The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, July 28, 1881, Image 4

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Jefferson-Lui nomocracy. Tlie New York ?San publishes au ud luirnblc exposition of the system of Jef ferson. There is need for the people here to go hack tc these first principles. Wc give n brief Synopsis of the principles ol Thomas Jefferson. They arc good for all tin. and aretha only principles upou which American liberty can be pre served. "Thc support of thc State Government in all theil rights, os thc most competent administration!! lor our domestic con cerns and thc surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies: tho preser vation of the general Government in its whole constitutional -igor as the sheet anchor of our peace nt home and safety abroad.'' An honest administration of the Gov ernment which implies uot merely a just application of thc public moneys to the public service, but a faithful observance ot the limitations of thc Constitution. Of applicants for office three questions univ nerd bc asked : "Is he honest?1 'Is he capable ? I-. he faithful to thc Consti tution?" A nutnhci of officials sufficient for ibo transaction of the public business; no supernumeraries to cat out tho imb stance of the people. A diplomatic establishment limited to thc public necessities; nothing for parade, nothing f jr patronage. A sleepless jealousy of standing ni mios; a mercenary force always danger ous to liberty ; the military embodiment of the people in the .States thc surest safeguard of public peace and domestic rights. Thc money collected by taxation to bo expended only on thc objects specified in the Constitution. It may not oe distrib uted to favorites in thc form of bounties 01 ol subsidies, nor given away in charity. 1 c urged thc State of Virginia to bo lib el il toward the San Domingo sufTcrers, but he denied tho right of Congress to grant them a dollar. hVonomy in public expenditures, not only that the people may be lightly bur dened, but thal thc purity of the Admiu istration may ho preserved. Extrava gance is the paient of corruption and cor ruption is the parent < f usurpation. A public thief is a public enemy. No power in the general Government to lay one class of citizens under tribute lo another; duties levied for revenue, and discriminations permissible only against those countries which discrimi nate against us. "Free commerce with all nations, entangling alliances with no..c." Ile held that all restrictions upon thc freedom of trade were hut rem nants of barbarism, and a state of things in w' ich any people, wherever situated, might freely < xchauge its surplus for the -urplus of any other would produce thc greatest sum nf human happiness. ( 'o tigres* has no power to erect a pri vate, or a mixed private ami a public corporation, to ?lo that hy indirection which thc United States may not do di rectly. Eternal hostility lo monopolies; no power lo create them is granted ; thc whole spirit of the Constitution prohib its them. Hut such was Mr. Jefferson's dread of these subtle and formidable enemies of fri cdom that ho earnestly recommended a separate clause in thc bill of rights "to guard against them" forever. Ititi thc danger nt that time seemed so remote lo all but this far sighted sentinel on thc watch tower that his solemn warning passed unheeded, and posterity is paying tho penalty. Supremo confidence in the virtue ami intelligence of the people, and implicit obedience to their will then legally ex pressed. Setting a Hen. Thc following very funny letter ap peared in a numbor of the Poultry Monthly: MEEVTER VERKIS-1 seo dot rnosd eilerbody wrides aomeding tordeshicken bahets nowatays, and I tonghi praps meppo I can do't too, as I wrido all upout vat dook blaco mit mc lasht summer; you kno-oder of you don't know, den 1 dells you-dat Katrina (dot is mino vrow) und me, vc keep sumo slackens for long limo ngo, und von tay she sait to me, "SOL!-.-'ry," (dot is mein name) "vy dond you put some of dc- aigs under dot ok pine hen thicken? I tink she vants to sate." "Veli." I sait, "meppo I guess I viii ;" so I lucked out somo of de best aigs und dook um oud do dc parn, fere do ult ?icu ninko her nest in dc side of de haymow, pout live "Ix feet up ; now you see I never voa ferry big up und town, bill I vos pooty big ntl do way around in do mittle; sc I koodn'l reach up dill I vt.:;? und get a parrel to stnut on ; veli I clime mo on do parrel, und von my bcd riso up by dc nesht, dot olt hen abo gif mo such a bick dot my noao runs all ofer my face mit bloo-j, uud vou 1 dodge back, dot plastci' olt parrel ho preak, und I vent down kerahlam ; I didn't tink I koot go ?nsito a parrel be fore, put dore 1 voa, und I fit so dite dot I kuodn't git nie out efferway ; my fest voa bushell vay up under my armholes. Ven I fount dot I voa dito sthuck, I holler "Katrina ! Katrina !" und ven sho koom uud see mo sthuck in de parrel up to my armhole, mit my fuco all plood und tugs, sho sbiit lait town on do hay und lau und lall, till 1 got so mat ? sait, "Vot you lay dere und laf like a oil fool, eh? Vy don't you koom bull me uud?" Und she set und Bait, "Oh, vipe off your chin, und bull your fest town ; ' den Bhe lait back mid I a ft like she vood shblit herself moro na efer. Mat os I vos I tought to myself : Katrina, abeak Eng lish pooty good, but I only sait, mit my greatest dignitudc, "Katrina, viii you bull ino oud dis panel?" und sho seed dot I look pooty red, so aho sait. "Of course I viii, Sockcry ;" der. she lait me und do parrel town on our sito, und I dook holt do door sill, und Katrina sho bull on de parrel, but do first bull sho mato Iyollet, "Donner und blitzen, shtop dat ; dero is nails in dc parrel !" You seo do nails bent down ven I vent in, but ven 1 koom out dey schtica in mo all do vay mundt. Veil, to make a short sthory long, I told Kitrina to go und doll nay hor Iluusmnn to pring a saw und saw mo dis parrel off; veil, ho koora, und ho like to shblit himself mit laf too. but he roll me ofoi und saw de parrel all de vay mundt off, und I git up mit half a parrel touud my vaist; den Katrina sho say, "Sockery, vail a little, till I git a battern off dot now ofershirt you half on," but I didn't sait a vord. 1 shust got a knife oud und vittle de hoops off und siding dat confoendet oil parrel in do vood pile. Punehy r?n T i ca? jQ ?e houso Katrina she said BO sod '.ko : "Sockery, dond you goin' to put somo aigs under ?lot olt plue hon ?" Den I suit, in my deepest voice, "Katrina, if you efer say dot to me again I'll ?ct a pill from you, help mochiminy eraeious," und i dell you Bhe didn't Bay dat aminoro. Veil, ven I shtep on a parrel now, I dond shtep on it, I git a box. Drooly yours, SOCKERY KADAHOUT. - Tho Iloston l'on says of all tho moa sagos of sympathy whion have boen do li vored at tho boiMdo of th.i wounded President, wo venturo to say not ono was moro thankfully received than tho ono which came from Mr. V. \V. Bond, of North Carolina. It was os followti : "A blind and wounded ox-Confodorato sol dior tenders his congratulations on yonr improved condition. May God valso yn? to preservo tho ?primeo and dignity of*tho Nation." - Mrs. Grundy writes fron ^Vaahlng ton that ono of tho President's intimato lr"-nds from Ohio, a prominent pollticlau, said to her last spiintr : "Oarllold ls so much m tho habit of putting his arm around a man when ho is talking with him earnestly that ho sometimos forgets himsolf and doos lt to a woman In tho midst of a crowd. Ho onco did this to 5 my wife, who. not understanding what it meant, waa growing indignant, until I explained to dior." - Hurd, win? invented the machino everywhere- HMM! for oxtracting Migar from molasses, made 83",'>oo hy tiiat val? nable idea. other people Bavo made many millions by it. - Justice Clifford of Hie United Males .Supremo Court hui? undergone amputa tion of tho foot tor gangrene, and is as eomfortublo a? could bo oxpoetod. Tho ehanecs of bis recovery are, however, very ?small. - Tho Wilmington < N. C.) foti claims that OVOry ".square" Republican papor in that Stale is anti prohibition, andad visos everybody to voto against prohibit.mi. Tho Democratic papers aro divided;-N. Y. limn. It looks as though the temper ance question, carried into politic*, is going to cause a vast deal of unnecessary trouble. - Wonderfully rapid canal digging ia reported to have been done in Florida, in connection with tho scheme for redeem ing tho vast area of .swamp land. Pow orful machines on Moats will scoop tho ?oil to a depth of fifteen feet and a width of forty-four. Niuo million cubic yards will bu thus excavated in about niue months. - Senator Beck stale.-, tho bottom tacts aa to why there is no President ?m tem. of the Senate : "Tho Kepu bl leans agreed to go into an election if the Democrats would elect Senator Harris, ol Tennessee. The Democrats, who have a high regard for Senator Hanls, and Senator Harri-, who is an unscliish Democrat, refused to accept an ollleo thu? tendered. Them was consequently no eleetion. That ls all." - Ex-Senator Morriinoti, of North Carolina, ?poko at a recent prohibitory meeting in his State, and alludod to his family nilli'thins us caused by liquor, though be II ?vor meddled with lt himself. Ho said: "It bas r ado my boy u wan dering vagabond, bas broken my w ife's heart; ves, when I was asleep, thinking him at homo in the bouse, he was ticing made a drunkard In tho barrooms of I Haleigh." TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A Loss of nppotIto,Noupea,bo weis couti ve, Pain intnoHond,with [i"duiraonsut??n In tho btt?lc part, Foin under tho ohoulder bindo, fullnoas aftor cattog, with adlalh clinatlo? to oxortlori of~body or mind, Irritability of tompir. Low BjyriOj. Lou of momb~r"y~,~wlth a fooling of* haymg neg l??tod Boin o' duty, weaHn?aa, Dizziness', ITuttering of IfeS Rc art, Dot? boforo tho byes, V oIIowJrtHfu, Headache, Rostlenn bens at niifht", lil.'?bly oolorod ITrino. IF THESE WABHTJIGB ARB UNHEED EB SiRIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTT'B FILLS or? eapnrlally a<ln|>t?-tl to lurli mira,uno June enoctaancha rhangn of fonllnp; aa to aitunlab the minorer. Tliry InrtTowalie Appetite, and caiiBMhi? body to Tahv on 5'leaH. thai itu? ?yoiem li noiirl'brd.tnil br thi'lrH'onlc Action on th" Dlarrellve Orarane. Iteantla^Ntoola nrMirn. ducyj, Prlcg ScgtUa ita ai array at., W.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, Onay II Aili i . "'OCKKlut rhangrrt innOWMV 1ILACK by m . d application or thia UTK. It impart? n color, act? InsLanlaneounly. BolU O UlllKKt**>><" **<>L 1 T ulj'ltu nc ic ' oi| I uf fl. Office, 30 Murray St., New York. <Ur. TH rn CURI AL of iniw?.?iio. ul a> Cattai BXctRt* wlU bt audlr? OU ?a aaalltatlaa^ _ COMPOUND SYRUP OP SARSAPARILLA WITH IODIDE POTASH. A Conceiitr??fld Blood Purifier. ORR & SLOAN. BENSON HOU SK COU NEK May ?j, l>s| Hi IN MEDICINE PURITY LS OF FIRST IMPORTANCE. PU BK Drugs and Medicines. Standard Patent Medicines. Perfumery, Fine Toilet Powders. Colgate's Cashmere BoquetSoap. Extra Fine Hair Brushes. Improved Wire Brushes. Electric Hair Brushes. Razors and best Shaving Soaps. Try our Tooth Brushes, and il not satis factory we will refund the money paid for them.' Conic and see what we have. WI LH IT E & WU, HITE. Jtr?- For Hore Eyes usc Wilhitc's Kye \\ ater. A cure guaranteed in every case. April ll. issi _-10 M ACHI^??R Y ! J. M. MATTHEWS BELTON, s. c., AGENT FOB THE CELEBRATED BUTTERWORTH Thresher and Sepa rator, Buckeye Mowers and Reapers, tba New Economizer, thc Self-Propelling Monitor, and other Steam Engines, Saw and Qrist Mills, Cotton Gins, Self-Feeders, Condensers and Presses, and all Plantation Machinery. Write for prices and terms. Repairing faithfully done. Letten by mail receive prompt attention. May 4, 1881 42 4m THE EUREKA GIN WHET. THE undersigned offers the above Whet to timmi., or will sharpen Gins at the most reasonable prices. Tho public arc invited to inspect this valuablo invention. The best mechanics endorse it, nnd for sim plicity and thoroughness it bas no equal. Call on or address E. W. SOUTH, Up Stairs, over New York Cash Store, May 6,1881 43-3m Anderson, S.O. New Advertisement?. GALYON & HEALY A jJkmmf^ Monro?, cor. of S Uto St., Chlcigo, Iff BflwaM VTUl ?od prptU ?o kay Udraa, Uu> ijiTW ! . 8AMD CATALOOUB, f ^Bff7 ?LT?* I WI, 1*0 uni, MO Escrutan efl A-?nBaK fl?llutriranU, Wto. Cai?. U.1U, iVI ^* -ifS /J \1 Bud Oatt ta, lUt^flw, llalartO?; alM ta- /f ll Jf _?a?iliIn li ilni Un a&4 rmiai tat AtnaUar ll ll nVf^TjK'i i ' CMU a aawlanw ci cfc*? hidM^aa*? 4>7na week. 312 aday at liojie cagily mode. CM H y f -"outat free. Address TUVKA CO., Augusta, Ali 771) IANDRET1I ft 60N3, Philadelphia, Pa SbtO^OPi'.i*7 *?homc- 8araple* worth ?5 freo H'"IV?AU Addrta? Stisaoft A Co., PortUnA, Me HEADQUARTERS iou IM: .A. O H: I ILST n. :R,IT, j ! For tin- counties ol Abbeville, Anderson, Oeon?:c Pickett!*, | Greenville ?MHI Latireus. Steam ICii<>'iiies, Power Presses, Colton Grins, Speeders s Ooiicleiisers. XHK above cut represent the HALI. SELF- FEEDING COTTON GIN, man ufactured nt Sing Sing, New York, which lian been sohl in ali of the above-named Counties, and which has given entire satisfaction wherever used. The sawn are made of the bent imported steel. The sasv shaft is the largest made. An examina tion of other Gins will convince you it is the most substantially built (Jin in use. It never breaks thc roll, and therefore d ies away with thc- of the revolving head, as the secret of making the Gin to prevent ?ts breaking tho roll is in thc proper shape of the roll-box. It is thc only Gin that runs successfully with thc Feeder and Condenser attached, and thc only Gin that will feed yellow cotton. Hciow I give you a few testimonials and names : Lewis c. Clinkscales, Abbeville ; A. J. Stringer, J. \V. I'oorc, Helton, \V. M. Shirley, S. Ii. Timms. .lohn I). Kelly, Basil Callahan!, and many others : llltKWKKTON I'. ? >.. Laurens ( V)., August tl, 18SU. Afr. Julm l-l. People?, Andn-wn, -S. <'. -Stn : Thc GO-Saw Hall Cotton Gin, Feeder and Condenser we bought of you last Fall is a perfect success in every respect. We run it by steam, and gin ll) bald of 1?0 lbs. per day with ease. It is thc best con structed and finest finished Gin I ever saw. ll gins faster, makes a belter sample, and thus far excels in turnout any Oin ever used in this patt ?d' the country. This can he proved by all the people who have had cotton gullied by inc. Wc ginned for the public last Full GOO bales, and give the best satisfaction of all the giunors. Tho seed being so perfectly clean, il malees a better sample. Further, it separates from the ?ced colton, bet?re going Ihc roll-box, rocks, grit, nails and matches. Thcro is less danger from lire, owing to thc Self-Feeder taking out all hard substan ces before they come in contact with thc saws. The cotton picked by the Gin the last season was carefully weighed before it was picked ami after ticing baled, and the average yield the season through was 1 lb. of lint for every 2 { lbs. of seed cot ton. I hnvo used since thc war ( iins of four different makes. Yours makes a better liut, cleans thc seed better, gins much faster, and for its simplicity unsurpassed. 1 think it is destined, in a great measure, to supersede all other.-. I heartily recom mend it to those who wish to purchase < ?us. It will more than repay thc additional cost. verv respt clfullv, KNIGHT c< BALENTINE. BELTON. S. C., May 4, 1881. Afr. John E. Peoples, Anderson, S. C.-pKAlt Silt : Your favor ol the .'tutti of April received, and in reply I have tn say that after a very late start I ginned loO bales of cotton on tho Hall Sell-Feeding Cotton Gin. Every thing has worked well, and tho whole outfit has given entire satisfaction, both to my customers and myself. 1 would not think of running a Gin without the Feeder and Condenser. Thc Feeder does better work than possibly can he done by hand. Both thc Feeder and Condenser arc indispensable. Yours trulv. - JOSEPH 1). PINSON. ANDERSON, S. C., May 7, 1881.-John E. Peoples, Agent //?//'.* f7t?-Silt : The .10-Snw Hall Gin, matlo at Sing Sing, N. Y., bought of you last Fall, has given per fect satisfaction. It cleans the seed well, and makes a superior lint, and runs light. The saw shaft and saws arc the beat I ever saw. L. II. WELBORN. To J. E. PEOPLES-Thc 50 -Saw Hall Gin, Feeder and Condenser I bought from you last Fall beats any Gin I have ever seen, and I have used and tried four differ ent kinds. It runs light, makes a good sample, gins fast, and will surpass any Gin in makine; a good turnout and in cleaning the seed. Now, if you desire a good Gin, try tho Hall Gin, Feeder and Condenser, made at Sing Sing, N. Y. Tho Feeder and Condenser can't be heat, as tho Feeder will feed any kind of colton yellow or dog-tail. ABRAM BOLT. ANDERSON, 8. C., May 18, 1881.-John E. Peoples, Anderson, S. C.-DEAR Slit The GO-Saw Hall Gin, Feeder ?nd Condenser, made by Hall S. F. Cotton Gin Co., Sing Sing, N. Y., bought of you last Fall, has given perfect satisfaction to myself and customers. I have used the Emory, Star and Needle Gins, and much prefer the Hall to either of them. 1 ginned last season upwards of 4<i0 bales colton on the Hall Gin, and during thc whole season thc Gin, Feeder and Condenser did not give me an hour's delay. I can cheerfully recommend it to any one wishing > purchase a Gin. I found no difficulty in ginning yellow cotton, as thc Feeder feeds yellow cotton, aud takes out all grit ano hard substances before it comes in contact with the saws. WM. A. NEAL. ARDKRSO.N, S. C., April 30. 1881.-John E. Peoples, Anderson, s. C.-DKAUSIK: The 80-Saw Hall Oin, Feeder and Condenser, made at Sing Sing, N. Y., bought of you last Fall, beats anything of the kind that ? have ever used, and I have used several different makes of Cotton Gins. It is the beal Gin in use for durability, lightness of drall, clean ing the seed perfectly, and never breaks the roll, and gives entire satisfaction to myself and customers. I was luirnt out the 25th of last September, and my customers waited one month on mc until I could get another Hall Gui to gin their cotton. This can he proven by my neighbors. Thc Feeder and Condenser can't be beat. 1 have never had any trouble with them. Yours truly, M. A. CO lill. PlBScKTOW.v, S. C.-Mr. J. E. ?'andes, Anderson, i}. C.-DK.\KSir.: The50-SJW Self Feeding Hall Cotton Gin, with Condenser attached, made .ii Sing-Sing, N. Y., purchased Of you last Fall lias given entire satisfaction, lt saves tlc labor of one band, and feeds more regularly than could be done by hand, never broking tho roll for a day at a time if attended to. 1 ginned 3a0 bales last Fall with ii. und ;t is in as good order appearantly as ever. It makes samples to compete with any other gin. Mr. Sanford Martin had a hale ginned on my gin last Fall tUat was pronounced bv ihc Piedmont Manufacturing Company to be the best ever brought to that market. D. H. HAMMOND. DCB WBST. 8. C., July 24, lSHO.-Air. J. F.. reoptes.-DKAII Sm: In answer to your postal I will say that the Hall Self-Feeding Colton Gill made al Sing Sing, X. Y" that 1 bought of you has given entire .satisfaction. I ginned nine bales a day weighing C><i ll ('leann the seed perfectly and makes a superior sample of lint. 1 want* no better for speed and lightness of drat!. Onlv wish ! had taken an SO saw instead of a UO-snw. Yours truly. J. I.. HADDON. ANOKOSON, S. C., May 14, ISSI.-Jua. E. /'<"/./<.<, .Inderi. S\ ( . T hc Hull <?in manu factured at Sing-Sing, N. Y.. ami purchased of von las! reason, is the best constructed and littest finished gin we havt? ever used, lt runs light, never chokes or I > rea ks the roll, und for sample cannot be excelled by any gin ever used in this section. It has given this neighborhood entire satisfaction, and in* our opinion is equal t<. or bettor than any other gin in use to our knowledge, and would advise unv one wishing to purchase a good gin to buy the Hall (?in in preference to anv other. MARTIN vv BECKWORTH, Williamson. S. C. THE 8CIIOFIEI.1? EN (? I NE. which has been sold in every section of thc Southern Statos, and which has given such universal satisfaction, will be kept on hand, and sold at priera that will compele with any first-class F.nginc manufactured. The following testimonia!? will give an evidence of its superior simplicity, durabilitv and power : ANDERSON. 8. C., May C. 1881.-John F.. Peoples-Dear Sir ; The Schofield Engine pur chased of you-six-horse power-bas given perfect satisfae inn. It is the best Engine I have ever used, and I have used three other different makes. 1 like it for three reasons. 1st. It is simple and durable. Jud. lt runs smooth er and steadier than any Engine in our country. 3ni. It has more power than any Engine made to (lie number of horse power. I run a50-Saw Gin ?nd Feeder with 25 lbs. steam, and can recommend this Hu ghie as Gio one for farmers to buy. j, M. CIIAMBIJEE. PIRRCETOWN. S. C -Mr. J. F. Peonies-Dear Sir : The live-horse power Schofield En gine purchase?! of yon last Fall bas given satisfaction. Mv engineer says it U ?he !:g!;t. St rnunlng Engine he ever had uiiyihing lo do With, Can keep "up more steam with less wood than any other. It runs a 50-Saw Hall Oin. with Feeder and Condenser attached with all ease, and gin seven bales per day. D. H. HAMMOND. ANDERSON, 8.C., Aprils. 1881.- 7b J. bl, Peonies ; Tho six horse Schofield Engine 1 bought from you last Fall has given entire satisfaction. It is very simple in its ma chinery, und any ordinury man can run ;t without onv trouble. I am running a 40-inch Circulor 8aw Mill, and have sawed as high as 3000 feel In one dav out of old-field pin? loga-logs being very small. It hus moro power than anv 6-horsc Engine I ever saw I cheerfully recommend this Engine to all who desire an Engine. It can't be b>at as to smooth running. ABRAM HOLT Samples of tho above Machinery can ho seen by calling at my Store, nnd par ties desiring to purchaso will find it to their interest to call on or confer with mo by mail. June 2,1881 JOHN E. PEOPLES, Agent, Anderson, S. C. 17 3m DANIEL PRATT GIN COMPANY GIN, FEEDER and CONDENSER. 'IMUS i- ll.? Will wai of lliu Daniel Prall foll?n (Sin Buslnc**, during which M>'itlu;y 1 bave mai.uhVliired ..ver .?! i?HHiw, vvhkli nr.- every .i ntl to i-grott mg State ?nthc L-nion. Iii Mexico, Som I. America., British Kasl Indie, ami III ever} other :ountry where cotton is grown. . .... - . Tile Revolving llciul placed in theeml bf ihe juttot.-box |.r. .:ii e ? . hok, i"K and Hie roll from breading. Anj .....ninon plantation hand bc ?ab '? 10 ^?.?"? (iii, satisfactorily. Thc Feeder is superior lo any other <?l the kind m ' ? * .., . >ro simple in construction, and easily managed. They stand II|H.II Il e Moor. : .11 ire therefore not so bard toge? at. The Condense, ise.inal many in me- vebcheve t-ui erl. oat. now made. The low.r end of I.ylend.r Lin' open, all dirt bom the mt is driven Ihroiigh .be Moor by thc air fron, the gin brush. Hy I he usc of lins Cm^Mrtlie lint-room can Le entirely done awav willi, saving many dollar: m Ihe constru Hinn o buildings, making the bibor of baudiin ? tbeeotton I ..-fore lacking lar eas er, and oss ami damage liv lin h reduced t., a minimum. The l o der and Condenser -.yd. |tt) or t em? ?elves m one season, Everv maebine i- billy warranted m do period work, and lint the purchaser Is fully satislicd with thc machine we do nut a.<k mr payment. ? uou u any machine prov? in any way defective, wc makefiles:. good at om expense upon notice being given to us. ' We give the names gentlemen m Uns ami adjoin mg < ouii ties who have lb? Da" id Frail Dins. Feeders ami roiidcnsers in u-c and refer the m blk to them believing that their reconnu? ndutimi of the machines will be more satisiaelorj t.. atti' - -ne desiriiiu t.. purch.c than the ordin?r} slercotypc 1 lorin so common - I" JJ vdgcr .In?.. M. A hlev. Armstrong Si Kobitison, Jim. Tims. Ashlee, .1. W.Ashley, ol?vw Bolt, Toliv.r Wu.. Burris* jr. .1. Jack Hmwii, .1 M Chainblce. M. H. I.'links.ale.-.. John ( rews, ?...wi- from'! I.. N. Cliukscalcs, W. lt Dunn, i; A Davis, .1. W. Daniels A-Maslers. Davis A Allen W I. Dalrymple Dickson & McKlroy. 1 o Douthil, J lt I ?outhit, S M ticer. W A ticer, (leer .V Carpentei CH lill.r. ?'ant! ,V 1 o Grav A ililllmusi, s .1 Cain. . A C tl K Harper CK Horton - W A Holland. I! M Hodges, W N Hall, Sam'l King A ? '.. 'ico W hung. .1 H 1,'uilc, Henrv Long H I". Major, WTMeCown r W Martin. McClure A Lo, McCarlcv A-Co, Col C S Mat tb. ni, I M McAdams WA Mi Fall, Met? ill & Hulchinsnii TW Norris, A M Neal I ?* owen.-. I W Pr?vost .1 it Prudi ?? I! Kiley A ''.> I- H Hice-._' i.e.. Hoof. A .1 Sillon. W ? '. Smith. THSimp-on. W J Stevenson .III I ..ivnsend il Tucker, I ) S White, K O Wakefield Watson ?V Kskvw, ,; s Williford. Win Walkin-. A uv information desired h* those living at :. distance within our territory will bc thc. rluily ami promptly given* The best machinery i- alway- the cheapest. McOULLY & TAYLOR, Agents for Auder-..n. Abbeville, Picken- ami O.'oiice I ..untie-, s. ?'. and General Deal er* in Merchandise. Crain, Flour. Provisions. Hoots, sh... -. Hardware ami Gen ?.nd Snpplii-s. Agent t'.-r ' Swannee l-'louriii}; Mills." Cot pm Presses, I ll-trance. iV'c, A . . Mav ??i. t--i .?; mu STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, THRESHERS, .Vr\l> ALL 1?11N1>S MACIIIN'KUY. HAVINO accepted the General Agencv foi Ihc C KM'.HKA II'.I) nlilSLlR MA CHI Nl? KY, consisting of S KI. F- ll Et ! U LATI NO OHA IN SEPARATOR CLEANER and BAOOER, PEERLESS PORTABLE, TRACTION and DOMESTIC STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, and other Machinery. I am prepared tu till orders at short notice and on reasonable tenn-, and guarantee satisfaction. Come ann sec inc before buying, and remember that cheap machinery is not always the safest and best. li. IT. ?I WEI?. Anderson, is? O. April 7. ISSI 311 iv mum am T " THE KING SPECTACLES ARE made on thu most .Scientific Optical Principles, of the very best material, and necessarily cost more than common Specta cles. There is no economy in palming off au inferior.article on thc most sensitive and valuable organ of the human bodv for n trille. '.fiel the be-i ii utmiy.* n isr. Get the best w/in hilly jvr the eyed." .lune 7. 1S*1 tl. A. DANIELS. i.r> HO! FOR THE (BITS' FURNISHING HOUSE ! OF J. B. CLARK Jt SONS. /"Vllt great increase in trade thc past season has warranted us in buying the LARG KPT V/ and BEST STOCK OK SPRING DOODS wo have ever offered to the people of Auder ..ii and surrounding country. Now. all we ask is for you to call and examine our Stock, consisting of the Hoest and best BROADCLOTHS and DOE SKINS, FRENCH anti ENGLISH DIAGONALS. We have ibo Inrgest line of Loudon Suiting am' M?JJIII ever brought to this County. We also carry a full stock of Auioricuit Woolens os heretofore.' We are prepared to do Custom Work in thc very latent and best styles, having in our employ thc liest workmen that Hie country alfords." Wc guarantee satisfaction. Our motto: -No PLEASE, NO TAKE." We have al-., a very large stock of Bi I.A8> YOI A OE CLOTHING, of all sizes and grattes-from thc commonest lo thc finest- Broadcloth and Diagonal. Coats, Vests ?fcc. In fact, anything you want in the Heady-Made line. Our Furnishing Department is simply complete. Wc ask any one in want of a good SHIRT lo bc sure and cull on us ami get the "Scratch Pocket,'' which only needs to bc seen in order to bc purchased. Also, Gloves of every arado, ^i'k and Linen Handker chiefs. Collars, Cuds, Suspenders, Socks in creal abundance. Hals-in fact, anything a gentleman wants, and wc clo liol iufenti to be itmiersold. Wo keep also Several Kinds of First Class Sewing Machines, Which we will sell from $25.00 !<. ?>;."> 00, tully warranted. Mai him: Ni e lles, oil and Parts alway- in stock. Machines of any make repaired at ilion notice, and charges mod erate. He sure h> give us a call and FCC our grand display of pretty Doods. J. Ii. CLARK & SONS, in Centennial Building. March _'. ISM :;i 0 THE BEST iii THE HARKET. rmi kia.--:, y Fourteen (iliTi .. M ? alies with Kaiur.e!; ! 1 all re<?i,' , ?.iel . ll tl y LEADift? FEATURES: IioiiMe Wi -. I n^.r?. Patent " iod Grata Ailjustatilr. hamper, Ir.lerchstif^nbla Auto, malle SheU, ItrolHng I ?i?r. Swinging Hearth Pluie. Swinging Fluo-Ptop, Rcrinlblo lin? Punii:^' Ix5i;? Cross Piece, Doubk) Fhott Centers. Ucavy iiui? Covors, Illuminated Fiiq Nickel Knobs, S'lcVcl Panels, etc. Unequaled In Uatcrlnl, In rinis'i, and Io opesoUon. Manufncturod by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO., Rr'tbrtoro, Md ..?n lea s.M.r. rv ?T. K. PfiOPI.ES. Amt- r?en. fi ". I?TEW C3-OOIDS I . S. HILL $c CO. HAVE just received a large lot of nil kind.- of f HUH I- G<??>D*i usuallv kei.l in n Oem ral Mercantile Store. We make a specialty of <;ooil 4.oo<ls, ?nd onlv visit a trial to convince tho people of the fact. r J WE ARK AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Crescent Bone Fertilizer" and Acid Phosphate, Which is second to none, and aro also Agents n.r other STANDARD FERTILIZERS Jan IS, 1881 l{' S' ?ILL Si CO. CUNNINCH/ A es?***!y EAGLE A WI M ONI. EAGLE ACID PK* "OLD HICKORY" CHAMPION MOWEI nixie Plows, Point3, Shovels, and S Builder*.' and Mechanics Har Ivory and Rubber Table I Plated Knives, Forks Bolts, Nuts, Bellows, Shoe MUZKLia uml 131113KC urr I>I?*V GOODS, HATS, IN< Jan 11. lys| EAGLE AM] BALL H EWIN COLUMBUS, Pl?M'.lltfW tn' / I'h'OCMS xax" .IO:.?.SEI Sr< o. - <-a?l 16 Balls lo t'cup.j, ; lb. Packages. Packed in Casca o? 20, 30, 5 Uniform Price, tn ASK TOR "EACrjLB ?Sc FH3 THE BEST GOODS Tl- you war.t Hes! CONFECTIONERIE ii. 51. STEH Julv 22, Issn PRICES WILL TELL. LANGLEY BROS. 104 KIM? STUFET, CIIAKLKSTOX. H. ?'. I,a<lies* Chemist .".Ur. rfu/, il nu, $1.2") up. Ladles Drawer-. 7.>o, >1 (H>. i-1 J"> up. Lollies' Skirts, rsi.- \ Ssl.00, $1.50 up. Ladies' (towns, 7 i ?l.OU, $1.2*?. $1.50 up. Ladies' Dressing Sa. ?pies. 73c. $1.00 up. Ladies' Corset ? vers, Wo, 75c, $1.00 up. Gents'Shirts, to urder, 7.V. $1.00, il .W. $1.75. $2.00 each. (?i nls' Drawer.-, .> v up Cents' Drawers, lo un lor, 75e. $1.00, $1, '-'.">. (.Milts' I'ndeisliirts, :t0o, 4.V, .Vic, 7.V. $l.(?u. $1.50and $2.00. Standing Collars, loo. I.V. 20e. Folding Collars, 10c I V, 20c. Linen Cull's, Juc. 25c and i$5e. A Great liurgttin ! Large lot ol'Edgings, from 5c ut?. Large lol ul' Inserting:?, from fie up. Towels, 5c up. Torchon Lace, Swiss Embroidery, Lint u, I 'ambric, Mudross and Turkcv lied Haudkerehiefs. All of which will bo sold ( Ilieap. Polite and attentive Ludios to wait in the hallies' Department. Give us a call and he ? nvhu ed thc Man ufactory ii the place to buy Kine Ooods Cheap. April 21,ISSI ll ly CUVINOTOX, Kv.. May 1, ISSI. Otliccof Fd. Burkholder, Chemist, ifcc. T HA Vt; earefullv analvzcd a sample of X "OUI Crow Whiskey," distilled for and controlled hy Messrs. F. VV. Wagencr & Co., Charleston, S. C., and lind it free from all impurities, and recommend it for family ami medicinal usc. Ko. Ht Chemist, ?v.c. This brand is controlled at Ander son. S C., by''Mr. JOHN O'DONNELL, .1 mic 1^1 IS .'tm ^?^^ril? a I- ?i compound ol thc virtues nf rnrs.i parilln, stilling!:!, mandrake, yellow I ihiej;, willi thu ?oilMc of potash and iron, ?ill powi rful bloud-miiking, Mood-cleans ing, and life-sustaining elements, lt is lim purr.?:, safest, and must effectual alli rut iv? avail ii?!- lo Hie public. The s.-iel,-cs of inedicim and chemistry havo never produced a remedy so |K>leiii to cuve nfl ilisenwi resulting from Impure blood, ll euros ."scrofula and all serut'ulous discuses, Erysipelas, Hose, or Rt. Ant Iiouy's t'Tre, I'int? pies mid ?. aco-grubs, Pustules, lllotelics Rolls, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt itheuni, Kculd-liead, Ring-worm, {.ricers, Sores, lihou, mn!ism, Mercurial Ir?sense, Neu ralgin, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, iluiitnlicc, Affr?tions of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emacia tion, and General Debility. Uy its searching ami demising tptuli lies it. purges out tho foul corruptions which contaminate lite blood and causo derangement ami decay. It stimulates the vital fun-ticas, restores and pre serves henilh, nuil infuses mw life ami vigor throughout fha wholo s vs tem. No stillerer from any diseuse of tho blood need chvpnir who will give. A Y nu's SAttsAi'Aitti.i.A a fair trial. lt is folly to experiment willi tho mi merons low-pri.? mixtures, without medicinal virtues, offered ns blood-puri fiers, while disenso becomes moro firmly scated. Av ia:'.- SAit.iAPAitii.LA is a motif. cine of such concentrated curative power, that it is by far tho liest, cheapest, and most reliable hlood-purlflor known. IhysiciniiH know its composition, and prescribe it. lt has licon widely used for forty years, and has won thc. unquali fied roiifUleucu of millions whom it has benefited. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER &. CO., Prncticnl unit Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLO D? ALL lIRCUGISTS EVE UT WHEOH. Greenville Machine Works IRON FOUNDRY, H. M. MACDONALD, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER <?r Pulleys, Shaftings Mill Spindles, Mill Screws, Mill and (?in (?earing. Saw Mandrils. Cane M\\)9 ?roa Rolling, Baluster Balline, l ire Dogs, ?e. Eeep?? ?oiiMontly on hand n m ll assort ment of Valves and steam Fittings Prompt attention given lo repairing steam Engines and all kinda ..f Machinery May 20, 1881 ,0 . ^ l v ftM.AddrcMli.iiAi.i.r.ii*r0l PonUnd.Me FARM WACOfiJ IS AND REAPER1 weeps, dware, (nives, and Spoons, Washers, Rivets. Anvils, Vises. H?mmert i Findinns and Leather, 1 Mails, Files, and Chisels ll-LOADING OTJNJ HOOT? anti ?Hoil OTIONS. 13 D PHEH V rEiO':i;' GEORGIA, VSK1) /.V A'O urn Eft >TI 20 Rails to Pound, 2 tb. Paper fe 0, 100 or 500 Pcjnib cadi. variable Sbiscoiuits. il ?To'bTbers. SNIX.'" USE NO OTHjj ; THE CHEAPEST. R anti goo?] GROCERIES, call on PK Ii. Masoni? Building, And?rson wi V/iiat thc People Siiy of the ffn%|B sion Female Colle??. gs ATENNESSEE Teacher write fM lonni ?! ?in erroneous opisiaw^H ? i inc Stinly" plan ; but, with '-'"'^M nation, my prejudice vanished cl.! hesita'.' to >ay thal, if v7*.iy?| I In- "l oyal roail to learning." it iiavnJH ter than the one most generally oj gil ?Kiel ing loy reasons for liking VCMJVHB eau not do better than refer to'thjupM in cour Catalogue." Thc Fall Session will open Aug.L $5 Fur a Catalogue, address BB REV. S. LANLElH Vf'illiauistoii.i'H May ?li, ISSI 10 ?aj Patents and ClaimB ? TAVlN'il formed a cnparttier>h:;ill ll. .1. S. Du (lie ? Co., of WasL::rH J?. C.. ! lilli prepared to prosccui-prfcj all chinns for Pensions, ur increase ol fl sinus for Soldiers, ur the willows asitSS dren of soldiers wdio 'orvcil in the ri? tsrj, the Indian wars, the MexicanTIH the late .var. Also, J?otiM , Bs? ira Restoration to Pension Holl, Lindara Jant.-. ami all other claims again? V? Patents secured for Inventions,Diswafi Designs ami Trade Marks. NofecctS except for preliminary examination-J? a Patent is obtained. A. M. DUFFIE, Anderson, S.T _ Mureil 17. 1 Ssl 36_ lig ! A vnlnalilo Dici wry and NewDrirartBwM l< al Seo.'. aa !? ll! lr 'ly "'l?lilul |rwl!n'j.'.rf I I Iv fop lim i.Iv i ul :>?.: liiaci-nt C?t!n ilfitlornliliM?.ii.iM' eli i!:.ttr'i':iisdb.-nf.p.ti or vi". - -. i IM.?'iii .?r ?I ?n; tOr-iof I'lu.lit.' I tn:- v.-..-/. V.-?- l)n?-t .'.jil'.:: Mer irt!:?t-i I f. iriilion, and < xorllru; lt? ?MM i.wlaSsrof?-.: Ve?is!*?. 13 . IO! id. tliatan??MM?IO form tiwir natural i infl?os ?lill* |bi? ili.??v . ?4'lt'Hli:< '. . J .T.-eii -.i!. 0 :.?.. litW '.??-?fr'. i-.-l wall o ? o . i '.r iii.-uuirni'iirr.uet not Interioro with f . inrdlcnry pnrjalMMlSM i?.a< k!'- ..i -.cil".! ari I MI.?II .IV.I, irci:? I in:-wildon, ?ort rMtnr&Mni 'i?;-^ I rorviiri i (iixanira:t"::<KWN li.ini'.-iwai-? i i..... . >. . .'....;. i: j i'.ii dram 1 !.?.. lit-?:.:.. I In li< ; ail and BOUtldmcner%M 1 In? th? um.) cr SIKUI ConfuiloB nf a i /. . asiori-lo Boereti?,?lc.etc., ?ollbtSW ' r?i ? i: o - r je.' orto UMI.I?V ar. I t i'll? nuil r..? i ?.-!.-.:. li:. \:tul '.?"?. J*?8. r? ?-...,1 dorrna?l fur .\ -o', 'it.* t=^.-?"* .a'. '?. .!.?..!: . ?? I l.i ?i rv larrr?rt*^U" . v.i j-- mn iavf'1 i.<irrW?. Tirv,T??mtc?*?F . . ..: il m ?'. I o-, a !,.. '.. ..?w-'f\ , I r ? l'.v.;'; led lin: . :r i r.y |-i ra.ama'.r7- T. ; i - . r ? 1.1 i lus l'o ;.ira:i'3. l^-1.. >? . i-. e eiiaM-. ?i i ? on-tl I VI Iv nu.\r>:'W??\ \ .A .:Ivo :? ..i.ifr.' Ilurin? Ibo?ttftg-'S I ;? i.hupii in Runm il ir ?', ?o havBtbvaagSJ? iii eO.'isas t.? Its value. n:vt lt is tin?C"00*." ... . !a-il iT'ti-; -..?? lu lut lu? mn? rttW?SS e. ? cr . I ef ri..:? !>l:i:4 auil tiirliiatl.;?".??^.! .. iii?ilo, IliatU well Itnownloliolbsr?j25 m ? iv 1.1 mAor.and upon Kliom?n'S&rt lil ..: u-..i??^ nrmlriirua ?nd fc!a '^'--.?ir1 Itruitupin nt'ttl >.-\.-s.of tiiri'..'1/nv n???2 ?. I ?' a rr.".ul:.i SJ; No. Si..?..uh' . un- il cur?, uni.-H tn ?eroni matf?Sf? .'a 'it.. -r ihr? . morit'.i?, viii rv?je-,-, .t? " I . .... -7. i?..|Hl.yiu.?.?.l?v?^i? ?-'iU UtKK'?TlOMil t.-r m.:: r ' KAC3I JIO:I. .. j. Sf ntl ?nv >i't- M .." f?r^r-//i'irM'y _ K I.'.'H f/Oru./ IWi?*l??" Sriliif TcMti.ltUHM, ?f/iff/i II ill r0,15,~ fl ./,?? iiiuvf ?/.< j?firffll/i.</f/irH?;,?S S o / ri fo ii.r./.i'i Urti lt .'t, fi?.'";" ?/ r.rn'ov/w ,'e.,.-.r-..M / ,,r,fi'?/reV/o<?. tyeli?O.Ht?L HA RR!S REMEDY C .' : ; Market wait Cir. fis. f?" . L0U?. MARBLE YARD. ALL persons wanting TOMBSTOj will do well to call on nie, as ' " on hand all grades of Maible, ami the m w designs. I wurrontmy*?* give satisfaction. Prices to suit the^ 1 am prepared to take care of ?'el*;t travel and regular hoarding nt ^f" rates at the Benson House. Mcah??0 Lodging ?20 cents. "MiiTr TITOS, M. .WHIT; rnTOA nt?' S.S.S ?- nv>i*.JM>,.???- p I'KiiitY, HOUSTON Co.. CIA , J?N-"",. In tho voar 1H7.I, there were l"0"? ?Vit? fdiiliiii il In tliojai! of till? coun'y. ?M'??J badly nflllctcd with Hint loathsome"'"Yli'rf In i.iy oltUinl entmeity na (Inlinary. ' *r Cap!. C. T. Swift, then a realdeut of taujr curr tli'iii, under n enutrnrl, "no rlir?i*?^it? rulO'lnlKterid to them hi? c','<;b',i^?ii .S|.ei ilie, und in ii few weeks I Wt t*"^ my contract, to ituy him out of .b?W.1?"ffU n.i lie hud elTected ii complete ?no niim??ti In loatlmony I hereunto ad i"T o!on ?*-.* ture atid seal. .,M I Seal I A. H. <dO^. ? Onliiinry Moii?toii.r?3,'J^ CiiATTANOfMia, TRKS.I ?.*"? '?jj We take i.leiisiiro I., ?ayln? th?l'5|?jj? I?IVIIIK go.Ml hnlis'ielioii. We li?? D'm ^ r. Milli tic.innno her of e.T-ei. linf 1^, who lind Ifen ?.uifitied to lil? l>*> ^ fi Syphilitic lthi iiiiiatl.Mii, has been eui* mid s].enkH in the hiK,lirsl praiaeoi V\Jjrt weil in urimarv na in secondary in.J. , uti ? ?'4$4M5 THESWIfT SI'Kfll-IC CiiMlA.N^''. Allanta, Qa. j ff* Sold by Blinpaon. ?old A ro.,ana' W?hlte, Andenton, 8. C. . ..^.j I fall for atopy of "Young Mena rn"* ?J Luaoubticss, MT^^W ^3^^^ C.-KHCAOACHC ^fc *gk F0UL?^r j il^aE^GETA^f^l^ It laSuynara the oldest, nnd nuJT moni Medicine i.ow In maik. l. 1 c^l* < K.S i M MONK A Co. 'iSl'i-l'J ? lats y . ?B1S eneeeeeor* i<> M. A. Blmmona. M- 'SrM0 ll bottles and packa?ej. fcohl ^