The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, September 16, 1868, Image 4

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The Blue Kidge Railroad. Tlie following- bill has passed both brandies of. tho'Legislature-: ?? '".-v -- .--. . ? | A bill to ATjinOHIZE "additional aid to the blue ridge railroad company in s?utu carolina " ^ Whereas, the- Gen oral. Assembly of the ? State of Sooth Car.olina,;by an act passed the 21st day of December, ISo^qt?led "art act to authorize aid to the Blue Ridge. Itailroad Company in South Carolina, provided that the faith, and.funds of- tho State of South Garolina be and tbo same are.horeby. pledged to Becuro the punctual payment ot any contracts"which shall be made for borrowing money by tho Blue Ridge-Railroad Company in South Caro? lina," from any persoaor persons, com? pany, or companies,' corporation or cor . porations, to any amount"riot exceeding ono:million dollars, either in . the United States of Europe; and when ouch con .. tracts-shalf be made ;by bond or bonds, i;igned by\the.President of the Company, -Under its seal, and countersigned by the "Secretary or Troasuror thoreof, it shall be tbo duty of the- Comptroller-General to endorse thefeon, that tho faith and funds of 'tho State are., pledged to. the faithful of said; contract or jebntraets, as. it respects,the. punctual, payment of V^j-Both the principal and interest, according .. tO;,?ie terms' lof..the,said contract or con 'iv tracfe;' provided that certain conditions . particolayly recited in section -7 of said ?;.afit, first executed, and the Raid Blue - iiidge Bailr?ad Company in Soutb Caro? lina secures the said endorsement by a .mortgage of all their property in the States of South Carolina "and Tennessee, duly, executed "and recorded. And, where -. a3,.t.h.e."Ci3mptrollcr-General of thi. State A'las.riot er.dofsod any of the bondsjssued by the said.Bhie. Ridge Railroad Company in South Carolina, under the authority of . r'the^aid act; and whereas-, the conditions imposed: upon said endorsement by said section 7, nitre become impossible and in ?judicidns, while- the^necossily of 'the com - plotion of tlie road has beeomo more ur ,g8ntiu tho interest of the State; therefore _ Me it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of "the. State of "South Carolina, now met and Bitting in General 'Assembly, and .by. the authority of the ;- same, That without reference to tho said provisos and conditions, whenever any ? contract or contracts may bo made by the Presideiitrof the" said Company, under its 'seal, and as provided by said act, and not " exceeding one million -of -dollars, that it shall be the duty of the Comptroller-Gcn .o;*aI to endorse thereon thatthb faith and . j funds of flie State aro pledged to the .? faithful performance of said contractor contracts, as respects tho. punctual pay? ment both of the principal and interest,. ^ according, to the terms of ^said contract or contracts; provided that so much of .said '? issue as "may bo necessary, not exceeding . ^'.?300,000, shall bo applied to the redemp - tiori of tho " present* bond'debt-of said Company. --,"'? Section 2. That the faith arid the-funds of the State-bf South Carolina- be, and the a-ime are hereby pledged, to 6ecuro the punctual payme?tof any contracts whicb .ihall be.made by- the Blue Ridge Railroad Company in South Carolina, for the bor . rowing of money fromany person or per? sons, corporation or corporations, to an additional arhount not exceeding $3,000 / 000;. either in the United States or Europe, ?arid when such contract shall be made by bond or bonds, signed by the president of the said company under its seal, and - countersigned by ; .the secretary or-treasV -> uror thereof, it shall bo the duty of the Comptroller-General of this State to en? dorse thereon, thatlhe iaiMi and funds of J tbo'State'of.. South Carolina are hereby pledged to tho faithful performance of the contract or coutracts, as it respects the " punctual payment both of the principal . and intereut, according to tlie terms ofj - said contract or contracts;. provided that too interest to bo made payable thereon shall not exceed~sevcn per cent, per an? num, in half-yearly payments. - And that as soon as ihs^Coinptroller-General 6hall have made any such endorsement, on any such contract, the whole estate, property . and furida i;a tho States of South Carolina, Georgia. North Carolina and Tennessee, which toe said company may then pos? sess, or shall afterwards acquire, shall thenceforth stand'plodged and mortgaged to the Stats, without any further act or deed on the part of the cotnpariy, for the faithful and pnnctaal perforinanco on tho : part of said company of such contract, in priority and preference of any other debt which the said company may thereafter crest^or incur. And, further provided, .?thatthe said bonds or any part thereof ? Bhall riot bo used except upon tho ex? press condition that,upon application to tho Congress of the United States or to - private capitalists, tho'amount of 83,000, ? 1)00 in currency, or so -much as may be necessary, shall be furnished in exchange, or upon tho security of sajd bonds. Sec. 3. That tho said company shall .havo tho right to increase the boaid ofj directors to fifteen membore, .of which -board'the Governor of the State shall be> cx-o?cio a membor; that tnero shall ' additional officer to bo known as Vioe . President, whose duty and salary shall Jbo prescribed by the board, and that in all future meetings of tho stockholders of said c?rripany, the Governor of the State is hereby r.uthorized t<y? represent the stock of the State, either in'person or by "tho appointment of proxies. Sec. 4. That the'Governor of tho State ia hereby authorized to advance to the said company an amount not to exceod twenty thousand dollars, from tho tieis ' ury of tho State, in bills receivable or other currency j not otherwise appropria? ted, t? repair and keep in working condi? tion, the said'road, if such arriocnt should ?ba necessary in his opinion. ? Aunt Susan, about seventy year3 of j --age, is "unanimous" on man. tfhe says: "If all the'.m-sn were taken off, she'd make arrangements for her funeral forthwith." Sho also says : "Suppose all the men were in one country, and all the women in an? other, with a big river between them, good gracious what lots of poor women would b* drowned.?" Read This, Colored Men.?A corres? pondent of the Macon Journal and Mes? senger gives the subjoined account of a "speech delivered by a .colored man at a .Democratic barbecue, in Pulaski county, a few days ago: Next followed a colored man by the name of Sherman, who gave, in a conver? sational stylo, a most interesting history of his trip to and his stay in Liberia. He .was not at all complimentary to the agents of the Colonization Society, on ac? count of tho meagre supply of provisions oh tho voyage/ He says they were com? pelled to subsist for days on rations con? sisting of a single cracker and a pint of water; but when they reached their destination, on accouut of the many deaths occurring in their party, their ra? tions were increased to three crackers per day- He said ho was told by the Coloni? zation Societjr that when ho reached Li? beria ho would find a species of fruit known as tho bread fruit growing in great abuudanco on the treeB?all of which lie found to be'true, but neither ho nor any of his party could eat it. Ho says the na? tives live on snakes, frogs, lizards, or any s?rt of animals, .they can capture and slay, "but they prefer animals that have died and are in a putrid state. He said ho determined to leave as soon as he could provide himself with money to pay his New York, which he soon obtained, and took ship for New York, where he felt confident of meeting many friends. After arriving in the city he made application to some men on the ?wharf for work, was told they did not em? ploy, negroea, and, driven away, he made several other applications on. the wharf, meeting in every instance unkind rep_.ul seV' He then made applications at two carpenters shops, from which ho hardly escaped with his scalp. He returned to ih'o wharf in despair, when he fortunately found a gentleman from Savannah, and after having to. work for his food until he co?ld got a situation, he proposed to work for him-in'the. eame way; he gave him his food, and afterwards paid the fnll price for his labor, which enabled him to reach Savannah, where ho met with Southern friends who furnished him means to reach his old home,: where he hopes to live and die, for ho sixya the black man has no friends; on by in the South. He ad? vised the .black men to be peaceable and industrious, and be governed by the ad vico of the people of this country. That slavery at.the South, in its worst form, is better for the black man than freedom at the North. Pjs>t)IiEton.?Rev. Samuel Lcard_ Sun. day School Agent of the South Carolina Conference, writes to tho Christian Neigh boo : Pendleton has all the native beauty and simplicity' of a mountain lassie, with much of the dignity and aristocratic bearing of a low country matron. Hot; natural lifo began by drinking the sparkling rain drops of mountain showers and inhaling the pure atmosphere w.aftod' to her nos? trils from the Blue Ridge peaks and. val lcj-s. Years ago, she developed artificial ly into stately womanhood ; and now, sit? ting in her graceful weeds, she'is be? moaning her sorrowful widowhood.? Stripped of her ancient prestige by the of fickleness of fortune and tho dosolations war, she has not much left hrr hi aides the mountain showers and life-giving atmo? phere,which first gaveher boingand conse quonce, as a summer resort for the wealthy planters of tho low country. Her stores, and even her residences are fast sinking into decay/and not even the presence of the Blue Ridge Raidroad and the snorting of the iron horsocan bring back again her material prosperity-. And yet her envi? rons are extremely 'beautiful, consisting as they do of stately groves, and swelling hilT-tops, crowned, many of them, with boantiiul residents; and in tho distance the long line of sleepy, dreanvy, Cerulean ranges of lofty mountains]. And here, almost within sight of tho decaj-ing vil? lage, rests ' Fort Hill," tho loved homo of Carolina's most, honorod and revered scbolar and-statesman, the Hon. J. C. C?lhoun. Iiis intellectual greatness and moral purity of character 6hcda a halo upon every material thing with which it came in contact, and gives us another proof of the superiority of mind over matter, and establishes a6trong presump? tion in favor of tho immortality of tho human soul. Close by his late residence flows the beautiful Seneca; and in the ! regions nearer tho mountains is heard the ceaseless ripple of tho still more boautiful Keowee?Toxiwa}T?big and littlo Easta toee and White or Jocassee Rivers. Na? ture spreads oat before you hero one of her most beautiful panoramas. Tho cli? mate is unsurpassed in heullhfulness, and earth yields a prolific variety of hor choicest productions. This section is des? tined to become the loved home of loom? ing generations in a future diiy. Ex-Governor Thomas H. Seymocr.? Ex-Governor Thomas H. Seymour died (atliis residence, in Hartford, Conn., on | Thursday evening, 3rd inst., of Typhoid Fever, aged sixty-one years. He was : educated in the Middlctown Military In? stitute, studied law and practiced tho profession, and was a Representative in Congress from Connecticut from 18-13 tu 1S45. In 1846 ho went to Mcxioo as Ma? jor of a New England Regiment, and was promoted to bo a Colonel after tho battle of Chcpultcpec. He was elected Governor of Connecticut in 1850, and re-elected three times in succession, was Minister to Russia during President Pierce'sadminis? tration, and had held other offices of honor and trust. He was much respected for his generous and social qualities, atid had a largo circle of friends and acquaintances throughout tho country. He was a prom? inent member of tho Masonic fraternity. -s> Elmira Prison. New York.?All who lost friends at Elmira Prison, during the war, and who wish to get any information I respecting their bodies, the chances and j charges for removing, &c, can do so by [ addressing Mr. E. A. Harrison, of Sparta, Ga., at Elmira, N. Y. Mr. II. went North last winter to look after tho bodies of friends, and goes now to removo them. At Elmira Ccmetry he noticed that many, perhaps all, the Southern States aro rep resented, and knowing, from pressing in? quiries received, that many would gladly hear respecting tho bodies of lriends, ho promises, for the soke of tho bereaved, to answer all letters and inquiries which! - ---- -. ? e may be sent to bim at Elmira, by the 15th of October. Persons writing will ploase enclose a stamp to pay return postage. All Southern papers sympathising with the bereaved will please copy. -_-~-*o?-? ? A child instructed' in a Sabbath School, on being asked;by Tiis teacher if he could mention a place where God was not, made the following beautiful and un? expected reply?"JSTot in the thoughts of the wicked." mum DEALERS IX HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Carrin fife Materials, PAINTS, OILS, AND GLASS, Brinly Plows, And othor Agricultural Implements. LEATHER BELTING, 2 to G-inches, nt 10 per cent discount from the New York list. * iiii? fci??*&. At New York hst price. To thc Merchants of the ?p-Countrj* : WE invite special attention to the price of first ciass NAILS, which we are selling lower than they haye been offered here since the war. Columbia, Aug. 20, 18G8. 10 Gullctt's Patent Steel Brush COTTON GIN ! COTTON ginned on this Gin sold in Charleston Inst season at one to two cents per pound more than tho same class of colton ginned on the ordi? nary Gins of the country. This stater^ nt is cer? tified by twenty-five of the principal .f actors and buyers in Charleston. Price, Sis Dollars per Saw, for Cash or city acceptance. Send for a circular. C. GRAVELE Y, No. 52 East Cay, South of Old Post Office, Charleston, So. Ca. SULLIVAN, MATTIS0N & CO., Agents, Anderson C. H., S. C. Brinly's Patent Ploughs, And a full stock of HARDWARE and AGRICUL? TURAL IMPLEMENTS, for sale low, wholesalo and retail. C. G. July 15, 1808 4 STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity?Anderson. Ex Tarte thc Trustees of thc Estate of De La Howe In. -Rt.. Elijah Webb, Adm'r, vs. II. Dar racott.?EUI to Foreclose Mortgage. BY" authority from thc Court of Equity it is or? dered thal nny creditor *r creditors of tlie Defen? dant, H. Darrncott, who lind alien, by judgment or otherwise, upon thc land sold under decree for foreclosure in the case above sUlcd, come in. pre? sent and prove their claims before the Commission? er on or hy the 15th day of October rext. Pro? vided, however, that no such creditor proving his demands shall bc entitled to his costs, unless his claim lo receive payment, or part payment, be sus? tained. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.u. Commissioner's Office, 1 Anderson, July 15, IStl.S. j 4?3m STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity?Anderson. L. 0. Hammond, Adm'rx, cum testo annero, vs. Guyton Guyton. Elias John Earle.?EUI to ad? minister Estate in Equity, Sc. BY an order of thc Court of Equity, thc creditors of S. J. Hammond, dee'd. have leave of further time, to wit : Until the fir?>t-Mond.iy iu January next, to rcuder and prove their demands before thc Commissioner. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, Anderson, July 15, 1668. j 4?Sm STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Kquity?Anderson. James McLees. Ex'or, Susan E. McLees, Ex'tx, vs. Jonathan B. Werts, ct al.?EUI for sale of Rral ?nd? BY an order of the Court of Equity, all creditors of Robert McLees, dee'd, nre requircd to present and prove their demands against the said intestate before the Commissioner on or by thc loth of Oc? tober next, or be barred the benefit of any decree to be pronounced in this case. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, "I Anderson, July 15,78C8. f 4?3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity?Anderson. Ann W. Hammond nnd 0. H. P. Fant vs. James L. Orr nnd Louisa 0. Hammond.?Edi to set aside Trust Deed. Relief, ?rc. BY authority from the Court of Equity all thc creditors of the bite S. J. Hammond, ?ee'd, who arc willing to come in and contribute to thc ex? penses of this suit, are required lo present and prove their demands before the Commissioner on or by the 15th of October next, or be barred of any right or interest in (he suit. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.b.a.D. Commissioner's Office, 1 Anderson, July 15, 18G8. J 4?3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity?Anderson. John W. B. Orr, Ext'r, vs. John AV. Roseman, Francis M. Mullikin. ct ni.?Rill to ascertain the true value of Latid, for Relief, fro. BY virtue of an order from thc Court of Equity, all the creditors of the testator, Wm. Mullikin, are notified lo present and prove their demands before thc Commissioner on or hythe 15th day of October next, upon pain of being bnrred of any benefit from (he decree to bc pronounced in this case. W. W. HUMPHREYS, ck.a.D. Commissioner's Office. "1 Anderson, July 15, 18C.8. / 4?3m STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity?Anderson, W. W. Humphreys, Adm'r, vs. Itcuben Burriss, Sarah E. Bozeninn, ct al.?Edi to sell Lands, Marshal Assets, ?rc. BY an order of tho Court, of Equity, all persons having demands cgainst thc Estate of D. T. Bozo man, dee'd, are required lo prove the same before th* Commissioner on or by the 16th day of October next, or be barred from nuy benefit in the decree lo be pronounced in this case. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, \ Anderson, July lo, 1868 / 4?3m "HERE'S YOUR PRICE!" WANTED IMMEDIATELY, any quantity of Green and Dry HIDES, for which we will pny 10 cents per lb. for Green, and 20 cents per lb. for Dry> WATSON & CO. july io, ?ea. a Watson & Co. 1 WOULD inform their old customers, and the public generally, that they keep constantly on hand the best and most varied assortment of Goods to be found in this market, which they offer to the public as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. . Our stock consists partly of DRY GOODS, Such as Silks, Muslins, Poplins, Brilliants, De Laincs, Alpaccas, Calicoes, a beaatiful lot, at low prices. Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Sheetings, Toweling, Balmorals, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Veils and Veiling, Linen and Paper Collars, Gents and Ladies Gloves, Ladies and Gents Hose, Ladies Cravats, Cellars and Handkerchiefs, Gents cotton, silk and linen Handkerchiefs, Gents Cravats, La? dies Trimmings, a fine assortment?Needles, Thread, Con;bs, Suspenders, Pocket Books, &o. CLOTHS. Broad Cloths. Beavers, Cassimers, Satinets, Lin? en and Cotton Goods for Men and Boys' suits. HJLT8 ! HITS!! A fine assortment of Ladies, Misses, Gonts and Boys Hats. Our 6tock of Hats embraces every style and variety. mum i Ladies' and Misses' Shoes?a full slock of splen? did goods in this line. Also, Men and Boys' Shoes?a large lot, and very cheap. HA RDWARE! We have on hand a good assortment of Hard? ware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware. If you need anything in this way, givo us a call. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. COFFEE, SUGAR, RICE, MOLASSES, - SALT, TEA, ? SPICES, SODA, STARCH, SOAP, CANDLES, PEPPER, BLACKING, GINGER, TOBACCO, POWDER, SHOT, LEAD, GUN CAPS, FACTORY YARN, &c, &c, &c. We expect to keep on hand, to s^rve our custo? mers, a good assortment of elegant goods, at as low prices as they can be bought elsewhere. When you want goods, call on us and examine our Gocds and prices before you buy. Itcmetnbcr our place, Corner of Old Anderson Hotel, AT THE SIGN OF WATSON & CO. April 15, 1SG3 43 FARMER'S ASSOCIATION PREMIUMS : BEST ACHE OF BARLEY.?At) Agricultural Work or Implement of (he value of $'5.00. BEST ACRE OF OATS.?The same premium. BEST ACRE OF WHEAT.?A Turning Plow or Cultivator of the value of $12.00. BEST FIVE ACHES OP WHEAT.?An Agri. cultural Implement of the value of $20.00. The committee have tinder consideration premi? ums for Clover and Stock, which will be announ? ced at the next quarterly meeting. B. F. CRAYTON, Chairman Executive Committee. Aug. 12, 1SP.8 8 OILS, VARNISHES, &c JUST in store, a large lot of Varnishes, inclu? ding Coach, from S4 to $S per gallon. Copal, (Furniture,) from $3} to $0 per gallon. Japan, from $2 to $1 per gallon. Oils, including refined Linseed, Pure Train, Tanners, SI to SI.50 per gallon. Lubricating. 75cents to $1.50 per gallon, Besides constantly receiving fresh additions of Drugs, Medicines, &c., &c, to the already com? plete assortment on hand, which will be sold LOW for CASH. The public generally, when in want of anything in the Drug line, are requested to call and examine before buying. J. .7. BAKER, Druggist, No. 3 Brick Range, Anderson, S. C. April 22, 1808 44 DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPERS rUBLISHED AT THE Capitol of Sowtli Carolina. -:o:o THE attention of the Merchants, Farmers and Heads of Families generally throughout the upper Districts, is called to the many advantages to be obtained by subscribing for the DAILY PHQ3NIX. published every morning, except. Monday, at $1 for six months ; $2 for three months. THE TRI-WEE ELY PHOENIX, published Tues? day, Thursday and Saturday, at $2.50 for six months ; $1.25 for tlirce. THE WEEKLY GLEANER, a mammoth paper, containing forty-eight columns of reading matter, is published every Wednesday morning, at $1.50 fur six months. These papers are recognized as the central Dem? ocratic organs, and contain, besides Political Mat? ter, tho latest Telegraphic Intelligence?Markets and a daily summary of News from all parts of the World; interesting Editorials on general top? ics ; Local Matters, Correspondence, ,Ncwa Items, Miscellany, Stories, Poetry. &C Address JULIAN A. SELBY, Proprietor, Columbia, S. C. Sept 2, 18C8 11 LAURENS RAILROAD. New Schedule. Omer. Lavness Eaimioaii, "I Laurens C. IL, S. C, April 2U, 18U8. J ON and nftcr Tuesday, I2th May next, the trains on this road will commence running to return on same day?to connect with up and down trains on Greenville nnd Columbia Railroad at Helena: leaving Laurens at 5 a. in. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, nnd leaving Helena at 1? p. m. on same days. J. T. BOWERS, Supt. May 0, 1808 40 NOTICE. THE undersigned have constantly on hand at their Kiln, in Laurens District, a good supply of nnslnckcd LIME, which will be sold as cheaply as it can be bought elsewhere. The Quarry is four miles cast of Free Bridge on Snluda River, and about ten miles southeast of Erwin's bridge. FEATHEUST0N & MASTERS, Brcwerton, S. C. March 11, 1808 38 ly MUGS, MEDICINES, -CHEMICALS, &c.,.&c. J. .J. Baker5 AT the sign of the Golden Mortar, No. 3 Erick Range, Anderson C. II., S. C., has on hand e. com? plete and thorough supply of choico Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, rutty, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, &c, &c, Which he respectfully invites customers, friends nnd the public general!}', to examine before pur? chasing elsewhere. Call and see, nnd with a com? plete assortment, and low figures, you can save time and money by buying here. Jan 22, 1808_31_ Look Here ! Look Here ! M. LESSER, Agent, HAS just returned from market, and now defies any other man to sell Goods cheaper than he can. He has the Finest and Cheapest ST?GS OF G.GOBS' Ever brought to this place, aud as proof of the as? sertion he will sell nlicoes from 15 to 20 cents, Muslins " 20 ?? 50 " Jaconets " 25 " 50 ?* Ladies' Hals SI.00 to $2.00; Hoop Skirts,.75 cents to ?1.00, And everything the heart can desire, and tho eye cnn see, in like proportion. Neither was the mas? culine gender forgotten, for ho has goods for them alarmingly cheup, such as Ready Made rants from $1.75 to 53.00, Ready Made Coils from $3.50 to $7.00, Men and Boys' Hals from 75 to $2.00, ottonade at 20 cents, Ladies' and Gents' Shoes from $125 to S2.5?. When you want lo buy Goods, don't forget M. LESSER, Agent. April 15. 1SG8 48 W. II. N???DL\T & CO. HAVE just received a full supply of fresh and genuine MUGS AND MEDICINES, Direct from New York, which i dry offer nt the iowcsl market rates, for cither Cash or Produce. Castor Hil. Laudanum. Gum Camphor, Sweet Oil. Paregoric, Epson Snits. Number Six. Bates man's Drop?, and Tinctures of ?di kinds, which are prepared by ti?, nnd warranted genuine. Also. Strychnine to -kill your crows; non's the lime. Dye Stuffs of nil kinds. ALSO, A small and well selected stock of almost every? thing the people want, such us Dry Goods, Groceries, . Hardware, and Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Soaps, &c. Give us a call when you want to barter your Corn. Meal. Peas, Wheat. Oats, or anything you may hare to sell, and if you are not suited in goods, wc can pay the cash. W. H. NARDIN & CO., No. 7 Brick Range. April 22, 1SG8 4-1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ANDERSON DISTRICT. In the Court of Common Pleas. W. N. Blake ] vs. y Attachment. E. E. Blake. j WHEREAS, thc Plaintiff lins filed his declara? tion against thc Defendant, who (as il is said) is absent from and without thc limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within thc same, upon whom a copy of the said declara? tion might be served: It is therefore Ordered, That thc said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before thc twenly-fifih day of March, winch will be in thc year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine ; otherwise final and absolute judg? ment will then be given and awarded against him. JOHN W DANIELS, car. Clerk's Office, Anderson Dist., ) March 'l-l, 18G8. / lamly Change of Schedule on the G. & C. Railroad. ON and after Wednesday, tito 12th instant, Pas? senger Trnins will run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting.with Night Train on South Carolina and Charlotte and South Carolina Railroads, as follows : Leave Columbia at 7.00 a. m. Alston at S.40 ?* ?? Newberry at 10.iO " Arrive nt Abbeville nt 3.00 p. m. " at Anderson at 4.20 " " at Greenville at 6.00 " Leave Greenville at 5.45 a m. " Anderson nt 6.25 *' " Abbeville at 8.00 " " Newberry at 12.35 p.m. Arrive at Alston at. 2.15 ?? ?? at Columbia al 8.45 " Trains on the Hine Ridge Railroad will also run daily, Sundays excepted, connected with the up and down trains on tho Greenville und Columbia Railroad, as follows : Leave Anderson at 3.30 p. m. " Pendleton nt 5.30 ?? Arrive al Walhalla ai 7.30 " Leave Walhalla at 3.30 n. m. " Pendleton at 6.30 " Arrive at Anderson at G.L'O " Thc train will return from Belton fo Anderson on Mondny and Friday mornings. JAMES O. MEREDITH, Gen. Sup't. August 2G, 18G7 10 _ ?ASS?S! MOLASSES ! BEST CUBA MOLASSES, For sale cheap by WATSON ft CO. July 1,1868 2 ) PENDLETON FACTORY, THE WOOL CAEDS AT this pldcc'are now in complete running order;. All the Wool offered will'be carded into Rolls of" quality at short -notice, at'the following rates for cash: All Wool, Plain and' Mixed Rolfs, 12?cl per lb. Mixed otton and Wool Rolls, l?c. per lb. Bacon, Lard, Corn and Cotton'wlll liei" taken at: market rates in exchange for cafdrag.: Wool may' be sent to tho Factory from any' poiriTs-'on the" Railroads, through the agents, and the Rolls'de?" livered by them as soon as the Wool can be cardea* and returned. AN-ASSORTMENT OF sstfii yaii* OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, Will be kept on hand at the Factory, and custo? mers supplied promptly, at as low figures as th?; market will justify. Dealers will find it to their interest :o givo us ?* trial before buying elsewhere; Respectfully, . - , WILLIAM FERRY & CO. Proprietors. Oct. 9, 1867 17?tf Keese & McCullyv dealer: in HE??Y ?HY ??0?Sr GROCERIES, HARDWARE, B?i?i- lau? Brokers and Commission Meirchants, NO. 4LO GRANITE ROW, ?Anderson. C. E., S. C. April 15, 1868 48 ' tf SHARPE & JFANT, BROKERS, No. 7 Granite R?w, AffDEBSOff C. H.f S. C. STOCKS, Bonds; Gold and Exchange on=New. i'ork and Charleston, and uncurrent Bank Bills bought aud sold. Slate money always on hand for sale: Btrr ?0 pay tour TaXKS Fcb 12, 1868 34 Charleston Hotel, THE undersigned respectfully informst'Iiis frietld? and the travelling public, -lie has - taken charge ef the above wcll-knowu FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and refurnished and refitted it, in all its depart? ments. - " ? ? . The celebrated ARTESIAN WATER BATHS, HOT, COLD and SHOWER, at alLhours. Coaches run to and from all Railroads and ; Steamers, with attentive Porters. The patronage of the travelling public is respectfully solicited. J. P. HORBACH, Agent, " Jan 20.1868 32 :- Proprietor. PAVILION HOTEL, CHAELESTOff, S'. C. BOARD, PER DAY, - - - S3.00. Mas. H. L. B?TTERFIELD. A. BUTTER FIED, Proprietress. Superintendent. March 11, 18C8 38 NICIERSOFS' HOTEL, ??LSSlil?? ?? fei 5?3"" Passengers conveyed to and from the De? pots, free of charge. T. S. NICKERSON, Proprietor. P.ob't. Hamilton, Sup't. Octl6, 1S?7 13 ly BENSON HO-?SK ANDERSON, S. C. THE undersigned has taken charge of thantoro wcll-knovfn Hotel, and is prepared to accommodate the traveling public in the very best style, and on the most reasonable terms. The table vrill bo sup? plied with everything the market afford:?, and eTo ry attention given to render guests comfortable. Stn.bles are attached to the House, and Horses will be carefully attended to. WM. M. OSBORNE. Jan 25,1868 32 TO PLANTERS, MEEOHANTS AND SPECULATORS. ON and afteffthis day we will be prepared to mak? advances on cotton and all other produce shipped to Geo. W. Williams & Co., Charleston, or .Wil? liams, Taylor & Co., New York. Parties wishing advances, will furnish us the railroad receipts for the produce shipped. SHARPE & FANT. July 31, 1867 7 _? ?_? E. F. 1UKRA1H, Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger, BEGS to inform his friends and the public gen? erally that he has resumed work, and is prepared to fill all orders in his line, with promptness and dispatch. He will be found at this place, when not engaged in the country, and all orders ad? dressed to him at Anderson C. II. will be attended to at once. May 20, 1868 48 3m WHITNER & WHITNER, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. WILL practico in the Courts of Law and Equity in the Western Circuit, the United States Courts, for South Carolina, and pay particular attention to Bankruptcy. Fob 26, 1868 86 Purifies the Blood, For Sale hy Drugffinta Everywhere* July 1, 1868 2 1$'