. ?y^cium^md??fis cevi. Bona'fide Quid . ' 'I' i pro quo i- . - : ? ' - ??' .-? THE subscriber offers to farmers throughout . * . the country the ? ;EGYPTIAN CORN, . Whtobi upon trial, iris found to ripens planted ^?ven'tbe last "of."July.." It- is estimated, from its . '?jy ^prolific-'qualities,-to. yield J60 bushels per ....\acre?. and reigns, by sealed measure,- 65 pounds to the ouebeU This, corn-was produced by some .vprocuiwfc'diwct-'frora Mr. Jones,'our. consular -\;*genr, directly nn his return from Egypt, v Iiu?eds>no different culture from that of other 5 'Varieties, and in the South two crops can.be raised in one season on the same .ground. It grows in * ^the-form"'^^^je^^i^^p^^m ears have ~.' grown upon dne^HVockohnd will average from five '". to fifteen. ! For dornestic use it is unparalleled When ground and properly bolted, it is equal in color and fiuencss to whea^n flour. As a forage ? 'crop, by sowing in drills, or broadcast, for early - feed, there is .no kind of corn so well adapted.to. ; SB Den ?owe, and none that will yield-half the value j . in stalk or corn. 2 It can' be successfully grown in any State. - v-il-giye the most satisfactory references that^ the , * corn is, in ivery respect, what I represent it io be; ?"'?ad, further, lam the only person throughout the tjonntry who has this variety.of corn. ] Having se - cured a ijuantity/I.am now able to fill all orders for those desirous of testing it. ? ? :IVri^-^h>nler that all may receive seed, we -1 ; have, reduced the price to $1.50 a package. Any . '. person wbo will get up a club of five will receive a pucka ge gratis. - Fiftee n packages for $10: fi fty , - packages tor $L't);' one hundred packages for $30. % One package will contain eoough to plant -the fol . lowing season from .20 t o 30 acres; also directions ? for plant iag and culture.; Address " '- ? \0'>r.^\- '- Craig's MOlt. - : , JC/cn; J.'C. STANFIELD, - '"? ' ' Holslon. Jft? ?te undersigned, certify that the above gen ?j. tlsmwin are actuaf residents of Washington county, * *. Va.. men of !*iruih/whose veracity, puriiy from -falsehood, fidelity and honesty none dare question. ? -; -enjoying an eminent moral, social.and political po -Z *-'?itwn"in eociety. ... -~ . i .JOHN. PHILLIPS, ;. P. M. Cray's Mills P. 0., Va. JOHN M. HAMILTON, *r-? - - Ex-Sheriff: Washington, Co., Va. V JERIELL. LINDER, -' Acting Justice qf the Peace.: .-F.E^^Gi "Xliidaey, of Abingdon, Va., has the ?*";- "ijenunie. '''Egyptian Corn," which: a great many - farmer*, jire 'delighted with. Thin is a new corn to 'this ooutitry^ and-has many merits that do not ap . ? pertain to other breadstuffs. It will ripen as far und for dornest ir use it is unparalleled. It reseiii bles-flour.-kndconta^ per cent, of nutriment roatteri":ln the South, two crops a year can'be ." - sown." A peekage can- ;be had of Lindsey for - $?&Q.-~Washtylcin.Cpi?tilttti?nal Union. . ~F. E. G. Lindsey has presented us an ear of his ""igyptiaa Corn," heretofore advertised in our pa ~ per. .The ear is about the size of Indian, maize, aad has a solid grain. A lady who raised some of | . it; liiit ye .r sends be a-certificate', stating that she - aaer some that had not been plowed?it was sown < 'broadcaairrthat produced twelve ears to the stalk. ^Alm^donVtrgtmun. '." ^"Iti?nother column appears the advertisement of j IhoEgyptian Corn." li is .something new for this section,'snd is worthy.of attention- Mr. Price of -' our office, is personally acquainted with Mr. Lind " . eey^th'e proprietor, and will vouch for ilie siate' B?Bts made He lir.s seen the corn grow, and . . think*it would prove o success in Western Mis ''caonri.'T.-Try it^CHnton {Mo.) Adcockte. .We dirisct .spechd-attention to the advertisement ~^?f Mri Eindsey's Egyptian Corn. Mr. Liudeey re ^ fers the farmers of this nection of the -State to Judge J. W. Stevens, of this place. We hope that . -onr farmers will-send for a few hundred packages. 7 " and give it a tjial. - We are opposed to risking "money on Yankee tricks, but in this instance we '""-'haw-^very reuson to. belive (hat-the Egyptian ' Corn is just what it is represented to be by Mr. 'tindsey.?Zfaion, Rienzi, Miss., Feb. Ii. 18?7. Sevenl months since wcinforuied-dur readers of ] . ?ia-prolijic qualitie* bf-the EgypMan Corn. . It. surpasses alt anticipations, and is just the article ' -ne?ded5n;thia country." To think" that an acre of land can yield 160 bushels of good corn, and par ticularly if hen two cropa.can "be gathered in a year, aeema to be so exaggerated that it "requires the . ' many indorsements of the Press in general, and the best and most reliable men of Virginia to give . h foil herief. ?'' We haT*? received-some",?f the corn from Mr ? JLIndKey. The sample is a beautiful one.?Times, Natchitoches, Miss., Dec. 21. 18?7. -if JLpruV2?i, 1868. J 44 3 NQTICE! Change of Firm and Hemoyal. WE,have this.day changed the nnme and style of I ho firm of Bewley, Keese & Co., to Bewley, Keese & McOully. ALSO, REMOVED OUR STORE TO HO. 10 GRANITE ROW, formerly occupied by- Samuel Brown^ Jr., where : ?e will be pleased to receive orders from our old friends, or have them to call on us. We i hunk you , for your former patronage, and solicit a continu? ance of the same. - BEWLEY, KERSE & McCDLLY. April 15,1868 ' : 48 ' " 4 JOT THE ; MSTRICT C0?IIT, >iNDEBSON DISTRICT, SO. CA., ANut'lSrh, 18C3. IT IS ORDERED ', That an . Extra Term of I ?rw, as heretofore. Esob individual proxy to represent stock at the meeting, inquires a ten cents Internal Revenue Stamp to hi attached and cancelled. C V. CARRINGTON, Secretary. "WOULD inform -their'"old customers, find the Eublic generally,. that they keep constantly on and the best and most varied assortment of Goods to be found in this market, wbioh they offer to the public as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Our steck consists partly of DRY GOODS, Such as Silks, Muslins, Poplins, Brilliants, De Laines, Alpaccas, Calicoes, a beautiful lot, at low prices. Bleached and Brown Shining9, Sheeiings, Toweling, Balmorals,' Koop Skirts, Corsets, Veils and Veiling. Linen and Paper Collar?, Gents and I Ladies Gloves, Ladies and Gents Ho'se, Ladies Cravats, Collars and Handkerchiefs, Gents cotton, silk and linen Handkerchiefs, Gents Cravats, La? dies Trimmings, a fine assortment?Needles, Thread, Combs, Suspenders, Pocket Books, &c C LOT HS. Broad Cloths, Beavers, Cussiraers. Satinets, Lin? en and Cotton Good's for Men and Boys' suits. urn! nmu A fine assortment of Ladies, Misses, Gents and Boys Hats. Our stock of Hats embraces every style and variety. Ladies' and Misses' Shoes?a full stock of splen? did goods in this line.. Also. Men and Boys' Shoes?a large lot, and very cheap. HARDWARE! We have on band a good assortment of Hard? ware, Cutlery,. Crockery and Glassware. If you need any thing in this way, give us a call. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. coffee; sugar, rice, molasses, salt, "tea, spices, soda, starch, soap, candles, pepper, blacking, ginger, tobacco, powder, shot. lead, gun caps, factory yarn, &c, &c, &c. We expect to keep on hand, to serve our custo? mers, a good assortment of elegant goods, at a? low prices as they can be bought elsewhere. When you want goouV, call on us and examine our Goods and prices before you buy. Remember our place, Corner of Old Anderson Hotel, AT THE SIGN OF 1 April P5, 1868 48 Look Here! Look Here! M. LESSER, Agent, HAS just returned from market, and now defies any other mun lo. sell Goods cheaper than he can. He has ihe Finest and Cheapest STOCK OF GOODS Ever brought to this place, and as proof of the as? sertion he will sell Calicoes from 15 to 20 cents, Muslins ?? 20 " 60 " Jaconets " 25 " 50 ?? Ladies' Hats SI.00 to $2.00, Hoop Skirts, 75 cents to $L00, And everything the heart can desire, and the eye can sec, in like proportion. Neither was the mas? culine gender forgotten, for he has goods for them alarmingly cheap, such as Ready Made Pants from $1.75 to $3.00, Ready Made Coats from $3.50 to $7.00, Men and Boys' Hats from 75 to $2.00, Cottonade at 20 cents, Ladies' and Gents' Shoes from $125 to $2.50. When you want to buy Goods! don't forget m. lesser, Agent. April 15, 1868 43 U. 3. INTERNAL REVENUE, DEPUTY COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, Anubbbon O-ll., S. C, April 7, 1868. BY virtue of an order from A. S. Wallace. Esq. Collector of Internal Revenue, 3rd Collection Dis? trict of South Carolina, I will sell to the highest bidder, on Monday, the 18th day of Moy next, at Anderson Court House., About 50 Gallons of Whiskey, 1 Large Sorrel Horse, 1 one-horse Wagon and Harness, Seized under a violation of the Internal Revenue Law. J. W. COBB, Dep. Col. April 8,1868 42. C SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of writs of Fiera Facias to me directed. I will expose to sale on Saleday next, at Anderson C. H., within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Tract of Land, containing 209 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Etizuhcrh Cox, Henry Cobb and others. Also, Lot containing 18 acres, more or less, known as the Saw Mill tract, bounded by Henry Cobb, H. L. Eaton and others. Also, one Tract, containing 74 acres, more or less, boun? ded by lands of Hugh Gantt, Henry Cobb and oth? ers. Levied on as the property of Jolm G. Gantt, at the suit of James M. Shirley and others. Terms Cash. WM. McGUKIN, s.a.d. April 15, 1868 48 JUST RECEITED, LBS. OF BACON! FOR SALE LOW FOE CASH, BY BEWLEY, KEESE & McCDLLY, No. 10 Granite Row. April 10, 1868 48 4 TO PRINTERS. THE subscribers manufacture Type, Revolving, Double and Single Cylinder Printing Machines. Bed and Platten. Power Presses, FOR NEWSPAPER, BOOK, Job and Card Printing. They would call attention of Publishers of Newspapers to their new RAILWAY NEWSPAPER PRESS, Which is specially designed to supply Newspapers of moderate circulation with a plain but servicea? ble Printing Machine, and one capable of doing also Job Work of every description. It can be run easily by one man at a speed of 800 impres? sions per hour, and by steam will give l.UDU to 1.200 per hour, without noise or jar. The Press occupies a space 5?xl0 feet, and can he worked in a room 7 feet high. Weight, boxed, 5,000 lbs. Their SINGLE LARGE CYLINDER HAND PRINTING MACHINE, OR COUNTRY PRESS, Is also a convenient and durable Printing Ma? chine, capable of doing the entire work of an out of town office. It is designed to run by hand at a speed of 800 per hour. Each Machine is warranted, and will not fail to give entire satisfaction. We manufacture almost every article required for Letterpress, Lithographic or Copper-Plate Printing, Book-Binding. Eleclrotyping and Stereo? typing, and furnish outfits complete for each. We would call attention to our Patent Sectional Stereotype Blocks, Mechanical Quoins, Patent Lined Galleys, New Compositor's Stands, Cabinets of new designs and of all sizes, Standing Galleys, Patent Pocket Bodkins, Printers' Knives, &c, &c. Blanketing and Type of our own importation, and made expressly for our Newspaper and Cylin? der Printing Machines. Estimates in Detail Furnished. A new Catalogue, containing Cuts and descrip? tions of many new Machines, not before shown in their Book, with directions for putting up, work? ing, &c, and other useful information, is just com? pleted, and can be had on application. P. Hoe & Co., IV. Yoi'lc and Boston, Mass. flgy Publishers of Newspapers are at liberty to insert this advertisement, displayed ob above, three times in their weekly paper, with this note, but not without, any time previous to January 1, 1800, but no later, provided they purchase type or material of our manufacture for four times the amount of their bill, which will be allowed in settlement of ours, on receipt of a copy of their paper con? taining the advertisement. April 15, 18G8 43 3 Fancy Goods! CATER & WALTERS HAVING recently made additions to their Stock of Fancy Goods, are now prepared to furnish their customers with everything usually kept in a Fan? cy Goods Store. Their stock of Fancy Goods consists, in part, ol Colognes, Lubins' French Perfumery, and every popular extract for handkerchief and toilet: Fine Soaps'; of every variety : Fancy. Long. Bobber. Horn and Ivory Combs; Button.1*, oi every variety and price: Pins, Needles, Knitting Pins. Steel Scissors. Fish Hooks and Lines, of every size and variety ; Violin Strings, Morocco Belts, Assorted Halting. Jet. Gilt and Pearl Belt Buckles. Steel Chains, Silk Watch Guards. Si eel Cork Screwy, Steel and Silvered Thimbles. Bhck and Fancy Silk Neck Ties, silk and coiton Head Nets, Spool and Skein Thread, of every color and price ; Sewing Silks. Mens' and Ladies linen and paper Collars, Alpacca, Scarlet Suspender, White, Cotton. Star and assorted Braids. Scarlet, Black and Assorted Kmliroidery, Ladies white cotton Hose. Mens' while nnd brown coiton half Hose. French Paper and Palm Fans, Linen Tape. Ladies Silk Mitts. Linen Shirts nnd Shirt Bosoms. Suspenders, Fancy Work Boxes, Photograph Albums, &c.,'&c. Give us a call and examine our slock of Fancy Goods and prices before you purchase elsewhere. CATER & WALTERS. April 1, 186S 41 GOOD INVESTMENT. THE FARMERS' AND MECHANICS CO-OP Kit ATI VE ASSOCIATION, of Pendlcton, S. C. having fully organized, a hook will be opened at Farmers' Hall daily. Sundays excepted, from 10 a. m to 2 p. m., for subscribers to the Capital Stock. The Shares are put down at SI2.00, payable by installments of $1.00 per month, or the whole amount way l>c paid in ai once. No member is allowed more than one Share. The object of this Association is to open a Co? operative Store for mutual benefit to all Share? holders. All other information desired can be had from either ot the undersigned Directors, or Agent. directors. T. G. CLEMSON. I .1 AS. W. CRAWFORD, Da. II. C. MILLER. | Maj. R. F. SIMPSON. R. J. PEARCE. Agent F. & M. C. A. April 1,1808 41 3 ESTATE NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the Es (ate of William Elrod, deceased, are hereby noti? fied that they must present at once such claims, properly attested, for settlement ; and all persons indebted to the Estate must make immediate pay? ment. The Legatees of the Eslale are also earnestly requested to make application for their distribu? tive sliares of said Estate now on hand, and ready for distribution*. W. J. MILLFORD, \ , . , Z. HALL. VAdmra. March 8. 1808 42 3 NOTICE. THE Commissioners of Ronds and Bridges, 42nd Regiment S. C. M., will meet at Craig's Old Field on the fourth Saturday in April next. Failing to do bo, they may expect to be returned. F. M. GLENN, Chm'n. March 30, 1868 41 2 Drugs! Drugs! Drugs! THE undersigned arc constantly receiving an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Medicines. Patent Medicines, Paints. Oils. Glass. Putty. &c, which is Bold at the very lowest market rales for cash. CATER & WALTERS. March 25, 1868 40 Hats! Hats!! Hats!! A GOOD as?nrtrncnt of Mens', Boy's, Ladies' and Misses Hats, for sale cheap by CATER & WALTERS. March 25, 18flS 40 < GUANO ! GUANO ! GTJAIO? REED & BROYLES ARE AGENTS FOR THE UP COUNTRY FOR THE SALE OF RODUNDA ISLAND GUANO, A pure natural Guano, just as taken from (be de? posits of fish-oating birds on Rodunda Island. Also, for tlie Sale of* MAPES' Nitrogenized Superphosphate of LIME, TWO OF TBE BEST and most popular FER? TILIZERS ever introduced in the country. A large consignment of each expected daily. They have also in store, and are receiving from New York, Baltimore and Charleston markets, a small lot of merchandize suited to the season, con? sisting of GROCERIES^ Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Nails, Castings, W. I. Molasses, Golden and Bee Hive Syrup, Cheese, Mackerel, choice Bacon'and Lard, Sac, &c. MBJiRD IVA RE, Plantation Tools and Implements generally. BUG? GY, CARRIAGE and WAGON .MATERIAL, and Trimmings, assorted, and very cheap. ALSO, A "VARIETY OF S^AIPILIS ?BY -jcc9) 0y . CATER & WALTERS. March 25,1868 40 J THE CHARLESTON HOUSE, 287 KING STREET, 289 STOLlTwEBir& CO., ? mm? mustiLM^ DOMESTIC STORE. We will always keep on Land a largo and well assorted slock of .h.??TIBIB's mm)3s Such ns Kerseys, Longclolhs, Plains. Family Linens Woolens, Brown Shirtings. Satinets, Calicoes, Cassimercs. Ginghams, Black Cloths, Osnaburgs, Sheetings, Blankets of all qualities. Terms cash or city acceptance. Our entire Stock has been marked down, and we are daily receiving new Goods by every steamer, at reduced prices. Wholesale Department. Up Stairs, 287 and 289 King Street., . Calicoes. 7}?8?9?OA?10?11?12}?13* cents ; Brown Shirtings, 7^?8?9?10?11?12} to If. cents; Bleached Long Cloths, 8?9?10?11?12}?13?14?15?18 to 2?" cents. All other Geods at. the lowest market rates ?89 LACE STORE. We keep always on band a full auortaeat of Goods suitable wjn | and settling with the undersigned, J W. M\ BEt?TTE. j SPRING AND SUMMER IMPORTATION, 1868. RIBBONS. Millinery and Straw Goods I Armstrongs, Cator & Co., importers amd j03bers of Bonnet, Trimming and. Velvet Ribbons, BONNET SILKS, SATINS AND VELVETS, Blonds, J\Tetts, Crapes, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers arid Ornavxents, Straw Bonnets and Ladies' Hats, trimmed axd untrimmed, SHAKER HOODS, &c, 237 AND 239 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, JfIS9. Offer tlie largest Stock to be found rn this Coun? try, and unequalled in choice variety and cheap-, ness, comprising the latest Parisian novelties. Orders solicited, and prompt attention given. March 18, 1SC8 39 1m . COWLAM GRAVELEY, Direct Importer of Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, and Agricultural Implements, NO, G2 EAST BAY, SOUTH OP OLD POST OFFICE, CHARLESTON, S. C. March 11, 1868 38 2m A. CAED. THE subscriber takes pleasure in informiug his Friends, and the Public generally, that he is still at the Hardware House of Cowlam Gravelet, No. 5*2 East Buy. Charleston, S. C. where he will be happy to meet them. Also, will attend to the pur? chasing of articles in any line, when orders are ac? companied with the cash; and will sell Produce for a small commission. All orders and commisr aions will receive promptness and dispatch. C. S. ROBINSON. March 11, ISC8 38 2m r. d. ?exn. s. d. swigekt. "v l. sens. SWYGERT & SEM, GEOOEES A"N"D GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GERVAIS STREET, OPPOSITE NEW STATE HOUSE, Colulnbia, So. Ca. BSjr* Strict, attention paid to consignments of all kinds Country Produce. ? March 4, 1808 37 SHARPE & FANT, BROKERS, No. 7 Granite Row, AffDEESOK" C. IL, S. C. STOCKS, Bonds. Gold and Exchange on New York and Charleston, and uncurrcnt Bank Bills bought, and sold. State money nlways on hand for sale. But to pat tour Taxes. Feb 12, 1SG8 34 oeo. w. KING. geo. C GIBBON. KING & GIBBON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLES ON, S? C.? OFFER their services for the sale of COTTON and other PRODUCE. Strict attention given to business, and prompt returns made. References.?A. M. Hamilton, Hogers & Don nold, and Stone & Richardson. Williamston, S. C. Feb 2d. ISliS 3G 4 WHITNER & WHITNER, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. WILL practice in the Courts rif Law and Equity in the AY cistern Circuit, the United States Courts for South Carolina, and pay particular attention to Bankruptcy. Feb 2(5, 18?8 S6 NOTICE. Have Tour Hides Tanned r. WE have on hand a large lot of Sole and Upper, Kip and Calf Skins, for sale or barter, and make to order Boots and Shoes, make and repair-Har? ness. Saddles and Bridles, for much lower prices than are usually charged. Cash, or its equivalcn-i. Six miles North of Anderson Court House; T. & J. E. HARPER. ? March 25, iS68 40 8 HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. ANY person winning to make a safe investment, at low flgiires, will do well to call upon the undor eigncd. JAMES A. HOYT. . liliroh 4,1868 -87 ? Jm