"Washington, November 23.?I learn from reliable sources that the Treasury Department will be forced to suspend specie payment in the course of the next ten days. Arrangements will be made to pay off the Government ollicials in Treas? ury notes. There is the greatest alarm among the clerks in consequence of this * straitened condition of the public Treasu? ry. . There is no longer any possible doubt concerning the President's views on seces? sion. In conversing to-day with a gen? tleman of this city, ho took strong grounds against the Southern movement. He declared that he did not believe that the great West would ever permit the mouths of tho Mississippi Iii vor to be held by a foreign power. "South Carolina, said he, "wishes to enter into a conflict with me, and upon tho shedding of the first drop of blood, to drag the other States iuto the movement of dissolution.'' He acknowledged that the South had suffered.great wrongs at the hands of the North, but thought that the compact be? tween them should not be broken until reasoning and reflection had been exhaust? ed. He would first appeal to the North for justice, and if it should be denied, then, said the President," I am with them." Notwithstanding his condemna? tion ot secession, Mr. Buchanan has not given the slightest indication of the course he proposes to adopt whei it takes place. But he has pointedly authorized the deni? al of the statement that he favors seces? sion. The Administration still holds in abey? ance, the resignation of tho Federal officials in South Carolina. To-day, the resignation of United States Marshall Hamilton, of Charleston, was received and placed upon file. The President to-day despatched a spe? cial messenger with full instructions for Gen. Harney to proceed with all possible haste against Montgomery, and to deal with him in a summary way. Information has been received here that Montgomery, and his desperate band of Abolitionists, are preparing to proceed through the Indian country to mako a raid upon the unprotected frontiers of Texas. Montgomery has sworn that he will carry on his bloody war of extermin arion until he frees every slave in the South-western part of Missouri. -* Troubles in Kansas?Washington, Nov. 21.?The Government has official information from Kansas, that tho noto? rious Montgomery, and others, have com? menced operations in that Territory, by hanging and and killing pro-slavery men,*and threatening to compel an ad? journment of the Government land sales, advertised to tako placo in December next. Previous to the reception of this information, letters have been received here that Montgomery's force amounted to five hundred men, well supplied with arms and ammunition, and other material aid; and that from time to time warlike supplies have been received by hiin from the North. Other writers from that Territory also ' say that the demand to adjourn the land sales had been resorted to as a mere pre? text for raising an armed forco, and that the real object of the lawless organizations is a raid first upon the frontiers of Missou? ri, and then on Arkansas and Western Texas, in order to avenge tho punishment of the Abolition emissaries in those bor? der States. It appears that Governor Medavy, who is now in this city, is well posted "in re? gard to Montgomery's plans and designs. Orders will be forthwith dispatched to Kansas for moving the Federal troops to such points as may be most nocessaiy for the protection of the people and the land officos, as well as public property. Fort Scott has been named as one of the points likely to be invaded. -1-o Washington, Nov. 25.?The President is now considering the expediency of re commouding Congress to call a convention of all the States, as the only means of pre? serving the Union. At a meeting held yesterday, in Essex county, Va., resolutions were*passed, re? questing South Carolina to delay for the present. Perhaps they want to send a Commissioner to consult with her upon tho propriety of waiting the co-operation of Virginia. There have been no resignations in the Cabinet as yet. None of the members arc expected to resign before March, unless at their State's request. The South Carolina Delegation is now expected to resume their scats in the House, in view of the important measures that they may come up for consideration. The question of the " right of secession," and the propriety of passing a " Force Bill," may be chief topics of discussion. -? Mississippi.?An immense meeting of Mississippians was held last week at Jack? son in that State. Speeches woro made by Gov. Pettus, Hon. A. G. Brown, Judge Gholson, Maj. Barksdale, and others.? Resolutions were adopted expressing a settled determination never to submit to Abolition rule. The last resolution is as follows: Resolved, That we sympathize fully with the people of .South Carolina, feeling that their cause is our cause, and that whatev cr ma\T be the final determination of the people of this Stalo respecting their rela? tions to the existing Union, wo cannot but regard a blow struck at South Caro? lina, or any other Southern State, as a blow struck at us, and that it is our duty to oppose and resist any attempt, irom any quarter, to molest her or them in their efforts to escape from the sectional tyranny about to be inaugurated. *-o> North Carolina.?The Governor's message takes strong Southern grounds. It recommends a conference with the neighboring States, and then a State Con? vention on Federal affairs. He recom? mends the enrollment of all men between eighteen and forty-five years, and also recommends the raising of a corps of ten thousand volunteers, with arms and equip? ments. He goes for resisting any effort at coercion in any event. --, Maryland.?A petition is tobe presen? ted to the Govenor ofMaryland, urging the propriety of immediately calling a special B3Ssion of the General Assembly of that State, to tako into consideration the present momentous crisis in^he destiny of ih? Seuth. A %k %i?mm Intrlligcnctr. THURSDAY MORNING, NOV-R. 2?, I860. JAMES A. HOYT, Editor. Terms: Oac copy one year, invariably in advance,.$1.00. Advertisements inserted at moderate rates: liberal ."eductions made to those who will advertise by the year. Declinations. Mr. F. E. Habbisox, who was nominated last week, publishes a card in another column, in which he declines being a candidate for the Con ventiou. Maj. Geo. Seaiiokxe, nomited in the Gazette last week, also declines in yesterday's issue of that paper. -?p " Wide Awake." The communication over this signature came lo hand last week, just an hour or so too late for in? sertion in that, i^suc. We publish it now, as it emanates from an extreme section of the District, and is another expression, added to the many vre have heard, urging the acceptance by Judge Wm r keb of the nomination for the Convention. The Southern Almanac. Petek B. Glass, of Columbia, will accept our thanks for a neat interleaved Almanac for 1861, which he has published for distribution. Mr. (ir.Ass is the successor toR. L. Bryan at the long established and well known Book Store on Richard? son street, and any of our friends visiting the State Capital will hardly fail to examine his exten? sive assortment of Books. &C. -o Small Fox in Columbia. Several cases of small pox have been discovered in Columbia within the last few days, and the Lcg laturc, it is hinted, will adjourn over to Charleston. Wc arc of the opinion that there is more alarm than necessary; and that the disease will speedily disappear. This opinion is based upon the under? standing that tlie first case reported is an importa? tion, and consequently will be promptly checked. District Mooting. The reader will observe elsewhere an earnest call for a general attendance of the people at this place on next Monday. Wc cordially unite in urging up? on the citizens generally to participate in the prj cccdings of that day. Several distinguished gen? tlemen will be prcscut and give their views upon political affairs. Let every man who can possibly do so, attend at the Court House on Monday and hear for himself. Death by Drowning. We learn with regret that Thomas J. Giant, of this District, met a sad fate on Friday last, by ac? cidental drowning. Itc started from his home, be? fore daylight, for the niillponu, a short distanse thence, for the purpose of shooting duck. lie wus found a few hours afterwards, in the embrace of death. Wc forbear giving particulars, for fear of adding an additional pang to his bereaved fam? ily. He was about 2"> years of age, and has left a wife and child to mourn his Midden demise. They have our sympathies in this sad affliction of Provi? dence. Homicide. We learn that on Friday night last, a man named Tiio.mam Habbisox was shot, at Fciidlcton, by Francisco Tisciiessf.uo, belter known in this set lion by thf cognonicii of "Sancho." The ball en? tered the. head of deceased behind the right ear, proving fatal almost instantly. Various reportsrac in circulation regarding this affair, but, as the case will undergo judicial investigation, we think it prudenl to give none of them. The accused de? livered himself up to the proper authorities, and was remanded to the ShcrjjF of this District the same night on which this unfortunate occurrence took place. -4> Tho Pondleton Meeting. A correspondeut elsewhere gives a spirited and interesting account of the meeting-at Pcudlcton'on Friday last. His attentive favor is duly apprecia? ted, as wc could obtain no place inside the build? ing to hear the speeches, nnd therefore could make no report. The Committee of Arrange? ments seemed altogether indifferent in regard to having the proceedings reported, ami after more than one ineffectual attempt to procure a sent or comfortable stand in hearing distance, wo return? ed to the hotel and awaited the departure of the Anderson train. In addition to what our friend stales, we learn that another meeting was held at Pcndletou on Monday last, at which speeches were made by Messrs. Onn, Reeu, Wiekes, and perhaps others. Tho citizens of Pendlet on and vicinity, are not behind those of any other community in appreci? ating their wrongs nnd preparation for ample re? dress. They have ever been alive to resistance, nnd when (he day of trial comes, if we are to sec that day, Pcndletou will send her full quota of brave spirits to the defence of their State and sec? tion. Wc know the people there, and cau speak from that knowlcdgo?they will never submit. Hon. W. W. Boyce. Tins able and distinguished Representative of j this State in the Federal Congress, arrived in our village on Wcdnesdaj- afternoon of last week. Up? on the fact becoming known, a committee of citi? zens waited on him and requested him to faror their fellow-townsmen with nn expressoin of his views upon the absorbing issues of the day. The invitation was kindly accepted, and the Court House that evening was again filled with anxious listeners and ardent resistance men and women. Mr. Boyce was introduced to the audience by Dr. A. Evins, Chairman of tho meeting, in a few ap? propriate remarks. The able champiou of Free Trade then proceeded to deliver a most earnest and effective speech of one hour, which was listened to with strict aticu tion and elicited frequent plaudits from the intelli? gent audience. The press upon our columns will not. admit of a full report. He was for resistance at nil hazards; believed that wc would have several of the Southern States to secede with us and that others would follow; saw no hope in delay; thought the quicker this State acts the better. She had gone too far to recede with honor. Crcsar paused be? fore but not after he crossed the Rubicon-, and then pressed on until the Roman Empire lay at his feet. A gallant people will not submit. The State is resolved to go on, and though there may be dan? ger in the movement, there is certain death and subjugation in submission. He, however, believed there would be no war, but financial pressure would ensue. This effort of Mr. Boyce was truly eloquent and full of research and ability. His closing alluuious of a classical character were touching, patriotic nnd impressive, and held spell-bound the admiring audience. We have seldom heard this peroration surpassed, nor witnessed a deeper impression upon an auditor.*. j Speech of Hon. Jarno;: Chesnut. Last week we mentioned, in brief terms, the speech of Hon. James Cuesxut, delivered before n large audience in the Court House on Tuesday evening, 20th inst The speech was characterized by plain and practical views of the issues now be foro the public mind, and was an earnest and im? pressive appeal against submission to abolition' denomination. The interest, frequently attested by his hearers, must have been gratifying to our late Senator, and we are confident that his senti? ments met a cordial response in the bosoms of those who were fortunnte enough to hear him on that occasion. From imperfect notes, we make the fol? lowing synopsis of his remarks. He thanked the audience for the compliment paid him by the invitation to address them at this time, and expressed his gratification at having the opportunity of visiting this region. lie had just come from home, in a distant part of the State, where the good work, in which all are engaged, goes bravely on. While picking their flints and keeping their powder dry, the citizens of his sec? tion were putting their trust in God for a. speedy deliverance. There was among his people, but one mind and one voice?that niiud, subordination to the State?that voice for a severance of the ties that bind us to a tyrannical confederacy. The times are momentous?we are engaged in an earnest struggle, and it is desirous to discuss with becoming gravity the question presented for solu? tion by South Carolina. We must have an earnest purpose, clearness of head and firmncs3 of heart to meet the issue as becomes freemen. A Convention of the sovereignty of the State has been called; no ordinary events could justify such extraordinary proceeding?the results to be attained is to free us from a fatally dangerous connection, to resume the powers delegated to the General Government, and thus constitute a Union of the South?the prime ob? ject all have in view. It was thought by those who called this Convention that the best means of reach? ing that object was prompt action on our part; he believed it would bring the other States to our side If we wait and allow others to retreat, it would be impossible to obtain the co-operation of such States. When the Union is dissolved, the question is changed. The only question then left for the slave States, is, which side shall we take? Will they ally themselves against us and support the enemies of the South, or unite in the movement and sup? port us, with common feelings, interests and dan? gers. When it is presented to them, he entertained no doubt which side they will espouse?they will cling to us. But there were other considerations for decision now; as to whether the action at this time is wise or not, and the cause sufficient. He believed it to be wise, and not unwise or imprudent. As to the cause, the mere election of one man to the Presiden? cy would not rend this Union into atoms, and nei? ther would the success of any one holding his , v'o.vs. The triumph of that scctioual party furn? ishes the occasion and justifies our secession from the existing government. The causes which have culminated in this triumph lie far behind?lie deep in nature, anil arc developed in two distinct antag? onisms of social policy. The trainers of the Con? stitution saw all these conflicting elements, and with integrity, devotion aud patriotism, they sought to accomplish perpetuity of the Union be? tween the two sections. But they omitted from the calculation a very important element; they did not foresee the effect when it should pass through the alembic of puritanical fanaticism, and these 1 destroyers of i lie Constitution have determined that I the two sections shall not be reconciled. Before the Revolution every colony possessed ; slavery, and in the formation of the Constitution, compromises were made and guarantees given in reference to that institution. This lasted for a I time, but circumstances brought about ctnancipa j tiou. Before that period arrived, the friends of negro equality sold their slaves to us and put the money iu their pockets ; and now they claim we should emancipate as they did. It was not many ? years before the question entered tlie political arc i na; indeed, as far back as 181(1, societies f.ir the : publication of anti-slavery tracts were formed, and 1 since then they have employed every means to prc j vent quiet and beget strife. They have agents 1 now, such has been the progress of that party, to j instigate servile insurrections, and to apply the ' lighted torch when families are wrapt iu slumber. The speaker (hen went into an exposition of the ! history, rise and progress erf the Black Republi ; '-an parly, and from the record, exhibited the in? tentions and objects of that party. lie also read front recent speeches of their leaders, to show their sentiments since the election, and justly character? ized the fanatical ravings of Summer, Wilson and others How, said the speaker, shall we meet all this! Not by an attempt to prevent the inauguration of their President elect by force, for that would be treason, and we arc no traitors. Wait for an "overt act ?" JXhy assume that ground ? If the Slate is sovereign,and we believe that the liberties and lives of her citizens are in danger, we have the right to prevent the inflict ion of such an enormous evil. J .Shall we sec them coming with lighted torch, when our wives and children are slumbering, and wait until the torch is applied before striking? How. then, do we propose meeting the impending danger? There is but one practicable mode, which is for the South to resume the powers dele? gated to the General Government, and united, stand in that position which nature entitles her, and to begin. South Carolina must secede. The in? formation from all quarters is cheering?letters are constantly being received by him-and others, urging the prompt action of this State. He then read a letter from an influential citizenof Louisiana, urging us to move in moderation, and wc would be certain to find that Slate close upon our heels. Mississippi does not wail, and Alabama is going forward. The gallant State of Georgia, summon? ing her thousands, proclaimcs that she will stand? by us, and will rally beneath the lone star. Arc you waiting your own consent? There is no other hope except iu taking the destinies of our commonwealth into our own hands, and with one mind, one voice and one heart, fling the banner to the breeze, and walk forth regenerated and dis? enthralled. All the dangers that beset our path? way are in the Union. Ilia friends, right and left, knew that in times past he had been a conser? vative Union man?he now sees, at this juncture, that which no man then could sec, that there is no hope for us in the Union All is dark and gloorav, and no ray of hope is held out for continuing a connection with the Federal Government. The Union must be brought to an end or ruin to our section will follow. Outside of this Confederacy there may be danger, but no dishonor. While hope beckons us onward, she holds no encouraging ray even to men who will submit. The eloquent speaker then examined the present and future condition of the South, and depicted in : glowing colors the growth, prosperity and power ' of a Southern Confederacy. His estimate, too, was based upon facts and figures, and conclusively proved the assertion that we would be a great and prosperous people. But, said Mr. C, there is a question behind all this. He desired to discuss it with frankness and present avery phase of the iesua. S:ipr,oea fhs ' ?-, other Southern States do not secede, and wc are left alone. Ue must then consider whether wc prefer utter dciitruction in the Union or the chan? ces without. If coercion was attempted, thou3ands from all over the South would instantly march to ourdefence. Atadif ourforts arc to be blockaded, he affirms that there would be motive sufficient with England and France to acknowedge our indepen? dence and thus reach a supply of cotton. But if we should be mistaken, and his opinions at. fault, and no assistance is rendered us, then, for one, he would prefer to die worthy of the blood he bears than to fall at the footstool of a relentless tyranny. It was his absolute conviction, that the agitation of this slavery issue four years longer will inevitably destroy us, and the only question for us to deter? mine, is, whether wc shall be destroyed without resistance or make a noble effort to be free, and thus maintain our liberties and independence. Upon the conclusion of Mr. Ciiessnlt's speech which we have briefly sketched in the foregoing, deafening thunders of applause shook the building. His hearers cjrdially and fully endorsed the senti? ments enunciated, and gave frequent proof of their approval during the delivery of his closing remarks upon the future of South Carolina. In return for a beautiful boquet thrown from the ladies' scats, Mr. chesxut paid a handsome com? pliment to the women of Carolina, avowing his be? lief that in ti e day of trial they will be as true, courageous and patriotic as our revolutionary fath? ers found them in '7u\ -o The Delegates to the Convention. The voters of this District arc to elect five Dele? gates to a State Convention, which assembles on the 17th proximo. The election takes place on next Thursday, one week hence. Several gentle? men have been put in nomination by their respec? tive friends. ?omc of whom have declined. While it would have been better that only one ticket be run, composed of men in whom the entire District might safely confide their interests, the people, in the absence of any authorized and general expres? sion of their views, will have to choose from among the number yet in the field. In doing so, wc would respectfully but earnestly urge upon our fellow-citizens the great importance of the exercise of cool judgment and calm consideration. The ex? isting stale of affairs admits of no gratification o' personal ambition. Former party lines arc oblit? erated. Evc-y man must agree to sustain the ac? tion of South Carolina, for her connection with the Federal Government will be dissolved by the ap? proaching Convention. Tlrs is an truly certain to take place as any event in the future possibly can be. Her immediate action, too, meets the almost unanimous a pproval of her sons. Add to this, that there is every reason to believe that other Southern States will adopt the same course, and these facts prove conclusively that there cannot be rightfully introduced into the canvass any question of sepa? rate secession or co-operation. In view of this state of things, we would beseech the voters of Anderson to act with unanimity and concord. Select men as delegates such as you would entrust your dcnresls interests with, be' past party affiliations be forgotten ; seek to intro? duce no scheme which would mar the harmonious feeling exhibited all over the Stale ; sei aside per? sonal prejudices, if any exists, and rise above pet? ty contentions or private bickerings; in a word, vote for men of stern integrity, sound judgment, enlarged experience and known abilities, ouch men are before the people, and we would earnestly impress upon ail the necessity of voting uiidcr standingly. The oacasion rises fur above any, in magnitude and importance, that the people of this Slate have ever acted upon. Be equal to I lie occa? sion, then, and stiller no one to outstrip you in pa triotisin?and devotion to your Stale and her best interests. Letter from Hon. R. Toombs. We are indebted to Maj. K. M. Ki'iKKit.. of this place, for the privilege of placing before our read? ers the following short bur expressive letter from Senator Tot jibs, of Georgia, on the existing slate of political affairs : Washington, Go., Nov. ?jj, 1800. M;i Dear Sir : On my arrival .:i home yesterday, j I found your favor of the 13th inst., and regret j that my engagements in Georgia would not permit me to be with you to-d.-iy. The time has come for secession?nothing else will meet the public danger and insure tho public security. Lei each Si ate of the South withdraw j as fast as i hey can act. The ai t of one will secure j the res*, and then, if the' North wants terms, if we J choose we can trefft outside as equals?inside, only I as inferiors.. As South Carolina has called her Convention J first, we earnestly hope &he will not. baulk the I great enterprise by the least indecision. Go out of 1 the Union at once. I do not doubt but that Gcor i gia will do ho as soon as her Convention meets. Very truly, your friend, K. TOOMBS. Elbebt M. Rxckrr. Anderson. S. C. - Z. C Pulliam, Esq. On Friday evening last, our talented young friend, the popular lleprescnfativc from Pickcns District?whose name heads this paragraph?arriv? ed in our village on his way to Columbia. Al ear? ly candle light a number of the villagers responded to i he ringing of the Court House bell, and conven? ed in public meeting, with C. C. Lanhstox, Esq., in the chair. The object being explained, on mo? tion, a Committee of three was appointed to wait on Mr. Pulliam, at the Benson House, and invite hiui to address the audience. The Committee dis? charged thai duly, and returned with Mr. P., who was introduced lo the assembly, and who respond? ed most happily to the complimentary call. He spoke eloquently of resistance, and gave cheering accounts o(' the feeling among his own people. His speech was brief, but to the point, in an emin? ent degree. Applause after applause was given lustily for the mountain District and her gallant Representative. -*> Important to Voluntoer Companies. Among the resolutions adopted at the extra ses? sion of the Legislature was the following, offered by Mr. Simcnton : Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be authorized to furnish arms to such new volunteer .companies as shall exhibit to him satisfactory proof that they arc fully organized, with not less than sixty-four privates, with proper commissioned nnd non-commissicned officers, and that they have been proper] v uniformed. -* For the Intelligenter. Mr. Editor : In-selecting the candidates to rep? resent our District in the Convention to assemble in Columbia on the 17th of December next, it will be admitted by all parlies that the best legal talent should be chosen, al least in part, as the Constitu? tion of the State must necessarily be revised. With this view, the name of Judge WuiTxnu is re? spectfully submitted as one eminently qualified for this all important trust. WIDE AWAKE. - The Rev. W, A. McSwain will preach in the Court House on Sunday night next, at cn:ly candle-light. One of Lincoln's Organs on the Secession Move? ment. We ask every reader, who has the faintest spark of Southern fire in his breast, to read the annexed extracts from the Chicago Democrat, which is pub? lished at the home of Abe Lincoln. A perusal of thom will satisfy any man in regard to the light in which Southerners are held by that infamous gang of conspirators: The election is over and Lincoln is elected, by a larger majority of the popular vote than was antici? pated, and by the electoral vote of every free State. Thus not only has the consummation which the firc-e4tcrs of the South have for years proclaimed as the inevitable preclude to disunion been attain? ed, but the job ha.'; been done so effectually, com? pletely and emphatically, as to leave no doubt that the free people of the North meant they should be understood. When eighteen millions of freemen speak as they spoke on Tuesday, they make a noise that even the most stupid secessionist cannot, fail to hear. Thus the people of the free North say to the slave oligarchy, " We will endure your insolence, suffer your tyranny, bear with your assumption no lon? ger! NYe have listened to your threats, as insult? ing as they were cowardly, of what you would do, if we dared to .carry out our convictions of right, at the ballot-box, and elect a man who would not bow the knoe to you, and who would place your ac? cursed institution of slavery where the public mind would rest in the belief that it would become final? ly extinct. " Vcu have sworn that if we dared elect such man you would dissolve the Union. We have elected him, aid now we want you to try your little game of secession. Do it, if you dare ! So long as you remain in the Union, peaceably and decently, you shall enjoy your constitutional rights. But every man of you who attempts to subvert this Union, which we prize so dearly, will be hung as high as Hainan. Wc will have no fooling about the mat? ter ! By the Eternal: the. Union must be preserv? ed r Such is the lecture read by the people of the North !o their Southern brcthreu on Tuesday. And now, what will the chivalry do about it ? Will they eat dirt ? Will they take back all they have said about disunion, a Southern Confederacy, the rights of the South, the blood of the enemies, and all that sort of thing ? What will the Yanccys, the Ithctts, the Kcitts, the Jeff. Davises, and all that uoblc army of traitors do ? The chivalry trill cat dirt. They will hack out. They never hail any spunk anyhow. The best they could do was 10 bully, and brag and bluster. John Brown and his seventeen men were enough to af? fright the whole mighty Commonwealth of Virginia out of its propriety, and to hold it as a conquered province until recaptured by the Federal troops ; and to this day John Brown's ghost is more terri? ble than an army with banners, in the eyes of eve? ry Southern cavalier. These knights of the sunny South arc just such heroes as Sancho Panza was. They are wonderful hands at bragging and telling fantastical lies, but when it comes to action, count (hem out. As if to add the last cap-stone to this absurdity of disunion bluster, the telegraph, yesterday, brought us the news that the Legislature of South Carolina, on Tuesday, elected her Presidential elec? tors, and that they had concluded to postpone arming the State until they had ascertained that Lincoln was really elected! Poor devils! the smallest kind of a knot-hole is sufficient for them to crawl through now. -o. J'or the Intelligencer. Grand Bally at Fendloton. Viciens und Anderton in Council?The Mountain De? mocracy Enthusiastic for Resistant??Barbecue, Speeches, >yc., ,yc. J//-. Editor : P.eing present at the public dem? onstration held in Pendlet on on Friday last, tho 24th inst., 1 was happy to perceive that our fellow citizens of that vicinity were so fully awake to the exigencies of the limes, and so unanimous iu the sentiment of secession from the present oppressive Union!?a Union no longer of harmonious ele? ments, or of fraternal and kindly feelings, but of opposite and discordant element.-. Among the speakers present were the Hon. Jamc-t Chesnut, our ex-Senator of the United Slates; Ilouablcs Messrs. Boyce and Ashmore, members of Congress; our fellow-citizens, Col. Orr, Solicitor Heed and Judge Whitucr. The member of the State Legislature, (Col. W. A. Hay no. y from that portion Of the District, opened the meeting in a spirited and complimentary ad? dress of welcome into their midst of the distin? guished gentlemen who had honored them with their presence; in the course of which he paid a liaudsoinc compliment to each of the honorable gentlemen, and alluded to the position of their cx Senator, now occupying the position in the pres? ent crisis of affairs, of a simple citi:en of South Carolina. Col. Chesnut was first called upon, and he re? sponded in actable and lucid address of about an hour, portraying iu a masterly way the rights and the wrongs of the South, and advocating, by a\\ means, the withdrawal of the State from the Union. I He was listened to by the large and respectable ! audience with profound attention, and the advice he g.wc, and the pictures he drew of further con? tinuance in the present Union, evidently produced (in coming from the source they did) a profound impression upon the audience. The Hon. Mr. Boyce and Col. Ashmore, (the members of Congress,) were next called out, and responded most happily. Mr. Boyce spoke for considerably upwards of an hour, and enchained (while at times he considerably amused the audi? ence by his spicy anecdotes) their attention, by the truthful and vivid picture he drew of the pres? ent state of the affairs of the country. The time being short before the starting of" the; cars, Col. Ashmore and Col. Orr were necessarily compelled to condense their remarks into a comparatively short compass. They both happily responded, however, to the calls made upon them, and fully sustained I heir well-earned reputation for elo? quence and ability. Had the time been longer, and the weather less inclement, both Judge Whit ner and Mr. Solicitor Reed would have been called upon, but the whistle of the locomotive gave warn? ing chat the meeting had to be broken up. A bountiful Barbecue then awaited the guests, where good will, harmony, and a unanimous feel? ing of acquiescence in the tone and tenor of the sentiments expressed by all the speakers, prevail? ed among all the people. Upon the whole, Mr. Editor, you may safely echo back to the seaboard and the whole lower section of South Carolina, the hearty and unanimous feeling of spirited re? sistance on the part of the mountain region of Car? olina to any further submission on their part, or of longer continuance in a Union, now become scc tionalized, and no longer answering the purposes for which it was established. Let the ardent and cnthusiastio oitizeas of the lower country, then, Mr. Editor, learn the cheering intelligence that their brethren of the upper country arc with them, heart and soul, and like them, will be found, (in the language of the motto of South Carolina,) animis, opibus que parati?prepared with strength aud courage. For the Intelligencer: Political Meeting at Hartwell, Oa. HAETWELtj November 23, 1860. According to previous notice, a large and re? spectable portion of the citizens of all parties met in the Court House. On motion, Solomon S. Jones was called to the Chair, aud F. B. Hodges and Joel Towers were re? quested to act as Secretaries. The Chair then called upon Jamts E. Skelton, Esq., who explained the object of the meeting in a forcible and pointed manner. qu motion, a Committee of thirteen was appoint? ed to prepare business for the meeting, whereupon the Chair appointed the following Committed: P. E. Davant, R. S. Hill, Michael Johnson, John J. J. Sheppard, Win. R. Pool, Larkin Clarke, John W. Scales, James II. McMullen, James Allen. F. S.? Roberts, R. I. Gordon, J. H. Skelton and James Cobb. During the absence of the Committee, James E. Skelton, Esq., being called for, addressed the meet-' ing eloquently and forcibly for the space of twen? ty-five minutes. Messrs. F. B. Hodges, Wm. R; Pool, J. G. Justice, John J. J. Sheppard and P. E. Davant made short but appropriate speeches in fa? vor of resistance to Black Republican rule. The following Preamble and Resolutions, repor? ted by the Committee, were unanimously adopted: Whereat, The declaration of principles upon which our forefathers adopted the Constitution, as the basis of the Union, was as follows: "To es? tablish justice, insure domestic tranquility, pro? vide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty tej themselves and their posterity." The State of Georgia has ever regarded this compact as sacred, and with sufficient, conciliation and forbearance/ has endeavored to defend and perpetuate its prin? ciples. She has asked for nothing more than its plain guarantees, and could not honorably bo con tinted with anything less* And, Whereas, A party has arisen at the North, founded in bigotry and fanaticism, whose sole am? bition is directed against the institutions of the Southern States, and have declared an irreprcssi^ blc war against Constitutional rights. With fcar^ ful rapidity they have ascended into power in the Northern States, whilst quite a number of their Leg? islatures, although "solemnly sworn to support tho Constitution of the United States, have, with im? pious hearts and polluted hands, defiled its fair pages, nnd nullified the plain provision of that instrument, which constituted the bond of union between our forefathers, and transmitted to us, their posterity, as the palladium of our liberties. With armed mobs, they have invaded our territory, excited discontent and insurrection among our slaves, disturbing our peace, destroying our prop city and jeopardizing the lives of our wives and children. Such is the object and part of tho re? cord of that party which is soon to take possession of the Government, by the election of its represen? tative to the Presidential chair. Therefore Resolved, That the clcctiou and inauguration of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal llamlin to tho Presidency and Viet; Presidency of the United States ought to resisted by the people of Georgia and of the South. Resolved, That Mic time, mode and measure of resistance should be left to a Convention of the State. Resolved, That this County, irrespective of par? ty, meet in Cwverrtion on the first Tuesday in De? cember next, for die purpose of selecting candi? dates to represent us in the State Convention. SOLOMON S. JONES, Chairman. F. B. Hodoes, c . . t .... v~~,.?J e Secretaries. Joel >owehs, j For th: Intelligencer. Enthusiastic Meeting at Balton. Hin. Editor : Pursuant to previous notice, a largo portion of tho ladies and gentlemen of Helton and tho surrounding country, assembled in the Academy build? ing at candle-lighting on Thnrsday evening, the 22d" inst., to hear political speeches. Although the' night j was unfavorable, yet the attendance was large, and tho utmost enthusiasm prevailed. On motion. Dr. W. C. Brown was called to the Chair and W. S. Magce appointed Secretary. After a few pertinent remarks, the Chairman introduced the first speaker of the cvoning, Col. W. D. Wilkes, who was greeted with applause. Of tho manner and matter of iis speech, wo enn only say that it was eloquent, abb* and acceptable. When in fiery tones ho asked all present, who would follow the Palmetto Flag with or without co-operation, nearly every one present roso to their feet with a shout. Wo never heard the Colonel deliver a better speech. The Chairman next introduced Gen. S. M. Wilkes, a candidate for tho Convention. Ho is' a knorvn and tried Carolinian, and his patriotic sentiments were heartily- cheered. For near two hours bo discussed tho' qucstious at issue between tho North and tho South in their Constitutional, historic, legal and social bearings, and having shown the enormity of tho wrongs heaped upon us, asserted that further submission would be cowardly and ruinous, and showed how independent we could bo in a Southern Confederacy. When Gen. Wilkes fiuished speaking, Copt. Thomas' Martin ofTered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the olection of Lincoln to tho Presi? dency of these United States, upon sectional principles avowedly hostile to the shivcholding States, is a viola? tion of tho good faith pledged by the Fathors of tho Republic when they adopted the Constitution, and de? mands of South Carolina and the South a prompt with? drawal from tho Union. ? Resolved, That William J. Broonic, Captain of the company of Independent Blues,, be and is hereby re? quested to call out his Company on Wednesday, the* jth of December next, to take a veto upon tendering' their services to the Governor of Sooth Carolina. Resolved, That all persons who may be desirous of joining said Company as volunteers, be and they v hcrcby invited to-be present on that, day and enrol their names. Our people aro marching firmly up to the mark, and you may set them down as all right Upon motion, tho proceedings of tho meeting were ordered to be published. W. C. BROWN, Chairman. W. S. Mao ee, Secretary. -+ For the Intelligencer. A CARD. To the Citizens of Anderson District: My name has been placed before you on a ticket announced last week for Delegates to the State Convention. I deem it proper, under existing circumstances, to decline the nomination, and believe that my mo? tives will be appreciated even by those to whose, partiality I am indebted for this expression oX c.on~ fidence. I desire to see the people of my Dlstrfct, anc? the State at large, move forward1 to the great meas? ure of deliverance now contemplated with entire* harmony ct evcrgt step, i am ready and willing trj. assume my fuil share of responsibility in, property and person, be the hazards what they may, in th