? s* i! i or i ^ihute of Respect. At a regirtat'irieetingof M?ffettsvillo Grange, NTCEt^ne?PDeo. 12,- lS74,v the , following pre hmtte^an^es'cduti?ris were unanimously adop? ted: |p ? ' " ; ? Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, th.e.Qreat Master of the Universe, in the dis? pensation" of a wise, yctr.mysterious, Provi uonce, to remove from our midst and from our association, our- worthy j and esteemed sis! er, Mrs. A. s. sadler, an "exemplary member of our order,- therefore, be it. 1. Resolved, That in the death of our beloved ?ister, Mrs. A. S. Sadler, our order has lost a -worthv and efficient member, society a respect? ed and useful member, her husband a kind and .affectionate wife, and her children a devoted mother. . , . 2. That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family, not in forms oi expres? sion bnlv, but sincerely and fraternally. ' 3. That a blank page in our Record Book be inscribed to her memory, and a copy ol these resolutions be .furnished the family of the de 4. That a copv of these resolutions he fur? nished the Anderson Intelligencer for pub? lication. ? ? wM. HAMILTON, W. M. W. A. Grat; Sec: GO TO TEXAS TIA. THIS L?NE STAR ROUTE! , (IXTrjCXATIOJUL ANX> .GiC liAT ?OltTHKK? R. K.) ' Passengers going to Texas via Memphis and Mittle Rock, or via Shrcveport, strike this line at Longview, the Best Route to Palestine, ?ilcarne, Waco, Austin, Huntsvillo, Houston, Galveston and all points in Western, Central, 'Eastern and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will find it the Best Route to Tyler, Mineola, Dallas, Overtoil. Crocket, Longview and all points in Eastern and Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped with'every modern improvement, including New and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Pal? ace Sleeping Cars, Westinghouse Air Brakes, Miller's Pateut Safety Platforms and Couplers, and nowhere else ban tiie passenger so com? pletely depend on a speedy, safe and comforta? ble journev. ? The LONE STAR ROUTE has admirably answered the query: " How to go to Texas ?'" by the publication of an interesting and truth? ful document, containing a valuable and cor? rect map, which can be obtained, free of charge, by addressing the General Ticket Agent, International aud Great Northeim Railroad, Houston.'Tcxas. District E. ? Feh 20, 1874 ? 34 ly Be Just to Yourself and Generous to your Wife.?Keep your farm accounts cor rectly ancLregularly in the "Rural Account? ant,'? ?nd giveyour-wife a copy of the "Caro? lina Housewife." The large sale of the Rural Accountants has enabled the publishers, Walk? er, Evan>-&- Cogswell, Charleston, S. C, to stereotype the forms, and thus reduce the cost. They ,now offer the small size at Si, and the large at $1.50, per mail, postage prepaid. The Carolina Housewife is Atiss Rutledge's old es? tablished cookery book, and should be in eve? ry ho?jSe in Carolina. FuRCHbOTT, Benedict & Co., Charleston, S. C?Presents for the Holidays?Ex? traordinary Inducements.?Best Standard Printsv*6c. up. Lon? Cloth, from 6c. up. Wool Flaunej* 25c. up. Pino Dress Goods and Al paccas, 25c. up. Wool Blankets, $1.S5 per pair up. Fuiljines of Jeans, Cassini eres, Cloths, Ribbons, and every variety of Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Furs, Housekeeping Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, etc. Keeping the largest and best selected stock South, wo can, with- confidence, assure our friends and the public,- that by purchasing of us, by order, or personally, they will save from 20 to 25 per cent. Samples.sent oh application. All retail orders over SlOvsent free of charge. Good sent CO.D. Make remittances by P. O. Order, Draft or per ^xpyess. . Branches Atlanta, Ga., and Jackson 'viile? Fla.^ where goods can be obtained at the sam&.pfices. TifE Way "to minister to a mind diseased,'' is to'take Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution of the protoxide of iron, which gives strength and vigor to the whole system, restores the di? gestive organs to perfect health, thereby re? storing the mind to its natural vigor. TOURNAMEST. A Tournament will take place at PIERCE TOWN on THURSDAY, 31st of DECEMBER. The young nien of Anderson and. adjoining couuties are respectfully invited to participate. Dec 24, 1874 24 i* SLABTOWN ACADEMY. SCHOOL will commence atSlabtown Acade? my on the FIRST MONDAY in J?NU ARY for a term of Ten Months. Tuition, ?15, ?20 arid $30. Boarding can be procured at ten dollars per month. - ALEXANDER E. NORRIS, Rector. Dec 24, 1874 24 3 Last Call without More Money. ^^LL those indebted to the undersigned are uotiiied'that payment must be MADE IMME? DIATELY, to SAVE COSTS. ?*a . * MATHEW HELDMANN. Dec 24,1874- .. 24 i CAROLINA COLLEGIATE ?** INSTITUTE. MALES AND FEMALES. i Anderson, S. rpHE Exercises of this Institute will be re X sumed MONDAY, 18th of JANUARY, 1875. It, affords to young Ladies every facility for receiving a thorough Collegiate education, aud to young Men the same facility for receiv? ing an Academic education of the highest or? der, or for preparation to enter any of the best Universities or Colleges in the country. TUITION?PER TERM. Primary Department, - - - $ ?1 00 Intel-mediate Department, lu 00 Collegiate Department, - - 14 00 Entrance Fee, - 1 00 Music, (on Piano), - - ' - - A 13 33J German and French, each, - - -10 00 Ornamentals, each, - - - - 5 00 It is probable that the rates of tuition for scholars between six and sixteen years of ago ?wiU be reduced materially by the allowance d'rom tho public school lurid, as was the case the .past year. Boasd in private families from $12.50 to ?15.Q0 per month, varying according to arrangements made for furnishing washing, fuel, lights, dee. For further particulars, apply for Catalogue to W. J. LIGON, President. Dec 24,1874 24 lm CHRISTMAS IS COMING. YOU CAN FIND AT F. A. DANIELS' CONFECTIONAEY, In Masonic Building, Something to Please the Children AND OLD FOLKS, XOO: EVERYTHING IN THE CONFECTIONARY LINE ! Give him a call. Dec 17, 1874 23 CHRISTMAS IS COSING, AND TOWERS & BROYLES Arc- offering their Their Large and Handsome Slock of Goods AT LOW PRICES. Dee 17, 1874 22 Ladies Dress Goods! I\ELANE, Mohair, Alpacca and Japanese " Silk at reduced prices, to close out. bv TOWERS A BROYLES. Boots and Shoes. s assortnu sale low bv TOWERS & BROYLES. Eats, Hats, Eats. Boys' Hats, for sal TOWERS & BROYXES. j ? Shawls and Cloaks. Anice lino of Ladies' Shawls and Cloaks for sale low bv * TOWERS & BROYLES. Saddles, Bridles and Earness 170R salo low bv ? * TOWERS it BROYLES. Maryland Cured Hams. UST received, a superior lot of Maryland cured Hams, and for sale low by TOWERS & BROYLES. Come -Soon! TF you wish to get some of the nice CALICO X we have latelv received, and some of those CHEAP WORSTED GOODS that we are now selling. TOWERS & BROYLES. Flannels, Linseys, &c. WE beg to call attention to our large stock of Flannels, Linseys, Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, Canton Flannel, Ticking, Blankets, Cassimorcs and Jeans. ALSO, A nice assortment of CARPETING and Rugs. ALSO, FANCY GROCERIES, viz?Cheese, Crackers, Candy, Pickles, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda. Ovsters, Tomatoes, A'c. TOWERS & BBOYLES. Clothing. WE are now ottering our Clothing at reduced prices, to reduce stock. Call soon lor bargains on TOWERS & BROYLES. Dec 17, 1S74 23 THE tmis' Store WE take pleasure in inviting our friends and customers to call and examine a large selec? tion of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, J ust received, consisting of LACE AND LINEN SETTS, Cravats. Kerchiefs, &c. The mofjt fastidious can be pleased. MISS C. C. DANIELS. Doc 17, 1374 m one?. LL persons indebted to mo for PHOS? PHATES or SUPPLIES are earnestly requested to come forward and pay up at once. I MUST have MONEY on or before tho FIRST of JANUARY, or will be compelled to force collections by means of the law. Stand to your promises, pay up and save Costs, for I mean just what I say. C. A. REED. Dec 10, 1S74 22 3 Notice of Final Settlement, p rruiE undersigned, Administrator Executor's Notice. A LL persons having demands against the J\_ Estate of Rev. William Gleun, deceased, will present them, properly attested, to tho un? dersigned, within the Lime prescribed by law ; and those indebted to said Estato must make payment immediately. JOHN P. GLENN, Ex'r. Dee 18, 1874 22 Williamston Male Academy, rpiIE Exorcises of tho Williamston Male JL Academv will commence FIRST MON? DAY in JANUARY, 1875. \V. L. MILLER, Principal. Dec 17, 1871 2C, ;) JUST RECEIVED ~~ A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of NEW j\. CALICO and CANTON PLANN EL, tnd for sale low i>y ' TOA\ EES & BROYLES Dec 10, 167 i '22 THE CELEBRATED FERTILISERS! For Cotton, Corn, Wheat and Tobacco REDUCED PRICES ! LIBERAL TERMS ! WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'S Ulli UJ??J Prepared a< Savannah, Gn., and Charleston, S. ('.. AND Imported in bulk direct from Phrenix Islands, South Pauilic Uccan, 9 Are OFFERED on tlxa Following LIBERAL TERMS : WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'s MANIPULATED GUANO. On credit to 1st Novevber, 1875, with ?option of paying in Cotton, on the basis of Seven? teen Cents for Middling.?70 00 On credit to 1st November, 187-5, payable in currency, without option. GO 00 Cash. 55 00 PHffiNIX GUANO. On credit to 1st November, 1875, with option of paying in Cotton, on the basis of Sev-_ eqteen Cents for Middling.?00 00 On credit to 1st November, 1875, payable in currency, without option. 60 00 Cash. 45 00 The above are prices at our Warehouses. Our Agents sell on same terms, expenses added. send in orders early. WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GUANOS, Savannah, Ca., and Charleston, S. C. N. K. SULLIVAN & ?0., Agents, Anderson, S. C. Dec 24, 1*74 :U _ H U B R A H FOR C H RIS T M A S! We Have Received a. X-.;n*?:e Supply of CHRISTMAS GOODS, NOT EQUALLED BY ANY IN TOWN I ! ! A Beautiful Assortment of Plain, Fancy and French Candies. A large Stock of Figs, Raisins, Dates, Oranges. Lemons, &c. Jellies?a magnificent display. Pickles, Ketchups? Sauces, Nuts, every kind; Canned Goods of ev? ery sort; Cigars and Tobacco. Fireworks ; Toys marked down; Fancy Goods, suitable for Pres* ents, and other things too numerous to mention. BELCHER show a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of all kinds of GOODS, and those wishing to procure Bargains should give us an early call. We must request onr customers who are indebted to ns to settle their NOTES and ACCOUNTS PROMPTLY, and we mean just what we say. We are prepared to furnish the SHOAL ClU:r-:iv YAKS AM) SIMS' WACOXS AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Also, have on hand a stock of B. F. A VERY & SONS CELEBRATED TURNING PLOWS, DOUBLE SHOVELS, < ULTIVATOBS and GENERAL FARM IMPLEMENTS, which wo will sell at Factory price, with freight added. All work fully warranted, LOOK TO YOUE INTERESTS. Oct 15, 1874 14_ 3m WHY DON'T PEOPLE PAY WHAT THEY OWE OS iron. JMerclianclize and GKl* i no. -o? MIE Merchant has to pay ft>r his purchases of Goods promptly. Tie also has to pay the Farmer promptly for his Cotton and other produee. Will the people not, therefore, DO AS THEY ARE DONE BY?come forward anil pay what they nwe us. It is tsi the interest and duty of people to pay their debts. .May we not, thorelbrc, expect EVEUYB< >DY to come forward bv the First of January, IS75, and pav us up all thev owe ; and when they go TO DIE, let them DIE EASY and with a CLEAR CONSCIENCE. We NEED our MONEY. Wo have still a large .STOCK OF GOODS on hand for sale. Wo allow high prices for Cotton. Wo are agents for as good FERTILIZERS as A It E MADE. Wo sell PLOUGHS, COTTON GINS, and many other things. BLECKLEY, BROWN & CO. s. bleckley. Anderson, Doe. 10, 1S74. 22 STATS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON CO UNTY. By TT. W. Humphreys, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Joseph N. Brown made suit b> me to grant him Leiters of Administration fin tho Estate audellectsof J. Milton Brown, deceased. These are therefore to rile and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of the said J. Milton Brown, deceased, that they be and appear before mo in the Court of Probato, to be held at Anderson <'. iL, mi Saturday. 20th day of December, 1874, alter publication, hereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Adminis? tration should not be granted. Given under my hand. Ibis 9th day of December, Anno Domini I.S74. W. \Y\ II I'M'.Mil: JOYS. Judge ni Probate. Dee 10, 1874 22 -J. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY J. II. McCONNELL, Auctioneer. BY virtue of Executions to mo directed, i will expose to sale on the First .Monday in January next, al Anderson C. II., O.NK BAY MARE and SADDLE. Levied on as the property of <.'. W. Uelcher, Defendant, at the suit of C. V. Barnes, Plain till'. ALSO, ONE HORSE, Levied on as the property of Henry Freeman, Defendant, at the suit of Luke llayjiie, Plain? tiff. Turins < 'ash. WM. McGCKIN, SherilT. Dec 15, 1874 ~5 :i Administrator's Sale. T WILL sell tho entire Personal Estate of X M. Ii. Scott, deceased, at his late residence, noar Sandy Springs Camp Ground, on THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1875, For Cash. There will bo sold, amongst other things, 125 bushels of good Corn, 50? bundles Fodder, 1250 pounds Seed (lotion, Shucks, ifcc. UOSANNA SCOTT, Adin'x. Dec 17,1871 23 3 Notice to Creditors. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of Matthew Cronsbaw, Sr., dee'd., tire notified to present them to tho undersigned, properly proven, within i!(<- tint'- prescribed by law ; and those indebted to make payment al once. M VTTHKW CiIKN.SH VW, Adm'r. Dec 17. 1871 XJie Above Out Represents! Tozer's Improved AGMCULTU11AL ENGINE ! OP which there are now more than a dozen at work in Anderson County. For further information, applv to X. K. SULLIVAN it CO., Anderson, S. 0., or ad dress tJ)(! undersigned. RICHARD TOZER, (Columbia, S. C. Doe.0., 1X7-I 21 ly STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, A NDJCJISON COUNTY. Jljl \Y. W. Humphreys, Esq., Profmte Judge. WJfERF,AS, n Fri? day, 1st of January next, aller publication hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Adminis? tration should in t be grunted. Oiven under niv hand, this 15th day of J>e eomber, A. L), 187-1. * w. w. hum prtKHYS, J udgc of Probate. ihr 17, I ST i -."5 2 Flour, Bacon, Lard, Q CCA It, ('olfen, Huck wheat Flour, N. O. M<> ? lO lassos, Muscovado anil Porto Kieo Molas S' . K.'iggincr, Tit > and Salt, for.side low hv TOV/KJIS A- BK0YLF.S, SHERIFF'S SALE. BY J. II. McCONNELL, Auctioned: STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) Anderson County. j In the Probate Court. Wm. S. Williams, vs. Sarah A. Rankin, Wm. lt. Rankin, et. ah?Complaint to sell Meal Es? tate for payment of debts, d-c. By virtue of an order from W. W. Humph? reys, Judge of Probato for Anderson County, to mo directed in the above stated e;ise, I will expose to sale on the FIRST MONDAY in January next, at Anderson C. IL, the following TRACT OF LAND, Containing 70 Acres, more or less, situate in Anderson County, on waters of Three and Twenty mile Creek, bounded by Lands of A. Rankin, J. C. Rankin and others. TERMS OF SALE.?Ono-third cash, the re maining two-thirds on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, to bo secured by bond and approved security, togeth? er with a mortgage o* the premises, S-old at the risk of the former purchaser. Purehnaer to pay extra for papera. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Due 8, 1874 22 3 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY J. If. KcCONNEIX, Auctioneer. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ) Am)?kson Count*". j In the Probate Court, John D. M. Dobbins vs. Elizabeth Dobbins,' Administratrix, and others.?Complaint for Hale of Real .Estate to pay Debts. by virtue of an order from W W Hum? phreys, Judge of Probato for Anderson Coun? ty, to me directed, I will expose to sale on the First Monday in January next, at Anderson Court House, the following tract OF LAND, Containing thirty-throe acros, more or les?, situate within the corporate limits of the Town of Anderson, County and State aforesai 1. on the north side of Rocky River street, on the Craytonvillu Road, bounding lands of Sam'l Brown, jr, Estate lion James L Orr and W J Ligon. Sold as the Real Estate of J D M Dob? bins, deceased. TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser to pay extra for titles. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Dee S, 1S74 22 3 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY J. II. McCOXXELL, Auctioneer. T)Y virtue of an Execution to mo directed, JC) I will exposo to saloon the FIRST MON? DAY in JANUARY next, at Anderson Court House, the following TRACT OF LAND, Containing two hundred and fifty-two acres, more or less, situate in Anderson County, lying on both sides of the line of the Anderson Branch of the Grceuvillc it Columbia Railroad ?three miles west of Uelton?bounding lands of the Estate of S. J. Hammond, Wm. Major and othors, levied on as the property of t. J. Roberts, at the suit of John H. Hopkins. Terms Cash?purchaser to pay extra for titles. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff.' Deo 10, 1S74 22 3' SHERIFF'S SALE, BY S. H. XcCOXNELL, Auctioneer. BY virtue of on Execution to me directed, I will expose to sale on the FIRST MON? DAY in JANUARY next, at Audersou Court House, the following TRACT OF LAND, Containing ono hundred and nine acres, more or less, lying one mile from Anderson Court House, on the west side of the Fendleton Road, bounding lands of Mrs; t J Roberts, Matilda Anderson and others. Levied on as the property of Mrs Lucia Mar? tin, at the suit of Mrs M J Orr, Administra? trix, and James L Orr, Administrator. Term Cash. Purchaser to pay extra for Ti? tles. ? WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Doc S, 1S74 22 3 Sheriff's Sale. BY J. H. McCONNELL, Auctioneer. TTY virtue of Executions to me diroctod, I' JJ will expose-to sale on the FIRST MON? DAY in JANUARY next, at Anderson Court (louse, tlie following tract of land, Containing one bund roil and twenty-six acres, more or less, situate in Anderson County, and Slate aforesaid, lying on branches waters of First Creek unit Rocky River, bounding lands of J J Ilarkuess, John Mailand othors. Levied on as the property of Tucker W May, at the suit of James Nosbit, survivor of Jack? son A' Nosbit, and others. Purchaser to pay for papers. WM. McGU KIN, Sheriff. Executors' Sale Terms < 'ash. DecS, 1ST! "ITT ILL be sold on SALE DAY in JANU VV A BY noxt, the following CHOSEN IN ACTION belonging to the Estate of Dr. Thom? as A. Evius, deceased, to wit: Medical Hook Accounts of T A Evius. Medical Look Accounts of Evius it Brown. Medical Look Accounts of L\ ins&Htibbard. Notes payable to T .? Evius. Notes payable to Evins A IJrown. Notes payable to Evins iv Hubbard. Four Scholarships of Johnson Female Uni vcrsitv. Three Honds ($500 each) of the Greenville* Columbia I tail road <'o., guaranteed by the State of S. ('., with past due coupons attached from 1st January. R72. Tlireo Certificates of Indebtedness of G. A c. K. It. Co., guaranteed by the state of S. C, (I0?) each with past due coupons from 1st January, 1872. ? Judgments in favor Evins it IJrown, Judgments in favor of T A Evins. JOHN II. EVINS, W. S. S HARPE, Executors of the NN'ill of T. A. Evins, dee'd. Doe lt?. 1871 22 3 ? To '0. KENNEDY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL practice in Ihc Circuit and Probate Courts of the Eighth Judicial Circuit,; and in Trial Justice Courts of this Comity. Proi?pt Mil' in ion given to the eol lection of claims. Orru.:K?iSecond dooi to tin left over v. P. H nIibard's Storp. SHERIFF'S SALB. BY J. k McCOlfNELL, Auciiaiesr. i)Y virtue of Executions to me directed, I J will expose to sale on the FIRST MON? DAY in JANUARY next, at Anderson Court Jfou.se, the following tracts or lots of laud: LOT NO. 1, Containing I?Oi acres, more or loss, situaio one and one-half miles south ol" Anderson C IL, bounded on the northwest by the Shockley Ferry Road, east by Lots Nos. - and 0", and lands of David Crosby, and known as the - Homestead place. LOT X DEEDS. WHEN you sell your Cotlo.i, secure your Titles, that your land may not be trespassed on. JOHN W. DANIELS, C. ('. P. ifc R. M. C. Nov 12, IS7-1 IS _"in Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned hoieby gives nolU*. mat he will make application to W. W. Humphreys, Judge of Probate for Anderson County, "on. Monday, the 2lst of December next, foraFi | mil Settlement of the Estate of Jack Moon, deceased, and a Final Discharge therefrom. J. N. BYRUM, Adm'r. Nov 19,1S74 19 ft? Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned hereby give notice that ! they will make application to W. W. Hum? phreys, Judge of Probate for Anderson Coun? ty, on Tuesday, the 12th day ol January next, for a Final Settlement of the Estate of John En ox, deceased, and a Final Discharge there