- . ' ^ ^ ' J J ^^ L-^Mim'l^ SEM;_ vVErZKLY. ^ XXVV^S^ lTm. GRIST'S SONS, Publishers. & ^amitii |lcinipap:r: jr'or the promotion of the political, Social, ^griruttur^t and (Tommerriat Interests of the people. TER^^^.Ew^iNo?SifNCB ESTABLISHED 1855 YORK, S. C.? FRIDAY, IDKCEMIVK I ? 15, 1 9*2*2. NO. 1GO g "3b ?li I' d The following is editor of the New Yorl tember 21, r&;7. iWe take plcasur< prominently the comni same time our great gr ? mimhrrPrl amoiip the ft "Dear Editor: I 5 friends say there is no i "Papa says, 'If y | tell me the truth; is the Virginia, your li 5 been affected by the ski 3 not believe except the} 8 be which is not compr 8 minds, Virginia, whetl g little. In this great un S an ant, in his intellect 3 world- about him, as m 8 of grasping the whole Yes, Virgini; He exists as cert votion exist, and you 1 8 your life its highest lx 3 would be the world if t 9 be as dreary as if thcr S be no child-like faith tl ? tolerable this existence. 8 cent in sense and sisrht. ? hood lills the world wo 1 ? Not Be! i g get your ]>apa to hire r ^ Christmas Kve to catc 51 not sec Santa Clans co g Nobody sees Santa Ch 59 no Santa Clans. The w those that neither chile H see fairies dancing on 1 ft no proof that they are ^ imagine all the wondei y the world. X ft You May Te; i ? and see what makes th cring the unseen worl ft even the united strong; ? lived could tear apart. ^ mance can push aside 1 ft supernal beauty and gl |jj Virginia. in all this v ^ abiding. 5? No Santa Clans H forever. A thousand thousand years from S the heart of childhood. r ll m I rrr a Santa ! x * il 1 **4*r? 9" I acuui ; | i a famous editorial written by the c Sun and published in the Sun Sep- ? : in answering at once and thus s unication below, expressing at the !| aiification that its faithful author is iends of The Sun: jjj am 8 years old. Some of my little ij >anta Claus. ? ou see it in The Sun it's so.' Please s re a Santa Claus? & "VIRGINIA O'HANLON ? "115 \Y. Ninety-fifth St." 5 tile friends are wrong. They have 5 pticism of a skeptical age. They do $ r see. They think that nothing can ^ ehensible by their little minds. All ^ ler they be men's or children's, are R iverse of ours man is a mere insect, ? as compared with the boundless $ casured by the intelligence, capable ^ truth and knowledge. ^ 1 1, There is a Santa Claus. ^ i ainly as love and generosity and de- ? mow that they abound and give to ^; ?auty and joy. Alas! How dreary $1 here were 110 Santa Claus. Jt would jfl e were no Virginias. There would m| len, no poetry, no romance to make 5? i We should have no enjoyment, ex- ^ ' The eternal light with which child- ^ ttld be extinguished. |jj lieve in Santa Claus? ft nen to watch in all the chimneys on ^ h Santa Clans, but even it" they did ft ming down, what would that prove? . ins, but that is no sign that there is most real things in the world are ? Iren nor men can sec. Did you ever the lawn? Of course not, but that's ft not there. Nobody can conceive or s there arc unseen and unseeable in vj u 8 I ar Apart the Baby 's Rattle w 8 e noise inside, but there is a veil cov- ^ <1 which not the strongest man, not 5ft th of all the strongest men that ever Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, ro- 8 hat curtain and view and picture the 5ft lory beyond. Is it all real? Ah. h irorld there is nothing else real and s ! Thank Cod! he lives, and he lives Kj ..... ? i years from now, \ irginia. nay. ten tft now, he will continue to make glad jjj w TZTZJVTZ Ti 7S 7C SS W VZ yg 7.C | ?iiatti>-3?ttrk on BY MA3JORIE HOWE DIXON If you are so fortunate as to be able j to do the beautiful Italian cut work, | your Christmas gifts of that ombroid- I 11 cry on linen are going to bo very much'; *' appreciated. That in a safe prophecy. 01 The severity 'of the design and its '' j richness have made this work exceed- '' I ingly popular. 01 There are many good designs to be 01 found. One set has a square centerpiece with its stiff design covering all ! ir of It and matching doilies (squares) "i carry a smaller version, of the chief ! di motif in one corner. There arc two | ai sizes of the smaller pieces, one set ten j pi inches across anil the other six inches. | ir For the refectory table comes an , is oblong runner with an exceedingly i \v handsome design at each corner andjn again in ti e center of either border., tl Twelve mats accompany this set, each | A FEW ! I mHIIWIWIIIIII imcill I IB III ! !? ? I !W\! Firesi( [f-fiy a iivin;'rfh ;MI; I-U-IJ :J| i.-K if it lia.? iMj "'outiful cn comfortable p s?> a'"l ! j K've a preud Floor Lamps The advance Tall patterns in floor lamps are more bcauti- .. ful than ever before. The new lines, the distinctive siik shades with bases finished in trap mahogany add just the . EH proper touch of color to a jit? living room. Lamps as pie- F.j I tured, exceptionally well ?-1 made and following the latest dictates of fashion are priced K TFT?MP?' $5X0 cash 1,1 IJiiKlYlo. $500 Month|y yoxm <: rtpf m c <' A A*.'}*.- :?"? * T 11 i't r or, will f'j ?li' artists to " t1 Christmas *,?.< fiilX - --J3. ,-<- --? play and rn ^ ^ $3G.fl SHOP I I#. i EARLY hi B\l ?3!g3?3?3??S?JB Siutru (?tfta | mbroidcrcd to match the runner at very Corner. Hand Hemstitching Always Popular. Hand hemstitching will always bo ; opular in linen. One never grows j red of it. A tea cloth may be oblong r square, and fog patterned with a lain checkerboard of this type of andwprk. The hems of the napkins ! s well or the center of the tea doth , re workdd in the same way. Scotch linen crash makes a more j lformal set for the table with its col- J red embroidery. The color is intro- j need by pulling threads of the linen nd running a colored thread In th<* j lace thereof. With mats and napkins 'i i a simple square pattern this set unusually attractive. Even if one ere possessed of only a moderate mount of skill, one couhl attempt < :is work and make, successfully, a tiinphnnn unl' ? T T in> T O le Eockers t?m is more invit- J i in if; one or tiione Vj5c?5?2v H'i' ' nc and mahogany mM 1 ' kers. They are Y , artistic in do- r= in fashioned 10 S9lI ration of service. p can find a tdarc fXSS*-^~yst one of them. ? iced at only . How Much $32.50 ' 'ratIS S?'lt1^ .Mih( JHRISTMAS |'p^5 u s1 c Mr ~ bring the greate st your home :>n morning to sing, itertain you. These i are priced from O to ? 175.00 WILL P.R just 1 tiling that you e? an buy them on . , mahogany, lias 1 ords as Christmas O they will express lent. TZRf CHRISTMAS FURS v. will find numerous Christi Special Rockers, Sewing Taf l's Rockers and Grafanolas. Hosidos linens, for the t:il)lo ser- J vice, both inuclins and chambrays ?*ire | used, and ginghams come in daintily used for trimming. What could be more attractive than an unbleached muslin breakfast set with .a fat coffee pot of gingham adorning the square centerpiece? Ail the steaming cups (of the same material) appear on the napkins. Varied Table Pieces Acceptable. Another set that would appeal to j any one's sense of color has a flower j basket of black-cross-stitch, out of I which tumble flowers plucked from a bit of chintz. Still another set has an octagonal appearance for the corners are neatly -clipped and the hems arc oil >.i,?ulcl make a wonderful Christmas gift PRICE $275.00 *MS: $35.00 CASH; $25.00 MONTHL' This 4-Piece Bedroom Suite ,vhat jour daughter would appreciate n >uld give her for Christmas. It is finish*, urge plate mirrors and is Specially RICED AT $279.0! MS. $37.50 CASH; EALANCE MONT ITURE HEADQUARTER nas Furniture novelties, sucli ries, Card Tables, Mirrors, Se Come in and look over our rxfiifi xjiimi-.,4. tdnvnnvL iiPUi^TfinENit. IIFJUDU J giffs of towels. There are large ones and small ones, guest towels and bath towels, with face cloths to match. Monograms Add to Towels. Colored bath towela are offered In a perfectly bewildering assortment and often with an accompanying face cloth. The needle woman adds to the towel, a large handsome monogram in black, or in a matching color, and then how pleased is the recipient! Well, if she isn't, she ought to be, and purple makes a pleasant contrast with blue, if that's the color her bathroom wears for decoration. Guest towels as a gift are as welcome as handkerchiefs, for one can never have too many. A monogram Is ever the most popular decoration. Of plain linen of exquisite quality comes a large towel with a square monogram hemstitched to match the hemstitched hem. Then color will not be denied these days even in the linen towels, and interesting among them rfre the new linen crash towels with wide hems of colored linen, hemstitched on. Here again is an attractive gift easily made. ew Building with an entire ne and we have only One Pric eous service here that you fin Plan an d use the Furniture w >UGGES Y\ Console Tabl [ y . The dccoratlvo poss \ of a consolo table ai limited. Wo havo an tionally largo display tall styles in the more inff period designs, mahogany and walnui &I rors to match may be jwy desired. Prices on J J ta bh-s as pictured s ^rj, low as Room By ^ ^ V Rugs Are til .feJHLf. Background jKjlS j Your Furmti 'NjU j When you select floor I j iA?? 'Bi in^s for the different II in your home, use tl care and discriminate y"u have already e in the choice of youi SMW t " ture. Xo matter whai ? " ative scheme you ins in mind, in our large of floor coverings in '-'I ? ?.>.i i.iii jm lieiiid aiiu * nore than any- will he certain to ti Id in two-toned th< type you wofat price you would like l as^Smokin^ | Plain linen is also Interesting combined with narrow filet lacc at the hem, and then, not to be content with that decoration, it further adds a deep twisted fringe of linen threads. Both the colored hem towels and the iringed ones come in the natural linen color. Linen for Every Service. Card table sets make appropriate k'ifts to one's friends who enjoy brldgfe Mosaic embroidery has been effectively applied. And speaking of moslac work, there are the most fascinating ovals in this style of embroidery, the funny stiff designs sometimes nnmnnuarl r\f Rmiroo n rwl tVion n cm In nf butterflies and flcwer3. Perhaps there is nothing more enjoyable to the natural feminine heart than a chest of beautiful linenB, llrtens appropriate for ordinary service, for cpccial occasion, for a card party or a dainty tea. Since the days when a woo girl started her chest for her wedding, women have always enjoyed the possession of fine linen. So be sure your gift of that sort'will be?*pprociated. arte I w stock. Every piece ie. You can get .the d in city stores. You hile paying for it. TIOMS ]\ An Easy Chair \ ; There is luxurious comfort in r ^ the depths of an easy chair I I It adds to the hospitable atmosphcre of the living room, JJfeESl especially when yor chooao one of our Easy chairs with a fnT&i reclining back and extension foot rest. In tapestry they arc priced as low as $39.50 TERMS: ?7^cash $5.00 Monthly ' '' ' nd just at thc Beautiful Spinet to pay. * Desks In many an old Rcvolutiohfary home thc traditional spinet desk occupied a prominent place. The beautiful modern adaptations in mahogany are just us attractive in design and arc moderately priced. You will want one ? .... ..mil. Imtlor linmo at the B\i low prices we are now quoting. k 1 shop ? ). i early / . > N ' ' * '. ?1