LOCAL NEWS. 0. 0. LANGSTON, Local Editob. Cotton?Good middling, 8J cents. Anderson can boast of a red-headed negro. Ice was seen several mornings during the past week. The Master advertises a lot of valuable property for sale. Don't neglect to pay your' prea:her what you owe him. The measles are in the city and sur? rounding country. Anderson is well represented at the State Fair this week. We bad a light fall of aleet in the city on Tuesday morning. Hill, Adams ??- Call and give me a trial. W. B. BEACHAM. Depot Street, A uderson, 8. C. July 2:', 1886 2 ly A. F. Johnstone. A. C. Strickland. DENT?LCABD. Johnstone & Strickland5 SURGEON DENTISTS, HAVING formed a partnership in the practice of Dentistry, we arc prepar? ed to do all work in our line after the most approved modern methods. Gas adminis? tered for extracting teeth when desired. Office?No. 2 Granite Row, over Block ley, Brown & Frctwell's Store. Aucr2?. IfiM 7 SEWING MACHINES A.1SD BUGGIES,! IN visiting the city do not fail to call at ray "Sewing Machine Parlor" and examine the latest improved styles and makes of Machines. We are confident that we can please the most exacting, when they are ready to purchase. We de? signate our Leaders as follows: "NEW HOME," . The Light Runner. "DOMESTIC," The Star. "WHITE,". The King. "WHEELER & WIL80H," The Queen. "ELDREDGE," Tffe Dandy. "AMERICAN," The Reliable. "ST. JOHN," The Accommodating. We also sell several other styles and-> makes of machines, at prices to compete with any market. A full line of Nee? dles, Oil and Attachments always n hand. ?Y/!\>v vV?.l/ - V>> Buggies and Wagons, Don't fail to examine my stock before buying, as I am prepared to SAVE XVU MONEY, if you will give mc a chance. I have on hand a small lot of tlK?i CLASS FARM WAGONS, which I will sell at cost, to close consignment. Last, But Not Least, ALL persons who owe me for Sewing Ma? chines, Buggies, Fertilizers, or anything else, are earnestly requested to come for? ward promptly and settle their indebted? ness, as I MUST HAVE THE MONEY THIS FALL. Respectfully, C. A. REED, Agp't, ANDERSON, S. C. Sept 23,18SG 11 TEXAS PONIES. ?I1 I HAVE received a large drove of Tex? as Horses at my stables. Now is the time to buy a cheap Horse. I have some good Tennessee Mules, which I will sell cheap. Mr. W. H. Green will attend you In the sale department, and Mr. L. L. Gaillard to the feed and livery department. J. Parties who are indebted to me for Stock for last year must pay me early this Fall. JOHN E. PEOPLES. Sept 30,1880_12_' Williamston Female Oollege? Williamston, S. C. Rev. S. LANDErTaTm., D. D., Pres. TEN EFFICIENT ASSISTANTS. THIS well known Institution, in her 15th year under the present manage? ment, still maintains her high standard of scholarship, and extended curriculum,and is constantly improving her facilities and methods for the highest development and best training of the pupils committed to hci care. Special attention is given to Elementary Reviews, Composition, Spelling, Penman? ship, Elocution, and Calisthenics. > Tuitional premiums attainable by all. Material aid to public teachers. For par? ticulars, address the President. Sept 23, 18S6_11_ly the anderson MILITARY ACADEMY! THE Exercises of this institution will be resumed on the 1st September nest, under the Superintendence of the undersigned, aided by Teachers of recog? nized ability. The military feature will be more dis? tinctly marked than heretofore, and the Natural Sciences will also receive increased attention. The terms for Board and Tuition will re? main as heretofore. DEL. KEMPER, M. A. Aug 5, 1SS6 _4 **rH^ If -vou tm,,k of expending W |? I I fifty or one hundred dollars in j mm If advertising send us a cony of w wyour advertisement, and we will tell you (free of charge,) what will be the best investment for you to make. Send 30 cents for our 17G page pamphlgL Address GEO. P. ROWELL . TpO'S Newspaper Advertisin y-Bureau, 10 Spruce street. New York. NOY4.1886 17 4