txm gttteUijflwtr. W. KEYS. LOCAL EDITOH. Tho City of Aiiderwmt the cnption ?gain, nccil not smile. *me 'ike ? c,ttp o? tl,nndcr from a ^?islaturc is a progressive body -Heves in developing the Stat?; and es don't go along fast enough for it, wisely determino? to tako hold with own pow -rful hands and make them pcver did have any patience with a man, or a poky set of men, particular -n they arc paid for their time, aking Anderson a city tho Legisla d o good thing, and did it very nlce ecd. as our thanks, and the thanks or others besides. we must all realize our promotion, aintain the dignity of our new poei fore thc world. ways must be put ort" and now ways I. ill never do to go back on ibo friends have helped us up, by bringing dis upon them for placing us in a posl hat we could not appreciate or adorn, u must not say town any moro when ?lng of Anderson. at terni suits small places, but don't t?u connection with Anderson, must always say city. t's the way city people talk, and you - you live in a city now. is a L'ieat privilege to live in a city, for peoplo eau put on airs without being ? "stuck up." you sec your liberties ore enlarged, for b you arc thankful, no doubt, o Charter, which fills over three col? on our first page, is a voluminous [iucnt, but not moro so than thc neccs yof the case required. There are many [provisions in the Charter, and wo re Lend a careful perusal of tho entire baient by ali our citizens. Tho pro [ns are all that we could desire at pres te Act of Incorporation says that the (orate limits of the City of Anderson Lil include all of the area embraced in [rcle whose centro is thc Court House radius is ene mile," and that !d city shall be governed by a Mayor six Aldermen, wdio havo resided in the "at least twelve months immediately ag tho day of their election. Tho Mayor and Aldermen shall bo known d called tho City Council of Anderson, shall be elected on the Eocond Monday ugust of the present year, and at tho time in every second year thereafter, shall hold their offices for the term of years and until their aujeessors shall been elected and qualified." To be led to vote in an election for a member c City Council, the citizen must be a. lent of tho city "for six months next an election. Tho wisdom of i provisions will readily be appreciated nose familiar with our past experienco. ic Mayor and Aldermen aro required to ?thcoath against duelling in assuming Ioffices, and are vested with all of the ere and jurisdiction for tho violation of ordinances-as is now given a Trial Jus except in civil cases. The Mayor is full power and authority to try all iders against the city ordinances, and up?se such fines and penalties Os in his etion he may deem just; but no fine exceed one hundred dollars, nor no on can be imprisoned for a longer term i thirty days, and any person sentenced uprisonment shall, during their term of Idsonment, be required to work upon streets of the city, unless thoy be ex bly exempted UierefrotTi in the senteue Bounced by the Mayor, jio City Council have full power to grant Sises for the sale of spirituous liquors, |not for a less sum than three hundred lara per annum to retail by the drink, |for less than one hundred lollara to sell Hfhc bottle or quart, and no license shall |ranted for a longer period than one year, flic tax section is well drawn Tip, and ?leets our citizens from oppressive taxa V thirty cents on each hundred dollars' fih of real and personal property being j highest levy allowed in any one year, [license for any circus an I <: granted for i sum iban three hun ; _\ -ollars a day, I while tho City Council have the power Jcrcatc a bonded dobt, with and by the Isent and approval of a majority of its pens, such debb shall not exceed the sam [twenty-five thousand dollars, on which uglier interest than 7 per cent, per nn i shall not bo paid. The Mayor is allowed a salary of two Jdrcd dollars a year, and thc Aldermen II have to be satisfied with exeru i street tax during their term of office. fey arc made amenable for neglect of duty ftbusc of their offices, fcll ordinances passed by tho Town Coun j aro of force, and until an election for yor and Aldermen tho Town Council * serving arc declared tho City Council 1 the Intendant and Wardens vested b all tho powers and duties of Mayor 1 Aldermen. The Act received tho approval of tho vernor on last Friday, and is now of full ce and effect. Changes In Railroad Schedules. Tb >ro was a general changing of Bched * on thc railroads in South Carolina on mday last. The North-bound morning .songer train on tho Air line now passes neca City about ll o'clock, and os tho wn passenger on tho Columbia & Green le road leaves Walhalla nearly two hours flier than before, there is, of course, no anection at 8cneca with the train from At da, though connection is made with tho in going to Atlanta. Tho up passenger the C. & Q. also fails to connect at Seneca th the West-bound train on the Air Line, r ?chedulo on tho South Carolina road P also been changed so as to connect at ^lumbiu with tho passenger trains on the I <1 Inconvenienced none of any other sec >u on any of tho roads mentioned, but as stands now all cections are Inconvenienced :<*pt those on tho South Carolina road, and seems, to us the advantages gained thcro 0 not safneient to justify thedisadvan B?8 occAcioncd elsewhere. We sincerely >Po the old rcbednlo will soon bc restored. Under the new schcdulo tho down passen 8 08 P SS oWallmlla at Seneca at 8.08, Pendleton 8.43, Anderson 0.24 Green vii c 8.44. Wimarn8to" 9.44; Be ito? io ?nd arrives at Columbia at 4.06. The un passenger leaves Columbia at 12.30, Helton JW, Anderson 7.09, Pendleton 7.52 Bene* fJ11?^17.81^ ??ommodation train J0.30 a. rn. and arrives at Anderson nt U.U. Returning leaves Anderson at 5.19 p. m. ord arrives at Belton nt 5.55. Broken ?lrtd^.. and HUI Dam? The rain on last Wednesday night waa the heaviest that has fallen in this commu nity a,ncc thc freshet of last March, and the damage lo bridges and mill dams in thu county was considerable. The dam at Lee's "?ll, five miles above tho city, was swept away, os was also the bridT ?t |fc. .am. Place Tho bridge across Broad away "creek near the railroad was washed away, tho one at Majors' mill considerably damaged, while nothing of tho ono across Generostee at Evergreen remains except tho rock piers. Tho dams at Majors' mill, Davis' mill and McClinton-s mill on the Generostee, and at Dean's mill on Mountain creek and at Erwin s mill at Ceuterville were aU washed away. We hovo heard of no damage from the hev.-y rain on Monday night, though the streams were considerably swollen. Circuit Court-List of Juron. The February Term of the Circuit C^urt for Anderson County will convene or. the fourth Monday in this mouth, at which his Honor Judge Aldrich will preside. The following is a liet of thc Grand and Petit Jurors drawn-the former to serve for the year, the latter for one terra of Court : UBSHO JUnor.s. . W P. Chi' 'er8( R> Hi HarrlB011i jr<| (co, j Jas. J. Dodu, A. P. Welborn, Geo. B. Mc Coy, W. lt. McConnell, M. I. Brock, Da vid M. Humphreys, B. F. Pruitt, John W. Burgess, E. W. Holcomb, H. D. Rochester, W. H. Mattison, J. C. Ix>we, G. R.McLees, D. A. Keaslcr, C. C. King, 8. A. Dean. PETIT JU BOBS. John II. Laboon, Geo. W. Hammond Joseph T. Whitaker, J M. Dunlap, Jona than Adams, H. C. Poore, S.J.Barrett, Wm. M. Osborne. J. H. Burdine, J. A. Hatcher, John B. Hogg, W. J. Freemen, A. E. Brown, W. L. Rogers, J. B. Burriss, John 0. Hawkins, A. H. Ford, D. F. West, S. N. rearman, Jacob B. Rogers, G. W. Grubbs, Wm. H. Cox, Jos. R. Smith, Jas. L. Kay, Thomas McGukin, O. F. Bynum, Jas. W. Poorc, F. A. Daniels, John T. H "IV" fl * T>- f tn .... ?. ^. uiraijuii, vi. i, . ninuer, vr. T. Davis, Wm. Ilcllanis, M. Crcnsbaw, A. F. Cromer, J. G. Sears. BRIEF MKNTION. Cotton, 101 to 10} for good middling. Thc Williainston Female College has ninety-odd names on it rolls of pupils. Mi. F. A. Daniels, of the Fork, bas been appointed a Notary Public by the Governor. Tuesday was St. Valentine's Day, and the boyB and girls l?ad a nico time exchang ing missives of love. Garvin Township Singing Convention will meet with SLx-and-Twenty church on the fourth Sunday in February at 10 o. m. Dr. O. R. Broylcs and Mr. W. B. McGru dcr have bought the stock of confections and family groceries of Mr. C. C. Cum in ings. There aro fourteen prisoners in jail, of whom twelve arc awaiting trial at thc Cir cuit Court. Tho other two are serving out Appointments of tho Y. M. C. A. for next Lunday : To conduct the afternoon meeting, W. W. Keys ; Poor House committee, IL B. Fant, C. F. Jones. Maj. Lee found carp fish ten and twelvo inches long the morning after his mill dam broko. The fish were put there only i.t?o?ve month0 n"0: Tho regular quarterly communion will bo administered in thc Presbyterian church ai this place on uuxt Sunday immediately after thc morning service. Col. R. W. Simpson has entered upon thc practice of law, and has associated himself with H. G. Scudday, Esq., of Ibis city. Set their card elsewhere in this issue. Mr. L. H. Seel has a cooking stove in hi; store of tho identical pattern that took th? premium at tho Atlanta Exposition. It h ?he finest stove ever brought to tho city and is wortli going to seo. John E. Breazeale, Esq., Mr. John II Clarke and Mr. R. R. Tode are attending the meeting of the Grand Chapter, R. A M., which met in Charleston on Tuesday as representatives of Burning Bush Chapter In Sp3itanburg county "swappingstock' is valued at from two to ten dollars a head If wc were called upon to put a valuatior on this class of stock in this county w< would say from a 3-cent post";;? stamp h three drinks of liquor. "It is rumored hereabouts that our younj friend, A. M. Dullle, Esq., formerly o Chester, now of Anderson, has matrinioni ally surrendered to a charming young huh, in the latter place. Wonder if it's true? Chester Bulletin, It is not ; but we can't sai what ho contemplates. Isaac Putnam, tho colored man whokillei Giles Guess near Belton about two week: ago, was capture! in Laurens county las week and is now in jail at this place. Hi went back to the commuuity where he wa raised, and was at once taken up. His wif is also in jud, charged with aiding thc crime Mrs. Cynthia McConnell died at tho rest dence of her husband, Mr. F. H. McConnell in the Comer township, on Sunday morn ine after a protracted illness. 8ho wa about 70 years old, and was an cxccllcn lady. Her husband and children havo th sympathies of many friends in their sor bereavement. ..You arc always advising thc farmers t plant corn, plant corn, when some of thei farms wouldn't make three bushels to th aero. Don't you reckon the farmers hav senso enough to run tho:, own business and to know what crops their lands wil make the most of?" That's thc way the score it to us occasionally, when wo ventur to advise or suggest. Bnt then others pa us on thc head and say, "You arc right, an go ahead." A party of dissatisficel farmers of Chai tooga township, Oconco county, held meeting on tho 3d and resolved to "keep u our fences as wo did before tho passage < thc Stock law; and wo further bind ou selves to allow the stock belonging to tba who favor these resolutions to ru - t lar? as we do our own, and that wo ...i will hold our protection from any member wi will not comply with thc requirements ? < thoM resolutions." Complaint has been made from sever portions of thc city that the sidewalks a being cnt up by persons driving over then The streets aro in horrible condition, owir to tho continuons rains, and the tcmptalle to get out on the walks is very groat, but will bo well to remember that lt is again tho city onlinancos to do so, and that t penalty for such violation is a fine of fi dollars. If the sidewalks aro used as wog* ways, lt would soon bo almost impossil for pedestrians to get along on them. Mr. Wm. Telford, one of tt:o oldest act tiers of this county, died nt his residence, two miles east of Belton on. Monday after noon and was. burled on Tuesday at Ute family buiying-grcvud, after funeral ser vices conducted by Rev. M. McGee. He wa? eighty-one years old, and had been married fifty years. He died of general prostration, hastened, no doubt, by a can cer on the hand, from which he had been suffering for some time. He wu? an up right cUiren and waa highly respected by those who knew him. Henry Horton, son of Mr. C. E. Horton, of Williamston, died on Wednesday morn ing of last week from an attack, lt is sup posed, of conjestlou of the brain. Ho waa as well as usual the day beforo, but before retiring for the night complained of feeling badly. During the night he was taken with violent convulsions, which continued until about 7 o'clock next morning, when death relieved bis sufferings. He was thirteen years old, and remarkably bright and prom* ?sing for one of his years. His remains wero buried in the town cemetery ou Friday af ternoon, after impressivo funeral service?, conducted by Rev. Dr. Lander. Thc members of Anderson Division, SOUB ot Temperance, had a very pleasant Valen tine Party on last Tuesday evening. Tho attendance, Owing to the inclement weather, was somewhat smaller than had been ex pected, but the pleasures of the ovening were much enjoyed by those present. Among the interesting features of thc en tertainment were an address upon the sub ject of temperance by H. G. Scndday, Esq., and selected readings by Dr. A. P. John stone. The election for the most popular young lady was quite spirited and exciting, and resulted in the selection of Miss Jessie Trowbridge by a considerable majority, al though several other ladies received compli mentary votes. Altogether the ovening was a most agreeable and enjoyable one to thoso in attendance. A Challenge. Mit. EniTOK : In your issuo of Feb. 2nd, you make a very complimentary notice of a fine cow belonging to Mr. J. T. Norris, of -his county, for which he has refused $200. I challenge Mr. Norris to a compar ison, before three competent judges, of the products of his cow in butter and milk with the products of one owned by myself, with the understanding that the cow making tue less favorable exhibit shall ho given to tho owner of thc one making the best exhibit. Will be accept ? If so, answer through thc INTKI-MOENCEU. JU. i nOUMi One of the most annoying types of skin or blood diseases is Eczema, "a smarting eruption of thc skin." This smarting is produced by thc poison in thc blood, seek ing an outlet through the pores of the skin. S. S. 8., by renewing and purifying the blood, soon removes every vestige of erup tion, and the skin will present a beautiful, natural appearance. Price, $1.00 and $1.75 per bottle. A large lot SAMPLE HATS at N. Y. wholesale prices, and a job lot below cost. If you want a bargain call on me. Am receiving large lots Middleton's and Brc mer's Fertilizers. See nie before you buy. O. A. REED, Agent. .')o not buy cheap medicine*) on the score of economy. The best are none too good for luz sick, and are the cheapest. Such arc tlie Cherry Pectoral, tho Sarsaparilla, and other standard remedies of Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co. They arc worth all they cost, and should be in every house. Aladden Oil-150? fire test-does not smoke lamp chimneys, and gives a better light than any burning oil in use. Received highest award at Centennial Exposition. For salo by Willalo & Wilhite. Garden Seeds at Wilhite K?"(tOfiP*rday at borne. Sample? worth IS frja ?OlO^U'Addr?s 8T1XS05 4 Co., Portland. Ma is: tuarn ARNSTEIN & ROSE, OFFER GREAT BARGAINS TO CLOSE OUT WINTER, GOODS. WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE YOU MORE GOODS FOR THE SAME MONEY than auy other li cuso in Town, and "WHY NOT ? We keep larger assortments of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Carpets, Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Dress Gooda, Notions, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Cloths, etc., etc, sell moro, and of courso can afford to sell cheaper. SUCH IS THE VERDICT OF HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS. NEW YORK CASH STORE, ANDERSON, S. C. NEW YORK OFFICE I Zilie? Broadway. Jsn 26. 1882 25_ ly GUANOS I GUANOS! GUANOS! FERTILIZERS I FERTILIZERS ! FERTILIZERS I ACID, KAINIT ?? CHEMICALS FOR THE SEASON OF 1882. npiIE undersigned offers to tho trade the following Standard Fertilisers, Acids, &o., at X the LOWEST FltlCE, either for Cash, Time or in Cotton, delivered in any quanti tities cither at Donaldsville, Hones I'ath, Belton, Anderson, Pendleton or Son oca City : Equitable Ammoniated Bone Phosphate of Lime, Equitable Acid Phosphate, Pee Dee Fertilizer, Pee Dee Acid, Accabee Fertilizer, Accabee Acid, Peruvian Acid, KAINIT, OIC GERMAN POTASH SALTS, used largely in thc lower part of our State for Composting, and makes the beat of goods nt the lowest prices. It contains 23 io 27 per cent, of Sulphate ol Potash, and heneo is regarded not only as an excellent Fertilizer, but as a preventive to rust in Cotton. Try somo of it, und bo con vinced of its superiority. AI3U, SUu^atinM VyH?.ailVs?xt? ?J ^ ..v. vuJSiaiuiiui tor mc mulluiau turc of superior Fertilizers for Cotton. 640 lbs. Chemicals put up in bags-No. 1, 2 and 3 being sufficient to make ono Ton Fertilizer rich in Soluble Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Potash. Don't fail to try some of this preparation, as it will pay you, when you take into count its price. ^PQ, Call and get formulas, circulars, posters, ?fcc., &c, Omca-With J. W. TROWBRIDGE. J". J". BAKEB. Jan IC, 1882 _27_ 2m FERRYMAN'S HIGH GRADE GUANO ! BEST BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. ASK THOSE WHO HAVE TRIED IT. BuY IT, and use one hundred and twenty-five pounds to tho aero, and it will pay you bettcF than ADJ. Call on mo and get prices. I have recently secured tho Agency for the SOUTHERN PUMP COMPANY, Aud can put you in a GOOD PUMP, and guarautee it to bo as good ns any for $12.00 or $15.00. JOHN E. PEOPLES. Feb 2, 1882 _ ?0 CLOTHIITG STORE, BROCK tc MAULDIN, 1883. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING, BARQA3NS IN HATS BARGAINS EN SHOES. IN ORDER to make room for Spring Goods, wo will ofTer EXTRAORDINARY IN DUCEMENTS in our Winter Stock, consisting of CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR AND NECKWEAR, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, and Fine Custom-made Shoes. ja- WE OFFER THE ABOVE LOW DOWN DURING THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Feb 2.1882^ _ ^20_^ ^ W. C. ANDREW. J. WILLETT PREVOST. ANDREW & PREVOST KEEP A PULL STOCK Ol' GrElSTERAX, MERCHANDISE, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Prints, Jean?, Notions, Saddles, Leather, Fine French Calf Skins, HARDWARE, Carpenters' Tools, Fanning Implements a specialty, Table and Pockot Cutlery, In fuct, everything needed in the Hardware ''r.e. GROCERIES. Bacon. Flour, Syrup, Lard, Salt, Mackerel, Kerosene OH, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Pearl Grist, Buckwheat, Cheeso, Canned Goods of every description. A GOOD LOT OF CIGARS. We can furnish you an good a 5c. Cigar as thc market affords in thc "S. Y virtue of an order to ino directed in .!_> the above stated caso by his Honor T. B. Fraser, Presiding Judge, bearing date 14th October, 1881,1 will re sell at Ander son. S. C., on SA LED A Y IN MARCH, 1882, the following described.property, vie : Ali that TRACT OV LAND, Mtuate in th? Count v and Stato aforesaid, on Six and Twenty Milo Creek, waters of Sance? River, containing fifty acres, more or less, adjoin ing lands of R. M. Hamilton, Mariah Smith, James B. Burgess and Plat No. 2. Twists OK SALE-Cash. The terms of sale must be complied with immediately after sale, or tho laud will bo re-sold imme diately, at the risk of tho purchaser, until a sale bc effected. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. W. HUMPHREYS, Master. Feb 0, 1882 30 4 Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY or AHDKOSOH. in the Vourt of Common Pita?. Wm. S. Sharpe and others, Plaintiffs', vs. Talina Graham, Howard J. Bruce and other?, Dcfmdnnts.-Complain' to$cl aside Deed, Relief, dc. BY virtue of a decretal order to me di rected in the above stated caso hy his Honor T. B. Fraser, presiding Judge, bear ing date the 11th October, 1881. 1 witt sell at Anderson C. H., 8. C., on SALEDAY IN MARCH, 1882, the following described ?eal Estate : All that TRACT or parcel of LAND, sit uate in tho County of Anderson, in said Mute, on thc dividing ridge between Seneca i tiver and Little Bcaverdam Creek, adjoin ing lands of said Madison Palmer on tho East, Tatlua Graham on tho Soutb, D. L. Cor on thc West, Rogers & Scars on tho North, containing sixty acres, more or less. TKUMS OK SALK-One-third cash, and the remainder on a credit of twelve month?, with interest from day of ?ale-purchaser tc girs bond and mortgage to secure the purchase money, with leave to anticipate payment at any time, and reserving to Laura Palmer, thc widow, a lifo estate in said land. Purchaser to pay extra for pa pers. W. W. HUMPHREYS, Mantcr. Feb 2, 1882_29__ _ft_ O. M. ?ONE?. A. C. BTniCKLAND. DENTISTRY. DRS. JONES