^it fitkpeitknt Iranral-gtfrottb to fffMcs, literature, P?s, gtcrats, ^gricnltnre, ^cicnee arir gut. BY JAMES A. IIOYT. ANDERSON COURT HOUSE, S. C, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1860. VOLUME 1.?NUMBER 17. i. At twenty I was considered rather a handsome man than otherwise; in fact, whatever may have been the opinion of certain of the envious and malignant, I had myself no doubt whatever on the subject. I was not rich, it is true, but my family was as old as the conquest, my father a baronet, and myself a cornet of dragoons. I have no doubt that the generality of people would consider my position?ex? cepting the fact or" possessing au elder brother?an exceedingly enviable one. They arc mistaken. A younger son. with an estate strictly entailed is no such en-j viable personage after all, as he himself soon discovers. Still I was happy. It was Christmas time, and Lady Maria Temploton was on a visit to my mothers and sisters. I never did and I never shall again see such beauty as hers.. It shed light as she walked. She wa* dazzlingly fair in skin, and yet her ha., was black. She was tall, light and sylph-like ! and yet no man could venture to call her any other than n haughty beauty. But her eyes, talk of eyes of most unholy blue, of sapphires beaming with gem-like sparkles. I know not what to compare hers to. There was my brother Tom, the heir to the baronetcy, Fanny and Mary, Lady Maria and myself. She was our cousin and an heiress. She has five thousand a year. This I did not know at the time, or possibly much that followed might not have oc? curred. I was not old enough to be a fortune hunter, while my pride -would have prevented the clianco of 1113- falling in love under circumstances which might have made me suspected. But I did though, and up to m}' very ears. Tom was a hearty fellow, fond of Iiis j gun and his dogs, his horses and hounds, and not averse to indulgence in those Bacchic revels which, even to this day, are not unpatronized by some, of the gen? tlemen of England. He was, I have heard also, the terror of rural swains and the admired of every lady within ten miles of Courtney Chase. But even he was struck by Lady Maria. I met her at eventide. We had met before, often, hut as mere children, when I we had quarrelled and made it up, aud been fast friends and bitter enemies with? in an hour. But now she was a lovely woman, and I a cornet of dragoons. I never was so taken aback in my life. Young as I was, I had put down the im? pertinence of one or two older men, who thought they had caught a green hand. I had made a decent figure at mess, and club, and Altuaek's, and generally, in fact, was supposed to know a thing or two. I had stared a lady once out of counte? nance at the opera, but when I stepped up to Maria to compliment her, as every? body else was doing, I blushed, stammer? ed, aud finally it ended in my muttering something about " happy?next dance!" "Certainly," said Lady Maria, in the most unaffected manner in the world, taking my arm as she spoke. " Now, don't look so wo-hegono, Mr. Thomas, or I shall laugh. So Harry you arc in the army. Why don't 3-011 come down in uniform, spurs aud all ?" There was something s.o easy, so whim? sical, so bantering in her tone, that I could not help blushing up to the eyes. Was that merry, delightful laugh with me or at ? For the Jife of ine I could not tell. "You are aware, Lady Maria," I began in a somewhat stately tone, "that, unless upon State occasions, wo dispense with Our uniform as much as possible." "Oh, yes, Mr. Cornet Harcourt." she replied, "I am fully aware of the etiquette of the thing ; but then I thought?you were so new to it?that you might like to make a sensation for once." For once ! I, the handsome man in ? "ours/' to be talked to in this way, and by a little girl who a year ago had been in pinafores ! I could not repty on the instant, and so pretended to pull my gloves on. Wo danced. As we moved to the soft cadence of the music, my heart bogan to beat with unusual rapidity. In the dawn of manhood, while the feelings are fresh and virgin, when every thing on earth ap? peal's bright and lovely, to find one's self supporting a beautiful woman in one's arms, the air balmy with fragrant odors, lights dazzling and music intoxicating with its effeminate sounds is to dwell awhile in paradise of which ive never, perhaps, again obtain so perfect a vision. And then to talk with her afterward! She was so full of animation and lite, so really kind with all her playful sarcasm, that I soon found myself at my ease, even answering some of her bantering re? marks. I was no mere carpet soldier. T longed for some field on which to distinguish my? self. I burned for fame, for world wide renown. Lady Maria soon found this out. and then her bantering ceased ulto gether ; her voice sank lower, her eves sparkled, her bosom heaved, as in whim? pered accents she wished me successful fortune. "You are the favored of the earth. Hen? ry," she said, drawing me on one side to? ward the conservatory ; "poor us can do nothing, but wish yon men, good speed. Oh, how I sometimes long to be a man. that I, too, might be a soldier, a sailor, an orator, or a statesman. It seems to mo so sad a life to be born in a station where one can be nothing." "Oh, Maria !" cried I, enthusiastically, " 'tis far better as it is : If we wish to be great as soldiers or sailors, or statesman, why is it ?" "Tell me," she said, smiling. "To win the love of such as you. Rely upon it, that is the prize man covets, ft is the consciousness that woman will smile which impels us to great deeds." '?Harry, Harry." she said with some? thing of a sigh, '-at your age I believe so much feeling docs exist, but it soon fades away, and man covets success for his own sake." "Some few." I began. ?? Most men?there are those choice spirils who do great deeds from a sense of duty, but with most men ambition is the sole guiding impulse." I looked.at her with surprise. She spoke warmly, and yet with secret bitter? ness. "A philosopher in petticoats I" I said in a laughing tone. ?1 have live.1 more in the world than you have. Ilariy," continued Maria, smiling ; "but hero comes your brother Tom to claim Ids turn. We will continue our conversation hy-and-ly." It was my brother Tom, ami looking rather surly, too. at our long trtc-a-iete. A somewhat vicious glance, which he cast at me. convinced me that lie was deeply interested in my beautiful companion. As I resigned her arm, a feeling of de? spair came over me. I knew 1 was in love. I retired behind some fragrant bushes and reflected an instant. It was quite clear to me that Lady Maria was inten? ded for the heir of tLe baronetcy. He had. at all events, made the selection, and what hope was there for me? He had title, position, a home and a goodly in? come on his side, while I.was a mere ad? venturer, a younger son. an incumber ance on the estate. And with t'.ie law of j rimogeniture, and the example it sets, people are found to wonder at the death of early marriages, and at the fact that so many never marry at all. It is not that the}- cannot afford to marry, but they cannot keep up the style they have been accustomed to at home. A wealthy nobleman's second son. while at homo enjoys as many luxuries as the heir. It is hard, then, in his eyes, to de? scend to the plobian villa and no carriage, even though happiness be the result. The evil law often, and the agglomera? tion of wealth in the hands of the few, is the great cause of modern indifference to marriage. The middle classes, unfortu nately, are too fond of aping their betters. But why moralize when I have so much to tell ? I watched them narrowly. Tom was grave, even sulky, while Lady Maria was more than ordinarily gay. She fair? ly laughed at him, and presently the crravc eldest son of the house condescen ded to smile, and as Tom was naturally in request, I again joined her. -What made my brother so grave?" I asked. "Poor fellow !" she said with a burst of merriment, 'die was lamenting the hard? ships to which eldest sons arc subject." "What!" I cried. "Yes, he really did, poor fellow 1 He is obliged to dance with everybody, and therefore cannot show me the exclusive attention which; he was pleased to say. my beauty, accomplishments, and so forth, deserved." "lie was quite right," said I, dryly. "How so ?" "Who can- see any one in the room while you are present ?" " J2t tu Brute T cried Lady Maria, laughing : "don't he ridiculous. Because we are old friends, and like to talk of old times, don't try to flatter me. When is to be our first campaign ?" "There is talk of India," I said, "but nothing is decided." "India!" she cried, with something of a start and a blush ; -indeed !" "I have heard it is said, but scarcely wish it so much as I did." "Why ?" "I have mot you." "Now, do not look so sentimental, and make such tender speeches, or I shall laugh. I suppose }'ou mean to dance, so vou had better ask me, as here comes John Powers bent upon the same intent." I eagerly led her to her place, to the great dissatisfaction of the Irish captain, who did know of her fortune. I never shall forget that evening. 1 had come down to Courtney Chase a young and happy subaltern in her majes? ty's service?light-hearted, merry, full of fun and frolic, without a care or thought of the morrow. I gradually found my? self becoming anxious, thoughtful?ret? hrow was obscured by care; my heart beat with painful rapidity. I -was in love. The hoy had become a man in one even? ing. And yet I was happy. There was a delicious intoxication in the sound of her voice, in her soft, white hand as it lay in mine. There was rapture in the waltz when her beaming eyes met mine, and our very hearts seemed to beat in unison. It is an hour of bliss, when the senses arc steeped in voluptuous languor; when nature seems decked in wondrous loveli? ness; whon ail that is in the world smiles upon us; when the emotions new and de? licious come gashing to our hearts, we cannot find words to describe. It is the opening of theportals of a new existence; it is love's young dream. I handed her down to supper amid the groans of one or two of the men. and not without some spiteful looks from the dear young creatures 1 had totally neglected. But what cared I ? (CONCLUDED IX OUR XKXT.) Thoughts. One man marries a woman because she looks well when she dances?she never dances afterwards. Another man mar? ries because the lady lias a handsome foot and ankle, which, after marriage, he nev? er takes the trouble to admire. A third marries for love, which wanes with the hon ev-moou. -V fourth marries for money! and finds that his wife does not choose to die, to complete his satisfaction. A fifth, being old in wisdom, as in years, marines a young woman who soon becomes a suit? able match for him. by growing old with grief Thousands do wrong because oth? ers have done wrong before them, upon the grand principles that ?? many blacks make a white." Many embrace a princi? ple different from those commonly receiv? ed, in order to show that they have a mind able to think for itself, and superior to what they call ??vulgar prejudices.'* Without considering whether erroneous prejudices are bette?- than those they have abandoned^ All grumble at the unsub? stantial nature of worldly enjoyments, and yet many purchase them at the ex? pense of their souls. Hypocrites have a strange taste, neither to enjoy this life nor the next. Many write for religion, speak for it. quarrrel for it. but few live for it. It is not uncommonly remarked that such a one is religious by waj' of re? proach, and that too by a Christian, at a lea party of Christians. Millions of people are most anxious about what they least require, and after testing themselves and others for many a weary day they die? leave their cash to those who have no need of it. and are, for the first time, eu? logized, when the praise of men can avail them nothing. -- #3""" Ain't it curious. 'Squire, weddin' never is out of women's heads. They never think of nothing else. A young gal is always thinkin' of her own. As soon as she is married she is match-makin' for her companions; and whon she is a grain older, her daughter's weddin' is up? permost agin. Oh. it takes a great study to know a woman. How cunniu' they are! Ask a young gal the news, she'll tell you all the deaths in the place to make yon think she don't trouble herself about marriage. Ask an old woman, she'll tell you of all the marriages, to make you think she's takin' an interest in the world that ain't. They certainly do beat all, do women. -*> j?^ir " I want something for a bron crit? ical affliction," said Mrs. Tnrtmgton to Dr. Restieaux. The doctor, with that smiling urbanity which has become a fea? ture at the north end, told her that he could prepare something that he thought would help her. Filling a small bottle, ho handed it to her. " This isn't the Pic? torial Syrup, is it V she inquired. <: Be? cause," continued she., "that creates a tiashua, and raises my expectations. I only want a simple lucrubration for the throat." Ho assured her it was . just what she wanted. She thanked him. and departed. flfgy There is something inexpressibly sweet about little glvfa-^ExcJiange. And it grows on 'cm as they get bigger. How Sal Disgraced the Family. a western sketch. A traveler in the State of Illinois, some years ago, came to a long log hut on the prairies, near Cairo, and there halted. He went into the house of logs. It was a wretched affair, Avith an empty packing box for a table, while two or three odd chairs and disabled stools graced the ro ception- room; the dark walls of which wero further ornamented by a display of dirty tin-ware and a broken delf article or two. Tho woman was crying in one corner, and the man, with tears in his eyes and a pipe in his mouth, sat on a stool, with his dirty arms resting on his knees, and his sorrowful-looking head supported hy the palms of his hands. Not a word greeted the interloper. "Well," he said, "you seem to be in aw? ful trouble here; what's up?" "Oh, we are most crazed, neighbor.'' said the woman, "and we ain't got no pa? tience 1:0 see folks now." "That is all right," said the visitor, not much taken back by this polite rebuff"; "but can I bo of any service to you in all this trouble f" "Wed, we've lost our gal; our Sal's gone off and left us," said the man in tones of despair. " Ah, do you know what induced her to loave you," remarked the new ar? rival. "Well, wo can't say, stranger, as how she is so far lost as to be induced, but then sho has gone and disgraced us," re? marked the afflicted father. "Yes, neighbor, and not as I should say it as is her mother, but there warnt a pootier gal in the West than my Sal; she's gone and brought ruin on us and on her own head, now," followed the strickcn?d mother. " Who has she gone with ?" asked tho visitor. "Well, there's the trouble. The gal could have done well, and might have married Martin Kehoc, a capital shomak er, who, although he's got but one eye, plays the flute in a lovely manner and earns a good living. Then look what a life she has deserted. She was here sur? rounded by all the luxury in the country," said the father. "Yes, who knows what poor Sal will have to eat. drink or wear," groaned the old woman. "And who is the fellow that has taken her to lead you into such misery?" quoth the stranger. -Why, d?n him,she's gone oft*and got married to a critter called an editor, as lives in the village, and the devil only knows how thoy are to earn a'living!" -. Tin; Parson's Reply.?A lady in Ver? mont writes to a newspaper?ladies are fond of good things?why don't they send us more like the following, and better? "The 1'ost-ottiee in our village was kept, in the bar-room of the tavern, a great resort for loungers. An old chap more remarkable for his coarseness and infidelity, than for his good manners, was sitting there one day with a lot of boon companions, when the Methodist minister, new comer, entered and asked for his let? ters. 01.1 Swipes spoke up, bluntly r "Arc you i:he Methodist parson just come here to preach ?" " I am," pleasantly replied the minis ter. " Well," said Swipes, " will you tell me how old the devil is?" " Keep your own family record, quickly returned the preacher, and left the house amid the roars of the company. -o fig?" Fanny Fern comes to the conclu? sion that a woman is better without than with, male relatives. "If," she says, you have a husband that won't support you, your father won't help you because you are married, and your uncle won't help you because you've got a father and broth? ers, and your cousins won't help 3*011 be? cause 3'ou'vc got plenty of uncles, and no? body else will help one whom husband, father, brothers, uncles and cousins sur? round." -? London and its Growth.?The city of London, says the Registrar General, now covers 121 square miles. It is equal to three Londons of I860. It increases in population at the rate of one thousand a week, half by births (their excess over deaths) and half by immigration (their ex? cess over emigration.) It is remarkable that in London one in six of those who leave the world dies in one of the public institutions?a workhouse, hospital, asy? lum or prison. Nearly one in eleven ot the deaths arc in a Avorkhousc. -4? li^, Seventy-two white females were married to nogroes in the State of Massa? chusetts, last year, Signin' Away One's Liberties. " Will you sigU the total abstinence "pledge ?" "No," s?.id old Mose Azant, the most inverterato toper on th0 hill. "Xo; it would be signin' away oar liberty. Our forefathers fout, bled, and died for liberty, and wc won't sign it away." "No," says the poor drunkard; "it would be signing away our liberty!" Our liberty I And what liberty has the poor, besotted, forsaken, down-trodden, despi? cable creature ? Why, he has liberty to stagger from one side of the road to the other; he has liberty to fall down and wallow in the mire like a brute; he has liberty to array himself in dirty rags, and to starve his wife and children; ho has liberty u* get a broken head, a bruised eye, battered limbs, a bloody face, and a very bad name; heedless, mad, infatuated, to land in perdition itself; he has liberty to be kicked out doors by the man who sold him the stuff that made him so glori? ously independent, and pocketed his last dime for the same. A drunkard have lib? erty. He wdio is the slave of appetite have freedom ! Ho who has struggled of? ten to break the chains of a destructive habit?who has promised himself, promis? ed his wife, promised his God, jn-omiscd his friends that he would never touch an? other drop, and then rushed with impetu? osity of relentless?craving into the vor? tex of drunkenness?such a one enjoy joy independence I It is worse than lu? dicrous, it is a folly of the most stupendous magnitude. Is this the liberty which your revolutionary fathers fought, bled, and died to secure ? Heaven deliver us from the gailing yoke of such freedom ! Give us king, emperor, autocrat, sultan, pope?anything short of the despotism of hell itself, rather than the sway of alco? hol. 0 ye .enslaved minions of whisky, turn, and te-day assert your noble free? dom. Declare your independence of that vile monster who flatters, but to betray and blast you forever. You will not sign away your liberty [! And have you not done it? Have you not signed away your liberty to rob, steal, and murder? to commit perjury,and trea? son, and arson ? Look at the constitution and the laws! do you not stand pledged to support them ? Do you not stand pledg? ed to pay your taxes, and to perform your military, road, and patrol duties? Did you never pledge yourself in a bond as principal or security, in a promisory note or other civil obligation ? Did you never pledge yourself at Hymen's altar, or make a vow, form, in the secret chambers of your souls, a high and noble resolve to be just and-good and true to God and man ? Well, what were all these but signing away j-our liberty to do evil, and pledging yourselves to do what is right ? -.-<*>?I If?T How it Works.?The proposed law to compel the free persons of color in this State to select masters, or to leave the State in a given time, has had the effect of inducing two free negroes in _an adjoining District, to come to our town, and by a contract, drawn up by a legal firm in this city, to renounce theirfrccdom and voluntarily choose a master, to whom they agree to become slaves, absolutely, reserving only the privilege of choosing to which of his heirs they may elect to be? long at his death.?Columbia Guardian. Wishes to Exchange.?Major Borstel, I of Anderson District, advertises that he will accommodate anybody who wishes to move from South Carolina before she withdraws from the Union, by exchang? ing East Tennessee bottoms for land in Anderson. We rather think tho Major will have a hard time in finding the man that is willing to close with him in such a bargain.?Charleston Mereury. -* Clinton Ladies.?On the evening of the day of the public meeting at Clinton, in Laurens District, there was a veiy gay ball, at which tho patriotic ladies present passed unanimously the following. Resolved, That this is the last ball wo will attend in those United States. Hurrah for the ladies of Clinton ! -? Garibaldi the Italian libcrator.has a son in a Protestant seminary near Liverpool, England. It is reported that when Gari? baldi took leave of his son he said to him, "My son, the Bible is the cannon which will liberate Italy." _-?-. Ug?? "Buy a trunk, Pat?" said a deal? er. "And what for should I buy a trunk?" rejoined Pat. " To put your clothes in," was the re? ply "And go naked? The devil a bit of ' it." -?* JUST Let the youth who stands at the i bar .with a glass of liquor in his hand, con? sider which he had better throw away? the liquor or himself. A Voice from New Hampshire. Our Southern friends have the remedy in their own hands?the only remedy? they must make abolitionism costly. "Wo have done what wc could to arrest it; but with mortification and shame wc arc ob? liged to confess trat we can neither rea? son it down nor vote it down, and we *ell our Southern friends frankly that they must hereafter take care of themselves. They can kill out Abolitionism in a year if they will; but there is only one way? they must starve it out. In this city we have three large manu? facturing corporations?the Stark, the Amoskeag and the Manchester. All of them practically, are Abolition concerns; yet all of them are growing rich and im? pudent upon the x>rofits of Southern trade. It wiis hoped that the murderous invasion of Virginia by old Brown and his gang of villains would awaken the people of the I North to the danger, if not the disgiacc, of the Abiiition agitation in every form. But it seems to have fired fanaticism with fr onzy, and certainly there has been no time within the last ten years when the manufacturers here have resorted to such infamous means to swell the Abolition vote. The vote in the incorporation wards, especially in the first, shows with what alacrity the managers responded to the appeals of the Republican committee, by coercing their workmen to vot3 the John Brown ticket. Our Southern friends arc generous and forbearing. "VVo have in this city fifteen hundred men who want so to vote, that the South shall understand we do not - wish to interfere in any way with its con? stitutional rights. The doctrine has been openly advocated here by the Abolition press and Abolition orators, that such men must be starved out?must not be employed.; and many aa honest Demo? crat, gentlemen of the South, who works upon the goods you buy, has been com? pelled to vote against your rights and Iiis own conscience, under the penalty of dis? missal. If the South has any respect for itself or its Northern friends, it must meet this prescription in a corresponding spirit. If it will spurn Abolition goods of ever char? acter, as our fathers did the tea in Boston harbor, it will bring the Hclpcritcs to their senses in a single year. "Will it do it ? or will it continue to buy ? We re? peat, it can cure our people of Abolition? ism in a single year, if it will.?Manches? ter (Ar. H.) Democrat. -0 Washington, November 26.?lion. Roger B. Tancy, Chief Justice of the Su? preme Court of tho United Stetes, has tendered his resignation to the President. It is said, however, that the Administra? tion does not intend to make the fact pub? lic until Attorney-General Black has been nominated and confirmed for tho scat already vacant on the Supremo Bench. lion. Ilowell Cobb, Secretary of tho Treasury, is packing up his effects in this city, preparatory to returning to Georgia. The rumor is again rife that he is about to resign. The Kansas raid is said to have been caused by the^itempt of the Government authorities to force illegal settlers of? the Indian Reservations. A collision occur? red between thc:;e squatters aud the Gov? ernment troops, and this, according to official advices received, by the War De? partment, was the origin of the whole difficulty. The squatters had been dally? ing on the Indian Reserves for many months since they were ordered to re? move, in the hope of being allowed to re? main there, under the Lincoln Adminis? tration. They allege that they were in? formed by Abolitionists from the East that this would be the case. On (lit that a distinguished South Car? olinian, now in the service of the General Government, is about to throw up his commission and return to the Palmetto S,tatc. Tom Corwin, of Ohio, is here. He is trying hard to persuade people that Lin? coln will bo conservative. -? Tue Free Negro Voters of Ohio.? We are often asked if it is really true that 15,000 free negroes voted for Lincoln in Ohio ! Wc have the plainest evidence in the world that they did. The anti-Re? publican press of the State boldly charge that they did, and the Abolition press ad? mit the charge and boast of the deed. Has it come to this! Mas it come to pass in our history that the people of the South are to be voted down and governed by a ba nd of free negroes ? Will we submi t to be thus governed? "Is Sparta dead?" ' It is time that that latent spark of manli? ness and pride in the Anglo-Saxon blood of the South should be kindled, so that it may wrap the Union in ruins.?Ex. -*-? ?*2r The man who "left his traces in the sand" sold the balance of the harness.