Sinking Slowly. Dispstses that progress rapidly to a crisis are not the only ones "to be dreaded.'- Canker or ?stey. lot does not blast a tree as suddenly as a .stroke of lightning, bnt unless arrested it. de ^tioya it as certainly; and in like manner chronic debility, although it does not kill with .?fhe^Wtftness of yellow fever, is as sure to tap the springs of life eventually as any acute dis? ease, if not checked by invigorating medica? tion. There is something inexpressibly tounh !fog^thfrspectacleof :pTem^ decay. . Lan Tgubr, pallor, emaciation, depression of spirits, ,and a distaste for exertion, are its ordinary J wymptorns, and they should be promptly met pj$y tonic.treatment The best mvigorant and J ?ffSjhUerant that can bo administered in a case of j itf?akind is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The lulating principle of the preparation rouses a dormant energies of the system, and the lening and regulating properties give a | lent and healthful impulse to the vital s thus brought into play. The' failing' ap? sis re-awakened,'the process of digestion ; assimilation are quick aned, the quality of theblood is impipvect, t?e secretions become more natural, and every organ that contributes to* the nourishment of the body undergoes sal? utary change. . By these, means the repair of "fne> physical structure is effected and its health. and vigor restored. In no class of. diseases has tho beneficient operation of the Bitters' been j more.marked and striking than in those char find in this mi correctives the safest and surest means of re- j ?B^ytTs 'strong to restore and^powerTess to j HWr?r" Such' is"~thB uniform' 'testimony' *cf j 4,cl<%ids3Di;wjt ?^Fkost Dan to 3?bbs>fj^.?"Frorh Charles? ton to Dahlonega, from the seaboard to the i**Un tains, can be'seen a marked improvement in_the stylo' of buildings in the last five years. ,g?tyeges and Arm houses all present a more uf?ft i d /awl conifortable appearance.1 fcThe rea s'wfcTl known. It is because in that period 5 whole country has learned to patronize that SSijehititod manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, and AfeUfefdsV Mr. P. P. To ale, Charleston, 8. C. Notice of Final Settlement. ?"?THE undersigned hereby gives notice that "I apply to A. O. Norris, Esq., Probate J on Thursday, the 28th day of March , for a Final Settlement of the Estate of | Hlx. deceased, and for letters of dis lon from the same. ,,? _2 B. F. CRAYTON-"Ex'r.' jFfcb22,1872 S3 S ?K*r fjalS of Lano. X jyjLL sell at public outcry on Saleday Jljihi ?lareh nex^cUsa Opifarne Lands; ? with_ the corporate limits of .the town,, containing respectively Nine Acres and Fourteen and one- j ?half Acres. , [| ^ttmWOF'Sati^-One-tkfrd purchase" money in cash, balance on accredit until first of Janu? ary next, secured' by bond of .purchaser and1 Tmoflgage. Purchaser to pay extra for stamps and papers: '' It. F. WHITNER. ?HH$ STATE OF SOTTTH CAROLINA, '* COUNTY OF ANDERSON. : ' Sic TBjll. 0?IhrriaK Esq., Probate Jwige^ - THEREAS, ^-Matthew" Williamson and > Richard C. Wilson made suit .tonne to it them -Letters of Administration of the and effects ofCAfasfin Williamson, de MrTitSTf*! 1 *) ' " .J.ii'I') T&'ilL.I fe are therefore to cite' and'admonish all ^tadiaingular tho kindred and creditors of the -said Mastin Williamson, deceased, that they bo -?n^L appear before nie in the Court of Probate, Jto*bo held at' Anderson C. H., on Taesdiy, the Ah day- of March, 1872, after pnbli cation hereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, to show ftsm, if any. they have, why the said Adminis? tration should not be granted. ' Given:under my hand, this 19th day of Feb- j ruary; Anno Domini Jt7$ ;. . ,tv A. O. NORRIS, ' Judge of Probate.' Fa* 22, 1872 33 ? ': ? ? ' 1 ' ?T.C.vBOBSTEt.. PIANOS! TJIOR sale by Jl ti>- ? - -J*. Ggr. BORSTEL, Feb.22,j872, ,. No. 4 Brick Ran?a. 33 T?r~ Cottage Picture Frames, JpOR sale by Feb 22, 1872 F. C. v. BORSTEL. 83 Pure J30 Engagement Rings, T^OBsaleby X . F. C v. BORSTEL. Feb 22^.1872 33 THE PEAK FAMILY, (ORIGINAL BELL RINGERS,) W?1 give Two of their Classical and Comical Concerts at A ' ' ? MASONIC BALL, On Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 27 & 28. :i ... _> PROMINENT features of tho entertainment as given by them only, for tho last thirty- I three years, in the principal towns and cities throughout the United Statos. j They have also sojourned in Europe, where they had the hon? or of appearing before tho crowned heads, and received flattering testimonials of their appre? ciation of their entertainments: : Operatic and other selections upon sixty-six original Lancastershire Silver Bells, by tho Troupe. Miss-Fannie will introduce her staff of silver bens, of which she is the originator, and only successful operator. Descriptive vocal pieces, by Mrs. William Peak, Sr. Piano solos and characteristic vocal pieces, fcy the beautiful and accomplished Mile. Zelda. Master Barnard is tho musical genius now before tho public, as all will conceive after hav? ing the pleasure of hearing him. Mrs. J. D. Fitz, tho accomplished Boprano. I Wrhv Peak, Sr., piaalst and composer, and founder of bell music in America. " Other members of the Troupe in their respec tic specialities. Admission 50 cents. Reserved seats 75 cents. Reserved seats may be procured of N. K. b22, 1872 33 1 TUE MARKETS. Anderson, February 21,1872. Sales of cotton for the week ending to-day 200 bales. Prices this afternoon range from 20} to 21. Bacon, 10 to 12}; Corn, 1.00 to 1.10; Peas, 1.00 to 1.10; Flour, 810 to 812. SPRING TMDE; IW. MARSHALL & CO., DRY GOODS . . an d NOTIONS, VI/ E offer to the Trade this- season a large VY and complete line of Foreign and Do? mestic Dry Goods and Notions, which we will sell at New York Prices. B. W. MARSHALL A CO. Fob 22,1872 38 3m a 111 Never Be Poor Any More, PROVIDED I Can Sell Enough Goods. . T? WTLL Wtainly sell you. Goods at vary low prices for the nest thirty days to come. Now, if yon will arm yorrrselves with s LIT? TLE MONEY aad give me a call, you shall be | pleased, wit lithe prices. Dry .Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, &c, Ac, make up the assortment. | A fine lot of Northern Irish Potatoes. Come and get hi time to plant. I BUY MORE CHICKENS THAN ANY OTH? ER STORE IS THIS MARKET. n Always in the Cotton, market. S. M. PEGG, ' Bed Sign Store.: ,Feb 22, 1872 Oil:':. ? il 1.7 ? 7 FACTORY 7AMU I am now Agent for the CEDAR. TTTLT. "FACTORY YARN?have a lot now on hand, who lesale or retail. This Yam I wUl guaran? tee to give satisfaction. ? S. M. PEGG, Rod Sign Store. CAROLINA FERTILIZER FOR SALE AT EQUALITY, AT WILLIAMSTON, and bo delivered by A. F. Welbora. AT PENDLETON, and be delivered by G.D.Barr. Price, $45 cash?Time, $50, freight and dray age added. THOMAS H. McCANN, Agent for Geo. W. Williams A CO. Feb 15, 1872 32 4 A School for Little Children Will be taught by MISS S. J. FBIEBSON, IN the little hoube on Mr. W. S. Sharpe'a lot, commencing on the FIRST MONDAY in March. Every attention will be paid to their comfort and early habits. Fob 15,1872 82 3* ZELLS PHOSPHATE. WE have in Store' and for sale, 200,000 pounds of Zell's Phosphate. Cash, per Ton, $45. Payable 1st November, $55. Cash for freight, per ton, $10. WATSON A BRO. Feb 15, 1872 82 4 ESTATE SALE. IWILL eell the Notes, Accounts, Judgments and other evidences of indebtedness be? longing to the Estate of William N. Major, de? ceased, at public auction, at Anderson Court House, on Sale-day in March next. Also, tho Accounts, Notes and Judgments of tho late mercantile firm of Moores A Major, in which said Estate has an interest. JAMES B. MOORE, Adm'r. Estate of Wm. N. Major. Feb 15,1872 82 3 Horses and Mules for Sale. I will be in Anderson in a few days with a very fine lot of young HORSES and MULES, raised in North Carolina. All good?no old Rips among them. If you want a horse or mule, come and see these. Prices all right. I will trade. D. C. CUNNINGHAM. Feb 15,1872 32 MAPES' NITROGKETSTIZED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Oldest Superphosphate Manufactured in this Country. COMPOSED of Bones. Potash, Phosphatic Guano, Concentrated Animal Ammoniacal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. No Salt, Salt Cake, Nitre Cake, Plaster, nor Adulterant or Absor? bent of any kind used. Factory open for inspection at all times. Nineteen years of Practical Experience. Introduced in 1852. Patented December 29, 1859. Quick action and Permanent Improvement to the Soil. Testimony of hundreds of well known Planters in its la vor on every variety of crop and soil, even during extreme adverse seasons. $45 Cash. $55 Time, payable Nov. 1st, 1872. KINSMAN & HOWELL, General Agents for South Carolina, No-. 128 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. C. A. REED, Agent for Anderson Connty. The Wando Fertilizer not Excelled by Any. TERMS UmiSTJALlVir LIBERAL. PRICE, at the Manufactory, Charleston, S. C., FIFTY DOLLARS per Ton cash, and FIFTY FIVE DOLLARS, due 1st November, 1872, without interest. For Cotton delivered by 1st November, 1872, at 15 cents .per pound, ?G0 per ton, and the pur? chaser allowed to pay the money if he chooses. Call and see us. CHERRY & BLECKLEY, Agents,\ f S. BLECKLEY, Agent, Pendleton, S. C. J \ Anderson, 8. C. " p. m. pope. dr. m. Im sharpe. : POPE & SHARPE, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, Combs, Brashes and Druggists Articles, No. O granite Rowi . Anderson O. H., S. O Fob 8,1872,., . , 31 Oils, Brushes, Faints, &c. T rNSEED, Tannora', Kerosino. and Pratt's Jj Astral Oils, Paint and Varnish Brushes, White Wash Brushes, Sash Tools; for sale by POPE & SHARPE. Febl, 1872 81 Baking Preparation. HORSFORD'S self-raising Broad Prepara? tion, for making all lands of superior breads, cakes, Y virtue of the Judgment of the Court of X> Common Pleas, rendered by the Hon. James L. Orr, Judge of the 8th Judicial Cir? cuit, in the above stated case, directed, I. will expose-to sale';on the First Monday in March next, at Anderson Court House, the fol? lowing TRACT OF LAND, Situate in the County of Anderson, on waters of Lid die's Creek, containing 150 acres, more or less, bounding lands of Thomas Diekson, John McLattt, Mrs. Watkins and others.' Teums op Sale?One-third of the purchase money and the costs of these proceedings cash, the remainder on a credit of six months, with interest from day of sale, purchaser to give bond, with good security, and a mortgage of the premises, to secure the remaining purchase money, with leave to anticipate payment of the wholo amount cash. Purchaser to pay ex? tra for papers and stamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Fob 8,1872 31 4 " SHERIFFS SATiR BY virtue of Executions to me directed, I will expose to aale on tho First Monday in March next, i at Anderson Court House, tho following property, to wit: ONE TRACT OF LAND, Containing 140 acres, more 6k> less, lying near the town of Briton, bounding lands of George Telfbrd, W. D. Wllkes and others, levied on as the property of Benson Jordan, at tho suit of William Holmes. ? Terms cash?purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Feb 8, 187a 31 4 Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that I will apply to A. O. Norris, Esq., Judge of Probate) on Tuesday, the 19th day of March next, at Anderson Court House, for a Final Settlement of the Estate of Wm. Marvin Kay, deceased, and for letters of dismission therefrom. ALFRED CAMPBELL, Adm'r. Feb 15, 1872 32 0 Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned horcby gives notice that he will make application to A. O. Norris, Judgo of Probate For Andorson County, on Tuesday, the 27th day of Fobruary next, for a Final Settlement of the Entato of John McGco, deceased, and a final discharge therefrom. GABRIEL L. McGEE, Ex'r. i Jan 25,1872 29 5 Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned horoby gives notice that he will apply to A. O.' Norris, Esq., Pro? bate Judge, on Friday, the 8tti day of March next, for a settlement of the Estato of John M. Mattlson, deceased, aud for lettors of dismission from tho same. JAMES A. KINO, Adm'r. Feb 8, 1871 31 5 NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against tho Es? tato of Chiles McGno, dee'd, will please present them to the rmdorsiirned within the timo proscribed by law, or their claims will be barrod. J. B. McGKE, Ex'r. I Feb 15,1872 32 4 1 Well, fll tell to? FHAT I WILL BO! TU Come Down one more Time, And then, if the "Lucky Man" comes ? to Terms, I'll say, :'. ?'. , ? ;'.'? ??' - ?? ? ? ??: SOLD AGAIN, ?jMTY Goods are all fresh and good, and were JjLL bought LOW, and, .now Cotton has ad? vanced to Twenty-Two Cents in Anderson, and is still going higher everywhere, and, as a nat ?nral consequence, goods will follow snit; and being desirous of closing out my entire stock -of.Dry Goods, Ac., in order to continue my old business of Confectioneries and Fancy Good, I will sell to any one who wishes to go into business at Andersommy entire stock of I Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Ac., AT "CQbT, which will be'about ten or'fifteen per cent, less than they can be bought at now, and a QBE AT DEAL less than they will be sold for nox t fall. ; I'.Will sell NOW AT COST, at least until sorriejrarchaser of the whole stock comes in, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Poplins, Delaines, Ac., Ladies' Cloaks; Blankets, Ready Mado Clothing, &c COME BEFORE SOON, And make your selections. I mean just what I say, but am nearly out of "Tatere on my Gravy." The purchaser of ihy stock can' obtain the Storerooms also. '.' ' A. P. HTHBBAED. ^eblS, 1872 ,. 32 ; SINGER still triumphant!: GOLD and Silver Medals and Diploma awar? ded to Singer Sewing Machine at Savan? nah Fair, November, 1871. First Premium at Atlanta Fair, October, 1671, for best family machine. ? Premium at the Macon Fair, October, 1871, for family family machine, with best and most useful attachments. First Premium at Thomasville, November, 1871', for best family machine. Gold Medal and three Silver Medahr'.swardcd the Singer at the Augusta Fair, November, 1871. ,;t( Diploma awarded Singer Machine at Ander? son, S. C, Fair, November, 1871. Examine this Machine. JOHN H. dLARKE, Agent, Anderson, S. C. you may still look out foe the wagon 1 I have employed my brother, E..L. CLARK, j [ Who will go through the eountry with the! wagon, visit your homes, and show this world renowned Machine, whether you purchase or not; aaj? if ? you; purchase, will give lull and .perieet instructions how to use the Machine and all of its superior attachments.' Jahn H. Clarke can always be found at the stpre of J. B. Clarke A 8911, -^here he 1s" giving the Sinper Sowing Machine business his whole attention. Call and see me. ... . JOHN H. CLARKE. , Fob 1,1871 30 : , 1 ' ' / ' ' ' '? - ! ? ;:\\ . ii.-'-J ! Notwithstanding The HIGH TAXES t SIHPSOI, HILL & CO. - Hi \"\ fi luisiness in the City of Charleston, Mr. s. ii. LANGSTON, Builder,*of Anderson, is our authorized agent, to whom we refer by permission. Nov 9, 1871 19