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r ^ i * -z A. < >. "\i< ? / . * . * \*t ' ' r r . ... ' ] ,.*v '? v ' " I?- :: -- ^ ~tr' ? j^OT 1' > : * - *- . M.+" >(< > V; :g THEYJl^diUT^^ fruBusn^-b ^EV|fStl ^.rw .4, :AT BEXUKORC.S, <* JV J*mr? n. I-a?a & <o..-'?. jp. jEr. Tliomp.-oii. fc/dtaor aifd l&Vffeeirii. fSVho is authorized to receive wbiCQpli^njs.; & k PETTIS.; I,fc CO., ^6 W street, tys ^ ^ ^"V. V ___/' % ^ TJt RM5J?Two DaLLA.W"f?r isua^i, Si advance. Copies, Pit*' Cr?f*.'' % . ; # .' * ' V ADVERTISING?One DoUarJjeHfoe, ^ch ldfcrtton. i Mtmma:, mscocvt to qairtfecljnul yesrly advertisers. ' i "M . ? > \ ;L , * .V ; - V*1 *4* ? kJOB PHi[CTI.\G OF EVERY ^sCltfrTTGlS ' . ** *" JKEATLY DONE, ATJ ^BHS-'OFACrf - - '? ^ V ?? IiHWtek Sovvu. ? rfr isvr W. WISN>K V** , f . -Jj*- ' V . i. Prithee, Robin, u^Mho^riak<> ^ t 1- " ? t'* * For thyself a gjeftraqpt, 4^. ^ J Where each n?rntag wben Fjrak1 And each e\*ci4a^viwif 1 Jl may listen t?.t?| fioiijf * '$ 0 , * w Hdwsoe*er the world ?OC^roi>ff +r, "* > * gg A ' t'f? ^ Prithee, RoMa, doA tWtnt^V'>' * ? * Anght of wants't^rftn^PthT fcf?di *'t ' _ 3>o tfcgr carols ncve*flfli|'_* 4 *, Prom a breaSt uxffi%jk ^?ed,\ * *jk Aiuious <br thd swmxuv. * / t - living ever someMc^ more* /. ?; \ Prithee, Robin, do tfij . Sever weary In tfceTf'Right, \ '\ , Mt % ^ % Dost thon see * y** *--** '' Jf little Robin tell me, *vv. ?i 1 am raryf:id to-dSj. * V . *" ' * f , ' * Naugflty bird, to fly ^ Answering no il Hocking mo with enrols g?j? * * As if thoncouldst ^ 4 - * ^an^btjr bira? to treat Ae ^ * ( y * 4, Whei>*y heart is ftilldfwfl^ ^ , . Naughty bird or niaichj*. _ . V , t Heart which is it, prithee "* ^ . Nature's laws are w isely laid, A, ' f, , like the songster beed^hemjpdl:.. ^_r ?' '. He who uotes the sparrow'^iall : . Kindly watchea over aljfc *j 1 Prithee; Robin, eome?Qii#^nake * v # - For thyself a^rettyn^t, t< _ * When at mornlng-when I w:\k^ v * m ,s And at evening when I i^st, ? \ f I may listen to thy f "4iy 1 * * > : _ And forget the vrcrld aain wrong/1 ; Apriifof,l9tS * *.- 4 r atous for My Lara. Too ask a reason for my lore ? ' *" Tha beat thai I can gird, d^a aee, * ' ng lorejores mo, . %. - * ' - > tike is not beautiful, I know, - . * ^ , Nor learned, aa one may puiekfy-aee; ' ? t ij v Bit then, "howe'er the jea"#i!syo, . \ She still lores mea ' '''*jl| Tell her that I hare nanfcht to boast, * /' .... No wealth, no name, i5$dAwe^e.v?, she A- v , Will smile when you hare aaidj&ur i And still lore ine, .* ^ \ /* ? - I care not/or brBiaat 4f; Yonr fprua so flie, yojp j^nnar frfOj V , 1 boast. and fcpsJUa d?fa a ppaef- y^? M , Her tyve forms, " % ' \ ' And all I My, *?d *H *36^* % 7^(U * iU' Is simply done and arid thajpfae ^ ' Who loved me Iduz, atfd Wre^S^-kiie, 4.5'* .love me. ** ' I | ^ yj-.r?r ' ' ' h nAW<Wui kq?*e, with view*I For Jnlia's hand applyj;#! f ' r. Ki ,# I The knave to men4 his fo^nnes sueti, ? \ H a^irSBbAoi to pletss hf*>ye. " , ' + I V < lASt'Tpe bow Jwiii will behavef ^ ^ I J f.r .Dependon-tfori ruk\ . Vo?e. *# g j( If shefcjt foo! she'll weft fhe kdVsv* ? 1 B ' If she's a knave, the fool. "?* * *v ' f * I i 'Ththiifsting buds look up **- ' H Tofreet {he farm sunlight while it linger* *t< I On the w^irtitl-sids, and the violet Mf1* ^ 4t I f . its aaure cap . * 1 Keek*?, and oooutless wild flowers wake to ttiqjj; H Their eajlfe-t incem* oh the gak of spring. ' j . v* - i V Vc' * ? \* \ , V> *" .f ' * ? w r~*i' '# 4! ?*f *C.Tw *s4v, '''' t/i ??? ' * r^7*^rfT'|,^7.; .* . ?. '<S l/ri ;f. 3 > * ** x v*. t,\J~ v*5 4 ^eictrciwr t " 'M* i^lio^Ttfg leU^r ftom ftsmt* ft. ?v" |; ^4?l?Sepi^taia^$ i?fe W^Lcftfc^onal Li-Vga^ tajVA. - fJijWti), nst^lS^licafwii t-* ?),' ,? -V . OtaTtT**s:?Ithp8raft?e tk rnwla on-ill; ttjrrti JSoBv* ''wyit to ttent- myself tiite 'graiiacatiom, of utcunlTjjk t ifttoeaog to tphich jqii khuHy invife j' J *' ?n will meet to eepd words/of oteovto ior .Brave! ." ?raft and soldier* in the field ilojpbulae treason'iiv - (par jfcMst, $vin;_', in th? -^rt'o?J^yaid and coA&rt f u treason la the panoply ;* to'maliiWo Intfifife J the ^tegritflrfT tUe flitpnal t(*rttory,*and.fte^ icy of the uati&isl consist io a aufl iWs; to ?tn#ipthan * Sfce ha&J? add ifcrve^the ^eort dt Bresid^tt^fof.the*great "^ork Ipry iri^h Gq? aiffithyebpie htfyecalJed hi!h.? For .what worthier pt^joihe jcay An\nficaa citirens now' 'swe&hft** v ;* , t. f. > ? f'" IS ftcgil fhlth,. centfAieii^tfciy God does not < . mean tha{*ttys Amfricauft^ahiif sh'iifypefislv Wo*re' triecHafe by-tft^ byfjoay omlti^ w#l?tivc, i^ftwithstanfldWrllU Ml vigkii& and all the'inaehiuJUion* of traitors I ^a'nd thcijRrtJipafhi^ttfr, oS ^hi/or t^fc'ouier aid&jjf the spfVoftiltjfViH lira. , * / * , * '#*' f Aiid while our^cyantD' livc?, ylav$ry, ^be chief source, J [ tpid cans?? ai^Sufent or ou^iils; will idle. * 'fire friends .-of the'TnIon#tn? the so* tp,bfcfore# ^beliioi^ predicted , 1ie$efl?euct5a?t o^-dhore^llB a^Cwnserjucnde-bf seCeaaipn, 1 if-tiht madness should prevail. B'othjpj, In tnent, La^ndhe^crtin *.hau th% fu Iftlnjunt Of these ffr?^Uctiobs. static, heforl^ehblKiC fVorj all ^xWal toterwcnc^ sU^ejj%f co'fhe <5* froipf its shel-; j Haf," oi?denstate-cocstifpttons aiiSaifd^O?isAiiRhe pa. tloniB }lf^VlMi,ih Burctyjlie; pierc^lSyite twos fan'g# i ; V?^v' *- * " What maAftt now li^rw it &?3J^wbmer as a-tonwA? qaeno^ or object cf 'the \vai> tfbaf matt^f ? J* tblsV if? f?o jpe U teems Ijprt Prorft- J fence itf^catea. foAyjflgagh. how thVmtW tJa^ry.l 13tat tfm,, ty cojpo W%t)/d'tlii\e atat<$ b mliitatxl epler) decr? or proetewaattoti; norto h**disre%a fitofr oi. 9gt aside itf any evfcat a? anullity, tut maintained and "fexf^fatef wiihperfect^GodjaUb to all the Mifra'miiised; jindit wllf corue iu I6va)- $L\\t t^ataslbj thj yn#n?tnltb r?Taf tToB^flfhe"[x*oplc r?ud their K-^fpla tn res, aided,ft?e-. lymui ^"rienasjy Bythflr brethraa; o#the free states., 11 fnay^e mistaken If ti?a,ibut if J am, anothei*betfcK. wayVi^ be revflhWf J* ' t Meanti^^f It sjpeiaa l9me. lery Hec^sAry t* say distinot|r ybat mftpy 6brtyk from savim* The blacks iqnpt % called into this* toapict?not a#cajtle, loot now, even, aa^reijftabaiH^s but is* men. In the* free states, 'abd, b/prt>clain^ti^n, in tjitr rebel static W?y *e free men. The Attorney GencKfcj hi an opinion which re^at^o, has pqpuonnce^ ^esd'freetaeq elBs^us oMhe.Uflited Stftes. ^et^Jhen, the eJ^ ample oi Andrew Jacksof, who did not hqpSate to op- [ %sbc colored rejamcpfs to British invasion, be. now fearlessly followed. T^eh tliesadblacks, acfHmatedj innlUai M. he country, capahib of fjrent endurance, receiwa guTtaole organization, ?o do do ineir iiart, we needlhelr gcStl will, and r.iuat make thera our friends iy.afRwin^ ourselves their friends. We must hate them JdNtrifide^-.fqt acont^ for all thiliuuV service in camp or fiel^friudticn they art qualified. Thus employed, from rfburden they become a'sh^cort, nac^ the Iwzatds, pri'v^on^itu.1 idhapf or t^e. white soldier will be pfioporritxn^ly d;$Wshe<h * . + Some wWohjngC ?f course. There are arrays ofcjec* Ibrs to.?vervtmiu!?"practical. Lat'expgriwce dispel honest fedrs, and refute captious or disloyal cavil. , Above alb gentlemen, let no doubt ftS=*worirYc?oiu*ifen to~5IiiSS, with all our hearts and with all ou? means, Uue soldiers sow in nnns for the republic. Let their ranks be filled up; 1st their supplies bo anfilclent and?re*pd?j:4ht* their pay be smh. >Let notMnj be wanting fo tjfetu'tvWrii can^kre a^viu- au^efliefcney. Lot efeh brai^^cer JiuK his country's i^Vc JttoBcfk him, ancrtbat ^s'eounti^*#hepgs hang up-1 op'him auji, iasptevl brv this tonight, let*him qpe and do all that 5 poesih^t^bedar^iadd d&e: VV . ?o, genljespfn, Vith \M biasing of God jjrill 'xit makeaghuion|furtMp??e.^Iacei5 rjeiqg beforewf i how beautiful and lr?wl I Thde fc, aft time tb o^IfnowY baroom al?qpait?rsof the lam}conjfr the' efce oj^tlie wo^rei^h'i^ple, kbok% Sotlofi, de-t "nwuicJng tfpaapu, and riroclalowil the1^M?jtb|j^nitr I 'v*ol'4he repub^t qpd lu 4ieiwu-h*piredumon p '> IK ?Mi ' nSMHI me.^uroprc- , wise <J(H?nt spTA'^1 rjlv' / , ^ #With ytHd^TetyVft^, V ? ' , .3 ,v - 8. XV^USB.. -ii J^Ion^fJp.0F?K 0AY*1(L? < %/ ** . ; "jr-axu* BsSTjiixI -"ft)??!*" '^r, ' WaiU^bi |b-M l&ptfltoi Y*!^ % %j " *V^T ^ ' * ' "'* ^ lw^^n<5*3 pilv? haveia^ cenfitfes bejn fllfritftiwxo ifadi^an.t that iheteirdmpf>rtj?4do^tvot ti^~ circuiai&oif pi the y?&d lik^<petyble? do-wn^ ia tAid ihAt in the.htet tw^ty*^fc'TCT*s $5^,QCto;0$? 'have been se^mithey f yltdch$460,900^)00 has thus'1 disafr>ea^^? No probajiie reefcou has ever boer^discovdr editor this mystent except tl^ orient etfeiom of kirying hpe- cie an^ewefy iij theigioundT , t * . ' ' *' ^ ' 1 *% v~ 1l\ K * ** ? * ' V * *n ^4?^; v*l." r " uk^tY,. i^Yi6," fieS. n -f:. -. . ' > V* * ~' Jfidrcifr^t ?f egnrs* ASCrLo-flSz#* m.vrj2.*4 ' \ wiljtjnrpi. * or PtM *iiA. tfns Ibralt riJ irtt Orsojib^S^fiq^lfnd, *ta#jfej?btrt from the Clyde oii the 3d d1 ^Atni vThb'(Jj'dtr for .hjef arrest 'affiled jfrorn ijpndoi^oQ tHo 4th?the etyy after ; . $- ?/ % / > r. 7%'-JflLoea^JF?CC2^'?iSXQ~L&>-<&3LOlt.."V ; The BJontrejl. Stpaih^jwp "dohipany's , steamy' ftnfJ!o*$n.ron, Captain Burgess, Vhich ie&Iluterp oahQnlhe 16th and Lqiidnaderry on Itth Aprilf for Quebec and Montreal, was wfected "four mile's east, ol ?ape'^R&ge c^a Mqhclav thev'27th' .ofvipril, . dunn^TdehJc fieg^'*p4 tk<3 ^Canadian ajid^JnftedJ^tates maili and hadon bowl fhreo ImiuVe* and pfx.a^.dglfty^oiuriof a orewi mjdnlig:a\ota^ of iohr hundred aijd fcortyiour.'peifco'nfi. ' Tl^ee -1& tfcr jpassengEr* ^ Uchei $t ^Jdharfei Newfoundland, at foar o'&ocK oi^^nd^'gyejaiiig, and m" portfed^^jfe^ dWstdr, Ending raw the vee*m1 had N.t^ken up after,,- wh^n they fete eightwOf aeiV an^ that a great - mimbel $y&eV pass*ng#r<i - h'i>d^-p$rishfe<L ^Thniietrs-yacht frtafio&ed Oape Race, ;set o'u^?or ihl ,-wxecb i^mjfqiatdly aftei tBe tesetpt of- Hits vintGpb?fc?rr Urt gteaifitoy vrt anffe^s., afid. aloe :st^ered^ftHr fcttpe- tjwce- "3 "Seventy-thre* ^crs^iw ostaped from vensITby anedne ltoi YopffiTjmd apaitl, tVven tyJfooj-o^ece &i?eu | off mdrfojbqat Xd.* {& to the i fehi$ ^:u in pftfeI iri??p.aJtise?i ninety otl^jf ,'?vho lihd gjol 8iu t^o lsoate.' Amoiwr tlieso were .the n^ ^)hhfi^Voi!H%i hi/ rfjff sever yfcren.; the fir?4 and jtearfclj offlicer^ml ifc j fifth of .the Jlwjfc' Scum ynrs^^i-^ and Second. Senfrnfetoty rathe shb^wcxp hlsb savc^, as- tosif j^ttMpwony of^bd>lk>yel 'Artiii**, e passeirg^. The cugamander of the Artglofyxon, Captain Biirgess, wis supnpaed tc jhavfe been lost. Seven perscms emhnrked * cm a raff from the . -wreck, and tins raft, wotli tfye snip's boats Noa. 4 "and* 6, were missing when ..the dispatches left $t. Johns.*. Tjie deck of the Anylo-fiaxon <br?ke upi ah Jiour rafter she' ttfnck, and f nothing bnt'her mizzen-nKst jvas stand" ing. Soveihl- persons clung to the forerigging until the main-meat fell, but no assistance coul?l reach thehj. Guns were duly fired at?ape Rage, in^ order t$ at,t?act tlie,attention- of ifle missing boats, On the 2Stli Hie weather* on the cOalfc wjioa fine and clear, but they had nfct'be^ heard oL . * * < '* * POLAND. ??TH]| INSrfBREQTION. The Polish insurrectn^ is still in-gyeat tigor ami activity. The Czm of Brfissijj has so far yielded as to offer k generai amnesty to all the Poles who* rettum to dieir allegiance by the J3tlf of May.' England, Franco, and Austria hyave addressed separate notes to Russia, conveying a friendly ".varying" to the emperor on the subject of r^fon^s for Poland. Cronstadt lias beeu placed in a state of defense, and the Russipn army is to be increased. It ia Said that Russia*/r^s t# .direct bar afeteh| tion towards Sweden -for sopie' offmsa "taken respecting the polish qnCsfio^. Serious eveaiiualilies were likely to ensued Nappleon had, itfii\sadd, ihquffcsd if 'JMhly could take a military jptut -tinder ceftam 'hriieumstanees, an<JLkad Wk wuotact to il*? effect that the !&ing.,<;urtl& fiu-nktf sixty thotfeand men. , . * H ? hfnoh^wfches%'prevjfili^l in jfctydoii $24} Pari^with r^sp'aet the nQar ^frftiL M.war ; but the affairs'.of l^assia. 'ptoper, Aland, ij^xico, mrk .fchqfc United Sutft H& so njix^l up, aB HM%utinn hlic ' n3^ J^feed exe??iig causes of the strtj^e, that it Van dijheuK to conj^tntv on Y/hfiflisIde o ?j A ?A* j / 1 1 ' 1 * * _ _ . x - vi _ A 'Jt _ o^aie AUW3ii0>flosGiiHaw* wwe njKgij'xa *!onmienc5i; . *? % # ?': L : The 4 nates Ufefwald&l# by effngbmd,/ Ftande, aAi'Austria to*4he?^tiotcrt at St. B|tersburfe "on the subject^ol the PofislL' resolution,. had b eeii' pr#| en ted to fch^j ?zkr, andic^daed a /'behsatih^i^ tfo Russi?B,e#)iiie4, *? it was not anticipate!, jfazt the tij^e powers woirict thepmy si^oh ar uniformity of sentiment andku^tmge'in the case. The Czar had notyetpubb^jl^ his reply. In the meantime the Swedish 4 goVemifltent waif making considerable arm*anient?* Iron-clail ships had be^ct' of tiered, ana engineers were-actively ejcL. UV .7 ' r *r. * # '.j . *! <a?? ^? ' * * fv * * * . r? , y v y - ; < *' i '' * >.. " ?>** . v41! fa * M ? ^ ^ * m 4 ' * t! *7^ t vv* ; 4 . ; > :- " j* 4-^,r..j| * ?,, ' , -j^.r. , . , v .' > '. ** tvtr\ -irfr-' - * \*'x jjl . , , . imj. iv. , * p > I. iM ? ^ . j n ,, m.. * 'm ? y;_r --V? i- +rfj. Mrn0riarrin?*th3|&OTf<?f CnrLscroir&w * ' * ii ' thet>Hcxuic>d^ayd Qf ttie *SwedisJl navy,' ^ ! i which 1x3 reideied ^capable 'of raiU?-*" , '. nut*; not only Si^msn^jn^n-dfjxr^ ? j ?1;at atst^ "lift squadrons of racsl powers# , f whose inte<cstlFhiight be to station ft na- **# i^val fftroo jygjtjpise waters.. . It wfcs reported in "Paris-twit Napoleon . hdd.orcfcred .nil the iroa-clhds of ' ? ~ i t^s?nb& atX^eriKtfirs* tfrtd ic iroh ^yiAr.V ai, . * ves^ls now oa^-be stocks to be compl<^3^ ' '?J ' wiiliout delay. ' ' " ? .V ^he ciifflcmtfcs arising of * .*j s Qotton in' the manufacturing # ' districts of Frrfn^e were becoming \ery serious. / ^ \ ? * *r t 'M f The..British jouvnaj^nfrere stil^ incensed i agai|ijt4 Admiral Wilki*, and some #f their ( # t* . *writerrf'adqbtod%to dceafi that tfie cabinet ? , at Washington were incited to make* a # suddwi wiir on tfcCitf osmitry. # &tr Mr 'Adam^* letter ^ Messrs. Hoy ell. ^ ; and ZIrmnn> whicluVas jirenwto co&v |t %[ , cargo ofliymrtiora?of wyr for^jjtiie'Mexi. gteai 1" mdignnti&n *V in # L Fraftcck- Considerable agitation still pre- ^ ? > vailed In England oo the %ubjecf, "if well n vat the' future reguUtfon'-of rnomral tftde i ftcf the Mexican coast. #In the'House of Vr. k> Caramons Mr. Lata^d stated tliat the gov- I r ^riim#nt hdd under their-consideration thi * F > 'JLickflt. of lfnve " given by Mr. &tam?. v' The alleged. ?bel 'gfthboatAA}Randria i j hatnieei* *' fcoheqnerM," frt]^**fpool, f 9\ t [and it Was g^v^rjifheiA 9 > cGrftejr.platifed yroc^edmgs against ^ : v.v-i ^ 4 l ; * r*j??K.Haid-ttV^bel^?lkH-?o verntnenfc / 4 / ; , -tfoftradifofcrotalitfl tfeJtofem of shippih*' ' (w ^dAe> bodied clfia fttfra^treliypd to* the Um- m. [ Scales, aiki * ut*a fcop & it#?mxje?a if : wasCfko Wa-\#rbd i+i^Aia' dd* emigration . movement * f? ,'if he, coifedeaite W Tomamad drm jicfi* 7 . , rewffiftw:*tha"4W|frd atfd *^P one-foui*Jh% premium.' . AJhnrical^ secuid- , * , .tieswarefirmtr. " , *4 * L (Tcmsolfe doted in Loinloil, onjthe.29d of April, at 98% for laoilVy. The L?v: . erpool cotton market^%JL|i89 on the 2od# , # ultimo, \itl^pi4bes fkm, -nut j?ofi<^hfnl ad-' > . vanee. Breadstuff's yore 'lybfr aud,steady. ['^rov^idiia Upre^dull $he ""lXtest and greatest Randal is ftie *depurt;ti*e for^Am erica of one of tHir young . , # | n&febtatn-ya tine- youag man abonf six- * and-fveniy, jylip,took a aflspeclable de- ? * * gree?ct Gumbntfge, and lias always cpn- ^ * 'ducted hnnselMvith good sen^e and good. ^ * taste pn.public lite, as. tfle jyiefe^l.workf . > * &yk--in pru&ait o? a pofcorfbus cowrtfezan. *i'% There* are fears that person,^whom , hofcAilansliip and amusing conversation ? * removed J^om a hack street in Chelsea to i j ^ gilt-cage^ neap ^irt-Iuilcy to hit on pihk^. *' satin auu sleep uiner ome sati#, may fol*lrfW sn?t with'Polly Peachitm a htmdretL ? ; yia*8 ago, slie became Duchess of BcjUon^t g. Tfid sfiOSfffci?n mnie bt the*feai<* of sucKa * -wortm's h ansa was r.oi very crSditSWe^' P eithpr to the manners or the tastevof" the * fashionnbltf'worliU Tho furniture was in " * / the most vulgar taate?not a hook, jot a * # pLatrrro, qf any valuq?gold, cat in, arfd* - < ' wSvut > yet ladies crowded to see the in- ,*w /CfiriOT: hf a hqftsc that could-have been in> < dieted had it.Jield more than oneJ,ei?aiit. a i'Wjdsnjrf^r. ^ * f v . *thr iskpfeditigx to cr.i.ina.?a dis-^. , ; ^ * .fJAiali was rfcceive<Liro:n General "Wtfght, at Loaisvilte, on the 22<^,g|ito the effect ,*'4A that #tihe ox^itiop t6 CeliijR -v^s en Aely^ V i successful; tfiit Mr^opps destroyed ' F tqwt, one hunted themi^i-of Jt V ^aeqp, ten thousand bqfhej&flf wheat, ten J * * thousand hushes of ^corn^one hundred^* batorejjsof whiskey, oiaednrodfed barrels oP . a considerahre tgiiitiiy 9 , eoffea, tea^ijaU,# and .cfii^r steles, *xu\ . forty ho$t>C wind,! had beep us^Tiu tr$pa^ jolting pwod^ft^'Brentsvilie and other vi. ? * joints ;qa the -Cui^berTahd. Th? rebeiw';- ' '%& . * ? reptyt-ci Joss c^niint^fljed t but Colaafcl c - > * ' cobAwaVdhtq* tio^op^dititmj i?| > 4ygthc (Tfti flRpitfr'at the*i>umj>er isftreatef.' " ? m*. "Jvqliad one \vonnded and, oAc^mi^iag.* * * ^gicrakWri^hf c!ij?fhH it aa a. jJc&feat pt- ^ f l lr?^, S. iT- Orej/ of Obipt lormerly a % ^WxynrfervAtrve " of the straitist sect* ferae-,d ^ * lYjflu'ms yp a political and >thiyaT cfem V iof ^' our BOntherii 'brethre]#; 4J A reb-?V *% , el?".he says, " has but two rfghte^-a cop.- , .', s stitutiohai r^lit to bh hupg ami a divine * right fo b^| <Illnn^d.', Hnpothrj rvill all ? avail ^mseivea ?>f thei* rights. : 'w*i* " ' .. . y