The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, May 11, 1882, Image 5

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LOCAL NEWS. I w W. KEYS. IX)OAL EDITOR. HBIEF ?KNTION. I Don t fail to register. I Njr j <!. Riley Informa na tbal he had a ?inc young mule to die on Monday. I There was a light frost on the morning o? S be ""'1 '"?t. i" some localities, but ii .li.i S QftTTjn Township Singing Convention B-m meet at Bethany church on the third Kunday >'? May nt 10 ?'clock a> [ several of our young men have boughl Bbvcicl?. and are furnishing amusement foi St?ie town in learning to manage them. I We are requested to announce that thew 3? iU be j, picnic at High Shoals next Sal ur Bdav to which the publie generally are in ? The merchant? of Belton now close theil HstoresntGp. m., Saturdays excepted, nod Swill continue to do so until the 15th ol S Mr. James Young, near Lowndesville, ?sent a bunch of oats to our ofiice on Mon Hdav, cn average of a 25-acre field, thal Bmeasu.ts six feet high. Hj Mr. W. P. Clyde, T. M. R. Talcot, J. W Bi?v and other magnates of tho Clyde Syn Hdiflite, passed over tho Blue Ridge Ron. B last week on a tour of inspection. Bi It i? Important, very Important, that cv BrrV Democrat in the county register duriiq BJ jijV and June. Those who fall to registe Bw.l?not be -.Bowed to vote next fall. I The State Board of Education, at its meet Biog last week, decided that the Normal In Bstitutcs for both white and colored teacher: Bshould beheld in Columbia-the latter ii Bjulv ?nd the former in August. I Co). E. M. Rucker and C. W. Webb ar H the delegate froir. the Episcopal church o 'this city to thc Diocesan Convention of th Wt Episcopal Church of South Carolina, whicl Bmet in Bpartanburg yesterday. I The Sunday 8chool celebration in th Wa Baptist church Sunday afternoon was large S ly attended and proved a delightful ooco Bsion. Thc addresses of Mr. II. G. Scudda; ? and Dr. Manly were most excellent Bj Ia defining the authorities of the Cit; Bj Council, the Charter says: "They Bhal 15 Lave power and authority to organiz< 8 equip and control a fire department for th BB protection of said city in such way as the B may deem necessary." H "It is not the country negroes who ai Si making mischief now. It is '-he town an H city vagabonds who carry pistols and pu Hon airs and impudence, and go sportin B round. Town is a bad place to raise nig H qers and children."-Bitt Arp. H We had a call Wednesday morning froi fi Mr. T. K. Miller, of Carthage, Miss, wh H ii now visiting relatives in thia and ndjoir Bl ing counties. He was born and raised t 9 Pendleton, ano moved from this count si tn Mississippi just t\\ caty years ago. I The Grand Lodge of Good Templin M [colored) of this State met at this pim yesterday morning, and will remain i session until Friday night. The Gian oflicers will be publicly installed in tl colored Methodist church to-night. Tl Order all over the State ls well represente! "if in the incoming State campaign au fellow is found "reluctantly consenting ( become a candidate," shoot him on tl spot"- Walha'la Courier. You ought n. to counsel violence to any class, and parti ularly to the diffident candidates. Aboi nine ont of every ten need sympathy, ni violence. The Supervisor of Registration reques us to urgo upon the citizens not to pos pone registering until the afternoons. 1 is now visiting the different townships of tl county, and in every instance ho has bet pressed with work in tho afternoon whi in the forenoon he has had comparative nothing to do. Rev. J. R. Graves, D. D., editor of 7 jg Baptist, Memphis, Tenn., has been engag H to preach a series of five doctrinal sermo 3 at Williamston on Friday, Saturday ai H Sunday, 19th, 20?.h ond 21st of May. I I Ti-t ?'so preach tt Salem church, five mil M above this city, on Tuesday and Wed ni g day, 16th and 17th of May. kRev. Dr. Manly, of Greenville, preach in the Baptist church in this city on 8und? morning and night to attentive congreg lions. His sermons wero excellent, ai made a deep impression on thc minds his hearers. His simple and plain preae talion of the Gospel truth gives all of 1 sermons a peculiar interest and power. There is no establishment in the u country more deserving of the patrono and encouragement of our people than t McSmith Music House, at Greenville, is entirely reliable, and its instruments i ways give satisfaction. There aro hundrc in Anderson county who can testify to t fair and honorable dealing of thia hot from personal experience. See advert? ment elsewhere. The Abbeville Medium says : "The Freu Broad has been graded as far in tbte dir .Jon as Little Mountain. The work is w done and ls a credit to tho men who hs w jnergy and faith to build 5t so fa ?>e do not know how far Little Mount? J* ?rom the point where work was begt ">? we presume tho friends of tho Ro Iafcmt Belton ami Willlamston do, 1 whose information the above item is pu lislied. fmf. Riley, a distinguished cntomoiogi ks the cotton v.-,m costs Southe Punters $15,000,000 a year, and says i .Meeta could bo killed with a decoction ..eaisenical refuse from nnllino dye fae 2 rauch c,,eaPer than with tho Pe ??*n now used, or got rid of altogether norning the cotton'stalks. It ls "rnttoo ?on ihm ,ue young ,nsect8 fee<1 on "* sPrinK liefere thc new plants i an?Q8Uni,Uer MccU'>gof the State Gnu < South Carolina Agricultural Socio , wiU ,Jc bold nt this place in Augi ?. Will be one of great interest. It * to rD^Cel,ent opportunity for our farm "Whit to their brother farmers from of the State specimens of their sm thi"01* them sclect aheavea for e i bar,ey?etc-. ?>?d Put them aw tot', ilum?P that occasion, and sh ind ?* ^? COmo ,,ow wel1 Bultcd onr s c.""ate are to the production of I ma'l grains. Tl e Abbeville County Democratic C 'on', *Wch-met on Monday of 1 elects K. B. Gary, Esq., Cou ^ "nan. Thc contest for the Chairm Ma***!? bttWMl> Mr. Gary and Sena forme - 0,1,1 WU!I deddcA 1,1 fBVOr of ?.ote/f ?y U,? Convention allowing , ?raclnb that had not been reorg Wa, ? , Un,cd in thc election. Tl seri?,, .P lnt??*l in tho matter, nu ?* .V?,l in thc r,artyin ,hal ??u of Dr M by ,hc magnanimous eond on th. Cl1 ,n ?"?nseling snbmis* the ????Jj Vf-hU fricml3 >? ,ho rc9"11 The Walhalla Cbtmer takes the position that the counties of the State should not be reduced below C25 square miles, and pre sents some forcible arguments in support of its position. U says : "The little coun ties of Georgia bare Inferior central towna inferior public buildings, inferior roads and of a necessity not as competent public- offi cers as our counties have, for the reason that the fees and emoluments are smaller. Their landa hare generally rated lower than similar lands in this State." Mr. A. W. 8mith, who lives three und a half miles from Helton, ia one of thc sub stantial farmers of thc county. Ho ls now seventy-two ytars old, bas been marriec over forty yea? and bas raised eight dangh ters. all of them now married. In all hi: life he bas never bought a hundred pound j of bacon, twenty-five bushel? of corn no a barrel of flour. He has always suppllet his croppers from his own fnrm. bosmone; J on hand, wheat that is tbree years old ant I never buys anything on credit. The Board of Directors ot the S. V. It. ? met at Lowndesvllhs on Tuesday for th j purpose of receiving and considering prc posais for grading the remainder of th Road, but we have not as yet heard thc rt j suit of thc meeting. 8everul proposals ha I been placed in the hands of the Secretar of tho Board, and it is probable that tb J greater part of the linc was let out and tin I tho work of grading will be resumed in I very short time, and pushed forward wit I tho greatest vigor. Such, at least, is tl J general hope of all our people. j The lecture of Rev. Mr. DuBoso in tl j Presbyterian church Friday night on Chit j was indeed very interesting and instructiv The picture he presents of the superstitk J and idolntry of the people is a dark on but after ten years of China ON missionary he is satisfied that it is not ii possible to introduce a new religion in I thc country. He i? a pleasant speaker, ai J held thc closest attention of his audien j throughout his discourse. Wherever I goes, and be is now making a tour of t I State, we believe, he never fails to nwak I a new interest in China missions. Al a meeting of the Masonic Lodge Monday night it wns decided to eelebn J tho 24th June, St. John s Day. Seve j speakers will hf sefr^fsd for the ocensh which will doubtless be one of gr-st plc tire. On the evening of the 24th an ent tain nient will be given in thc Masonic Hi to which the public generally will be in ted, the object of which will bo to rt money for the purposo of fitting up Hall with new seats, etc This is a mal in which all of our citizens are more or ! interested, and we hope tho entertainm will bc largely patronized. We clip the following from the Hnrtv Slim, which is published as original (?) a ter: "A young South Carolina lawy maiden effort before a Justice's comt o hog stealing case: 'May it please y Honor, upon the wild mountain : where the green laurel grows and mountain goat leaps from cliff to eli there-there, may it please your Hom there iuy this hog's skin!' Justice: "1 hog wasn't stolen in the mountains Oconee; the counsel will please bring hog's skin back into Anderson cot where it properly belongs. This Coi jurisdiction is somewhat limited.' " Our subscribers at Townville and Play complain that they do not get I papers until Saturday, whereas, by connection made at Seneca by the ti in the afternoon since the change in schedules, they ought to get them on Tl day. The mail for these points leaves Wednesday afternoon and ou.^tit to i Westminister that evening, ti om w place the mail for Townville and Fair is sent out Thursday morning. We d know why it is our papers are delayed shall endeavor to ascertain and bav matter attended to. Some of the t officers are at fault, but exactly whick we do not know. Tho Amended Liquor Law. For the information of those inte: wc publish the following extract fun Revised Statutes, which took eflVet c first duy of May : SEC. 1624. ''It shall not be lawful ft person to sell, trade or barter any spiri or malt liquor, wino or cider on au and any person so doing shall boliabl fine of not less than ten dollars or than two hundred dollars, orimprisoi for not leas than ten days or more thc months." SEC. 1028. "Any perst n who shall I victed for retailing w'lliout license, < ing or delivering aplrituous liquors < Sabbath day, shall not be entitled ceive a llccnso for two years next succ the date of thc last conviction, an license granted to such perso:: shalt terly without effect and shall afford v tection; and every person taking oi cense for the sale of spirituous hqi aforesaid shall sell thc same in a roon ing a public street, without any curtain or device for preventing the t public from fully viewing what a tranv'.ring within." Delegates to the Kallroud Convei Thc following are the delegates from the townships in this count} Convention of the stockholders of vannoh Valley Railroad Company, convened in Lowndesville yesterday From Anderson : Gen. W. W. 1 reys, Maj. B. F. Wbltner, Mr. G. F Capt. P. K. McCully and Maj. E. I ra-v- , . xi F.oni Centreville township: Me M Burriss, J. Belton Watson, J. > vost, A. G. Fretwell and T. H. But From Varcnnes township: Col. Norris, CapL James A. Gray, W. ( son, A. A. Dean and John H. Jone From Hall township: Messrs. J. riss, J. S. Beaty, - Watt, T. C. and J. N, Burriss. We have been unable to tecure the delegate? elected In Savant Dark Corner townships. Another Survivor*' Kewita I The Survivors of Company "W I to Sharpshooters, are requested to Anderson on Saleday next, for thc ' of prepariw? " roster of said Comr ! Each survivor is earnestly req I bring with him a roll of all the < ! that he can recollect, showing t placo of those killel, wounded, di L. JOHN W. D A. R. Cox. Catarrh is a most loathsome nnd disband has been gouaoj lists to bc incurable. Thc pr mn guarantee their great ve? able S, S a i0 rure t, or any other binn ?f taken according to direction! Burns, Grccncastle, Ind., saya: ' "E after all other trcamont hf Price?!11.00 and ?1.75 per bottle. FOR SALE.-AHUC Milch Coi to r A A- " ! CLARK'S SEED cyrXON ^ takes all the dirt and trash out beforelt goes into the Gm, and the class from 1 to 6 grades Cu, I Reed, Ag't, and examine the Ms f!*ll at Wilhltea' and slake J *S" Sa* c-f our healthful an Soda Water. Our Flavorings ! fitful thnt you can scarcely de you prefer. ^_ D. T. Bacot it Co.. OreanvUle.8 for thc SADDLE BABA JI Price, $3.60. Orders recc^ cd m by O. B. Vanity*. * * Wflb?ca* Ale" 800,1 ftnd Vid,y Wat*r at .UK ?.??ierican 5*wi?K Machine ls still up with the ?mes. Come in ?nd see the new with large arm and Ute improve ments-Kght running "nd noiseless. A largo lot arriving at C. A. Reed's. Agent. Just received a largo lot sample Hats Spring styles-straws. Ac, Am still selling (,reat bargains. Am also receiving moro of Lonja Cook's Standard Vehicles. Give me *?.". C. A. REED, Agent. vi?;,F:Jone?.,k,('oV- Snow Flak* Patent Cst bread'0 t<} US? if y0U w*nl U,e For Fine Toilet Articles po to Wilhite*' frog btore. Frank ?iddaU'g Soap Is the be=,i Luundrv &JVSn\ Tryit- For sale univ by Wil one ?fe Wdhite. ?/??,8AVS 0R T'? RUNT - A good second-hand Tiano In A No. 1 condition. J. II. vox HASSELN. German Student Lamj ?. Hall Lamps, t oan?ailaq aud Fine Parlor i^unps can be bought cheapest at Wilhite ?fe Winnie's. Smoko tho "G. M. T. Cigar" at Hie City Drug 8tore. BUGGIES!-Any person wanting a good j vehicle should not fail to call on REED & I STEPHENS, whose long experience ena ; bles them to select the most reliable- West I em Buggies at lower prices than any one. Take-it-Easy and Llve-I/mg are brothers, and aro related to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has lengthened many a Ule. Mothers I Mothers !! Mother? ll I Are you disturbed at night and broken of 1 your rest by a sick ohild suffering md cry i mg with the excruciating pain of cutting ? teeth? If so, go at once ar. i get a bottle of i MRS. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING SYR I UP. It will relievo the poor little sufferer i immediately-dejicnd upon it ; there is no ; mistake about it. There Is not a mother i ou earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, aud re lief and health to the child, operating like magie, lt Is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is tho prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Hold everywhere. 25 cern's a bottle. Do not fall to seo the new No. 4 Victor Sewing Machino before you buy. It has a .erv large arm an? fate improvements. Call on C. A. Reed, Agent. Misses CARLISLE & PEOPLES TN V ITES the attention of thc Ladles of Anderson and the surrounding country to cal1 on them an examine their nr.. ATTEACTIVE STOCK OF MILLINERY AND FANCY G00D8. W/&e tho very latest styles of HATS and BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIB 7. II '. LrACEiJ. LADIES NECKWEAR, Ac, which they offer at reasonable prices. ? all tieiore purchasing elsewhere. . . AIHO, 3Xautua-3Xtt1ciu|r. Mareh 2. 1882 33 3m _ A NEW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK ? SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS ! ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE, TO BE FOUND IN A( MISS DELLA KEYS' ROOM. A *U the Latest Styles in HATS, BONNETS, FRAMES, RIBBONS, SILKS, SAT -fV INS. SUMMER PLUSHES. LACE GOODS. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Hie many other pretty goods usually found in a Millinery Store. The Ladles are all in vited to call and see these Goods before purchasing, as I can give satisfaction in Prices aud booda. Sar- DRESS MAKING given prompt attention. Brices to suit the times. ROOM IN McCULLY'S NEW BUILDING-Up-Stairs, over Moss St Tolly's Confec tionery._ 35 2m BROCK * MAULDIN. Spicing I ?uiiiiTiei% 1883. CLOTHING ?EFAHTMEIVT. Suits in L'assimen,, Diagonals, Linen and Alpaca, School-boys, Youths'and Men's Clothing in great variety, and latest and nobby styles. FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. Shirts, lauudcred and unlaundered, white and fancy, for men and boys ; Collars, Cuffs, Hankerchiefs in silk, linen and cotton ; Undershirts, in Gossamer, India Gauze and Nainsook ; Hosiery, Gloves, Ac., together with a line of Neckwear-Cravats, Club Housa Ties and Scarfs, handsomer and more complote than ever. Also, Japanese Pajamma*. Call and examine them. HATS, HATS, HATS. Such a stock of Boys' and Men's Straw, Wool and Felt Hats as is unequalled in the country in variety and low prices. SHOES, SHOES. SHOES. Ladies', Misses, Children's, Men's, Youth's and Boys' Fine; Custom-made Shoes, high and low cut. Every Shoe warranted. Wc are still selling the ''MOHAWK SHIRT," the best Shirt manufactured, and re tailed at one dollar. We particular^ request an examination of our line of ('.issimere Samples-and prices of same made up to order-with lits guaranteed. April 20, 1882 34 - - 11 --^ FINE HARNESS FOR SALE. THE undersigned calls attention to his Stock of HARNESS of all descriptions, inclu ding BRIDLES, COLLAH?, BUGGY, C ARRIAGE and WAGON UARXEf^N, Single and Do iblc, from the tinest to thc cheapest qualities. Tho work is done at home and is thorough, the stock used is the very best, and therefore I warrant the wear of every picco of harness to bc equal to any that can be purchased in this or any other market. My PRICES ARE CHEAPER than the same quality of Harness can be bought elsewhere. REPAIRING carefully and promptly attended to. All that I ask is v call from those who need anything in my line. .Z5J- Rooms, up-stairs, on Granite Row, over Wilhite & Wilhite's Drug Store. JAMES M. PAYNE. April ti, 1882 38 4m TOBACCO, TOBACCO. NEW CALICOES, MUSLINS, PIQUES, COTTON A DES, BLEACHINGS, HATS, NOTIONS, SHOES, LADIES' FINE SLIPPERS, FLOUR, BACON, MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, SUGAR, COFFEE, And everything you need at Bottom Prices. A large lot MACKERELL. We are determined to Bell. We ask all who would like to! buy New Goods CHEAP to give us a trial. C. F. JONES & CO., PANT'S OLD STAND. H3 o cr* o o 'g S? . o ! O O Mardi 30. 1882 37 mW SPUING GOODS. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED n large and beautiful lot of SPRING CALI COES, a sample lot of LADIES' HATS, which wo aro offering at New York Cast. Also, quite a variety of Gents' and Boys' STRAW H Al's. Onr 8tock of SPRING SHOES for Ladles', Gents, Misses and Children Is complete. Wc can sell you as good a Shoe for as little money as any one in the City, In any style desired. CaM end examine our Stock. You will timi polite and attentive Clerks to show you through, and no offense taken or chargo made if you don't buy. WE DESIRE TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE CHAMPION REAPER AND MOWER, For which we are Agents, and have now on exhibition ; and wc don't hesitate to say is the best on the market. Call and examine it-we will take pleasure lu showing and ex plaining it to you ; and if von want r. Machine, we cwi certainly make it to your interest to buy the "Champion." " Respectfully, March 23,1882 ANDREW & PREVOST. HEBE WE ARE ! HOME AGAIN ! OH ! COME AND SEE OUR PRETTY THINGS ! MISS LIZZIE WILLIAMS, TXT ITU usual care, selected our SPRING STOCK, and we are ready to show the W MOST BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. a??i"tti'? LADIES', STORE. March 23, 1882 __ IT IS A FACT ! That we are Selling Goods as Low as they can be Bought anywhere in the Up-Country OUR NEW SPRING GOODS A RE arriving, and open up Fresh and Handsome, No ?ld. Stock on hand. J\. Remember, we offer you New and Desirable Goods. Fine lot of WHITE GOODS and NOTIONS, Ladies' Trimmed HATS, Colored and White LAWVS. PIQUE and PRIKTS, A nico lino of Ladies' ?HOES and SLIPPERS. RIBBONS. RUFFLING, COLLARETl'ES, GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS. PERFUMES, a largo lino of H08IERY. IV? ,ire nreoired to offer thc Planters a linc of FARMING IMPLEMENTS HOES, Pi) S P?cP and can sell you a First Class article of SUGAR, COFFEE, FLOUR, nVcoN* MOLASSES ami GENER AL SUPPLIES "f all kinds, at BOCK BOTTOM PRICES. Call and seo us. ROBERT A. LEWIS & CO., Belton, 8. C. April 20,1??'-' 28 ly a NEW FEATURES, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES! ?VT HEADQUARTERS ! IHDOCEIEITS THAT IRE BOUND T? TEMPT YOI). We have bought a "truly Tremendous Stock," at almost Half Prioe, and shall sell you the same Goods for Less Money than anybody else can offer them at, no matter what their Prices are! co A largo New York H "Use lina sent us. for adver tisement sake, Five Hundred DRESS PAT TERNS, already put up in Ittckages, containing fourteen yds. of the Beit New Stylo CALICO, one Spool of Coate' Cotton, No. 1O, and one doren of Fine White Ivory Buttons, The ?''hole lor One Dollar. They arc being picked out very fust. CO GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF CALICOES, MUSLINS, LAWNS, P?QUSS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, LACES, FANS, NECKWEAR, CORSETS, CLOTHING, MATTINGS, SHOES, HATS, AT THE NEW YORK CASH STORE. Do not buy a dollar's worth of Goods until you see us, as we are bound to save you from 10c. to 25c on every dollar. WE HAVE EVERYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS ESTABLISH MENT, AND AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. jEfi* Please call early and as often a* convenient. You are under no obligation to ! buy, though wc may strongly tempt you by showing you the hirgest and bc?<t assorted Stock of New and Desirable doods to be found in Anderson, at an nctuul saving from 10c. to 3ne. on every dollar you may wish to spend. ARNSTEIN & ROSE. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO WHOLESALE BUYERS, Tor whom ve shall gladly duplicate any Charleston or Atlnnta bills. April 20, 1882 40 " SPRING, GENTLE SPRING " IS HERE, AND FOLLOWING CLOSE BEHIND IS HER INEVITABLE COMPANION, -A. DISEASED LIYER, And ail its train of diseases. Don't forget to try tho populnr and successful remedy, ORR & (SLOAN'S h LIVER, CURE. March 23, 1882 TO FARMERS! And all Interested in Buying the Best Goods for the ! SUPPLIES,AT ''(?&0SS",LE SUPPLIES, A Full Stock always on baud. Can offer special Inducement s la Hagar id Coffee. A large lot of Muscovado Molasses Jost arriving;. Best Stock of Hardware in thc City. A large lot of Plows and Plow Stocks. We sell the beat Wlaeel Barrow for Farm use in the market-light-running, new patent wheels, very substantial, and nt an exceedingly low price. If you want HA RD WARE don't pass us by. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. Wc are agents for the WATERTOWN, TOZER, and WOOD, TABER Ai MORSE I ENGINE**, CARDWELL THRESHERS, and in fact about everything in I this line, which we will sell on best terms possible. FERTILIZERS. WE HAVE REDUCED OCR PRICES on Fertilizers down as low as any flrst-chiBS I goods cen be had, and we ask those wishing to buy to give us a call. ?fO~ ?'ALL AND SEE OUR NEW ?VANO DISTRIBUTOR. SULLIVAN & MATTISON. March 2, 1882 33 HEADQUARTERS FOR Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Threshers, And All Kinds of Machinery. HAVING established thc Southern Branch of the C1EISBR MAMU F ACT CA RINO C'O. at this place, I will always keep on hand a full supply of their Celebrated Machinery, consisting of their Sclf-Rezulating Grain Separator, Cleaner and Bagger, Peerless, Portable, Traction und Domestic Hteam Engines, S.iw Mills, Ac I also keep on hand thc Improved Eclipse Fan Blower for Blacksmiths, something new. Also, Gum and Hemp Packing, Gange Cocks, Check Valves, Glass Water Gauges, Btcam Gauges, Steam Pumpa, and all kinds of Steam Fittings. In fact, everything needed In the Machinery Business. Como and Kee me before buying, and you will be sure to get a First-class Machine. Always keep in mind that the cheapest machinery is not always the safest or liest. ll. IT. DIVVER, REEL13 HEW BUILDING, If EA h RAILROAD BRIDOP, AKDEBBON. B. C. Mft''*5 H- I M? 39 ly SDPIRIIETCS- 1832. NEW GOODS PARIS STORE. THE BOSS STOCK. THK many customer? of tho PARIS STOKE aro respectfully invited to inspect tb? LARGE STOCK now on hand, claiming to offer you DRY GOODS, FARCY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES ARD HATS much lower than elsewhere ia the City, atrivlnjr nt all times to make new customers by offering a good class of Goods at euch LOW FIGURES as will be in th? reach of all. MY STOCK OF Indies' Dress Goods ls immense, Whit? Pique is immense, Embroidery is immense, Indies' Gloves ia immenso, Ladies' Cravata Is immense. Calicoes ls immeuse, Pleaching ls immense, White Lawn is immense, Colored Lawn is immense. Muslins is Immense, Cambrics is immense, Colored Silks is Immense, Black 8ilks is immense, Laces ls immense, Braids is immense, Parasols ls immense, fans is immense, Buttons is immense, MY STOCK OIT Dress Linen ia Immeuse, Black Cashmere is Immense. Ladies' Hose is immense, Childrens' Hose la immense, Gents' Hose ta immenso, Ladies' Hoops ls immense, Boya'Wear ls immense, . Mens' Wear ia immense, Ladies' Kino Shoea ia immanse, Ladies' Fine Slippers is immense. Gents' Fino Shoea is immense, Boys' and Youths' Sulla ls immeuse. Mens' Suits ia immense, Ladies' Dusters ia immense. Ladles' Hats is immens?. Genta' Hata is h?mense. Oil Cloth ls immense. Will at nil times bo pleased to servo my friends and customers, believing in th? mott*, "YOUR INTEREST IS MINE." Will keep on hand a Urge Stock, a Good Stock, a' Cheap Stock, and a TREMENDOUS STOCK. March t>, 18B2 A. LESSER. PARS8 STORE. 34 J. P. Sl'LLIVAN. W. A."YANDIVER J. P. SULLIVAN & CO. ' HAVE A CASH PRICE FOR ALL ARTICLES OF MERCHANDISE. WE OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS, and only want a small prout. Our Stock of GROCERIES complete. Genuine Muscovado Molasses and 8n gnr 8yrups. A large lot of CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR nt prices that will not be undersold. We have received another lot of tho LITTLE BASSETT PLOW STOCKA, the best on the market, without any exception. Price, $2.00. We now have hitter article of COFFER than ever before-seven pounds to thc dollar. Standard Northern Manufactured Fertilizers, .125 lbs. Cotton to thc ton-payable noxt Fall. Feb 10, 1882 r. SULLIVAN Si CO. AHEAD OF CO VIPETITION ! THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST and MOST VARIED Stock of Ladies' and Gents', Misses' and Childrens* For SPRING and BUMMER in the City of Anderson. UNDER THE SIGN of the BIC SHOE. doods bought for Cash and sold for Cash, at LOWEST CASH ElGURES enable MAXWELL * SLOAN To make thc above Proclamation. Don't forget we make a SPECIALTY OF HATS. April 13. 1882_ll_ ly I have on hand a Gomplete Assortment of .town? mm TBWWAKB. AND AM PREPARED TO DO ROOFING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY. WILL BUY ALL HAW HIDES, RAGS and BEESWAX, AND PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. Marci? lti, 1882 JOHN JE. PEOPLES. 29 J. C. CUNNINGHAM * CO. -o WE INVITE AN INSPECTION OF OUR Stock of Goods Before You Buy. Should you Want a Wngou? THE OLD HICKORY IS THE "BOSS " If a Plow, STARK'S DIXIE IS THE "FAVORITE," Our stock of HARDWARE ls complete, end at prices as low as the lowest.? Build era and Mechanics can always be suited. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Etc., Full stock of all, and equally low in price as any other house. ?Of We want our friends whom wo have given time to this year, to come square ap to tho front, for both Guano and Merchandise. Como arn" i?o ide fs?at you can, and we will try and arrange for the balance. I Oct 20,1881_U_. ' _ Q,TJ"IO:K: SALES AND SMALL PROFITS ! WE beg to call tho attention of our friends and customers to our COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS, which we offer AT LOW PRICES. Wo call special atten lion to a tine lot of Blankets, Jeans, Cassluseres and a general assortment of Dry Gooda. Also, Ladlea' Cloaks. SHOES AND BOOTS. Our stock of Shoes and Boots cannot be heat in QUALITY and PRICES. LEATH ER and SHOE FINDINGS. * A splendid lina of HATS and CM'S, very low. HARDWARE. A good assortment of beat Hardware. GROCERIES. FINE TEA A SPECIALTY. Roosted and Green Coffee, Sugar, New Crop N. O. Malaise?, Tho best Flour In the market. Buckwheat Flour. Marcaroni, Cheese, Mackerel, Currants, Raisina, Citron, Mince Meat, Apple Butter. An assortment of Canned Gooda, ?nd many article* ?ot named her*. CARPETS AND RUGS. Curtis and Rugs in stock, and over fifty samples from which to makts your selections. Oivc us a call. We aik an Inspection or our Stock. We charge nothing Ibr showing. We ask yonr special attention to cur stock of Shoes and Boots for Men, Women, Boys, Girls and Children, which we warrant not to rip, and to have no wood Or pasteboard in ?he. bot tom. FwVnte cheap. - A. B. TOWERS ? CO., No. 4 Granite Row. Settle Yovii? Debt? ? Our customer* will do tis a favor, and themselves a great good, C-y paying up their Notes and Accounts at once We need mir money. , ,.<M.. A. P. TOYP?BS ? CO. I Dec 15,1581 12 ty