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II. The Old Corporal. IFrom Beraugcr.l With Fhonlileredann*, and cherrufl Tiro. Forward, my cbmndM, march away; 1 have my j.i]>e, and your embrace; Step ont,?I've my discharge 10-day. *r??.w ivrini" tn he a soldier still. When in uecervic old I'd grown; But you, the lad* 1 taught yr.ur drill, H Wnl into my .old familiar ton . B / ( on- lijnS ko p keep T 8*y; W Ko tears fur me?march. march away.t A boyish ensigr., fresh from school, Insulted rie, 1 broke his head; For that thev tried mi"?'tis tire rule! He's pet lag well I die instead. "With passion and with brandy nerved. From hint 1 could not keep my fist: Besides, the "Great Man" 1 have served.? No weeping, comrades. I insist. Conscripts, keep step, keep s'op, I say; No tears for me?march, march away. Conscript?! you'd scarcely change, like me, Arm or leg tor a cross alone; Aline was pained loop ago, you see. Iu wars when kings were overthrown. For me you'd always pay the shot. When of our rights 1 used to talk; Glory, however, have I not? Step out, nor sigh, as on we walk. Conscripts, keep step ke-'p step, I say; No tears for ins?match, march away. Robert, my comrade, pray go back, And shepherd turn, your service done? See how those trees cast shadows black; But spring is spring at home alone. Often for me the rising day Has given fresh charms to everv wood: They're mine no more. Come, nif.r. h away. t My mother lives?but God is good! Couscripts, keep step, keep step I say; No tears forme?march, march away. Who is it, there, that sobs so hard ? Ah! 'tis the drummer'.- wife 1 know. In ltussia?one of the rearguard? I bore her roy through frost and snow. Alike the father, child and wife. Without me, would be 'ueath the pod. She cannot give to me my life, Let her commend my soul to Cod. Conscripts, keep step, keep step, I say; No tears for me?march, march away. Korbleu! my pijx- is out, I fear. Net yet ? So much the better, then, Now to the square we're eomiug near; Don't bind my eyes, 1 be:.', mv ineu. I grieve, good friends, to bore you thus, But, most of all, dout tire t<?o low. 3ly time has come?now no more fuss: God keep yon all?to heaven I go. Conscripts, keep steep, keep step, I say; No tears for me?inarch, march away. ^?lOmeea Week. J. F. M. Punch Drops. . JJii'WLLl AND BETWEEN WE11E BETTER FOR ROTH. Scene?An English Court of Justice. The Law.?Prisoner, don't plead guilty. "How do you know whether a case can be made out against you? c Prisoner.?Thank you, my Lord, but as 3 did it? The Law.?Be silent, my good man. How do you know you did it?did what your offence is said to be? Witness.?My Lord, he did take? The Law.?Be very careful, sir. Remember your oath. How do you know -that it was this man? Witness.?I have known bim, I should -think for? The Law.?Never mind what you think. Hid you see him take the thing? Witness.?I was walking? The Law.?Who asked whether you were walking, or riding, or flying, or ? wrxi-tw* of aim o nl i 9 A naivoi* UU J U Lll OlVUKU/ii . iUiOMCi VMV * question. Did you see him? Witness.?Yes, my Lord. The Law.?Was it at night or in the *lay? Witness.?At night. The Law.?Can you see in the dark? Witness.?There was a moon, my Lord. The Law.?Of course there was, but did it shine? Witness.?Very brightly. Tho Law.?You can swear that it was he, and no one else? Witness.?Yes, my Lord. The Law. ?Do you know that he has a brother very*like him? Witness.?It wasn't his brother, my IiOrd. The Law.?Answer the question, or you'll get into trouble. Do you know the fact that his brother is very like him? ? Witness.?He is not so very like, my Xord. The Law.?How daj-e you say that? It is only your opinion. Will you swear that there was light enough to enable you to be certain that this was the man? Witness.?I know the fellow well enough, my Lord. The Law.?How dare you call him name?? You dislike him, evidently, and the jury will be cautious iij accepting your evidence, ae careiui, sir: Prisoner.?He tells the truth, my Lord. I didThe Law.?Hold your tongue, my poor man. Prisoner.?But it is true that I' took? The Law.?Keep him silent, Gaoler. Go down, you sir, and feel ashamed of Laving shone animosity in that sacred box. Gentlemen of the Jury?such charges are easily made, but disproved nith difficulty. The witness had evidently an animus. The prisoner had borne a good character, at least nothing has been jproved against him, and his readiness to THE FREE SOUTH?BEAU admit everything is creditable to him. Still, it is for you to say, Guilty, or not Guilty. Jury.?Guilty, my Lord! The Law.?As tlio jury has found you guilty cf stealing these sovereigns, prisoner, I have only to pass sentence, which I shall make very light. You will he imprisoned, without hard labor, for a month. Prisoner.?I can do that oil my Lead, my Lord. [Flings Ids nailed shoe at the foreman, and exit s/toutitu/. ] Scene?A French Court of Justice The Law.?Prisoner, I am afraid you are an awful scoundrel. W hy dou't you confers, and make reparation to society? 3 ri oner.?Because 1 am innocent, h Law.?You say that with a certain i:n]a dcnce which proves you hardened in crime. How came you to rob your master? Prisoner.?I never did.' The Law.?This reiteration of a plea, which is clearly false is disrespectful to the Court, and will aggravate votir punishment. ?re you fond of the tiieatre? Prisoner.?Yes. The Law.?That denotes a love of pleasure which is frequently found united with dishonesty. l)o you smoke? Prisoner.?A good deal. The Law,?Doubtless to stupify the reproaches of a menacing conscience. . Do you go to mass? Prisoner.?At regular times. Tuo Law.?That shovis you to be a hypocrite. Now, witness, is he not guilty? Witness.?No, my Lord. The Law.?How dare yen say that? Did you commit the crime yourself? Witness.?Certainly not. The Law.?Don't answer it that petulant way. What is your character? Are yon fond of the theatre? Witness.?No. The Law.?Just so. A dark and gloomy nature cannot enjoy innocent recreation. Do you smoke. Witness.?Very little. The Law.?You fear to be traced by the smell of your clothes. You know that tobacco increases our revenue, and you wilfully abstain in order to injure your country. Do you go to mass? Witness. ?Seldom. The Law.?You feel your evil characf l?n OAlnn^niL'ao f UA l/UX UUUWIAI il/i IUV/ OWI^UlllAliCO UX U1C Church. Go down. The next. Now, what have you to say, woman? Witness.?The accused is an excellent husband? Law.?Are you his wife? Witness.?No, my Lord; but his wife's friend, and I know? The Law.?Then the less jou have to say in the future to the wife of an accused person the better. Perhaps you are in love with him? Witness.?My Lord, I have a husband whom I love, and children whom I adore, and because any of them might be charged falsely, as the prisoner is, I came to say what I can for justice. The Law.?That theatrical sentiment you have learned from some play, and your reciting it here is most indecent. Go down. Gentlemen of the Jury?It is quite clear that this scoundrel is guilty. His insolent denials, the class of witnesses, atheists, profligates, frequenters to theatres, gloomy conspirators, and the like make his guilt evident; besides which a gaoler heard him say .1[on Bin a in sleep, which shewed temporary remorse, linally, I happen to know that he is guilty, for I knew his father in his youth, ami he was a vile assassin. Gentlemen, you have only to say guilty. The Jury.?Not Guilty. I1!!*! T.nn- Vrai nrn n onntnnaninre enf of rebellious and illogical pigs, and I shall see whether the Procureur of his Majesty caunot ideal with you as conspirators. Meanwhile abandon the box you have disgraced. [Kruent the jurymen, confirmed in imperialism.) The Ant Thai?.? As the season is now at hand for these pests, the auis, housewives and others who are troubled with them may } robably use the loliowiug trap to advantage: "Procure a large sponge, wash it well, and press it dry, which will leave the cells quite open; then sprinkle over it some line white sugar, and place it near where the ants are troublesome. They will soon collect upon the sponge and take up their abode in the cells. It is only necessary to dip the sponge in scalding water, whicn will wash them out by the tens of thousands. Put on more sugar and set the trap for a new haul. This process will soon clear the house of every i!ht." Artemus Ward, in speaking of the newspapers of his village, says "that the : advertisements are well wTitten, and the marriages and deaths are conducted with J signal ability." FORT, S. C., OCT. 1, 1864. Trade Regulations. HEADQFAKTETiS, 1*. S. FORCES. A Dbtbot or Bkaotokt, Beaufobt, S. August 22d, ISM.J CIRCl LAR,> No. T. ; Till* F,)LLOWiyc, T.\TUFF OF FFOFiTS. AS reoooaaendi * a c mod! of Administration conv-iod t I1'!- i' i.t vrl.icb r:. rr. i '> i trader* at lifxuA/: ?. S C.. all '! of their good.", is published for tl. llt'< i all < n.eil: 1. 1 or groecrit -. iudiuliug preserved meat?, fruit. nOC it-:., hotter, dtrae sauces, pickle*, and articles us-nady sobl l\7 grocers, riul used as, or . in the preparatic i! of lood, not above thirty-live (35) per <?lh above the achlil cort at place of pmxh.i.*. 2. Tobacco, cig irs, or other m::nu?:c!ures cf tobacco, Hot above fort; f4f) per cent, above actcal cost at the place o! purchase. 3. L)ry goods, Licit.'liiig article of dress used by females, exeep* shoes, and .*.1! articles t:sed : i tl.e mUnu' tctnre c>; i.iale or fain ale clothing, not over forty ( ?) p. r cent, above actual cost a: the place of purchase. 4. J'.en's eloi! ing and furnishing good*. including ' hats md cap>. not over torty-jive ( >; per cent, ibore actual cos; at plac 5 of parcbare. 5. Hoots and shoe.- for male:' an fern-.les not over fony (4f>; percent, aliove actual cott at place of purchase. C. Article-, of hardware and m 'infactures of iron, not over forty (40) per cent, ab ire actual cost at the place of purchase. 7. (.V inet w.-.r<\ including bedstods, mattresses, chairs. or other articles of fttniiture. not over forty per cent, Above actual cost at the place of purchase. S. Fancy cutkry. 1 mshc?. combs, perfumery, stationery, watches, jewhy, or other articles of fancy jrootUc not over lorry fju; p,-r cent, above j:< tual cos; j t pia of purchase. P. All other articles net eti.tmcf.utvl ahore. not over forty f t?; p -r cent, above actual cost at the place ; of partitas?. Any person engaged in trade r.t this post, detected In j violating th" Tariff of P routs hereby .established, will j subject uis goods to confis"Htii>n. All parties concerned v. iil cause a list of the abovis. Tariff of Profits to lie exhibited in a conspicuous place in "their trade stores, and will be liable to a fine if neglecting to do so. I5v order of Col. C. II. VAN WYCK. N. Y. Vols.. Commanding District. Sttatit >1. Taylor, Asst. Adjt. (reneral. HEADQUARTERS. I*. S. FORCES* 1 DlMBICT OK Beaitobt, S. ('., ;* Beackout, S. C., August 27, IstD.J CIRCULAR.) No. r>. j' To ths Freeihnm in the Department of the South: In a time of plenty and pruspt rity. a wise man lays up in store out of his abundance, something for a time of need in the future, that he may not be found like the foolish virgins wirhout oil in his lamp. In those days of your nroeiieriry, when your fields are fruitful and cotton brings almost a fabulous price; when colored soldiers receive full pay ami rations equal to that which our government gives to her bravest and best; when large Ixmntics are paid to those who were lately slaves who now enlist in her service, and the humblest laborer is acknowledged to be worthy of his hire, it is your duty to provide against a future time of need in such a way as to sustain the Administration which, under Providence, has brought you all these blessings, and to prevent your families or yourselves from aver becoming u tax upon its bounty. To accomplish this end, and to enable you to have a safe netiository for your money, I have appointed Capt. J. P. Low, A. Q. A!., as President, Lt. A. P. Ketcburn, A. D. C., as Ireasurer, and Air. S. L. Harris, Cashier of u Savings bank for your benefit. Ail the hinds yon deposite in this bank wil' be at once invested in safe and valuable United States Government {securities. You will thus hare a secure place of ueposite for your money, where j it will Yield you a fair rate of interest, and will at the game tune indirectly aid in sustaining the government [ which is doing go much for you. The South Carolina Freedmcn's Savings Hank is located in the town of Beaufort. All the colore*! people who deposits their money in it wlil take a re ceipt from the Treasurer for the amount, and can feel assured that it will be returned to them again with interest when called for. The Superintendents and Teachers of the Freedmen, and all others who feel an interest in fheir welfare, are requested to explain this circular so far as possible to those under their charge. It. bAXTON, Brigadier General, n33 # Military Governor. TO THTSOLDIEES AND 3AILGSS. BY THE EXISTING LAWS OF CONGRESS ALL soldiers who have servedjtwo years, or who have been discharged from service by reagoa of disability contracted whiie in the l^ne of tijeir duty ate entitled to pension or bosntv. In many cases niso, sailors who have served in the Navy have claims for prize money and pension. That these claims may be properly presented the United Mates fcanitary Commission have established a Claim Agency at Washington, U. C? and the undersigned has been appointed >pcdal Agent for the Department of the South, and is prepared to prosecute all such claims Free of Charge. Claims will receive attention oh Saturday of each week at the Commission, Leaufort, and at Col. Littletieid's Oiilce, lliltoi! Head, alternately of each wet k. * All discharged soldier can receive information about presenting their claims ..t home free. Notice will rv giveu when chums can :>o niaue ont at Fernandiun, fet. Angus tine and all other Posts M. M. MARCH, Agent Sanitary Conur.iseiou, 1). S. Approved. . .J. P. HATCH. Brig. (teal. Coniu'g L>ist. Approved. J. F. FOSTER, Maj. Genl. Comd'g Dept. of the >o?tb. CREAM AND SHERBET IC23, ' | Ricii Coffes anil Lii&t Confectiosery, JkX MUBI JOCK'S. The Subscriber desires to inform bis friends that he has fitted tip two sinai 1 and cosy parlors where Ice Creams ar.d good things may be enjoyed somewhat after the New England style. Visitors to Beaufort should include us in their arrangements. Families and parties supplied to order. KILLIAH N. 7II IIDOJ K, Cor. Bay and State streets, above Steven's House. , Union Bowling Saloon, UNDER THE SAXTOX HOUSE, Beaufort, S. C. G. DENNIS, Proprietor. Found.?on Wednesday, august 24, a { small lL'ht colored Ml'LK, which the owner can urrc bv proving property and paying charges. Enquire 1 it Orange Grove Plantation, Ladies* Island, S. C. a n33 ' GEO. II. DURAN. 1 I Y V \ (A f . | n / 1 NO. 36. FREE SOUTH JOB PRINTINtf OFFICE. FREE S01T:i BUILDftTS, BAY STBEET, BEAlFOSt, I It ;: J oi' 1 ier No. 3. All kinds of JCG PRINTING neatly atrl qnkkly done, at .-..jrt notice. POSTER?, OFFICIAL BLANKS. E'JSTNKS* CARDS, ADDRESS CARDS, EXEiAJi"?S, CAiiXiliS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, BILL HEADS, SUTLERS CHECKS, And ail other kinds of printing doao as well as by thebest Northern ollicc \ and at low rates. ORDERS BY MAIL OP. EXPRESS ^ril] receive the same attention auJ at as low prices as if given I crso tally. , WILKES &, THOMPSON", Free South Ofllce, Here fort. S. C. Market Itegulations. HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, DioTkict or Bealvout. V Le.vcfoc.t, S. C., Au;.:ns; 5tb, 1S0LJ CIRCULAR, > No. 0. ? The following tariff of priced, r><s recommended by a Councilor A<'f.iinls;\ convened at this Post. at which vegetables, froit, poultry and eggs, << c. shall be sol"., is Hereby adopted, and will be strictly enforced throughout this District. The Provost Marshall is directed to arrest all iucividr.iL* who violate the rates established, and conr'.scatc their property, impose a fine for the first and a and imprisonment lor the second, ile will cai se a trnstwerthynon-conuuissioned olliccr to be pre.-' nt at and superintend the sale* uaiiy. ..Market hours wid 1m fiom six (0; A. >i. to twelve fi?!. (Sundays excepted,; and from four f-f; P M. to si:, 'd; i'. M. it is the duty of guards to assist in arresting all persous who may 1m- detected in asking higher prices than those quoted for their property. The ouilding known :ut the Old Market House is set apart for sucl sales, nud at no other portion of Beanfort, or within the limits of the irortili cat ions, will any sales l>e permitted. Turkeys, each $1 25 Oeese, each 1 nt> Chickens spring, jwir '*> Chickens, grown, pair So Ducks, pair...: Sf) Eggs, dozen i-b h isn, string (5; 26Fish, large. jHJiiud 0T?Potatoes, Irish, peck GO Potatoes, sweet, peck Go Tomatoes, peck 80* Squash, summer, each 2 & Cong green, dozen # 2.r. Turnips, peck 20 Bfcrries, quart- .' lf> Water Melons, large, each 5M> Water Melons, medium each 2f?- j Water Melons, smalL each If.* / Musk Melons, large, each 2L t Musk Melons, medium, each V* . F Musk Melons, small, each 10 A Cucumbers, each 02 " Cabbage, each ..A W/* Onions, peck 40Okra, peck I....... 4o> Oflrll . .li!'.. ? . . Oj .Milk, quart 10' Applet, peck - 4tm Peaches, peck 75Figs, quart 10c., peck COBv order of Brig. Cen. E. E. 1'OTTER. Stttaht M. Taylor, Assistant Adjutant General. Circular, Wo. 6. HEADQUARTERS, MILITARY GOVERNOR,)'KT, South Carolina, Aug. 3?, 1S(J4. > I. It b;ts been reported to these Headquarters that persons are now in this Department who are contracting with the Frecdmen for the purchase of their cotton ? in ad van re of the harvest, at certain rates agreed upon now between the parties, which rates it is believed are much below its probable value when it shall be ready for market. And as the Ignorance of the real value of their cotton may cause them to make contracts to their own injnry. it is hereby ordered 1. That'no such contracts will be considered legal or binding upon the people. 2. There is hereby .'.llixed to the entire crop of cotton raised, or to he raised t his year, in the Department ot the ckalth, a lien in fnvcr of tk laborers U] on said cotton crop; and whether said amount due them, as by agreement with their employers, was to be paid them in money, or 1 y share of the crop, or both. 3. Before any cotton raised ou the plantations in this Department cau be shipped, a permit must be obtained from these Headquarters, where satisfactory evidence will be required that ail just claims of laborers and producers have been settled. i. Any person purchasing cotton from Frecdmen must obtain from the Gen. ral huporintendent of the Division in which such Freedmen live a cc:tiihv.te that such purchase was fairiy made, with duo regard, to the interests pf tnc Freodmcn and to the market value of the crop. This certificate must accompany every application to ship cotton. f>. 'J'he General h::j rintondents must obtain front each Freedraen. at tl> time of sale, the number of acres of cotton cultivated by bim, and in e.tso his total crop should api>ear so largely in excess of that orlinyily produced to the acre as to ju-iny the sr.- y.'cion of frond, or that be bad stolen from las employer, r.e certificate will be given until a Mill and satbthctory investigation is made. II. \ iolations of the foregoing regulations will involve the seizure and sale ofthe "cotton at auction lor the benefit of the la to rt-rs; and al! persons e< married in shipping any of the aforesaid c.?;t m without permission from these lieadouarters, will ?xpose thcni- ? seives to arrest and prnishmont,. and their property to seizure and confiscation. By order of It. SAXTON, Brig. Gen. and Aiil. Gov. Official: f. \V. Saxto*, Captain and A. D. C. nit? MONITOR GALU:RY. BJLAlVELT Ac 1IIBBAUD, Ihroprietore. CORN Kit NINTH AND " F" STREETS. Next to Darlington's Old Sutler Store. Carte de Visit es, Melninotypes, Ambrotypes, Views of Camps ".nd the surrounding country. All those wi-hiiig Pictures, iu the first style of art, should call at the Monitor Gallery. ,>i m 9. utmnipn DLmu^j iX/ 11 uvi/aiM/. ElUbTCS IIuUliAF.I*. JoiIX II. Ll.Al.VFJ.T_ E. W. SINCLAIR, PHOTOGRAPHER. M ALLERIES at Beanfort and Hilton Head, S. C.. and LX Jacksonville. Hi. Carte de Yisites. Landscapes. Stereographs, <fec., taken in good style, and satistaetioa J ways guaranteed. n-1 E. W. SINCLAIR. >