University of South Carolina Libraries
- _ ,/ < ? * yt V v +- *-' / ' . y * VOL. II. v V _ _ _ ? . ( ?Eo?lcn oi Warfare* \. \ Mr. D. T. J jidi!soi!, of South Carolina, I lias recently published, in London and ^ \ 45har!eston. a work entitled "The Life _V And Times of Uertrand du (Juesejjn," in \\ which, after giving an account of the battle of I'oicfiera, lie quotes this passage frr?m ]>n Oaiige:?"To kill'an enemy by tlio l-ow\ em: a bo\r, or uftillery, b:ts ncv- ; rr been esteemed by tho French as au action of valor. Titer only valued blows vVj front tho hand, sword, or lanee, which required address and skill; and it was for j 41iis reason that, in process of time,* they ! forbade the use of cross-bows, arrow's amt | poisoned darts. 3t v/as not niti: dent to j o destroy the enemy by any means what- | :i 1,.-, should bo f*Vt*r> II in.nn.-ui,. ?oaiT!CTt J 1 ?y fair force, and wiik such j v ^ *rnts n? displayed the d*x ferity of Ike person* using thcui. It is certain thai- ; nj ike above-m ation arms lravo bei n forbid- j -?iea at vario-.v time by lite Popes, p;rtic? ; ulnrly the Council held at Konie, un.h-r w* ilape Innocent 1L, in the year 3ii>0. ch. *??. The Kuiueror was one of the Chris*L ;u princes wlio forbade their use. for ! JKt^iiar reasons.'' The IW;to:i Traveler ! \ f *ays tin' Englieh fool,"very differ'tit vi"W j *>f the lav. Juices* r.nd propriety of n; i;:g j 41io bow* ami arrows, jtr.d why? ji.-ean-o : hey were the only peo le who had a class j of good bowmen. Fro** tire English yen- i manry camo those skillful archers who j ?lrow their long 1h>ws to the right car. and j 5 ' %o whose accurate aim England owed most. ?.4* of her victories down to the sixteen thcen- ! 4my. Tbe Popes said that it was wick< .1 , v 4auso'thc:n, but the English, who were j good Catholics in tlte long-bow cent'iri"s. j y ?aid it was wis" to use them, and therefore ! _ *. they used them, as Scotchmen and French- ! mca learnt to their great cost. . .. . ,? A.?i.. i i ^ li-iii'mcr UUIS lis OOHSMIJgiY I-'> > , \ <fc* vtn* trained, in common with thousands ! ^ *>f fcinpish yonths, to use the long-bow j from his c'rldhood up: and his master, Ileon* VIIT. was ono of the best nrohers tbt Kngland ever had, generations after v grmpowcr had come into common use. 2i Ji h'uhu qm*tion of ability. That which IVenehiuiii couldn't do they thought it f uiuat be wrong; but as Englishmen could S. d;> It perfectly, thev said it was right, and X All it to portection, in spite of the decrees. ??i emperors, popes, and councils, and in titter contempt of the opinion of the cliiv*ir y of France. Nor was the conduct of ' <iie French so foolish as at first thought { mo may be inclined to think it was. A gentleman who wus dying from a ; -oIothvMrd shaft through his throat or jaws, -?q?crienee.I a thousand-fold more pain ^h:?t would have been his had lie been smothered bv a poisonous gas, and well fright think it a barbarous mode of war lore to be shot from his horse by a yeorrsm at tho distance of a couple of lnuidi tod y&rtta. In modern times there is p. strong fecl^ isk against the dagger. It is regarded as Tho weapon of assassins, and uo honorable man would use. it, save in self-defense; j ) aol yet the bayonet is held to be the very < prince of weapons, ami soldiers who use it A -isio^. freely arid skillmlly are always con?idcred the verv fl ?wer of their order, y But ry/hafc is the tbayonefc but a dagger \sscroWvd ou iO cno uiu&ivfi or a rifie ior tlin purpose of stabbing enemies? You eaunot strike with it, but must stab, or ! % leave it'mu-nipioveci. j When Srat adopted by the. English it' \ * a.*called a dagger ; and its use was tirst ! \ suggested to JO uoincuis by what they saw i among the M days, a stabbing people. ' tTIio Duteh who wero in ihc East Indiau "island*saw Jio .v the ^frdays used the ?probably kris ?a% it oceured to \ xhem to have their soldiers attach it to \ ?heir muskets. This was the origin of the bayonet, upon *hieh tu "ie practice the French improved, j -outil the bnyoueC become u weapon ( iff tlie jjiosi. laooiua ring character, to excel i ill the use i t w'lrti-h is the pride oi.di good I awddxovi?. The AT: ! >ys uw the I'ris when j naming tUHok, that is, whentiiey go mad t from rum or rage, rind kill all whom they j meet, which is commonly culled " running . iV i* inoke." A-pre tt-y origin, truly, for the] a.t.vilr -ill lnOfirS Of i iMAVl VUP04I-7U.' \M u>? j..*v v*.. ? ?* -warfare.* ' * Gov. ]h VKTNOIA.Jt'n BKNHVOLENTU.? 4?m'. ltuoldngh.rjn tu?t having drawn hit; Kiliry for the na*t eighteen months, ordered the 'ft. ivnivr on Tuesday, to credit <ho*vuolo srio*. ncuountiug to sixteen him- , deed ami fifty tiollurs, to the State fund i fertha l?en? lltof ai.;k and wounded sol- J The act is worthy of the head and j feeart^'f our excelieni* chief magistrate.? Iturij'ovd C ,ur(r~L Viwmy Fern mth: Jf one half the girls fa*>wthe ]?r> vlo'is life of the men they marry, the tsfc of old maids would be | vwdcrfullr increased j If the men knew, Fanny, what their j livee were to bo, wouldn't it increase | *fce list of old maids still further? I t *ff - ? /, /7* \ S >*' -V V ' - * '- - f THE FREE SOUTH?BEA" -* "5'lic Uud of n Sad Story. When Lifutr-niwt-Coloncl Fremantlc, of tho English Coldstream Guards, passed from M it-.imoras over to Brownsville, last year, lie says?in his hook recently reviewed in our columns -tlffiL he was re wdved very pleasantly at the rebel headquarters, where ho found a number of charming gentlemen, who offered him a hearty welcome and unlimited whiskey. He owns that they were a little rough ; they swore a good deal, and they had some other vices?but then (Jolonel Fro mantle is man of the worlds and did not expect to 1iud saints in camp. Among these southern gentlemen, in whoso company he relates that ho spuit soma pleasant days, was one whose name he cautiously represents by a . He was a genial soul, a lit ilo foml of whiskey, and mini what rude in his manners, w hich last mentioned fact was brought to the English officer's attention ty a story free'v t.riked about the headquarters, of w hich Captain was the hero. Colonel Fivmantlo. found this stox\v to atrocious for belief, until the gallant told it t ?hiin with his own exulting lips. it v.ns the history of how and* some otiie* good fellows had caught a loyal Texan officer, ft respectable gentleman, Caption Montgomery, hftd taken liiin as a praouer of war .some miles out of town, and there coolly assassinated him. boasted that it the story was doubted by his English friend he might satisfy himself of its truth, by ft visit to the body, which h id not been buried, but only half covered; but he must go quickly, as the wolves were at it." The same day the Colonel was riding out with a friend, when they came upon the l>ody of Captain Montgomery. They found it siiglitly buried, with the head and arms above ground? the r pe still about the neck, and the other end dangling over the boughs of the tree to which it hud been hanged. Dogs and wolves had been at the bodv. The,En glish colonel was a little shocked at this?but he remarks that these men, though in the main good fellows, are probably not a little hot-tempered. 80 were the mutinous Sepoys, though the reflection dees not appear to have oconred to him. He thinks so well of the rebels that he easily gets over this and other evidences of barbarism. Captain Montgomery was a gallant and loyal Texan, a regularly commissioned officer of the United States forces. H< made his way into Mexico over a 30ul ago, for the purpose of recruiting there some troops for our army among t he large number of American citizens -who had been forced to fly from Texas to save their lives. His business was to gathei 1 * * - 1 .A 1. A. mem togemor uuu irHusput uicm n. New Orleans, where tliev wero to become part of our army. While staying at Matamoras he was captured by a party oi rebels, who invaded the neutral territory of Mexico for the purpose. and was *'loft," as Coloncl Fremantie's friends facetiously put it, iu tho manner he luw described in his pages. A private letter from Brownsville, dated December 14th, tells the remainder ol his sad story: 44 Yesterday, on requisition, Oovenoi Serna arrested and sent to this side a man n uncd Hamilton, charged with ljeirig one oi the assassins of Captaiu Montgomery. (.In Friday a party vent fifteen miles to Vrht-re Captain Montgomery was hung, to bring up his remains, in order to bury Ibein near the flagstaff at this place. They found the bones of his light arm suspended in the fork of the tree from which he was hung, and the rest of his bones (e*:cej-ting lie skull whieli h:ul been carried of}'us a trophy.) buried about a foot deep under the tree. They put tire bones, together ayitli his shoes, which were tied, and contained the .skeleton and mould of his feet, into a sack and brought them to town. On Saturday night I happened to call at Colduel Ik's room (Colonel Ik is a Texan, a neighbor of Captain Montgomery, ami is raising the First Texas regiment for the Corps <V Afrique) and on my questioning him about the remains, without iixst re plying, he drew out the sack from under his cot and roiled out the bones upon the floor. You can well imagine what wore my feelings when I saw what remained of a brave and loyal man?one personally well known lo me, thus suddenly brought beneath my eye." We trust the United Stub-s authorities will look to it that juntie? is done upon the perpetrators of the cold-blooded assassination. They must bo well known among the inhabitants of the border, lor they upjrear to have been given to boasting oi' this and other like deeds. And what can Christain men think of an Kugiish officer?presumably a gent loin** u? who does not scruple to speak of hia pleasant eompanionehip with such ? 'lYiluits. UFOflT, S. C., APE IF 2, 1861. List of bexumhis i> the I'o.-t Oflice at Beaufort, b. C? u.i ? etlnctiay, March :10th. ISti. ANDERSON, IIJALMER LORD, SEROT. JAMES l^dkins, George I>. I.nscombc, Alfred Bu^ec. Peter I). lord, l ew BK-CKEKS, J. n. Leahey, John Baldwin. James li. Lawkins, WEliam Butler, It. II. I?nnra, Miss Brooks. Ma,hew MILLIKl.N, JOHN 13al!ev, William G. Mowers Stephen Butler. Albert U\ More, Kicbsrd Breaker. Mrs. Nancy Manning, Licr.f. ' Bolo, Andrew J. Mehnu. Edwin Barnes, Miss Jar.e Mahoney, forru.llua J Brown, Mrs. Selinnfa M' Kee, J. Henry , I n?nn ftr-lin* w Manzo, Palty i Flake, 11m. Lean* Mutry, James k] Wake, Jack a'ainard, Mr?. Sarah Fnrge, William Wainard, J. W. j Rcudns. An^ustaa oor.LI, BEN/. A. '< j Brills, Chas. A. POWERS. EDWARD roiti'Es, Jt'klAN* Palmer, Uco. A. C'smplKl), John Patterson, A. F, (.'histn, tlirinda Pardon, Peter J Chri?toph. r. John Pinkney, harry Crenshaw. Wm. 1>. Pe- k. t.'eo. W. ('ml', Miehal RYAN, W M. II. ; REITS, A MAS A Robcnson, Jacob Davis, Ferdinand Riehard, remina i.arnr, Henry 8. Robenson, Mrs. I ncy L'aiecy, Patrick KITH, S.^il rX li. Davis, Chas. L. Fyke, rankiin Davis Henry Bears, lieorjie i Fi'LLEM. JAMES febmidt Louis -2 i ! Frost, Hu-they - Strange, t rs. Auelaid Ci lWEN/JAMES K. Smith. James HAWKINS. v\ M. c. s!ui?loton, im. Lizzie . 'ills, Edward Smith, >:umul ? Hopkins lewisS.? it Simon ton. Oscar i Hibeon, Cha?. 6. Scott, Daniel llaosman, Godfrey Smith, Cap*. O. E. Hazard Oiivcr E. 'IjH >MA^. JOSI1 L A R Henderson. John 'I ay lor, Henry ?$~3 ' ITljjht, i.dwln O. '1 h'impjou. John ! lav wood, .Mrs. Pat tie Tou hanks, Mrs. Rosa Hokncs, Ails* Sarah To.vle. oscar i JORDOX, ANDREW Troxell, Arthur I , .Johnson, Isaac Terwille^cr. .-dward JneV&m, Salena VAN.^IH'TE, .JOHN Jenkins, Isabella?2 Wll L AMS. CORP. KoClILES, JOHN Wilson. David W. Kecfe. L/r. Joseph WcWm. John I I Kuscllaer, char. M. AVi^bt. James | Knowb, Neinnia -2 Woathlsc, John 1 i Kelly, Miss Mary YOUNG. I<<AELW. i JIT" Persons inqciriajr for auy of tha above, will nek j for "Advertised Letters"." JOHN r. ALEXANDER. T?. M. Ij AUCTION SALES. , | ? ! | Firmtire, Horses, CATTLE, 1 i cAPAfi'hra implements. i I ? 4AXW1**** v ? ; . : WILL BE 8 >LD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, THE : V V Chattel I roperty on 1 ort Royal Island, 8. u., ' -comprising oiyu-, >,uh O:oc, tow*, i a Ives, tn* , ! tjiuf, cotton oin-s Household > nrnitun-, Ac. i ! " Sales to commence on illontfity. April 4(la. at JO o'clock A. Ht? at Uie "cottage,.* and to > J be continued on encu rlxiiti;t:on in the following order. ,| vis: \crdler, smith, l attery, \ odirUrorc, Campbell, | -Varkle junh, i lojirtj Jbielu?, Retreat. street, i-Uis (.herry Hill. -ericbo, Oswald, cilia, Shell Point. [ ' Torn Bay ward, surah e.lii?s R-iert, llabcrsh.ini, 1 roe| i pect llilt, e m. Barnwell, nobr. Barnwell, Caper.-*, j i.o-e. Little island c Id House, spring Hill. Urcy uill, ' ; Aim lerry clear, * >ak .Mulligan, tied, bdgerly, ! <. haplain, Bakert berry Dili, owamp. ,| lif~ terms, eadion delivery. lasts at thin Office. [ I By order of AL >ER I' BROWNE, Supervising Special Agent, 'i rawury Hrpatai't. I JOHN H. Rauauitv, ( Asst. Special agent, Treasury Departort. Office Fourth 6p'.fiul Agency. BainfaVb. c., a,arch 1*4, 13 ! Condemned Steamer for Sale. ! WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, TO I the highest bidder, ci l-< o'clock, noon, on I Monday, ;he UiUi day of -May, 1SIU, the United state? ' 1 Steamer ' Darlington," with her boilers, end j Machinery, a* ?ao uow lay s at this place. Sale to take 1 place at tue steamer. 1 Terms, CAail. bciivery, immediate. JOHN II. MOORE, I t apt. aud a. ?. m. I . ; A?-et. Qr. Mrs Cfllce, Beaufort, S. L'? ! March Ifcth. 1:SC4. 13 [ i IVotice. FOR THE PlTlFOdK Of ASSISTING THE CO!.- j ored people iu the city why may be* unemployed to j obtain fi motions, and thereby a support independent i 1 i of help from Government, the undersijjnttl will keep | 1 ! at the oflica for e tvedineu ? late the City Council hoc in ; j ? a record of such as may apply, with a statement of : the qualifications of each for any particular service. j Also, a list of Officers and of in r? desiring servant* ' will be kept, an undertaking which it 1-. hoped will bo of benefit tu both parties, and lessen the amuuut of vagrancy in tlic city. H. O. JTTDD. Gen. Snp't of Frcedmcn. j Beaufort, ?. C.. March .loth, K'l. r>tl3 ! House and Store Lot for Sale. A YALl'Ai LF. COUNEU MTultE AND LAUGH I.OT { 1 of land font-quarter of a /q-: rej L lor Mle. A large | , amount of business has been done in the stt?r?*. It is ! located on one of the munt public <vrnerJ. It is u rare ( I ehaucc for a person drvdrous of making money, iin- j ' I quire of 13 J. G. THOMPSON, at FW? South Oflloe. j1 Plantations for .Sale. ON LADIES' ISLAND, A WCLL-WOODEl> PLANlatinn, '.'7o aerce, with an almost new house, healthfully located. For sale cheap for ensh. i Also, one of 110 acres, very tir.c lac!, near the above, t Knquiro of 13 J. O. THOMPSON. J A I^arge House for Sale. 6 SUITABLE FUR A SToKK AND REST AUK ANT, aad roora eueujh for a hold. Enquire ot 13 J. U. TUOMP.SON. * ^ Copartnership Notice* THE C'OrARTNTKSIIfP HBRKTOFOKD KII8T1'irf between ()ci%uku Ds^^iu and G. 1U< uAtni? t'uis day di??olT*d by mutual connect. GOBliABC DENNIS. JAB- O. KlCHARDSO!*. . Bcaofort, 8. C., March 2TS iwi. 13 ' t ' * - "I""" NO. 13. f H E 111 EE SOUTH. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT BEATTFOKT, SOVT53 CAROLINA. WILKES & THOMPSON, Proprietors. Jauies G. Thcuipwa - - - - Editor. T K R M S?Two I>oii.\!ih p'T nnr.nm. in *A\*noti. Hie portage on the l\::c Son ? i.i twenty c-nts a year, parable quarterly in advanco - and be! a' tL'? Advertisements will be Inserted at twenty ccnU A *;U?; lur c?m;u ij:-cit?uu. 0 JO OUR SOLDIER EHIEHD3. At? exo-lleu tplan to eecare a txpy jf the Tree So* wry wo?'ii is to sii!/*rri!j* .for THREE MONTHS FOR 50 CENTS ?o3 s=,siST<rz,xr-c"ci-. n Having juat received a large c-orlmcut of new type, borders, rale?, etc., we ore ii nr i :!y to execute or.lcci for OFFICIAL WANKS, of every dwcriiiiion. A'so Fill kindsof merchantileprinting' ,,ha* LULL i! EAJjK^ CAltHS, ( IKCl LAS. 1IAXDEI I l.WOI OPS. rtr. O^r facilities are such that we are able to till ordc.a upoa the shortest notice. Photog;nii>iiejr8. A Sl'I.ENDIl) tilAXt E TO OBTAIN A i>TANI> where a fortune can Imj made 5n i ? . year in the Pho* Iftitrapli Iiiisiucs?, IN>TiC MCXTS, FUHNI Ti ItE. Ri.STs, SCKEENS, SKY-UQHT. etc.. a"! ready to band, and a residence, lot si.d ata.-o be?idea. For r.alo far caah cheap. Euquiic of 1 * J. U. THOMPSON. [OFFICIAL.] hnap<if\?nr.iti, DftmStmint or the S'ovt:i,> hiiaon head. (.., march a, lsbi. > Gas nut, Opran*. No. .14. The following Circular, from the Provoet raarslal (i?lcKiI, M lor rue in: .1 k.iu'j \h r?i ww cerimd: and lla r-rovisions will bo ferried into effect, under the direction of Co!. s. Litti.* ? trL.', tin* TT. S. Colored 'I roups Sup-iiuteudeut of the Kecniitfng Service for Colored Troop*: w \ii dtpa&imest, . Puovnur M.\r ' i'.i.'.. Okiics, \'? a'ihi ;oto>, oiaieh 1. litfi. CtarvxAR, No. 8. f. Pursuantf ejection 84, of the Act approved IVn rusry 24, 1 *> t. sinrndotoir of tlio Act of March 3. 1HC.T, of Enrollments in Districts !u which then- are any colored persons held to service, will, without delay, pr.xrced to enroll al! *uch persoft as arc liable to uiilitwy duty. 2. I'uioiling officer* wl'l conduct the enrollment in the ni&aner pre-crllwd by cxMluff orders r.uct regulations, and such ether clirectfutn uh the Acting AsaiaUnfc. Provost Marshal* t>c;ii-ful of *.' * S'.stcs may girc. 3. KwoHraout 1 kte wfil be nu !o open the prictnf form?, fXo*. 33 and SO;, altcdag the heading to suit; and in tlac column headed "forracr military rerr the nam-i of the person to whom service la owed will be written. 4. A list, with a recRp'tu'.dloc of the number fa- ?? rolled, will be made for ?tch Sr.b-diViriet, cud r.n uoon as tho cjirollmcut cf the Di-urfc: fo completed, these Iif?U will be forwarded lo the Acting Actual Provoat Marshal General for trausmi-Hon to the Provoet Marshal General. Copies of the li*t will be kept in the offices of the J 'istrict l rovm Mnrihii. Thote li?t? If Sab-di;tr!etfl v.i'.l not he couxcikbted. C. The l'rov*,-t a:!! fa-cUli each j-ereoa tn ? >"?"^-.,:;a n on c ?rvfec .1 list <..f lllO-iC OW;u? I? - - _ pcrvfce to b:m who have hcen ?:rro:!e<J, spediyin^ their i, ug>-s, and date of em-oUtucat. G. I is u ?> ; Its- ti'iiy oi the .' it'';-; A?-: tani Trovo-rt ,M > General to ;';i. i utc::'' ibis n:ro!lru?:(. liwi gi\?2 ->u :li oniert us rauy h. nvcc^ury to snake it as curato a:: \ eorjp'ele. JAMKS R. FRY, IYovoet! General. By Coffimhcd of Maj. Gen. ft. A. GlLIAiOstiv. 2a. W. ftunu. A?; Aiy:. Gent l{<aii<lhi? Lots lor Sale. The b??t lot Tor l-uhwrs in I>aaf ;rt. mta^r of Bay i and 3ifc. -ixty-two feet fret it or. Maj-et.. t*.? LuiuL'ed ct; 5;h *i:c:. Ix>i. A, rc. Mock sO. T: fact nn D. an ", I-1"*) tVt on H!i K. Wlii he uividcil to c.>il {<:;* hj.-n *. Flo.kit*?. Iti .. r froar, ii; ; iirc <jh'o trcci*. Aapfani:d kt for a rrv'.' -i. * r>r * hotel. AIco other dttirabi? projv-iiy. Fur parifa??!i*? so ;?iy to ,?A>iKS U. THOMrS'J.V. General l/ind Aev?if. rli Bcanfcrt M. O. Photographs. MB. ? W.SINc;r..lf!C V.ILL REV \IN IS BBAlrS. t'., t'nl* two trojfcrf )on_;'.r. i-Hortaop-sriii^ be (iiiJJcry a: fTill, n JjeruL, ceur the Theater. A!', ira-soru dethviM having their Cat* d- Vi?;v* nt iG in. the Kvt t-'yli ui iue art, eai; avail iiicrurHve*. opportunity. r<P* O?iio:y comer C and 7th fctr?x!c, u?ur the Ar< 1101. tlCj SAJI. A. LOOijK V. ' Woodcutters Wanted* THIRTY MK.V WANTED TO CT; i VTOOD Oil Wand, to y?hora ?oo<l wa~e* cdli be given. Api>lf Immediately to 8. F. STROcT, svi* At the Port Oftlce. To Kent. , TIT RUE FRONT ROOMS, sriTADLB FOR TVAop-atii Gallwy--on Bay 6t. Rnqaim ef >11 WILKK* ? THOMPSON.