THE INTELLIGENCER, LOCAL MATTERS. LTa-1-H?,I? ?) UKI Kt' MKNTION. Cotton - Mi.M'iiic *i to ?5. The guano Irado is ?till dull, but is look ing np a littlo. Motin eablmgea and potatoes have boen plentiful thia week. William L. Bolt, Kaq., is enlarging and otherwise improving his residence. The ailinn small grain crops me repor ted us being in a promising condition. Dr. W. 13. Millwee, of Greenwood, ii among tho attendants on (.'-oort this week. Many of the Anderson farmora are Inly ing corn of the Oconee and Picketts farmers. The catarrh epidemic which lias prostra ted so many of our citizens recently is abat ing. Tho price of corn is gradually rising, and it is predicted it will be worth it before the first or May. The Carolina Collegiate Institute is moro flourishing this year than it has over been i-ince its establishment. In eonsequtincfl of tho continued bad weather, tho farmers and gardeners aro be hind with their work. Notwithstanding the bad weather and muddy roads, Court has been very well intended by the country people. Mr. J. O. Wilhite, who has been attend ing the Charleston Medical College, returned homo on Saturday evening last. Mr. John Kaufman has ben given tito contract for building tbe new Market House. It will cost the town $195. Messrs. J. W. It. Skelton and f J. P. Tolly have bail water-oaks planted out in front of their residences on Whittier street. Mr. A. II, Osborne bas torn down his old gin ami tanyanl building, and is build ing another ono larger ont! more conven ient. Tho Democrats of Hock Mills township should remember tho election for Trial Jn*>lito, which conics off on next Saturday afternoon, 22d instant. Messrs. Cunningham it Co. advertise in this issue several brands of first-clays fertil izers. Call anti examine their fertilizer?, terms, Ac, before purchasing. Tho maiden speech of our young friend, II. G. Scudday, Esq., before tbe Court in Abbeville Inst week is highly complimented by our Abborille contemporaries. Tho weather on last Sunday waa cold, cloudy and disagreeable, and was followed nt night by a freezing rain, thc trees and shrubbery being heavily laden with ice on Monday morning. There have boon ?evcral hundred shade trees planted lr. Anderson recently, anti if they livi the streets of tho town will be rendered very beautiful by their foliage and shade in a fow years. Among thc lawyers from other bars who have been in attendance upon thc Circnit ~ . .... . ..-_* Tl-_ 13? court nt ulla ?nuce uic v ..(??. .... .? of Grsenville, General S. McGowan, Col. J. B. Cothran and Mr. T. Y. Cothran, of Ab beville Tho following appointments havo been modo for tbe Y. M. C. A. for Sunday next : To conduct the afternoon mooting, Charles P. Jones; Poor House Committee, P. K. McCully, John M. Hubbard ; Jail Com mittee, Ii. P. Smith, 1\ T. Wilhite. Frof. J. C. M. Terry, of Virginia, will de liver n public lecture in the Court House on Friday Highton "Penmanship, Dook-Kcep ing," A.c. He proposes to organize a class In this placo. The public generally ?nd ladies especially aro invited to attend. I We are requcstod to announce that there will be preaching at Now Prospect Church on Saturday, tho first day of March, at ll o'clock a. m., nftor which there will be a meeting of the members cf that Church to transact important business. There will also bo preaching on Sunday, tho next day. Some of up-country exchanges arc dis posed to ppeak lightly of tho small type in which the mntter of tho Abbeville Pr?? ?nid Banner is set. For our part, we rather admiro tho enterprise and oner^y displayed by our neighbor, and think that sonio of thoso who are so ready to criticise its course might, with benefit to their readers and nrofit to themsolves. follow ita exam pla" Wo return thanks to Mesara. P. W. Wag ener it Co., wholesale and retail grocery dealers of Charleston, for a sample of "Fruits and Flowers" smoking tobacco, the aroma of which is both pleasant and invig orating. Tliif. liko everything elso that comes from thia reliable firm, is a first class articlo, and those who indulge in this use of the we?d, will, upon giving it a fair test, doubtless agrco with us in the opinion that it la ono of tho boat brand, of tobacco niado. Thc members of Seneca Division, Sons of Temperance, arc requested lo meet at Prov idence on Saturday next, 22d inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. Grand Worthy Patriarch G. F. Tolly and Gi and Scribe L. P. Smith, with perhaps others, will addros? ?be meet ing. It will bo public, and thc ontire com munity, tho ladies especially, arc invited to attend, whether they wish to join tho Di vision or not. Tho speeches will be both interesting and instructive, and will repay tho time which may ba given in attending tlio meeting. Tho McSniith Music Hotiso is thc musical headquarters of South Carolina. It is a treat to go Into the atoro and ace tho great variety of musical instrumenta. Tho beat and finest pianos made aro thora, and nt undoubtedly low prices. Of organs there ls an endless variety-thc Mason ?fe Hamlin ls tboro in all ita beauty and goodness, whilo tno reiouuet <*? Pelton is???? iii many r* ty i en Just na sweet as ever. Other organa arc also tbcri" thu Grand Jury', ?nd delivered Ids charge to them in a brief and concise manner, informing them of their duty, and charging them of the imtsirtancc of care fully ami impartially performing that duty. Thu first case tried on Monday was that of thc State vs. Isaac I'urd -rvis, indicted for burglary, in breaking '? entering the houso of Mr. II. O. He.ric. . The Judge appointed li. B. Murray, Esq., to defend the prisoner, and ufter the State's testimony wan closed the defenco rested solely upon the failure of thu State to provo thai thc prisoner was tho party from whom Mr. Herrick recovered a portion of the stolen gooda. After argument, the Jury returned ti verdict of "Not Guilty." The State vs. Isaac Purdurvia, Indictment for burglary, for breaking into Mr. Wm. M. Archer's house, li. G. Sctidday, Esq., was ap, pinte.! to defend the prisoner, and made an able mid efficient defense, resting bis case upon the failure of tho Slate to prove- that the door through which the burglar entered was closed on the ni^lit the olTeiise was committed. Not Guilty. The caso of the term, however, btw boon that of the State vs. Win. 1*. Cook, indict ment for murder. Tho accused was ropre j Rented by Messrs. Mcdowall, Mooro and Allon, who linnie a very able and ingenious defense, showing first that Mr. Cook only shot to frighten tho woman, Katie Harriss, and (hut bc shot in such position as not to strike any person, and, next, (hat the wound supposed to be a pistol shot on tho shoulder of Chloe Burriss, who died, came from a puncture with thc spindle of a spin ning wheel, and that her death was not oc casioned by a gunshot or pistol wound. Thu character ol the State's principal wit ness for voracity was completely duniol j ?shed- Messrs. Allon, Moore and McGowan each made eloquent" and exhaustivo urgu ! monta for thu defense, and Solicitor Coth ran followed in a clear and exhaustive speech for tho prosecution. The charge ol the Judgu was impartial and perfectly fair, after which thc jury retired lo their room, returning in a short limo with a verdict ol "not guilty." Thu casu was entered upon Tuesday morning and concluded ut about '1 o'clock on Wednesday. The Court of Sessions will probably oe copy thc greater portion of this week, and the civil .business will tako the remainder of this and the whole of next week. Judge Fraser has mndo n very excellent i i H j ?rc--ci. ?u upon the members of our bar mid the citizens of Anderson generally, by bis dignified and courteous bearing, hil marked impartiality and tho accuracy o his legal judgment. Tho sessions ol Hit Conrt so far have attracted a large crowd o spectators. ^ The Tempor?neo Kntertalnmcnt. The entertainment in Temperance Hal on Inst Friday evening, under thu auspice: of Anderson Division, Sons of Teniporunce was indeed a pleasant adair. It wamUtc-n dud by two hundred or more of our citizens a great many of whom will long rcmembe: li tu une of ibu tliosi brilliant ?UCCO? .? tim bas ever crown -d thc efforts of the member: of this Division in affording social pleasure: for ourpeoplc. Their elTbrts are always wei directed, and aro pushed with energy ant perseverance, nothing being left undone t< render whatever they undertake successful and us a consequence their picnics, excar sions, celebrations, pound-parties, ut?., ar nlwnys well attended ond very pleasant. Among the principal features of the en tertaiument on Fri''.y evening Inst, wa an election for the m?st beautiful nm! mos popular young ladies in town, tba Valen tine posioflice, auction salo of nncznminci packages, combined with a pound part; and thc social enjoyments of such an occa sion. Thc election was probably the moa absorLi'';; feature of the evening, and th determination and energy with which som of tho young men worked for their fuvoi iles made it quito exciting. I ho votin lasted for about an hour and a half, an 1'203 ballots wero deposited, 1033 of thor being placed in tho box for beauty sud 1" in the box for popularity. After the cour bad bren made and the result ns.ccrtalnct it was annouiicod that Miss Lou Faut lia been elected for beauty, and Miss Juli Webb for popularity-thc former rcceivm ! <: 1 votes and the latter 137. While the voting was going on asplcndi supper, mada up from tho various artich brought by different persons, was sp rca. and much enjoyed by nil present, afb which the auction snle of unoxnininc packages com mc;.ced, which furnished coi oidcrablc amusement for the crowd fi some time, many of the articles being pr pured with n view of creating mirth at laughter at tho e msc of tbo purchase Ajiropot to thc elidion fe>r tho most bea tiful and moat popular young Indies was announced that an election wou bo held for tho ugliest man in town. 1 this oleetion each person present was eui tle?l to ono vote only, and nt once the wo of canvassing for Hie different candidat commenced. Wlion tho count was mnt it was announced that tho result was favor of Maj. A. 8. Tc , who, in respoi to calls from the nt.'c .nco, appeared on t rostrum and delivered a pertinent and t propriato speech. The Evans Cornet Band was present special invitation.and greatly increased t pleasures of tho occasion by discoursi sweet music. Thc net proceeds of tho evening nggrei ted $00.30, which will be used by thc Div ion in increasing thc comforts and impn ing the appearances of tho hall. Tho members of thc Division aro rm oncournged by the success of their und taking, and will doubtless have other . tai nm on ts of n similar character from ti to timo, os they may deem proper. Town ville. There is not a vacant dwelling In t placo.l....It ia hinted that tho fnll scesioi tho South Carolina Presbytery for this y will be held hf ro.There was a fatal c of pnoumonin at Fanner's Store lost wc tho victim being n colored woman, hear also of some other cases of the disf in that neighborhood.Tho school tr tees of thc Fork township have resolve* pay first, second and third graded teael five, four and three cents respectively. Mr. Frank L. Sitten hos been alarm in ill of pleuro-ptieumonia' at his reside at Sitton's Mills, a few milos from I place, in Oeoncc County, but is now SJKX ly recovering.Mary Ann Hanrrove, i ored, who was suspected of buming . Porker's gin house some weeks ago, accordingly arrested last week, but thc tion was compromised by the woman ng lng to quit thc Stato permanently. Whilst Mr. S. It. Johnston and bis wi ft this place, were driving out one aucrni of last week, the/ narrowly escaped seri injury. Thc horse they were driving w in a fall trot stumbled end foll, overturn tho buggy upon thc occupants, who fo natcly escaped with jnly slight bruises i sprains. . _ J T?nr?a, Lamar Co., Tex., Dec 18. 187 Dr. Harter-Dear Sir : I bad the chills and fever, and nothlnp me any good; I took quinlan until I nearly deafened ; us a last resort, I purchi a bott lo of Dr. Harter'? Fever and / Spcciflo for seventy-rive cents; i nscd < half of tho bottle, and it completely ct rue. ) J. 8. BAS Savannah Valley Kui)road. A convention of thc corjioralon? of the Savannah Valley Railroad Company will he held at Lowndesvillo on Thursday the Oth day of March next. It is of tl.? utmost Importance- that all the corporators be present, aa biulne** of vital Interest to thc success of the enterprise- will Ins onnsldorod by tho convention. M. LATIMEK, President. LovmdeavUie, Feb. nth, 1879. [.\I?VKHTiaBJt KNT.J Nut ice. There will be an election held in the town of Honca Path on Saturday, the 2.M of this month, for to select a suitable person to oct ns Trial Justice for flouea Path township. A fair and full expression of thc public son Uiuent is dos ired. Therefore, cunio one, come ult. A Trial Justice is not an ofllccr to serve merely a few individuals, but one whose duty il is to serve thu whole people. He should, (ben, bochosen by thc people. TX the voice <>/ thc people rule. ONE HUXDBEO AKO NEVKXTV-FIVK CITI/EXS. Potatoes and Fresh Garden Seeds. ]7? A PLY Hose and Goodrich Potator?. ls D. M. Ferry & Co, and Lambeth's froh and genuine garden soeds for sale by A. Ik TO WE It? A CO. J. S. COTIIRAN, I II. O. FrriWAr Abbeville, S. C I Anderson. 8. C. COTIIRAN & SGUDDAY, Attorneys* nt Law, A\l?KltSOM, 8. C., WILE practice in all tho Courts of thia State, and in the V. S. Courts. Ornee-North west Corner Benson House Building. Jan 10, 187'_27_ ly O. H. P. FANT, WHOLESALE and RETAIL COMMISSION MERCHANT, HAS on hand Sixty Boxes and Caddies of Tobacco? which bc will sell at bottom prices for cash. Also tr, Ulna*, <'rochcry waro, Ac, ?e., sil of which will be sold low for cash or hartar, if you want anything kept in a well-asaortsd stock of the ahovo articles, or those usually found in llrat-elera insreantilo house?, call on tts for it, and ws will nupplv you at tho very cheapen! priose. BARR & CO., NO. IO GRANITES HOW, ANDEHSON, ?. 9. P. S.-All indebted to tho ?ld firm of HA UR it FANT aro notifiod to call ?nd make payment of their Note? ?nd Accounts nt ono?. Keb IS. 1*7!?_12_ly BUD THIS, AND BE GOVERNED ACCORDINGLY. A LARGER, BETTER. AND CHEAPER STOCK THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC NOW READY AND ARRIVING. FLOUK, all gradea guaranteed, prices extremely low. 33 ACON, cheapest aa the cheapest. MOLASSES, new crop. CoFFEE, very good at aovon pounds for ono dollar. SuGAR, ten, twelve and fourteen pouuds for ono dollar. All other Groceries proportionately low. A Full lino of Dry Goods, Hals, liools, Shoes, Plows, Hoes, Nails, &c., Down to rock-bottom, hard-time prices. C"C" DTI I 17 F R**^~-Eliwan, Acid,Chemicals, Guano, and Wilcox, GibbB ? E-fa I I LIST-tu. ItO jt? (j0*5< Manipulated Guano on reasonable terina. Seo us beforo buying elsewhere. SULLIVAN & CO. ^ Feb IS. 1B78 10 ^ [SI l^&^?J^ili N?V?SS? Wk\?S^MlM? ?CID pH?SpHaTE ^S^^????(^^^l?^?I For Comp03tin?' Is^^^^^s'll'E^^^^r"?l /^OratW Price of Navnssa Guano, per ^^^^?z^^'^'^^J^^^ t""' ,r'0(1 lbs*Middlin? cotton ^$|fety?^>?rr~'"'^^^^nF^^^IS-. Prien of Navassa Acid, per ton, ^^^^^rO^^jS^'^aB^^ M?t?d1""8 Cotlon' ^^^^^^??^^^^Ss. - IX)1- BALE DY <^P?T JOHN E. PEOPLES Xir ANDERSON, S. C. Feh 0,1878 SO TO TUE TEACHERS OF ANDERSON ! ADJOINING COUNTIES. -o A MONO the ROOKS adopted by tho State Poaid, for uso In tho Public Schools of XJL South Carolina, thc next ?ivc* Years, aro SANFORD'S ANALYTICAL ARITHMETICS, Ry S. P. SANFORD, A. M., LL.D., Mercer University, Macon, Ga. Of theo Arithme tics, basotl on the c.?ly true test-use in the school-room-ono of our most skillful Touch ers, Hon. Hugh S. Thompson, Stale Superintendent, (nt the time of writing, us now. Prin cipal of Columbia Male Academy,) says : "Sanford's Arithmetica nre superior to any that I have seen in thc fullness of ibu examples, the clearness and simplicity of thc analyses, ami tho accuracy of the rulos ami definitions. This opinion is bused upon n full ana thormigh lett, in the school-room. To those Teachers who maj' examine thcro Arithme tics with reference to introduction, I would especially commend the treatment of Per centage and Profit ami Loss. No text books that I bavo crar mud ure io satisfactory to teachers and pupils." Sanford is now in acceptable uso in Anderson County. Sanford's Arithmetica can be obtained, for three mnnuu from oiiimenennmt of mrrorfuo (ion, at prices II ami III below. Prices I, obtain at expiration of introduction period : Retail. II Introductory, III Exchange, t. #., with book by" other author. Sanford's Primary Analytical A ri th ni otic.I $0 27 " Intorniftliato " " .* Common School M 80 " Higher " " 1 1 25 $0 18 80 65 Rd $0 14 22 40 63 Teachers. Public and Private, should unite In introducing Sanford's, and aocnro uni formity, which ia economy itself. For sale in Anderson by Gl.OKGIi W- FANT. .Tan 10, 1879 25 4cow n IT 00D NEWS irorc EVERYBODY. Thc Cheapest Dry Goods Store in Anderson County. milE undersigned baa just received ANOTHER LARGE INVOICE OF J_ GOODS, consisting of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, LADIES* BUESS GOODS, of every description,' JEANS, LADIES* CLOAKS, TJNDERVE5TS and UNDERGARMENTS, KNIT SACaUES, for both Ladies and Children, &C. &c. &0. Wo bavo a large stock and a great variety of Goods. Men. Women and Children can all be suited at our establishment. 'Wo keep no shoddy gooda. Satisfaction guaranteed. Theso goods aro marked low down, and wo aro determined to Bell them. Como nnd seo ua and bo convinced. All you bnvo to do is to give us a trial. Wo do not intend to bo undersold in Anderson. Respectfully, Nov 23, 1878 WAVERLY HOUSES BUILDING? li ly STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. AHDXBSOW Covmr. BY virtao of varions Executions to mo directed* I will expose to salo .OU th? First Monday In March next, (1879) at Anderson Court House, S. 0., the following Real Estate,to wit: All of Defendants Interest In ono Tract of Land, containing ono hundred and forty (110) acres, moro or loss, bounded by lands of Dr. W. C. Drown, O. W. Cox's old homestead and others. Levied on aa the property of O. W*. Cox In favor of T. V.'. Marshall ,rv Co., and ou> ors, against O. W. Cox. Terms of Bale Cash--purchaser to pay ex? tra for all necessary naiKsrs. , JAMES H. MCCONNELL, Sheriff Anderson County. Feb 0,1870 30 4 SHERIFFS SAXE. STATE OF SOD TH CAROLINA, ASDEBSOK COUHTT. BY virtue of an Execution to mc directed, I will expose to salo on tho FIRST MONDAY in MARCH next, (1870.) at An derson Court House, 8. C., tho following Real Estate, to wit : All of Defendant's interest In ono Tract of Land, containing fourteen hundred and twenty-live (1425) acres, moro or less, boun ded by lands of R. T. Chamblee, J. W. Provost, William Riley and others, and known as tho Oenerosteo Tract of tho Es tate of D. 8. Taylor, deceased. Levied on as ihe property of E. M. Tay lor in favor of D. A. Dell against E. Tavlor. Terms of salo-Cash. Purchaser to pay extra for all necessary papers. JAMES H. MCCONNELL, Sherill' Anderson County. Feh 0, 1870 80 4 "SHERIFFS SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDEHSON COUXTT. BY virtuo of varian" executions to mo directed I will expose to saloon tho First Monday in March, 1870, at Ander son Court House, S. C., thc following Real Estate, to wit : All of Defendant's interest in ono Tract of Land, containing ono hundred and sixty (KW) arri's, more or less, bounded by lands of Aloses Chambleo, E. J. Major und others, and known aa the residence of Capt. John Holland, deceased. 1/cvied on as the property of L. T. Hol land in favor of Xv. A. G?er, and others, against L. T. Holland. Terms of salo Cash. Purchaser to rwy extra for papers; JAMES H. MCCONNELL, Sherill" Anderson County. Feb 0, 1870 30 4 Valuable Plantation for Sale -o PERSONS wishing to buy a Valuable Place, on which there is about Two Hundred Acres of Wood Land, and about Ono Hundred and Fifty Acres in cultiva tion, and good cow und hog pastures, havo now the opportunity. Any ono wishing to seo this property, tho undersigned will take pleasure in showing it to them. H. J. WAKEFIELD. Near Storuvillo, S. C. Jan 30, 1870_?S)_3? Notice to Contractors. THE County Commissioners will let tho contract for rebuilding tho Dridgo over Broadmouth Creek on Saturday March 1st. All bids aro to bc accompanied by at least two sureties. Tho ripht to reject any or all bids reserved, sp?cifications furnish ed by applying to Commissioner W. S. Hul?. R. 8. DAILEY. N. O. FARMER, V?'. 8. HALL, County Commissioners. J. L. TnmnLr. Clerk._ THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ANDERSON. COURT Ol' COMMON PIiE/tS, Wm. S. Hall and wife, Malinda Hall, Plaintiff*, ngaiust Enos Maasoy ana Thomas Ma&soy, Defendants.-Summons for lielief-Complaint Served, To tho D?fendants Enos Massoy, Thomas I Massey, William J. Shaw, James Shaw. Lovinah Hayn, Wm. Massoy, and tho children of James Massey, aeccaH od, to wit: R. W. Massoy, J. S. MoD. Massoy, Eliza J. Shel mit und Fannie Massey : "VT"OU aro hornby summoned and rc X quired to answer tho complaint in thia action, and to norvo a copy of your nnswer to tho said complaint ou tho HUD seilbor nt bia oillco, Anderson Conrt House, H. C., within twenty days after tho Borvico boreof, exclusivo of tho day of such Horvlco; and if yon fail to oriswor tho eomplnlnt within tho timo aforesaid, tho plaintiff in this notion will apply to thu Court foi* tho relief demanded in tho complaint. Dated Fob. 8. 1870. JOHN B. MOORE PlnintllrB, Attoruoy. W. W. HUMPHREYS, Master. NOTICE Is horoby glvon that an action , baa boon commenced m this Court upon a complaint of tho abovo named plain ts li's for tho purposo of confirming tho partition, salo and assignment of tho real estato of Silas Massoy. deceased, and also tho accounting had in tho Probate Court before bia Honor W. W. Hum ph roys, Judge of Probnto. JOHN IL MOORE, Plaintiffs' Attorney. Fob 0, 1S70_SO_? LUMBER! LUMBER I A LARGE lot of good Lumber is kept XXL. constantly on hnnd at my Lumber Yard nt the Bluo Ridge Depot in Anderson, and orders for large or small lota of any kind desired will be promptly filled at low prices. Mr. Robert Muytield Is my agent .'or tho salo of Lumber at Anderson, and "ll furnish any information desired to persons wishing to make an order. JOHN KAUFMAN. Jan 30, 1870_20 ly ?Tew Advertisements. t? vC' FOR LAUNDRY USE. GEO. C. WARE, Manuf**.arcr and Wholesale L-salar la PURE APPLE CIDER -AND CIDER VINEGAR. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E. R. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE, 0S7 to 293 W. Third St.,_CINCINNATI, a AHf A I>\Y to Agents canvassing for tho FIKB e&f M^KVISITOK. Term? and Outflt Item. Avares? T. O. VICKKKY, Augusta, Main?. OA Kenty Cards, Chromo, Snow flake f .* JO two t>V alike, with uaino, 10 eta. J. MlnkliT A Co, Nassau. K Y._" ' ~A?\ MIXKD CAMM, wtih name 10 t*A M'0* t?\}ouUM 10 els. L. JONES Jk CO.,N?^?ni.K. Y. TO ADVERTISERS. I Send for our Bt-tect List of I^ocal Nowspsprra I Sont froo on application Addnaw ULO. I. Itow I ELL A CO., 10 flprucoSt. N. Y. it Cheaper than Ever Known Beftret GENTS' and Boys' Hats and Car*, a good .selection ; Hardware, of nil de scriptions, best quality, such as wo always trv to havo ; Tools In great variety : labio and Pocket Cutlery : n largo stock of i/ocfcs o? all kinds; White Oak and Hemlock Bolo Leather; French and American, Can Skin*. Shoo Findings, Ac., Ac. Call anet examino our o:. " No. 4 OranticlU>w,. NOTICE. ALL persona aro hereby warned not to employ nor harbor ..?>.?>?-. r*"? Perrin, colored,' tri? h only Meen j?? old, and baa left mo without consent. Any ono disregarding this nouoo will bo proceeded ^^g^^f?t. Feb 0,1870 50