The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, January 25, 1866, Image 3

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THE NEW YORK NEWS. DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKiY AND SEMI-WEEKLY XEWS, GREAT XFA?EILY NEWSPAPER I REH J AMIN WOOD, - E&toran? Proprietor. Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Mar ?ket and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscell? 'ny, and News^from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. IMEBOVEJIENTS INTRODUCED. Immense Circulation Determined On I \SE LARGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST PA? MPERS PUBLISHED IN N&W YORK. -i J&EW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. i: Single Copies, Five Cents. ^One Copy,<cno yeafr, $2 00 ^fhree Copies, one year, 5 59 ^ive.Oo'pics, one year, ?$ 75' ?Ten;.Copies,'one year, 17 00 ?^-And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. ^wenry Copies, one yciir, 30 00 'The weekly News is sent to Clergymen at '100 SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS, PUBLISIIKD'VDKSDATS AKn-FRIDATS. ^Single Copies, one yoat?, S4 00 "Three Copies, one year, 10 00 ^Pnre Copies, one year, -16 00 ""Ten Copies, one year, 30 00 ?And an extra copy to any Cluh of Ten. ^Twenty Copies, one year,- $55 00' "To Clergymen, 8 00 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. *To Mail Subscribers, S10 per annum. ?Six MontliB, Five Dollars. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. Specimen copies of Daily and Weekly News ?Bent free. Address, 15ENJ. WOOD, Dailv News Bidding, No. 1?, City Hall Square, New York City. Jan 18, 1866 31 Dr. R0BT, A HARRIS. Surgeon Dentist, ILL travel and practice through the DiHtrict of] -Anderson, and solicits a share of patronage. I-hs \ms permission to refer to the following gentle? men : Dr. M. B. Barle, Dr. J. II. Dean, Col. R. P. Coodlett and Col. W. A. Towncs, Greenville, <C. IL, S. C A. Oarclv The undersigned would respectfully recommend R. A. Harris. Surgeon Dentist, to tho citizens of \ Anderson District, as he spent four y.ears witli me ^prior to the war, in the study und practice of Den? tistry. JOHN ANDERSON, Sureebn Dentist, 'Greenville C. H., 8. 0. Jan 18. 1866 31 3m Medical Card, Drs. J. W. & G. W. EARLE, HAVE this day resumed the duties of their pro? fession, having formed a copartnership, now offer \heir services to the community at large, and will Uttend punctually (night or day) to all calls, as Xhcy intend to dovoto their entire attention to the profession. Will keep constantly on hand a full and general stock of Medieinos, Drugrts, Chcmioals, Sec They will always be found at their office, unless Irhen professionally absent. Slab Town, S. C. Jan 11, 1866 80 . 3 C0NFECTI0N?RIES. ?JUST RECEIVED, a fine lot of fresh CANDIES, such as Cinnamon, Sassafras, Banana, Lemon, Raspber? ry, Cloves and Mint; Essences?Cinnamon, Mint and Lemon. ?Large stock of Fruits?Rasons, Figs, Almonds* Smoking Tobacco?Killiknick, Climax, N. C. Pine Cut. Chewing?Sugar Cured, Navy, Pipes, &c. Cakes of all kinds bakedio order at short, notice. ?Meals served at all hoars?prices moderate. Mrs. S. A. GENTRY, Mechanics Row. Jan 1866 31 2 Ladies' Dress Trimmings. THE undersigned has just opened an assortment of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, Galloon's and other Hibbens, Hooks and Eyes, French Cotton, Sewing SilkA and n variety of other articles, to which he invites the ATTENTION OF LADIES. My Storeys No. S, Brick Range, recently occu? pied by Mr. W. D. Williams. JULIUS POITE.. Dec 21, I860 27 LE AT PI ER ! LEATHER !! THE undersigned informs the community that his TAN YARD, one mile from the village, "is still in ?operation. Hides will be tanned for money, or shaves. ' Bark also received in payment. The highest prices paid for Hides, green or dry, in Fpccie or greenbacks. S. BROWN, Jr. Dec 7, 18G5 25 8m J. SCOTT MURRAY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, Antlerson C H.>?S: C. ALL business intrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Office in the rooms formerly occupied as the Enrolling Office. Jan 11, 1800 30 Pendleton Male Academy THIS ACADEMY will be opened again February 5, 1866. The rates of Tuition, computed in spe? cie, will be S7.50, $12.50 and ?15 per session of twenty-one weeks. Board can be had in good families at a reason? able price. W. .LLIGON, Principal. Jan 18, 1800 31 -1* FEMALE ACADEMY AT JOHNSON UNIVERSITY, i ANDERSON C. LT., S. ?. A FEMALE ACADEMY, of high grade, will be opened at the Johnson University Building, on MONDAY, 15th JANUARY, 1866, under the charge of the following instructors : > Principal.?Thomas Hai.l, A. M. Assistant.?Miss Salli'k Y. Robixsoit, of Pcn? dleton, Inslrvilress in Vocal and Instrumental Music? Madame A. N. Pinkixd. The Scholastic Year will bo divided into two sessions of twenty xceehs each. Young Ladies and Misses entrusted to our care will be faithfully and thoroughly taught in all the branches of a solid English education, as well as.' in French, the Languages, and in Music. Miss Rom.nso.n comes with the very highest re? commendations from her former instructors, Messrs. Kennedy and Hillhouse; while Madam> is too well known as a finished .performer to need further coriimcndatibn. The -patronage of the Village rind of the Dis? trict is respectfully solicited. Good Board may be had at from ?10 to $12 per month, (specie rates,)'payable in .provisions, exclusive of wash? ing and lights. - Smbil Boys, under Kit years of aye, will be recciv-' ed into this school. For circulars and rates of Tuition, apply to THOMAS HALL, Principal. Dec 14, 1805 26 0 YORKVILLE FEMALE SEMINARY. THE Exercises ot this Institution will begin, D. V., the First Monday of February. A commodious Building has been secured, both for teaching'and boardiug purposes. Mrs. N. W. Thornwcll will take charge of the Boarding Department. Due attention will be given to Music and French. Board and Tuition, per session, $1)6 iu Specie, or its equivalent. Day Scholars, at $11, $10 and $21. Promising to devote their best energies to their work, the Principals would solicit a liberal patron - ago- . Circulars, giving Tufi particulars, will be fur? nished on application to Dr. Adger, Columbia ; Rev. J. D. White, Chester; Rev. J. N. Craig, Lan? caster ; Rev. W. E. Boggs, AVinnsboro; Dr. Ward law, Abbeville : Col. F. E. Harrison, Anderson; Rev. A. W. Miller, Charlotte, N. C ; -Rev. Wm. Brown, Richmond, Ya. ; II. G. Witherspoun, MayesvHle, S. C: General W. II. Wallace, Union, S. C., or to Rev. J. MONROE ANDERSON, 1 r, . . ' Rev. R. B. ANDERSON. j 1rmeiJ'al' ISO?" The Lancaster Ledger, Chester Standard, Columbia Phoenix, South Carolinian, Sunitcr Watchman, Abbeville Banner, Anderson Intelli? gencer, Southern Presbyterian and North Caroli? na Presbyterian, will caeh publish three times and Tonward bills to this Office for payment. Jan 11, 1860 30 8 New Drug Establishment. -o W. H. NARDIN & CO., HAVE just opened a well selected stock of drugs, medicines^ dye stuffs, paints, oils, Chemicals, WINDOW GLASS, &c, &c. ALSO, Fnncy Articles, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Chewing Tobacco and Cigars, Hosteller's Bitters, Drakes Plantation Bitters, Wines and Brandies for medicinal purposes, And a general assortment, of articles usually found in a Drug Store. gyj* Physicians* prescriptions -carefully coin pounded. W. H. NARDIN & CO., No. 7, Brick Range, Anderson, S. C. Dec2l,lSC5 27 Dr. W. H^N?RDIN HAS resumed tho practice of Medicine. 'Office at tho Drug Store. Anderson, Jan. 4, I860 20 3m Just RocciviecX fro-m Pf-. Yovlc ONE DOLLAR each, in specie or its equivalent, Breant Pins, Ear Rings, Ear Drops, Box and Glass, Breast Pins for Likenesses, Diamond Pointed Pins and cases, Finger Rings, Medallions, &c. For one dollar in currency, a pair of fine Plated Spectacles with morocco case. Merchaum and other Pipes from 75 cts. to $20. Best Italian Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings. Metal Spectacle Cases and Spectacles of all kinds?Gold, Silver and Steel. Glasses fitted to Spectacles to suit all eyes. A lot of Fancy Articles, &c. At wholesale and retail, Watch Glasses, Main? springs and Wr.tch Materials, and Watch Keys. Pure gold Engagement Rings. Watches and Clocks repaired, and warranted for twelve mouths. Jewelry and Musical Works repaired in the most approved manner. Just received from New York, Wheeler & Wil? son's Sewing Machine, the latest patent, including gauges, hemmer, braider. &c, for $100 in cur? rency. ??&y-Light Pictures, AMBROTVPL'S, any kind of weather, for two dollars, in case complete. Ferrotypes or Card Pictures, $1 each. Children double price, unless of sufficient age to secure the likeness without repetition. All kind of Pictures taken and copied as above, at low prices to suit the times, by F. C. v. BORSTEL, No. 4, Brick Range. ?d2?" Push the green glass doors, in cold weath? er. Dec 14, 1865 2G S. BROWN, JR., INFORMS the public generally that he has just received, direct from New York and Charleston, a large and general Stock of Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, He deems it useless to enumerate his present Sioek, and thinks it sufficient to announce that in every respect the supply now receiving is equal to any kept by him prior to (he war. Inviting an examination from former customers, and all other buyers, he feels confident that lie will be able to render satisfaction cither in quality, style or prices. Country Produce, such as Corn, Peas, Cotton, Bacon, Lard. &c, tnken in exchange for Goods. I will at. all times pay the highest market price for Cotton, either loose or packed, und in money or merchandize. I will be found at the Old Stand, No. 10, Gran? ite Row. y. BROWN, Jr. Dec 7, 18155 2 5 3m ~W\ K. HAEEIS, WATCHMAKER, HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED at Anderson, and gives his entire attention to ihc Repairing uf Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Of every description-. All work on Watches and Clocks warranted for twelvemonths. ?.^' Remember Ihr place?(wo doorsjc*--""'"'"' I the Post Office, MASONIC BUXLJ>**- J Jan 11, 1860 ^? CHARLESTON ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY GOODS AT THE ?C HA RLE ST ON HOUSE, STOLL, WEBB & CO., Bancroft's Old Stand, 287 KiDg-st, 3 Doors below Wcntworth. -o WE have now Opened und on hand a very large well assorted stock of DRY G O ODS, which wp offer nt Wholesale and Retail. Having had bng experience in the Dry Goods business before the war, wc know just what goods arc most needed by planters and consumers gene? rally, and will always keep on hand a full stock uf planters goods of every kind. We keep our Block constantly replenished by every steamer with the most attractive styles. Wc respectfully invite planters, merchants and consumers generally to call and cxamino our stock before purchasing elsewhere, which consists in part of Blankets, Plains, Kerseys, Osuaburgs,. Brown Shirting, Bleached Shirting, Long Cloths, Fine Sea Island Brown Shirtiug, -Irish Linens, Calicoes, Ginghams, Canibricks. DRESS GOODS. Mcrihocs, DeLnines, Poplins, Col'd Alpaccas, . Fig'd Poplins, Black Silks, Bombazines, Black Al? paccas, Crape Cloths. Together with every variety to be found in oar line, which wc offer at the lowest cash prices. 11. C. Stoll, Charleston, Charles Webb, ? " STOLL. WEBB & CO., H. C. Walker, " No. 287 King-at., '?> doors below Wcntworth, Charleston, S. C. Jan 18, IMG -31 D. F. FLEMING & CO, Wholesale Dealers BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c.> 2 Hayne-street, Charleston, S. C*, Having Resumed Business At their Old Stand, 2 Hayne-street. corner of Church-street, arc now receiving a well assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS ifcC* Which will he sold at the lowest market price. The patronage of former friends and the public is respectfully solicited. D. F. FLEMING, SAM'L. A. NELSON. JAS. M. WILSON. Jan 4, 1800 29 IIA11T & CO., IIA II D W RE SHE BOH A NTS, CHARLESTON, ?% C, OFFER FOR SALE AT THEIR OLD STAND Corner King and Market Streets, GUNS, Revolvers, Shot and Powder, "J toe's" Circular Saws, 8 to 10 inch, Agricultural Implements, Bar Iron and Steel-, Metals of till kinds, . Building Materials, Tin and Woodware, Housekeeping Articles, Hollowarc of all kinds, Turpentine And Coopers Tools, Bra^s and Iron Wire Cloth, Bolting Cloth, (anchor brand,) Mill Kocks, 18 to 40 inch, Milf Irons, Silver Plated Goods, Hubbs, Spokes, Axles, Springs, And a lar^e variety of other Goods, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Dec 14, 1800 20 Sin NORTH, STEEL & WARDELL/ WHOLESALE DEALERS JN mom; Stittioncrj, |)crfuine.r& Cirtlcrj;; Hosiery, Furnishing Goods, ?fcc ?See*., No. 167, Meeting-street, CHARLESTON, S^ G. J. B. STEELE, C. C. NORTH, A. W. WABDELL, Jr., New York. Nov 16, 1805 22 WILLIAM G. WIIILDEN & CO., FORMERLY HAYDEN & WHILDEN, 255 King St., Curnor of Baaufaino St., CHARLESTON, SO. CA., HAS opened a complete slock of HOUSE FUR? NISHING articles, Crockery and China, Glass? ware. Plated Goods, of every variety, Clocks, Watch? es and Jewelry, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Buck? ets and Brooms. Watches and Jewelry Repaired. Old Gold and Silver purchased. Orders promptly filled and forwarded. Jnn 18, 1800 31 lm HOLMES & STONY, Commission Merchants, Boyce & Go's Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. Jan 4, I860 20 3m* "MILLS HOUSEr Meeting Street, Charleston, S? C. THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and cannot be excelled by anv in the city. JOSEPH PURCELL, Proprietor. Jan 11, 1S0G 80 JOHN KING & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour, ^ Forcizn and Domestic Liiui*" and C; JPJROSJPDECTXJS OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA BAPTIST. THE undersigned has determined early in Janua? ry, I860, to commence the publication of a weekly Religious Journal, at Anderson C. H., S. C, to be entitled THE SOUTH CAROLINA BAPTIST. It will be the first great aim of THE SOUTH CAROLINA BAPTIST to convey the general news in relation to the Denomination at large, thereby rendering it an interesting and attractive compan? ion in every Baptist family. No expense or effort will be spared to secure the earliest and most reli? able information of the important and interesting workings of Baptist Churches in gcncrnl, together with tho operation of our Missionary Boards, and every benevolent institution and enterprise t>f I lie day. Therefore, while THE SOUTH CAROLiNA BAPTIST will be strictly Denominational, "ear? nestly contending for the faith once delivered to the Saints," zealously contending for the Truth, and combatting error and sn-pcrstitution in every form in which they present themselves, opinions will be expressed with that kindness and alfection becoming a professed Christian. The columns of the paper will also be opened to those who may disagree with t-hc opinions ex? pressed. As tlris will be, perhaps, the only paper taken by many in this community?visiting, it may be, the humble abodes of some unable to take others, it is deemed proper and important, in judiciously arrgnged columns, to give all the important local, ipcmWta-and literary news of the day, rendering it, 'iu every sense, a family paper. The paper will be of medium size, well printed, having the benefit of superior materials, and the entire office management being under the immedi? ate superintendence of experienced printers. The necessary capital to start this enterprise having been secured in advance; the services of] some of our ablest brethren, in this and other States, pledged as contributors and corresponding Editors, and all the necessary arrangements having been deliberately made with reference to stability and good faith, all who may feel inclined to favor the enterprise may confidently subscribe, nnd re? mit advance payments, assured that there will be no disappointment. The Editor, having been partially disqualified for the arduous duties of the Pulpit, by four long years of hardship, exposure and service in our country's cause, feels impelled to resort to this as a means by which, under (he blessing of Provi? dence, he may assist in rebuilding the waste places of Zioti. The mails will be in rogulftr operation again by the time of the publication of the paper, and this being the first enterprise of (ho character ever es? tablished in Anderson, he hopes to secure prompt, ly the aid and co-opcraiton of all who lovo the Lord. Teniis/or One Year, invariably in advance.?Two Dollars in Specie, or Three Dollars in Currency. Ministers of the Gospel, Post Masters, and oth? ers who will aid, arc authorized to receive and for? ward subscriptions. Address, W. E. WALTERS, Editor, Anderson, S. C. Nov 30. 1SC5 24 THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, AXDERSOX DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. WHEREAS, tho Administrator of the Estato ofj Wiljiam McConicl, deceased, having filed his peti? tion in my office, praying that a final settlement of J tho estivtc of the said deceased may be had, nnd it appearing to my satisfaction that Charles McCon iel, William McOonicl, Allen McConicl, Margaret Harris, heirs of Daniel McConicl, heirs of John McConicl, (number,and names unknown,) heirs at law of the said deceased, reside without the limits of this State. It is iherelore ordered that they appear in tho Court of Ordinary to be holden for Anderson Dis? trict, at Anderson Court House, on the First Mon? day in February next, to show cause, if any they can, why they shall not be charged with advance? ments, aud decrco in settlement made, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. HERBERT HAMMOND, o.a.n. Oct. 31, 18C5 20 3ra THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON D /STRICT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. J. J. Ackor, Applicant, vs, Amos Archer aud oth? ers, Defendants. IT appearing to my satisfaction that. Albert S. Acker ami Herbert F. Acker, two of the Defen? dants in this, reside without tho limits of this State. It is therefore ordered that they appear and object to the sale of the Real Estate of Elihu II. Acker, deceased, on or before the Fourth Mon? day in January next, or their consent to tho same will be entered of record. HERBERT HAMMOND, n.A.n. Oct24, 1865 10 3m TTlio S litte of Sovrtlx Cui-olina. ANDERSON DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. J. M. Herring, Applicant, vs. Francis A. Herring and others, Defendants. IT appearing to my satisfaction that John Tilly and wile, Sarah Tilly, heirs of Jesse M. Herring, number and names unknown, and Francis A. Her? ring, all reside without this State : Ii is therefore ordered that they do appear and object tb the sale or division of the real estafe ofj Mary Herring, deceased, on or before the 0th day of February ucxt, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. HERBERT HAMMOND, o.a.d. Nov 7, 18G5 21 3m THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANDERSON DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. S. L. W. Elrod, Applicant, iv. Elizabeth Elrodand others, Defendants. IT nppcaring to my satisfaction that William A. Elrod, A. Graham and wife' Susannah Graham, and heirs of Adam Elrod, dee'd, reside without the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of G. Griffin Elrod, dee'd, on or before the First Monday in April next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record.. HERBERT HAMMOND, o..v.i>. Jan. 2, 1866 2!) 3m THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, .'1XI) EliS ON DIS TRI CT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. Cornelius H. Drown, Applicant, vs. Charles B. Brown and others, Defendants. IT appearing to my satisfaction that James Moore and wife, Lucinda Moore, John Watson and wife, Malinda Watson, and Hardy Brown, legal heirs of I the said deceased, all reside beyond the limits of J this State. It is therefore ordered 'hat they do appear and object to the sale or division of the re? al estate of Sarah Drown, deceased, on or before the 1 Olli day of April next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. HERBERT HAMMOND, o.a.n. Jan 0. 18?G 30 3m Just [Received^ BROWN & SMITH have just received an exten? sive and well-selected lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, To which they invite the attention of buyers. OVERCOATS, BUSINESS COATS, PANTALOONS, Sc., Sc. If y ii want neat arid comfortable CbitJrtfig. at the most reasonable prices.3 Ldve^l*^^00'1 an in BpCCli0n- .^VN S SMITH. ^^^^ No. 12, Granite Row: \^tpjis>r_27_ ?' SALE. trong, well-built and commodious FAMILY i IARKIAGE. Also a light, one-horse SPRING ! IT AGON. Both in good repair and running order, aving been little used. Inquire at this office Jun 11. 1866 30 <? I PROCLAMATION TO THE Ladies and Gentlemen 3'" ?f ANDERSON Sc VICINITY. Your Attention Is "Respectfully Called . to tme Large and Varied Assortment or FANCY AND STAPLE D?Y GOODS, ?No. 1, Oi'axiito X^otv, 'COXSlSTt'XH OF Calicoes, DcLnincs Mcrinocs. Alpacas, Black Bombazine, ?Fine Alpacas] Flannels, while, colored and red, Veiling, blue, green and brown, j ^ Jaconets, Muslins, Lawns, Brilliants, Cambrics, all colors,. Ginghams, Shirt Linen, 'Handkerchiefs, silk, cotton ar.dgfn'g-,' ?hams, \ '?Canton Flannel, bleached and un? bleached, Ticking, Toweling, 'Sie, t Homespuns, Sea Island, do do do blefteheffl, ; Cassimcrcs for Fants, Broadcloths, Hoop Skirts, all sizes, Ladies' and Gents' Gloves-, i Balmoral Skirts,' : Balmoral Hose, "White Hose, Half Hose, Brown and Colored Hoso, Hoods, all kinds, Basques, Fancy and Common Hair Combs, Leather and Silk Belts, , Belt Buckles, Scarfs, assortment, Ladies' and Gents' Collars, .' Needles, Fins and Hair Pins, { Coat, Pants and Yost Buttons, j Childrons' Fancy Hose, ' Hair and Tooth brushes, Clothes do, ' Flax Thread, Spool do colored, J ?do do whito, *" also, ; an extra assortment op I CLOTHING-, Coats, Vcslp. Pant, Ovcrshirts-, Undershirts, Drawers, "White and Colored Shirts, c Jjincn and Paper Collars, \ Neck Ties, &c. PEEFTJMEEt. Cologne, Lubins' Extrakts, Hair Oil, Musks, Fancy Toilet Soaps, Brown "Windsor do, Pomades, Toilet Boxes. an extensive stock of boots, shoes and hats. Boots, of every quality, Mens' Shoes, of all sizes, , Balmoral Shoes, _ ^ Indies' Shoes, latest styles, Hats, of every description, Caps, Fur, Cloth, &c a-beautiful assortment OF Bonnets, Caps, Jockies, Ostrich Pinnies, Feathers, French Flowers, Laces and Ribbons of every Variety. Millonery Work done on tho shortest, notice, and latest style. crockery. Plates, Steak Dishes, Ewers and Basins, Water and Molasses PitchcrB, Cups and Saucers. Tuntblors, Wine Glasses, Chambers, &c. confectionery. 'Candies, French, do Stick , Nuts, Raisins, &c. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF TOYS FOR OHRISTMAS. MISCELLANEOUSi Wool and Cotton Cards, Nails, No's. 6, 8 and 10, Knives, Razors and Straps, Spectacles and Cases, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Tubs, Brooms, Sifters, Carpets Bags, Umbrellas, Ink, Pens, Paper, &c. Blacking and Brushes, . Pockets Books, Looking Glasses, all sizes, GROCERIES. Tea, green and black, CotFce and Su? gar, Soda, Soap, Pickles, Candles, Cheese, Mackerel, Cigars, Tobacco, Sardines, Crackers, Spice, Pepper, Matches, Starch, Snuffs, Scotch and Mackaboy, Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, Condensed Lye. My Stock was selected with great c?i'C in the North, when cotton goods were on the decline. By such advantage, I can sell at least two fer cent, cheap? er than any other house in the up coun? try. Give mc a call. ^ G. SCHWARZ, No. 1, Granite Row. _27_(ha j G. F. TOLL?; INFORMS thernftlifthat he is prepared to eso ! cute all v.-orlviuliis line, at the shortest notice and in the most workmanlike manner. A share of pat? ronage solicited. His Shop is on McDuffic Street, first door North of lower Railroad lirid-jc. Dec 21, 18C5_27._Sm Lig-ro-ine Lamps and Fluid! A new invention, and the cheapest light now be? fore the public. For sale hy W. II. NARDIN &, CO., No. 7 Brick Range. Dec 2S. 1S?? 28 LARGE STOCK OF ]ST3?!"W" GOODS!! Siiarpe & Fairt RATE just opened an extensive Stock of new and 'elegant Goods, to which tliey invite "the attention ,bf the -public generally. It comprises in part as follows: i^mim iilis m?m Mcrinocs, DcLaines, Alpacnsf Flannels, Calicoes of the best style, 'Shawb, Cloaks, 'Scarfs, Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, Merino Undervosts, Corsets, .. Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Yell's, Hats and Twilights, Ribbons, Flumes, Cloak and Dress Trimmings, &c Gents' Furnishing Gf??ds, Broadcloths, Cassimercs, . Satinets, Jeans, Hats of the latest styles,: Gloves and Socks, ^. Dra'wcrs and Undershirts, Linen Rosoms, Linen and Paper Collar?, Cravats nnd Suspenders. Ladies' and Gents' Boots & SLftes, LA?GE ASSOnTMEIST. Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings, Ladies* and'Genls' Handkerchiefs, 'Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Soaps of all kinds, An assortment of Jewelry, "Ladies' Satchels and Reticules, Buttons, Thread, Pins, Needles. HARD WARD, CUTLERY-, Sells Knives and Forks, Pocket and Shoe Knives, Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Table and Tea Spoons, Candle Sticks, Spades and Axes, Butts, Screws. Padlocks, Rim Locks, Stirrups, Bridle Bitts, Coffee Mills, Tacks, Files, Shoe Pincers, Razors, Scissors, &c. CROCESRY AND GLASSWARE. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Bagging, Rope and Twine, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Salt, Candles, Cheese, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda, Mustard, &c. ALSO, Horse and Shoe Brushes, Blacking, Ink, Pens and Pen Holders'} Slates and Pencils, Lend Pencils, Gun Caps, &c. STATIONERY. Letter and Cap Paper, Envelopes, large and small. SCHOOL BOOKS, A Select and Cheap Assortment. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, l'ipcs, Mcerchaum and Briar Root. , SADDLES, BRIDLES, &C. Sole and Upper Leather, And in fact everything usually found in a Retail Establishment of this kind. The attention of buyers is invited to our new Stock, as wc feel confident that We can sell as cheap as the cheapest. Cotton sxucl Counff.r ??i'0<luoo Taken in exchango for merchandize. The highest market price paid for Cotton at aH times, in Spe? cie or Currency. . . . "SITARPE & FANT, No. 7, Granite Row. Dec 14, 18C5 20 New Establishment! NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED! I A. P. H?BBARD BESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the. public generally, that he has just opened a new and VARIED STOCK OF GOODS, Which he oilers to Sell at the lowest living prioo*. His stock comprises, in part, as follows : Cigars, Tobacco, Ale, Porter, Old B?urbon Whiskey, Bye and Corn Whiskey, Smoking Tobacco, Candles, of every variety, Pure Cocoa, . ? Lubins' Extracts. Pomades, India Rubber Hair Pins, Ladies Shoes, Ladies' Puff Boxes, Fine Combs, Thimbles, Sec, Toilet Soaps, Candles, Starch, Soda, Sugar and Coffei , Sardines. Oysters, Salmon, Hcrri'.igs^ Salt, Mackerel, &c, So., And in fact a complete assortment of such articles as arc usually found for salo in a Family Grocery Establishment, A. P. nUBBARD, Corner Anderson Hotel Building, Dec 7, 1865 25 REMOVAL ! TV". Ku CATER Druggist and Apothecary, HAS removed to tho Northeast corner of the Pub? lic Square in the store occupied by C. Mathewcs, (old stand of Evins & Hubbard,) and invites the attention of the community to his Stock of DRUGS5, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. I'VE STUFFS, PAINTS. OILS, PERF&MERY & FANCY ARTICLES, And oilier articles too numerous to mention. The best and purest quality of Goods kept constantly on hand, at small advances on cost. ?-?>"" I'iivLi'jians prescriptions carefully com? pounded and strict, attention given to aU orders;" A share of patronvge is solictcd. W. If. CATER, N. E. Corner Public Square: Dec-14,1866 2G Dissolution of Copartne'rshi-pi THE undersigned have this day dissolved the Co? partnership heretofore existing between them in the Printing Busiuess, as Proprietors of tho Intel? ligencerOffice?L A. Hpyt having purchased the entire entire interest of W. W. Humphreys, in tho office, fixtures, books, good will and appurtenances of the Intelligenter Establishment. Mr..Hoyt is alonc responsible for all debts owing by the firm. This "the 1st day of Janury, 1SG6. '. ? JAMES A. HOYT. W. W. HUMPHREYS, Jan 4, 1S56 29