The Charleston Forts.?A corres? pondent of the Charleston Mercury, speak mgof these fortifications, says: Hundreds of men arc at work upon Fort Mo.ultrie; among them some/ree ne? groes! -A moat, ten feet wide, and proba? bly as deep, is being dug around the en? tire rumpart, and filled with water. New bastions have been hastily erected at the projecting angles of the Fort, armed with cannon, and loop-holes for musketry to sweep the ditches with bullets and grape shot. One of the bastions has been hur? riedly finished with wood, armed at the summit with iron spikes. On the ocean side of the Fort, beyond the moat, a breast-work of sand, fifteen feet high, has been erected, which gradually slopes to? ward the beach to the width of one hun? dred and seventy feet. On the land side, a high rampart of wood prevents outsi? ders from seeing what is going on in the interior?but signs of great activity are there evident also. The barracks inside the Fort, where they rise above the ram? part; have had loop-holes for musketry cut all around them. The heaviest ord? nance is mounted, most of it pointing down upon the city, while the rest range with the guns of Fort Sumter, opposite, so that their joint fire can prevent the en trrance of any vessels. Meantime assur aneesare repeated to the Charlestonia?s that coercion will never be attempted. On tho heels of this vigorous preparation, which is being made at the cost of thou? sands, while the Government cnanot pat even its Postmasters. Col. Gardiner, who has been there for 3-ears. has been remov? ed.. Why ? Simply because he has made too many friends in the city and the Gov? ernment doubts his loyalty. For the first time, too, to my knowledge, citizens arc refused admittance to the Fort. To test the truth of this rumor, we respectfully asked permission to look over the Fort, and received a peremptory refusal. At the same time active preparations are go? ing on at Fort Sumter. Two men, only a day or two back, were killed by the falling of a heavy cannon which they were mounting. Castle Pinckney, with? in point blank"shot of the city, which, for years, was in a dilapidated condition, is now in thorough repair, and armed com? pletely with heavy ordnance. And so it has come to this, that our own cannon are pointed against our homes to menace us! ??-_ Inauguration of Gov. Pickens.?Ycs teiday, Gov. Pickens was inaugurated, in accordance with the forms usual on such occasions. Owing to the solemnity jof this particular case, and the crisis du? ring which he was elected, it was decided? ly one of the most impressive that we have ever witnessed. The inaugural was heard with bated breath, and as its firm and decided positions were announced they were received sentence after sen? tence with loud applause. When the Governor, after having graphically sur? veyed the dangers which sun'ounded the ?State, announced, his readiness to take the oath of office, a feeling of satisfaction ran through the large assembly. All felt that in this,hour of trial, we had a Gov? ernor at. the helm upon whom we could rely with full .confidence. Hon. Howell Cobb, of Georgia, Col. J. A. Elmore, of Alabama, Hon. C. E. Hook? er, Of Mississippi, were in attendance by special invitation. The ceremony passed off in the happiest manner.?Carolinian. ?; ?? Stringfield, III., December 15.?Ed? ward Bates, of Missouri, held a long in? terview with Lincoln to-day. It is said that Lincoln formally ofterod him the post of* Secretary of the Interior. Bates is strongly opposed to secession, and says It is treason, and must be put down by the authority of the Federal Government at all hazards. SMALL POX! SMALL POX!! AS the SinnVrjFox has been raging to some extent in Columbia, and it is believed that it would ex? tend to Andersen, I have just received some Vaccine XaUer, and propose to Vaccinate all persons, (especially' children.) The Vaccine Matter is guarantied to be good, and I think it hi reliable. All persons wishing;their childrca VACCINATED, imII please bring them to my Store, No. 7, Gran? ite Row. 1SHAM W. TAYLOR. Anderson C. II., Dec. 13, 18G0 18? 4t NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore existing in this place between the undersigned in the business of Waggon and carriage making and blacksmithing, under the name and6tylc of R. L. GAINES & CO., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All notes aud accounts due the firm must be paid to J. P. Reed, who is alone authorized to make settlements, J. P. RE KT). R. L. CA INKS. A?d?r.em C. EL. Dee. 8, 1800 17?tf " fresh arrivals r WE would respectfully announce to our friends and the public generally, that we are now receiving our usual supply of FALL ABB WIIT&ft GOODS, To an examination of which we invite all, and feel confident thnt we can suit any one in both Goods and prices. Call and see. SLOAN, SULLIVAN ^ CO., At the 41 Cheap Corner." Oct. 4, I860 8 3t COURTNEY, TENNENT & CO., pHi?itrt, iiferg, ?uns, #c, 35 Hayne Street, Charleston, S. C. KEEP constantly on hnnd a large Stock of Plough Steel and Nails of the best brand, at the lowest Caan Driccs. Cct" 4, 18G0 8 ly Gruns5 Pistols, &c. -:o: "LOOK f&T FOE COMIKG TIMES!" PAY a visit to F. BREDA'S GUN STORE, at Anderson C. H., where you wiil find your choice In the greatest and finest variety that ever was brought to this State, as Rifles", Pistols by the bushel, Double Barrel Shot Guns, long barrels and small calibres of all description, Walking Canes of any quantity and quality, Ladies' Leather Baskets, and thousands other different Fancy Articles. F. BREDA. Oet. 4,1860 8 lm HATS ! HATS ! A large and well selected stock of Boys and Gent?* Hats and Caps, embracing all that is new and desi? rable, at SHARPE & WATSON'S ANDERSON PRICES CURRENT, Corrected weekly by England & Bewley. bagging, 10 to bale rope. 0 ? 12$ bagging twine, 25 adamantine candles, 25 ? 30 sperm candles, 45 ? 50 rio coffee, 18 ? 20 java coffee, 20 tea, 00 ? 1.00 rice, CJ ? 7 n. o. sugar, 11 ? 12J (c) coffee do. 1H ? 12 (b) do. do. 12| 1(a) do. do. 13?13J ! crushed do. 14 loaf do. 14 ? 15 n. 0. molasses, 65 west india du. 40 ? 45 salt, sack, $2 25 cast steel, 22 ? 25 german steel, 14 ? 15 blister do. 10 ? 12* swede iron, Gi ? 7 " english do. 5 ? ? 1 band do. . G_ ? 7 sheet do. 9 ? J o castings, 6} ? :,0 nails, 5 ? (>} rifle powder, $7 00 ? 7 50 blasting do. $5 00 ? 5 50 lead, 9 ? 10 shot, $ bag, $2 25 ? 2 50 indigo, $1 50 madder. 20 blue stone, 10 ? 18 linseed oil. $1 10 ? 1 train do. 90 ? 1 00 white lead, 25 lb kegs, SF2 50 0, 2 french glass, 8 X 10. . ?'. 00 (>t do. do. 10 12, 3 50 @ 3 do. do. 12 X 14, 3 75 (a. 4 00 mackerel, in kits. No. 3, $3 25 do. " " 2, 8 50 do. " "1, i tobacco, 25 ? 50 yarn, $1 10 ? 1 20 i shirting. 8i ? 9 osnaburgs, 11 ? 12$ Country Produce. cotton. 8 ?9* flour. bbl., $8 0U wheat, 1 25 corn, 85 to 90 meal, 1 00 lard, 15 ? li tallow, 10 to 12} butter, 15 eggs, 10 chickens, 10 to 12-1 bacon, hog round, 15 to 15 beeswax, 20 rags, 2$ peas, 80 to 85 ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Clerk. Wc arc authorized to announce Capt. II. R. VANDIVER as a candidate for Clerk of the Court at the next election. The friends of Cel. F. A. hoke announce him a candidate for Clerk of the Court for Ander? son District at the next election. |^ The many friends of ELIJAH WEBB, Esq. would announce him as a candidate for Clerk of the Court for Anderson District at the next elect on. To the Voters of Anderson District : "Many Friends" have announced my name as a candidate for Clerk of the Court at the ensuing election, and it is due to them, as well as to the voters of the District generally, that I should make a response to the announcement. At the close of my last canvass, I stated publicly that I did not expect to beju.ain a candidate, and my-nurpoj??. remained unshaken until December last, when my situation was in many respects greatly changed? owing to my misfortune, which is known to the District. I was born and reared in this District, and am, perhaps, the oldest citizen of this town?have al? ways resided here, and hope that my bones may repose in her soil. 1 have received many favors from my fellow-citizens, and have tried to discharge the trust they have so long confided to me with courtesy, zeal and strict fidelity. My past services, and performance in the office is the best guarantee I can offer the District for a faithful discharge of its duties in the future. Many voters, tlicrefore. and my friends gcncvally, arc authorized to use my name as a candidate for re-election. ELIJAH WEBB. THE SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, A Political and News Journal, PUBLISHED AT COLUMBIA, S. C, Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. by CHARLES P. PELHAM. t k n. m s . DAILY, - - . - - $0.00 TRI-WEEKLY, - - ... 4.00 WEEKLY..2.00 Payment in advance invariably. THIS JOURNAL, now entering upon its third year under the present proprietor, is rapidly ex tending its circulation and influence. Founded and conducted upon the principles of Stale Rights, it enjoys the reward of public confidence and en lightened approval. Entirely independent in its management, it has stood with unwavering confi? dence upon the soundness, integrity, and consis? tency of its principles. Through evil report, as well as through good, its voice has been heard in defence of the EQUALITY of the South ; its conn seta liave ever been mid arc for RESISTANCE to the wrongs attempted to be put upon us by a sec? tional majority. The Southern Guardian looks for support to the Stale and section whose rights, honor anil interesis it has faithfully espoused and maintained. Southern Guardian Steam Printing Establish? ment. Having recently made large and choice additions to our JOB OFFICE, from the best type founders in the country, we arc "now prepared to do all kinds of Printing in as neat style and on as favor? able terms as any office in the South. The premium for the best specimen of Book Priming was awarded at the late Fair to the pro? prietor of the Southern Guardian. All communications to be addressed to the South? ern Guardian, or to C. P. PELHAM. Columbia, S. C. Dec. 0, 1SG0 17 tf Dissolution, THE copartnership heretofore existing under tho name and style of II. B. & J. L. ARNOLD is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons in? debted to said firm will please make settlements with H. B. Arnold, as the notes and books of ao connt_will remain in his hands for a short timo only. So, now is tho timo to save cost. II. b. ARNOLD, j. L. ARNOLD. Oct. 20, I860 11 8t LIVERY STABLE. THE subscriber would respectfully inform tho cit? izens of Anderson and surrounding country that his STABLE -A-t the Old Stand is now open, with GOOD STOCK, whero persons wanting anything in his line can be accommodated at SHORT NOTICE and LOW PRICES, for tho CASH ONLY. A call is respectfully solicited, but no credit. H. B. ARNOLD. Oct. 25, 1860 11 8t SEVEN YEARS! THE seven years of unrivalled success attending the " Cosmopolitan Art Association," have mudc it a household word throughout every quarter of the country. Under the auspices of this popular Institution, over three hundred thousand homes have lenraed to appre I ciatc?by beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice literature on their tables, the great benefits de? rived from becoming a subscriber. Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio un? paralleled with that of any previous year. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Any person can. become a member by subscribing Three Dollars, for which sum they will receive? 1st,?The large and superb steel engraving, 30 x 33 inches, entitled, "FalstatT Mustering his Recruits." 2d.?Ouc copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated magazine, THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNA: 3d.?Four admissions, during the season, to "Tho Gallery of Paintings, 548 Broadway, N. Y." In addition to the above benefits, thcro will be given to subscriber i, as gratuitous premiums, over Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art! Comprising valuable paintings, marbles, pariaus, out? lines, ()() acres of land in Tennessee which he will exchange for land in Anderson. F. C. v. BORSTEL. Nov. 22, 1860 15 8t NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore existing between J. C..C. FEATHERSTON & JAS. A. HOYT, in the publication of the Anderson Intelligencer is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Iloyl becon - ing the sole proprietor. All demands against tho firm of Feathcrston & Hoyt will bo paid by Jas. A. Iloyt, and all moneys duo the firm must bo paid to him. J. C. C. FEATBERSTON. JAS. A. HOYT. Nov. 8, 1SG0 13 tf NOTICE Is hereby given that application will bo made to the next Legislature for an act incorporating the "Palmetto Riflemen," a volunteer military oompa ay to be formed at Anderson. Atffc. 28, 136*0 3 3m T. W. TAYLOR, No. 7 Granite Row, ANDERSON C. H., S. C. HAS just received a large and well selected Stock of Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Such as Calicoes, DcLaincs, Homespuns, Twills, Jeans, Fancy Dry Goods. GROCERIES, Such as SugM", "Coffee, Salt in seamless sacks, Mo? lasses, Liquors of all kinds and prices, Bagging and Rope, Baisins, Cheese, Powder, Shot and Lead, Tobacco and Scgars. CROCKERY, Such as Cup 5 and Saucors.'and every description of Crockery. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, White Lead, Chemi? cals, Dye St iff's, Indigo, Madder, &c. All the above articles will be sold below the mar? ket-prices. Come one, come all, and judge for yourselves. I make n 3 boast, but I promise to sell cheaper for the same; articles than can be bought in Ander? son. I hav> the Goods, and if I cannot sell them, I am determined to give them away. Call and examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I nm certain I can Jive you entire satisfaction in both prices and quality. ISHAM W. TAYLOR. Oct. 18, I860 10 tf DRY GOODS! DEY GOODS! WE respectfully invite the Ladies and Gentlemen of Anderson Village and District to an inspection of our Stodc of idet amm & t&hct ???ids, Consisting of Ladies' Black and Fancy Dress Silks, All wool French DeLaincs, with a large stock of Fancy DeLaincs, Fancy Poplins, Solid Merinos, Solid Cashmeres, Black Cashmeres, Black Alpacca, Fancy Plaids for children, kc, with a targe stock of MEN'S WEAR, Consisting of Cassimercs, Tweeds, Satinet and N\ C. Jeans, Tennessee truck for Trowsers, &c.; with a large steck of Calicoes, Plaids, Linsey, Gloves, Hosier}-, Hair Oils, Extracts, Colognes, kc, All for lialc cheap by SHARPE k WATSON. Nov. 1, 18G0 12 tf Cothrai, Jeffers & Co., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. THE undersigned will continue the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city. They beg leave to return their thnuks to their friends for the liberd patronage extended to them, and to so? licit its continuance. Particular attention will be given to the sale of COTTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, &c, and to all busi? ness entrusted to their care. v WADE S. COTHRAN, HENRY L. JEFFERS, WM. II. JEFFERS. Charleston, Sept. 10, 18?0 5?3m COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned on the 1-ltb of September A D., 1800, formed a copartnership for the purpose of j conducting the Dry Goods and Grocery business in the tewn of Anderson, S. C, undcr_ tho name and style of ?JTATJPF. & WATSON. Saru""C?])urtnership ?-^?k?ttt'lnnitatibn, but" may bo terminated at any time by mutual consent. WILLIAM S. SHARPE. JOHN B. WATSON. Oct. 25, 1800 11 tf " ATTENTION! FARMERS!!" WANTED, at the "Cheap Corner," One Thousand bushels of well cleaned Cow Peas, for which fair prices will be paid. We have on hand a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods, for sale cheap. SLOAN, SULLIVAN & CO. Nov. 8, 1800 13 tf GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! SUGAR, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Candles, Teas, Cheese, Tobacco, Starch, Candies, Nuts, Soda, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mackerel, &e., will be sold very cheap by SHARPE & WATSON. Oct. 25, 1SG0 11 tf J. T. Vti>MJ . peg _ '-^ mmmm ?bitict, ANDERSON C. H., S. C. Office?two doors west of Blccklcy k Crnytons'. Aug. 14, 1800 1 ly BAGGING AND ROPE, At SHARPE & WATSON'S. Nov. 1, 1SG0 12 tf THIRTY-TWO CASES Olf HOOTS AND SHOES. Making the largest Stock of Boots and Shoes to be fount! in the place, consisting of Negro Brogans, hoys and mens; Roots for men and Boys ; Wax ilr?gans at a variety of prices and qualities; La? dies Sewed and Pegged Roots and Buskins; Chil? dren's Shoes of all sizes and qualities, with copper toes. For sale very cheap by SHARPE k WATSON. Nov. 1, 18G0 12 tf Kerseys and Linseys. JAMES G. GIBBES & CO'S. Kerseys and Linseys and Osnalmrgs, will be sold by us, or given in ex? change for Wool. It is useless for us to say any thing about the above goods, as they speak for them sel\ es. For sale by SHARPE k WATSON. Nov. 1, 18G0 12 tf JOCASSE LODGE, No. 18,1. 0. of 0. F. 15?- Meets every FRIDAY NIGHT, at 7 o'clock, at Odd Fellows' Hall. The members are required to be punctual in attendance. By order of the N. G. JAMES. A. HOYT, Secretary. Sept. 11, 1800 5 ly W. W. HUMPHREYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office at Anderson C. II., in Broylcs' new building, inmediately below tho Post Office and opposite tho Benson Uouso. All business entrusted to him will meet witb prompt attention. August 14, 1S60 1 ly Brown and Bleached Shirtings, and LONG CLOTHS. A large assortment of prices and qualities, very oheap by SHARPE & WATSON. Nov. 1, 1800 ? tf Southerners, to your Post! MAECII!! MOORES & MAJOR WOULD respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Anderson and surrounding country to their large and well selected Stock of Of direct importatio>^^^cssrs. Hyatt, McBurney & Co., of Charl??tnnt TJxrETHER WI7H A LABOE SCPPLT OF LSugar, Coffee, Molasses, IRO^ST, SALT, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Trunks, Valises, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. Particular attention is invited to our larco Stock of TOBACCO, &c, &c. Thanking the public generally for the liboral patronage extended to us, we solicit a continuance of the same. n. B.?We aro in the COTTON MARKET at all times. MOORES & MAJOR, No. 3 Granite Rovr, Anderson, S. C. Oct. 4, 18C0 8 tf FRESH STOCK! FRESH STOCK -:o: Confectionary and MiY litis. THE undersigned having purchased tho Stook of | Confcctionarics and Fancy Goods of J. M. Part low, would inform the public that ho has now in store and is constantly receiving a full supply of ] articles in this line, such as CANDIES, RAISINS, NUTS OF ALL KINDS, FRUITS, FRESH AND PRESERVED, OYSTERS, SARDINES, MACKEREL, GINGER, SPICE, PEPPER, TOBACCO AND'CIGARS, ALE, PORTER. LAGER BEER, WINES OF ALL KINDS, SYRUPS, &c. In tlie Fancy Goods Line We have an extensive assortment, among which will'be found Violins, Banjos, Accordcons, Tambo rincs; Hair Brushes, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Combs, Port Mommies; Writing Paper, Pens, Ink, Envelopes; Percussion Caps, Buggy and Wagon Whips, and many other articles in this branch too numerous to mention. We invite the attention of the community gener? ally to our Stock, comprised of an extensive varie? ty and which will bo sold at tho most reasonable prices, for Cash only. SAMUEL II. OWEN. Aug. 21, 1850 2 tf Saddles and Lcatlior. A good stock of Saddles and Hemlock Leather, Bridles, Girt Its, Bitts, &c, very cheap by SHARPE & WATSON. Nov. 1, 1860 12 tf Hardware! Hardware! A large, well selected stock of HARDWARE, con? sisting of the following articles: Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Blacksmith Hammers, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Trace Chains, Tongue Chains, Stay Chains, Hooks and Hinges, Tea-ket? tles, Sad Irons, Hamcs, Horse Shoe Nails, &c, very cheap by SHARPE & WATSON. Nov. 1, 1860 12 tf IRON AND NAILS, At suaih?j^aUIS?^ Nov. 1, I860 12 tf Furniture Ware-Rooms, Second Story of Masonic Building, ANDERSON C. H., S. C. npiIE undersigned have received an elegant assort X mentof FURNITURE of all kinds, which will be sold ai the very lowest prices. We will keep constantly on hand a variety of Furniture of every style and finish, and respectfully invite inspection from the citizens of Anderson and surrounding country. Call and examine, and wo will suit you both in price nnd quality. j>?ni*l>lo Yard AT ANDERSON C. H. AND PENDLE TON. Marble Slabs, Tombs, Monuments, Head Stones. &c, put up in the best style of workmanship and at reasonable prices. Letters cut at 3j cts. each; raised letters, 20 cents each. Mr. JOHN C. CHERRY is our authorized agent at Pendlet on. LEA YELL & white, Anderson C. H. Aug. 21, 1800 .2 ly CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A large and fresh stock of READY-MADE CLOTH? ING, consisting of Overcoats, Business Coats, Dress Coats, Black and Fancy Cassimcre. Business and Satinet Pants, with a great variety of Vests, Linen nnd Marseille* Shirts, Gentlemen's Undcrvcsts and Drawers, will be sold very cheap nt SHARPE & WATSON'S. Nov. 1, I860 .12 tf M00RE & FEATHERSTON, Attorneys at Law, HAVE formed a copartnership for tho practico of | Law in the Western Circuit. Business cntsuatcd to their care will be promptly attended to. Tho senior partner will also attend to any mattor coming under tho jurisdiction of tho Court of Equity. OfBco in Masonic Building, Anderson C. IL, S. C. JOHN V. MOORE,.J. C. C. FEATHERSTON. August I t, 1S50 I ]y dental card. Dr. R.~Tl~FROST, Surgeon Dentist, (LATE Ol?' CHARLESTON,) HAVING located in Anderson, offers his services to its citizens and vicinity in every branch of his profession. N. B.?Particular attention paid to the" regula? tion of children's teeth. Rooms over E. W. Brown's Store. Aug. 28, 1860 3 ly NEW LAW FIRM. KEITH & WILKES, Attorneys at Law. THE undersigned having formed ft copartnership under the name and style of Keith and V> ilkes. and will attend, promptly to all business entrusted to them for the Districts of Abbeville, Anderson, Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg and Laurens. Mr. Keith will practice in the Equity Courts in those Districts. Their office is at No. 8, Brick Range, Anderson C. II., S. C. E. M. KEITH.WARREN D. WILKES. Aug 14 1 tf DISSOLUTION. THE firm of OWEN & LANGSTON is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The undersigned will continue tho Confectionary and Fancy Goods business at the same stand. Sept. 18, 1860. S. H. OWEN. notice. Application will be made to the next Legislature for an act to incorporate Shiloh (Baptist) Church with the usual powers and privileges. Aug. 21, 1800 2 Sm EVINS & HUBS ARD, DEALERS IN MW & ?BEISIHE8, ANDERSON C. H., S. C. THANKFUL for the patronage heretofore giren to this house, we would-eolicit the same iu the future. Persons wishing to buy Genuine .Ax*t&Qle would find it to their interest to call and~?~ our ompleto Stock of DRUGa, medicines; paints oils, varnishes, dye-stuffs, fancy ARTteZEJS perfumery. brushes, ?fir. We call particular attention to all Preparation! made by us, which we guarantee to be of the PUREST MATERIALS. Country Physicians wiU-find it to their advantage to call and examine our Stock and Prices. EVINS & HUBBARD, Next door to England & Bcwley, Anderson, S. C. Oct. 4, 1860 *8 it Closing Business. Selling off at prime Cost ! DETERMINED TO CLOSE BUSDTES8, I WILL 0FF2R My Large Stoolt ?IT kW* &L0THIM8 AT NEW YORK COST, CAIL AT NO. 1 GBANITE B0W? And Convince Yourself. KEAKEE. '6 August 14, 1860 PARMENTER & CAMPBELL'S SEWING MACHINES. (BOOTH'S PATENT.) THE subscribers call the attention of the public to the above Sewing Machines. These machines arc reliable, simple, cheap and durable, and well adapted to sewing different kinds of cloth?from the finest fabric to the coarsest plantation goods. It is wonderful the amount of labor they save. Ladies who hare fried them, are completely fasci? nated with the rapidity and neatness with which their work is done. These Machines, now offered to the public of Anderson and Piekens Districts by the undersigned, through their regular agent, Mr. John Hammond, are thought to be superior to anything of the khid yet offered in this market, when yoti take into account the price, the simplicity of their machinery, and the ease of learning to sew on them. The learning to sew is often cUffi cult, but on these machines it 29 thought to be Icsa SO than on any machine tbe subscribers have scan. Price of Machine, S50.00; Hemmer,. $5.00. The Machine majr be taken either with or without the Hemmer, as the purchaser may desire. For further particulars apply to tbe subscribers, or acent, at Anderson C. H., S. C. . b A-P.-CATER, CHARLES GAIL LI ARD, HERBERT HAMMOND. Sept. 11, I860. 6 ?.?;-.'. Slue Ridg-o Railroac?. CARS on the Blue Ridge Railroad leave P?ndl?t*a on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 14 minutes before 4 o'clock, A. M. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 o'clock, P. M. Leave Anderson on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays immediately after the cars arrive from Bel ton. On Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays, em Ihe arrival of the cars from Columbia. Election Notice. THERE will be an election held at tbe various boxes throughout Anderson District on the aeeond Monday in January next for Clerk of the Court for Anderson District, to fill the vacancy occaeionad by the expiration of tho term of the present ineua beut. ELIJAH WEBB, o.o.a.*. Clerk's Offioe, Nov. 1, 1860 12?2m 100 NEGROES WANTED I THE subscriber will pay the highest Cash pries* for ONE HUNDRED NEGROES, between tha ages of 12 and 25 years. W. S. SMITH, Anderson a XL Sept. 4, 1860_4 t?? ^ " SAM'L. H. OWEN CONTINUES to repair Clocks, Watch?s aad sVwsfef ?t hie old stand. AB work warranted. ?? Au& 21, I860 2 ?