THE INTELLIGENCER. LOCAL. MATTERS. BRIEF MENTION. Little Lizzie, infant daughter of Mr. It. P. Clinkscales. dud on last Friday. Upland com is being "laid by." Where it has recently had rain it is looking well. Miss Essie Burr ess and Pet Reed returned home from the Williamston Female College last week. Cadets C. IT. Orr and Prne Fant, of the Kings Mountain Military School, are at homo on vacation. The sale of excursion tickets on the Blue Ridge Railroad, good for three days, has been resumed. The public schools of this County will open on next Monday week, which is the first Monday in July. In some portions of the County the crops are sn Oering for rain, while in other sections good "seasons" have been had. CoL B. W. Edwards and wife, of Darling? ton, accompanied by a son and daughter, are visiting Hon. J. S. Murray and family. Work on the new Presbyterian Church is progressing finely, and if nothing happens to retard the Work will be finished some time this fall. We are gratified to learn that Mr. Archy Simpson, who has been quite ill for some weeks past at the residence of Dr. R. F. Divver, is convalescent. After the crops are "laid by," when the farmers will have a little leisure, look out for a thorough ventilation of the Savannah Valley Railroad question?of the affirma? tive side, at least Miss Susan Reid, an aged lady of this County, died at the residence of Mr. J. H. Little on last Wednesday. Her remains were in tarred in the grave yard at Robert's Church on Friday morning. Appointments of the Y. M. C. A. for next Sunday: To conduct the afternoon meeting, A. B. Towers; Poor House Committee, J. W. Daniels. H. G. Scudday; Jail Commit? tee, G. F. Tolly, W. D. Maroney. Another lot of sewing machines just re? ceived by C. A. Reed, Agent, with new at? tachments and improvements. He is pre? pared to offer great inducements-on his popular machines. * Quite a number of our citizens called at the residence of Mr. C. A. Reed on Tuesday night toseea nightbloomingsereus in bloom, a plant that blooms but once a year, and that at night The flower is large and very beautiful. A Mr. Cardner, who lives on the planta? tion of Mrs. Wakefield. of this County, threshed from thirty dozen bundles of wheat thirty-four bushels. This is ahead of any? thing we have heard of so far, and is certain? ly a very remarkable yield. > Wednesday's mail brought us three cotton blooms from the Fork. One from Mrs. E. E. Ledbetter that bloomed o:. the 20th; one from Mrs. H. T. Brown that bloomed on the 22d, and one from Mr. W. W. Holland that also made its appearance on the 22d. Mr. John Kaufman has commenced the erection of a storehouse on the lot of Messrs. B. F. Crayton et Sons between the Masonic Hall and the Centennial House. The build? ing will be 80 feet long by 22 wide, and will be occupied when finished by Mr. J. Reese Fant The regular meeting of the Third Union District of the Saluda Association will con? vene at Cross Roads' Church on Saturday morning. The introductory sermon will be preached by Rev. J. S. Murray, and the missionary sermon on Sunday by Rev. W. H. Strickland. Capt. Kirk, the chief engineer of the Belton, Willsamston . 1ST!?_50_1 THE trading public exclaims that A. LESSEE'S PARIS STORE is "The Cheapest of All." You will find a large and complete stock on hand, and at figures that will suit the times. In order to close out my Summer Stock of CLOTHING, will offer great Bargains. Remember, every piece is new and fresh and of late pattern. Now is your time to secure genuine bargains in Clothing. Next in rotation comes the mammoth stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, all of which will be closed out at Reduced Prices. Don't forget the place?3 Granite Row. June 12,1879 PARIS STORE. HALL IMPROVED COTTON GIN AND OOlfcTIDElsrSIEIR,. IT is said that the HALL GIN is one of the BEST GINS manufactured in the United States. It gin3 rapidly, cleans the seed well, and makes a better turn-out than any other. Ask A. J. Stringer & Co., Belton, S. C, rodgers & Duck? worth, Williamston, S. C, and Dr. W. J., Storeville, who arc using the Hall Gin. CONDENSERS furnished to fit any Gin, and every man who has a Gin should have one. Also, agent for the SCHOFIELD COTTON PRESS, and can furnish you a Press to run either by hand, water or steam power. RUBBER BELTING, any size, furuished to order. Anybody wishing to purchase any of the above Machinery will do well to call on rac before buying elsewhere, and see a sample Gin which I have on exhibition. Look out for my STOVE WAGON, as I have recently secured the services of James H. BeWLEY, who will call on you with Stoves, and take great pleasure in showing them and selling to you. I am selling them on the Cotton Option plan or otherwise, and as there is'such a small difference iu the Cash and Time price, it will pay you handsomely to buy now instead of postponing until Fall. Don't let the opportunity slip while the wagons are at your doors;. Every Stove guaranteed. June 19,1879 JOHN E. PEOPLES, Anderson, S. C. 49 3m HEADQUARTERS FOR FLOUR, CORN, BACON, MOLASSES, SUGAR, COFFEE, DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, HARDWARE, AND ALL OTHER LEADING GOODS. NEW STOCKS ARRIVING, and we can show Goods and price* with auy other house in the trade. Parties who have not settled for Guano bought this season are requested to call early and make settlement. We desire you to call and see us when in want of Goods in our line, as we can make it to your interest. McCULLY & TAYLOR. May 22. 1S70 45 TO HOUSE-KEEPERS ! EVERYBODY SHALL KNOW IT THAT IP. Or. MASSEY Has on hand the largest and most complete stock of CROCKER YW ARE Kvcr brought to Anderson, which he will sell at the VERY LOWEST PRICES lbr the cash. CHINA, STONEWARE. GLASSWARE, and in fact everything usually kept in a first-class Crockeryware Establishment, of the very best quality, can always be found at my Store in the BENSON HOUSE. Give me a call and see my Goods. IP. <3r. MASSEY. P. S.?I have also on hand a small lot of SHOES that will be disposed of at cost. Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that these goods are free from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better results than any others, and that they use them in their own families. UNIQUE PERFUMER are the Gems of all Odors. TOOTHEKE. An agreeable, healthful Liquid Dentifrice. LEMON SUCAR. A substitute for Lemons. EXTRACT JAMAICA CINCER. Prom the pure root STEELS & PRICE'S LUPULIH YEAST OEMS. The Jleet Dry Hop least in the World. STEELE & PRICE, Man&3., Chicago, St. Louis & Cincinnati. DRPRIGE'S LADIES. Tili: STEAM COOKEIt which I hare been advertising is recommended by the following housekeepers who harts purchased since my advertisement first ap? peared : Ma. Seel?Dear Sir: I have found your "Steam Cooker" to give perfect satisfaction in a'l the articles cooked, and in rice and hominy it is a decided saving, as the wliolo of these articles leave the vessel without caking and the usual waste. Yours truly, Mas. A. A. FltlERSON. Arn. L. II. Scat? Dear Sir: Tain happy to say that the "Steam Cooker*' purchased of you has given entire satisfaction. It cooks admirably, and is a desirable addition to the culinarv department. Hits. G. F. TOLLY. Mb. L. fl. Seel?Dear Sir: I have used the "Steam Cooker,-' and take pleasure in stating that it gives entire satisfaction. Would not be without it. Yours truly, Mm. L. P. SMITH. Mr.. L. H. Seel?Dear Sir: I have suc? cessfully used your "Steam Cooker" two months, and I* can recommend it to all housewives. Mas. LETHE J. RUSSELL. Mr. L. H. Seel?Dear Sir: I would ad? vise every lady to buy one of your "Steam Cookers who has not vet bought. Mrs. WM. BUKRISS. Mr. L. H. Seel?Dear Sir: We are using your "Steam Cooker." and arc delighted with it. Mrs. W. G. WATSON. Mr. L. II. Seel?Dear Sir: I am using vour "Steam Cooker," and I would not he without it. Mrs. A. B. BOWDEN. A NEW and Valuable COOK STOVE. I also now have for sale the new KERO? SENE COOK STOVE, which is the most economical and convenient culinary ar? rangement for cooking generally that can be found anywhere. It saves cost in wood, is perfectly safe, and works admirably. It will afford pleasure to have you call and examine it for yourself. I have made a practical test of ft, and can recommend it most heartily. In order to present induce? ments to try this arrangement. I will sell a Steam Cooker, Bake Oven and Kerosene Stove at the following Extraordinary Low Prices : No. 2 at $7.00; No. 3 at $10.50; or No. 3J at $12.00. Call and see me in West End of Wavcr ly House, Anderson, S. C. L. II. SEEL. May 29, 1370 JG_ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF ANDERSON. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. E. W. Stewart, John J. Stewart and Elizabeth Her? ring, Plaintiffs, against Amanda Stewart, Nioma Stewart, et al., Defendants.?Summons for Relief Complaint Serred. To the Defendant! Sally McConnell, Bettie Her? ring, Martha Bobo, Jane McCurry, Emily Prltch ct, Martina Bobo, Elizabeth Stewart, Mary Stew? art, J. S. Russell, Nancy Crowdcr, John Russell, Clarissa McKee, Maritt.1 C. Dobbins, Pulo Scott, Martha Ann Day, Mar? West and Clarissa Bowie. YOU are hereby summoned and required to an? swer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a I copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office at Andersou Court House, j South Carolina, within twenty days after the ser? vice hereof, exclusive of the day of such itcrvice ; and if yoe. fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs In tills action will I apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated May 21th, 1S73. MOORE A A I.I.EN, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. The Defendants will take notice that the com? plaint herein tiled Is for the continuation ol Iba proceedings had before tho Probate Court relative to the Real Estate of Adam Stewart, deceased. Complaint filed May 24th, 1S79. MOORE A ALLEN, Plaintiffs' Alt'rs. Mav 29,1S79 46 6 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROL! COUNTY OF ANDERSON. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Frances S. RHey, Plaintiff, against Clarissa Galnm. William A. (Ja I tics, Tilinan R. Gain**. Marshall B. Galncs, Edmund P. (iaines, Lawson P. Calncs, Carrie A. Galncs, Maswelt C. Galncs, Jane Ram? sey, David M. Ramsey, Lou Ramsey, Laura Ram? sey, Manie Ramsey, and the State Savings and Insurance Bank of Anderson, S. C, l/cfuudauts. ?Summons for Relief?Complaint not serre.l. \ To the Defendants Clarissa Uaincs, William A. Gaiues, Tilmsn It. Oaines, Marshall B. Gainrs, Edmund P. Galncs, Lawson P. Gaincs, Carrie A. Gaines, Maxwell C. Gaincs, Jane Ramsey, David M. Ramsey, Lou Ramsey, Laura Ramsey, Mattlc Ramsey, and the State Savings and Insurance Bank of Anderson, South Carolina: YOU are hereby summoned and required to an? swer the, complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Com? mon Pleas, at Anderson C. H., S. C, and to serve a I cony of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office, Anderson C H., S. C? within twentya Ays after the service h sreof, exclu? sive of the day ol such service; and If you fail to answer the complaint within the ttaae aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Anderson, S. C, May 20th, A. D. 1S79. [seal] JOHN W. DANIELS, c. c. P' MURRAY A MURRAY, P'alntiU's Attorneys. To the above unmed Defendants, Carrie A Gaines and Maxwell C. Galncs: Take notice that the complaint In this action, in which a summons is herewith serred upon von, wns filed In the office of tho Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Anderson County, ard State of South Carolina, on tho 20th day of May, A. D. 1879, and that the object of the said action is to ob? tain partition of tue Real Estate of Nathanie. j Gaincs, deceased, containing six hundred and sev? enty acres of land, situate in the County of An? derson, and State of South Carolina, among the owners thereof, by Commissioners to be appointed for t he purpose, or to obtain a sale thereof, to be made, and a division of the proceeds, if n partition cannot be made without prejudice to the interest of the owners, and also to authorize the Master fur Andersou County to execute titles to the purcha? sers of certain tracts of lands sold by tue said Nathaniel Galncs in his life time. MURRAY A MURRAY, Plaintiffs Att's. May 22,1879_45_C_ LUMBER! LUMBER! ALARGE lot of good Lumber is kept constantly on hand at my Lumber Yard at the Blue Ridge Depot in Anderson, and orders for large or small lots of any kind desired will be promptly filled at lew prices. Mr. Robert May field is my agent I for the sale of Lumber at Anderson, and will furnish any information desired to persons wishing to make an order. JOHN KAUFMAN. Jan 30,1879_29_ly ANOTHER LOT OF well-selected Goods that will not fail to please the eye and fit the purse. Call early and oftenl They are going off rapidly. _A. B. TOWERS A CO. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Monday, June 2nd, 1S79. the passen? ger Trains over the (ireenville and Columbia Rail? road will be run daily, Sundays excepted: UP. Leave Columbia at.10 .15 a m Leave Alston.12 20 p ru Leavo Ncwberry. 1 '"3 p m Leave Hodges._ 4 27 p m Leave Beltou.6 0.1 p ta i Arrive at Greeuville. 7 30 i> ui DOWN. j Leave Grconvlllc !* a m Leave Briton. 8 2." a m Leave Hodges._ 9 55 p m Leave Ncwberry.12 45 p ui Leave Alston.2 17 p m Arrive at Columbia. 3 45 p ra ANDERSON BRANCH & BLUE RIDGE R. R. UP. Leave Belton.6 OS p ra Leave Anderson.- 6 50 p m iA-avc Pendleton. 7 45 p ra Leave Perryvillc. 8 20 p m Leave Seneca Cltr.S U0 p m Arrive at Walhalla. 3 00 p m ? DOWN. Leave Walhalla.5 15 a m Leave Seneca City. 5 45 a m Leave Perryville*. 5 55 a m Leave Pendleton. 6 40 a jx Leave Andersou. 7 33 a n Arrive at Belton.8 15 a u THOMAS DODAMEAD, Gen. Sun'i South Carolina Railroad. On and after .Sunday, Jan? Ist, 1*7.?, Passenger Trains will run aa follows: roit COL?HBU. (Sunday tuominp; excepted.) Leave Charleston.?> W> ? ni Arrive at Colombia. 10 au a hi K'lK mxaumoM. (Sunday morning excepted.) [jonvt Columbia.~.?'< sn p m Arrive at Charleston. '.' 15 p ni Chine eonneetions made with Urccnvlllc and ?'? lumbia Itailroad. jonx p. riric, Gen.&ip't. Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line R. R. On lud afiiT Sunday, .Inno IM, 1ST:', Duulilc lv Train* ?rill run on thi> r?ad fullu??: GOING EAST. Nfcbt Mail and Passeuger Train. Arrive Seneca.!? |? m Leave Seneca.!> "l l> Day Passenger Train. Arrive Seneca....."..!> 12 ? ?i Leave Seneca.a l"> a m GOING WEST. Ni>;lit Mail and Passenger Train. Arrive Seneca.c< > 111 Leave Seneca.G :u a m Pav Passenger Train. Arrive Seneca.'..'> 13 1> "i Leave Seffcea.S 1<"' P "? Tbrougn Ticket? on sain at Ualnesrille, Seneca City, Greenville und Spartanburg tu all puiuts East and West. W. J. HOUSTON, G. P. and T. Agent.