Auction Sales for April. SHERIFFS SALE. BT. vlrtAte of tanou? iVrits of Fiera Fasias to me d}r^tbarl wu"ifipose to sale on Saleday in April next, before the Court House door at Anderson the fallowing "property, to wit: Oni TrtiStof Land, containing 200 ?eres, more or lessj bounded by lands of Win. Polmer, Tbom arBro? dtid others, 'levied on as the prcperty of DJ J/Hlx, at the suit of _E". M- Brown and others. At Defendant's residence, on Tuesday after sale day," the following prcperty; to. Witt I lot barrels and boxea, 3 cans, 3 jtrs, 1 pair steelyards, 1 fun? nel, I sausage staffer, 1-gridiron, 1 grater, 1 wash pan, 2 smoothing irons, 2-fire shovels and tongs, 8 tubs and water buckets, 8 tables, 1 wasbstaiid; i Cupboard, L lot crockery ware, 1 lot* spoons, 1 cas? ter, I lot stoneware, knife basket, &c, 2 candle stands, 1 sett candle moulds, 1 lounge, 1 check reel, 1 churn, 1 bee steamer, 1 bedstead and bed? ding,'! trannel bed and bedding, 1 clothes press, 12 thaifs, 1 secretary and book case, 1 sideboard, 1 clock, 1 broad axe) 2 mattocks, 1 shoe bench and tools, 1 work belieb, t corn sheller, 1 scythe and cradle, 1 iron w"edge\ 1 half bushel measure, 1 peck measure, 1 carving knife and fork, 2 plow stocks end irons, 1 lot plow irons, 1 mill stone, 1 lot old Irons and tools, 1 lot plow gears, 1 lot leather, 1 fave gallon jug, 1 slack tub, 5 patent locks, 1 spirit level, 1 pair holsters, We Stove-, 1 cutting knife, 1 ehoat, 2 sheep, 2 kids> 1 tin box, 2 gimlets, 2 pair fire dog?, 1 cow bell, 1 thrasher frame. Sold as the property of J. W. Guyton-, at the suit of Ch tries Irby. Terms Cash. WM McG?KLN, s.A.i). March 6, 1867 38 td _i-i_? Ordinary's Sale. &Y virtue of an order from Robert Junkin, Esq., 0. A. D., I will expose to sale on Salcday next, before the- Court House door, the following prop? erty, to wit: One Trad Of Land, containing 324 acres, more or less, situate !h Anderson District-, on waters of | Gencrostee'Creek, and bounded by lands of John S. Sadler. David F. Sadler and others, belonging to the Estate of James H. Sadler, deceased. Sold :for the benefit of creditors of said deceased. Temu?rQa a credit until the first day of January "next, with interest from day of sale?purchaser giving good security, with a mortgage of the prem ses to ths Ordinary, for the payment of the pur? chase money?ia currency. Costs to be paid in cash. WM. McGUKIN, s.A.n. ' March 9, 1867 38 SPRING IMPORTATION. ? I 1867. RIBBONS. Millinery and Straw Goods! ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF EISB?NS, BONNETS, SIXES & SATINS, Blonds, Netts, Crapes, Velvets, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers, STB AW BONNETS & LADIES' HATS, Shaker Hoods, &c, &c, 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, Ml), Offer the largest Stock to be found in this coun? try; and unequaled in choice variety and cheapness. Orders solicited and piompt attention given. Feb 27, 11567 37 THE subscribers having an arrangement with the manufacturer of the celebrated "Durham" Smoking Tobacco, offer it at manufacturer's prices to merchants, aud solicit orders at oucc that they may bring out for the wants of such as order. FISHER & LOWRANCE, Columbia, S. C. March 6, 1867 38. 4 Assignee's Notice. IS HAM W. TAYLOR, hiving made an assignment to the undersigned, for the beuefit of certain*, pre? ferred creditors, notice is hereby given rb-all per? sons indebted to him, by Note or Account, to-'mnkc payment to myself, or A. T. Broyles, Esq., with whom the same have been deposited for collection. JAMES M. McFALL, Assignee. Feb 14, 1867 35 Estate Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of John Oam brell, deceased, are hereby notified that their in? debtedness must be sett bid on Ot before the first day of May next, atld those having demauds surned, properly attested, by the same date. 6 * JOHN WILSON, Ex'r. March 6, 1867_38_3* FINAL NOTICE. PERSONS indebted 10 the Estate of Thomas Orr. deceased, are hereby hUl rfied that payment must be made to the undersigned on or before the first day of May next, in order that settlement of the Estate may be made. All having demands against said Est-te will present them, properly attested, before the time herein specified. JAMES ORR, Adm'r. March 12, 1867 88 4 NOTICE TO DEBTORS* THE Notes, Books nnd Accounts of T: B: Benson & Co., have bCefl placed in our hands for collec? tion. Persons indebted will save costs by seeking &n early settlement. Parties in Piekens can call at our office at Pickens Cjurt House". "WHITNER & WlHTNBlij Att'ys. Feb 14, ?807 83 liS?* Pickens Coilrier copy. ^EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indented to the Estate of Mary E. Smith, deceased, are hereby notified thrtt pay men I must be made at oftce, and those having demands against said Estate will present them to the under? signed, properly attested. VV. C. SMITH. Ex'r. S. EDITH A. SMITH, Ext"x. .March 13, 1867" 89 3 FIRST AND LAST NOTICE. THE Books and Accounts of E. & T. J. Webb, Commission Merchants, will be found at the Post Office. All persons failing to pay, will find ihe^* accounts in the hands of an officer within ten days from this date, for the benefit of the merchants from whom they obtained their goods. E. & T. J. WEBB. March 13. 1867 39 Estate Notice. ANY outstanding demands against the Estate of James H. Baker, deceased, should be rendered in properly attested to us, and persons indebted to the Estate make payment. WHITNER & WHITSEIt. Att'ys f?r Admr'x. March 6, 1867 38 4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. * ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Leverett A. Osborne, deceased, will present them to the-ondersigncd. properly attested, and those indebted to the said Estate will call and settle, and thereby save cost. J. S. MURRAY, Adm'r. Feb 20, 1865 36 Miscellaneous Advertisements JOHN J. BAKES, DEALER IN Drugs, Ckmicals, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Putty, Dycstuffs, Perfumeries, Extracts, STATIONERY, VARNISHES, Ladies' fine Toilet Powders, Soaps, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Varnish and Paint Brushes, Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Lamps, of every variety-, Kerosine and Turpentiue by the barrel. . IH Short, everything usually kept in the Drug lihe?all Of which I will sell at the very lowest figures for-tosU Only. Also, Agent for the Sale of Jnyne's, Ayer's, Rad wny's and Foutz'-s preparations. Keep constantly on hand all the popular Patent. Medicines of the day. As I have mndr! ilrrahgemerits with one of the late firm, (Mv. Davis,) wli'd is tiow doing business in Charleston "in his old way," 1 will only be sup? plied from that quarter with the very best the mar? ket affords; and hence I think I can make it to the interest of customers at least to call and exam? ine before purchasing elsewhere. Brick Range, next door above the Post Office, Anderson C. H. Jan 17, 1807 31 4 m McDAVID & BURRlSS, SURGICAL Asi) Mechanical Dentists, HAVING permanently located at this place, will give their undivided attention to the practice of Dentistry, iu all its branches. Dr. McDavid, a recent graduate of the Pennsyl? vania College of Denial Surgery, having acquaint? ed himself with all of the lute appliances and im? provements, flatters himself that lie can give entiic satisfaction, and only asks a liberal share of pat rouage to prove-lhe efficiency of his operations. Office opposite Intelligencer office, over M. Les? sor's store. Dr. J. q. McDAVID. T. B. BURRISS. March ?, 1807 ' 88 Notice of O?p?rtnersiiip. THE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of Hoyt & Walters, In the Publication of the Ar.der.ion Intelligencer and South Carolina liaptht, and hare purchased of IV. E. Walters the business and gbod will of the i4n derson Appeal, and likewise obligated themselves to fill out the unexpircd snbscripiions of said pa? per. All persons inJ'ebteii to tiio Anderson Appeal, and all persons indebted lo (lie South Carolina JSap tist, prior to the 1st day of Februar}-, 1807, will make payment to W. E. Walters, and all per.-on-" indebted to the Anderson intelligenter prior to the same dale, Wilt mate payment |o .lames A. Hoyt. This Copartnership to continue without limitation JAMES A. 11OTT, W. E. WALTERS. Jan 31, 1807 33 To Administrators and Others. ALL persons indeb ed to the undersigned for ad? vertising through the Ordinary's Office for the years 1SG? and 18JO are hereby notified that a sutcmcnt of their indebtedness ifi in the hands of C?ipi. Robert Junkin, Ordinary for Anderson Dis? trict, and unless p.ty:ticnl ib made oil or by tile lsl day of April next, the adc'dUnis will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. Adminis? trators aud oiluirs interested will du well to call upon the Ordinary immediately and settle their ac? counts, as 1 am compelled to have Irtttnej, aud lon? ger indulgence will not Ucgivch. All applications for ndtrtihigiratittli and Hull's issued by the Court of Ordinary are included in I his statement, unless the same has beeil paid. If you would save cost, attend to this matter at o'nec. JAMES A. HOYT. Feb 27, 1807 97 4 Look to Youf Interest!! HAVING had the entire assets tif the firms of Sullivan & Sloans, John T. Sloan x. Sullivan, and John T. Sloan & Co., assigned and transferred to me, all persons indebted to cither of the' above firms will save cost by settling sddri, as I am com? pelled to sue, which I dislike to do very much. The Books auTl Notes of Sullivan & Sloa?s .arc iu flic ivanns or juuge o: nrim-iiy. Tk He .icir?floi. and Notes of J. T. Sloan .t Sullivan and J. T. Sloan & Co., Pendlelou, S. C. will very soon be placed iu an officer's hands, at which lime I will give notice. N. K. SULLIVAN. Feh 20, 1807 3G Agents Wanted IN every coutity of North and South Carolina, lo canvass and sell Lloyd's new double map of North America on ihc face, and a county map of the United Slates tin the back?covering24 square feet of muslin, with rollers, &c. Other agencies can be given if desired. Agents make from $5 to i?2U per day.- Address WARREN R. MARSHALL, General Agent Lloyd's Map. Columbia, S. C: Fch 20, 18G7 8? Bj/i w rw*j a ji^h'-j? TIJE undersigned informs his old friends and cli? ents (Vat he has returned to the practice of his profession, and thai lie has, funned a copartner? ship wiih Gen. S. McGtfwan; of Abbeville",- in nil Stale and litigated civil cases, and hopes by promptness and unremitting industry to deserve thai support which was so liberally given hiifi lit ihc commencement of Iiis professional career. JOHN P.. MOORE. Anderson C. II , Ap'ril 5. 1800 -12 ly NOTICE. COLUMBIA, Feb. 0. 106(5 SfjTlCE is hereby given, that I hive this day. transferred flic' entire' ii'rsct- of lite late fittli of T. B. Benson & Co., lo Messrs'. Whit tier & Whit ner; Attorneys at Law. Anderson Ooun House, for the benefit of such creditors who may signify their willingness to them t\iihin sixty days, to accept pro rata the proceeds as collected iu lull payment of their demands. JOHN T. SLOAN, Survivor. Feb20, 1807 50 SHIVER & BECKHAM, WII01.KSALB AJfJJ KKTAIL DKALKUS 1!* DRY GOODS, Plain Street. 2d door from Main, COLUMBIA, SOi CA. R. C. SI1IVKU. W. M. UKCRIIAM. DAVID .IONICS. 3Gi 2m JOHNSTON, CREWS & Importe, s and Wholesale Dealers In STAPLE AND FANCY DIU' GOODS, No. V virtue of a Decretal Order to me directed from the COUrt Of Equity, It is ordered that the Defen? dants, Elias John Earle, Guyton Guyton, and all and singular the other' creditors Of Samuel J. Ham? mond, dee'd. Testator of the Complainant, Louisa O. Hammond, do come in and establish their de? mands against t lie said Testator before me wiihin three months after the publication of this notice, and that the sai.l Elias. John H?rle and Guyton Guyton, and al? oilier creditors of the Said Testa? tor, be Arid tlicy are hereby restrained from prose? cuting their demands, or s'.iciuj at law, until the further Order of paid Conti. W. W.JIUMPHKBTS; c.e.a.d. Commissioner's Office, Dec 10, IStSC 2(i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA; ANDERSON Dl STRICT1. JOHN W. GUYTON, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of Anderson District, by virtue of a writ of Capita ml Satixfticiendum, at the suit of John D. Ashmore, having filed iii my office, together.with a Schedule on otlth, his estate and effect, Iiis peti tition to the Court tjf Common Pleas, prating that lie may be admitted to the benefit, of the Act of the General Assembly mndc for the relief of in? solvent debtors. It is ordered that the said John D. Ashmore, and all other the creditors to whom the said John W. Guytoll is in anywise indebted, be, aud they arc hereby summoned ami have no? tice to appear before the said Court at Anderson C. II., otl the 2Atli day of March next, td show cause, if atiy they can, why tlie prayer df the?pc titiou aforesaid should not be granted. ' Vbeccmbcrtl^uir" " n ""'V