'' j.' TO CONSUMPTIVES. ,' "5Che advertiser^ having been restored to health in a lew weeks by a very simple, remedy, after iavinjj "suffered for several "years with a? severe long ?.Section, and ? that dread disease Consump? tion?is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. . To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (froe of charge), with the direc? tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a s?ke cube for Consumption, Asth? ma, Bbonghitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of tho ad ?vertisHr in sending the^Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every suffer* r will try - his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish? ing" the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address ' REV. EDWARD-A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. : Jon* 19, 1S67 1 . ly New Advertisements. T 5 On the street leading from the Baptist Church to Mr. Elias Earle's house,- on Sunday, 2nd Sept., a email gold breast-pin. . The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. September 4,1867. ?.. .12?1* STATE OF SOUTH CAEOLUffA, ANDERSON DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Reid Gambrell has applied to me for Letters of Administration on lie Estate of | ? James Gambrell, sr., deceased :. These aretherefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas? ed to be'- and appear at my office on Thursday, 12th' day of Sept., 1867, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administration should not be granted. ROBERT JUNKIN, o.a.d. 5 Sept 4,1867 12 2. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estates of Aris Cox and John M. C?x, deceased, are hereby requested ? to present their demands for payment, and persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estates are required to mako payment before Return Day next, end in default, demands against them .will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. 'NANCY COX, ARIS COX, Administrators. Sept 4,1867 12 3* fiEMOVAL! Great Reduction in Prices! AT MASONIC HALL, The undersigned begs leavo'to inform the public that he has removed his Furniture Store to Mason? ic Building, second story. Entrance at the West door, next to Judge Murray's residence. Having reduced the prices of Furniture, I am prepared to furnish the people of Anderson and -surrounding country with elegant,setts of fur? niture at tbc lowest possible figures. T no public generally are invited to examine the aseortment on hand, as I am convinced that my prices and Fur? niture will not fail to please. I am also prepared to make any repairs in the Furniture line. Also, all kinds of coffins made to order, at the shortest notice. All-work warranted. G. F. TOLLY. September 4, 1SG7. 12?3 THE DUE WEST FEMALE COLLEGE. THE Winter Session in this Institution will open on Monday, 7th of October. A full corps of Teachers has been provided, and every effort will be made to retain the patron? age the College bos enjoyed for years. The rates of Tuition and Boarding have been reduced so as to correspond with the circum? stances of our people. Boarding can be had at SI2 a month in -curren? cy, exclusive of washing and wood. TUITION IN CURRENCY. Academic Department, per session of five months; $15 00 Collegiate Department, 20 00 EXTRAS. Music, Piano, per session five months, $24 00 Use of " " ??.?????' 2 00 Painting, " " " " 10 00 Wax-Work, " " " " 10 00 Drawing, " " ? " 5 00 Latin, French" and Vocal Music are free of charge. Young ladies are recommended to adopt the UNIFORM DRESS prescribed by the Board, viz : "Dark Calico for school, and blue Worsted for church, with straw hats trimmed with blue." No correspondence allowed with young men. Parents are requested not to give permission to violate .his rule. For further information address J. I. BONNER, President. Sept 1, 1867 12 4 ~~' THE CHRISTIAN NEIGHBOR: A WEEKLY PAPER at Two Dollars a year in ad? vance,?the eleventh copy gratis to any one send? ing ten subscribers. It will be AN ADVOCATE, i 1. Of Christianity universal, and also particular, ?8 opposed to war, offensive or defensive, 2. Of the internal unity of the Church, as op? posed to the pretensions of externalism. 3. Of Methodism, as holding the Head, and as consisting with the essentials, liberty, and charity of Christianity. 4. Of Civil government and Patriotism, as they consist with the Divine Government and gcnerol Benignity. 6. Of "Equality," as it consists with Christian? ized common sense. 6. Of education physical, mental, religious, and moral, as of the first importance. A RECORDER, Of general intelligence from the household, agri? cultural, scientific, artificial, commercial and po? litical world. And AN ADVERTISER, Of the respectable and moral. Care will be exercised to exclude improper mat? ter, and to put in that which will instruct the chil? dren and the School, and edify the adults and the Church. Donations of Endowments will be used exclu? sively for the benefit of tho Poor. The arrival of the "NEIGHBOR" will inform subscribers of the place and time of publication, and also that the subscription is then due. In the meanwhile, lay by Two Dollars, and send on sub? scribers. Address SIDI H. BROWNE, Marion, S. C. Sept. 4. 1867 12 tf 1 Miscellaneous Advertisements Fall and Winter Importations. 18 67. Ribbons, Millinery and Straw Goods. ARMSTRONG, "CATOR & CO. importer3 and jobbers op Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, Sonnet silks, Satins and Velvets, Blonds, Nettie^ Crapes, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers, . Ornaments, STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES' HATS, trimmed and untrimmed, SHAKER HOODS, &c. 23T AND 239 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MB. I Offer the largest Stock to be found in this coun? try, and unequalled in choice variety and cheap? ness, comprising the latest Parisian novelties. Orders solicited and prompt attention given. Aug. 21, 1867. 10?2m BACON, LARD, COM, MOLASSES, &c, &c. 10 HHDS. Clear Ribbed Sides, 5 Hhds. Clear Sides, 5 Casks Sugar Cured Hams, 150 Pkgs. Leaf Lard, in barrels tubs, pails, 15 Hhds. Prime Muscovado Molasses, 10 Hhds. Clayed Cuba Molasses, 175 Sacks Prime White-bread Corn, 75 Boxes Adamantine Candles, ? 125 SackB Liverpool Salt. With a full assortment of everything in the Groce? ry Line. For sale at the lowest figures by A. STEVENS, Augusta, Geo. August 28, 1867 11 BAGGING. EOPE, &c. 12 Bales Gunny Bagging, 225 Coils Rope?best brands, 125 Kegs Old Dominion Noils?assorted, For sale by A. STEVENS, Augusta, Geo. August 28, 1867 11 . L. JEFFERS & CO.. FACTORS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Charleston, S. C. h. l. jeffer8. wm. u. jetfers. t. a. jeffers. ON entering upon the business of the next sea? son, we beg leave to return our thanks for the pat? ronage so kindly extended to us since the re? opening of our business at the close of the war. With renewed energy wc will continue to study the interest of our friends, confining ourselves as heretofore to a legitimate Commission Business. Liberal advances will be made on Consignments, and careful attention paid to filling Orders for Supplies. Our-patrons will be kept fully posted on the Markets, free of charge, by our Weekly Prices Current. H. L. J. & CO. Charleston, S. C, August 1, 1867. 9 BAKERY! THE undersigned desires to establish a Bakery at this place, having the opportunity of securing the services of a No. 1 Baker, of fifteen years ex? perience. This is to notify the public thnt all per? sons desiring to procure Bread at the lowest possi? ble figures can do 6o by making permanent agree? ments with the subscriber. I will guarantee satis? faction in every instance, and will take in ex? change for Bread any quantity of good Flour. As it is requisite to know at once to what extent .this enterprise will be supported by the citizens of An? derson, every one wishing a first-rate article of Bread'is requested to hand in their names without delay, stating the probable quantity wanted every day. A. P. HUBBARD. AuguBt 28, 1867 11 2 Notice. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of K. Sullivan, deceased, will please render them in to either of the undersigned, properly attested, and those indebted to said Estate will make pay? ment immediately. N. K. SULLIVAN. \ . , , o JNO. M. PHILLIPS, j 1 Aug. 19, 1867. 10?3m Notice. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of Mary K. Mattison, dee'd, will please hand them to the undersigned, properly attested, and those in? debted to said Estate will make payment immedi? ately, otherwise the amounts will bo put into judg? ment. C. S. MATTISON. Aug. 19, 1867. 10?3m. Notice. All persons indebted to Clark & White arc ear? nestly requested to come forward and make pay? ment immediately. We must have money to carry on our business, and unless parties pay, on or be? fore return day next, we will be compelled to sue, CLARK & WHITE. Aug. 26, 1807. 11?3 Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Thomas Ell ison, deceased, arc notified that they must settle their indebtedness without delay, and all persons having demands against the said Estate will pro sent them to the undersigned, properly attested. JOEL ELLISON, Adm'r. Aug. 28,1867 11 3* WHITNER & WHITNER^ Successors to Harrison & Whit nor a. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Equity. J. H. WHITNER, B. F. WH1TNER, Piokens C. H. Anderson C. H Jan 17, 1867 31 NEW DRUG STORE. CATER & WALTERS ARE constantly receiving fresh supplies of T?re DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &c, &c. "We shall give strict attention to our collection of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicnls, and every? thing needed by physicians in their practice, and hope that they will examine our goods and prices before buying elsewhere. PATENT MEDICINES. We keep on hand.all of the most popular Patent Medicines of the day, such as Jaynes', Ayre's and Radway's Preparations, Hostetter's, Hooflnnd's German and Pankin's Hepatic Ritters, Ced Liver Oil, Sarsaparilla, Ess. Giuger, Pain Killer, Book rease or Life Rejuvinator, Plilotoken, Ex. Buchu, Collier's Remedy for Diseased Horses, and many others too numerous to mention. ffAHCT mm?, &c. Will receive in a few days a very fine assortment of Fancy Goods, entirely for the toilet, &c, such as Hair, Toolh and Nail Brushes, Infants' Hair Brushes, Coarse, Fine and Pocket Combs, a good variety of Tuck and Round Combs, Hair Pins, of all kinds, Toilet Soaps, of every description, Sha? ving Soaps and Cream, all the popular prepara- i tions for the Hair and Complexion, L?bens' Genu ine'French Extracts, assorted, and all tho other Extracts for the handkerchief, Cologne, Prepara? tions for the Teeth, &c. We will pay particular attention to our stock of Fancy Goods and articles for the toilet, and we hope those needing such articles will examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are de? termined to keep goods that will be obliged to please. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. A good assortment of Flavoring Extracts, and everything in that department. DYE STUFFS. The very best, article of Indigo, Madder, Coppe? ras, Cudbear, Venitia Red, Green and Yellow Paints, &c. PAINTS, OILS, ScC The best brands of White Lead, and all the other Paints,- dry and in oil. Linseed Oil, Train Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Varnishes, Paint and Var? nish Brushes, Sash Tools, &c. We hope to be able to sell the above named arti? cles at prices that will insure satisfaction to pur? chasers, and hope all in need of such articles will examine our good and prices. We will also keep on hand a good stock of the best French Window Glass, Putty and Whiting, all of which wc will sell cheap. CATER & WALTERS. July 3, 1867 3 STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 and 27 Broadway, N. York, OPPOSITE BOWLING GREEN, On tlie European Plan. THE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known to the traveling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close proximity to the business part of the city ; is on the highway of Southern and Western travel, and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat Depots. The Stevens House has liberal accommodation for over three hundred guests; it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and wfill ventilated; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful, and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season, at moderate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and remod? eled, we nrc enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO., Proprietors. June 19, 1867 1 Cm Goods at Cost. THE undersigned are now offering their entire Stock of Goods, AT COST, FOR CASH! Wc have a full assortment, purchased at the lowest cash prices. Come and see for yourselves ; but don't forget the CASH. J. E. n.VRPER Si CO. Anderson C. II., Aug. 26, 1867. All those indebted to us by Note or Account, arc requested to settle by the 10th of September. J. E. H. &. CO. 11 1 TO PLANTffiUS, MEECHANTS, AND SPECULATORS. ON and after this day wc will be prepared to make advances on cotton and all other produce shipped to Geo. W. Wii .iams & Co., Charleston, or Wil? liams, Taylor & Co., New York. Parties wishing advances, will furnish us the railroad receipts for the produce shipped. SHARPE & FANT. July 31,1867 7 Notice to Delinquent Guardians. GUARDIANS, TRUSTEES, &c., who failed to make annual returns of the Estates in their hands, possession or management, as required by law, arc notified that, by an order of Court, passed at its last sitting, the time has been extended to the first day of September next, in which to make their returns. Failing to do so by that time, Rules will be issued against them, except in those cases where the last returns show the entire Estate to be in Confederate securities ; it not being intended by the order to preclude the parlies interested from contesting such investments. W. W. HUMPHREYS, c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, ) Anderson C. II., July I, "07. j 3?3 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ANDERSON DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Daniel Brown has applied to me for Letters of Administration on ti e Estate of Samu? el G. Karle, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credWorsof said deceased, to be and appear at my office op the 5th Sept., 1867, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administration should not be granted. RODERT JUNKLN, o.a.d. August 21, 1867 8 2 TAKEN UP. A large white HOG, (barrow,) which the owner can have by coming forward, proving property, and paying expenses. Said hog has been on my place about four months. Mark, swallow-fork in right ear. and two swallow-forks in left ear. My residence is about 8 miles north-east of Anderson C. H., on Little Bcaverdam Creek. RACHEL KAY. August 14, 1807 9 3* Greenville & Columbia Railroad. UNTIL further notice, the rassenger Train on the Anderson Branch will return to Anderson eve? ry Monday and Friday morning. B. SLOAN, Superintendent. Aug. 28, 1867 11 CARRIAGE FOR SALE. A NO. 1 Two-Horse Carriage, now and neatly trimmed, for sale cheap for cash. For particulars enquire at this office. June ?, 18G7 51 2 Miscellaneous Advertisements ESTABLISHED 1848. F. G. v. Borstel, THOROUGH Repairing of "Watches, warranted for twelve months, (breakage excepted.) All work done at reasonable prices. Watch Glasses and Keys fitted. CLOCKS Repaired and Warranted. JEWELRY Repaired with dispatch, in a workmanlike manner. SIPMIPACILIES To suit every age, of all qualities and prices, from 50 cents to 20 dollars. Also, Spectacle Cases. Pebble Glasses fitted to old and new frames. Es? pecial care taken to restore and preserve the eye? sight, without extra charge. Best quality Gold Pen3 and cases. For sale, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles, Studs, Watch-Chains and Guards, Finger Rings. Always on hand, a lot of pure gold Engagement Rings, Photograph Albums, Picture Frames and Cases. In fact, everything usually kept in Jewel? ry Stores. All articles warranted as represented. Call on F. C. v. BORSTEL, No. 4 Brick Range. Pfl"Ed5Tg<>*rJ?^'^ 65? MANUFACTURED BY 0. F. Panknin, Charleston, S. C. Jan. 3, 18G7 29 ly* W. H. CEAFEE, WHOLESALE GKOCEK, AND Commission Merchant, DEALER IN Butter, Lard, Cheese, Liquors, &c Consignments Received every Stoamer. 207 EAST BAY. OPPOSITE NEW CUSTON IIOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. 3(> 12m I3ST EQUITY, Richland District. BILL TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE. Charles M. Furman, Trustee, \ vs. i Order calling The Greenville and Columbia \ in Creditors. Rail Road Company. J IN pursuance of the Decretal Order in the abovo stated case, "The Creditors of the Greeuvillc and Columbia Rail Road Company holding Bonds and Coupons covered by the Mortgage bearing date the 18th January, 1864, and referred to in the plcading3, and all Creditors having any interest under said Mortgage," are hereby required to pro sent and prove their demands before me at my office in Columbia, on or before the first day of January next, or they will be excluded from all benefit of the Decree to be rendered iu this case. Those who choose to come in as parties Complain? ant are allowed to do so, and those who wish to do so may conic iu as Defendants. D. B. DkSAUSSURE, c.e.r.d. Columbia, S. C, June 25, 1SG7. 8?3m THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON DISTRICT. In the Court of Common Pleas, Joseph E. Eaton, 1 vs. [Attachment. A. W. Richardson. J WHEREAS, the Plaintiff did. on the fourth day of April, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty seven, file his declaration against the Defendant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attor? ney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might be served: It is there? fore ordered, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before tho fifth day of April, which will be in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight; otherwise fmal and absolute judgment will then bo given and awarded against him. b JOHN W. DANIELS, c.c.r. Clerk's office, April 1<>> 1867. 44 lamly. Look to Your Interest!! HAYING had the entire assets of the firms of Sullivan & Sloans, John T. Sloan & Sullivan, and John T. Sloan & Co., assigned and transferred to me, all persons indebted to either of the abovo firms will save cost by settling soon, as 1 am com? pelled to sue, which I dislike, to do very much. The Dooks and Notes of Sullivan & Sloany are in the hands of Judge J. S. Murray. The Accounts and Notes of J. T. Sloan & Sullivan ami J. T. Sloan & Co., Pcndlcton, S. C, will very soon bo placed in an officer's hands', at which lime 1 will give notice. N. K. SULLIVAN. Feh 20, 1867_36_ Assignee's Notice. ISn.VM W. TAYLOR, having made an assignment to the undersigned, for the benefit of certain pre? ferred creditors, notice is hereby given to all per? sons indebted to him, by Note or Account, to make payment to myself, or A. T. Broyles, V.*(\., with whom the same have been deposited for collection. J AM CS M. McFALLj Assignee. Feb 14, 1867 35