acter there looms up the reality, which is the true, genuine disciple of Christ. lie has sincerely re? pented of his sins?has found peace in believing, and uses all the powers of his mind, body and soul to serve God according to the best of his ability. Prompt in his obedience to the require? ments of the Gospel, he feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, visits the sick, the widow and father? less, and never lets an opportunity pass of doing good; not to be feen of men, but for the glory of God and the good of his fellow man. lie is hum? ble in his deportment, temperate ih his habits, constant in Iiis devotions, preferring others to him? self, and continually exercises that charity which Covers a multitude of sins. His household is or? dered aright, all his work, and all his duties are controlled by system, that everything may be done ''decently, and in order." He makes no parade of his profession, yet that profession is backed up by h spotless life and orderly wulk?stands out in bold relief befo.-e the world, proclaiming to all that there is troth, that there is a reality in the re? ligion of Jesus Christ. When this man has finish? ed his course in this world, he lays down in death with the same dignity, with the same cheerfulness and quietude that has characterized his life, and henceforth there is laid up for him a crown of life which the righteous Judge shall give in the day lhat he makes up his jewels; How many of us who profess to be followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, will be found to answer this description of) the Christian ? Too few, 1, in comparison to the number of Church members. ANDERSON PRICES CURRENT. Corrected weakly by England & Bewley. BAGGING, BALE ROPE. BAGGING TWINE, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, SPEL.M CANDLES, BIO COFFEE. JAVA COFFEE, TEA, BICE, N. 0. SUGAii, (C) COFFEE do. (B) do. do. (A) do. do. CRUSHED do. LOAF do. N. 0. MOLASSES, WEST INDIA do. SALT, ^ sack, CAST STEEL, GERMAN STEEL, BLISTER do. SWEDE IRON, ENGLISH do. BAND do. SHEET do. CASTINGS, NAILS, RIFLE POWDE?, BLASTING do. LEAD, SHOT, "tf bag, INDIGO, MADDER. BLUE STONE, LINSEED OIL. TRAIN do. "WHITE LEAD. 25 lb kces, FRENCH GLASS, 8 X 10. do. do. 10 X 12. do. do. 12 X 14, MACKEREL, in kits, No. 3, ?do. " " 2, do. " 1, TORACCO, YARN, SHIRTING. OSNABUEGS, Hi to 0 (?J 12$ 25 (w, 30 4") 50 18 (a, 20 20 C0@ 1.?? 0* (ir; 7 11-? 12.1 II* (V 1? 13 Cn. 134 14 14 @ 15 Go 40 @ 45 $2 25 22 @ 25 I 1 (n; 13 10 @ 12" ?J fa, 7 " 5 & !i (j\ ( 7 9 (?1 10 Qf. 10 ? fVi $7 00 (m 7 50 $C 00 (? 5 60 U.@ 10 $2 25 (?. 2 50 SI Ou 20 It! @; IS $1 10 ( 25 :l 50 (,, 75 3 75 (al 4 00 '$:{ 25 3 50 25 @. 50 $1 10 @ 1 20 8* ?.9 llg.l2|| Country Produce. cotton. FLOUR, tf) bbl., WHEAT, CORN, MEAL, LARD, TALLOW, BUTTER, EGGS. CHICKENS, BACON, hog round, BEESWAX. rags, PEAS, 8 r?.OA 38 00 1 25 85 to 90 1 CO 15 @ 15 10 to 12$ 15 10 10 to 12} 15 to 15* 20 2} F? to 85 ^\."x:xoxjJxci^3iKi>rx.s. For Clerk. We aro authorized to announce Capt. II. 11. VANDIVER as a candidate for Clerk of the Court at the next election. Tho friends of Col. F. A. HOKE announce him a candidate for Clerk of the Court for Ander son District at the next election. ? The many friends of ELIJAH webb, Esq., Would announce him as a candidate for Clerk of the Court for Anderson District at the next election. To the Voters of Anderson District : '?Many Fkiknus" have announced my name as a candidate for Clerk of the Court at the ensuing election, and it is due to them, as well as to the voters of the District generally, that I should make _ a response to the announcement.- At tho close of my last canvass, I stated publicly that I did not expect to be again a candidate, aud my purpose remained unshaken until December last, when my situation was in many respects greatly chauged? owing to my misfortune, which is known to the District. I was born and fenred in this District, and am. perhaps, the oldest citizen of this town?have al? ways resided here, and hope that my bones may repose in* her soil. I have received many favors from my fcllow-citrreirs, and have tried to discharge the trust they have so long confided to me with courtesy, zeal and strict fidelity. My past services nntl performance in the office is the best guarantee I can offer the District for1 a fait hful discharge ol its duties in tho future. Many voters, therefore, and my friends generally, arc authorized to use my name as a candidate for re-election, ELIJAH WEBB. Palmetto Riflemen. THIS company will parade Saturday oftornoon at 2} o'clock, at tho usual place of rendezvous. Mem? bers are required to attend punctually. By order of the Captain. S. BLECKLEY, Sec. v.nd Treas. Dec. 6, 18G0 17 li A COMPANY OF Monnted Rangers WILL be formed nt Anderson Court House on Satur? day, December 15th iustant. All who have en? rolled their names, and those who desire to join the Company, are requested to bo present, as offi? cers will be elected, and the Company organized. An address will be delivered by Col. J. L. Orr. NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore existing in this place between the undersigned in the business of waggon and carriage making and blacksmithing, under the name andsiyleof R. L. GAINES & CO., has been this day dissolved by mntual consent. All notes and accounts due the firm must be paid to J. P. Reed, who is alone authorized to make settlements. J. P. REED, R. L. GAINES For the State Convention* Mr. Editor .-?After consultation with citizens from the Various portions of our District, the names of the following gentlemen arc respectfully pro? posed to represent the District of Anderson in the State Convention, which will assemble on the 17th of December proximo. It is believed, from their long standing in the community, firmness, ability and experience in legislation, they will command * the cbnfidence of the people of the District, a:ad worthily represent them. IIox. J. L. ORR. Hox. J. N: WHITXER. Hos. R. F. SIMPSON. Hon. J. P. HEED. Gn.v. S. M. AY ILK ES. Mr. Editor :?The following ticket, for a seat in the State Convention, will be cordially supported and voted for by eo-oporationists and separate State actionists: IIox. R. F. SIMPSON. Hox. J. L. ORR. IIox. J. P. REED. Rev. B. F. MAULDIN. SEVEN YEARS! r iHIE seven years uf unrivalled success attending the X "Cosmopolitan Art Association,*" have made it a household word throughout every quarter of the country. Under the auspices of this popular Institution, over three hundred thousand homes have learned to appiv 1 ciatc?by beautiful works of urt on tb?ir walls, and choice litvruturo on their tables, the great benefits de? rived from becoming it subscriber. Subscriptions arc now being received in a ratio un? paralleled with that of any previous year. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Any person can become a member by subscribing Three Dollars, for which sum they will receive? 1st.?The large und .superb steel engraving, ,"J0 x ,"!S inches, entitled, "Falstaff Mustering his Recruits." 2d.?One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated ma .'.t/.ine, . THE COSMOPOLITAN AET JOURNAL. ?hi.?Four admissions, during the season, to "The Gallery of Pointings, fi-18 Broadway, K. Y." In addition to tin- above Itciictils, there will be given to subscriber*, as gratuitous premiums, over Five JlunireJ Beautiful Works of Art! Comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, out? lines. Ac forming a truly national bcneGt. The Superb Kngrnving. which every subscriber will receive, entitled. ?? FulatniT Mustcrim/ln? Kcrrults," is one of the most beautiful and popular engravings ever issued in bis country. It is doue on steel, in tine line and stippie, and is printed on heavy plate paper, ."III by ItS inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the wal's of either the library, parior or office. Its subject is tiie celebrated scene of Sir John FatstafT re? ceiving, in Justice Shallow's office, the recruits which have been gathered for his "ragged regiment." 1: could not be furnished bv the trade for less than five dollars. The ART JOURNAL is too well known to the whole country to need commendation. It is a tnagnifireutly illuitratcd uiagasinc of Art. containing essays, stories, poem.', gossip, Ac., by the very best writers in America. The Engraving is sent to any part of the country by mail, with safety, being packed in a cylinder, postage [?repaid. Subscriptions will be received until the evening of the ."1st of January. ISC1, at which time tiie books will close and ihe premiums lie given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription.? Those remitting SI.">. are entitled to five membership* and to one extra Engraving for their trouble. For further particulars, send lor a copy uf the ele? gantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the hand? somest magazine hi America. It contains Catalogue of Premiums, and numerous superb engravings. Iliguhtr price. :>l) cents per number. Specimen copies, however, will be s.-nt to those wishing l> subscribe, on receipt of IS cents, in stamp.- or coin. Address, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. 6I? Broadway, >. Y. N.' R.?Subscriptions received tn.l forwarded by F. C. v. BORSTEL, Ageut for Anderson, S. <\. and vi? cinity, where specimen Engravings and Art Journal can be seen. ? is 1 9 i ? Kr h H F co ? E23 Li 2 . m P k3 h 06 election notice. PURSUANT lo an act passed at the recent extra session of the Legislature of this State, notice is hereby given that an Election will lie held on THURSDAY, the Sixth day of DECEMBER next, for FIVE DELEGATES to represent Anderson Dis? trict in a Convention of the people of Ihe State of | South Carolina, lb be held in Columbia on Monday the 17th day of December. MANAGERS. Anderson Court House?Thomas M. White, T. J. Webb, James A. Hoyt. Peudlcton?T. J. Bellottc, B. E. Seaborne. E. A. Sharpe. llaynic's?J. C. Ilaynie, William Haynie, W. S. Norrie. Craytonvillc?L. P. Fcathcrston, J. L. Williams. L. VV. Tribblc, Shcrard's?Jas. W Shcrard, James A. Gray, J. W. Simpson. Greenwood?B. F. Glen, WiflSs Watkins, G. D. Barr. Bozeman's?N. Me&Ifotcry G/W. Belcher, H. P. Price. White Plains?John King, D. Wat kins, W. C. Wdborn. Town vi We?M. Palmer, G. W.'Burns, II. II. Van diver. Storeyille?Jasper Brown, R. B. Doyle, James T. Rice. Centrerilie?J. L. McElroy, Asa Avcry, David Watkins. Andcrsonville?F. IS. Harrison, C. E. Earh*. T. Wells. WtUmniston?John C. Griffin, F. A. Holte. Dan 1. Ligon. 11 ouva Path?IL Cubb, W. IL Acker. J. C. Wil? liams. Stantonville?Allen Kellcy, J. 9. Coofey, J. Jef? ferson Poor. ? Howard's?S. A. Dean. Samuel De::ii. D. C. Howard: Ciiihoun?B. F. Smith, J. M. Cox. Hampton Poor. McClinion's?Newton Gilmcr, S.evi I'unis, V. K. Norris. OrrVillc?Charlesi Wtbb, II Dud?vori!:, J. .n. Wdson. DoutiiU's?J. P. Si I ton, William M. ?ir. R. v'l rod. Brown's MusScr Grouwd-^IW. J. llix. Luicy to.< Win. Holland. Bcllou?G. B. Telford, 0. W. McGec. J II. Tel ford. Evergreen?E. J. Fade. J Cuii i.:ig!.:t:n. M. II. Smith. Minion's?I. W. Major, Ban m Bmck, A J. Smith. Polls to be open ONE DAY ill each pr- incl.? The managers lo meet at thu CVun-l Ilou-i nil the day following, count the voies and ii ?: i:r ihe election. Nov. 29, 180'i ,.: sam'l. h. m?m CONTINUES to repair Clocks, Wot ihefaad Jewelry at his old stand. A? work warranted. Aug. 21, 1860 2 tf AN ACT To Provide for the Calling of a Convention of the People of this State* Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sittinj in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That a Convention of the people of the State of South Carolina is hereby ordained, to be assembled in the city of Columbia, on Monday, the seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, for the purpose of taking into consideration the dangers incident to the po? sition of the State in the Federal Union, estab? lished by the Constitution of the United States, and the measures which may be necessary and proper for providing against the same, and there? upon to take care that the Common wealth of South Carolina shall suffer no detriment. Sec. 2. That on the sixth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, the Managers of Flections for the seve? ral Districts in the State shall, after giving public notice as in cases of elections for members of the Legislature, open the polls and hold elections in their respective Districts for Delegates to the said Convention, in all respects in the same manner and form, and at the same places, as elections arc now conducted for members of the Legislature .And all persons who are qualified and entitled, by the Constitution and laws of this State, to vote for members of the Legislature, shall be qualified and entitled to vote for said Delegates to said Conven? tion ; and in case of any vacancy occurring by death, resignation or removal from the Suite, or refusal to serve of any person elected a Delegate to the said Convention, the presiding officer of the said Convention shall issue his writ authorizing und requiring the Managers of Elections in the Flection Districts in which such vacancy may have occurred, after giving due notice thereof, to open a poll and hold an e'ection to fill such vacancy, as in cases for the election of members of the Legis? lature; that the Managers in the several Election Districts and Parishes, shall meet on Friday, the 7th day of December, 18C0, count the votes and declare the election. Ss*C. ?'?. That each Election District throughout the Slate shall be entitled to elect and send to I he said Convention jt number of Delegates equal to the winde number of Senators and Representatives which such District is now entitled to send to the Legislature; and the Delegates to the said Con? vention shall be entitled to the same freedom of ar? rest in going to, returning from, and whilst in at? tendance on, said (.'on vein ion, as is extended to the members of the Legislature. Sue. I. That all free while male citizens of this State, of (he age of twenty-one years and up? wards, ami who are entitled to vote for members of the Suite Legislature, shall be eligible to a seat in the said Convention. In the Senate House, the thirteenth day of No? vember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and in the eighty-fifth year of the sovereignty and independence of the United Slates of America. WILLIAM D. PORTER, President of the Senate. JAMES SIMONS. Speaker House Representatives. Resolved, That the Clerks of the Senate and House of Representatives be, and are hereby, in? structed to publish the "Act to provide for the calling of a Convention of the people of ibis State," in one newspaper in each Election District in the Slate, once a week, until the day of election of the Delegates lo said Convention.: and thai it is the sense of this General Assembly that the Managers of Elections are bound to proceed to give the usu? al notice of election, and lo hold the same, as di? rected by said Act, without awaiting further in? structions. WM. E. MARTIN, C. S. JOHN T. SLOAN, C. H. R. Nov. 22, 1S00 15 td THE SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, A Political and News Journal, PUBLISHED AT COLUMBIA, S. C, Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. 15V CHARLES P. PELHAM. TERMS. DAILY. .... SO.flO TRI-WEEKLY, - 4.00 WEEKLY..2.00 Payment in advance invariably. THIS JOURNAL, now entering upon its third year under the present proprietor, is rapidly ex? tending its circulation and influence. Founded and conducted upon the principles of State Rights, it enjoys the reward of public confidence and en? lightened approval. Entirely independent in its management, it has stood with unwavering confi? dence upon the soundness, integrity, and consis? tency of its principles. Through evil report, as well US through good, its voice has been heard in defence of the EQUALITY of the South ; its coun? sels have ever been and are for RESISTANCE to tiic wrongs attempted to be put upon us by a sec? tional majority. The Southern Guardian looks for support to the Slate and sect ion whose rights, honor and interests it has faithfully espoused and maintained. Southern Guardian Steam Prlnlliig Establish? ment. Having recently made large and choice additions to our JOB OFFICE, from the best type founders in the country, we are now prepared to do all kinds of Priming in as neat style and on as favor? able terms as any office in the South. The premium for the best specimen of Rook Printing was awarded at the late Fair to the pro? prietor of the Southern Guardian. All communications to be addressed to the South? ern Guardian, or to C. P. PELHAM, Columbia. S. C. Dec. G, 1860" 17 if NOTICE" TO RENT, a good place, in 2 A miles of Anderson Court House, on the Audersoiivilleroad, with com? fortable buildings, and about 20 acres of good bot? tom* Tand and ?O aerosol' upland,-mostly fresh? formerly worked by R. A. Keys. 1 will rent privately up lo the first Monday in December next,-imd ft* not disposed1 of by thai time, will put it up to the highest bidder irt Anderson C. II. on that day. J. C. EE VS. Nov. 1, 1800 12 51 IMPORTANT SALE, WILL BE SOLD, at the bile residence of the un dcrsigncd, S miles North of Anderson', on Wednes? day ilie 12ili day of December next. Corn, Fodder, Shucks, Slock of different kind*, um! vavious other articles. Terms made known on day of sale. II. DERItlCOTT. Nov. 22, I860 1*6 2t South Carolina and Tennessee !! ANY person desirous to remove out of Anderson i'isiiici :uid South Carolina before she withdraws from lai- Union,-and desiring of moving lo* Tennes? see, can be accommodated by die undersigned, as he hits ?MI acres of land in Tennessee which he will exchange for land in AndersotK F. C. v. BORSTEL. ' Nov. 22. 18GO 15 St NOTICE. PHERE will be an election held at Anderson C. II. on the Olli day oi December next, to till the vacan? cies of Captain and Lieutenants of the Anderson Troop, who have tendered their resignations. By order of A. H. GLENN, Col. of the 1st Regiment, S. C. C. V. A. McCtn.ley, 0. S. Nov. 20, I860 IG 2t HATS! HATS! . A large and wc'.i selected stock of Boys and Gents1 , tin ? i. embracing ail tha: is'new and desi i ruble; at SHARPE cc WATSON'S. I noy-1, im 12 tf I. Vit. TAYLOR, No. 7 Granite Row, ANDERSON C. H., & C. HAS just received a large and weil selected Stock of Staple & Fancy Dry ?o?ds, Such as Calicoes, DeLaincs, Homespuns, Twills, I Jeans, Fancy Dry Goods. GROCERIES, Such us Sugf;r, Coffee, Salt in seamless sacks, Mo? lasses, Liquors of all kinds and prices, Bugging and Hope, Raisins, Cheese, Powder, Shot and Lead, Tobacco and Scgars. CROCKERY, I Such as Cups and Saucers, and every description of Crockery. ? DRUGS AND MEDICINES, j Paints, Oils, Window Glass, White Lead, Chemi? cals. Dye Stuffs, Indigo, Madder, &c. All the above articles will be sold below the mar- | kct prices. Come one, come all, and judge for yourselves. I make no boast, but I promise to sell cheaper for the same articles than can be bought in Ander? son. I have the Goods, and if I cannot sell them, I am determined to give them away. Call and examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am certain 1 can give you cutirc satisfaction in both prices and quality. IS II AM W. TAYLOR. Oct. 18, 1300 10 tf DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! WE respectfully invite the Ladies and Gentlemen of Anderson Village and District to an inspection of our Stock of Consisting of * Ladies Black and Fancy Dress Silks, All wool French DeLaincs, with a large stock of Fancy DeLaincs, Fancy Poplins, Solid Merinos, Solid Cashmeres. Black Cashmeres, Black Alpaeea, Fancy Plaids for children, ttc, with a large stock of MEN'S WEAR, Consisting of Cassimeres, Tweeds, Satinet nnd N. C. Jeans, Tennessee truck for Trowsers, &e.; with a large stock of Calicoes. Plaids, Linsey. Gloves, Hosiery, Hair Oils, Extracts. Colognes, &c, All for sale cheap by SIIAUPE & WATSON. Nov. 1, 18?0 12 tf Cothran, Jeffers & Co,, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ClliAKLESTOX, S. C. THE undersigned will continue the FACTORAGE ami COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city. They beg leave to return their thanks to their friends for the libcrnl patronage extended to them, and lo so? licit its continuance. Particular attention will be given lo the sale of COTTON. FLOUR, GRAIN, &c, and to all busi? ness entrusted to their care. WADE S. COTHRAN. HENRY L. JEFFERS, WM. II. JEFFERS. Charleston, Sept. 10, 1800 5? 3m COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned on the 13th of September A D.. IS?0, formed a copartnership for the purpose of1 conducting the Dry Goods and Grocery business in the town of Anderson, S. C, under the name and style of SHAEPE .fc AV^XSOIV. Sai'l copartnership is without limitation, but may be terminated at any time by mutual consent. WILLIAM S. Sil ARPE. JOHN U. WATSON. Oct. 25, 1800 11 tf " ATTENTION! FARMERS!!" WANTED, at the "Cheap Corner," One Thousand bushels of well cleaned Cow Pcas,j)'for which fair prices will be paid. Wc have on hand a large stock or Fall and Winter Goods, for sale cheap. SLOAN, SULLIVAN & CO. Nov. 8, 1800 13 tf GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! SUGAR, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Candles, Teas, Cheese, Tobacco, Starch. Candies. Nnts, Soda. Pepper. Spice, Ginger, Mackerel, &c, will be sold very cheap by SHARPE ec WATSON. Oct. -J">, 18C0 II if J. T. HORHSTE, Iisassi? mwm> ANDERSON C. H., S. C. Office?two doors west of Blcckley & Cray tons'. A.ig. 11, 1800 1 ly BAGGING AND ROPE, At SHARPE & WATSON'S. Nov. 1. 1800 12 tf THIRTY-TWO CASES of zsootss a:vi> .shoes. Making the largest Stock of Boots and Shoes to be found in the place, consisting of Negro Brogans, boys and mens: Boots for men and Boys; Wax Hrogans at a variety of prices and qualities ; La? dies' Sewed and Pegged Boots and Buskins; Chil? dren':? Shoes of all sizes and qualities, with copper toes. For sale very cheap by SHARPE & WATSON. Nov. 1. 1800 ' 12 cf Kerseys and Linseys. ,1 AM KS Or. GIBBES & CO'S. Kerseys and Linseys and Osnaburgs, will be sold by us. or given in ex? change for Wool. It is useless for us to say any tittup; about the nbovcgoods, as they speak forthem jlvcsr. For sale by SHARPE & WATSON. Ncv. 1, 18C0 12 tf JOCASSE LODGE, No. 18,1. 0. of 0. F. teUT- Meets every FRIDAY NIGHT, at 7 o'clock, at Old Fellows' Hall. 'The members are required to be punctual iir attendance. By order of the N. G. JAMES. A. HOYT, Secretary. Sept. it 1S00 5 ly , W. W. HUMPHREYS, ATTORNEY AT .LAW, Office at Anderson C. II., in Broyles' new building, immediately below the Post OfTico and opposite tbo Benson House. AH busuicss entrusted to-him'will mtict with prompt attention. August I t. TS60 1 !-v Brown and Bleached Shirtings, and LONG CLOTHS. A largo assortment of prices and qualities, very cheap by SHARPE & WATSON. Nov. 1, 1990 12 tf Southerners, to your Post! MARCH!! MOORES & MAJOR would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Anderson and surrounding country to their hrge and well selected Stock of ii? 6SSSS Of direct importation by Messrs. Hyutt, McBurney &? Co., of Charleston, TOGETHER WiTII A LARGE SUPPLY OF Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, IRON, SALT, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Trunks, "Valises. READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. Particular attention is invited to our large Slock of TOBACCO, &c, &c. Thanking the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to us, we solicit a continuance of the same. n. B.?We are in the COTTON MARKET at all times. MOORES & MAJOR. No. 3 Grafiitc Row, Anderson, s. c. Oct. i, 1800 8 tf FRESH STOCK! FRESH STOCK! -:o: Confectionary and. rim itww. f| Hl E undersigned having purchased thu Stock of I Confectioneries and Fancy Goods of J. M. Part low, would inform the public that he has now in store and is constantly receiving a full supply of articles in this line, such as CANDIES, raisins, nuts of all Kinds. fruits. fresh and preserved1, Oysters, sardines, mackerel, ginger, spice, pepper, tobacco AND CIGARS, ALE, porter, lager REFR, WINES OF ALL KINDS, SYRUPS, &c. In tlic Fancy Goods Line We have an extensive assortment, among which will be found Violins, Banjo.-, Accordeons, Tambo rims ; Hair Brushes, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Combs, Port Monnaies ; Writing Paper, Pens, Ink, Ein elopes; Percussion Caps, Buggy and Wagon Whips, and many other articles in this branch too numerous to mention. We invito the attention of the community gener? ally to our Siock. comprised of an extensive varie? ty ind which will be sold at the most reasonable prices, for Cash only. SAMUEL II. OWEN. Aug. 21, 1850 2 tf Saddles mid Leather. A good stock of Saddles and Hemlock Leather, Bridles, Girths, Bitts, Sic, very cheap by SlIARPE & WATSON. Nov. 1, 1860 12 tf Kardware I Hardware! A large, well selected stock of IiARDWARE, con? sisting of the following articles: Bellows, Anvils. Vices, Blacksmith Hammers, Pi cket and Table Cm lory, Trace Chains, Tongue Chains. Stay Chains, Hooks and Hinges. Tea-ket? tles, Sad Irons, Barnes, Horse Shoe Nails, &c, very cheap bv SHABPE k WATSON. Nov. 1, lfctiO 12 tf IRON AND NAILS, At SHARPE & WATSON'S. Nov. I, 1800 ' 12 tf Furniture Ware-Rooms, Second Story of Masonic Building, ANDERSON C. H., S. C. nnUE undersigned have received an elegant nssort JL ment of FURNITURE of all kinds, which will be sold at the very lowest prices. We will keep constantly on hand a variety of Furniture of every style and finish, and respectfully invite inspection from the citizens of Anderson and surrounding country. Call and examine, and we will suit you both in price and quality. 3Iai*l>lo Yard AT ANDERSON C. 11. and PENDLETON. Marble Slabs, Tombs, Monuments, Bead Stones, SiC, put up in the best style of workmanship and lit reasonable prices. Letters cut at 31 cts. each; raised letters, 2U cents each. Mr. john C. cherry is our authorized ngent a t Pendlet on. leavell & WHITE, Anderson c. h. Aug. 21, 1860 2 ly CLOTHING! CLOTHING! a large and fresh stock of READY-made CLOTH? ING, consisting of Overcoats, Business Coats, Dress Coats, Black and Fancy Cassimcre, Business and Satinet 1'ants. with a great variety of Vests, Linen and .Marseilles Shirts. Gentlemen's Undervcsts and Drawers, will be sold verv cheap at SHARPE & WATSON's. Nov. 1, 1800 . 12 tf MOORE & FEATHERST0N, Attorneys at Law, HAVE formed a copartnership for the practico of j Law in the Western Circuit. Business entsust?d to their care will be promptly attended to. The senior partner will also attend to any matter coining under the jurisdiction of the Court of Equity. Office in Masonic Building, Anderson 0. H., S. C. JOHN V. MOORE,.J. C. C. FEATIIERSTON. August 14, 1S50 I ly DENTAL C -A. R I> . Dr. R.~S?.'TROStf, Surgeon Dentist, (LATE OF CHARLESTON,) HAVING located in Anderson, offers his services to its citizens and vicinity in every branch of his profession. N. 15.?Particular attention paid to the regula? tion of children's! teeth. Rooms over E. W. Brown's Store. Aug. i'8, 1860 3 ly NEW LAWFIR31. KEITH & WILKE'S, Attorneys at Law. nrfllE undersigned having formed a copartnerihip I under the name and stylo of Keith and Wilkcs, and will attend promptly to all business entrusted to them for the Districts of Abbeville, Anderson, Piekcns. Greenville, Spnrtanbttrg and Lnurens. Mr. Keith will practice in the Lcuity Courts in those Districts. . , Their office is at No. 8, Brick Range, Anderson ^ e^ m" KEiTii."Warren d. wilkes. Aug u i tf DISSOLUTION. THE firm of OWEN & LANGSTON is this day dissolved by mutual' consent. Tho undersigned will continue the Confectionary arid Fancy Gooda business at the same stand. Sept. 18, 1860. S. h. owen. NOTICE. Application will be made to the next Legislature for an act to incorporate Shiloh (Baptist) Church with the usual powers and nrivileges. Aug. 21, 1860 2 Sm EViNS & H?BB?RS DE A.LEP S IV ANDERSON C. H., S. Ct THANKFUL for the patronage heretofore given to this house, we would solicit the same in the future. Persons wishing to buy Genuine Ax-tlcle.s would find it to their interest to call and examine our complete Stock of DRUGS, \ MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, TARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, FANCY ARTICLES, PERFUMERY. BRUSHES,'&c. Next Door to England & Bewley's, On the Northeast corner of the public square. DO Y??~WANT Fine Shaving or Toilet Soaps, Colognes, Toilet Wa? ters, Extracts and Essences, Hair Pomades or Oils, or any preparation for improving the Hair, Teeth, or Skin, call at EVINS & HUBBA?D'S DRUG STORE to get a good article. IF YOU WISH TO BUY Soda, Creftm Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, Bo? rax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphiir, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil. White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp OiLjj Sweet Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Alcohol, Scidlhz Powders, Yeast Powders, Putty, Ox* Anything1 Eis? Usually kept in a Drug Store, you can get it at FAIR PRICES by calling on EVINS &, HUBBARD, Who have constantly on band a full supply of all articles in their line. IF YOU WANT PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For medicinal purposes, you can obtain tbc very best! brands at EVIIVS &, HUBBARD'S. We' call particular attention to all Preparations made by us, which we guarantee to be of the PUREST MATERIALS. Country Physicians will find it to their advantage to call aud examine our Stock and Prices. EVINS & HUBBARD, Next door to England & Bcwley, Anderson, S. C. Oct. 4, 1SC? 8 If ? C losing Business. Selling off at prime Cost! DETERMINED TO CLOSE BUSINESS, I WILL OFFER My Large Stoofc <>i* DRY GOODS AT HEW YORK COST. CALL AT NO. 1 GRANITE ROW, And Convince Yourself. August 14, 1860 1 tf Dissolution. TIIE copartnership heretofore existing undor the name aud style of H. B. & J. L. ARNOLD is thia day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons in? debted to said firm will please make settlenfcuts with H. B. Arnold, as the notes and bocks cf ao> county wiH remain in his hands for a 3hort timi> only. So, now is the timo to save cost, t H. B. ARNOLD, J. L. ARNOLD. , Oct. 20, ISOO 11 8t LIVERY STABLE. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the cit? izens of Anderson and surrounding country that his STABLE At tiie OI? Stand is now open, with GOOD STOCK, where persons wanting anything in his line can be accommodated at SHORT NOTICE and LOW PRICES, for the CASH ONLY. A call i3 rospectfully solicited, but no credit. H. B. ARNOLD. Oct. 25, I860 11 8t NOTICE. THE copartnership' heretofore existing between j. c. C FEATHERSTON k JAS. A. HOYT, in the publication of the Anderson Intelligenter is this day dissolved by mutual coUsenr, Mr. Hoyt becom? ing the sole proprietor. All demands against tho firm of Fcatherston & Hoyt will bo paid by Jas. A. Hoyt, and all moneys due the firm must be paid to him. J*. C. C. FEATBEESTON. JAS. A. HOYT. Nov. 8, 18G0 13 tf Election Notice. THERE will be an election held at tho various boxes throughout Anderson District on the second Monday in January next for Clerk of the Court for Anderson District, to fill the vacancy ocoasionod by tho expiration of tho term of the present incum? bent. ELIJAH WEBB, c.c.a.d< Cork's Office Nov. 1, 1860 12?2m 100 NEGROES WANTED! THE subscriber will pay the highest Cash pric?s for ONE HUNDRED NEGROES, between the age* of 12 and 25 years. . W. S. SMITH, Anderson C. H. Sept. 4, 1860 4 8m* NOTICE Is hereby given that application will be made to the next Legislature for an act incorporating tba ??Palmetto Riflemen," a volunteer military compa? ny to be formed at Anderson Aag. 28, I860 %