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" **.* * '? * \ d *?.*' 'it ' < V.-.W ;* ' j t V F?0M GENIHOOlSER^AaJjy. , ^ ? ? ^B1'" 1 / ] Stoneman's Ga^ifr fetsiffitif , Richmond. .? <* > - v ? ? r ? % i * The rfiWfidt. Tfcli'Vif th'a Wa# 1 j *I~2IT" ":f . pr?n?j*?C .'.?j Probable cant<ar3 of tbrf KeJ>elj ?#uapixajfc '* * f* * * ?1 / A ,i . V .J'L' * *\ ..p. ConsternatXcftr df the'Feqplovr > '-?v V ' *V.' Pitzbtigli jfcfl Evans' 4 ... ; r . <*".; *, V /K-,* 1 Stonewall iifprta#yj 1 4 -n?. ' The news of Hdokefrs aivance, which ?&me to us intha, Arago, was wy nmcli I Jiky Sam Weller's love lettet, there was just eat>u^t?'of ~it to make' us wish for ^ mora. The boldness and ^originality of /th<f. p]j|n, ra^ the splendid sntscess ^hicn* attended it us we had intelligence brightest hopes bf a de#^^Spctor$- mpr &*>'? ray. ? : v '-.yjy**s\ , '4 From our pickets Wand and from a schooner ^ptgr|p 'wjiije\tte^ipt^ ing t>ut o^.Cj^leston/ye^^e'ii' . report that Hooker is m Bi^in^onAj Al-J tnouga tneye 13 nttnin^aDsotuiQ^ wpyxu* ibie ii). this, slill we lwe?b^e^ftvo?n foiled just as prize seemed wjmift ^ur ?^rasp that we do not re^ijy ^Yef?&il?Bces ^ to rumors so 'fatorablfr'" rlt^ fJiqpla be true,' the rel^eTlbfmy ojf Virgin^ k-fa must be virtually nrtnikilirteA; its,i lines of rai^oad'c4snmW<?tion#c?t b? Stone man, and f^with, ^his. !a\-tAygp its rear, the alternative ^nlust'have #been ; presented to dispense qjitlirrendt^ tM der such c iic imi stan cesAflefeat must Jmyc been followed by nrehedaJale tmp&SdlelefjTh? whole rehek^urmy Vnitld ^?el| away like snow, antf'diSperse among tlce&moun-. ( tains. Such a result'wouldm^be threap* pi more importance tbrtrf if accoi4>Iislj]!d a^jjf.Jr^riotisr 1 campaign agains^it* *' 'V ?>. Oen. Stoneman^ cayalry raid vmorx tiie rebel lines of comimtni^atio| jvfloL ^ ^Jp merely tnnounced\?y t^pa^Dil of ' .has jjro*?l the i^e^te^^hidVpjIKt * *'* *ALit *.* i-f ' From the Bichxflbnd De^tiS^bt tkdSwa, instant, takei on the abhoonef inded to, we learn that fche cSvaJry iud of; the Yankee General Stonemal^ar oniffl then . army of- Genera^elwas; wp tgi the fifen-' ing of the 4th, entirely sucotybful, a^d had ?w?<ifceJ fTiA prp.ateat consternation' a rating. t-7 i_ * |& tlmrebel citizens*)! Hlbiirapn^. M It,"seems, fj;om'rebel accounti, tbaVG-eri.. W' Sfcqpeman, *flfter*' crossing, ^eU/jrEeijfr p pfgk&j men; ^^ihe Virginia CeuLal railr^idf * way between Rfchraoiifl alf^JStoi^naiKflle,. . and the other to Hanover Court nouse^ on the Fredericksburg and Riclimond road, aboiit sixteen njjles fron| Eichmonn, clearly intending by jthesa*xll<tv,emenfe to prevent, when the two gr egpanmea ajjptikl meet in Jbattl#, Reinforcements ft-on^pa^liy ing Lee from either *| (Erection of Gor- j -fionsville or Richln<^nd. 1, . \ * According to theJ)esj)a?^i, whi A sRenW (, oer^inly be godci autti^ity inhu^'iastance, General ? Stodeaan was "entinely stfocesafuL* Th'eRflrst column. succeeded* in reaching Ot&ge Court house, alAost without ^coi&te^g vajftuined .enemy, surrounded the raftrtad* jepot, ajfd in a few moments applied the^tbrch <tf ]f and : all the adjacent gainings, destirijyed four ' locomotifes, 'tore up the track and switcij es, fired two arrrfall bridges^ and in other I way, did an imrfeqse amount of dajige ' to the property*of th&eorapanjr.? v Leaving Orange Court Refuse, theyihen dashed down the road in the dilution Richmond, burning and destro^fig every; thing of value to the road ' ft the way of bridges and rollin? material, and paroling ? all the soldiers left to guard the property.. L \ . I ^ -.k * : * . ,*** *\ i* * *> >. . , - & I . _ i\ ' A,, # '. *' '.' ":^jgE rttfesr sofrteft, sai Xi-wa-^ot until. thi% a had re&$i?d | rab il fopr ndfes erf -I$tlimond thai' its I pi^'sehce was knoWl to "officer^ coifjaanding lir tjpil. rebellious ^itj\ , Chef aflftj^hb* fuifL 'jeoiiMepiation iol* 'kfWefi th$ iiuucifuceifL&v^ tiuit the Tn^.-ni ^eiyvalrf were aborrfrto'. dash- throttglm and the* e^rtfaxVorks af^'phiB^^to. the ! heaftXof Bjchipohd. /Hotels <^d wttifti?re instto% closed, jnfe,; wqJne^, tmd ^tfiiildrea begafci to 'fly %,ffri^jttecr through kthe streets, <frying' the%)p',of their I YoiceS,.-" The Yankees are' ccyoiog! tlitf . Yankees' are <;o^ii^g .i'kaqd even the 'scldi^ys ii> the^feihsAjr qre sfee'n !tfc throw down their the orowd aud rush in the diection of the Peieraburglv depot. Tife Yankee' caj&lry did/not. enter Jtichmoncf,;but after destroying several jq^ijes of rdiiroad and three locomotives within sight <Jf jit, again moulted their' horpes and galloped off in the direction of York^ftv^r... " The secqud dpltifrih, t*-f jSignecPtfitjpa, weretjuitQ W^sufccesaful. as[^h^jprqf, Muring juV<^ed$-m ^ettqjag' be* hind H&n^verjTunfthpL rgotijin^ commhnifcation wftffciJ&3F kinQn<\ tlifo^jgti J teleg^rphvdjitf rdlro^ Lbitmng th^ depot,, dia^ijiagheve^al ^lodonjottrfe, ifcifS* paroT^ ^sevjfcr^jMdjed I 4#,* Davft, "^../i^ipatrfcfe ^?LtCoL wjmflhnm, %rf ?pokeh*|jjf is buying been \mtwlhi4. gfe^n'^-octlnmn, tfiqg to^tjie* same/ Jii^hbrit^ pdwmandin^the'&^t^m perrai^V pronditniied by the fii/paich f as htfvfa^Uli thi anc* braves! 9$ tjib and <th$^geiteral' eammaAdiOg in , 1 th(/my qif *Ri<^imond and! oncers-In command 1d%ng tlje rftilroid lige^ are se-. \^reljf^?jshrelf fbt Jinking, .alfa'wed the Y^kee.ltor^men ^escape wntliout being t.,r ; " - ^"e' r?pprt$*ffOm tttek north that ^cnetalafcntzhi^h Lee and I^ans, who ^wete ojJthxtin&' lortfo -qf * Hooka's WM ticn^hfy? l5e'?n cajftnred, and Tv^th fonr tlfflRmd ^er prisoperh are'it, Washing'ton. ?5l awT&Va* receiving 'rtin5^fbrcem$rt$ frbin ,ev&ry-.]fo*rt sphere, tney jynld. no&iblv be%jtored. *TS$om Bafti- ( i mnp, l^crtver rptqpiac apa fcETe cit^a of tft^orja fifty thousnn^ m*n flhd been collected an d* iuyried forward to Well his army.|| It wo^a deem ^indeed that tjjg,.crisis of the wai* had" arriv^'-i i Stonewffll Jackson was tyon*dld hghk of^th^2<h. atycVj^As loa#^ ari?. The ' reffe^ pickets at- ^ohy'is^piJQ^epojk that' \ lie k deq somewhat fcqunterbaian^ f tlres^'gooU r^lrte^Lea ji) an^oficiaijdu^ patlbh t(^94^^p^^e^tjgfiins4fr$c- , ^lt topeara thsT^thq' Capture of yOung J* ~0*o- Sfttmders, ' .off Chav^ton^ several j months ago, with ah important rebel mail, was not an accident, but the result of a well contrived scheme in wlych Lieut Arnold Harris, of ofirnavy, was thainstru#?eut. .^Hatxi^.weut as a spy to Kiehmoad, got into the'confidence * of Secrp'ary Ben- i j?ain%an<r. the elulr IJanhders, witf wafc. employed to go to ^tirope. with Shunders, .. Jr. Sefore^aiiirg fl&p ?fiafl^o4, Har-' tls managed to coinBwnicate 4 wkh'4our ' bloctewling fleet, 'and the fvhola affair - was ' thudjprtts successfully termiAted.* 5 . Captaih' Bo$gs, if Yktrui^i fame,-now commanding me ScgrconeHlo, stationed^ Bedn/bVtiHfr 94 othaj day made the' If following cliaracteraticspeech to.his men: >J "Men?I am afraylrtkat you do Apt keep j as brifclilr a Jook?oi\f as ycta'oaght I am informed tha|^ Steamer" rafl in, night b^fore l&ifr, and ik a supposed frdfca our'side. Now 2 hate gp t a proposition to' make.' ^To the manwho sports, a' sail, and We take $r as a jprize,. ^ wil( agree to give one-teeth of .my prize inohey, and yyiU enter intrfa written 'pblifetion to* hat efr / feet." * . * V 3* i I ;r : Neuti>y steai^a?4u-e taping'thl . popt of Hassan,r waiting for onpqttumlies J taippour blockade. ? -This jS-esenr teii- : denoy <n tJpB oeqpfe.of Nassau to piracy is ) heredit^y, a^t?wa^settled by tfcylneersi' i whoererh the^fij^inhabitfcx^ .r, ^ c Vtf' *.\- '4 # . * 1 #. v ? . w ..A. * . < *\y V>i| * ; ' *. *> J ' nmb^Yi'^LA.y.ig, ,i8wt ,; net# brought By the -d/^r/oj an abstract of?whith we published, was the important nd exciting we hjjrc had for six uomJis." Ihc detail* exhibit a stries* of spirt ted and. dashing ntbretaenta frpm evtwy^mv cdrps ^ut the'10th. ]>oiht Our a^tna WeA - su<?eess?uh , WW papers glowed, with headiugsf making f^diflfcuit to ?oddense?all 4? news was so good. ' . From our files of the N?w '.Orleans Erofa* hare the details of den. Hanks' operations in the T&hc country. On. the |VA, trtn* Habits .?'.j Tr 'In: :n? 1 u._J ciftbcrcu v ex-illinium me, nuci*? noiu ugM% wnu iw rebePbattery, and hpaTyvkjss' otr tyth sicks. Qtf the J 4th Bethel Place, was (faptu^j8*b?-the Fiftythink Miy>s^:liut6tts, Colonel *Kinft>all.. Larg$ a tints of ammunition aid prisoners Tell 'into AUnda. Off the 1 otp qui: forces occ%?k;d FraoklitU .. ' U V > M*\mf 5 . Bfior tofTmleflt^1 sofce niw^and pris-t oners h&ti l^sn brtiu^WhlQfo Franjdin, fcaptures of whoje cotnparlks bein^mad^at a, dime..' At tranklm * the fjeamboyt Coo^e tvae captured, with three, dice's bf the' late guntotf Ltiwn on board; thiut^toriqg thero- .to pur ?c^-. vi?e?'. The rebels also destroyed ten stesjtnbdhtsi to prevent their fullitig irf^Gela iBanks' hand?,, autfalso twa/at-fce gimJjjaU adBHfce Included in the deststietioa ot, those bc^ts were-' !mtie^e?o^f of'proai^n^ twenty thbusund jibtmds of badot> arid ft thousand ^ases of ?m^auuitfon.' ?' \ z /w" X^e lxpedjftiDTV^f General Grayer had been enHneotl/ MCjCei fnl, and -id a battle ^ ith the reheis at Irish Bend debated tli9tu hawing a siljt flag and" other tropjiics ki opr hands. t # .J The- whoje rebel forc^ at Bdtkei Place" and Irish Bend nurab?red??omc one ^ujusa A^osted im a highly advantageous p^itntn, <inner com-, mand of General Hick Tpylcjr, h s<ra of the lat$ PrBridentZaahafJ^aVlor. y ' . The rebe^fidldiers were not loth be captured, and over sixteen Impaired are tiofr ia-our bunds, and more are being ta^ea. * ' . ' 1 i The rebel gunb^pt1 ffyrt was eajJture^ and b lined on onl hundred and ajghty Th^>ros}*?& ($yt ttie rebels Will be driven .ontof^jpeionsas county captured. ? ^nrtfoopaarayn splehmd condition. * , ' Admiral Tjjfrrac yr com p 1 dt e 1 y fclocta^y the rivefkwnichTias bfcan the fraltywlaof reoei supplies.eiynxning jid operations, tire. 1 % * J^Thepresenee?fM<ijgtmba*ts kept the Q,w^e% orpie West aiKT^irufynost of the tef>elna\y from tJje ^ritefR between' Yicttbprg ami- Pdrt Hudson, mjdhc ha? flj^ffeattenet^iq B:Sinion<l so that >Liefc*ti signalize to the Udet balcw^thqp Nfer j joint.' $lius*iny communication can now< be isSnt up ftgm Baton R<iiiap't<> fcrant or .Ported, above wcklburg, m jprtejpf |J?e.twd wiiltli cyirtmaml;t|ie in ?rv,* , 4The BJpffal advantages c? 0\p 4>v<^x)Sltei?yf and fopJI cat-ion^ amonnf te very little wpile fxir'fcrgc*g|rrisoji-fln; tleuac^d br sis tyong.a wfrpr'a^ tan^tie bantth4 toj rcducd^ Ijjiin??&rvittion. Tfca vraf11? object successfully adjjjahplished fn tlfe late movementko Wards Hort. ffudson. ' * * * ]J?t hsiiog? s;ntihn?3 a ffeef tfl .blockade the month qf. T^e lftd rfvmL^inoaftfr*greaPhigtowa v for Ote tfnnWa tiotPajq^utfolL .duplies hil to bfeVbt off.* Stvcisnpi!e?^ e$t 4f New Italia, aew Vespa'rlKoR Wt^v, id tt lai'ga^alt mine. Imnicnle qu;i*titici.?d.tiK; tf&jfoos article Jiad ?eeu constantly an_ the AvaJ-to tye. rebel army, by .roans of baruiff iMhi&fiVfoto the Red riv?r; which iea^ oat drcaft nqrtitWf oT ssupcqp' A satynill wis i^pfMnriiift jnnibefc. for the ,#Ael *osc. Jfnmen$e "yuarltities of sWga^ molas?e$,' ^urp lumber^ beef rattle, Ifoiso^ J?nle?^ cotton, fPliey hmyfoi^iftcatiftns fined jmd garnsfflH. Easily, Jltey had * j^t^Wluc^,incln&d the ($&e% of tlw W&y 'crpising nroand|tb^ (hvous south -'Xhe these ftlltinta <*ir JgnLtfthtf^eaemy in rapid^ifcjjic'ta^re our- ad-' vanoW hosts, and tho^ich snmonduMMtHM^CK <Mc*y>c?pfed. JTkc money value ^fftnefciq* trad property is immense; the -important territory oc^apied places u$ where a terrible blow is stuck against the enemy. _ i From General Grant's department we. hqpre ^fews <if a brilliant raid by our caValry which is tidy comparable to Col.'Cart&r's into' East Ten-j n(TQ|nrnnrnr months ago. Xhc details are not fnS^spelf^nd our information cornea mainly 1 8?rn fejfel purees. From them jre learn thjit a circuit of qu^e nundrahiaHet iiffhe rear of focksbnr^; had beqn ridden dre0lS$our cavalry Jad^.Ge^yal bedge. * - j Magh^'on the. Mohjle gad Ohio Railroad, eighty n-miiep fjom (JylugiWby Miss., is said by fee reikis to* hare been raptured by out1 fqyces^I movement which threatens the southern raiimo/i rommimicjitfmis '-Wwrh^w ia nearly one hundred mdes below* fori nth, jehd kbont half waVto Meridian, at which" point* the rotul westward *to Vicksbutg forms a. junction irith the MgbHd and Ohio road.- -A national force is hlstf said .to* Hkvb been nearHouston, V?iss? on4fifc ljlffijdt..'designing tQ-destrov the VtiasiaiiAi Central?Railroad.* - 'Hie' Jackson Mis*.). A)i^al of tljk ^ 'further ;eportjLhat*a "^Yaplte.^'sa)^ e^)edi tion was ri C^trar^iis?issippi, * threatening Columlins. tnd Grenada; and rcpoAs, hard, reached%MenjJhis'fhat rhc'exjiMitioT! has destroyetl tyfeiitf nilcs oT tha^lissist-ippi" Central Railroad, and p drge ^nantuy of armband,stores. * An efctenRve raid'en the rebel coranvttft cations has*A;en irganiaed by Gen, Jlurlhort 41 connection with i%*> .... I* v.\- * 1' . Y 't: k * " t' ** ' - V t ', J j _" r* " ? < 'a ? ' * T 1 ? - " , " % * -A? .s . "? .?, ? I . * w 'i. ^ > ' ' - "' r&At < ^ Kqfa'^fr-p Gen. Roiceran^to'act on the Mobile a^^hio * s. Ji:ti 1 road" aa4&t W*A as Meridian, and Ws? ?u ? _ The other railroads con%ctiug with Wicksbusr ,1 ^ atidiho?rCar of^l i%rebel foifes under GetftraT w , . JiiSlistoiL li is tne iAcntion aJ>o jo dwtifcr ^ 'the l?igh nridgc over thf T"inbigbee rfcrar'iu Al!V* #?t| !al>ama*to the east of Meridian, ofdi- whictflbe ? M' ,? i m,??. s- - : attacked and defWtjeU,o * Flitter Lr Tierft V'art^| * " ', * , 'WiT . erossed the dfobibei4im3,T>eIow S#m<*Au / " 4 ?T1k isTfcidjo Iteeinryvere one. J* % ?'! * '. ,i4-'i|y-? -*?*--?. ^ 't ^ , t^yeliane?ii? Items* * -'V^ ^ ; * A peyival^E religion, in which Stttyu$ /** , and Bwrksdale are yiymg the ah^it^P is- ^ ' ( qffcireil* has been excited among tberelylf? >| i encamped on the* Bappatoannock. .Thai's $1 V S all V? can tell trom.ihe ??belJ#hpers. * *g few> days ago, 'the I^chmond Erardhttfy:. *, i sjpid its ^rmy hhfl the itch, but said n?th-4J) , ing aboi^l the revival ^ ? " _4 *Charleston,fightjs^ttl^l |wo things. *^;- r it settled the and, jiecond- ^ ly. it twttled 'the#?uperiqptyv#bf Ericpsoi^ (44 I>Over "ftljitney.' \ A^vig^nt officer in Wa^ingtbt^^xeBoiv#^* . CjJ soften cabtaeuK of wh^ey from ^adj;% h6p?skirt theotb^r day?tj*?nty- * * dn'6 phftajm an., , N \ ? Lin I^diaua soldier wHb wasaccnsed of ^ stealing a rebel's gopse, said he fognd the # bird'his^ing'afr the American flag, an<i%fc- * \ rested it for treason. 1 Sfvne of ihe jfepers are describing a new cfmhter^cit banknote as liavingipr its vig- $ netjo'-4 4 a wjjfa a Vakeip her lap." -.The hresiopnt.fbys thit^he jtfair. at i?Cliarleston was 110th, " repttbe^'bii* a " cSeck/'" 'It wps a stamped eheipr. < 4 4 Fighting Joeri' it isjgserted, will make:' . ?his^narjl ,'TWd ?ahW tli^t heJwonld . fc , ivrrwk liis naiie^n V> in hi&ory. V f The ?}$^eston rebek claim to hare ^takdn^ {be . v Dtevil^n the late combat. The Bwihlms invars been on their side. - J* Tfcg^ewir?A' flLputs fofcrard the bright'.idea, of tommafing Gene^J|Butler J as 4 candidate jn tnojrLpyal Mreagnes fori- * J the- *Prea|deocy-." That wq^ld tftYnomi- * |3 tik^Q.bemade. "^r Mf* > .* ' " liew 4 at Vfcksbni^ iyn en- , f t(orihd. \?e Wish that fHn. Jirant would 'ehU^ihe ?henrv there. TnfiLyotild be a new Ont-on inched. t ' tL ' ?on^ b^opr ftWrit&oats of tha^pifi sig^i fixe to in cotton* VLvjEms would b'e best in yyiol. ^ . The,rebels are threatening . ft ^distance:v?* ^ Cf5ufelver?s It a dishotintlBpO r? jJej j^rit inWbnA^>laees in*, *L?et , , |3/ujiiex CfctnadSlTv . fi * ^ fB^hd riofcs. contiafe ai^rthe #outn> Jtf $ ^ tno Sonfhrons caft'Jihfwe brt^d, it is^Stpin tlftrt they liaveHblofd ellmd^ ? "" ^ . t,'.'! *1 , y,o . > \ f* jfo Aftj >;-?/(** of^^^fe^^ConPVnbtate: * /' "V^ uotic * ASflKprc^h! Hcadcor^pP . pontlenpehas ma;', 4 as^Jrtc* *'With retrard to thoaffiaew % tjfj.iie Eij^h iicjmem fpune VoInmeflftjurfMjte. B ' * irc^niiiMud V ikji m? ferf ft a $m.\, aWrt; tb ^S?fth?officer^#vto remain in lrt<^egim<A fOco*B|? .? y d>t. f&JulfM&j are'the suveincgts^^^ , TMf^pxIavy}'' ^uinQii^jikit yxiK<IBl > j Thpftije officers did, tol^ in Ft I ^ <|>irft, ?Vr Jgto g ronspfracv to th^All L'o&itiAtje General gutter ^egr^h^L * v 'the mutiny officers' . Thai Li<*&fatt$ofc<4 ^t?aJ|ll. MI&eiH.y**l * ?i nwip^e. - :*W** ' T^t'thoAm^ifaiand Uintenauti) who f edkpartly dramutyfib lflsuborrilnatWh, not who aUll aemaio la v*?V the n^teient,"aM now thoroeghjj a-turned cf the part which they were so rt|wi#e at to take. * ' | Hp 'Ail of the -%hore statement* we unqnahlledly pro* ? p/M?|4?e&rAp/?* *.' Tfief?ctsa?>e briefly theaq: ? T\ventJ3ven 6f the thirty-one offieers present whir r , , the regiment had represented to the general commend- .'^ ** tag the post^heir desire for au inquiry into th&coQdnct, . ^capacity, and honesty of their coloneV and at \eatlon had ^tade aV/lften statement eflheir com* *. * plaints, upoig^rhich sncfi further action as sbohld aua y ^ fofthe best , interests of the aerrice eboo^l be baaed, it * * This statement was intended as preliminary merely, and % not offldhl. 'A^r this statement waa placed beforp the , jpeqeral floirinundlng the regiment ^his (fderedfom ' Bcau^rt to Hilton H^ad, to take part In an cipeflUadJ*^ ^ t While lying on boaoi ship it Hilton HflA.CQlonel ftaat! .* na&^omplalnt to ^enenil Hunter, at?d procured Ky t?*. ourdlsoj^r^oirtui cvjxirte |earing. . The wfltye tiia*er wlH, *Ooq mk praVtirti^te, l4 f * ? broushh^tfore the proper aatiorfties for their jMlJndfea- fc t '* tioD. In tke miantirae, ^ the anbj^ has bcea brought 4 . J? before t^e public, though by no action otjmtt, *4 whk r aimply tp lnjwU understood-tttbU faUiot our but C|L * 4 ^ Rijprg.cbaracter ^ >a and thart?m~ ' sorted to thtTstep he took to av^id meeting the chaege# .w^ichVcenty-flev-en jfiha offices of hl^regimeut^odpt % ; the nrb^a t^ne^fcip^lhunlnst him. They wil] (3tm 'fltfther, trmt thA* ooinpWIntl^Aad ffc refWencWjrsnt- . ever to the loyalty o( any qttkeif^LS our docum?Wwilfc * show. ? ^ A . , 7- S * MosfcTOtectfnllr, to%j obedieut serrauttf . * VJ. p. TWircifiin,libut^oioncu ^ J. D. MITCHELL, sUon:.' ? -#-*w * . New Touk, .*pril SO, 1S83. ^ \ V?- * ' y?l ?. i* .? : V; v , '**' i . t V ' * *jfc , ' ' ? 14'* ?* % i ? #v - *- ir ^