University of South Carolina Libraries
. - \ * . V ' > ' * . * ,1 r. .. - * * - 4 ' V* f v* - . ??Z . . ; * ?. ^ * . 4 ? v% * VOL 1 -% mrv- .hi * .= v JH E F RJEfE ST) P.TfiU cwisui 1TT1 63. ? j *,r Xecnts fo/tldb Yree S?n(h. ? ' >t , "XATv.04 J?t5o. liil^on HeSA.?nd St. HeUyia ifihVl. ( .C-YH" Leioh. ?9>. 1 J|o?tPr street, New York. v. , fc < V L 1-i^; ! +*> -./.V **. % . V There are some mg? calling* tliAn se)|ee * * l%al{vbeherii!g them^vesto-be patriots* # # , '-who appear yet to Be ignorant of tke-en'ef x.* my whose band has been fon tie la$t |wqM w years*seeking the throat* ? the *natioh., " , Thongh battle has filled the land' frith 1 ' gbastfy wounds ; thongh. disease ha# burV ' ' <Jened the air tSth ^ro?8s ; though* taxea# and depreciation have taken a4enth of our ? * incomes and robWd^tke poor maiT for the * ^ext gen^atkfh of an houf 6f *eacl^ day'a ji toil; thye are still those who dfchide Qffemi selves into theJi)Qlief that Liberty and Op- < '[g , pre6si9n.(^an yfet kiss and be friends;* i Thev "forget, or j>ever knew,. that* the foe ~ wive struggling with is tljiS same demon who rsi Pharoah to grind beneath his ' heel thelsnielf&es; who inspired the yer* senators of t^e martyrs; whb founded th-* I qnisitioM; and who^cufeoll America with ' <j?sky bondsmen torn from'Afri^yggjrste* . jfious >h$re. Slowly has tho nation w&Sed to a-knowle^ge ofjher foe. *"fiurater star.. tied her from her c^ep dPeam of p^ee, bat scarcely coasoiona that %be was at 9 WekSoT thinking itimigH^be but a dream, her ^rngglk had' all the sftehpof ^ ' %0 / nightmare. jttantslas, ShilohfrFaii^paks, ^eaJBid^e, ^ltietara, aiftt Fredeticksburg, 44 peopling the 'concave witiu*ascsnding . * spirits," were required *to fully tteqjiaint ? % . her with her enemy. She sees and knows /% *j him now^gand shall- sh^ hold her hand before bejie< bea^alh her f?et pJone in the * * 'drnit **, . VK * * Can Spy safte Man stfllprije about4 4 ouP , ^etlirdb',7 '^#oilfci^afcion),'< * jtalfimanic * ' -orrtrrl* " ntn ? -la iharA .hsraA hrif^n thetestraotion, of'the * foe? None. TJis Vs&ads of s&ver^ strike down every soil ? a free mother If | we do not. kill their* idpl. ?et nqt ous. ,V?' * a^jnftrea JttKht to the of oturwlaVgfct^red hei^s and ^7 they fell for naught. ' * - I>et us indeed ftri$e hands, but, let our , oath bo never to sheathe the sword until the gerjcn planted iu^ 17^P, whose roots -K were jjodrfcfyedjbv fee blooc^ oh patriots, has prochieed a tr^. under whos^branckes m^Q of alynatiopg, ealprs and creeds, mV.j^ ^ repodl, secure |he recognition tff {lose % rights which;fi^hfire to the whofe brother- j * hood of*man, based upon the comnfen ft-) ? ft^rhood of Godf Jeff. Davis having exhibited" tar his* _ ^Hfftplein the soufeefu-#confederacy their ( Unsatisfactory prospects for a supply eft 1 provisions, during*the conning ae^ean^t* *be- amiss to show i^ern how we of ihenerth staiM in regard to sopae-pf our t artjeles of ocnsujnpfeDii. The receipts of # bi^dstufts at four o? thetpiinoigial lakeChicSga, Milwaukee, Toledo" and ' " ^>etrdit?compare as follows Vith \ * flie receipts of 1861s: * * * , 1SC2. . 19C1. %*W!o?r, twreto .*..^....3,414,?? 1,13^736 1 # * Wheat, basHtb..... 17S.399 4*,876j3* 9 ' -Corn,^tsbels, ^,82?,747 ^*"*31,86?, 423 t, <t And from the' annual reports of the 1 * ndmber o^ogs packed in tile west daring p these tw<^ vej^s we take th^ knowing figv; *. ures: . t % A ' A...*r .V.^..^4,0?,52? 't-. .^.^.2,,8i%tm | 4 L3e*e..*.....\ ?. ...UIS, f -r ,Ml , 1 w m #1 4? w it^Tbe next #c<fogje?donal house <of * 1 representative^ now dhpods, nnion, eighty-1 fire, democratic, seaenty-four* Vermont, * ' ?Wfaoonsint Oattfomla, and WMl Virginia %%id ten^o the nhibn s^de, and Ken k * 'J' itack antj Ma^ylaaad /^-e*fc| el^ht sixteen' . 4 others wbti will poobabi^ be divided, po * ' ,. j' ;:. jj # 1^* OonTederate scrip put up at. anctiAn in Halifax, N. S., on to 10th . uast., by Jo\pi D. '.Nash, k Co., arirf the i only trfd that cpulfi "be obtained forit teas j toor bents a pound:* Half the price of old i ^Iag* ' yCt ? t; .V. v* Mt . '4,'> % ' ** e Y , '* * -*'. 3- ;..v . .. : V r>**. I ! * ' * , " ~ * - ? * - , 4 . f ' * < m V ' ' ; j. * THE gBBti SOTTTg) &1TT ^ Treatment at ^riiyieri ?( lTftr. m 4*>vr that the pokey of ?the goverain^at j to employ black?troops p Motive service is defiijiifllf Mtab&shod} i^.becdm^ i^yefy s^$questt0*\Aat steps ar?to betaken *forvt&eip protection.. .The proclamation; Zi the oonfe<ie*tte psesidejitpemaihs unrevoked-, wher?b^ he downed to a flop's dbath any officer of W%c&-froojjB,?\piip' a x v ? l ? * !?_ i4 a' J _ migni oe ?iKen j)06cmer, ana puis.oHtsiap . the aioeriiti&'of^ ciplize^varfcre.tti. cof- * ored soldiers themselves: A .recent, act of the fel^^fthngre?tf doom^-ljb slavery -all*' black prisonep captured, whether c boia free men -or. ex-staves. * The colored feef.vjnts?free ^itc^oe of AIassachq^t%-^ edptared ^trXhdvCston, were re&ueed to Slavery/ "The black teAmetors'captii^^tJ i hlujfreedboro were . butchered- in * eoi'd 'blood. tfo retaliation <u> ewen protest from our mlljlaiy*^aathoritids#lias-eviei^' been heard. Nojf we are hdhrtiiy ^fthiror * of drafting the nfegroes and uaing'them as we would any other meanVj^ptit tlown the rebellion; bofwe^inakt at the samp time thatihey shan'be traced fairly." /tVe. cfangt^eliove tb^fc qU? gotprnA^lhd^uld be so mean and cowardly as pj forclSinen^ Into-its sareico, expose tftem to the chancer of battler, abd then desert thejn .to the doom threatened' i>$ the -rebel president. The moment a negrb^ehouldets. d mueket? he jis investe^. with ^eye^yv-military ri^hfc which belpngs to -the white ^oldier.^ He4is ! entitled to *all the -safegrrtirds whiph- girrropnd his white comihder 'Aeofficers-of ^nr colored regiments demand protection *? ii Ti ;u IU? vueiiptuve? i^iu lut-u rntru. ikjfinuuui do'to delay it .any longer, '.?e>me action' .ouglit to be by th* government but. failirfg-tlmt, ife.caK^on General Hunter;,J ^ho 'baa'- been" especially mentioned in Davy' proc^dnation, to take actiOh ontbe subject himself..^has nowm his hands some excellent hostages.. The members fthe^gef>bf troofb receut^.taken ort ^d-4P isto are .just the kinel of gentry to hold m sureties; that ojux -bhw'k spldiera /ure not subjected to r^)el barbarifv. Let * Gen. , fchinfe^ct at onctTofrfclrisdfaportaitf^b- * ject and be will save tiimself and the country tBfe tronme of settling it when it is too late %> beifefifc the victims ot $elay. ,, .? 3?*.Capt. Gceenloaf- is determined to' eajrn that monument. The wells of Beau-* ftrt, have, during# the durrent- week re# . * oeived his ai mention. By means of an old fire engine he has had several pumped ?Jit and thoroughly cleaned. Some' of our 1 residAfe were slightly astonished perceiving that thej had been imbibing a decxx^icn of old hats, .pups, well-^orn boftts, cats, crockery, tin pans, vegetables^ sec; ond hand clothing, ?t?., ate. . . . , v '*? Our frieflti, Barnard K- Lee^ returned on tho^Arctgo, and enters at* opce upon his duties as post master at Hilton Head. -His hosts oJ friends in this depart- r ment have no fears hat that he will pake a model ofecer. Coming here 'with the original expedition, he has filled several honorable positions, and has had the conce'ofeveiy commanding general,; In hia^ew office he will doubtl^s perform i his yrSuous duties in a way to earn golden opinions from all sorts of mei. _ r -? \ i, , ? * > The dWgo yjoxirrtnl says ffiat i social arrangfenfenthasbeen gotten up be-, t waan our'soldiers and* the^pecesh women of Xk>iin&iy ?The soldiete g$fc .to c<?ur&ng,tbe women, jpad when a m^chia , struftk up, they get married in regular style,-With* the condition' " while the war lasts)". S<hnejfcyenty of our soldienrhove ^n^ered into the arrarlgpmeiit lately. If domestic quarrels are*eferred toj sjfch a contract ao^t diffti nyich ftojh th'd usual M * * * '* fflt * |#"*The N. Y'^tVarid, ateuling oopper^ad journal,- went dut oi its way^ recently, to compliment the rebel Beauregard for his defense of Charleston harbon hut hads not a wqjfl to say vi honor oi the gallant Ddpont and the other noble seamen . thatetood the test, *o bravely,-?of Beahre>gard'i Taunted ski]7*. * l ** + a * af* - ' I - ' 4. ' ' M V * ' . ' ' 1 ' . * it V.. , # - A > . . - I . " * . ? ? A * * C . JSDAT, MAT 16,1863. j?TT \ *- ?- ? - = / '*LAtff!HAijiE Mi^AKe*"?On-,a q^et evening iq Afajs say abortf'.thp 10 the pt one^i<orl?i?befdhj ele^e^* ^fle guard of tjiis j^aceful. village' ira^, startled ?>y fee *! discHarge**^ "* "intskpt reverberating the (piiet ah^-furfybver the' stiff waters," joaysin^ th"? \agile^t Sentin^ to grasp* his musket'vwigh ^Aly and' th^4 RjeepingHo strict froii 'their'^ljjftibers #affri?lited?\& visiofi^ 6f-bloodthirsty rebels ' dawned -upoti their 'awakening vfaAltiee. ?' - k?- ' - * A Th?f{juafd soon as go t tain ?d .,t clis-. oi^ar&o occurred *iu tlie vicinity of & hofcse occupted by a'timid bUt respectable negro-" mail bx*he.npme.'of Jongs with hid'iami> iy. Oa, -previous .occasions tliis Jhap'a hgbsetyri been broken into by soldiers to * thp great alarm of this eolored man and bis colored faAily, and be bad been in-' Spited if it occurred ^ain, to fire at mtrudeiis, and-Was ftirfushed with a mhsfcet for that-panose. -When t}ie guard arrived at 'eorwf house be seemed very much alarmed? and stated that two mem liad brokei in^tnthV^r^ up'slalr^f *' ^ * The 'fattbfoj. .?settiiieis' proceeded :up* sta^S and found, not * ftfo? /but'jhe garments of^oce ?yi*? tinder th? bed. They sArcfted,up stairs,'"ioum stairs, -and tbrqjighitho'iadies' .cjpnttbc^, 'bt& could find no, Q^rnc^ <hfd ,WU ?on^uded that: poor Jones was^ a'li&Je^to^diad/wi 4adJ soen'^Tghbst; .and that\he full Vuit of officers. clothing was a ceiftribiitidh- from the Freedihens' Relief Association. But poor Jorfe^was no believer in*ghosts and insisted sq^tputly Jfchat the robber (?) was up stairs, that hi* faithhd friends\he sentinel^ inade anothqj search, that tftne wilji more Success.. TMby foimti thbtffche' eup^osepl i ?li?i.i4oKla 'mff r!f /* 1 r. 4-1. . nar tro fl frAm ! lAiai '""I, !|(W v fclje at)ofle?nentihned ftssooiation, TSe-.' loaded t<J a j>er^u \fW ^Us standuig outside of the. chamber -window, qp. ft1 littlli ppizza which had escaped the sentinel^ in their fyst search, fcnprudei^ly iipoaing liifeself to the night air rin^xrotecjed* from its 'dampness. Tlid^room which ffds doi^hty ^io^alier bad bo' laughably mis^ tak^h lor his o#*n,* was dbcapiec^ by fe^ m tips d the colored^pejjiiasio^ belong* nig toihe TamilJ^f the watchful and* fer' rifi#Kl Jfr/Jones. compassion upon^ tha* unpirotectecr oandit*m^f^he ahiveriitg. Don- -allowed him to resiuija his clothes a$d to&k hyn into custody. Uj^pn his ppotjuoing a^pass staling thaQfe yvasah.oihcer of high ^nkfc from HiltdbHead, he was released.* " .If any fitnny individu?J .who fojjd of. a jgfce, wohld like to puwftie' .this one to the 'extent of "finding ouT All ab^ut t^a principle#hero of this romantic they etui* obtain further particulars f>y iitguiring of a lady, a union refugee, * sailed,fpj*New York in Ibel^at tpp of'the steaqier Arago, or of l^L. .Jones thej coJ^ man : it can only Se said here, as it is not perfectly self-evident, that he is white man, or passes fpr one. ~?" - ft A bill is before the rebel congress providing for on election of the members of the next hoAse.of ^epresentatives^by general'.ticket? T^thi latfr. shonl&%pase$' the congressmen would be elected in the same bianner tlyit prefidentiabelectolis core n?w chosen, the same Ken wing,yofcecf for ti^oughopt the %tate> The abject of changing the laf is to. securj a"fnl}^ representation from each Mbel.btata; whereas, up^fer fisting, regAtions, all Western Virginia, and Ihe three, bounties "bn the eaftern shore, together tritfe two ^district* in Kprtti Carolina, tjiree in Louisiana *ih Tennessee and 00$. htf "FloriA, would bo unyprepeaited, hecnnkt no plec&m?, held in tffose seofiigs, . the^mei; whcf kneoHiaged (he brf^d riot' in Bichmoad, on the ^ "iijet., ww iJr^T^omW M." Palmer, whe was 9. member from ^VeffAwinn Vnrnitv in Florida pcpjeotion thatt*4too^Kat state out of the "Jj-oion." Since the breaJ^" iy g out of the rebellion he has beafcip tlic fervioe d| the/K)nfederadyr. He in iJby^ a ; prisoner in BicM^xond. * a . . - . . , :r* . m \ .. .. '. \ *v t. ... . 4 ' * . V - NO. 19. ft : -?^ ? .... ?- t Kecro" Soldiers anit the Rebels.?In "the reBat house of,representatives, the fol- *} t lowing pr^amV)le ahd resolution have been ia^ted: ? . Whem as, Informaii^h has reached this <3fagress of'the pagsagXoy the congress at . Yvishington, D,. C.> of a bill for the enlist lnont%of negroes as -so^lijrs in the armies "of the X%itpd Which are to be eirgatfed in tfca further invasion of the confederate gtates of Americ&; and wnereas, ' fha pqn^titutioa of both the confederate , states mi cf the IJnit^ States recognih Africans a*d theiir 'deacemlants as prop ^ ert^ ^.nd whereas, *e cannot cfcnseat to .any change in their political ?tatus and coidit*?n> therefore, ; " Rebutted, That the committee* on the * r jh'dieial^e'Jhstrncred to inquire if to' the *N ! expe<5en% erf briflgihg in a bill providing fch$ proper jp^isone 'for the dispositiefcj of nil ripr>hrv?s 0* m m*I h>tops whrvrmiv bp prnv tiyrrfd M)jft .enemy, mfch manner-. . I that thosd of them wlfctfe fdgitiveg from ! theft- toasters- may be retained to their *V rightful owners, an* those for whom'no masters: can be .found shall be sold into perpetual bondage for the prirpose of raising a fund ia reimburse citizens of this- - f eoilfcdefcmy who ha|% l(5&W^teir property 'v I pj reason of interference therewith of the * ?/" f J * * 1 ISa?" dames B. CAfcy, 6on of the great Ashland oiat$r, is colonel of one of the rebel rsgimenfb. attaj^ied to Humphrey Marshall'^ eommAid. JCoL Clay was once a member of-the federal ^ongress, but was .never noted fojJknythip^e^rec^t the tear- ? iag <fown *f his mansion, and $iayjng. the laeams *ahd rafters mamifac, tared into walling^atnes, which he peddled out at.$vi dolors, aach. ? ; * % ?-Li?^ V P ' 'f #.iK%yVfry in Loultiana, ^ Aefhma^?iaiBn*e(Ktorial of Saturday, in ^ which *w% referred \o slavery as having \ * "been. abolWhed in 'Louisiana, has been* crHirised ?s j*ftsorr?$fo We meant simply that by thal^residlnfc's proclamation the * instifoti^is^abo'lished* except in certain 1 specified parishes; andHn these parishes ^hoBySten) is-virtually4dead,'not because of anVproplamation,4tmt because the re- , bellion nas caufp^?*su^pension of the civil Itws iji Louisiana, *atid the military has nn ftuthoiit v^to retrurn a slave to his mas- - 1 ter. * Consequently tffc power to enforc^me- Tabor of his slaves, >aiid?a\^iy, ba#ed a%it i? upoiuthe law of . ! ' . !orceft?#deaiI without it;-it is liKe Jhe play ' i. ' of T^amlet with ft? Prince's Dart omitted. - At tl^saipc th?e?th^egal claim of th? : maatertd his -staves has not been invalidated' in the^payiplles escorted by the Pre^IdeAt'^proalama^ipn. The's^ate having cope into ?eb<4h<m, put out of "its own hands the pojynr to 3nA>rce slave labor, and hpncenve inferred to the system as q^Qlisbed. * Ifris nol legally abojished in New ?fUans ar^ o t^er parishes; but it is jirtually abolished^ hK the" acts of the peoj>lq*them^lve?.?EmT'\ ' * >'S * ?' . '*P- ? A corkispondenV -writer from Vicks- * Burg that tlotir # is #V; sfearoe among the lrebeJ& theri^ they pall it the dust of hea^n. ffces, iVfhnst ,be ao^e precious .thaivgolcl dust. Mahomet told his follow? etB that the iroil of the wev^nth heaven was. . njade of the #heSt wbCatea flour, and we h^ye no doubt than the lank and lariterajawed rebels, as they khaw their corndodgers, saltless and lardless, dream that the plains of the free north are strewn with the finest wheaten fionr, and that its mighty rivers flow with milk and honey-ru Sweet field! beyond Ohio's flood , Stand drewed iajbying green, . So to the .Jeiro 6W Canaan stood, '.While Jordwyrolled Bet^ctn."-: *- Uhaiiinilt* It id piiated ol fee .late Gen. Sumner thai^UB faToritcraaughter, the wife of CoL Lom of the r?bd'&rfaiy, not long since yrott fromwifeinth^ rebel lines to her piother iiv Washington, for some small 4 chilcUfcnls'shoes, a few needles, <fcc., which she oould^not obtain where she was. The request bttiqg laidfjj^fore ner father, he prtmpfljfo^bic^the request, preferring to leave her vh?> was cmce the darling of ^n^heant to the cohsfequencee of the trea fen with which she>had unfortunately became * -identified, rafter than encourage J A contraband trade. ' S\aeUung of Womei^s Loyal Leagues ; knoj.y,*any three young ladies are equal to it, ^?Fo!?a missel as _ good 'as a mile, and, || ?4bourse, misses are as good as a I 1 eacrtie. * W _ If r w * i 9 w ? Severn* peRtions having been presented) Oto t^e Pennsylvania legislature against the immi(g?aR%i of negros, one Mr. McClel-j r lan, pr^senti* remonstrance against allow-j j 1 ing red-haired persons to become so nxtj : merous in the state.* II '( * t t ' *? ? t j