ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Congress. The friends of Gen. J. W. HARRISON, with? out reference to party, call upon him to allow his name to be used as a candidate for Congress from this Congressional District at the ensuing election._ For the Senate. The many and earnest friends of Maj. JOHN B. MOORE nominate him as a candi? date for the office of Senator at the next elec? tion. j^S" As a portion of the citizens of Anderson ?who feel a lively interest in the selection of competent men to represent us in the next Legislature, we respectfully present the name of JAMES A. HOYT as a suitable man to represent the people of Anderson in the State Senate. EQUALITY. For the House of Representatives. j_5~ The friends of JAMES L. ORR, Esq., respectfully nominato him as a suitable candi? date for the House of Representatives at the next election. The friends of Capt. H. R. VANDIVER would beg leave to suggest him as a suitable person to represent Anderson County in the House of Representatives. . The friends of Maj. THOMAS H. RUSSELL announce him as a candidate for the Legislature at the ensuing election. Emi? nently conservative in all his views, he has the experience, ability, integrity, energy and inde? pendence to makea most useful Representative. We beg leave, respectfully, to nomi? nate JOSEPH COX, Esq., as a suitable candi? date for the House of Representatives. BELTON. Mb. Editor: We, voters of Anderson Co., believe that it is our imperative duty to use all the power we have through our franchise, to put a stop to fraud and rascality, and work earnestly for a reform in the government of S. C, by electing intelligent, honest and faith? ful representatives. Therefore tho many friends of R. W. SIMPSON, Esq., do respect? fully beg leave to place his name before the people of Anderson County as a suitable per? son to represent them in the next Legislature. MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor: We, thomanv friends of WIL? LIAM R. PARKER, bee leave to nominate him as a suitable person to represent the people of Anderson Couniy in the next sitting of the Legislature, believing him to be all right. He has not called upon the people of Anderson County for their support, but wo call upon him for his services; and we also call upon our white friends to help us elect him. Ho is a Republican, but we think he is honest. MANY VOTERS. ?&- The friends of J. C. C. FEATHER STON, Esq., respectfully announce him as a candidate for re-election to a seat in the next House of Representatives. ?&> The friends of Dr. JOHN WILSON respectfully announce him as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives from Anderson County. SESU The friends of JOHN E. BREAZEALE, Esq., respectfully nominate him as a suitable candidate for the House of Representatives at the next election. For School Commissioner. #S?- The friends of ELIAS Z. BROWN re? spectfully announce him as a candidate for the office of School Commissioner of Anderson County at the next election. The friends of Col. W. S. SHAW re? spectfully announce him as a candidate for School Commissioner for this County at the ensuing election. The many friends of Capt. TIIOS. P. BENSON announce him as a candidate for re? election to the office of School Commissioner of Anderson County at the next election. ?&- Help our Disabled Soldiers ! The many friends of J. N: CARWILE announce him as a candidate for Count}' School Commis? sioner. MANY VOTERS. For Judge of Probate. ?&- The friends of Maj. W. W. HUM? PHREYS announce him as a candidate for re? election to the office of Probate Judgo of An? derson County. ?Sf The friends of Col. T. J. PICKENS respectfully announce him as a candidate for Probate Judgo. For County Commissioners. The following ticket for Count}" Commis? sioners of Anderson is respectfully nominated, viz: O. H. P. FANT, JOSHUA JAMISON, WM. M. LEAVELL, And will be supported at the next election by MANY VOTERS SPECIAL NOTICES. GO TO TEXAS via the LONE STAR ROUTE! (International and Great Northern R. R.) Passengers going to Texas via Memphis and Little Rock, or via Shreveport, strike this line at Longview, the Best Route to Palestine, Hearne, Waco, Austin, Huntsville, Houston, Galveston and all points in Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will find it the _>est Route to Tyler, Mincola, Dallas, Overton, Crocket, Longview and all points in Eastern and Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement, including New and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Pal? ace Sleeping Cars, Westinghouse Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Platforms and Couplers, and nowhere else can the passenger so com Eletely depend on a speedy, safe and comforta le journey. The LONE STAR ROUTR lias admirably answered tho query: " How to go to Texas ?'" by tho publication of an interesting and truth? ful document, containing a valuable and cor? rect map, which can be obtained, free of ciiargc, by addressing the Gkxkkal Ticket Agent, International and Great Northern Railroad, Houston, Texas. District E. Feb 26, 1874 34 ly FURCIKtOTT, BENEDICT & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C, Offer to the public and dealers in general, an immense and well selected stock of dry goods, ca,bpets, oil cloths, mattings, ifec, at the lowest prices. Herewith they annex the prices of a few articles: Calicos, from 6 to 10c.; Long Cloths, 6 to 15c; Brown Homespuns, extra heavy, from 7* to 10c; Jeans, from 12Jc up? wards; Casimeres, from 40c upwards; Flan? nels, from 20 to 50c; Ladies', Misses' and Gent's Hose, 75c, $1.15, $2.00 per dozen and upwards; Suspenders, ?1.40 per dozen and upwards; Ladies'and Gents' Pocket Handker? chiefs, from 60c per dozen and upwards; Black and Colored Alpacas, 20c. and upwards; Dress Goods, from 25c. upwards; Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Housekeeping Goods, Fi*n cy Goods, Ribbons, Notions, dec, from 15 to 25 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere. Samples sent and orders promptly filled. All Retail orders from ?10.00 upwards, sent per Express free of charge. A liberal discount to whole? sale dealers. I have on hand for Sale Low for Cash., DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, _ HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, I WHITE OAK & HEMLOCK j SOLE LEATHER, SADDLES & BRIDLES, SHOE FINDINGS. My Goods were bought for Cash, since the decline, and I will sell Low for Cash. Call on me at the Store formerly occupied by John R. Cochran. W. S. SHARPE Sept24, 1874 _11_ FARMERS, MAKE MONEY BY MANURING YOUR WHEAT WITH 1 APES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. THIS SPLENDID FERTILIZER HAS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION THIS SEASON. PRICE?Sixty Dollars per Ton, Cash?or on time to 1st January, 1875, Sixty Dollars per Ton, with interest from day of sale at one per cent, per monl O. A. REED. THE JETtfA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, COM. THIS is one of the strongest Companies in? suring lives in the State of South Carolina, and commends itself to the public for the following reasons: It has been tested by twenty-five years' experience. It had safely invested on January 1, 1S74, $19,20:1,787 DOLLARS. It has not increased its rates for its Southern business. It is issuing 10,000 policies annually. Its revenue in 1873 was $0,000,000. It is prompt in making settlements. It has paid more than $100,000 in losses in the State of South Carolina, and has never dispu? ted a claim. Its rates are as low as real insuranco can bo furnished at. Applications can be made in person or by letter to the General Agent at Columbia, S. C. Correspondence solicited, and full information given on all points. NEIGHBORHOOD AGENTS WANTED.? Any person obtaining five policies annually will receive sufficient commissions to insure his own life. Any active man can do that by personal solicitation among his immediate friends. Full information given. W. ?. GULICK, General Agent, Columbia, S. C. Sept 10, 1S74 9 3 Sheriff's Sale, THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Andersox County. j In the Court of Common Pleas. Laura H. Bruce, et al. vs. H. II. Vandiver, ctal.?Complaint, ., Anderson, S. C. W. P. CANNON it CO.. Wiiliamston, S. C. CON &. OKER, Belton, S. C. Sept 17, 1S74 II' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, A NDERSON COUNTY. By W. II". Humphreys, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Mrs. .lane Osborn made suit to me to grant her Letters of Administration on the Estate and cilbcts of Miss Ellen Hamil? ton, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Ellen Hamilton, deceased, that thej be and appear before! mo in the Court of Probate, to bo held at Anderson C. II., on Friday 2nd day of October, 1874, after publication, hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show causes, if any they have, why the said Adminis? tration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 11th day of September, Anno Domini 1874. W. W. HUMPHREYS, .Judge of Probate. _Sept_17, 1874 _Hi'_. 2 Copartnership Notice. WE have this day associated with us in the GROCERY BUSINESS, Mr. .1. B. PREVOST, under the Jinn name of FANT, H12JLL ? CO. Thanking our friends for their past, patron? age, we solicit a continuance of the same for the new linn. PANT it BELL. Sept 1,1874 .1 lm Private Boarding! "\7"OUX<; LADIES desiring to attend School X in Charleston, (Tuition Free,) or young men attending the Charleston College, or Med? ical College, can he accommodated with board on moderate terms. Address, .Mus. A. A. I'ALMER, !I2 Tradd Street, Care Col. [', C. Gaillard. Sept JO, 1871 n REPORT OF THE n FOR ANDERSON COUNTY, For the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 1> IS74. PURSUANT to provisions of "An Act to define tho du? ties anil jurisdiction of County Commissioners," the Board hereby publish for the information of tbe public its an? nual exhibit, showing the receipts and expenditures of the Board since the 1st September, 1S73, to the 1st Septem? ber, 1874: DR. To amount of Taxes collected by County Treas? urer fur year 1S73.S12288 S7 Balance on band September 1, 1S73. 391 69 Received of J. \V. Daniels, C. C. P.?fines, Ac. 130 80 G. W. Hammond, T. J., lines, Ac. 203 00 J. E. Brcazealc, T. J., lines, Ac. 39 00 J. L. Bryant, T. .T., fines, Ac. 20 00 J. C. Whilefiold, T. J., fires, Ac. 15 00 C. W. Smith. T. J., fines, Ac. 13 00 James MeLcsky, T. J., fines, Ac. 10 00 ?. W. Maret, T. J., linos, Ac. 10 00 W. D. Wilkes, T. J., fines, Ac. 8 00 Lurkiu Newton, T. J., fines, Ac. 5 00 From sale of Estravs. 9 (50 $13139 80 CR. FOR POOR HOUSE AND FARM. Julius Poppe, whiskey for paupers.S 1 00 D. M. Stephens, work on wagon. C 55 P. K. McCully, supplies. 10 9S N. K. tV J. P. Sullivan & Co., supplies. 11 35 McGrath A Byruni, supplies. 24 SI J. M. Brown, hiring labor. 17 02 J. M Brown, purchases for poor. 14 34 Fant A Bell, supplies. 23 9C O. H. P. Faut, wagon and tobacco. 150 50 P. K. McCully, supplies. 113 00 N. K. Sullivan A Co., supplies. 7 40 McGrath & Byrum, supplies. 12 00 F. M. White, blacksinithing. 18 20 Harry Gaillard, blacksinithing. 18 10 J. C. Gass, for hogs. 116 52 John M. Brown, Steward. 137 5o Benson A Sharpe, medicine for paupers. 3 50 C. A. Reed, S pounds round iron. 1 00 Dr. P. A. Wilhito, medtcal;aitention to poor. 55 Co ti. F. Tolly, making four collins. 1C 00 Mrs. M. E. Watson, brick. 1G SO G. F. Tolly, three collins. 12 00 McGrath A Byrum, supplies. 7 75 X. J. Leak, supplies. 27 20 Barr, Watson A Co., supplies. 3 15 Fant A Bell, supplies. 9 67 S. Blcckley, supplies. 46 25 Lewis A Co., supplies. 5 50 Stephens A White, repairing wagon and smithing.. 9 25 N. K. Sullivan A Co., supplies. 9 75 J. M. Brown, expended for Poor He use. 52 15 N. K. Sullivan A Co., supplies. 5 00 S. Bleekley, supplies. 5 25 John M. Brown, for cow. 17 00 John M. llrowu, hireing labor Ac. 13 00 Dubbins A Sons, supplies. 16 45 W. S. Sharpe, 15 sacks Carolina Fertilizer. 83 50 Fant A Bell, supplies. 73 92 J. Belton Watson, bagging and ties two b. c. 5 00 O. H. P. Fant, 30 lbs. tobacco.'.. 15 00 Dobbins A Sons, supplies. 3 10 1'. K. McCully, supplies. 8 95 Martin A Payne, bridle bits. 1 00 N. K. Sullivan A Co., supplies. 8 45 W. S. Sharpe, phosphate. 17 70 Mcliukin A Co., supplies. 162 95 J. M. Brown, am't. paid out for poor farm. 61 S2 J. M. Brown, Steward, on salary. 62 50 A. F. White, black-smithing. 20 S5 Fant A Bell, one sack eofl'ee. 36 43 O. H. P. Fant, tobacco. 31 93 Towers A Broyles, supplies. 6 80 G. F. Tolly, coffins for paupers. 8 00 Simpson, Hill A Co., medicines. 41 75 Fant A Bell, supplies. 149 90 .1. M. Brown, Steward, on salary. 100 00 J. M. Brown, hired labor. 14 50 N. K. Sullivan A Co., supplies. 29 53 I'. A. Wilbite, physician, salary. 06 75 J. M. Brown, paid for supplies and labor. 19 00 Dobbins & Sons, supplies. 2 90 A. P. llubbard, supplies. 1 50 Uilreath A Burgiss, tinware. 4 05 T. K. McCully, supplies. 9 85 1'. A. Wilhite, medical attention. 12 50 J. R. Drcunan, supplies. 12 00 ?2001 37 MISCELLANEOUS. Henry Kennedy, hauling dead body to bury.S 2 50 Hiram Wardlaw, digging grave SXOO, passed for.... 1 50 Hugh McKinuey, serving on Coroner's jury and mileage. 30 A. 11. Valentine, same. 30 Lawrence Walker, same. 30 Wm. T. McGill, witness and mileage. 90 Wm. Rogers " " . 1 20 J. W. Major " " . 95 D. S. McMillan " " . 1 20 J. II. Rainey " " . 1 20 R. M.Morris " " . 90 Dr. G. II. Symmes, post mortem examination. 10 00 John R. Cochran, clothing to bury pauper. 12 00 J. W. Daniels, C. C. I'., State account. 55 00 Win. McGukin, expenses sending 5 prisoners to Penitentiary. 78 65 Dr. P. A. Wilhite, post mortem examination. 10 00 Dr. P. A. Wilhite, medical attention to prlsouer... 6 00 Henry Perry, juror and mileage. 30 A. II. Valentine, juror and mileage. 30 Thos. Mimmes juror and mileage. 30 Elia? Thomas, juror and mileage. 30 Franklin Roberts, juror and mileage. 30 Gilbert Rutlcdgc, juror and mileage. 30 Samuel Thompson, juror and miloagc. 30 Sim. Brown, juror and mileage. 30 John Young, juror and mileage. 30 Henry Bircb, juror and mileage. 30 Thomas Edwards, juror and miioag.C. 30 Mae. Singleton, juror and mileage. 30 George Johnson, juror and mileage. 30 W. II. Brockmau,juror and mileage. 30 W. T. McGill, witness and mileage. 85 .lames Long, witness and mileage. 1 35 Wm. McGukin, Stale account. 4 50 Witnesses, seven, and mileage. 7 55 Daniel Simpson, witness and mileage. so Samuel Millford, witness and mileage. 2 00 Warren Hagood, witness and mileage. 1 00 Witnesses. 1 50 Wm. McGukin, conveying prisoners to Penten'ry.. 62 65 .1. \V\ B. Skellon, juror. 25 Six jurors ami mileage. 2 50 Benjamin Guyton.juror. 25 Win. McGukin, transport, pris. to Penitentiary. 130 15 Dr. (I. M. .lone.-, pulling teeth for prisoner*. 1 50 J. R. Ferguson, Sberill" Pickcus County..". 16 50 E. W. Beck and Ira Uingston, arresting and bring? ing lo trial prisoner. 1(5 50 Humphreys and Broazeale, Att'ys, answering rule. 10 00 Thomas II. McCann, witness and mileage. 1 55 Johnson Hall, witness and mileage. 1 50 William U'oodson, witness and mileage. 1 75 Robert Hiidgcns, witness and mileage. 7(1 John Harbin, witness and mileage. 70 J. W. Prince, witness and mileage. 1 55 Samuel Harris, witness and mileage. 1 55 J. II. Burdinc, witness and mileage. 1 50 Jurors and witnesses (per G. W. Maret, T. J.,). 9 25 Witnesses, (per Maret, T. .1.) act. 59.15, passed for... 7 55 Dr. G. II. Symmes, posl mortem examination. 10 on E. Jones, witness and mileage. 1 70 J. W. Daniels, Clerk, State account. 164 on S. Blcckley, Jury Commissioner, salary. 34 00 Jurors and witnesses, I per Smith, T. J.,) - - 4 10 Dr. G. H. Symmes, attention to prisoners, - - 12 00 L. P. GulBn, Sheriff, account, - ... 4 50 M. E. Mitchell and others, witnesses, - 2 70 Drs. lt. F. Brown and <>. R. Horton, posf. m. exam. 34 00 Randall McClurc, juror, .... 25 I-'. A. Daniels, commitments, Ac, - - - 17 50 Dr. II. U. Scudday, posl mortem examination, - IS 00 Dr. J. G. Knight, post mortem examination, - 30 00 Wm. McGukin, commitments, Ac, - 25 20 S?32 80 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Wm. McGukin, paid mit for repairing jail, - - ?52 74 T. I'. Benson, st>>ve, Ac, for School Com. office, - 17 75 I,. ('. Itraddy, repairing gutlers on Court House, - 3 no S. M. l'egg, clim'n., rent Masonic Mall, Grand Jury, 9 00 Miss''. C. Daniels, curtain lor Court House, - II 09 Mis. Martha Wehl?, rent of Auditor's office, - 20 00 Gilrcnlli & Burghs, boiler, Ac, fry jail, - - JI 7.r. L. C. Braddy, tin-ware for jail. Ac, - - .1 05 S. M. Pegg, chm'n., rent of room for Grand Jury, - 9 00 F. A. Daniels, white-washing jail, - - - 10 CO Mrs. Martha Webb, rent of Auditor's office, - 20 00 L.C. Braddy, repairs on Court House, - - 70 00 J. H. Matthews, white-washing Court House, - 8 C3 Randal MCI uro, work on Court House, - - 75 Jeptha Wilson, work on Court House, - - C7 00 L. P. James, work on Court House, - 19 50 A P If tibbard, locks for jail and Court House, - 3 50 David White, iron grates for jail windows, - 120 00 Wm Mctiukin, jail locks, - - - - 24 25 $471 41 TRIAL JUSTICES. (5 W Hammond, Trial Justice, - S1S5 00 J C Whitefiold, Trial Justice, - 25120 John E Brea7.eale, Trial Justice, ... 63 97 W D Wilkes, Trial Justice, - - - - 191 ?0 J L Bryant, Trial Justice, - - - - 71 12 G W Maret, Trial Justice, - - - ? 34 GO Elvin J Pinson, Trial Justice, ... 4350 W II D Gaillarri, Trial Justice, - - - 22 50 J J Gilnier, Trial Justice, - - - - 24 00 CW Smith, Trial Justice, - - - - 33 55 Larkin Newton, Trial .Tustico, - - - 8 00 BS Wright, Trial Justice, - - - - 21 45 James McLesky, Trial Justico, - - 4 00 S s Jones, Trial Justice, - - - - 25 00 J Ii Newberry, Trial Justice, - - - - 13 50 $993 111 CONSTABLES. William Clark, constablo, - - - - S 4 00 William N Hammond, - - - 7 50 JII McConnell, constable, - - - J 5 65 J H McConnell, constable, - - - - 75 00 E V Clark, constable, - - - - 3 00 William Ellison, constable, - - - - 34 50 C L (iaillard, constable, - - - - 1C 50 James McNeely, constable, - - - - 4 00 WII Hammond, constable, - - - - 3 00 Benjamin Martin, constable, - ? -145 JII McConnell, constable, -. - - 9 00 J W Cook, constable, - - - - 10 45 J It Gambrell, constablo, - - - - 5 00 C A Rowland, constable, - - . - 2 00 J W Ducas, constable, - - - - S 00 D L Moore, constable, - - - - 1 80 W P King, constable, - - - 13 65 W N Hammond, constable, - - - - 18 00 William Ellison, constable, - - - - 6 00 Littloton Parks, constable, 2 20 H J McKinney, constable, - - - - 2 00 S J Barrett, constable, - - - 1 00 W G Clark, constable, - - - 3 00 James Payne, constable, - - - - 3 00 M Owens, constable, - - - - - 9 00 James Long, constable, - - - - 2 20 JII McConnell, constable, - - - 6 00 William Harbin, constable, - - - 7 25 David Owen, constable, - - - C 00 J L Kay, constable, - - - - 1 13 A W Kay, constablo, - - - - 1 15 It F McKinney, constable, - - - -100 L M Motte, constable, - - - - 1 15 N O Farmer, constable, : : : : 1 10 William Wilson, constable, : : : 3 50 J W Cook, constable, : : : : 12 45 James P Drcnnan, constable, : : : 34 85 W N Hammond, constable, : : : : 5 00 EJ Robertson, constable, : : : : 3 00 W L Harbin, constable, : : : : 8 45 Jesse Lewis, constable, : : : : 2 00 J W N Hammond, constable, : : : : 12 00 I W B Baile;-, constable, : : : : 12 45 William Ellison, constablo, : : : : 43 4" J C Griilin, constable, : : : : 7 50 J B Sanders, constable, : : : : 75 William M Brown, constable, : 1 : 1 00 W G Clark, constable, : : : : 13 00 W F Davis, constable, : : : 5 05 A P Watson, constable, : : : : 1 70 Alexander Campbell, constable, : : : 14 40 J A Daniels, constable, : : : : 9 00 J W Cook, constable, : : : : 15 95 William Wilson, constable, : : : : 9 80 M B llembrec, constable, : : : : 1 40 W N Hammond, coustuble, : : : : 10 40 W H Scott, constable, : : : ; 4 75 William Holmes, constable, : : : : 13 35 F M Davis, constable, : : : : 1 50 WII Scott, constable, : : : : 6 00 J P Simmons, constable : : : : 8 50 J W Princw, constablo, : : : : 10 60 E V Clark, constable, : : : : 4 80 J 11 Driiiuan, constable, : : : 4 70 J W Cook, constable, : : : : 25 25 J L Bryant, constable, : : : : 1 50 William Ellison, constable, : : : : 7 00 J C Gritfin. constable, : : : : 21 65 J W Major, constable, : : : : 1 35 J M Blackmail, constable, : : : : 1 45 E A Majors, constable, : : : : 4 5o Silas Kay, constable, : : : : 5 00 H D Rowland, account $2 5o, passed for : : 1 So W N Hammond, constable; : ; : : S6 o5 N W Grant, coustable, : : : : 10 y5 J W Cook, constable, : : : 12 2o J C Shaw, constable, : : : : 1 60 $686 85 COURT EXPENSES. A Blythe, solicitor 6th eucuit, costs, : : $312 So William McGukin, serving venires, : : 57 00 Same, furnishing wood and condlea, : : 3 75 K ? Belcher, furnishing ice, : : : 1 lo Jurors and constables, September term, 1873, : 123 lo Ditto, November extra term, 1873, : : : 294 5o Ditto, February term, 1874, : : : 346 3o Ditto, May term, 1874, : : : : : 223 00 Witnesses, extra November term, : : : 7o 3o Ditto, February term, 1884, : : : : 42o 00 $2351 55 DIETING PRISONERS. Win McGukin, Slier it!*, for Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec, 1878, and Jan. and Feb., 1874, : : $453 2o F A Daniels, Jailor, for Feb., March, April, May, June, July and August, 1874, : ; : 355 60 $808 80 LUNATICS. Dr M L Shnrp<>, examination, ; ; J $5 00 W W Humphreys, P. J., sending lunatics Asyluni, 5 00 Win Mctiukin, for the same, ; ; ; 27 3o W W Humphreys, for the same, ; ; ; lo 00 Dr J II Maxwell, examining lunatic, ; ; 5 00 Dr W L Jenkins, for the same, ; ; ; 5 00 Dr R F Divver, for the same, ; ; ; 5 00 Dr P A Wilhite, for the same, ; ; ; 5 00 W W Humphreys, sending lunatics to Asylum, ; 5 00 Dr () R Broyles, examining lunatic, ; ; ; 5 00 R R liurrlss, conveying lunatics to Asylum, ; 37 7o DrOR Broylos, examining lunatic, ; ; 5 00 Wm McGukin, conveying luuatic to Asylum, ; 32 55 W W Humphreys, sending idiot to poor farm, ; 5 00 Dr H II Scudday, examining two lunatics, ; lo 00 Dr R. F. Divver, for the same ; ; ; 5 00 Win McGukin, transporting lunatic to asylum ; 26 2o $198 75 BLANKS, STATIONARY, BOOKS, Ac. Walkr-r, Evans A Cogswell, ; ; ; $6 00 G W Fant, ; ; ; ; ; ; 3 So Walker, Evans A Cogswell, ; ; ; ; 44 4o ?dwurd Terry,blanks, ; ; ; ; lo So J.W Daniels, book, ; ; ; ; ; 2 75 Walker, Evans .t Cogswell, ; ; ; ; 4!) ."a 1; W Kant, stationary, ; ; , ; 12 5o Walker, Evans it Cogswell, ; ; ; ; 22 5o The same, ; ; ; ; ; ; 13 00 G W Fant, stationary, ;;*?'. 1136 B D Dean, express on books, ; ; ; 1 25 $196 56 ADVERTISING. Uoyt A Co., advertising report, ; ; ; $2S 00 Brown A Haynie, advertising report, ; ; 27 5o Uoyt A Co., notice to contractors and road delinq'ts 5 5o Hoy I A Co., advertising extra term of Court, ; lo 00 Murray, McGill A Lainjston, advertising same, , 10 00 Same, notice to contractors, executors, Ac, ; 11 So Same, advertising sundry notices, ; ; 21 So Hovt A Co., for the name. ; ; ; ; 600 Murray, McGill A Langston, for the same, ; 3-1 00 Same, for the same, ; ; ; ; ; 14 50 ' $168 r?> BRIDGES and ROADS. A B Bowdcn, building:! and 20 bridge, 8194 00 W II Boleman, building bridge, 840 00 D L Hall, rebuilding bridge, 25 00 .1 L Mosclcy, building Millwoo bridge, 40 00 Same, services as sub commissioner, 9 00 B 1? Rreazealo, for the same, 12 00 Wash Reeves, build. Broadmouth bridgo 275 00 Same, abutment for same, 5 00 Win Terry, build, bridge over IS creek, 225 00 Same, build, bridge over '.\ and 20 creek, 225 00 W J Martin, sub commissioner, 10 50 R T Elrod, sub commissioner, (5 00 Milton Erskine, building bridgo, 23 00 Levi Burriss, sub commissioner, 8 50 E .1 Earle, building Evergreen bridge, 150 00 J A' S Lewis, repairing Broadmouth b. 6 00 H McMurtry, building 3 & 20 bridgo 55 00 J B Smith, bridging Jones' creek, 47 75 W S Piekens, bridging 3 and 20 creek, 40 25 A B Bowden, for the same, 363 50 L W Watson, repairs on Durham's bM 19 06 Wilson's Bridge Co., for bridge, 82 00 Win Perry, bridging 18 creek, 96 70 " " " 43 SO W A McFall, repairing Broad way bridge 12 0'J S C Humphreys, sub commissioner, 15 25 A F Fleming, bridging Broadmouth, 333 00 Willis Newton, bridging 3 and 20, 30 00 J S Smith, repairing bridge VVIJ 275 King Street, Charleston, S. C. The Cheapest Dry Goods, Notions, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, etc.? This Side of New York. For Prices, see special notice column. Sept 3, 1874 8 6m "dry goods, IN otions, &co. IN anticipation of an early trade, and taking advantage of present low prices, we have made, through our Resident Buyer at New York, extensive purchases of such FALL and WINTER GOODS As are adapted to the wants of the trade. Our Stock will be kept FULL during the season, and all orders promptly executed^ E. W. MARSHALL & CO., Charleston, S. C* August 27, 1S74 7 3m Notice to Contractors. THE contract for the re-building of the Bridgo across Six-and-Twenty, near Mrs. Har? ris", will be let to the lowest responsible bidder at tin? site of said Bridge, on FRIDAY, the 25th of September inst. The party receiving the contract will be re? quired to give bond, with good surety, for the faithful performance of contract according to specification. Specifications made known oil dav of letting contract. KENON BREAZEALE, Chairman Board Co. Commissioners; Sept 10, 1874 6 3 FOR SALE, BUGGIES and WAGONS, manufactured by Seal, Sign A: Robinson, Abbeville* S. C* ALSO, On hand, SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Or,EY, 1 . , , S. A. B)WENt jAdmrs Sept 10, 1S74 v 3 Administrator's Notice. ALL persons having demands against the Estate ol J. L. Dawson, deceased, are herebv notiliod to present them to the undersigned, properly proven, within the tune prescribed by law : and those indebted to make pavmcnt at onre. JOHN B. WATSON. Adm'r. Sept 10. 1*74 0 3