New MYertisemerits. Quick Sales ai$ Small Profits NO. 4c GBANITE HOW. THE subscribers are now receiving their Fall and Winter stock of Goods, consisting in part of the following : TVe have a Fine Assortment of Prints, Delaines. DeBage, Red and White Flaunel, Opera Flannel, Canton Flannel, Blankets, r.' Table Damask, Towels, Handkerchiefs, . Blea'd and Brown Shirting & Sheeting, Bed Ticking, Irish Linen, &c, &c. A good ASSOBTjrSST OF ? Castings, Nails, Crookerv and Glassware, Lamps, Lamp chimneys, Wicks. SHOES AND BOOTS, CAPS, CAEPETING, A Good Assortment Woodenware, Buckets, Tubs, Keelers, - ' Well Buckets, i bushel Measures, Brooms, &c, '? Corn shelters and Straw ("utters. a nicb.assoetmhnt of Cabs and Perambulators. GROCERIES. TJepper, Spice, Ginger, ground & unground, ' A fine assortment of Sugar, ? Rio. Java and Laguara Coffee, Gun Powder, Hyson and Black Tea, (good.) Indigo, Madder, .Starch, Soda, (very fine,) iSoap, Candles, Mustard, Cooking Extracts, Candy, Citron, Gurrants, Powder, .".-*' 'Shot and. Lead, Rice, Lard, Bacon, Mackerel,"Salt, And many things too numerous to mention. BAGGING AND BOPE. " A kice vabiety op - . .4COOKRJYG STOVES, Ajnong which you will find the celebrated COTTON PLANT STOVE. For economy in fu?4?for dura? bility? for capacity in baking, boiling and broil i3g?for simplicity in management?for cleanli? ness in cooking?for great power of heat in baking and boiling,- with a very small consumption ot fuel?for beauty of design?for smoothness of j casting andelegance of finish, THE ? CO 1TON ' PLANT1' ? , Stands Unequalled ! ! - We invite everybody that wishes to buy good Gbods at low prices for CASH, to give us a call. If we cannot please or snit you, we charge nothing for snowing. TOWERS & BURRISS, No. 4 Granite Kow, ..Anderson C. IT. Sept 30, 1863 - 15 8 MEDICAL COLLEGE Jv- v '? :\ : OF ?r E O RGI A , At Augusta. THE 5ith Course of Lectures will he commenced' | onih'e FinST MONDAY* in NOVEMBER. Fkks :?Full Course, S1U5 ; Matriculation. S5; Dissections, $10; Diploma, $30. All payable in ourrency. FACULTY. ~i. P. Gativin, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Ma? tena Medica. L. D. Fobd, M.D., Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine. Jos. A. Eve, M.DT, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants. L. A. Dugas. M.D.. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. Geo. W. Rains, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. H. F. Campbell, M.D., Professor of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. DeSaussuee Fobd, M.D., Professor of Anatomy. W. H; Dodguty. M.D:, Professor of Therapeu? tics, Matcria, Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. Edwabd Geddings, M.D., Professor of Physi? ology'and Pathological Anatomy. Robprt Campbell, M.D., Adjunct Professor of | Obstetrics. Jos. A. S. Millioan, M.D., Assistant to the Professor of Practice. John S. Coleman, M.D., Demonstrator of An? atomy. S. C. Eve, M.D., Clinical Assistant at the Dis? pensary. L. A. DUGAS, Dean. Sept 30, 1865 :\ 15 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON COUNT!'. IX THE PROBATE COURT. Newton McConne.l, Applicant, vs. Allen McConncl, Margaret Harris, William McConnel. jr., Charles McContiel, the heirs tit law of Daniel McConncl, and the heirs at iaw of John McConnel?Greet? ing : - IT appearing to my satisfaction that the above and foregoing heirs at law of William McConnel, dee'd. reside without this Stale, it is therefore or? dered that they do appear and object lo the divis? ion or sale of the Real Estate of William McCon? ncl, dee'd, on or before the tenth day of Novem? ber next, or their consent to the same will be en? tered, of record. Given under my hand and seal, this 28th day of] September, A. D. 1868. W. W. HUMPHREYS, p.j.a.c. 15 6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Susan Rogers has applied to me for Letters of Administration ou the Estate of J William Rogers, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on the 10th day ol October, 1868, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administration should not be granted. W. W. HUMPHREYS, p.j.a.c. Sept 30, 1863 15 2 - Estate ISTotice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of John Wakcficld, deceased, arc hereby notified that they must make immediate payment, as longer indul? gence positively cannot be given. All persons having demands against the Estato must present them for payment, properly attested, at once, or they will lie barred. MARY WAKEFIELD, Adm'x. S. M. BO WEN, Adm'r. ?ept 30, 1868 16 4 DR. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST Office over M. Lesser's Store. FULL SETTS of Artificial Teeth inserted on the Yulcnnile Base, for from Twenty to Tliiriy-five Dollars, that, for utility, comfort and beauty, can? not be excelled. Prices, both in the operative and mechanical de? partment, as low as in Columbia or Charleston. Having been in practice for ten years, he feels confident of giving entire satisfaction. May 13, 18GS 47 Sra OF MY FRIENDS WHO DESIRE THEIR time - pieces THOROUGHLY RECONSTRUCTED AT THE LATEST low eates! HAVING secured the services of a SWISS WAT^CII MAKER of thirty years experience, I will be able to do work with more dispatch, and parties may feel secure that their work will be done as well as if I had done it myself, or as well as anywhere in the world. . A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF J e "w ele y, Oil Maud. Watch-Glasses fitted for 25 cts, A SPldENDID L.OT OF One and Eight Bay Clocks, Striking and Alarm. pi^istos, &c. Call at No. 4 Brick Range. Respectfully, F. C. v. BORSTEL. Sept 16, 1868 13 Sky-Light FUME ART GALLERY. PICTURES taken in the various styles at No. 4 Brick Range. F. C. v. BORSTEL. Sept 10, 18G8 IS J. J. BAKER, Wholesale & Retail Brrg;ist, At the Sign of the G olden Mortar, NO. 3 BRICK RANGE, ANDERSON C. EC., S. C. Sept 2.1, 18G8 15 4 m Wheat and other Grain Crops. RAPES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME WILL increase the yield 50 per cent. No per? son should plant an acre of Wheat without using 200 or 300 pounds to the acre. Apply to H. W. KINSMAN, 163 East Bay, Charleston, Gen. Agent for So. Ca., Or to REED & BROYLES, Anderson, S. C. Sept 2, 1808 11 2m nCKEKSOFS HOTEL, Passengers convoyed to and from the De? pots, free of charge. Persons arriving on the G. & C. R. R., will be furnished with conveyance to this lintel and back to tho Depot, inclusive of dinner, for One Dollar. Ample lime allowed passengers going to Charles? ton to obtain this accommodation. Rates of Board. $3.00 per day. WM. A. WRIGHT, Superintendent. Sept IG, 1808 14 FRANCIS T. PKI.ZER, FRANCIS S. ItODGIRS, w. j. mucickxfuss. PELZER, RODGE.RS & CO., Cotton ITuctoi-s AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 16. 18G8 14 Cm D. W. HAWTHORN, Broker & Commission Merchant, WALHALLA AND nONEA PATH, S. C, WILL aliond to all buoincss entrusted to his care at eil her nlace. Sept 10,18G8 M oswei.l nnnor.n. eimmkrmax havis. REEDER & DAVIS, Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants, Adder's North Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Consignments Respectfully Solioited. ?ept i, 1668 29 C? The Arrow Cotton Tie. FOR SALE BY XT. X. ISartlett, Gen. Agent, NEW ORLEANS. Rob't. Mure ?s Co., Agents, CHARLESTON, S. C. THESE TIES AND BANDS arc made of the best wrought iron, and liave been fairly tested and approved by the cotton presser.s in all the principal sea ports, and by planters in all the cotton grow? ing States. The advantago of baleing cotton with iron is now generally acknowledged, and it is recommend? ed by boat and ship-owners and insurance compa? nies. It costs less, makes a more compact bale, and gives greater security than rope. For sale by KEESE & McCULLY, Anderson C. H., S. C. SeDtIC,18G8 13 To Merchants, Speculators and l?"LAlVX*ETiS - WE are now prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton and all other produce shipped to PEL ZER, RODGERS &. CO., Charleston, S. C, or KIRKLAND, WILEY & CO.. New York. KEESE & McCULLY. ScptlG,2SC8 13 4m DUE WEST FEMALE COLLEGE. : i --:o: THE Winter Session opens on MONDAY, the FIFTH of OCTOBER. The Faculty the same as last year. A full College is expected. RATES OF TUITION. Primary Department, per session, $10 00 .Academic " " " 15 00 Collegiate " " " 20 00 Music. Piano. " " 24 00 Use of Piano, " " 2 00 Contingent Fund, " M 1 00 Ornamental branches at the lowest rates. No extra charge for Latin or French, or Vocal Music. Boarding Twelve Dollars per month. Washing and fuel about. Two Dollars and a half per month. Due West is in Abbeville District, four miles from Dnnaldsville Depot, on the Greenville & Co? lumbia Ruilroud. Rev. J. I. BONNER, President. Sept IC, 18G8 14 W. C. CARRINGTON, J. J. HOPKINS, Pie3idcnt. Secretary. PIEDMONT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CO., YA., FOR LIFE INSURANCE ONLY. Authorized Capital, 81,000,000. lueome for tit', first six months, over Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars?a success unsurpassed by any Company in existence. Insures on Mutual. Cask, and Non-fur feiiure Plans. Ageflcy at Anderson C. H. A. B. TOWERS, T. A. EVINS, Agent. Medical Examiner. Anderson C. H., S. C, Aug. 10, 1808. THIS Company has secured a pnpularit}- never reached by any company in existence in the same length of time. The perfect and entire reliability nf its officers is vouched for by upwards of fifty of the first men in Virginia, and its pecuniar}' re? sponsibility is uflhiistnknbly shown by the sworn statement of its officers, backed by the certificates of tho civil officers of the count}' in which it is lo? cated. It bus a basis, therefore, which will in? sure its immediate success and permanent pros? perity. For further particulars, call on the sub? scribers at Anderson C. II.. S. C. ? A. 13. TOWERS, Agent, T. A. EVINS, Med. Examiner. August 10, 1868 9 w. c. col'ktnky, robert mit.dock, james s. murdoch. W. C, COURTNEY & CO., IF A C IP ? IE ? and Commission Merchaut?, No. 9 Boyce's Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 9,1868 12 tiicm. k. onenc. . .toiis n. palmer. GREGG, PALMER & CO., Stock and Exchange Brokers, and COLUMBIA, S. C. August 19, 1868 0 9 JAS. M. CALDV/EFjL & SONS,! COTTON FACTORS, Accomraodtion Wharf, CharleEtcn, S. C. j Advances made on consignments. Refer those , who wish information to Col. D. L. McKay, Presi? dent of (lie People's National Bank, Charleston, j South Carolina. Septf?, .1868 12 6m 1 Commissioner's Sales. In Equity--Anderson. Mrs. Eliza A. Lorten, Administratrix, vs. John B. Sitton, S. F. W. Miller. Klla Lorton, el al.?./>'/'? to Administer Estate in Equity, Restrain Creditors, ?Is <*e same, with ihe privilege on the part of purchasers to pay the cash if they desire it. The costs of those proceedings to be paid in cash by the pur? chasers of the Real Estate. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, | Sept.. ?, 1808. J 12?4 In Equity?Anderson. W. W. Humphreys, Adm'r. vs. Reuben Burriss ami Surah E. Bozcman.?Bill to sell Lands, Slur thaltAstcix, tic. By virtue of a Decretal Order from the Court of Equity to me directed, 1 will expose lo sale on Salcday in October flexi, at Anderson Conn House, the several Tracts of Land described in the plead? ings as ihe Reul Estate of Daniel S. Bozentau, de? ceased, to wit: LOT ISO. Situate in Anderson District, adjoining lands of James C. Adams. (.'. Brown, Matthew Dunlup and estate of D. T. Buzenian, containing One Hundred and Seventy-Four Acres, more or less. LOT IVO. It, Containing Ninety-Seven Acres, more or less, ad? joining lands of Win. Latham, R. Bcatty and es? tate of D. T. Boseman. LOT NO. 4, Containing Seventy-Four Acres, more or less, .id joining lands of James S. Bcatty, Marlin Hall and Cslatc D. T. Bnzeman, dee'd. Trims of Sale.?On a credit of one nnd two years, with inicresl from date, purchasers giving bond and mortgage, with at least two approved i sureties for the purchase money?oxcrpi the costs, which must be paid in cash. I'urchuscrs to pay extra tor necessary papers and stamps. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office,") Sept. 7, 1808. j 12?4 In Equity?Anderson. V. II. Brcazcalc vs. Matthew IJren'/.cale and 9. A. Breazenlc?Bill for 1'arlUion, Account, Iltlitf, 4-c. BY virtue of a Decretal Order from the court of Equity to me directed, 1 will expose to sale at An? derson Court House on Saleday in October next, the tract of land described in the pleadings ns part of the Real Estate of Williamson Brcazeule, dee'd, to wit : The Mill Tract, Or lot No. 2, situate in Anderson District, on Little Rock creek, adjoining lands of Elijah (Trillin, Win. Davenport, nud others, purchased ui a former salo by Mrs. Nelly if. Breazeale. and continuing one hundred and thirty-six acres, exclusive of Tan. yard site of eleven and one-fourth acres reserved to V. If. Dreazeale. Term of Sate.?On a credit of one and I wo years, with interest from day of sale, the purchaser ?;n tering into bond with approved surety, and mort? gage of the premises to secure payment Of Iii? pur? chase money?except the costs, which must be paid cash, rateably, by the purchaser and the com? plainant. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers and stamps. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, "j Sept. 7, 18(38 J 12?1 In Equity?Anderson. W. \V. Humphreys, Successor, vs. Thomas Oeer, and others.?Bill lo Foreclose Mortgage. BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Equity to me directed, I will expose to sale on Salcday in October next, the following tract of laud, to wit: Tract iVo. 1, Of the Real Estate of tho late Archibald K>nton, purchased by Thomas (Jeer from the Commi'siou er in Equity, and now in possession of -Haw? kins, containing One Hundred und Seventy-Four Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of James Emerson, Robert Breckinridge, and others, lying ou Robinson's creek and waters of Rocky River. Sold under an order of foreclosure of mortgage. Terms of Sale.?On a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, except the costs of these proceedings, which must be paid in cish? purchaser to give bond with at least two good sure? ties, and a mortgage of the to secure the payment of the purchase money. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, "I Sept. 7. 1808. J 12?1 In Equity?Anderson. James P. Boyce, vs. Charles P. Dean.?Bill to foreclose Mortgage and for Relief, rye. BY virtue of an order from tlie Court of Equity to me directed, I will expose to sale on Salcday in October next the several mortgaged Tracts de? scribed in the pleadings, as the Real Estate of Charles P. Dean, to-wit: One Tract of Land, Containing three hundred and sixty-seven acres, more or less, situate on the west side of Saluda River, in Anderson District, adjoining lands of Mil? ton Cox, John Poor and Jack Poor. Also, One Tract of Land, Containing two hundred and thirty acre?, more or less, situate on waters of Saluda, in Greenville District, adjoining lands of Aaron Thompson, L. Lenheart and Jesse Dean. The said two Tracts of sold under an order of foreclosure of mortgage. Terms of sale cash. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, Y Sept. 7, 1808. / 12?4 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of writ? of Fiera Facias to me directed. 1 will expose lo sale on Salcday next, nt Anderron C. H., within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Tract of Land, containing 24S Acres, more or less, bounded by lnnds of Peter Johnson, Estate of John Garnbrell, and others, levied on as the property of II. Cooley, dee'd, at the suit of G. \V. Sullivan. Five Sides of Leather, levied on as the property Of Whitakcr llackelt, at the suit of Alrx. Campbell. Terms Cash?purchasers to pay for titles and stamps. TTJI. McGUKIN, s.a.n. Sept. 0. 1808. 12 fXSBSfi & OTBMGB, DEALERS I2T HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Carriage 3Iatei'ials, PAINTS, OILS, AND GLASS, Bririly Plows, And other Agricultural Implements. LE?TH E K BELTING, 2 lo G inches, at 10 per cent discount from the New York list. I S ? S A R 0 & B & g , At New York 1 at price. To the Merchants of the Up-Country : WE invile special attention to the price of first class NAILS, which we arc selling lower than they have been offered here since tho war. Columbia, Aug; 20, 1808. 10 Fall and Winter Importations 18 6 8. MILLINER Y GOODS! Ribbons, Trimming Ribbons, Veivot Ribbons, FANCY BONNET MATERIALS. French Flowers, Flumes and Ornaments, BLONDS, CRAPES, SETTS, In Straw, Silk, Velvet ami Felt. We offer the largest and best assorted Stock in the United Stntesj comprising all the latest Pari sinn Novelties, add unequalled in choice variety and cheapness. ARMSTRONG, CATGR & CO, 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, IVici. Sept. 2. 1808 li Graeser, Lee, Smith & Co., COTTON FACTORS ax d COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Atlantic Wharf, GII??llBSTSH, Mo CA. C A.OKAKSER, A. SYDNEY SMITH, CJEO. W. LEU, CHARLES SPENCER, Of Sumte?; S. C. Of Bitkojtcillt, S. C. Sept 2, 1??8 11. ?m* J 2.1 J'.l-1 J..J Stt_?J'MLil??ULM "Westward the Star of ??j&i takes its Way." Secure a Home hi CaJlfcrr Homestead Association OF C4LIF0BNIA, Incorporated under (he Laws of ike State, JSovemOer 30, lS67./or the purpose of Providing Eomes for its Kemfors Aud Promoting Immigration. Capital Stock, - - $l,GOO,OGC', Divided into 200,000 Shares at 55 eacli, PAYABLE IN UNITED STATES CURRENCY. A Circular containing s full description of the property to be distributed among the Sharehai ? ers, will be sent to any address, upon receipt of stamps to cover return postage. Information as to price of land in any portk:: of the State, or upon any other subject cf inter? est to parties proposing to immigrate, will be cheerfully furnished upon receipt of Staufs for postage, all lktteus should be addressed SECRETARY IMMIGRANT HOMESTEAD ASSO? CIATION, Post Office Box No. 85, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. August 20, 1808 10 THE STATE CF SOUTH CAUOLTS?, ANDERSON DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OP ORDINARY. To Lcvi Gable and wife, Sally. Robert. G. Martin and wife. J. A. Martin and wife, residing with? in the limits of this State, and to the heirs of James O. Martin, dee'd, viz : David Martin', jr.. and Edward S Martin, residing without tLe limits of this State?Greeting: YOU ate hereby required to appear at ihe Court of Ordinary tob-; holden at Anderson Court IIotz and others, and containing one huudred ? tren acres, more <>?? less, should v.y. he s?J . make distribution amongst ihe irwKlOrs ? said deceased. Given under mv hand aud seal, this thefts hi of August A. D. 18G8, ROBERT JUNKIN, ?.A.r-. i0 STATE OP SOUTH CAB?l?HA In Equity?Ancic:-?oh. Ex. Parte the Trustees of the Es'ate of P? La Howe In. Rc. Elijah Webb, Adm'r. vs. ?1. Dar racott.?Bill to Foreclose Mortgage. BY authority from the Court of Equity ifc is or? dered tbat any creditor or creditors of the Defen? dant, II. Darrncoti, who had alien, by judgment or otherwise, upon the land sold under df.crr" for foreclosure in the case above stated, come in. pr? sent and prove their claims before the Conici: er on or bythe 15ih day of October ::c v.. Pro. vided, however, thai no such credit:" piwine h'-j demands shall he entitled to his costs, unic hi~ claim to receive payment, or part payment, he :, tained. W. W. HUMPHREYS, C.E.a.u. Commissioner's Office, 1 Anderson, July 15, 1808. J 4?3m STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity?Anderson. W. W. Humphreys, Adm'r, vs. Reuben Burriss, Sarah E. Bozeman, et al.?Bill to sell Laud*, Marshal Assets, S'c. BY an order of the Court of Equity, all persons having demands against the Estate of D. T. Boze? man. dee'd, are required to prove the same before the Commissioner on or by the loth day of Grober next, or be barred from any benefit in the 'Jccrec to be pronounced in this case. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioners Office, 1 Anderson, July 15, 1808 j 4?3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, In Equity?Anderson. James McLees. Ex'or. Susan E. McLees, Ex'tx, vs. Jonathan B. Werts, et al.?Bill for sale of Real and? BY an order of the Court of Equity, nil creditors of RobertMcLees, dee'd, are required t? present and prove their demands agiinst the said intestate before the Commissioner on or by the 15th of Oc? tober next, or be barred the benefit of any dceree to be pronounced in this case. VY. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, 1 Anderson, July 15,1803. f 4?3m STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity?Anderson. John W. B. Orr, Ext'r, vs. John W. Roseman, Francis M. Mulliktn. et al.? /Jill to ascertain tht true value of Land, for Rrlirf, ,yc. BY virtue of an order from '.he Court of Equity all ihe creditors of the testator. Wm. Mnllikiu, ?r? notified to present and prove their demands beforo the Commissioner on or by the 15th day of October next, upon pain of being barred of any benefit from tlic decree lo be pronounced in this case. W. W. HUMPH BEYS. ?vs..\.js Commissioner's Office, 1 Anderson* July 15, 1808. j i?-Oui STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity?Anderson. Ann W. Hammond and O. FT. P. Fant vs. James L. Orr nud Louisa 0. Hammond.?Bill lo sc! a*id< Trurl Deed, Relief. ,yr. BY authority from the Court of Equity nil the creditors of the late S. J. Hammond, uce'd. who are willing to come in and contribute to th" &t pensesof 'Iiis suit, are required to pr- ?.?>??. ... prove their demand- rhe C ?""' - o.ucr ?3 or by the 15th of October :i.. .. carrc:! > ??, minister E*tale in Equity. BY an order of the Court of Equity, the crm?toi. J. Hammond, dee'd. have Iwe ot ftiwi ' -, m wit : Until the first Monday in ' :. ? ? ???? to render and prove their denannd? ! -i it Commissioner. W. w. HUMPHREYS, c.s.a.? Commissioner's Office, ^ Anderson, July In, 1808. j 4.?