BATES OF POSTAGE IX T II S Confederate States of America. For die convenience of subscribers, and the pub? lic generally? insert the following simplified statement of the rates of postage under the act of the Congress of the Confederate States of America, adopted on the 21st of February. 1801. It must be borne in mind that the Act is to go into effect Jbtobert A.. arris, SURGEON DENTIST, WILL take rooms at the Benson House on the first day of Mny next, where he may at all times be found to attend to his profession. Circular to Tailta?ectors." 1 DENTAL CJLTIT>. THE undersigned would respectfully bring to the -"from and after such period as the Postmaster notice of the citizens of Anderson, bis friend, General may, by proclamation, announce : " ROf.EJlT .'V HARRIS, Surgeon Dentist, who has n \TPed envelopes. F R A X K I X G 1' It I V I t E d E . The following persons only are entitled to the franking privilege, and iu all cases strictly confined to " official business." Postmaster General. His chief Clerk. ' Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Ofiice De? partment. Deputy Post Masters. year, anu wno is now prep, tend to his profession in both its branches. JOHN ANDERSON, Surgeou Dentist. April 11, 1801 31 tf jNTow is the Time OFFICE OF Till: COMPTROLLER-GEN Cuaklestox, S. C, March 25, 18 Various interrogatories addressed to this Hep;; pent iu relation to Taxes levied by Act 18(31, hav? ing been referred to the Attorney-General, the fol? lowing communication was received iu reply. In construing the Act, Tax Collectors throughout the State will be governed by the opinion of lite Attor? ney-General, as published herewith. Attention is also called to the ''Additional Directions" ap? pended hereto: I IF not Providentially hinder^ 1 ??n Q. H. .luring March f W*, * af A"?<* \l 'ake the Taxes lor I860 and" rt'CC1VC ReU,n'* TO SUBSCRIBE. T II IU INTELLIGENCER; O?t ier: OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL, 1 March 22, 1801. j To W. J. Lara/, Lsy., Acting Comptroller-General: Sin: Your novo 0f the 18th, received yestcrtbry, proposes some questions i:, regard to which 1 lind it difficult to come U nny satisfactory conclusion. Much, after all. in the matter of lux returns, de? pends on the discretion tad eonwieacc of (ho tax? payer. 1. "Salaries" apply, I hink, to Sxedaniounts received annually, or at sh<.~|CJ. periods, for'ser? vices, olher than menial or inM(,]v manual. \\\. speak of I he '? rays'' of tWh.,t'n :tu,\ DUdwrs. although engaged by the year, nn'.p.,jj quarterly and of the "salaries" of :i Public lificer'a Clerk or Schoolmaster. Overseers generali, receive wa? ges : bill, when a man overlook?, perb:.(}l jiin.c 01. four plantations, and receives sovera. thousand dollars, the compensation would rise t<. t cdb'tiiiv of a salary. I would lake an Overseer^ return to make it. All ?jmpen sntion for work not coining under the head rsala ry would be ** wages." ' Salaries are taxable.|IOw ever small, and for the whole amount. \V taxable when ihey exceed S5;J0 a year, ai in my opinion, only on iho excees over that amou> Both salary an 1 wage:- arc compensation for tl tax-payer's own services. 2. The salaries of fiscal officers are not exempted from tax. nor the salaries of any other officers than those of I he Army or .Navy. 3. Wages of journeymen mechanics, I think, are exempt, under the exception you refer :<>. ?i. A Tax Collector's commissions, if not salary, would, in its widest sense, conic under rhc head of ??Wiigc-." or inighi be embraced under the head of ??employment." The Legislature meant that ail persons, nut specially excepted, should contribute something from their earnings: and public officers arc specially included. Though not, in the ordin? ary seuse. salary, i think thai Tax Collectors' in? comes would be most appropriate!v returned under thai head. 5. Notes and obligations given for PROPERTY SOLD, WHETHER' MKECHAND1SE OR OTHER fiday the 18lh ai McClinton (lie Hi s Sli op CKALL'JtS IN the sa~nK?,h0 1 '!!h a' Holland's SVorV^^,. f I ? AXDERsox C. IL, S. C. Wc?SK a M ".HewiW, Sr.: t,cn,"S ?evening of th? same day at Orrville; Wednesday tiie lUth at White Plains; Thursday tb0. 11th at Brushy Creek (Long's .Store): v ? Friday the ll'th at Greenwood : Saturday the 13th at J. J. Wilson's Stote: Salcday in May at Anderson C. II.?at which lime my books will c!o<*c. State Tax about enc-third higher than last year. C-oad or Bridge Tax. per cent, on the General x. Poor. 10 per cent. Upon monies !i interest, one-tenth of 1 per cent. W. S. SHAW. T. t ?eh 7. ISiJl ? J'A0 sl;o''f"Kt notice fa by payi Feb. 28, ->o. 1%1 "the firm may be found at the! endersigned will confer n p'lpHTE & HARRISON, ncK R.?ngo, Anderson, S.C. same same X 2255 tiniaar, most THE sw ^^IIIIAITT! sale, n,crs have just I'elebraled Non5 toancu or eccivcd und have for Burning Fluid. ivc i he softest and -t it combines !j perfectly ....... ivi^uo.s e lo Call at No. 3 ijr;,.-k Range. WiLJUTE & If ..Inch has been asceriairV best light cverycl dlscdrcrr all the excellencies of other harmless and free from the They have also the verv besl .Maren 21, 10-4 {?-tplosion. Snbscription'g arc now Peeled with tESy p Any j T22SrS 0? S^SSCl ?^rcoDolllu?!-?1? !,c?en menjbcrV'." . ?st?The largl^l1? ??? they wi!j r^. mcbes, entitled, s?Pcrb steel cngravF d??S Ibe season, {o f ? ?^01? of ??nting3, 548 Broadway, N Y ? ?enoers, es grstnitops premiums, over I'ive Hundred Beautiful Works of irtf l^Sm^SlSg^ ^ briber will Of the Bering bis Recruits.' and stipplo, and \t done oa steel, in fine lino :;i L 2:i tf at wilhite Bai cf State of C11 riu .r.LKSTO*: haviiiff. South Carolina. February 12th, 1301. j at its lal F.E yiHS? 0 la.xalioit. WISE,- if (IN TIME 01 would, I Ihink. be litihlc interest. Notes given for merchandise have the interest incorporated i:< the auioi published every thuhsday, INTEREST, - moneys ai usuallv ct, anil this i should consider as exeitipiing them, and 1101 an evasion : the law is intended for ca_;cs iu which the piper is in some son an iuve liticni. '.. Funds not-reduced possession, and i/om which no present income is derived, are not within the provision.'; of the Act, and such is the situation of amounts in the hands of Masters and Hier.?. The persons : ?> whom it sh?:ll ! the amount |h the professional mail rcuuives after the ex s necessarily incideni iqjhe exercise of bis ision have been dcdueled.^^Wheihcr, u;i ex may be considered uecess?ryriy incident, in a great degree depend on the views of the 'who makes ihe return. 1. W. il.V^'Ni'. Attorncy-Gen-jral I - . o -.- .n ua im? session, nu ! ,c,ac issuc ?f Houds to Ihcamount ol s675, ' 1? ," lhig an interest of eeeen per cent., for the piirposcf providing ihc funds required to sustain iheStalCj, ii,c ?c, of rcSijn,iUg herrights of sove? reignty. ? p.,.,!; j3 ?oir p,x.parcd to dispose of I c-nn ! ,K-' '"' 'ssuc^ sums of X'x). S100 and .oil 1. \a opportunily is t!ns^ afforded every ' '{%"en '" ">c n secure and profitable investment; w-iic conlnMj,,g aW lo caasc jn which the . late i> eng.ijd. With a view of enabling cirixens ... any part o>tbtState to share in the Loan, the . ?"'" ? ul .Ihc ioUts of the several Districts have | 1.^:: requ.redL, books of subscription for the ^tock Sui abfc iiitagenicnts will be made for furnishing the Un.,,u ?,.. ^ ()f ||w mon lav :"in' .:piion haa been +? harrison's, No. 3 Brick vaxgej Linseed Oil. Train Oil, Castor Oil. .^.pot ^jj Paints of every description. Dye .Stu..x" ' Perfumery, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Tooth and Hair Crushes. Paint and Shoe Every description of Pills?Cephalic, WrigL ' Strong s. McLaue's, J:.-. tie's, Cook's, SpeS ccrs, Hull's. , thowalU of either S? i;l - ona'M?t, suitablo for fA.lIlISO^civ;,,., -w JnJSSsSiSrTj!. S".?oha Fa,staff ^ thcred for hi! ?- ' l'!e recruits whicl? '?"'m gathered tl'.t ImJ 1 ^ountfy^: 3 illustrate poem*, al Jjjj??dl known to tbewhol. Tho*?Z22Si*J thTsLnt?5?s a D,aSnificeotly "h "^? ?S America. .0jg^Ptions irilj be revived until^BWl close n",i)4iV],riI'P*X? WLlch ,ime l"ol7 ostago and j X'hose rcmitrii Lvon's Rat Pills and Rug 'March 21, 1801 .xtcrminntor, 31 CC. i^:c. if KEROSENE OIL! is rcf trietcd to a single subscription.? eir trouble. HAS just Stock of . uro entitled to five memUrshiDS ?ud to one extra Engraving for their trouble. P ,r.ue. .ori.KT paracuJurs, send for a copy of tboNfc. some; ."'''-Crated Aft JonniaJ, pronounced the hanti. Prtuaiua}^1}10 ln Ametica. It conking Catalogue of price, 50 eeKMj nmacions superb engravings. Regular will besiint i.r^riuualier. Specimen copies, however, 18 cents, ia stampS Jibing to subscribe, on receipt of C. L"^'':i- Address, XRBY, Actuary C. A. A., N. R.?Subscriptions rctav 5{lJ Broadway, N. Y. C v. L'OJt.STEL, A-ent lorNinnd forwarded by F. cinity, irhere specimen En^ravM^0-"' S- C ' aDl1 vi" can bo seen. 0 ' V.and Art Journal W. TAYL(XR No. 7 Granite Row, v anderson c. h., s. c. received a large and well selected Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, IIomospuM-T,tn,s' GROCERIES, CKOCKEBT, ^}vx<>. asd medickjbs J?'S??1?'.^' LOAN. .he DEFENCE ^Hu^'^^^^r^grom^ sell clicape^ elsewhere, as r,M0 ** sEjE?Sk?* tien5' cent, must be paid in cash, al the lime of subscrip? tion, and the remainder 011 or before the first of May. interest to run from the dale of such pay? ment. Persons desiring to secure their subscrip? tion, may pay in cash The whole amount, and lake a receipt for the delivery of bonds or stock. To equalise the rate of subscription at all points, and to enable all persons conveniently to subscribe, current bank notes of the place will be received at their market value in coin. In case of ah" over subscript iou, preference given?first, 10 those who pay down their whole subscription ; next, to subscribers of $50'.; next, to subscribers ofS1?0. Books of subscription will be opened 0:1 ihc ?ante da}" at the Branches of the Rank of the State, in Columbia, Camdcn and Abbeville; also, at iho Banks of Newbcrry, Chester. Fairfield, Cheraw, Georgetown and Hamburg, and at Green-/ ville. EDWARD FROST, C. M. FUR MAX, GEO. A. ,TRENHOL> Commissioners for South Canr ApriU.,1801 jj:j j Heacl-Quarte/^ GitEcxviLLE, S. C, March*5'1SG1' ORDER A'O. 1. / TO COLONELS COMMANDING jfEGlMENTS u the 1st Brigade. S. C. M. / You are hereby ordered to li/l :l? clecUon/?n your respective Regiments on/'tt'idag. the. !./?'>'.'/ cf June next, for a Rrigidbtf-Crucral of \W ?*! Brigade. S. C. M., to fill iji^racttUCyoccas:i?e(l ?3 the resignittion of Baigadicr-Gencnd W. K. Easloy. and forthwith transmit a statement to me showing the result of said election. You are atst/chafge>: with tiie extension of this order. S. D. GO0DLET7, Maj. General 1st Division S. t. M. April 4, 1801 y -' AFTER being absent from b<-:iica mouth, has re? turned to Anderson, and embraces the opponuniiy to return her thanks nr the liberal patronage the citizens h;ire"bcslowcd upon her. Sue would in form the gentlemen tha4 she Will be happy to sew for them, and make any garment in good siylc and at reasonable price mers prefer. April 4, 1SCL JOB WORK t Stock of Roots and Siiocs fo be . consisting of Negro Rrogans, Roots for men and Roys; Wax ri. iy of j.riees and qualities; La? dies' Sewed and Pegged Boots and Buskins: Chil? dren's Shoes of all nixes and qualities, with copper For sale verv cheap i.y SIIARPE & WATSW. 1. ISC0 12 'f CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A large and fresh stock of READY-MADE CLOTII ixG' ("oats. Satiric ? d Mai ', '^PectriiHy invite inspection 1 tall and examine, nadinr pialily. Mai-?>Io Yard VNDERSON C. II. AND PEXDLETON. . . 5!ab.s' T*"^' Monuments, Head Stones ?I re?iS6i?B?iy!j^ ^csl style of workmanship and .I lllli I 1 "'v'^Mltljiii I Uli II ;J.l cts each Mr. JOHN C CMEF.RYw-ourau.." " at Pcndlctoti. LE W ELL & WlIJ^rR, Anderson C. IT. Aug. 21, 1800 iv XiMl0 TO SUBSCRIBE FOR u:xT Southern WksKLji ei 1 '.'-i]^lrf 5 S(TTJTH tTj Writing loi- it. G. T. ANDERSON, list, b.i~ determined derson <\ H. He business, to merit 1! A...? 4. i: ? ! V? ? Surgeon and M :o locale p hope,, by e patronage eal Dcn .r?,??3"y?? An cl ?e neiinon 10 r ? iiiJuiiiiuuniiy. coiisistiugofOvcrcoals, Business Coats. Dress , Black and fancy Cassimcrc, Business and Pants, with a great variety of Vests, Linen cillos Shirts, Geiitlemen's L'udervcsts and AT Mnrbh THE War! War!! War ill FROM THIS DATE UNTIL the 0e march, sell our DRY GOODS and Shelf HARD v. is, will be : Nov. . ._ HarOn .1 verv cheap at S Ii ARPE & WATSON'S. 12 if >leclc?f LAAV STOT I , , it, office bilely I THE undersigncil has n"??v?l 1 i occiq \ Rons ied by ?. oppo ihc |>rnct ice moved lo \. T. Broyles. Esqil te Craylon's ubl miuu I lie pi-nctice ?t llie Lav. in Ii Western C'nxuit. and pledges biim and lailhful .lischarge of ihc dnf.i sion. W\RREN Audcrson C. H., Feb. 7. IS01 \ large, well sctcc sisting or the roBowing n* Ik-Rows, Anvils. Vices. Pockel and Table Cutlery Chains. Stay Chains. Hool ties. Sad Irons, Haute verv cheap bv ' Hardware! HARDWARE, con WE will WARE, At Those wishing Cheap Goods call, as we mean what we say acknowledged TO be "The Best Family Paper in the So**? ^TAINS, in each issue, eight pages (forty ^ ^SvolgE READING friend,-of Southern ...,;,1U-^53-5 LirSEATTJSE, ag2icul7u2e ^Nd" wil l I I^L^crRiers art presented, semi-annually Ti;RWs3!wii^ieof Contents. Address, Annum. Feb. 21,1801 2 Benson He will con ?ourts ? !' "he to a prompt j f his pvofts- ; WILKES. Nov. 1, 1800 GROCERIES! 1).: Trocvuitli Hammers, ik? and Hlngiis, Tongue Horse Shoe NCca-kel S II ARPE & W ATS? At., 12 if Cost for Cash. had best give us a RE Anderson, Jan. 10, ENGLAND 1801 2 YLEY. if COTTON ADVANCED! groceries 1 \T.L having accounts upon our Rooks will please ? I wuc forward ami settle, cither by note or cash? I I j closed prefer THE CASH. Our Rooks must Dc , Collce, Molasses, Salt, Candles, Teas. Tobacco. Starch. Candies, Nuts. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mackerel, &c, will be sold very cheap by SUGA Chcesi Anderson, Oct. 2?. IS?0 SII ARPE & WATSON. 11 if ENGLAND & 21 BEWLEY. tf COURTNEY, TERjS EXECTJTI Cutting done, when cuslo tf V NOTICE TO HfSTJEANCJE AGENTS. OFFICE OF TIIE COMPTROLLER GENERAL,! CuAitLEsTOS, S. C, April 1. IS'jI- J THE AGENTS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES not incorporated bv die State of South Carolina, arc hereby notified" that their Annual and Scmi-Aunual Returns must hereafter be tiled at the Office in Charleston oulv, and that all applications for li? censes, or renewal of license, must also be made at the same ofiice. THOMAS J. PICKENS. Comptroller General. April 11, 1801 34 U NOTIC AT THIS OFFICE. PAY UP. THE Books and Accounts of the Drug Store of A. Sl T. A. Evins, und also of T. A. Evins. are now in our hands for collection, and must be settled. McGOWAN i SLOAN. Jan. S, 1801 20 tf THE Commissioners or Roads anifridges having rcturne.1 the Bridge across S dud fl?. known as Cooley'a Britlgc, to HIRAM CO}^. ?ol?cc, w hereby given that application wife '?!iac a '1J SS, session of the Legislature I btam a charter for Ihc same as a Toil Bridge. March 28, 18ul 32 _?'' . Saddles and Leather. Saddles and Hemlock Leather, 7 *. CO., (buns, wv Charleston, S. C. NOTICE. THE subscribers notify the public t**1 they ara carrying on the Boot and Shoe Making BUSINESS, Vnd are supplied and will cc-t?nuc to be supplied with the best of material ft* said business. All work will be done --?P promptly, in the IXcatcst avd l>est St.vle, for which Cash (or a good note, on short time) will be expected on delivery of aU work done m the Shop, us no books will be kept. rc^r- Call at the sign of the Golden Boot. JOHN W. HOPKINS & CO. Feb. 7, 1801 25 tf VTSON. tf School-Teachers' Notice. I am prepared to pay all rcp)? P^ed at the 1 ..;.,.r of the Board Come one, come January meeting 01 uc ko.uu. .,11 ....j toI your money. ' " JOHN B. WATSON, c. andTrcasr. April 4, 1861 83 tf \ cood stock of Saddles and llcmiocK Bridles, Girths, R'nts, &c. very cheap b; SIIARPE & W. Nov. 1, lS?ft l: _ Bro^v-11 and Bleached Shirtings,; LONG CLOTHS. ssortmcnt of prices and qualities, very SIIARPE WATSON. Nov. 1, 1800 _12 lf j s?m^lThT?wen fTNUES to repair Clod;,-, Watches and Jewelry |)itrlrtoarc, 35 Hayne Srec, Cash oriccs. Oct. 4, 1800 8 n0ORE & lEATHERSTOIT, Hr^^2^5?S at Law, Law in n*^o,rn c>V?Jor the practice of to tiieir care Will be r??i^rtu'^<^-mci;J c?tsustcd The senior partner wilrsc attendee under the jurisdiction [? JOHN V. MOORE.J- C C. ?l.K.TT ^ ^ August 14, 1S50 1 "-JOy. JOCASSE LODGE, No. 18,1. 0. of 0.> r**? \lceta every FRIDAY NIGHT, at 7 o'clock, at ^ FcRows' Hill. The members are required 'to ho punctual in attendance. By order of the N. G. Sept. 11, 18?0 JAMES. A. HOYT, Secretary. 8 *