The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, October 05, 1871, Image 3

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( ] REMEMBER M. LESSER, WHEN YOU COME t?3?o Anderson ! IHAYE just returned from New York City, and have brought the largest and most cornpleto stock of Goods evor opened in this market. It is nnnecessary to attempt enumeration of uiy stock, as every department is full and com? plete. . GEISTTS' CLOTHING AND Gents' Furnishing- Goods Made a speciality. DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, . YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, GUNS, PISTOLS, A?d?nyand everything generally kept in. a retail Store, either in City, Town or Country. I have a full and attentive corps of Clerks, who, with myself, are always ready to wait on customers, and sell them Goods as cheap as any cue. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex? change, at highest market value. I buy Cotton, and would be glad for you to give me a trial before selling. Only try me and be Convinced That I mean to sell Goods M. LESSER, No. 3 Granite Row, Anderson, S. C. Oc*5,1871 14 JO. BARE, & CO., ARE NOW OPENING Fall & Winter Goods, At No. lO Granite Row. WE are receiving a largo and complete as? sortment of - DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS ana CAPS, SADDLES and BRIDLES, Ac, &c, &c. Especial attention is invited to our stock of | Dry Goods, embracing LADIES' DKESS GOODS, Consisting in part of DeLaines, Poplins, Eng? lish and American Prints, Japanese Silks, Plain Black and Rep Silks. Ac, A full Hne of CASSIMERES artd other goods for Men's Wear. Abo, a heavv stock of Staple Goods, such as Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Osnaburgs, ?fcc. Thankful to the public for patronage hereto? fore extended, wo respectfully solicit a call at oar uew location, NO. 10 GRANITE ROW. Where we will ondeavor to sell you floods at {>noes equal, if not lower, than any other estab ishment. The highest market price paid for Cotton, and always in the market Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. W. F. BARR <fc CO. ? W, B.?Those indebted to ns must make pay? ment as we need the money to carry on our business. ?Oct 5,1871 14 3m ?* ? Tonrnament! Masquerade II FANCY COSTUME BALL t! THE undersigned, being desirous of having a Tournament at Anderson on Saturday, 4th of Novembor, (during the Agricultural Fair,) respectfully invite the young gentlemen of Anderson and surrounding Counties to join them in the entertainment, and request those Who may bo so disposed to send in their names on or before Monday, 16th instant A meeting- of those who enter their names on the lists will then be called, for the purpose of I ?puking the necessary preliminary- arrange-1 Riehls, and for ascertaining- what will be the 1 prfefis swarded to the successful competitors, ol which dne notice will be given. We also propose to havo a Masquerade and Fancy Costume Ball at the Waverly House on Friday evening preceding the Tournament, in vltations to which will be issued at an early day.. ?Farther information may be obtained by ap? plying to ERNEST M. TAYLOR, S. M. PEGG, WM. N. ALEXANDER, SAMUEL R. EARLE, WM. S. LIGON, J. D. MAXWELL, E. B. MURRAY.. Oct 5, 1871 14 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON COUNTY. By A. O. Nonns, Esq., Probate. Judge. WHEREAS, James M." Welborn made suit to me, to grant him Letters, of Administration on the Estate and effects of,Surah Welborn, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Sarah Welborn, deceased, that they. be and appear before mo in the Court of Probate, to be held at Anderson Court House, on Wednesday, 18th of October instant, after pub? lication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any' they havo, why tho said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 2nd day of Octo? ber, A. D., 1871. A. O. NORRLS, Judge of Probate. Oct 5, 1871 14 2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON COUNTY. By A. O. Norrie, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Thomas G. Clcmson made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration on the Estato and effects of John Calhoun CSaaasoo, deceased. These are therefore to cito and admonish all and singular tho kindred and crcdiiors of the said John Calhoun Clemson, deceased, chat they be and appear before me in tho Court of Pro? bate, to be hold at Anderson Court House, on Wednesday, 18th day of October, after publi? cation horoof. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, tliis :jOtk day of Sep? tember, A. D., 1871. A. O. NORRIS, ? Judge of Probate, Oct 5, 1871 14 2 Administrator's Notice. ALL persons having demands against tho Estate of A. R. N. Gllmer aro hereby notified to present them, properly attested, to the undersigned within tho time prescribed I>y law, and those indebted to the Estate to make payment at once. J. R. CARTER. Adin'r, dc bmiis win, with Will annexed. ?>jt IST] II ?{ 1871. 1871. H -o SHABPE & TOWERS, No. 7 Granite Row, Are now prepared to Exhibit ONE OF THE LARGEST And most Complete Stock of Goods Ever brought to thiR Market. -0 Call and See their Large Stock of DRESS GOODS, SILK GOODS, RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS, WHITE GOODS, WOOLEN GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY DRY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, CLOTHS, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, . HATS and CAPS, for ladies it gents, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, WOODWARE, Ac., <tc., ?Sc. Mo Charge for Showing Goods. jjS?~ Givo us a call. Wo will suit you in Goods, and at VERY LOWr PRICES. We Will Buy your Cotton And pay the highest market price. SHARPE A TOWERS. Oct. 5, 1871 ? 15 SHERIFF'S SALE. In Court Common Pleas, Anderson Co., S. C. J. S. Murray, Administrator, vs. Mrs. Jane Os borne, Win. M. Rampley, et al.?Bill to sell Lands, for Relief, &c IN pursuance of the Decretal Order of the Court of Common Pleas in the above stated cause, to me directed, I will expose to sale on the FIRST MONDAY in XOVKMBER next, at Anderson Court Honsc the lands described in the proceeding in this cu?0 as the Heal Ins? tate of Lcverctt A. Osborne, deceased, to wit: LOT NO. 2, Situate in tho town of Anderson, containing nine acres, bounding lots of Rev. W. E. Wal? ters, Homestead of Mrs. Jane Osborno, liuo of the Blue Ridge Railroad and Lot No. 3. LOT NO. 3, Containing fourteen and a half acres, adjoining Lot No. 2, Homestead of Mrs. Jano Oslx>rne, lot of Mrs. E. M. Rucker, and lino of tho Blue Ridge Railroad. TERMS?Cost of the proceedings and one third of the purchaso money cash, tho remain? der on a credit until tho first of January. 1872, without interest?purchaser to givo bond with good security, together with a mortgage of tho premises, to*Becnre the balance due. Purcha? ser to pay extra for papers and stamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Oct 6, 1871 14 5 SHERIFF'S SALE. ~ In Court Common Pleas, Anderson Co., S. C. John Dalrymple, Administrator, vs. Margaret 1 Dalrymple, et al.?Bill/or Partition, ??c IN pursuance of the Decretal Order of tho Court of Common Pleas in the above stated case, to me directed, I will expose to sale on tho FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER next, at Anderson Court House, , ONE TRACT OF LAND, Containing 92 acres, more or leas, situate in An* dersou county, on waters of Beavcrdam Creek, bounding lands of Mrs. Lewis, John Dalrym Sde and others. Sold as the Re;d Estate of amcs Dalrymple, deceased. TERMS-A)ne-half cash?the remaining half on a creditof twelvemonths, with interest from day of salo, the purchaser giving bond with good security, and mortgage of the premisos to secure the pa3rnient of the balance due, with tho privilege of anticipating payment at any time. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamps. . 1 WM. McGUKIN. Sheriff. Oct 5,1871 i 14 5 SHERIFF'S SALE. In Court Common Pleas, Anderson Co., S. C. Martha E. Hunt, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. C. Bennett, (Abrain P. Nott, etal., Defendants.?Judgment fo?Foreclosure. IN pursuance of the Decretal Ordor of tho Court of Common Pleas in the abovo stated (rase, to me directed, I will expose to sale oil the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, at Audorson Court House, ONE HOUSE AND LOT, Situate in tho town of Anderson?lot contain? ing two aercs, moro or less?bounding lots of John C. Whitefield, J. S. Murray, Academy Lot and others. TERMS OF SALE?The costs of this pro? ceeding and one-half of tho purchase money cash, the remainder on a credit until the first of January next, with interest from the day <"f sale, purchaser to givo bond with good security, together with a mortgago of tho premises, to secure the balance due. Purchaser to pay ex? tra for papers and stamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Oct 5, 1871 14 5 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSOX CO ?NTY. By A. 0. Norrie, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, William Harper and L. II. Wel Ijorn inado suit to me, to grant them Letters of Administration oil the Estate and effects of Asa Harper, deceased. These are therefore to clto and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tho said Asa Harper, deceased, that thoy bo and appear before mo in tho Court of Probate, to be held at Anderson Court House, on Monday, 10th day of October next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said Admin? istration should not bo granted. Given under mv hand, this 20th day of Sep? tember, A. I)., 1*71. A. O. NO KRIS, Judge of Probate. Oel 5, J ST I II 2 i ouros oifl op niii i iOUOM P0A1?S 3[OOAA -YStfJl 1770.9 spoo?) jo ina ^saSjPBT eqj, NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT THE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. -o THE undersigned aro now recoiving a flne and well selected Stock of Goods in their lino, such as Black French Cloths, Black Doe Skin Cassimeros, A fine lino of Fancy Cassimeres and Colored Cloths, Beaver Cloths and Coatings for suits, ( English Diagonals and Testings, .All of which wo aro prepared to furnish to our customers in the LATEST and most approved style of CUT and MAKE. ALSO, A NICE LOT OP Mfly-Mail? Cloiii nil Hats, Gents' Furnishing Goods, And other articles usually kept In our line. Wo would rospoctfnlly request our friends and customers to give us a call and examine our stock, as wo arc satisfied wo can givo them satisfaction, both in goods and style of cut. J. B. CLARK & SON. Sept 2ft, 1871 13 LADIES' STORE. Latest and Best Styles or Ladies' HATS, BONNETS, Ribbons, Feathers, FLOWERS, CURLS, LACES, GLOVES, &c, ?Ste. ALSO, A nice line of? DllESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Ladies' and Children*' SHOES. Also, the latest style of PATTERNS, Ac DUESS MAKING attended to as usual. Having selected these Goods In Now York and Baltimoro with groat care, I fool confidont that they will givo satisfaction to my many lady cus-tomers. Thoso goods will bo opened by f)th October. C. C. DANIELS, Old Stand, Anderson, 8. C, Sept 28, 1871. 13 HELDMANN HAS good HARNESS and SHOE OIL. Como and fret It. SHOES, BOOTS, HARNESS AND HAD* DLES, homo-made, always on hand, or made to order. Repairing on Boots, Shoes, Saddles and Har? ness done to order. Sept 28, 1871 13 lm C. A. REED. New Goods! New Goods! J HAVE just received and offer for sale at LOW FIGURES, a very large and carefully selected assortment of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE. Feeling thankful as I do to my friends and customers for their formor patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same, and cordially invite the public generally to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. You will find polite and attentivo Salesmen who will take pleasure in showing and pricing you Goods. C. A. REED. Dress Goods. F OR neat and handsome Prints and Dross Goods, call at C. A. REED'S. Fancy Goods and Notions. OR anything in the Fancy Goods and No? tion department, call at C. A. REED'S. F Shoes and Boots. Shoes and Boots to suit both ladies and gentlemen, call at C. A. REED'S. Iteady-Made Clothing. OR Gents' Ilats and Ready-Made Clothing, call at C. A. REED'S. F Family Groceries. FOR Choice Family Groceries, call at C. A. REED'S. Groceries ASPECIALITY, and always sold for small profits by C. A. REED. Bacon, Lard, &c. FOR Bacon, Lard, Bagging and Ties, call at C. A. REED'S. F Wooden Ware. OR Wooden Ware, of anv kind, call on C. A. REED. Crockery. "F von want Crockery, Glass and China Ware, call on C. A. REED. Hardware. "F vou want Hardware of anv kind, call on C. A. REED. Buggy and Carriage Material, YOU will find the best assortment of Buggy and Carriage Materials in the up country at C. A. REED'S. Iron o F all sorts and sizes on hand at C. A. REED'S. For Anything USUALLY kept in a first-class Varictv Store, call at C. A. REED'S." ?i Oil Paintings. ASMALLlotof handsome Oil Paintings just received and for sale low at C. A. REED'S. Country Produce. IF von have Country Produce of anv kind to sell, call at C. A. REED'S. Sopt27, 1871 13 TEN THOUSAND ACEES OF 1VIountain Lands Will be sold in Tracts, at Auction, at WALHALLA, S. C, on monday, The 6th day of November, 1871, Ar the Estate of Col. Jeptha Norton, dee'd. Grants and Plats MAY bo seen at the Office of Col. J. J. Nor? ton, in Walhalla. The Blue Ridge Railroad and Cashier's Val? ley Turnpike, running through and near tiiese Lands, will facilitate the development of their mineral and vegetable wealth. Miners, Stock Raisers. Pomologists and Vino Growers are respectfully invited to examine them. Terms made known on day of sale J. B. SITTOX, Executor. Sept 27, 1871 13 2 ^?iT^IleI AFIRST-RATE second-hand TOP BUGGY. Has been run only one year?in perfect order. Also, a new open BUGGY, of the latest stylo, and most thorough workmanship?only to be seen to be appreciated. Also, two setts of single HARNESS?one en? tirely new. Also, one sett of double HARNESS. All of the above will be sold cheap for cash. Apply to J. W. GLKLEY. Sept 27 j 1871 13 Private Sale. Ihave some HOUSES, MULES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGE. SULKEY, HARNESS and SADDLES for sale. Also, some Slock Hogs and Hogs ready for the pen. All of which I will sell on reasonable terms. JOHN W. DANIELS. Sept 28,1S71 13 Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned hereby gives notice that he will apply to A. O. Norris, Esq., .Judge of Probate for Anderson county, on Tuesday, the l?th day of October next, lor a settlement of the Estate of George G. 151 rod, deceased, and for letters of dismission therefrom. SAM' L. L. W. EL ROD, Adm'r. Sopt7, 1871 10 5 Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned hereby gives notice that ho will apply to A. O. Norris, Esq., Judge of Probato ot Anderson county, on the 12th day of October next, for a settlement of the Estate of William Hunt, deceased, and for letters of dismission from the same. J. J. HUNT, Adm'r. Sept 7, 1871 10 5 PURE GYPSUM! CONTAINING Ninety-nine and Two-thirds per font. (il?.?fl per cent.) SOLUBLE MATTER. Warranted free from all impuri? ties. Prepared in this city, mid for sale at the low price of Fifteen Dollars per Ton, Cash, by JOHN II. HOLMES, Commission Merchant, Charleston, S. <'. Sept -J.7, 1871 I'! ?III Eh F-" CD sz: as 5 as us ? is* ? g s S3 H o P P 0 Ph Ph Eh P 0 0 > o i la = 2s S ? ? o-g . . a is - 2 ?S 8?h bH H I SM ? . w H M 9 m <** ps 0 >-i X I? n I Si os GO TO A. P. HUBBARD'S. "F you want to buy superior Cigars, fro to A. P. HUBBARD'S; 'F you want Fresh Stick Candy and elegant French Candies, go to A. P. HUBBARD'S. TF vou want Toj-s, of anv description, go to X A. P. HUBBARD S. "F vou want Lamps or Lamp Chimneys, go . to A. P. HUBBARD'S. "F you want Dry Goods or Dress Trimmings that have not been "picked over," fro to HUBBARD'S. In fact, if you want anything in the Diy Goods, Fancy Goods, Crockery, Hardware or Grocery line, GO TO HUBBARD'S At the Store formerly occupied by W. F. BARR A CO., Where you can always get a cool glass of Soda Water out of the new Soda Fountain. Of course I want everybody to "LOOK AROUND" before buying. Sept 7, 1S71 10 Doors, Sashes, Blinds, &c. P. P. T O A. H. E, Manufacturer and Dealer, I No. 20 Hayne Street and Horlbeck's Wharf, CHALESTON, S. C. ! TIHS is the largest and most complote Factory of the kind in the Southern States, and all articles in this line can be furnished by Mr. P. P. Toalk at prices which defy competition. 1 tcr A pamphlet with full and detailed list of'all sizes of Doors, Sashes and Blinds, and the prices of each, will be sent free and post j paiif on application to P. P. TOALE, Charleston, 8. C. July 13, 1871 2 ly GEO. S. HACKER, Door, Sash and Blind Factory, Charleston, S. O. THIS is as large and complete a Factory as there is in the South. Wo keep no Northern work to fill country orders. $J$- Send for Price List. Address, GEO. S. HACKER, P. O. Box 170, Charleston, S. C. Factory and Warorooms, King Street, opposito < 'nnnon Street, on line of City Railway. Sept 7, 1S71 10 lv Kinsman f?P Howe//, Factors a?id Commission Merchants. Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. Charleston, S. C. Sept 7, 1S71 10 4ni Cotton Tics and Bagging. AS Agents for Manufacturers, we oiler fur sale, at low prices, the following Tics: The "ARROW," the "ANCHOR," the "EU? REKA," SWHKTTS "PATENT BUCKLE," BUTLER'S "BUCKLE," and BOARD'S "PATENT LOCK TIF." a lso, AMERICAN, DUNDEE and INDIA BAG? GING. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Factors, Church street. August 31, 1871 9 2m Ministers' and Deacons' Meeting. FT1IIK Ministers and Deacons of the Third i Union District, Raluda Association, are hereby invited to meet on Friday before the fifth Sabbath in October next, hi connection with the Union Meeting, at Salem Church, live miles Northeast of Anderson ('. If. By order of the Church. V. it. BROWN, Clerk. Sept -J7. 1S71 13 PENDLETON FACTORY. THE WOOL CARDS AT THE PENDLETON FACTORY have been put in complete order, and are now ready for business. They are attended by skill? ed operatives, who will attend to all w:ork in their line promptly, and in tho most approved style. Wool may be sent to us from all points on tho Blue Ridge and Greenville and Colum? bia Railroads, and the Rolls or Batts will bo carefully packed and returned?that sent on Greenville and Columbia Railroad will be taken from and returned to Anderson at our expense. FACTORY STORE. Mr. A. X. ALEXANDER keeps on hand at tho Factory Store a select stock of General Merchandize, which we propose to exchange for Cash or Country Produce (except perishable fruits and vegetables) at fair prices. COTTON YARNS. A Bupply of our supei.or Cotton Yam Is kopt on hand at the Factory, and in the hands of our Agents at various points on Blue Ridge and Greenville and Columbia Railroads, which wo offer to the trade at market prices. FACTORY MILL. Tho GRIST MILL at the Factory is now be? ing thoroughly overhauled, and will be ready for Grinding by tho 26th inst. Factory Cotton Gins and Press. The Cotton Gins and Press will be in readi? ness for the coming crop. Second-hand Bag? ging and Ties will be furnished at one dollar and fifty cents per pattern and five ties, and the cotton may be stored in our Warehouse un? til the owner desires to sell; then a ready mar? ket may be found on the spot. Pendleton Factory Post Office. Letters and papers for tho Pendleton Manu? facturing Company, or for persons on the place, should bo addressed to "Pendleton Factory P. 0., S. C." Patronago respectfully solicited. July 20, 1871 3 3m 1871. FALL TRADE. 1871. B GUNS. GUNS. GUNS. DOUBLE and Single Barrel Guns, Breeehloading and Muzzleloading Guns, of English, French and German manufacture, At all Prices. Single Guns at ?2.50, S4.00, $G.OO, $8.00, $12.00 to ?20.00 each. Double Guns from ?7.00 to ?200.00 each. Pistols, Pistols. Pistols. Smith & Wesson, Coifs, Allen's, Sharp's and all the popular and approved kinds. Ammunition for Guns, Pistols and Rifles. Sportsman's Goods of Great Va? riety. BEST QUALITY and AT LOWEST PRICES. Countrv Merchants and Sportsmen are invi? ted to call and examine our largo and well se? lected stock of the above Goods, which we im? port direct and buy from the manufacturers, we guarantee quality equal to, and prices ns low as any responsible house in this country. Orders by mail filled promptly, and sent by ox press, CO. D. P0ULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 2O0 W. Baltimore Street. BALTIMORE. MD. Sept 7, 1871 40 ly - GILREATH & BTJRGISS, AT NO. 3 BRICK RANGE, ANDERSON, S. C, EG to Inform the public that they are man? ufacturing all descriptions of TIN WARE, And keep constantly in store an extensive and well-assorted stock, which thev will dispose of at eithor WHOLESALE or RETAIL. They use the best material, and having employed ex? perienced and skilful workmen, feel confident that they can give entire satisfaction. Good, Glean Cotton Hags Bought in any quantity at the highest CASH price, or Goods given in exchange. Country Merchants are requested to send in their Rags, and special attention will be given to their or? ders lor Tin Ware. Rooffing and Guttering done to Order. SUPERIOR COOKING STOVES, with the latest improvements, for sale at moderate prices. June 29,1871 62 g STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON COUNTY. By A. O. Norris, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, JohnW. Dalrymplemnde statt to mo to grant him Letters of Adniiui*-. tration, of the Estate and effects of Hugh II. Dalryniple, deceased. These are therefore to cito and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of'the I said Hugh H. Daley tuple, deceased, thattheytw and appear before hie in tho Court of Probate^' to bo held at Anderson Court House, ou . Fri? day, tho 13th day of October instant, alter Siblication hereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, show cause, if any they have, why the paid Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 25th day of Sep? tember, 1871. A. O. NORRIS, Judge of Probate. , Sept 27, 1S71 13 2 THE STATE 0E SOUTH CAROLINA, COVSTY OF ANDERSON. Ry A. 0. Norris, Esq., Probate Judge : WHEREAS, Joseph B. McGco made su?t to me to grunt hint Letters of Admin? istration of tho Estato and olFects of John R. Horsey, deceased. Those are then-fore to cite and admonish ?11 and singular the kindrod and creditors of the said John R. Horsey, deceased, that they bo and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be held at Anderson C. IL, on Saturday, 14th day of October inst., after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In tho forenoon, to show cause, if any thoy have, why the said Adminis? tration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 27lh day of Sep? tember, Anno Domini 1871. A. O. NORRIS, Judge of Probate. Sept 28, 1S71 13 2 Notice to Lien Creditors. In the District Court of the United States for the District of South Carolina. Ex Parle W. C. Keith, \ I? Re (tt Langst,,,, { 1,1 ??nkniphy. Bankrupt. } PURSUANT to the order of his Honor Judge Bryan, the undersigned hereby gives notice to all poisons holding liens against tho Estato of the above named Bankrunt, that they are required to establish their de? mands before mo at Yorkvillo, S. C.j on or l>o fore tho first day of November next, or their claims will be barred. W. J. CLAWSON, Register in Bankruptcv. Sept 14, 1871 11 6 Extra Family Flour. IN barrels, 40 and OS pound Sacks, for sulp low for cash by ' Sil ARPE A' TOWERS. ' Sept 11. IS7I II