\ ll ICI SCI" BI ENTION. Le mat! dog excitement hos subsided. The Carolina Collegiate instituto closes .morrow. U looks now like Col. Aiken will have a [alk uVcr" for Congross. ?" infitnt son of Mr. \V. A. G. McWhor 'ait-1 o? the 13th June. ?. Iilllt. thc question as to who shall be "nest Mayor was being considered. ur T. J- IjCaIt sent 3 several sweet i>o ^os of thia year's raising last Saturday. TI e Pendleton Township Singing Associ lorj will convene next Saturday, 8th but., Mt. Tihdr 'burch. Mr P. J? l>e'zcr a,u' uinH'>'' ?^ Charles? i jiave moved to their home near Pen non for the summer. jl" -i- is an important notice to thc stock Mer? of the Atlantic und French broad tfiroadin another columu. ]Le ladies of thc Presbyterian congre lion will have ice cream in tho church ave tomorrow afternoon nt 0 o'clock. In s private note from Belton, a friend ". ?crops very good. Threshing pretty ?over and everybody woll pleased with ?ld." Mr George W. Williams and family sea up t,ie roft(1 T,'e3(Jay afternoon cn itt to their summer home In Nacoochie Ibelirand Division of the Sons of Tem ?anos will convene at Greenwood, in Ab viii county, on Wednesday evening, 20th (tant. (.apt. J. T. Hames is announced this week a candidate for Probate Judge, and Mojs. ihn H. Moore and B. P. Whitntr for tutor. Cant. T. A. Bell, father of Mr. E. A. and JLi. T. P. Bell, of this city, died at Iiis Kmc in Columbia on Friday Inst, ofter a straited illness. The Anderson Democratic Club will meet -morrow afternoon nt 4 o'clock to reor inize for thc campaign. Every Democrat thc city should be present. The (Quarterly Conference of thc Metho it church will ho held next Saturday, ev. Dr. Jones, Presiding Elder, will ?each Sunday morning and night. Married, on the 25th June, by Rev. W. Kirton, Hon. C. P. Sullivan to Miss amie K. Gilkerson, daughter of J. L. and E. Gilkerson, nil of Laurens county. Col. Aiken and Gen. Cnpors have acccp %\ the invitations to speak at the reunion Ithe 21st. A previous engagement will rent Cel. Keith from being present, r. W. (J. browne, of Atlanta, Ga., for ly of this place, arrived here yesterday mint,'. He will he in our midst several ?ks, and is prepared to do dental work his old friends and customers, lr. A. B. Towers plnntcd ten pounds of White Star Irish potato, a new variety, ; spring, and gathered the other day 255 iuds from his patch. He found one po itliat alone weighed 23 ounces, lr. George C. Haselton, who has been .king in ibis place for the past two years, Anderson on last Monday for his home Charleston. Mr. Haselton is a most rthy young man, and his many friends retted his departure, here should be a full, free and fair cx stion of the preferences of the Democra of the county on thc Plurality and Ma lty question. Thc will of the party ?dd be ascertained, by which all persons ll be willing to bo governed. >!rr. L. C. Deal, relict of S. D. Deal, died the residence of Mrs. A. Kay, in Abbe le county on Friday night last, and was ried at First Creek Church on Saturday; e had been in delicate health for several ar?, and was about 50 years of age. The Hunter's Spring Democratic Club ll meet Saturday, 15th, lo reorganize for ! campaign. Mr. W. \V. Russell, the eenbaeker, has been invited to bo present ?r*"'* address the meeting, and if bc accepts Will be replied to by a Democratic speaker. H Mr. Russell, the Greenback Chief of this Bounty, admitted in a conversation with a Brominent Democrat a few days ago that Be did not think the Greenbackers would Hontrol twenty-five votes in this county at Wie coming election. Ti,e question, What gpMr. Russell working for? naturally sug HesUitseir. gi At the last regular mee ing of Anderson Bivision, Sons of Temperance, thc follow BPg officers were elected to serve the ensu flpgquarter: C. C. Langston, W. P. ; O. J. Woore, W. A.; H. H. Wilcox, R.S. ; S. P. Brown, A. R. S. ; N. B. Sullivan, F. S.; B B. Towers, Treas. ; L. P. Smith, Chap. ; B H.Towera, Con. ; Chas. 8ulllvnn, A. C. ; ??lph Brown, I. S. ; Ham. Webb, O. S. ; tm- M. Hubbard, P. W. P. 8 TLe colored people had their celebration Bj* the 4th, but it Was au extremely taino MRT. There were not exceeding one bun fed persons in the parade, and a large pro ortion of those were children. They had Peechos at the Hine Ridge yard from two ""ree ministers of their raco, and about ^h* past two o'clock tho crowd dispersed, t was decidedly the sorriest demonstration eevcr saw the colored people make. Miss Tommie Hall, of this county, grad ated at thc Norfolk Female College, Vir ffiia. at its recent commencement with the Y no?ors, ano was subsequently elected teacher in the College. She is a young aV of superior intellect and raroattain |?nts, and will distinguish her. elf in h'chevcr of tho many avenues to dlstinc ?r> now ?Pen to cultured nod educated 'omen that she may chooso to enter. Mfij- G. W. Maret, who lives in Fork Unship, dropped in to see us on Fridny r*a,lt.1 sported that tho crop prospects in 15section were never better. Cotton und ?ni are very fine, especially corn. Ho 7* that if thc seasons continue a largo *M of tom may bo expected. During B?c last three weeks cotton has recovered HT lho effects of cold weather carly in Warong, and is now growing ofT finely. ? splendid crop of wheat and oats hnve Hrfn ''"vested. Altogether, our people Hf 4e beon blessed, so far, with bountiful Wt TM!? ?f rain- aml they should not forget Bond. ?n.iU,anks to Ilim wbo hol,,s ,he ? ln thc ll0ll?w of His hands. Rie6 fn<1 tl'? tollowing cure for snnUo BL ?o!rK tho round of oar exchanges, and Ho h'vc 11 for what H is w?rti?- ii win d? Hne'.rm lf *l ,lot? no good : "Put turp?n O?L n '"ge-tcouthed bottle, turn tho |Ke C upsi,!e down, placing its month over H Wt,,,?d.atid immediately tho turpentine ?pnitnences to extract tho poison. 8hou!d Bfv,/arpo".tIne '" tho bottle become over BF arRfrliWith t,,e Poison, pour lt out, put Ben untili'I>,y anu" continue thonpplien Bjeethe, , c P^et.i >? relieved. Yon can B>c an,nit?o P1"*5"? up '"to thc turpem ?op ?i,- . *ny y?u C?n toM whcn to ?e?ej ^'^P?hcatlon-when tho poison i&txm gute?ijjeater. LOCAL NEWS. iy W. KEYS. LOCAL EDITOR. 5e ^William P. Mart?n did at his residence, near Helton, on last Saturday from attacks of paralysis, with wind, be" waa first stricken about two years aKo in the 87th year of bis agc. Mr. Martin wa, perhaps, at the time of bis death the oldest Mason in ?be State, having attached him self to that Ord? immediately upon attain ing the age of twenty-one years. He wa? devoted to the fraternity, and filled every office in his Lodge from that or Tyler to that of Master. He was also Grand Chap lain of the Grand Lodge of the State. The greater part of his life was devoted to the ministry. For about sixty years he was a zealous and devoted preacher of thc Gospel and faithful to the Hocks over which be presided. He did not permit cold or beat rain or storm to prevent bim from meeting* bis stated appointments. He was for thirty nine years the pastor of Broadmouth Church, in Abbeville coun'y, and dering that time baptized about five hundred ja sons, who connected themselves with that Church. He was the pastor of several other churches, and his ministry a very successful one. He was devoted to the work, and exerted an influence in his churches which will he long felt. He was au earnest advocate of thc benevolent in stitutions of the day which tended to ame liorate the condition of the poor and the suffering, to enlighten the minds of men, and to Christianize thc nations of thc earth. The funeral services were conduced by thc Rev. J. S. Murray, assisted by Hie Rev. R, W. Hurts, at the conclusion of which bit remains were taken in charge by thc Ma sons and interred in the Broadmouth grave yard with the usual Masonic honors. Thc Richmond and Danville Railroad Company have issued a circular in whici they say : "To further p note the Inter osts of its patrons and thc development ol the material resouices and industries of th? regions of country served by its system o railroads, thc Richmond & Danville Rail road Company will again incur the labo and expense of making an illustrative ex hibit this fall. The New England Manu fucturera' and Mechanics' Institute wi! hold its Second Exposition in "Boston Mass., on the ?th of September. It ha cordially invited tho Richmond it Danvill Railroad Co. to display' its exhibits in it magnificent building. The invitation ha been accepted. Sueh an opportunity foi practical and wide reaching advertiscmen of the subjects which compose the millerin wealth of our section or the South and ( the manifold advantages and inducement lt offers for thc investment of Northen and especially New England capital an for New England immigration, has nevi before been presented to our people. 1 should not be neglected. All person throughout the great piedmont, mountai and other regions embraced in thc Rici mond cfc Danville system of Railroads i any way interested in material develo] ment and enterprises-owners of minen lands and mines, timber lands, mauufu turing establishments and water powers ai invited to avail themselves or the benet! or this exhibit. Capt. C. C. MtPhail, Chi or Bureau or Mines and Manufactures, hi charge of all matters of detail connect* willi the exhibit to be made in Doston, < the 13th td September. All persons desirir information and to make contributions material and specimens are requested correspond with bini." Thin;;., that we Know. That in some sections of the County tl crops would be thc better with a good roi That In other sections rains have he bouiitiml, and that thc crops arc Houris ing. That it is time some arrangements wt being made Tor the entertainment oT t delegates to the State Agricultural meeti to be held at this place next month. That every Democratic Club in the Cou ty should reorganize on the 22d instant, not berore. That Anderson County will bc ontit! to ten delegates to the State. Dctnocni Convention. That frying chickens are scarcer t Spring than ever before. That some of thc ramiers arc in t grass. That thc Saluda Sunday School Instit will convene at Belton next Thurst night, and probably hold a most interest session. That thc time in which to make retu cf property to the County Auditor exp: on the 20th or this month. That a gentleman living in thc up part or the city had two fine turkey g biers killed and eaten by dogs one ni last week. That thc railroad authorities won't li the deeper on the northeast cerner of bridge on main street replaced until so body falls through, and probably killed Thai apples, peu hes, watermelons, at this office, arc more acceptable to dovil than all the cotton blooms and col stalks in the County. That our people ought to dry all fruit possible this year. Next year it i be a failure. A CommerclHl Traveler and the Oat Ci of Abbeville County. A commercial traveler, whose home i thia city, returned from a trip down Columbia and Greenville Railroad week looking enre-worn and disconso friendless and forsaken-as though he almost ready to give up in despair and the business of drumming. He is usi a most vivacious and lively mun, and keep up in spirits against great odds in despite of what would generally be sidered the most trying circumstanc But for once be was overcome and los equilibrium. It catno about in this wa As before stated, bc went down oi C. A G. R. R. on business, and at a sit below Hodges got off of tho train and sample case in band walked into the of one of his customers, and extendin band, said : "Good morning. How an to-day?" "Threo men in this neighborhood I ten thousand bushels of oats this yi exclaimed the merchant. "Well that was certainly very fine yb replied the commercial traveler. "Is not something in my line that I can your order for to day?" "Without a doubt, thc out crop has : this country Iron-, bankruptcy P' respt the merchant, with considerable emp ..lt certainly has been a great relier I f.inners," thc traveler remarked, sh amused. . ..Oats arc good for horses, cows, chit people-good for everything," sax merchant, excitedly. "But what's the matter, my Wen you never make any oats In this s ?store 1" inquired thc traveler. "Oat", man, oats ! Un thousands or. excLiimcd the merchant, pushing t sie? vt* and advancing towards tho tn; who nervously picked np his samnl and made for thc door, concluding t Would not bo prudent to remain long As he entered ibo stove ol anotb? t "uer he wa? greeted tvilh. "Come In t ? sc you. One man In Un* neighoc m ide ten thousand bushels or oats, old Abbeville county there bas bet (Ko hundred thousand bushels bar Thc country is safo for another year bc came down with fi Wo* up.T th aler s h ?id with his hand that almost (tiled blmtotheficor, -..^ked the eat off the counter with the yard Mick and kicked it out ortho door, and turning (s, Chandeliers and Fine Parlor Lamps eau bo I bought cheapest at W?hlte A Wilhite's. CLARK'S SEED COTTON CLEANER ! lakes all the dirt and trash out of Cotton before it ^oos inte the Gin, and improves the class from I to 0 grades, (.'all on C. A. Reed, Ag't, and examine the Machine. Call at Wilhites' and slake your thirst : with a glass of our healthful and delicious j Soda Water. Our Flavorings are Soda ! ligbtful tnat you can scarcely decide which you prefer. 1 j Do not fail to see the new No. 4 Victor ! Sewing Machine before von buy. It b*?s a very large ami and late improvements. Call on C. A. Reed, Agent. (Jinker Ale, Soda and Vichv Water ht Wilhites'. Tile American Sewing Machine is still up with tin? timos. Come in and seo thc new No. 7, with large arm und late improve j menta-light running and noiseless. A i lurge lot arriving at C. A. Meed's, Agent. ROOT BEER-no kin to l.ager Beer but ! very nice-at 6c |>or glass, at Wilhite & \ Wilhite's. Try it. I SMOKE DUKE OF DI RHAM CIGA I RETS, at Wilhites' Drugstore. For Fine Toilet Articles go to Wilhites' Drug Store. BUGGIES!-Any person wanting n good vehicle should not fail to call on REFD it STEPHENS, whoso long experience ena bles them to select tho most reliable West ern Buggies at lower prices than any one. FRi'IT JAMS.-Muson's Porcelain-Lined and Cohanse's FM CIT JAMS for sale cheap at Wilhite it Wilhite's. Mothers ! Mothers! 1 3Iothcrf 1 ! 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cry ing with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go nt once and net a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYR VP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately-depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who lias ever used it, who will not tell you nt once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and re lief and health to the child, operating like magic, lt is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the last*, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and host female physicians and nurses in the United ; States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. A Cough, Cold or Sore Thront should be .stopped. Neglect frequently re sults in an Incurable Luna Disease or'Cou sumption. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TRO CHES does not disorder the stomach like I cough syrups and balsams, but act directly ' on the inflamed jxirts, allaying irritation, give relief in Aithma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Catarrh, md tho Throat Troubles which Singers am! Public Speakers are subject to. For thirty year's Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physicians, and have always given perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the ag?.'. Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. Hats, Hats. AFULL line of Felt, Wool and Straw Hats. Sec our Mackanaw Hats. A. B. TOWEMS & CO. June 1, 1882 40 Shoes and Boots. TTTE ask particular attention to our Boots TT and Shoes-Bay State and T. Miles ct Sons. We warrant them not to rip, -md not to have any wood or pasteboard. A. B. TOWEMS it CO. June 1, 1882 40 Flour. PEMFECTION ! Best in the market. Also, lower grades. A. B. 'POWERS & CO. Hardware. A FULL line of Hardware. The best J\. FEED CUTTERS und Cider Mills. Agents for Brennan it Co.'s Plantation Saw Mills, Threshers and ('leaners, Cane j Mills and Evaporators. Fly Fans, Fly Traps and Champion Fluting Machines. A. II. TOWERS it CO. June 1,1882 -ir, FACT I ' is Low as they can be Bought he Up-Country. RING GOODS ilandsome. No old Mtock on hand. uranie Goods. IONS, Ladies' Trimmed HATS, JE and PRINTS, ind SLIPPEMS, OLLARETTES, GLOVES, 'ERFUMES, a largo lino of HOSIERY, oof FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HOES, is ..Hiele of SUGAR, COFFEE, FLOUR, SUPPLIES of all kinds, at :o>i PRICES. LdEWIS & CO., Belton, S. C 20_ly L ON PEOPLES B only ABSOLUTELY ON THE MARKET, n Student Lamp, and is guaranteed to give so tla.'.?ring I will keep a full lino of GLA8S as they can be found elsewhere in the market. 1 you a good WIRE FLY TRAP for 25c., ?ROVED IRON KING COOK STOVES, ladelpbia Centennial, 187?. Also, a lotof the ent of TIN WARE, HATH '?T MS, TOILET '8, Ac, is solicited. .JOH TV EL l'ljJOX'JLJti-.S. 29 *. _ }0 PETITION ! -o r and MOST VARIED Stock Misses' and Childrens' 3HOES [ER in the City of Anderson. ti of the BIG SHOE. Bold for Cash, at IXIWEST CASH .ES enable $t SLOAN ove Proclamation. [AMY OF HATS. ll ly WHO WANTS BARGAINS? ARNSTEIN & IROSE WlLL HAVE A CLOSING -OUT-lS:ALE FOR THE USTIEIXIT SIXTY 3DA."3rS. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS ? AV IG ANSWEB t IMMENSE LOW PRICES! Do You Know Our Object ? To make room for a Treme nd OUR Stock of Fall and Winter Goode in anticipation of a big and lively Business. AND DO YOU KNOW OUR LOW PRICES? WELL, HERE ARE SOME OF THE31 : ."ic 5o 5c Prints, 1'rinls, 5c 5c 5c 5c 5o 5e Muslins, Muslin?, 5c5o5c Cv 5c 5c Bleaching. Bleaching, 5c 5c 5c 10c 10c RH- Lace Huillines, all colon*, worth fully 20c 20c 20c 10c a yard for All Worsted Alpaca, worth fully 20c 121c a yard fur All Worsted Cashmeres, worth fully 25c 15c a yard for All Worsted Brocades, worth fully 30c 15c a yard for wide Ureas Linens, worth fully * 30o lOe a yard for tine checked Nainsooks, worth fully '20c 10c a yard for tine White Victoria Lawns, worth fully 20c Ole a yard for Hue Corded Piques, worth fully 12* 15c a yard for heavy Cottonudes, worth fully 30c 10c for large white Towels worth nilly 20c 3c 4c 5c Ge He 10c for Valenciennes Laces, worth fully " Oe, Sc lue 10c 20c 3c ic 5c 0c Sc 10c for White Embroideries, worth fully tic fie 10c 10c 20c 25c 50c 75c for Corset.-*, worth full v * 50c $1.00 $1.50 15c 20o 25c for Lisle Thread Cloves, worth ftillv HOC 40c 50o 4c 5c 0 - 8c 10c for Handkerchief*., worth fully " 8c 10c 12c 10c20c I*.. 5c 5o for s good Mens' Sock, worth fully 10c 10c 10c 25c 25c 250 tor a j. i od Gauze Undershirt, worth fully 50c 50c 60c 10c 10c 10c for a good Suspender, worth fullv Ak; 20c 20c 10c 10c fbc for a Box of Taper Collars, worth fullv 20c 20c 20o ldc HU: 10c for live Halls of Thread, worth fully* 20c 20c 20c 5c 5c 5c for two Papers Needles, worth fully lOc 10c 10c 5c 5c 5c for two Paper Pius, worth fully * 10c 10c 10c 5c 5c 5c for two Cakes of Soap, worth fully 10c 10c HU 25c 25c 25c for twelve Lawn Ties, worth fully .Wc 50c otto 10c 10c 10c. for Mens* yt raw Hats, worth fullv 20< 20c Atc 25o 25c 25o for Childrens' Hats, worth fully " 50c 50c 50c .">0c 50e Soo for Ladies' leghorn Flats, worth fully $1.00 $1.00 (1.00 5o5c5c fora Box ol' Lilly White, worth fully loo 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c for twelve dozen Buttons, worth fully 20c 20c 20c 50o50c50c for Ladies'Satchels, worth fullv " $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 ln<- 10c Hie for Ladies' nice Bracelets, worth fully 20c AV 20o 5*- 5c 5c for Sheet Music, worth fully 40c 40c 40c 5c 5c 5c for two Mottoes, Mottoes worth fully 10c 10c 10c 5c 5c 5c for two Fans, Kaus worth fullv ' 10c 10c 10c 50c 50c 50c for Ladies' Cloth Slippers, worth'fully $1.00 $100 $l.oo 25c25c25c for Motto Frames, worth fullv 50c50c50 10c 10c 10c for Window Shades, worth fullv 20c 20c 20c And the same Low Prices for Thousands of other Things. When you visit Anderson don't he persuaded to hov a dollar's worth of Coeds until you see what you can do at tho NEW YOltK CASU STORK. We will SAVIO YOU MONEY In every instance, nntl sh?w you by far the large:.! ?tock of Goods. ARNSTEIN & ROSE. . fi v 18/1882 THE BOTTOM HAS FALLEN OUT. Unheard of LOW PRICES at the Paris Store THE GREATEST BARGAINS YET OFFERED. Compare our Prices with those asked elsewhere, and the result will prove that the Paris Store still continues to Undersell All ! rpilE exclamation, 'How Pretty '. Where did you buy !" The answer : I.ESHER'S. _L 8urvly they cost more, but nevertheless ho sells Calico-Old Price ft cents. Now Price -li. No scraps, hut full pieces. In order to reduce tho Tremendous Stock now on hand, will from thia day on oller at prices never heard of before in this country : Special Bargains in yard-wide Bleaching nt lOrcnts, worth 12}. Special Bargains in Dre^s Ginghams at 12J cents, worth 15. Special Bargains in Dress 1-awns at 10 cents, worth 15. Not only to Lead, but to Excel, is my mode of Doing Business. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. Those in need of a Suit of Ready Mada Clothing will lind it lo their advantage to visit my Establishment, nod he convinced that my Clothing is well made, perfect-lilting and cheaper than the cheapest. The fourth order for LABIUM' 51 ATM is now in slock, und they grow prettier every time. This last lot was purchased nt 331 per cent, under regulnr prices. Now, Ladies, is your time to wear a new and fashionable Hat. They ure trimmed by experienced hands, nud to bc appreciated must bo seen. I have studied the wants of my patrons, and take caro to oller only now and d?sirable Goods, always at living prices, at the samo time courting comparison ot, all purchases at the Paris Store with any similar good" from any part of the country, without fear that it will not be in my lavor. All this baa been accomplished In a fair and business-liko manner, and not by so-called business tricks as to oller one particular article at a loss, with the expectation of regaining the loss hy advancing the price of tho next article the customer might purchase. Don't hesitate tb visit me. Polite treatment to all. No tronido to show Goods. Look for thc sign, and be sure you visit A. LESSER, PARIS STORE. Juno 1,1882_31 COTTON BUTTER OIL. FRESH LOT JUST IN. $1.00 ZPZEIR, OAXjLOIbT. 50 Per Cent. Cheaper than Lard. J. Gr. CUNNINGHAM & CO. June At, 1882 50_ REMOVAL. O. .A.. BEED j Agent, HAVING SOLD HIS STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDIZE TO J. J. BAKER has removed to lils 3V?"w XSiailtfiug-, Near Railroud Brhl(re, Where lie can now bc found prepared to supply the public with the best BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, AND VEHICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, and he respectfully invites his old friends and the public generally to call ami see bim. He bas a splendid stock of the LOUIS COOK VEHICLES, and ic better than STST prepared to supply the increasing demand for these popular Vehicles. Ho will also keep a good Stock of the popular AMERICAN and VICTOR HEWING MACHINES, Sewing Machine ATTACHMENTS, etc.. and is Agent for tho GEM COTTON GIN and CLARK'S BEED COTTON CLEANER. Ginners mid Farmer? should call and examine the Cotton Cleaner. No machine pays the Farmer better. COHN, BACON and HEAVY GROCERIES. ?ST REED BUILDING, NEAR R. R. BRIDGE. Juns 22, 1882 _4!?_ THE FOLLOWING GOODS FOR SALE AT L. H. SEELS STOVE AND TIN HOUSE. THE TIMES, SOUTHERN BAKER and SOUTHERN GIRL, Ate Cte Ill-XT COOK STOVES now sold in this country, at $lo.00 to $-lu.0