Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, December 05, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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Bessie and Louise Barron, of Yorkville were visitors in Union List week. Mrs. J oil u Hemphill and children, of Chester, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witherspoon in Yorkville. Mrs. Elizabeth Sadler of Rock Hill, is visiting Mrs. J. B. Pegram, in Yorkville. Thro Mnckorell of Hickory, X. C., visited relatives and friends in Yorkville this week. Fred Hicks of Yorkville, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with relatives in Gaffncy. C. W. Kirby and T. \V. Wilkerson were among the Hickory Grove citizens in Yorkville, yesterday. Mrs. W. W. Dickson, of Yorkville, spent the week-end with relatives in Spartanburg. J. R. Lindsay of Yorkville, has been confined to his home by illness during the past week. He is hotter. A. C. Fenncll, O. K. Williams and \V. A- Anderson were an ong the Itock Hill i>eoplo in Yorkville, yesterday. Ardrey Ionian of Greensboro, N. C., visited the family of his father, Mr. C. M. Inman on York No. 1, last week. Mrs. W. R. Carroll of Yorkville visited her son, William Carroll in Atlanta, last week. Mrs. John W. Miller and children of Yorkville, visited relatives at Blacksburg, last week. Dr. W. G. White has taken a position as a pharmacist with the Mnckorell Drug Comjwiny in Yorkville. Miss Annie Belle MeMnckin of Charlotte recently visited*relatives in the Bethany neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. McGill of York > - i Inst week. W. R. Chambers of the Beth Shiloh section is at home again after having boon ill at the Fennell Infirmary in Rook Hill with pneumonia. Miss Helen Sandifer of Grovcr, N. C. spent the week-end with relatives in Yorkville. Miss T^ouise Oates, of Yorkville, spent the week-end ilt her home in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wilkcrson of Gastonia, are visiting relatives in Yffrkvllle. R. A. Dobson, Esq., of the Gaflfney bar was among the visitors in Yorkville yesterday. (Continued on Page Eight). Special Jotircs. Card of Thanks. We take this means of thanking our friends and neighbors, and also Dr. C. O. Burruss for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our dear mother, Airs. Christine Burgess. The Children. Sharon, Nov. 29, 1922. f Card of Thanks. We take this method of thanking our friends who so willingly, and with sympathetic .hearts rendered service in our recent bereavement. We also want to thank all those who gave floral tributes. May God bless each and every one of you. Mr. W. H. Barron and Family. York, S. C., December 4, 1922. It OBITUARY. DIED?In Helena, Montana, early Sunday morning, of bulbar paralysis or sleeping sickness, Dr. F. ASBURY COWARD, aged 45 years. The deceas- 1 ed was a native of Yorkville and his body will be brought here this week for interment in Rose Hill cemetery. Dr. Coward was a son of Col. Asbury Coward and is survived by his parents, and two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Bratton and Mrs. Elliott Glover of Saluda, N. C. One brother, Mr. Latrobe Coward, also survives. Until last August he had been director of the state laboratory of South Carolina, resigning that position to go to Montana to organize a similar department for that state. His body was shipped from Helena last ! night to Yorkville for burial. Several | days' time will be required to make the j trip. F. Asbury Coward was born in j YOI'KVIIIC 111 J?li, U1C S>?II ut citivi , Mrs. Asbury Coward. His distinguish- ] < d lather at that time was conducting: the famous Kings Mountain Military academy. The early education of Dr. Coward was received al Yorkvillo and Charleston and in 1S97 he was graduated from the Citadel with first honors, lie then entered the Medical College of South Carolina and in 1900 was awarded his diploma in medicine, again win- ' ing a first honor. He spent one year in a Charleston hospital and six months ' as city physician, lit 1902 he moved to Columbia and was engaged in general practice until 19'>5, when he went to Bolivia as surgeon for \V. R. Craco & |J Co., of New York, railroad builders, j After returning to Columbia in 1907 ! and taking post graduate work he re- I sinned practice but in 1909 he was appointed director of the laboratory of tiie state board of health. He was a laboratory specialist and as director made this department of the state hoard otic of unexcelled service. lie1 continued in this work until last stun- ' mer with the exception of time spent ; in the army during the World war. ' Early in the conflict with Germany, Dr. ' Coward entered the medical corps as j first lieutenant. He spent some time; at the Rockefeller Institute and at tne | Johns Hopkins institute at Baltimore, I doing; special work in pathology. On [ going overseas he was promoted to the $ rank, of captain, lie was at first in the , laboratory of an American Bed Cross j hospital near Paris, afterwards served i in a number of hospitals in the war ! zone and finally was sent to Coblonsc 1 with the army of occupation. He re- j turned to America and was mustered , out at Camp Dix. He resumed his j work in Columbia in July, lu 10. Yesterday afternoon at his home on Clover \*o. 1. following a long period of ; ill health, Mr. ANDREW C. McCARTKR. aged about 55 years. Tin body of the deceased was interred in j the cemetery at Bethany this afternoon, following funeral services conducted by his pastor, Rev. \V. 1*. Crier. Mr. McCarter was born and raised in the Bethany section of King's Mountain township, lie is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mesdames Henry Jones of King's Mountain, N.: C., and Robert Craig of Castonia. N. C.. and one son. Mr. Darwin McCarter ! who lives at the home place. Two brothers. .Messrs. William and Mock j McCarter of the Henry's Knob section j % and two sisters Mesdames John and ' George McCarter of King's Mountain township also survive him. At his home in Gastonia, N. C., yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. J. C. GALLOWAY, 1). D? aged 71 years, 4 months and 27 days. He had been in bad health for several years, and his condition has been critical during the past several days. The deceased was a native of Newberry county, a son of the late Rev. Jonathan Galloway. He was received as a theological student by the Second Presbytery of the Associate Reformed church at a meeting at King's Creek in 1S71. and was licensed to preach in 1873, his first pastorate being that of Thomson Street church in Newberry, where he was ordained in 1873. He held pastorates in Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina, as well as South Carolina, and was pastor of Tirzah and Yorkvillc from 1S85 to 1894, when he accepted a call to Pisgah and Gastonia, later giving up Pisgah and devoting all his time to Gastonia where he has been ever since, nearly 30 years. Dr. Galloway's first wife was Miss Josie Rrice. a daughter of the late Rev. It. W. Rrice, and his second wife, who survives him was Miss Blanche McKemy,.of Monmouth. Ya. He is also survived by two daughters of his first wife, Misses May and Annie of Washington, D. C. One "* ? "P*..,,. WToai hroincr it. ?. uunuivuy, ui uuu and a sister, who lives in Newman, Ga. The funeral service will be held in the First Associate Reformed church of Gastonia this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. It is to be conducted by Rev. Dr. R. G. Miller, Rev. Dr. G. R. White, Rev. W. W. Orr and other prominent ministers of the A R. P. denomination, and it is expected that there will be a great turn out of the people generally. as Dr. Galloway was easily the most popular and beloved pastor of the city. COTTON MARKET Tuesday, December 5, 1022. Cotton Seed Sharon 25 75 Clover' 25 <15 Yorkville 24J 75 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS For Sale?Pure bred Poland China shoats. John Q. Hall, York No. 1, Gt? 97 For Sale?The F. P. Love home place, located three miles from McConnellsville, has been sub-divided into three tracts and will be sold on the grounds to the highest bidder Tuesday, December 12 at 10:30 a. m. Sold for settlement of said estate. Easy terms. Sold by Sims & Carter and R. K. Hafncr. 07 It. Wanted? Several young men boarders at $25 a month for our Bachelor Home. Good service guaranteed. See H. R. Mackorell. 06/2t. Wanted?To hear from owner of good Farm for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. P. Rush< Minneapolis, Minn 80-4-8-92-6-100 6t* Lost?Since November 29, red DurocJersey barrow shoat, 75 or 100 lbs. Will appreciate information. Noah Banks, York, S. C. It Wanted ? Seed from Wannamaker Cleveland Big Boll, the original seed not having been purchased over two years ago. For further information, address, A. F. Ruff, Rock Hill, S. C. 90 ft 3t Strayed or Stolen?From Brattonsville, November 7th, one black and tan hound bitch with white tip on tail, and white breast, about 9 months o?d, named "Judc." Reward for return or information of same to C. M. Neely, Guthriesville. < 95 2t OYSTER SUPPER rPHERB will be an Oyster Supper at .McConnellsviile School House, on Friday evening, December 8, beginning at 7:00 o'clock. Public invited. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ASSO. TRESPASS NOTICE. A LL persons, without regard to color, are hereby warned not to hunt, lish, cut timber or otherwise trespass on lands owned or controlled b- the undersigned, under the full penalties of I the law as provided in such cases. J. E. BRANDON, 97 3t McConnellsviile, S. C. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1923. Notice of Opening of Books of Auditor for Listing Returns for Taxation. Auditor's Office, December 3, 1922. PURSUANT to the requirements of the Statute on the subject. Notice Is hereby given that my Books will be opened in my Office in York Courthouse on TUESDAY, JANUARY 2ND, 1923, for the purpose of listing for taxation all PERSONAL and REAL PROPERTY held in York County, on January 2, 1923, and will be kept open until tiie 20th day of February, 1923, mid for the convenience of the Taxpayers of the County I will be at the places enumerated, below on the dates named: Clover?Tuesday and "Wednesday, January 2nd and 3rd. Itandana?< Ferguson's Store), Thursday. January 4th. Hickory drove?Friday, January 5th. Sharon?Tuesday, January !)th. itullock's Creek?Wednesday, Janu- ! try 10th. McConncllsvillc?Thursday, January 11th. Newport ?Friday, January 12th. Fort Mill?Monday, Tuesday and We dnesday, January lfith, 16th and 17th. Jtoek Hill?Monday, January 22d, through Saturday, January 27th. A!! males between the ages of twenly-one and sixty years, are liable to a ; poll tax of $1.00. and all persons so lia hie are especially requested to give the [lumbers of their respective school districts in making returns. HHOADUS M. LOVE. Auditor York County. Doc. 3 192.' t 97 4t. ANNUAL BAZAAT l>y Ladies or jLetnoaisr Episcopal Church Bratton Building, Thursday, December 7th. Dinner will he served from 12 in. to 2 p. m., and Sir,)-! per from (> to 8 o'clock. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF FANCY WORK, HOMEMADE CANDIES, Etc. THK l'LTJLIC is assured of u Cordial Welcome. Mrs. P. W. PATRICK. Chairman. WWV VV V V %* WV W V%*WW %M*WV %H< 1 "About th I THERE ARE ABOUT 250 chat A anco Companies in the United Stal Y 240 of them, will, it' a person who Y surance does not KNOW anything *:* does not raise the question as to X Age. Strength^ Record for Squa { Company is the Best? While if it is raised he will say, " SAME," and he tells the truth. The Y insurance in each company is aboul *j* Loan, Extended Insurance and PaidIC the third premium is paid, or either I A policy in case of death, provided the of the contract It SOMETIMES h t NOT able to live strictly up to his p.X time comes, and especially during tl A all treat "him about the same." The A are recognized as' one of the best y States and neither of them are NO *j* the 240 referred to above. The otl A. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INI *t* It stands No. 1 of the 250. It is rc< X competitors* us the HEST Policy II A Stales. It is the Company that a lei y years ago said, "It does not have t A It is the Company which has th A pany in business. II is tlie company y er a sciuare deal regardless of whei A We are in position to prove to ' A TUAL HENEEIT IS THE PEST, ar y lies out its contract at the LOWES' SAM M. & S. E. GR V >? ,?*.. . *..'.AJ |. *? * .* *. For Rent?My eight-room house on Lincoln street. flood garden spot, barn and pasture. John P. Smith, ' No. 1, York. 05 3t? ? ] Why Not Give ( wsflteFssssa'si A Watch for Christmas? SHOP EARLY You'll find all of 1 lie best makes at SPECK'S. Hundreds of Appropriate Articles to Select From. SHOP AT SPECK'S? THOS. W. SPECK The Jeweler YORK, S. C. |, Don't Forget \i THAT OUR MAJESTIC RANGE jg DEMONSTRATION IS IN PROGRESS THIS WEEK. IT'S TO YOUR J INTERESTTO COME IN AND SEE THE MAJESTIC AND THE LIBERAL j? PROPOSITION THAT WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER. 11 M. L. FORD 6 SONS | FINE FURNITURE. H LICENSED UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS CLOVER, - - - S. C. |S Fertilizer I EVERYTHING POINT'S to Fertiliz- fl er being HIGHER next spring. We ^ have some Nitrate of Soda, Cotton W Seed Meal, Kainit and Acid Phosphate H Contracted for. If you feel like buying * NOW, you might save some money, * and on the other hand you might lose J ?So you can take your choice. FEED YOUR CHICKTNS HOLLY 2 BROOK CHICKEN FEED? And Pratt's Egg Producer if you|2 want them to lay. KEEP US IN MIND? 2 II you need anything in the Lumber X line. We have everything to build or a! repair a house. g GUN SHELLS AT LOW PRICE. YORK SUPPLY CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j THE STAR THEATRE TODAY C HERBERT RAWLINSON? In "Man Under Cover." A Crook y Drama?human interest theme, carrying a sustained note of romance and C some comedy relief. Crook with his pal serve a term in jail and upon gain- j ing their freedom go to former's yi liome town with the purpose of finding () "easy pickings." WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY s BUFFALO BILL?ART AC0RD? In "The Days of Buffalo Bill," Episode No. (J. Out of the shadows leaped a Redskin. Made in hand. Rut Art Aeord j I was too quick for him. lie had covered . fl him with his Irmly six-shooter. See IA tlie world's greatest seroen show. Also a good Comedy and a Western Drama. FRIDAY HARRY T. MOREY? In "The Sea Rider." J. Q. WRAY, Manager Yes, We're Busy I YES, WE ARE BUSY? WITH CHRISTMAS only 20 days off and my regular every day patronage, we are busy, but not too busy to take care of all the extra patronage in sight, and just here let us remind you that we are fully prepared to serve our trade with everything that is good? if it is not good you won't find it here. Lei us have your orders for the common run of family and Fancy (Jrocerics and for the Extras that you will want for! ? Christmas ha king and the other fixin'sl you are looking forward to wanting for the big feast of the year. Orit STOCK includes all you will be wanting and we are anxious to serve c you with the good things of life. W. E. FERGUSON 'XhXm/*XHX* I e Same" j tered Loyal Reserve Life Insur- y tes today. The agents of about *:* is beinp solicited to buy life in- .J. about life insurance companies, V re Dealing, Insist That His y I y THEY ARE ALL A ROUT THE ? cost to policy holders per $1,000 *t* t the same?the Cas 1 Surrender, .j. up value is about thi same after y of thenl will pay the face of the y assured has lived up to his part Y appens that the policy holder is 5* trt of the contract ai d when that A :ic FIRST THREE 1 EARS, they re are nine other Companies that y TEN Companies in the United *t* T "about the same" as either of A her of the ten companies is the y 5. CO., OF NEWARK, N. J. % oynized by its leadiny would-be A oldcrs' Company in the United y adiny life insurance expert a few *t* o meet competition. It sets it." e lowest lapse ratio of any com- {* mat always gives a poncy noiuLher he knows his r ghts or not. | YOUR satisfaction that the MU- y id notwithstanding t lis fact car- *:* r COST of tiny Company. A 1ST, Dist. Age: its. | COUNTY COMMTSSIONERS' Annual Meeting to E e Held on Thursday, January 4, 1923. pUKSUANT to 'Statute, notice is hereby given to whom it may con ern, thai the ANNUAL MEETING of he County Board of Commissioners of Ifork County, will be held in the Office >f the County Supervisor in the Court- . louse, on THUitS.MV, JANUARY ITH, 1923, cominenc ng at 10 o'clock, i. m. Under Paragraph 11075), Section 54, >f the Civil Code, all Maims against the Jounty not previously presented, must ii' filed witli the CUrk of the Board )n or before January 1, 1923, and holders of claims will ti ke notice that if he same are not pi esentod and filed luring the year in which they are contacted, or the yea * following, such Maims will be forever barred. All claims against York County nust he itemized, anc they must be accompanied by affidavits of the claimmts setting forth that the several imounts claimed are |ust, true, due and nving, and that no part thereof has | >een paid by discount or otherwise. All persons authorized by law to ad- ' ninister oaths, are required 1o probate ! Maims against the County free of | :harg"e. By order of the Bor rd. HUGH G. BROWN, Supervisor. Annie L. Wallace, Clerk. I December 5. t 5t ! I pel I '* . ]I it 1 ElEll WELCOME AS A OUT! j K &I !& ? '.V 5? SJ $1 S ftfSf f?i& <ZL 5S | Y^U may be sun that a gift of j^ ' a Radio Set this Christmas will ? < be enthusiastically welcomed. We've a variety of the most fav- S ' ored kinds at a a/idc range of M prices. Stop at 01 r shop and let jk I us show you. K ( Also parts and attachments for g those whose set3 j ro already in- M stalled. W.W.BARRON t YORK, - S. C. IfL&U&Si.'&LU.-S&f, tfOKSCSKSCSCfia i Uaddin Lamp ] Supplies ;himneys, mantels, wicks, Etc, FOR ALADDIfl LAMPS. Vo have them. A c >mplete stock. iome and see us fop anything \ou may need ( S THK DRUG AND SUNDRY line.. S'e can furnish it to you from stock r will order it for yon immediately and, KT IT IN A FEW DAYS. f lEND OR BRING U > YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS I AND YOU'LL SAVE MONEY. C IflackorellDrugCo. H. R. MACKOREl L, Proprietor Near the Cou -t House Chattel and Crop N ortgages at The inquirer Office. Guilders' Supplies PLASTERING WINDOW GLA! S PAINTS OILS LIME CEMENT D TIP 1/ Dniurv GALVANIZED HOOFING. EE ME FOR WHAT- YOU MAY NEED IN MY LINE. W. L. WALLACE! ONTRAC.TOR AND BUILCING SUPPLIES Offico In Sherer Building, Opposite \ ' Sherer & Quirin's Store. I a 5 Per Cent Money.?Under Bankers' Reserve System fi per cent loans may be secured on city or farm property, to buy, build, improve, or pay indebtedness. Bankers Reserve Deposit Company, 1648 California Street, Denver, Colorado. 92 8t ALUMINUM t^ttles FIVE QUARTR SIZE, needed in every home?While they last, Priced at $1.00 EACH. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED? A lartre shipment of Aluminum Tea Kettles, a lot of 2 1-2 Quart Aluminum Pitchers, Double Boilers, etc. ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00 WHILE THEY LAST. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ...On FLOUR, GROCERIES, Etc ? i SOUTHERN CASgT0EE G. C. DEESE, Manager Trade Street. Phone 88 ROCK HILL, - - S. C. Do You Want to Save? COME TO THE CASH AND CARRY Where you can save on every purchase. YVc have Flour, Sugar/ Hog Feed at the Right Prices AT THE CASH & CARRY We Have Just Received a shipment of SHEFFIELD SILVER. The largest and most beautiful line we tiave ever hac at most reasonable prices. Wo Give 10 Per Cent Off for Cash On Most All Merchandise. JOYE JEWELRY CO THE HALLMARK JEWELRS ROCK HILL, - S. C. FINE STATIONERY BLANK BOOKS, Etc. WE HitVE. Just received a very complete line of STATIONERY?a line that will please all comers?those who wunt flie Stationery and those who want fie lower grades. Come in and let us show you this line. We have also received a complete line tf BLANK BOOKS?Ledgers, and 2ash Books, Journals, etc. OUF>STOCK OF SUNDIES AND DRUGS? 15 COMPLETE and we cordially invite you to give us a trial for your watts in these lines. We can serve fo* well and we are sure that you will \ je nloased with our < Prices, Qualities, Service. FEE SHIEDER DRUG CO. Live and Let Live THAT'S OUR POLICY. GET YOUR MEALS AT PETE'S PLACE AND GROW FAT. Half Oyster Stew .. 25 Cts. Whole Oyster Stew 50 Cts. Small Steak 35 Cts. Pork Chops 40 Cts. Hamburger Steak 30 tCs. Sausage 30 Cts. fAVE YOU TRIED? OUR CANDIES? Ask about our Ionic-made Chocolates at 40 Cts. a Lb. Ither Home-made Candies, 25 Cts. Lb. FINE FRUITS AT REASONABLE PRICES fORK CANDY KITCHEN Peter Colgin, Prop. Wanted You? TO LOOK AT OUR SPECIALS THIS WEEK ! WHEATENA, WHEAT HEARTS, ARMOUR'S OAT FLAKES, CORN FLAKES, POST TOASTIES, SWANS DOWN HEALTH BRAN,GRAPE | NUTS, INSTANT POSTUM, j ALL KINDS OF NUTS, WALTER BAKER'S COCOA AND CHOCOLATE, SHELLED ! ALMONDS AND WALNUTS, DRIED FIGS, CITRON, ETC. 1 cleplione No. 43. W. F. JACKSON Mackorell-FerflU30n Co.'s Old Stand. . iW High grade Typewriter Ribbons | nd Carbon Paper at Enquirer Office, i J g&m 1 PHONE Mr 1 1-5-3 IlV1 YES, OUR TOYS are SL Call in and make your i $2 licve that by doing this y Jw Also, as you know, the i Hr impossible for us to give can gate you NOW. | SEASONAB Such as Butcher Knives, Cake Pans, Garters, Egg Si and last, but not least? |f THE CALORIC PI $5 With one of these in youi a? weather for Christmas, one. You will be pleast short notice. ' Give Your Wants to j# We appreciate them I YORK HAR || DON'T STOP ME! I 1 J. M. BR ^ They Buy Everything Y & More for It Than T] ^ Have You Seen Theii Clothing for the naked, jK Glasses for the blind; M Shoes for the barefooted, Gloves that are lined, jap Curtains for the windows, na Shoestrings and laces; ..NT# T<nmna Wirk? nnri Oil To light the dark places. Dried Fruits, Canned Goods, 3* Everything to eat; 3P, Caps for the head And Socks for the feet. ? Calico of the finest, M That never fades; Woolen Goods for Dresses, Ribbons for old maids. Tobacco for menfolk; Hats for the ladies; 3* Toys for the children; ^ Bottles for the babies. 3*. Queensware, Glassware, lOtt Pitchers and Bowls; 32 Leather for harness g# And Leather for soles. 32 Straps and Strings, gjP Buckles and Screens; 1 J M. BRl GENERAL Ml I* 11 E. Liberty Street. ! Quality Pri When von buv n, Suit < - . . y - ?y X to be sure vou have a ri? | limit of QUALITY for tl ? And along with the ( I pay, you have an additi< ! STYLE that will be in k( j! ual personality? THAT IS WHAT 1 ; these when you buy Cloth | THIS STORE cspcci, I sells nothing but the BE and oiu' Pi'ices will compt [ try this out if you doubt i I* the Style, the Fit, the Prj <: j: Our Men's Clothing ii nor & Marx1, Scliloss Bro and for the ooys we hav( [I and Clover Brand?as go( ; Suits and Overcoats fc [: sizes, in pleasing fabrics, ? priced. \ RAINCOATS AND RUI > We can supply vou wii j: Shoes for the wet weathei > which is about due. i I J.M. S" w .? # / *. ?/% v .'?v vv%m! m phsi | j on display TODAY. selections early. We be- 'JR ou will be better pleased, ys ush at the last, makes it & you the attention that we LV W* A A Awr ill wm , | , Meat Mills, Lard Cans, -whips, Turkey Roasters, PELESS FURNACE K v home you can have July jj? It is a real comfort. Try tok 2d. We can install it on <S, the "RED W STORE." ? j DWARE CO. | AM ON MY WAY TO IAN CO. | ou Have to Sell and Pay iffi hese Other Little Stores. j8 r Price List ? $? -j. ne nnesc or siiks, [k And the coarsest of Jeans. W Potatoes and Apples, K Lard and Meat; ^ Butter from the country, (K Fresh and sweet. Tea and Coffee, Sugar and Rice, $jjj Beans and Crackers, jWl Cheese and Spice. W Oysters and Salmon, .iwri Flour and Meal; Mouse Traps?and Cats J?< To make the mice squeal. |K Powder for faces, Powder for hunters; |K. . "j Axes for choppers, And Remedies for grunters, ipG Chewing Gum, Candy, Corset and Bustle; The people come trading, V And how we do hustle. |Wi Medicine to make you sick, -5S Medicine to make you well; In fact, we have everything That the best stores sell. AN CO. 1 \ EECHANDISE % YORK, S. C. a AW wwwffitgigBll IIB IliimtlKfKtKgim : , Styles I | ces | < \ of Clothes or an Overcoat ;; 'lit to expect the highest ? ic Price you pay? ; Quality at the Price you ^ )nal right to expect the \\ jeping with your individ- '' \ rOU GET?all three of | ingatSTROUP'S. { 5 ally reminds you that it y ST in Quality and Style ^ ire with anybody's?just ?. it?Consider the Quality, X ice? ? ? ; I lcludes the Hart, Schaff- | s. and Griffon Clothes, fi i the Dubbelbilt, Griffon ? xl as can be found. ? >r Men and for Boys?all x good styles and rightly | I tBER SHOES? | tli Raincoats and Rubber ' that is here and more of t rROUPI - * rl 1