BY JAMES A. HOYT. ANDERSON COURT HOUSE, S. C THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1860. VOLUME 1.?NUMBER 15. [From the Charleston Mercury.'] LEGISLATURE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXTRA SESSION. Friday, November 9.1860. SENATE. The Senate met at noon, and the jour? nal of yesterday was read and approved; Tho hour of half-past twelve having arrived, the special order (the resolutions of Senator Lcsesne) were called up. Senator Lescsne?These resolutions, Mr. President, express what, after reflec? tion, I regard as the true policy of this State in the present emergency. Now, however, I have little hope of their adop-' tiori; 1 am satisfied that the Convention will be called unconditionally; and to promote that unity of action, which is so important, it is my intention to vote for tho bill. I now move to lay my resolu? tions on the table. The resolutions were accordingly laid upon the table. The resolutions of Senator Harrison,in relation to Federal Relations, were next taken up. Senator Harrison rose to advocate their passage. He thought it due to the other Southern States that the opportunity should be offered them to co-operate with South Carolina in the secession move? ment. We should exhaust every possible means of securing their assistance before wo take the step alone. The indications of eo-opcration^wero now far more auspi? cious than in 1852. Would it then be inap? propriate to wait four, five or six weeks, in order to give notice to our Southern sisters? In the meantime, we need not be idle. Wo could go ahead with our preparations for resistance. The resolu? tions did not call for delay. They meant action?but prudent and deliberate action. He thought that the Convention should not be called at too early a day. or with too much precipitation. Senators Wilson, of Prince George, and Mazyek, of St. James, offered amendments to the resolutions and discussed their mer? its. Senators Cannon, of Spartanbttrg. Hope, of Loxington, and McAHlcy, of Chester, expressed themselves in favor of deferring the day for the Convention as long as possible, in order to lay the issue more fully before the people. Senator Moses, of Sumtcr, was willing, when the bill came up, to fill the blank as to the time, with any day tjiat should be most agrccablo to the other Senators. He was for conciliation, but he was opposed to all resolutions. He wanted the bill to go forth untrammelled by anything of the sort, and therefore moved that all the rcs lutions and amendments be laid upon the table. This motion was carried. Senator Garlington, of Newbcny, said ho was instructed by the Committee on j Federal Relations to report a bill calling i a Convention. He moved that the blanks be filled, the first with the words '-Second Monday in January, 1SG1, the second with the Tuesday after the first Monday in January. 1801, so that the bill will read as follows: 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That a Convent ion of the peo? ple of the State cf South Carolina is here? by ordained to be assembled, in tho city of Columbia, on the second Monday in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, for the purpose of taking into consideration the dangers in? cident to the position of the State in the Federal Union, established by the Con? stitution of the United States, and the measures which may be necessary and proper for providing against the same; and, therefore, to take care that the Com? monwealth of South Carolina shall suffer no detri ment. 2. That on the Tuesday after the first Monday of 18G1 the Managers of Elec? tions for the several Districts in this State, shall, after giving public notice, as in ca? ses of elections for members of the Leg? islature, open the polls and hold elections in their respective Districts for delegates to the said Convention, in all respects in the samo manner and form and at the same places as elections are now conduct? ed for members of the Legislature. And all persons who are qualified and entitled by the Constitution and laws of this State to vote for members of the Legislature, shall be qualified and entitled to vote for said delogatesto said Convention ; and in case of any vacancy occurring by death, resignation or removal from tho Stato, or refusal to serve of any person elected a delegate to said Convention, tho presiding officer of tho said Convention shall issue his writ authorizing and requiring tho Managers of Elections in the Election Districts in which such vacancy may have occurred, after giving due notice thereof, to open a poll and hold an election to fill such vacancy as in cases of the election of members of the Legislature. 3. That each Election District through? out the State shall be entitled to elect and send to the said Convention a number of delegates equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives which such District is now entitled to send to the Legislature ; and the delegates to the said Convention shall be entitled to the same freedom of arrest in going to, returning from, and whilst in attendance on said Convention, as is extended to the mem? bers of tho Legislature. 4. That all freo white male citizens of this State, of the age of twenty-oucycars and upwards, shall be eligible to a scat in the said Convention. 5. That his Excellency the Governor bo and is hereby requested, forthwith af? ter the passage of this Act, to communi? cate an authentic copy of the same to the Executive of each of the slaveholdinj; States of this Union, and to urge upon them, in such mode and manner as ho may deem best, the desire of the State of South Carolina that the said slavchohling States should Concert and co-operate with her in providing for the future safety, welfare and independence of the South. The amendments were agreed to, und the vote recurring on the bill, as amen? ded, it passed, with the following vote : Yeas, 44 ; noes. 1. The House resolutions in reference to a day of Fasting and Prayer, were re? ferred to the Committee on Education. The Senate then adjourned. - HOUSE OF REPRSEK.NTATIVES. The House came to order at 12 o'clock, m.. and after Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Spain, the journal of yesterday was read and adopted; On motion of Mr. Mull ins, a message was sent to the Senate informing that body that the Ilon^e had completed its organization by the election of a Reading Clerk and Messenger... Mr. Coffin* from the Special Committee on the resolution in relation to a day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, report? ed an amended resolution, recommending that, in view of the solemn crisis in the affairs of the country, the 21st of Novem? ber be set apart for that purpose?which was adopted. Mr. Winsmith offered resolutions, which were ordered to be printed and made the special order for to-morrow at 1 o'clock. Mr. Lucas, from the Committee on the Military, to whom were referred the bill to arm the State, reported the same back with several amendments, and with, the recommendation that it do pass. The time fixed for the meeting of the Conven? tion is the 1st of January next. The' bill was ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. Lucas, also from the Committee on the Military, to whom wr.s referred the resolutions in regard to tho amount of money to be appropriated for the defence of the State, reported that the Commit? tee recommended the appropriation of S4U0,(J0'J for that purpose ; when tho re? port was accepted and the Committee dis? charged. Mr. Mullins then introduced his hill, of which notice was given yesterday, post? poning the operation of t he 3d section of an Act entitled -an Act for tho suspen? sion of certain acts ratified 21st day of December, 1857"?postponing the election of the Directors of the Bank of South Carolina until the 1st day of January, 18G2 ; which was read once and referred. Mr. Trenholm amended his resolutions in several particulars. Mr. Gray recounted tho wrongs endu? red by the South from the foundation of the Government, and the boast of Black Republicans to re-organize the Supreme Court, which they would be able to ac? complish, since they had control of the Legislative and Judicial departments of the Government. Was the South tamely to submit? "Were their mothers and their sisters to be subjected to servile in? surrections, and all the horrors of civil war? It was too late lor co-operation ; but there were two ways of dissolving the Union: First, by revolution under a form of Government, and by individual revo? lution. He preferred the latter, because it was justified before tho world; it was the doc? trine advocated by Calhonnand McDuffie, and recognized by DeTocqueviile. Pru? dence declared for speedy action, to arm, and to own a revolution was but success? ful civil war. He hoped that South Car? olina Would now throw off the odious government and seek protection under tho Palmetto flag, the legis of our rights and palladium of our liberty. He there? fore could not vote for the resolutions, be? cause ho bolieved they would provent speedy secession. Mr. McGowan had hoped that the reso? lution would pass without a dissenting voice. -?South Carolina was long ago sat isfied with causes for dissolution, but re? mained in the Union, not because the causes were not sufficient, but to arrange with her Southern sisters the day and the manner of going out; and co-operation had been her policy for ten years, ire referred to the past action of the Legis? lature, and the sending a Commissioner to Virginia. The South had everything to unite her, and it would be tho height of madness not to unite. In the history of Greece that awful chapter in the Polo ponesinn war admonished them to unite; as did the history of Poland, modern Italy and Central America. All declared, united you stand, divided you would fall, lie would abide the decision of the Con? vention. Mr. Mullins opposed the co-operation of South Carolina. He had found that that policy a total failure. A Commis? sioner, sent to Virginia, whose soil had been invaded, and her citizens murdered, to tender our sympathies, and invite her to take the lead in the formation of a Southern Confederacy, was received, per? sonally, with respect, but he was coldly informed they could not join South Caro? lina in defending her own rights. As for Virginia, no indignities could be inflicted upon her that would drive her to leader? ship in defence of Southern rights. The indication was that if we waited for Vir? ginia to lead, the institution of slavery would be abandoned, State sovereignty abandoned, and the rights of the South lost, and South Carolina oppressed as In? dia was by the East India Company. He felt the importance of action. "When we had declared to the world that this Union was broken, and only waiting a constitu? tional form to complete secession, then, if it be desired, send a Commissioner to Georgia, and her sister States, inviting co-operation. He had. no objection to this, for they coidd do it with dignity and sell-respect. What policy would his friend pursue if Georgia declined to act? Mr. McGowan did not indicate any pol? icy. His policy was to go on part passu in sending a message ; to call a Conven? or O ' tion of tho people to say what South Car? olina should do. Mr. Mullins said, if the gentleman is willing to risk all with them, it was an unwise policy- to send a Commissioner anywlicro, before South Carolina acted herself. The first act was to announce our own policy, and that policy should be separate action. After that, we could with dignity solicit the concurrence of others. The members of Congress could gain nothing by delay. Mr. Farrow, for tho purpose of having the resolutions printed, moved their post? ponement till 1 o'clock to-morrow. Mr. Green moved to la}' them on the table, because he did not believe they re? flected the feeling and sentiments of the body. Mr. Scroven called the yeas, and nays. Mr. Green then withdrew his motion, and the resolutions were postponed. The Speaker laid before the body a bill from the Senate providing for calling a Convention, which was referred to the Committee on Federal .Relations. Mr. Simonton gave notice of a bill to provide a police in relation to persons coming from States hostile to slavery; after which the House adjourned. Saturday, November 10. SENATE. The Senate met at 12 o'clock, and the journal of yesterday's 'proceedings was read and approved. Senator Marshall, of Abbeville, from tho Committee on Military and Pensions, to whom was referred so much of the Gover? nor's Message, No. 1, as relatps to the formation of volunteers, and also Senate Resolutions on the same subject, asked leave to report by bill. On motion of Senator Marshall, the bill was made the special order for Monday, at half past twelve o'clock. The President. Tho following com? munication has been laid before the Chair: Columbia. November 10, I860. The Honorable President and Members of the Senate : I herewith resign the appointment of United States Senator from South Caroli? na. JAMES CHKSXUT. jr. [The reading of the resignation was fol? lowed by an outburst of applause, which was, however, promptly chocked by the President.] Leave of absence for Senators Harrison of Anderson, and Hharpc of Pickcns, was asked and granted. The resolutions in relation to the resigna? tions of Federal officers, made the Special Order for to-day, were taken up and in? formally laid over. Senator Bhctt, of St. Helena, from the Committee on College, Education and Re? ligion, to whom were referred House res? olutions in reference to a day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, reported that they had the same under consideration and recommended concurrence. Aud the resolutions were accordingly concurred in. Senator Marshall.?Mr. President. I give notice that on Monday next, ! will ask leave to introduce a hill to arm the State. A bill from tho House, in relation to suspending certain sections of a certain Act in relation to Banks, passed Decem? ber 21st, L857, was read and referred to the Committee on Finance and Banks,and orderred to be printed. Senator Rhctt.?I give notice that on Monday next I shall move to suspend the thirty-second Pule of the Senate. [The rule reads as follows: "Xo bill shall be read a third time on the day fixed for the adjournment of the Senate."] On motion of Senator Cannon, of Spar tanhurg, the Senate then took a recess until 7 o'clock, p. m. night session. The Senate reassembled at 7 o'clock. There was an evident disposition to dis? patch business as soon as possible. Senator Lcsesne laid before the Senate the resolutions of the Mass Meeting held at Charleston Friday night, which was read ami referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. The bill to call a Convention of the peo? ple of this State, returned from House of Representatives with amendments, was then taken up. The first amendment, proposing to change the day of the Convention meeting from the second Monday in January. 1861, to the seventeenth day of December, 1800, was read. Senators Cannon, Palmer.Hope, Dantz ler and McCaw, successively announced their intention to vote for the bill as amended. Senator Rhctt said that they hail now arrived at the end of the great legislative struggle. He thanked his Clod that he had lived tosee it. This was a great day. It was co witness the beginning of a move? ment which was to shake this continent to its very centre. The revolution was now in its cradle, and he was proud that it had jeen reserved for our noble little State to be its author. He felt that we were about to lay the foundation of a re? public which would be in its destiny great, glorious and happy, for us and our poster? ity The amendment was then agreed to, and the other amendments were seperate ly read aud concurred in. The bill, as amended, was then read and put upon its passage. The bill was passed by the unanimous vote of all present, as foliows : Yeast.?Senators Duncan, Alston, jr., Appleby, Barker, Barnes, Beatty. Blako ncy. Boykin, Boyle,*Bryan, Bull, Cannon. Dantz'cr, DcLoach, Fickling. Furman. Garlington, Hart. Heyward, Hope, Irby, Johnson, KeitL Lcsesne, Manning. Mar? shall, Mazyck, McCaw, McKewn, Mont? gomery. Moses, E. Cf. Palmer, S. W. Pal? mer. Rhctt, Roberds, Sessions, Simp? son, Wagner, "Ware, Watson, Wilson, and the President. Na.g$.?Xoue, The following Senator..; were absent when the vote was taken : Messrs. Me Aliley. Hampton, Harrison and Sharpe. The vote having been announced, it was ordered that the bill should be called an Act, and returned to the House of Repre? sentatives. Senator Moses. And now, sir, that we may not mar the effect of what we have so well and so unanimously done to-night, I move that the Senate do now adjourn. Tl o question being put. it was decided in the affirmative. So the Senate adjourn? ed until Monday next at 12 m. HOUSE OF RBPRKSKXTATIVES. The House met at noon, and after pray? er by the Rev. Mr. Martin, the journal of yesferday was read and approved. The Speaker laid before the House the following communication : Columbia, Xov. 10, 1800. To the Honorable, the Speaker, and tlie Members of the House of Representatives. I herewith resign the appointment of United States Senator from South Caro? lina. JAMES ClIESXUTJr. Mr. W. Cf. DcSausstirc, from tho Com? mittee on Ways and Means; reported back a bill to postpone the 3d section of an act entitled an act for the suspension of cer? tain sections of a certain act, ratified Dec. 21, 1857, with several amendments, and recommended its passage. The question being on the amend? ments? Mr. Winsmith said he believed the ob? ject of the bill to be the suspension of spe? cie payments by the banks, and therefore desired that its consideration should bo postponed, and that it should be printed. Mr. Yeadon explained that tho bill would only suspend that portion of the law which prohibited the Banks from isstt ijrtg notes to a greater amount than three times their specie on hand. Mr. W. Or. DeSaussure also explained the provisions of the bill and tho amend? ments. They suspended that section of the act of 1857 which required tho Banks to have oue third of gold and silver in its vaults for tho two-thirds in circulation and that portion of the act of '52 which forbids the banks paying out the Villa of other banks. It .was a wise measure in these revolutionary times,.and, therefore, tho Committc had reported it with singu? lar unanimity. Mr. Thompson hoped the gentleman would withdraw his opposition. If the House delayed to print the bill it would not be passed for some time. Mr. Mullins desired to place the banks in a position to relieve the citizens of any embarrassments which tho action Of the State might possibly bring upon them. Tho measure before them would inspire confidence, and would tend to prevent a suspension. Mr. Pope concurred in the desire to have the bill postponed and printed. Mr. Coffin had received letters from the heads of banks urging this action. H is business was with selling the produce of the,State, and 1857, when the banks were trying to maintain specie payments, the result was that the value of the agricultu? ral products was greatly depreciated. "When the banks were relieved froth the penalty placed upon them flic value of those products was greatly increased. The banks were now again endeavoring to keep up specie .payments, and relief w; s absolutely necessary. Mr. Pope had some conversation with a member of Ihe Committee, and. upon hi.-, representation, did not think the oper? ation of the bill would be disastrous in any way. and. therefore, he would vote for it. Mr. Cuningham, not understanding the bill, was desirous to delay ; but the bill be? ing again explained by Mr. Trenholm. he w'.thdrcw his objection, when the bill was read a second lime and soul to the Sen? ate. Mr. Simonton then introduced his bill to provide a police for persons coming from States hostile to the institutions of tho South ; which was read a first time and referred to tho Committee on tho Ju? diciary. ' [It provides that every white male res? ident of States where slavery is prohibit? ed, shall within twenty-four hours after their arrival in this State, if it is their in? tention to remain throe days or longer, re? port their arrival to a magistrate, in writ? ing, sotting forth the States from which they come, their names, occupations, their residences, and their objects, and fixing penalties for all cases of non-compliance.] Mr. William AVhaley.?I hold in my hand a resolution which I suppose will meet ft cordial response from every mem? ber of this House. It is as follows : liesol cod. That tho resignation of Hon. James Chcsnut, its one of the Senators from the State of South Carolina, be ac? cepted; and that what, under other cir? cumstances, would be regarded as a mat? ter of regret, is now recognized as an act of loyalty and devotion to the sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. The resolution was adopted unanimous I.V. Mr. Aldrich. from tho Committee on Federal Relation?; to whom was referred the Semite bill for calling a Convention, of the people, reported the same back with amendments providing that the election shall take place on the Gth of December next, and that the convention shall meet on the 17th of the same month, and with the recommendation that it do pass. The question being on the amendments. Mr. Black said he was willing to go for the Convention and with the State, but lie was unwilling to make the change in the time for the election of delegates and the meeting of the Convention. He pre? ferred the Senate bill, for it afforded those who represented the back Districts time to go before their constituents and inform them of the necessity of the step thej* wore about to take. If they had not that tinic, lie was afraid they woud send dole gates oposod to going out of the Union, lie represented a District that had never been behind in the defence of their coun? try, and they would not be behind now, if they were properly infjt'mcd. He would therefore move that .tho vote be taken by yeas and nays. . , Mr. Thompson regretted exceedingly that his young friends wore in such hot haste. In 1851 he had tho good Cr bad fortune to go with those who were oppos? ed to separate State action, but he gave that vote with more pain than any vote he CVer gave in his life, because he know that a large majority of his fellow citizens did not go with him. If they showed any great advantage to be gained by haste, old as he was, he wotdd endeavor to keep up with his young friends. It* they wanted to defeat the measure, the}- would carry this position, but if they wanted to carry it through, as he trusted in God they would, they should not adopt these amcndmcnts. "Wherever \m nciple led him he would go, regardless of outside pres? sure. Ho would sooner vote for a resolu? tion declaring South Carolina out of the Union, than for these amendments. He trusted therefore they would be rescued from these hasty proceedings. At this point, one o'clock having arriv Mr. Winsmith called up the following resolutions, which he had introduced yes? terday, and which were made the special order for this hour: Jtesolved, That this General Assembly is satisfied that Abraham Linelnhas already been elected President of tho United States, and that said election has been based upon principles of an open and avowed- hostility to the social organization and peculiar interest? of the slaveholding States of this Confederacy. Resolved, That it is the sense of this General Assembly that South Carolina is now"ready to dissolvo her conncction.with the* Government of the United States, and earnestly desires, and hereby solicits, the co-operation of her sister slaveholding States in such movement. Resolved, That tho Governor be request- . cd forthwith to forward a copy of tho foregoing resolutions to the Governor of each of the slaveholding States of this Confederacy, with tho request that it may be submitted to their respective Legisla tnrcs. " ,^.v.\:V"!"At - Mr. Winsmith said these resolutions demanded the immediate action of tho body, for it was important that they should, at the earliest possible moment, announce to their sister Southern States what their purposes and opinions are. If South Carolina was ready to dissolve this Union, what man upon the -floor would vote no to the resolutions ? For himself; he was ready^and had been ready for years, and had waited only.until some? body elscgot ready. If they passed these resolutions it would not embarrass the ac? tion of the Legislature, or the Convention, in the course which the)'might see proper to take hereafter. He was opposed to sending Commissioners to the other States, for the experience of South Caroliua had not been very satisfactory in that particu? lar! "'" - ? ? - j * ?> Mr. Buist moved that the House be discharged from the further consideration of the resolutions, and that, they bo made the special order for two o'clock; pending which, . Mr. Trenhoim moved to amend to mo? tion by making them the specia l order for two o'clock; pending which, Mr. Cunirigham moved that they be laid on the table ; which latter motion was agreed to. Mr. Trenholm's-resolutions in relation to the calling of a Convention, and the sending of a Commissioner to Georgia, were then called up; when Mr. Trenhoim moved that the House be discharged from their further considera? tion to-duy, and that they be made tho speck'! order for Monday at one o'clock; pending which, Mr. Cuningham moved that they be laid on the table ; which motion did not prevail! Thee motion of Mr. Ti enholni was then agreed to. Mr. Buist, with the indulgence of the House, then offered the following resolu? tions, which were adopted at a public meeting at Charleston on -Friday night: Whereas, It is now certain that Mr. Lin? coln has been -elected President of the United States; and. ichcreas, That election determines the fact that the powers of this Government have passed into the band? of a section implacably hostile to our in? terests and our institutions': we, citizens of Charleston, deeming it our! privilege to express to the General Assembly of this State, in session now. our. hopes and wish I es upon this.emergency, and deeming a call of a Convention to consider of seces? sion, a measure evidently demanded by the exigencies of the occasion : Re it further resolved, That it be urged upon the General Assembly to promptly call a Convention of the people of this State, to meet at tho earliest possible mo? ment, and sever our connection with the .present Government. Resolved, 2d. That copies of the foregoing Resolutions be sent by telegragh to our Senators and Representatives in that As? sembly, with the request to place them before their respective Houses. The resolutions having been read, were referred to the Committee on FcderaLRe latious. The House then resumed the conside? ration of the report of the Committee on Federal Relations on the bill calling for a Convention. (continued ox fourth page.)