Proprietors. ANDERSON 0. H., S. 0., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1872. VOLUME VLL?NCX 31. For the Anderson Intelligencer. THE PAST. How like a dream the past doth seem! How vague the picture ever! We look aback Time's beaten track, And cease to wonder never. The friends of yore are such no more, How stiff and cold their greeting! We sadly trace, upon eaeh face, The print of time so fleeting. '?The past is dead," is often said, ' But, sure, 'tis but a slumber; For back we look, as on a book Whoso leaves we cannot number. While timo doth fly, so swiftly die Old pleasures, hopes and feelings; That changes wrought seem swift as thought, With lightning-like revealings. Oh, by-gone days! what beaming rays Shine from thy buried splendor! >?; While life shaU last, to thee, oh, Past, Will memory homage render. __LTJLA. Intrigues of the last Century?The Great Sensation in New York. Ihe correspondent of the Boston Post fur? nishes the annexed particulars of the great trial progressing in New York city, in which the possession of an immense estate belonging to the celebrated Madame Jumel is involved.? At one time in life the belle of Gotham, the curious history of this:noted woman is an at? tractive theme, and contains much that is in? teresting:. New York, January 26. -' It is now almost one hundred years since one of the most remarkable women who have figured in American society was born, and to so great an age did she attain that the lawyers may be said to be only at the commencement of their quarrels over her estate. Eliza Bowen was born in Providence,*R. I., in 1775, and died, as Madame Jumel, in New York city, in 1865.? Hers was a most singular live, and her history, career and circumstances, giving rise as they did to nearly a century's gossip and scandal, are now for the first time being recalled to memory in a connected form by the efforts of the opposing lawyers in the trial before the United States Circuit Court for the possession of the estate. The greatest interest is mani? fested in the case, particularly by those of mid? dle and advanced age, who have had the op? portunity of watching the movements of and taking part in the general conversation con? cerning Madame Jumel during the past twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years. When the old lady died, seven years ago, many were the remin? iscences of the former "belle of New York" in? dulged in by wealthy dowagers and garrulous old gentlemen, but as one cannot be forever thinking of the dead, the theme soon became as lifeless as its subject, and was only touched upon at rare intervals and in casual discussions. Now, however, the veteran affair has become a casus belli, and therefore not only the bench and bar but also the "old society of Gotham are all "up in arms" about it the parties in the suit. The court-room is daily filled to absolute re? pletion, many ladies being included in the au? dience. Judge Shipman presides, and the law? yers in attendance are goodly in number and reputation. For the plaintiff appear Mr. Wil? liam A. Beach, ex-Surrogate Gideon J. Tucker, Messrs. Chauncey Shaffer, Levi S. Chatfield, F. 6. McDonald and others. The defendant is represented by Messrs. Charles O'Conor and James C. Carter. The contending parties are, respectively, Mr. George Washington Bowen? an old, venerable, white-haired gentleman of Bhode Island, who claims to be the only child of Eliza Bowen?and Mr. Nelson Chase, the present holder of the Jumel estate, who dis? putes Bowen's pretensions, and claims to in? herit the property legally, being the nearest living relative of the deceased. "Where there's ? will there's a way," the proverb truly ob? serves, but the trouble in this case is that there is no satisfactory will. The only instrument of the kind that was left behind her has been set aside by the court and the surrogate, so that the madame, although she made many attempts at constructing a will, was finally baffled in her intentions; and though she went down to her grave in the firm conviction that she had or? dered her mundane affairs according to her de? sire, she must have found disappointment awaiting her in the "spirit-laud," if "such things be." the youth of madame jumel. It is sufficient for the present purpose to say that the life of Madame Jumel, without being positively and continuously immoral, was, to say the feast, peculiar, involved the happiness and misery of a number of historical Ameri? cans, and was of the most varied description. Aa related by Mr. Shaffer, Eliza, or as she was generally called, "Betsey" Bowen, was the daughter of John aud Phoebe Bowen, of Provi? dence, B. I. Her parents were of the lowest class. John being a seafaring man and Phoe? be a waif from childhood, whose history cannot be traced. Betsey had two sisters, one older than herself, named Polly, and one younger, named Lavina. The youth of the girls was passed under the most unfavorable conditions. Their father was away at sea most of the time, and their mother did not pass the intervals of absence in mournful seclusion. The residence of the Bowens was continually the scene of violent disorders, participated in by the most 4egraded specimens of white and black hu? manity. Twice was the house torn down by a mob, and at last Phoebe was arrested and incarcerated, and Polly and Betsey were sent to the workhouse. They were then only ten or twelve years old, and the effect of these early associations upon their youthful minds may be imagined. Polly and Betsey left their mother in 1789, Lavina had been confided in infancy to the care of a relative of Phoebe, living in Providence, namely, the wife of Ma? jor Reuben Ballou, a Revolutionary soldier; and now Betsey Bowen sought and obtained a home in the same family. Her circumstances do not appear to have been improved, how? ever, by this change, for the mausion of the Ballous was of the same turbulent character as that of Bowen and his wife. Here Polly died, but Betsey grew to be a young woman, and in 1794, at the age of nineteen, became the mother of George Washington Bowen.? The identity of the father is somewhat ob? scure, but it is supposed that he was none other than the redoubtable Revolutionary he? ro, Major Reuben Ballou, himself. Inasmuch, however, as Betsey had before that time made a pilgrimage to New York, and in later life hinted very strongly of an intimate acquaint? ance with a distinguished American, there are those who suppose that the youngster's ap ?ellation was not giveu without good reason, his is immaterial, though, as the present ac? tion is brought under the New "iork State statute, allowing children to inherit from their mother's property, both real and personal. betsey's eise and progress. Soon after this, Betsey shook the dust of Providence from her feet, aud went to New York city, bidding a final farewell to her hopeful son, whom she left in the tender charge of Mrs. Ballou, a woman afflicted with no absurd jealousies. In 1801 Betsey appears to have become domesticated in New York, and then and there began that extraordinary career which has only just now come to an end, and which led her to the highest pinna? cle of worldly prosperity. At this time she was about twenty-five years of age, of great beauty, and?what is marvellous in view of her education?possessed of a mental ability and tact which charmed and enthralled all beholders. She soon became#very celebrated, and assumed the "belleship" which she only abdicated at death. Among her undoubted or suspected admirers, at different periods in her life, were General Washington, Louis XVIII, Joseph Bonaparte, Mr. Jumel and Aaron Burr. In 1804 she became acquainted with Jumel, and persuaded him to marry her. This was the commencement of her financial and social good fortune. Jumel as is well known, was a French gentleman of ability and wealth, who, after various vicissitudes in his native country and elsewhere, embarked early in the century for New York, with about a dozen ships, ar? rived safely, became one of the earliest of our "merchant princes," and retired from business in 1812 with a large fortune. At the time when he married Betsey Bowen she was living with one Maria Bowne, who had a child Mary, afterward the wife of Nelson Chase, the defen? dant. On this circumstance the whole trial turns. Mr. Ghase claims that Maria Bowne was really Polly Bowen, Betsey's elder sister; that therefore, Mary, Maria's daughter, is the next of kin of the late Madame Jumel; and that the plaintiff, Betsey's alleged son, is an imposter. Mr. Bowen claims, on the other hand, that Maria was no relative whatever of Betsey, and that Polly had died some years previously without issue. madame jumel's later life. M. and Mme. Jumel went to Paris after Na? poleon's downfall, and resided there in great splendor for many years, she being one of the "bright particular stars" in the 1? rench court society. In 1822 she returned to New York, bringing with her a gorgeous lot of furniture and art treasures, with which she fitted up a magnificent seat in the upper part of Manhat? tan Island, which she possessed in her own right Six years later M. Jumel also returned to the city, and in 1832 was killed by being thrown from a wagon. It was some months after this sad event that the widow, desiring to take legal advice upon some real estate matters, consulted Colonel Aaron Burr, with whom she had formerly been well acquainted. He seems to have instantly resolved to marry her, and so skilfully did he exert his celebrated and wou derful powers of fascination that, although the madame made a gallant defence and twice or thrice refused his hand, she was soon obliged to capitulate, and became Mrs. Burr in short order. At this time, wonderful as it may seem, Burr was seventy-eight years of age, and yet agile, active, handsome and captivating in his manners. He disowned the advance of age, and his proud spirit could hardly bear to yield to the death which soon afterward called him from the world. Having once obtained con? trol of the widow Jumcl's affairs, he conducted them in that dominant, independent way which was peculiarly his own. (Quarrels and jeal-J ousies soon arose, which led to alternate es? trangements and reconciliations, and finally a dissolution of the union was accomplished.? After the death of Burr, which occurred in 1836, Madame Jumel retired to her mansion, and never afterward contracted a matrimonial alliance. Mr. Chase and his wife then estab- I lished themselves with her as her protectors and companions, and, according to the counsel for the defence, she tolerated them without ad? mitting their alleged relationship, and in reali? ty hated and vainly endeavored to get rid of them. And thus, vibrating between her New York mansion and Sarratoga cottage, counting her millions and brooding over her former tri? umphs, endeavoring to arrange her affairs to her mind, being helpless, friendless, troubled and weary, the old woman who had been the pretty Betsey Bowen and the magni?cent Mad? ame Jumel breathed her last, at the extreme advanced age of ninety. the controversy. The present contest is for the possession of two tracts of land, one of ninety-four and the other of thirty-two acres, with the Harlem Heights residence; also certain property on Broadway and Liberty Btreet. The value of the estate must be enormous. The plaintiff has already produced several aged witnesses, including two or three colored women who were employed by Madame Jumel, and who, of course, preserve a lively and pleasant re? membrance of the Father of his Country.? They have all testified to having had frequent conversations with Madame Jumel as to her domestic afiairs, and to having heard her re? peatedly assert that she had never had but one child, who was still alive and in good health and condition. Mr. O'Couor has treated these unique witnesses to a rigid cross-examina? tion, but so far has been unable to shake their testimony. It was a most interesting spectacle which the court-room exhibited yesterday and the day before. The long rows of lady wit? nesses, friends of the plaintiff, occupied the seats usually reserved for prisoners. Two col? ored centenarians, sitting in line, formed a pe? culiar picture, and when one of them, Elizabeth Freeman, was called to testify, and was con? fronted by the venerable counsel for the de? fence, the effect was dramatic in the extreme. The lady is almost six feet in height, and must weigh over one hundred and fifty pounds, which is doing pretty well for one in her time of life. She wore a tremendous pair of silver spectacles and a portentous black bonnet, and looked like one of Macbeth's witches. The trial is expected to last two weeks at least. SOME REFLECTIVE CONSIDERATIONS. Those who did not already know the story of Madame Jumel can deduce from the foregoing some idea of its strangeness. The life of Bet? sey Bowen has indeed been seldom if ever par? alleled, and must remain a perpetual wonder through succeeding ages. Born amid the very dregs of poverty, ignorance and vice, the daughter of a rough sailor and an illiterate and brawling woman, nursed in infamy aud educa? ted in tcrpitude, accustomed to no comfort, never even dreaming of luxury, without home, hope, honor or friends, Betsey, advanced step by step, by dint of sheer tact and ambition, until she became the belle of the American metropolis, the favorite of America's greatest sons, the wife of one of America's richest mer? chants, the cynosure of a Parisian court, the possessor of vast wealth, endowed with beauty, rich in accomplishments, the brightest star in her constellation, the idol of the opposite sex, I the envy of her own ; and finally the poor fish? erman's child, who first saw light in a dingy hovel, died at a good old age in a palace.? Surely this is a talc which would seem incredi? ble even were its truth vouched for by Plato himself: it would be scoffed at as unnatural and preposterous, though iL proceeded from the pen of a Shakespeare ; nor could it well be re? produced even by the imagination of a Poe. I An Act to Regulate the Granting of Divorces. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: When the validity of a marriage has been denied or doubted by either of the parties, the other may institute a suit for affirming the marriage; and upon due proof of the validity thereof, it shall be decreed to be valid; and such decree shall be conclusive upon all per? sons concerned. Sec. 2. That a divorce from the bond of matrimony may be decreed for the following causes: 1st. Adultery. 2d. Where either party wilfully abandons or deserts the other for the period of two years ; provided that when the suit is instituted by the party deserting, it appears that the desertion was caused by the extreme cruelty of the other party, or that the desertion by the wife was caused by the gross or wanton and cruel neg? lect of the husband to provide suitable main? tenance for her, he being of sufficient ability to do so. Sec. 3. That the Circuit Courts of Common Pleas shall have original jurisdiction of suits for annulling or affirming marriages, or di? vorces. No such suit shall be maintained, un? less the parties, or one of them, is a citizen of this State, or shall have resided therein at least one whole year previous to instituting the same. The suit shall be brought in the coun? ty in which the parties lost cohabited, or (at the option of the plaintiff) in the county in which the defendant resides, if a resident of this State; but if not, then in the county in which the plaintiff resides. Sec. 4. That suits for divorce shall be com? menced by summons and complaint, in the same manner as other actions; arid, whether the de? fendant answer or not, the cause shall be heard, independently of the admissions of either par? ty in the pleading, or otherwise. Costs may be awarded to either. party, as justice and equity may require. Sec. 5. That the court, in term, or the judge, in vacation, may, at any time pending the suit, make any order that may be proper to compel the man to pay any sums necessary for the maintenance of the woman, and to enable her to carry out the suit, or to prevent him from imposing any restraint on her personal liberty, or to provide for the custody and maintenance of the minor children of the parties during the pendency of the suit, or to preserve the estate of the minor, so that it be forthcoming to meet any decree which may be made in the suit, or compel him to give necessary security to abide such decree. Sec. 6. When the suit is for divorce for adul? tery, the divorce shall not be grauted if it ap? pear that the parties voluntarily cohabited af? ter the knowledge of the fact of adultery, or that it occurred more than five years before the institution of the suit, or that it was commit? ted by the procurement or connivance of the plaintiff Sec. .7. Upon decreeing the dissolution of a marriage, and also upon decreeing a divorce, the court may make such further decree as it shall deem expedient concerning the estates and maintenance of the parties, or either of them, and the care, custody and maintenance of the children, and make a new decree con? cerning the same, as the circumstances of the children may require. Sec. 8. When a divorce is granted for the cause of adultery or willful desertion, commit? ted by the husband, the wife shall bo entitled to her dower in his lands in the same manner as if he were dead; but she shall not be entitled to dower in any other case of divorce from the bond of matrimony. sec. 9. Upon the dissolution of a marriage by a decree of nullity or divorce, for any cause, except that of adultery committed by the wife, the wife shall be entitled to the immediate pos? session of her real estate, in like manner if her husband were dead ; and the court may make a decree, restoring to the wife the whole, or any part, of the personal estate that may have come to the husband by reason of the marriage, or awarding to her the value thereof in money, to be paid by the husband. Sec. 10. When the court deems it proper to award the wife any personal estate, or money in lieu thereof, it may require the husband to disclose, on oath, what personal estate has come to him by reason of the marriage, and how it has been disposed of, and what portion thereof remains in his hands. Sec. 11. When a divorce is decreed for any of the causes mentioned in section 2 of this act, the court granting it may decree alimony to the wife, or any share of her estate in the nature of alimony to the husband. Sec. 12. When alimony or other annual al? lowance is decreed for the wife or children, the court may require sufiicicnt security to be given for its payment, according to the terms of the decree. Sec. 13. mentioned in section 2 of this act, in order to secure a suitable support and maintenance to the wife and such children as ? iay be commit? ted to her care and custody, a attachment of the husband's real and persona estate may be made by the officer serving the summons. The amount for which the attachment may be made shall bo expressed in the warrant or attach? ment, which must be obtained from a judge or clerk of the court in which, or before whom, the action is brought. Sec. 14. That all laws relating to attachment of real or personal estate shall apply to attach? ment herein provided for, so far as the same arc not inconsistent with this act. Sec. 15. When an inhabitant of this State, whose marriage has been consummated therein, shall go into another State or country solely to obtain a divorce, for any cause occurring here, and whilst the parties resided here, or for any cause which would not authorize a divorce by the laws of this State, a divorce so obtained shall be of no force or effect in this State. Approved January 31, A. D., 1872. The Chinese Walls.--Mr. Scward, who visited the great wall of China during his visit to that country, recently gave the following de? scription of that wonderful structure: The Chinese have been for the last two or three thousand years a wall building people. It would bankrupt New York or Paris to build the walls of the city of Pekin. The great wall of China is the great wall of the world. It is forty feet high. The lower thirty feet is of hewn limestone or granite. Two modern car? riages may pass each other on the summit. It has a parapet throughout its whole length, with convenient staircases, buttresses and gar? rison houses at every quarter of a mile, and it runs, not by cutting flown hills and raising valleys, but over the uneven crests of the moun? tains and down through their gorges for a dis? tance of a thousand miles. Admiral Rogers and I calculated that it would cost more now to build the great wall of China through its extent of one thousand miles than it has cost to build the forty-five thousand miles of rail? road in the United States. ? Etiquette?If you pay a visit, it is not necessary to get a receipt. The Blue Ridge Scheme Defeated. . The correspondent of the Charleston Xavs gives a full account of the Senate proceedings, in which the Blue Bidge scheme was disas? trously defeated: Columbia, S. C, Jan. 30. The members of the Senate to-day put an effectual quietus upon the Blue Eidge Railroad swindle, and at the same time, and by the same action, indicated very clearly their disap? probation of the credit system in legislation. Mr. Leslie intimated, on Friday last, that the Senate was not disposed to tolerate the C. O. D. principle, and that, as the New York adver? tisements say, "the money must accompany each order to secure the shipment of the goods;" and the friends of the Blue Ridge scheme have doubtless found by this time, to their entire satisfaction, that promises to pay, contingent upon the passage of a bill, hardly sufficient motive power to turn the senatorial grindstone for an axe of such proportions. The measure came up to-day, immediately after the morning business, as the special order of the day, and a motion was made by Swails to again postpone the consideration of the bill till Thursday next. Nash hoped not, and could not see any reason why a vote could not be taken then as well as any other time. Whittemore accused the Senators of acting in had faith toward him. He had been called out of town for a day or two, and they had agreed not to take up this bill of abominations until his return; but he noticed by the journal that they had made a determined effort to take up the bill on Friday. Now that it had come up he was prepared to say something about it, and hoped the motion to postpone would not prevail. Hayne called for the ayes and noes on the motion to postpone, and afterward withdrew the call, which was renewed, howev? er, by Swails. Leslie thought he would like to have Swails get up and tell, in a clear, dis? tinct voice, so that the Senate could hear him, why he was so anxious all of a sudden to have the thing postponed, when he had been all along trying to hnrry it up. Swails replied that it had been talked about so much that he began to think there was something in it him? self, and he wanted time to study on it. Leslie thought that the bill as drawn was a delibe? rate insult to the Senate. It was as bad as though it asked them to set fire to the State House, and then sit there until the building was consumed; and he submitted that the men who drew the bill were cither downright luna? tics or else they thought the Senators were idiots. The bill proposed to pay the debts of | several railroad companies while the State was unable to pay its own debts, and it proposed to do a great many other things just as absurd. He did not propose to vote for any postpone? ment. He wanted the bill killed there and then, and afterward the friends of the measure might bring in a new bill having the same gen? eral object m view, but being decent in its pro? visions. The vote on postponement was then taken and lost by eleven to fourteen. Smalls then moved to strike out the enacting clause of the bill, but being reminded that this could not be done while the bill was under discussion, he moved to amend by striking out all after the enacting clause. Whittemore said this was cutting off the body from the head, and he did not know as it made much differ? ence whether they did that or cut the head off | from the body. He didn't want to do either. He wanted to meet the bill at once, and if the Senate liked the bill let them pass it, if they didn't like it let them kill it by a straight vote, without any dissection, decapitation or vivisec? tion about it. Smalls insisted that his motion was the best one. He understood that the bill had a good heading, and if it had a good head and a corrupt body it would be a good idea to cut off the body and throw it away. Swails moved to recommit the bill, and tin. motion taking precedence of the other, it had some show of passing, until Hayne roue with a motion to indefinitely postpone the whole mat? ter. This started another lot of filibustering motions, and provoked a speech from Smalls, who said they were all protesting that they wished to.kill the bill, but if they did, why didn't they vote for his motion Mislead of beat? ing around the bush? He thought it was all very thin, and that it looked as though, after j all, they were in favor of passing the bill, and were only trying to compound with their con? sciences or to gammon their constituents by a show of opposition. After a little further de? bate, a vote was reached on the motion to in? definitely postpone, and it was carried by a vote of seven to eighteen. This action effectu? ally disposes of tlie bill of abominations, as the rules of the Senate provide that no matter which has been indefinitely postponed can be again brought up, nor can a similar bill be in? troduced again during the present session, A Country Without Womkn.?There is only one territory of any size, and never has been but one, occupied by any considerable population, from which woman is absolutely excluded. Yet, such a place exists to-day, and has existed for centuries. As far back as his? tory reaches, to all females it has been forbid? den ground. This bachelor's Arcadia is situa? ted on a bold plateau between the old peninsu? la of Acte, in the Grecian Archipelago, and the main land. Here, in the midst of cultiva? ted fields and extensive woodlands, dwells a monastic confederation of Greek Christians, with twenty-three convents, and numbering more than seven thousand souls, and not one of the monasteries dates from a later time than the twelfth century. A few soldiers guard the borders of this anti-female land, and no woman is allowed to cross the frontier. Nor is this all; the rule is extended to every female creature, and from time immemorial no cow, marc, hen, duck or goose has been permitted to make ac? quaintance with hill or valley of Mount Athos Territory. A traveler was startled by the ab? rupt question, "What sort of human creatures arc women ?" The very idea of woman, wheth? er as mother, wife or sister, is almost lost. To all woman haters, to bachelors of forty years' standing, to all men who seek refuge from the wiles and ways of the opposite sex, this region can be safely recommended as a heaven of re? fuge. NrnvsrAnnns in the Mails.?By a recent decision of the Postoilice Department, the law regarding sending newspapers by mail has been more clearly defined than it has heretofore stood. No name or memorandum can be made on a newspaper inside of the wrapper on which the address is written. It is barely permissablc to mark an article with pen or pencil. More than this subjects the paper to letter postage, and the violator to a fine. No printed card, hand-bill or advertisement, no written notice, letter or slip of any kind whatsoever must be folded in the paper. To do any of these things is to violate the law. Printed slips pasted on the outside or folded in papers or periodicals, soliciting notices, arc also violations of the law. .Senders of transient papers can send bundles of printed matter by weight, or transient pos? tage charges, but must not send any written matter in such bundles. It will save expense and inconvenience to parties concerned to bear this ruling of the department in mind. Death of General R. S. Ewell. One by one tbey pass over the river to rest under the shade of the trees. The great lead j ers of the Confederacy are fast passing away. [ First it was Jackson, then Lee, and now anoth i er prominent actor of the late eventful war is added to the list. Scarce a week has passed since we announced the death of his beloved spouse, aud now we are called upon to perform the painful task of writing the obituary of that great soldier of the "Lost Cause," Richard S. Ewell, the successor of Stonewall Jackson in command, aud after him one of the most cher? ished and trusted lieutenants and friends of Lee. We were not unprepared for this intelli? gence, for his extreme ifiness had been fre? quently referred to in our telegraphic columns during the past few days. His death took place at his residence in Maury county, Tennessee, near Nashville, on Thursday morning. We have but slight material at hand?but from the little we have, aided by our memory, we collect the following brief facts of his his? tory: He was born in Virginia, and entered West Point as a cadet in 1836, and was in same class with Lee. In the Mexican war held the rank of first lieutenant of dragoon.., and was promoted to a captaincy for gallant services at Chapultepec. He afterwards served in New Mexico, but when the secession of Vi ginia occurred he resigned, returned home, and offered his sword to the Confederate cause His first service in the cause was in a little skirmish with the enemy on the 31st of May 1861, at Fairfax Court House, in which he was wounded while reforming a small detachmeut of volunteers, who had been suddenly attacked by the cavalry of the enemy and thrown into momentary confusion. He was wounded here in the shoulder, and Governor Smith relieved him from command, and put the enemy to flight He was next in the battle of Manassas, but not actively engaged. His great services to the Confederacy begun when he went to the relief of Stonewall Jack son in the Valley, and participated in that brilliant series of victories which immortalized his chief and the little array of heroes he nobly commanded and skillfully handled.? Jackson gave Ewell full credit for his valuable services in this campaign, and his own men recognized the true worth of their commander. At the battle of Cedar Run he again co-opera ted with Jackson, and aided in securing the victory. Thence he marched towards Manassas and engaged with the enemy in a battle Groveton, which preceded the brilliant series engagements in which Pope was annihilated. In this fight he was wounded and disabled Amputation of one of his legs became neces?a ry, and he suffered for a long time. It was feared he would not recover, and daily the an nouncement of his death was looked* for. I fact, the enemy reported him dead several times But he was soon in the saddle again, but not before his great chief had fought his last figh Ewell was selected as his successor. From this time to the close of the war? through Gettysburg to the Wilderness?he was actively engaged in the field, ably seconding General Lee. In the retrograde movement of that General after the terrible battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House when Grant undertook his flank movement for the South side, General Ewell, much enfeebled and suffering from his wound, was compelled to retire, and he was placed in command of the Department of Henrico, with his headquarters in Richmond; and here he remained until he mounted his horse and rode across the bridge on the morning of the evacuation, while the bright sky was darkened with the smoke of conflagration, which, in obedience to superior orders, aud the imperative necessities of war he had sorrowfully lighted. He was taken prisoner, and long confined in Fort Warren without any assigned cause. The hardships he had previously endured added to the burdens of a long imprisonment, had made rapid in roads upon his constitution, and when he was finally released, and made his way to the home of his wife in Tennessee, he was but a wreck and seemed ready even then for the grave How he has managed to lengthen out his life thus long is a mistcry difficult for those to solve who remember his skeleton form and decrepit appearance as he was wont to drive or nde through the streets of Richmond in the last days of the war. He is at rest at last, and his battles are all over. With Jackson and Lee, and the mighty host of nameless heroes, who crowd the valhal las of the dead, he sleeps in peace.?Richmond Enquirer. Sheep and Clover.?These we believe to be the greatest agencies that arc to revolution? ize Southern agriculture, and the one is the component of the other. Sheep will enable us to grow clover, clover will help us to keep our sheep in fine condition, and both together will work something almost like a miracle on our worn-out plantations. But what about the dogs and the frcedmen ? we are asked by those who have no faith in cither clover or sheep. We have lately put this question to several exten sive wool-growers in Abbeville County, and the reply is, that with proper management there is little or no danger of loss from either mutton loving negroes or vicious dogs. The sheep are penned at night and during the day they run in their pastures, without being disturbed by anything. Depend upon it, for in a large por? tion of our middle and upper country," sheep and clover are the magic words of the new era of Southern agriculture.?Rural Carolinian. ? The Atlanta Sun says that "John Bonner, an old citizen of Hancock county, well known throughout the State, died in Sparta a fewdavs ago, after a protracted illness. He was nearly seventy years of age at the time of his death, lie was an oddity in his way. It is said he had his coffin made years ago, and has kept it on hand ever since, and that at the time it was made, he put a number of bottles of brandy of his own make in it, to be kept till his death, and drank by his friends at the funeral. We have not heard whether the brandy was appro? priated as designed or not. It was old enough to be good." ? An Elmira, N. Y., minister was having a donation party the other evening, when Mr. -, ambitions to appear liberal, marked a four dollar castor up to twelve dollars, and took it in as Ins donation, getting much credit for his liberality. The next day the ministercallcd at his store with the twelve-dollar castor, stat? ing that as he could not afford such an expen? sive article he would he pleased to exchange it for its marked value in other needed goods, and he was soon wending his way homeward, load? ed down with a dozen dollars' worth of select groceries. ? A Scottish minister, being one day en? gaged in visiting some members of his flock, came to the door of a house where his gentle tap? ping could not be heard, for the noise of con? tention within. After waiting a little while, he opened the door and walked in, saying, with an authoritative voice, "I should like to know, sir, who is the head of this house?"' "Weel, sir." said the husband and father, "if ye'll just sit doon a wee bit, we may be able to tell ve : for we're just about to settle that point." ' ' The Election Law. The law in this State prescribing the manner of conducting elections is a disgrace to the statute book of any free and civilized people. It is so admitted even by the leaders and influ? ential members of the Radical party; and yet, although a bill to amend it and expunge its most objectionable features was introduced and favorably reported upon by the Committee on Elections, and its necessity and propriety clear? ly demonstrated in debate at the session of 1870- 71, it still cumbers the calendar of the Senate, or is stuck in some pigeon-hole of a committee, and is likely to remain there. The prominent objections to the law, as it nogr stands, are, first, the unlimited and dangerous power given the Governor, in the appointment of the commissioners of election, and conse? quent control of the managers; and, second, the unusual length of time in which the man? agers are allowed to count the votes and make their return to the commissioners. The Governor, by confining his appointments to his own particular satelites, can secure his own election and whatever of the other candi? dates may be acceptable to him, without any regard to' the ballots of the people. But even should the Governor be above tue emplojfhent of such fraudulent measures to accomplish hit ends, the people are left to the tender mercies of the managers themselves, who, if they are so disposed, can stuff the boxes to their hearts' content, to aid the election of their special fa? vorites. The bill referred to above, as amendatory of of the Act now in force, provides for the im? mediate counting of the votes after the closing of the polls, as was the old custom in our State, and further requires that each political party in the field be represented upon the board of managers and the board of commissioners of election, if there are not more than three par? ties. The opposition to the new bill, urged last winter, was the flimsy pretext that the ap^ poimment of Democrats to take a share of the management and supervision of the elections, was an act of justice that would not be accord? ed the Republicans were the Democrats in the ascendancy. In other words, the great "God and morality" party should, according to these solons, adopt as the rule of their conduct the very iniquities which they charge against their political enemies. But even this ground of ex? cuse, untenable and .self-contradictory as it is under any circumstances, cannot be maintained now. The indications are, nay, we feel justi? fied in saying with certainty, that the Democ? racy of South Carolina will not make nomina? tions or support party candidates at the ap? proaching elections. The field will be left to the Republicans entirely, and the contest will be between rival factions of that party. The Democrats will look quietly on ; try to run in such good men as they can for County offices; and as for the others, seek for the least dishon? est Radicals, and vote for them. In view of this condition of things, it may be well f?r the opponents of Scott and the present corrupt ad? ministration in the Legislature, (we mean the Republicans,) to see to it that the election law be so amended, before adjournment, as to secure a fair election, and preclude those opportunities for frauds which characterized the elections in 1868 in every County where there was the smallest apprehension of a closely contested race. If It. K. Scott becomes again a candidate for rc-clection to the gubernatorial chair, all efforts to defeat him, even by a majority of his own political party, will prove utterly futile," if the election laws remain as they now are. If he does not have himself will be because he is too honorable, pure arid chival-r rpus to practice a fraud when the way is clear and every temptation before him, of unholy ambition and avaricious greed, to entice him on. We leave every one to judge for himself* basing his conclusions upon the conduct of his Excellency for the past four years, how that magnate would act under such circumstances, with the simple suggestion from us that it is not prudent to subject any man, however high his character and integritv, to such extraordi? nary temptation.?Columbia Phoznix. Ex-Senator Boolittle on the Political Situa? tion. The annexed extracts are from a letter writ* ten by Ex-Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin, on the condition of public affairs, and the best method of defeating Grant in the coming elec? tion : In my opinion the present party holds power simply because those who are opposed to it do not act together. Three million Democratic voters are opposed to it, and, as I believe, near? ly one million Republicans are opposed to it. Can the four million unite and vote together? If they can, they will have a majority of five hundred thousand. If they cannot, they must fail. How can this union in political action be ef? fected? It cannot be a coalition of leaders to obtain office and power. There must be a union of the masses upon common principles, and to efieet a common and great patriotic pur? pose. The whole country waits now to see what shall be the action of the Liberal Republican Convention, to be held in Missouri, on the 24th instant. If that convention shall plant itself squarely upon ideas, and pledge itself to principles, which all true Republicans, and all true Dem? ocrats of Jefferson's and Jackson's school, cher? ish as vital to the maintenance of Republican government, and to constitutional civil liberty, they mav command the confidence not only of the* 1,000,000 Liberal Republicans, but of the 3,000,000 Democratic voters. But in order to do so, they must declare against centralization; against keeping military power above civil au? thority; against using the Federal army to control conventions and destroy the freedom of elections; against stupendous frauds, pecula? tions, and robberies of the carpet-bag govern? ments of the South, as well as Tammany, the Custom House and elsewhere; and in favor of universal enfranchisement; of giving to all the States their just and equal rights under the Constitution; in favor of the principle of one term for the President; of applying that prin? ciple to the present Executive, and of a practi? cal civil service reform by placing a statesman of capacity and integrity at the head of affairs. Should that convention take some such course, and the Liberal Republicans of other States follow their example, and show that the Liberal Republicans of the whole country have the courage to work, and, if necesjMiry, make sacrifices to sustain true Republican liberty, the great mass of the Democratic voters would not only sympathize with them, but, in some proper and efficient mode, fraternize with them in political action in order to save our Repub? lican system of government. If they seek to lead, however, they must show themselves wor? thy of leadership. They must speak to the people in no uncertain tones, and march before them with no faltering tread. ? A girl of the perio;! comments thus on Mormonism : "How absurd ! four or five wives to one man, when the fact is each woman in these times ought to have four or five husbands. It would take about that number to support me decently."