THE INTELLIGENCER. ^ LOCAL MATTERS. TEE jtMSCfXION IN AHLBB80N COUNTY. The election; in thisiCounty on last Tues? days pasagd.' .?fffDOj ?mry ouietbr^uiowith good feelings. There were;, at the Court House from 1.600 to 2,000 persons, and we never saw a more .quiet and peaceable as? sembly. A large number of the colored people-vcted for Hampton and reform, and tfeefift^wU 'be. especially ..'temjembered by iifcry Democrat in. the County: No dis turbance occurred at any one of the twenty two precineta/?tid ;tht* large Democratic ma? jority'is an expression oh the part of the p^eb^e _of ^AirfeTsqn,^ white and colored, of their condemnation of *he official dishonesty of the Federal>nd State officers. They did not vote against: Hayes as a man, but against him as the representative' of Grant ism and the venality of official corruption, nor against Chamberlain as a reformer, but as^the leo.der?of the worst set of political Tnrnpires 'that exer cursed any country. The election is over, and the thieves who have robbed the State for so many years knovr foil well that every honest man in the State, has peaceably |yet firmly condemned them at the polls, and let them" not suppose that'because the excitement of the election ik- over their; troubles are over for the next' . two years, for the Democratic party will continue its organization, and justice will uot. be' satisfied until they are confined in the penitentiary: where -they can steal no more, criiiey elude- justice'try leaving the State they have plundered and ruined. SSCETVTrT? TEE 52W8. . When the dispatches began coming in on Wednesday, the Town of Anderson became wild over the announcement of the election Of Tilden and Hendricks, and the proba? bility., of Gen. Hampton's success in. this State. As sopn asjhp news spread theiner^ chants of theJTown closed their stores, and every one Joined, in the loudest shouts of victory and rejoicing. Men' were packed up and carried' np'on the^hphlderSr6f others across the square, amidst the most unbound? ed enthusiasm. The entrance to the Intelli? gencer office was the grand rallying centre for the crowd, and the most unbounded ex? citement held sway. Speeches were called for and made by Messrs. E. M. Bucker, J. S. Murray, J. A. Hoyt, Sam'l. Browne, E. B. Murray and John B. Moore. Mr. Cochran was also called on, and made a speech to the meeting, with several "ifs" in the thread of his remarks, which were considerably in the nature of a personal plea. The speeches were loudly applauded, but the reading of the dispatches containing the favorable news evidently afforded the greatest satisfaction to the audience. The Anderson Cornet Band appeared Upon the piazza of Dr. W. &. Srownc'3 office, andgave the town a fine serenade, which was much enjoyed. The Anderson ''Reformer" was brought out and thundered forth repeatedly to proclaim the glorious tidings of Tilden's triumph. Latein the afternoon the public square reverberated with the crack and echo of quantities of fii^crackers, and after night set in there was a grand display of fire-works in the form of sky rockets and roman can? dles. At night there was still a large num? ber of persons on the square, and Messrs. J. S. Murray, L. E. Campbell, John S. Smith and others made speeches in response to the call of a number of persons who were as? sembled in front of the Intelligence rooms. During the night the uttermost interest was manifested in the returns as they came in, and many persons remained to a late hour fn fhe night to receive the news as soon as it anived. During the entire evening there was no instance of ill-feeling, and no ex? cesses were committed against any person. The merriment, excitement and enthusiasm exceeded anything that has ever occurred in Anderson, and will be remembered for many days-to come. 4 pi ??? j. taS -.-' 1B2SF XENTIOV. Three colored men owned that they were afraid to vote the Democratic ticket because their wiveo would leave them. This sort of intimidation has been practiced all over the State. Colonel Aiken is indebted to Mr. 6. F. Kirkland, who was sent here by Carpenter to work up the colored vote, for a number of votes. Hin influence was used for Car? penter, but the votes were cast for Aiken. Carry the news to Carpenter. The residence of Dr. T. J. McFall, situated in the eastern portion of town, is undergo? ing thorough repairs, and when completed will vie with any in that vicinity for neat? ness in appearance and convenience of con? struction. At Belton a colored man voted the Demo? cratic ticket, and as soon as he returned home his wife attacked him and attempted to give him a severe beating. The Demo? crats had to come to his rescue. This was a clear-case pf intimidation (?) Carry the newt to Carpenter. . At Anderson a colored man voted the Democratic ticket, and when he went home his wife refujcd to give him any supper. A democrat, however,, furnished him with a good square meal. This was intimidation (?). ?Carry the newt to Carpenter. Anderson County has come up nobly in the movement for South Carolina's redemp? tion. The vote on last Tuesday places her in the van of the Democracy of South Car? olina. The majority is beyond the expecta? tion-of the most sanguine, and shows the result of the thorough canvass which has been made. Messrs. Editors : How popular is the opinion among Southern people that an article cannot be of very much value if not brought from a distance, and particularly is this so with the farmers: We talk very loud about thoroughbred horses and cattle, and dwell considerably on the "point", where they are imported from, &c.,- and hence '.many young, farmers are led to purchase t?ck at fancy prices"when equally as good .in-article could have been brought at home for less money. What I want to say is this: [?$ iormcr wishes to invest in both fine and jood" stock he must certainly be a judge of uich . stock, and: not buy for instance a horbnghbred cow of any breed, unless he ' mows that she does possess two qualities, 'iz?quantity of milk and quality. I see . rom the Rural Carolinian (November num \. Of the Trading Public. With this object in view, we have ever exerted ourselves to the utmost to leave nothing undone which miglit, in any possible way, conduce to the benefit of the Public, or an increase of our Business. We not advertise for the sake of seeing our names in print, nor do we do so in order to puff and blow, but simply to direct your attention to our.. St?re, and our model of doing business. Adhering strictly to the LOWEST PRICE PLAN, It must be to everybody's interest to trade with us! ' POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS Being one great secret of success in business, we have endeavored, to the very best of our ability, to procure none but such gentlemen, too well known to necessitate our assuring those who favor us with their patronage, that they will re? ceive only such treatment in our Store as they have a right to expect. The fact that we are "LIE^IDE^S QF LOW PRICES^' Is too well established to require any reiteration from us, and we would assure our friends and the public generally, that we are not only bound to maintain that position, but shall always do our very best to deserve that appellation as justly in in the future as in the past. We intended to punish-herewith a new "Price List,', (lower prices than ever before,) but we can hardly do so, in view of the now ever fluctuating market, (caused by the low price of COTTON, and Hard Times generally,) WITH WHICH WE ARE DETERMINED TO KEEP UP. All we can say to you is this : Examine the Stocks and Prices of all our competitors, then come to us, and we will do better by you in every particular. You will always find that OUR ASSORTMENT IS THE MOST COMPLETE, OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST, OUR STYLES ARE THE MOST FASHIONABLE, OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. ARNSTEIN & ROSE, UBW YORK CASH STORE. Anderson, S, C? Nov. 2, 1876._._ ANNOUNCING THE ADVENT OF "THE OLD RELIABLE." ANDEKSON ONE DAY ONLY. I- ? ?5 f f- i ?: ? ' Tuesday, November 14, 1876. THE CENTENNIAL WONDER! OLD JOHN ROBINSON'S This Mammoth Show comprises aniong its most prominent fu? tures a Grand and Unrivalled MENAGERIE AND AQUARIUM! THERE IS ALSO A GRAND AND Strictly Moral Circus. Among the Illustrious and World-famed Artists in this department arc Mr. Robert Stickney, the most daring, finished and graceful Equestrian now living, and the Champion Double Somersault Lcaper of the world. Miss Emma Lake, the most charming and dashing young horsewoman in tho ptofession?her challenge menage act has never heen equalled. John Lowlow, conceded by the public, the press and the profession to be the Greatest Clown living. Frank Robbihs, the peerless rider, whose reputation is world-wide. )1 Nino Eddie, the unrivaled and remarkable' tight-rope performei. Herbert Brothers, the acrobatic wonders. Lazelle and Franklin, the thrilling trapeze performers. Miss Jennie Tournour, the ariel queen. Miss Rosaline Stickney, Miss Christine and six other lady riders. John Wilson, the four-horse bare back ulcr.' Nonpareil Lewis, the wonder? ful negro bare back rider, and twenty other equally well and favorably known artists. PROCESSION OF DAZZLING SPLENDOR, unsurpassed as a moving Panorama of Brilliant Chariots, Wagons, Cars, Carriages, Dens, Animals, Sacred Cattle, Two Bands of Music, Trained Horses, Wild Beasts, Fifty Ponies,' Waving Banners, Gorgeous Costumes and a Team of Ponderous Elephants, driven in harness, drawing a golden chariot. A Team of Egyptian Dromadaries, forty Ponies drawing the Fairy Chariot, forming a picture of bewildering beauty. Two Performances Daily. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. Perform? ances an hour later. ??T A few Reserved Cushion Opera Chairs can be secured at the small additional charge of 25 cents. Cheap Excursion rates on Greenville and Columbia Railroad from all Stations to Anderson aud return. Sec Special Excursion Bills. Admission, 75c. Children under ten years, 25 Cents. P. S.?We do not advertise in the Journal. Nov2,1876 _ 16 2 GREAT SENSATION. Owing to the low price of Cotton, I have concluded to offer my entire stock of Goods at REDUCED PRICES ! To suit all who are in favor of "Beform and Economy." Bo not neglect to examine my stock consisting of DRY GOODS, LADIES' CLOAKS, in great variety. CLOTHING, BOULEVARD SKIRTS. BOOTS and SHOES, NOTIONS & TRIMMINGS, HATS and CAPS, GUNS and PISTOLS. TRUNKS, ladies' Hand Traveling SATCHELS. Remember, that I am not to be undersold by any one, and determined to sell Goods lower than ever sold before in this market. ZMZOIsTZEY SATED By calling and examining my stock before purchasing else? where. j\f. LESSER, CENTENNIAL CASH STORE Oct 26, IS7?_15 BE IT KNOWN THAT IT IS TO THE INTEREST OF EVERY CASH BUYER IN ANDERSON COUNTY TO CALL AND EXAMINE LIGON & HILLS STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDIZE Before Purchasing. Oct 26, 137G W?VEKLY BAR. THE undersigned hereby notifies his friends and the general public, that lie has rc-opened the "Waverly Bar, where he has on hand a full stock of Whiskeys, Brandies and Wines.. He will also have a lot of choice Confectioneries, Tobac? co and Cigars on in a few days. The pat? ronage of the public is respectfully solicited. J. R. DRENNAN. Oct 19, 1876 14 11 KEEP THIS IN SIGHT. THE undersigned respectfully desires to inform the trading public that he has j opened a NEW TIN STORE, In Waverly House Block, West End, Where he is now offering a desirable line of TIN WARE, and other articles usually kept in a Tin Store. HIS OWN PRACTICAL KNOWL? EDGE of the business, with a complete set of the most modern machines, enables him to offer inducements never before given to the people of this up-country. He uses nothing out the best materials, and warrants all work passing through his hands. Stoyes and Hollow Ware Are strictly in my line, and I propose to make a specialty of them. The best Stoves and Hollow Ware for the least money. L. H. SEEL, West End Waverly House, Anderson, S. C. Sept 28, 1876_11_3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Anderson County. By W. W. Humphreys, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, J. J. Mattison has made suit to me to grant him letters of Adminis? tration, on the Estate and effects of John B. Poor, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all kindred and creditors of the said John B. Poor, deceased, to be and appear before me in Court of Probate, to be held at An? derson Court House, on Friday, Novem? ber 17th, 1876, after publication hereof, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 3l8t day of November, A. D. 1876. fi W. W. HUMPHREYS, Judge of Probate. Nov 2,1876 16 2? Flour, Flour. JUST received from Nashville, Tenn., a lot of 0. F. Noel's Celebrated Flour, ind for sale low for cash by A. B. TOWERS. Nov 2, 1876_16_ Virginia Oasslmere. JUST received a few pieces of Virginia Cassimere, and for sale low for cash by < A.B. TOWERS. Nov 2,1876_' 16___ FOR SALF, WILL sell at Private Sale, on accommo? dating terms, a TRACT OF LAND >ne mile from Craytonvillc, in Anderson bounty, containing 148 acres. I refer per ons desiring to purchase to my agent, J7 C. j. Featherston. C. J. ROBERTS. Nov 2, 1876 _25_2 NOTICE. [DESIRE to say to all my fricnds'and customers who have patronized me for he past years?some as long as thirty-seven 'ears?that I am thankful for the past, and tope to be able to merit their continued fa or?. ' A.' B. TOWERS. Oct 12, 1876 " 13_ UPHOLSTERING. rHE subscriber .would respectfully inform the residents of Anderson and vicini y, that he is prepared to do all kinds of Jpholstering on Sofas, Lounges and Chairs, r anything else in his line,^ with neatness nd* dispatch.u L u ' J. J. SMITH, At J. L. Fant A Co.'s, opposite Jail. Nov 2,1876 16 3m LAST OALL~ rHE Notes and Accounts due us arc in the hands of A. B. Towers, for the pres lit, for collection, and we now request all rho owe us to settle the same without de ly, as we must have money. This notice > intended for all who owe us, without dis inction, and we mean what we say. TOWERS & BROYLES. Nov 2,1876_16_3_ NOTICE. A LL persons are forewarned not to em ljl ploy or harbor my son, Wardlaw 'razer, a minor about seventeen years old, rho left me without cause on last Sunday. Ie is about five feet eleven inches high, of dark-brown color, with a burnt scar on is right cheek. I will hold any person isregarding this notice responsible before lie law. POMPEY FRAZER. Nov 2,1876_16_3*^ IF YOU WANT Something Good to Eat, PI 0 to A. B. TOWERS and get a Sack of LT his Fresh Buckwheat Flour, and a larrel of his TUBE ROSE FLOUR. He an also supply you with Canned Oysters, i'resh Crackers, &c, low for cash. You can find a few sets of Buggy and Carriage HARNESS yet, at the Store of L B. Towers, which will be sold low for ash. Call soon, or you will lose a bargain. Nov 2, 1876 16_ wm. ettenger. h. p. edmond. ETTENGER & EDMOND, Richmond, Va., , manufacturers PORTABLE and STATIONARY ENGINES, Boilers, of all kinds, Circular^Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Mill Gearing, Shafting, Pulleys, &c.f American Turbine Water Wheel, Cameron's Special Steam Pumps. eSend for Catalogue. 2, 1876_16_ly_ NOVEMBER, 1876. THE subscriber has just received a new and fresh Stock of Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Which will be sold as low as the lowest for cash. 1 will call particular attention to my stock of Shoes and the prices. A. B. TOWERS, No. 4 Granite Row, Anderson, S. C. Nov 2,1876 16 SADDLERY, HARNESS, and LEATHERS. CALL and examine my large stock of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Halters, Harness, &c,, manufactured by band, of. the best selected material, and guaranteed "A No. 1." Also, Shoemakers' Tools and Findings, Saddlery and Harness Hardware^ and Ma? chine and Tanners' Oils., Also, Leathers, American and French? Upper, Sole and Harness?all at the lowest prices for cash or hides. Home-made Col? lars a specialty. VARDRY McBEE, , Main Street, Greenville, S. C. Nov 2,1876 16 2 T?TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Anderson Cotjntt. By W. W. Humphreys, Judge of Probate. WHEREAS, Bobt. M. Graham has ap? plied to me to granthim lettersofadminis tration on the Estate of D. J. Hix dee'd. These are therefore to cite and admon? ish all kindred and creditors of the said D. J. Hix, deceased, to be and ap? pear before ma in Court of Probate, to be held at Anderson Court House,-on Friday, November 17th, 1876. after pub? lication hereof, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 1st day of November, 1876. W. W. HUMPHREYS, J. P. Nov. 2,1876 16_ 2 NEW MANCHESTER INDUSTRIAL MACHINE WORKS. Anderson, S. C, Oct. 25,1876. HAVING been appointed General Agent? for the New Manchester Industrial Machine Works, located at Bruce's Ford on Seneca River, we are prepared to receive or? ders for the building of Steam Engines, Saw Mills. Grist Mills, Water Wheels, : Cotton Gins, Sugar Mills and General Machinery. Our Machinery will, when required, be supplied with Mctalinc Boxes, wnich docs away with the use of oil. We have pur? chased the right of Ingersoil's Patent Cot? ton Press. Our works will be in operation at an earlv date. R. F. DIVVER, E. G. ROBERT. By order of JOHN HALLIDAY, General Superintendent New Manchester Industrial f Machine Works. Nov 2,1876 ? 16 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ANDEBSON". COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Grandison Jones, Plaintiff, against Joseph Jones and Edmund Jones, Defendants.? Simmons for Belief. To the Defendants, Joseph Jones and Ed? mund Jones: YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this ac? tion, which is filed in the office of John E. Brcazeale, Trial Justice for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complant on the subscriber at his office, at Anderson C. H., S. C, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afore? said, the plaintiff in this action will apply apply to the Court for the relief demauded in the complaint. Dated October 19th, 1876. JOHN E. BREAZEALE, Trial Justice And erson County. Nov 2,1876 16 . 6 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made three months after date for a duplicate of scrip for three Shares of Southwestern Railroad Bank and South Carolina Railroad Stock, standing in the name of Polly Smith, date and number not known, the original being'l?st or destroyed. JAMES WEBB, Err.; Oct 19,1876 . 14 Um8m S