ions will beg^in with the Number current at tune oXrcceipt oi order. Bound Volumes of Hakpek's Bazar, to: three years back, iu neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 por volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bitt? ing, will bo sein by mail, postpaid, on receipt o ?1 uO each. Remittances should be made by Post-Oflicc Money Order or Praft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers arc not to copy this advertisement with? out the express order of Hakpeu &. Pkotkeks. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. 1888. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly has a well-established \ lace as tho leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of its editorials comments on current pol? itics has earned for it the Tcspeet ant' confidence of all impartial readers, and the variety and ex? cellent of its literary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most pop? ular writers, tit it tor the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits; Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense is spared to bring the highest order ot artistic ability to bear upon the Illustrations of the changeful phases of homo and foreign history. In all its features, Harper's IIVcckly is admirably adapted to be a wel? come guest in every household. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: HARPER'S WEKKLY.$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE.4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR.4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.:.2 00 Postage Free io all Subscribers in the United States and Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the fust Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the sub? scription.* will begin with the Number current at time of. receipt of order. Hound Volumes of ItAUrEIt'S Wekkt.Y, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight docs not exceed one dollar per volume), for S7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of Si each Remittances should be made by Poat-Olliee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers arc not to copy this advertisement without the express order of HaKI'KK & Bkothkiis. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York GINNING NOTICE. IKAYH erected a splendid outfit for GINNING, ami will insure my pa Irons satisfaction; both as to sample and turnout. A. II. OSBORNE. Sept 15,1SS7 . 10 2m XXIII.?NO. 25. HE TORE11 idea* to locate ia Anderson during the th his wonderful and unusually large PRESENTS, small. Husbands, when racking your ivives, call around and get a present that le holds good for you tco. >y the heart of your "best Sunday Girl," ler a present. ip. LIZZIE WILLIAMS. 22 Cheapest Christmas ?oods IN THE CITY ARE AT ^ TOYS, FRUITS, CURRANTS and CITRON, MINCE MEAT, BUTTERS, MACCARONI and CHEESE. CANNED GOODS, Of all kinds. ?3S~ I have moved from my old Stand, and am now nest door to McCully, Cath cart & Co. Sec me before you buy. Dec 8, 1887 22 WILD CONFUSION LESS than 2,OOo DOLLS have to be sor before Christmas at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c ind up to $2.00 if necessary, and tho pret? tiest lot of 5c and 10c Goods ever put on the Counter. Only got 1700 lbs. CANDY left, and REASONS reasonable. If Hubbard don't sell cheap enough this time you'll have to hunt for a crazy man to get 'em lower. Ham. Webb "and Bill Power takes the cake on selling cheap. Come early and often, just like you were going to vote. Santa Claus Buys from Hubbard. Dec 8, 1S87 22 AT THE BOOK STORE - OF - GE0. W. FANT & SON WILL be found an Elegant assortment of Christmas Cards and Novelties of the latest and most attractive designs. Oil Paintings andThoto. Frames, Photo, and Auto. Albums, Pocket and Family Bibles, Writing Desks and Inkstands, Pa peteries, Gold Pens, Scrap Books, Poems, Novels, Chatterboxes, Toy Books, tic, ?fec, and many other articles suitable for Pres? ents, at the most reasonable prices. SANTA CLAUS will make our Store bis headquarters for the season as hereto? fore, and all arc invited to call and see our Stock. Dec8,JSS7 22 1888. Harper's Magazine ILLUSTRATED. Harpers Magazine is an organ of progressive ; thought and movement in every department of life. Besides other attractions, it will contain, during the coming year, important articles, su? perbly illustrated, on the Great West; articles on American and foreign industry ; beautifully illus? trated papers on Scotland, Norway, Switzerland, Algiers, and tho West Indies; new novels by Wil? liam Black and W. D. Howells; novelettes, each complete in a single number, by Henry James, Lafcadio Hcam, and Amclie Rives; short stories by Miss Woohon and other popular writers ; and illustrated papers of special artistic and literary interest. The Editorial Departments are conduct? ed by George William Curtis, William Bean Uow clls, and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPER'S PERIODiOAliSj Per Year: HARPER'S MAGAZINE.$4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY.4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. 4 00 j HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.? 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Slaiet i or Canada. The volumes of the Magpzinc begin with the Num? bers for Juue and December of each year. When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with ( the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Mayer's Magazine, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of ?15.00 per volume. Cloth cases, lor binding, 00 cents each, by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, An? alytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 70, inclu? sive, from June, 1S50, to June, 1SS?, one vol., Svo, Cloth, $4.00. Temittances should be made by Post-O?icc Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Br?thens. Address HARPER Jt BROTHERS, New York 1888. Earper's Young.People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harper's Young People interests all young readers by its carefully selected va? riety of themes and their well considered treatment. It contains the best serial and short stories, valuable articles on scientific subjects aud travel, historical and bio? graphical sketches, papers on athletic sports aud games, stirring poems, etc., contributed by the brightest and most famous writers. Its illustrations arc numerous and excel? lent. Occasional Supplements of especial interest to Parents and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty-three weekly numbers. A Everv line in the paper is subjected to the '?) most rigid editorial scrutiny ia order that nothing harmful may enter its columns. An epitomo of everything that is attrac? tive and desirable in juvenile literature.? Lotion Courier. A weekly feast of good things to tho bo3*s and girls in every' family which it visits.?Brooklyn Union, It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, information and interest.?Christian 'Adtto* j cute, iV. Y. Terms : Postage Prepaid, $2.00 per Year. || Vol. IX. commeuces Nov. 1, 1SS7. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of a two cent stamp. Single Numbers, Fivo Cents each. Remittanceo should be made by Post office Money OhHt or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers arc not lo cup;: this advertisement without (he crprcfs order o; Harper ??? Bros. Address HARPER ct BROTHERS, New York. P A TEm TS. I NYENTORS and Patentees and all hav? ing business with the u. s. Patent Office are invited to communicate with me j with confident reliance upon my fidelity to H their interests. New inventions patented. Old inven? tions improved, and rejected applications revived. Caveats tiled. Trademarks reg? istered. Superior facilities for skillful and gj successful prosecution of application for i patents. Send model or rough sketch, * with brief description of invention. I make no charge for attorney's fee unless I jj obtain patent. Correspondence solicited., jj Prompt and faithful attention assured. Address A. 8. Y'ANTIS, Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. " Oct 6.1SS7 13