cgiaa.-UJMHIi Uli ?LH Ji i .. . >? M -.= IfliSIii' jn|cl!i|tef. gag l -i_T*rtrr-rJi im ? IgBga^g-l-i? The "Great Earthquake in South America. 'One r.f the most terrible and horrifying inoeos bf intelligence, says the New Or? leans Crescent, which it h:ts ever been our duty as journalists to record is that con? tained in the recent news from South America, imagination stands aghast at t1 ?"? ?xtont und-swiftness of tho dreadful cakmily which lias befallen tho people of* \\.q States of Peru and Ecuador?a ealam jt v uuoqualled by one of its kind since the groat earthquake at Lisbon, in 1S75, when sixty thousand persons woro believed to have perished in the short space of six minutes. The next terrible disaster of .the hind occurred in 5812 at CarracasJ which city, together with 12,000 of its in? habitants,- wa3 entirely destroyed. In 1857. an earthquake in the kingdom of Kaples destroyed a large number of lives, variously estimated at from 22,000 to 40, 000. A work pnblishedin 1S5S compiles n-cataloguo of nearly 0,000 earthquakes, of which the most disastrous was ono in , ;'year 52G, at Antioch in Syria, when ac? cording to Gibbon, 250,000 persons are said, to have perished. Tho following interesting details and incidents of the great calamity in Peru and Ecuador is from the correspondence ' of the New York Times, dated Lima in Pern, August 22d, 1868: In a previous letter I gave a hurried account of the severe shock of an earth : quake and .the coming in of the sea at Oallao, as well as the damage to the ships lying in Callao Bay. By the steamer from Yalparaisoand intermediate points, which arrived here the 20th, we have the most fearful and appalling accounts of this same earthquake, proving it to bo by far " the moat terrible and destructive of any that has over visited Peru. Over twen * ty-thrce cities? and villages are. destro}-ed, .Bomo thirt}T silver and other mineral mines, the-ships greatly damaged lying at the Chincha Islands, some ten houses shaken down there, and all accounts go to show that there Las never been so fatal an earthquake in Peru, not even one that de? stroyed old Callao in 1746. This one has " marked its way by death and destruction all up-and down the entire coast. But for the high point of Corrillas and the im? mense mountain and inlaud of San Loren? zo, which formed an admirable breakwa? ter, Callao, and possibly Lima, would been have again submerged. To add to the general horror and freight of the earthquake- tho very day the; steamer sailed, (the 14th.) and the night immcdi ' ntely following the coming in of the sea, there was a most tearful fire, which burst -out in a restaurant in tho main street of Callao, and so sudden was the spread of the flames, and so violent the wind which carried it along, that about fifty of the principal stores and offices, the Club? house, and.all the buildings overhead, used as dwelling houses, with a million and a half worth of property, were de stroyed. Many families lost everything, and but for the timely arrival of two fire ? engines from Lima, the whole street, with all tlie principal stores in the place, would !ravo fallen an easy prey to the flames. A few large stores, crockery, hardware, cents per lb. for Green, and 21? cents per lb. for Dry. .?*.WATSON & CO. July 10, 1868 3 DRIED FRUIT! DRIED FRUIT! WANTED, immediately, "i00 bushels of Dried Apples and Peaches, for which we will pay the highest prico in goods or cash. WATSON k CO. Sept. 2, 1808_11_ MOLASSES! MOLASSES! BEST CUBA MOLASSES, For sale cheap by WATSON & CO. July 1, 18G8 2 Look Here! Look Here! M. LESSER, Agent, HAS jnsf returned from market, nnd now defies any oilier man to sell Goods cheaper thau ho caD. He has the Finest and Cheapest STOCK OF GOODS Ever brought to this place, and as proof of the as? sertion he will sell alicoe? from 15 to 20 cents, Muslins " 20 " 50 " Jaconets " 25 " 50 ** Ladies' Hals $1.00 to $2.00, Hoop Skirls, 75 certs to 51.00, And everything (he heart am desire, and the eye can pee, in like proportion. Neither -was the mas? culine gender forgotten, for ha has goods for them alarmingly cheap, such as Heady Made Pants from $1.75 to $3.00, Heady Made Coats from $3.50 to $7.00, Men and Boys' Hals from 75 to $2.00, ottonade at 20 cents, Ladies' nnd Gents' Shoes from $125 to $2.50. When you want to buy Good;?, don't forget M. LESSEI?, Agent. April 15. 1808 43 W. H. NARDIfl & CO. HAVL' just received a full supply of fresh and genuine DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Direct from New York, which they offer at the lowest market rales, for either Cash or Produce. Castor Oil, Laudanum. Gum Camphor, Sweet Oil, Paregoric. Epson Sails, Number Six. P.atcs man's Drops, and Tinctures of all kinds, which are prepared by us, and warranted genuine. Also. Strychnine to kill your crows; now's the time. Dye Stuffs of all kinds. ALSO, A small and well selected stock of almost every? thing the people want, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, and Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Soaps, &c. Give ns a call when you want to barter your Corn. Meal. Peas. Wheat, Oais, or anything you may ha rc lo srll. and if you are not suited in goods, we cm pay the cash. \V. II. NARDIN & C O., No. 7 Brick Range. April 22. IGfiS 41 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA yDxiisox i) Ts t it i a t. In the Cmirt of Common Fleas. W. N. Make 1 vs. V Attachment. E. E. I.hke. J WHEREAS.'Iba Plaintiff has filed his declara? tion ngninst ihr IMVnilant, who (ns if is said) is absent frnr.i r.nd without the limits of this Stale. I and has ?eilher wife nor iMH>rney known within the same, upon vrhom a copy of tin: said declara? tion anghi he served: T? is therefore Ordered. Thal the said Defendant do apnp and plead in the said declaration, on or before the iweiuy-lifih ibiy of March, which will be in t!w year of our Lord, uiie thousand eight hundred and dsly-ninc : otherwise final and absolute judg iieui will ihcn be given and awarded against hint. JOHN W DANIELS, c.c.r. Clerk's Office, Anderen Dist.,\ March 22. ISUS. J larnly DEMCCIUTIC KEvTSPAPSBS PCBLtSnED AT TlfFi Capitol of Sor.lii Car-olinci. THE attention of the Merchants, Farmers and Heads of Familien generally throughout the upper Districts, is called to the many advantages to be obtained by subscribing for the DAIi.Y PfHENIX. published every morning. r:;copt Monday, at for six months ; !$2 for three months. THE TF.I-WEEKLY PIKEX1X, published Tues? day. Thursday and Saturday, at $2.50 for six months; $1.25 for three. THE WEEKLY GLEANER, a mammoth paper, containing forty-eighl columns of reading matter, is published ev?ry Wednesday morning, at $1.50 for six month'.. These papers are recognized ns the central Dem? ocratic orgatis, and contain, besides Political Mal? ter, the latest Telegraphic Intelligence?Markets and a daily summary of News from all parts of the World ; interesting Editorials on general top? ics ; Local Matters. Correspondence. Ners Iicuis, Miscellany, Stories. Poetry, &c. Address JULIAN A. SELBY. Proprietor, Columbia, S. C. Sept 2, 1SC3 11 Change of Schedule on the G. & C. Railroad. ON and after Wednesday, the I2lh inslant. Pas? senger Trains will run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Train on South Carolina nnd Charlotte and South Carolina Railroads, as follows : Leave Columbia nt 7.00 a. m. ?' Alston at 8.40 " *' Newberry nt. 10.10 " Arrive at Abbeville at 3.00 p. m. at Anderson at 4.20 " at Greenville at 6.00 " Leave Greenville at 5.45 a m. Anderson at fi.^.'i ?? Abbeville at 8.00 " '? Newberry at 12.30 p. m. Arrive nt Alston at 2.15 " " at Columbia nt 3.45 " Trains on the Blue Ridgo Railroad will also run daily, Sundays excepted, connected with the up and down trains on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, as follows: Leave Anderson at 3.30 p. m. " Pendlet on at 5.30 " Arrive nt Walhalla at 7.30 ?? Leave Walhalla at 3.30 a. in. " Pendjcton at 5.30 " Arrive at Anderson nt *" 0.20 ?? The train will return from Bclton to Anderson on Monday and Friday mornings. JAMES 0. MEREDITH, Gen. Sup't. August 20. 1807 10 LATJRENS RAILROAD. } New Schedule. Officp. Lachens Raimioao, Laurens C. H., S. C. April 20, 1808. ON nnd after Tuesday, 12th May next, the trains' on this road will commence running ic return on same dny?to connect with up and down trains on Greenville and Columbia Railroad &| Helena; leaving Laurcns at. 5 a. m. on Tuesdays, Thursday's nnd Saturdays, and leaving Helena ni lip. m. on Eame days. J. T. BOWERS, Supt May 6, 13C8 48 PENDLETON FACTORY. THE WOOL CARDS AT this place are now in complete running order. All the Wool offered will be carded into Rolls of the be<=t quality at short notice, at the following rates for cash:' All Wool, Plain and Mixed Rolls, 12"c. per lb. Mixed otton aud Wool Rolls, IGc. per lb. Bacon, Lard, Corn and Cotton will he taken aC market rates in exchange for carding. Wool ma/ be sent to the Factory from any points on :he* Bnilroads, through the agents, and the Bolls dc livcred by them as soou as the Wool can be cardew and returned. AN ASSORTMENT CF 8 ? ? "ff ? I Y&liS OF a SUPERIOR QUALITY, Will be kept on hand at. the Factory, and cnsfo: mers supplied promptly, at as low "figures as tb??' market will justify. Dealern \ri!l find i! to their interest to give us ft' trial before buying elsewhere. Bespect fully, WILLIAM PERRY & CO. Proprietors. Oct. 9,1SC7 17?tf Keese & McCully,. DEALEnS IN HSATT BB7 GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Brokers and Commission Merchants, NO. lO GXtAIVIXE ROW, Anderson. C. H., S. C. April Jo, 18GS 43 tf SHAHPE & FANT, BROKERS, No. 7 Granite Row, ANBEPwSOH' C. H., S. C. STOCKS, Bonds. Geld and Exchange on New York and Charleston, and uncurrcnt Bank Bills bought and sold. State money always on hand for sale. But r? pat Torn Taxks. Fcb 12, lS?S 2-1 Charleston Hoief, THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, he has taken chnrgo of the above well-known FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and refurnished and refitted it, in hll its depart? ment*. The celebrated ARTESIAN WATER ' BATHS, MOT. COJ.D ?nd SHOWER, at all hoars. Clinches run to and from all Railroad* and Steamers, with attentive porters. Tito patronage of the travelling public is resncetfuliy solicited. J. P. HORBACH. Agent. 20.18CS 22 .Proprietor. i jr> rvr c? n r*7 n ;- \ ft o I? THE undersigned taken chargj of the above well-known Hot?!, and is prepared to accommodate :!:? traveling public in the very b'.-t stylo, ana on the most reosomvhia io-.t.:~. The .al;!* will h*sup? plied with everything ih? n:::rker aftVrrds. and eve? ry attention gi .v-n to render gnssls comfortable. Stuhles am itliached lb the, and Horses will be carefully attended io. WM. M. OSIJORNE. Jan 25. lStl8 ::2 P?V1?0N HOTEL, CHASLSSTOIT, B. C. noAnr>, n:n day, - - - 53.00. ?.Irs. H. L. BUTTER FIELD. A. BUTTET1FIED, Proprietress. Superintendent.. March 11. 18fi8 03 TO PLANTERS, MEECHANTS' AND SPECULATORS. ON and after this day we -will be prepared to maka advances on cotton and all other produce shipped to Geo. W. Williams & Co., Charleston, or Wil? liams. Tatlor & Co., New York. Parties wishing advances, will furnish us the railroad receipts for the produce shipped. SIIARPE & FANT. JulvSl.lS?" 7 J. B. McCEE, Offers his services to the public generally in this and surrounding Districts, and will charge moderate commissions. Jan. 15, 1SGS 30 Cm E. Fo M SIRRAH* Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger, BEGS to inform his friends and the public gen? erally that he has resumed work, and is prepared to fill all orders in his line, with promptness and dispatch. He will be found at this place, when not engaged in the country, and all orders ad? dressed to him at Anderson C. H. will be attended to at once. May 20, 1SC8 48 Cm WHITNEE & WEITNER, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. WILL practioc in the Couris of Law and Equity in the. Western. Cironil. the United Slates Court* for South Carolina, and pay particular attention: to Bankruptcy. Fcb 2G, 18?S 36 NOTICE. TnE undersigned have constantly on hand at their Kiln, in Laurcns District, a good supply of unslncked.LlME, which will he sold as cheaply as it can be bought elsewhere. The Qntirrj is four miles east of Free Bridge on Saluda River, and about ten miles southeast of Brwin's bridge. FEATHERSTON .": MASTERS. Brcwcrtjn, S. C. March 11, 1SC8 38 ly