Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, October 31, 1922, Page Page Six, Image 6

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^ ' ?1 ( < .. FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT I Barnwell Women Call on Men to Do Their Duty. "A strong arraignment of present dAy Justice"* is the title of a statement . shmed l>> tj prominent Barnwell !tvomen and published in the county: pi?p<?i% tn^ which A i hallcngi is issued j tO th^ men of that county to stand for liw enforcement, for good men to serve oh Juries, for a relnedying of the trouble said tOfbe existing with the courts and for a stand that will save the children of the country from the prcs- i ht "stuto- of evil." The statement ' follows^ . "since a repuouc is ?. kwi;i umcut of the people And by the people' we; tike tt^tlhat every ^itizen ,pf our commonvfCalth is responsible' to'fhe Jim-! Itlsd extent of his or her influence t?>i the kind of government \vd lfaVe, and | because our hearts W(W? for years' past, been made sick at the flagrant ' miscarriage of justice In the state of South Carolina and In Barnwell county In particular, we can no longer restrain ourselves from publicly expressing* our hgrror and distress at uch conditions. Men are shot down In our streets; the prohibition law is openly- defied; gamblers pur-sue their Unrighteous business and either no punishment is meted out to them in ottr courts' or none worthy of the nfcme. Men say our courts are a mockery, that our courthouse had L ?*.11 /IniiMi or* 1* fl.S ' SB WC11 UC yuncu UVM*I OV -.? ? , there. Is any hope for justice within j lite walls. The lawbreaker walks un- ; afraid, with np restraining hand laid i upon him by the officers of the law. "Is there no man, are there no men, i in our county who will come out; openly in our papers and espouse the cause of law and justice and use I their strength and influence to bring about better conditions? Tt is said that nothing can be done because our juries will not convict. Then is the,re npt some defect in the laws governing the drawing of juries? We do not know the . names of the maJority of the men of our county, but i the names men known by us to be of upstanding character seem to appear among the list of jurymen drawn much more rarely than those of men who. do, pot enjoy the reputation of lawabidlng citizens, and wo do not believoL there is a larger proportion of men of- the latter type. We suppose i this is Chance, but should such a: matter^ be left to chance? Instead, should not every man * in his turn serve, unless unavoidably prevent" d "Again we ,note that so frequently when men of a type apparently well fitted.to render a Just decision 'arc called/ they ??fe so often met with the r * legal, 'I vbjpct.'. it would almost seem that out lawyer who, above any other class, are sworr t.? maintain and uphold jjjy law, h?V" a preference on. Ihe .juries - whose Judgment is a^-ailifct the punishment; of criminals "We-do no^Jn any wise pretend to know..the-underlying- causes, but there' is something ;wrong with our courts, and is it not'time for lawabiding men' to come together and find out the trouble? . Jt > "It th&rc afe nor.e who love their country and the right well enough 1o do this, then we will take comfort in the fact that 'Qne with God is a majority/ We Relieve in His righteousness, His juaVice and His power, and He will.yet hear our cry and save our children from this present state of! evil, but will not His condemnation i be upon those who 'Came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty?'" Jackson's Nickname.?An interesting story is told of how Gen. Andrew Jack- j son, distinguished South Carolinian who was born in Lancaster county 2' j miles from Fort Mill, came by the nickname of "Old Hickory." During j&J)~ r ni'i rr . W fc-W... I vKK' nv ru\tc Mis* Florence Potter, rooms r< afivises^oung girls to stay away fi earner with small, salary has sma lodgfbgi or vice vccsli: * M. - tj 4 the Creek war in which Gen. Jackson played a conspicuous part his troops were moving rapidly to meet the Inidians and were without tents. A cold MaVch rain came on, mingled with \ sleet; which lasted for several days. Gen. Juekstin got a severe o<vd. but did not complain as he tried to sleep in a muddy bottom among thu half frozen soldiers. Qne of h's' ofilccrs eut down a stout hickoiy tree, peeled oft the bark and made a covering for the hoi al,"*ir. ho was with difficulty peitfUadtd to crawl into it. The next morning a drunkQty citizen entered the , camp and seeing the hickory hark telit, kicked it over. As Jackson crawled ! from the ruins the toper cried out, , "Hello,'6ld Hickory! Come out of your baric and jinc us in a drink."?Fort Ml'! Times. _ > . - FEDERAL JURORS. . . - t ,t , Number of York County Men Drawn to Serve at Anderson. The following have been drawn as jurors to serve during the fall term of the United States court, which convenes in Anderson, November 28: Grand Jurors. L. M. Brown, \\'est Union, R. F. D. No. 1; T. D. Eaxlo, Landrum; T. L. Edmunds, McCormick; H. P, Beam, Reiser; W. \V. Yeargin, Gray Court, R; F. D.; S. L. McBee, Greenville; C. N. Alexander, Joncsville; J. B. Bussy, Jr., Cold Springs; J. E. Watson, Greenville, R. F. D.; J. H. Dodd, Spartanburg, R. F. D. No. 8; J. L: Mayer, New Market: J. E. Gibert, Abbeville, R. F. D. No. 3; J. B. Scott, York, R. F. D. No. 3; W. H. Perry, Gaffney; Foster N. Martin, Newberry; J. Norwood Cleveland, Marietta; \V. D. Morrah, Willington, R. F. D.; Arthur Lloyd Richards, Gaffney; R. B. McBane, Great Falls; \V. T. Beaty, Union; Clyde G. Hopper, Gaffney; Geo. W. Ga^e, Jr., Chester, R. F. D. Petit Jurors?First Week, Z. R. Traynhajn, Laurens; F. C. Walker, Filbert It. F. D. No. 1; Robert Henry Epps, Toney Crock; R. S. McCully, Anderson; W. L. Kirkpatrick, Winnsboro; O. Y. Browiilee, Due West; H. H. Sanders, Edgetyeld, R. F. D. No. 2; T. B. Jones, Greenville, R. F. D. No. 2; H. R. Higgins, Greenwood; A. M. Rlckman, Greenville; J. Reid Garrison. Sandy Springs; W. T. Brown, i'arksville; C. C. Jones, Edgefield, R. F. D.; T. A. Barron, Rock Hill, R. F. D. No. 4; G. ,W. Scott, Johnston; W. j i. iVicaicinan, rieomom, iv. r. u., >v. H. Hurling. Edgefield; Preston B. Kemp. Kirksey; 'it. H. Greene, Abbeville: W. C. Stroup, Clover: L. C. Warmouth, Gaffney; W. D. Freeman, Kasley. It. F. D. No. 6: Harold C.' Smith, Greenville; John T. Scott, Jonesvllle; M. M. B< ozcr. I^ esvllle; D. F. Sapp, Lancaster 11. F. D. So. 5: C. L. McMauu.t. 1 *:i nets'er. K. F. D. So. 2; E. F. Wall, Chesnoe: .John N. Masters, Anderson. R. F. D.; Robert H. Ropers, Laurens; D. Herron Brown, Rock Hill, R. F. D.: J. X. Davis. Dyson; E. II. IjHnt'ord. West Union, R. F. D ; Rex 1 -in Cor J, Waterloo; D. M. , Pedan, ('heater; E. K. Snead, Greenwood; John Frank, Anderson; Enoch Floyd, Woodruff;" R. A. Jones, Union; J. C. Burns, Greenwood. Second Week. , J. it. Hainbriok, Chester; Enoch Lawrence, Inman, R. F. D.; J. Mason, A ATA/V . II T V/f r*n*+e\r*r\r?+' nuu\ I. UU, iUUUJV, IV. u. iUl/UI CgWl J | Union, R. F. D.; B. F. Freeman, Pickens; E. L. Fossey, Trenton; G. H. Bailis, Anderson; Robert \V. Keatv, Whitmire; Fred G. Graham, Greenville; Win. T. Brown, Newberry; W. R. Jones, Greenville, R. F. D.; A. F Love, Kinir's Creek; Jolly F. Williams. Cateechee, T. L. or F. L. Smith, Simpsonville, R. F. D. No. 1; R. E. Bruce. Pickens; Steve Smith, Westminster, R. F. D. No. 2; James Walter Richards, Cowpens, R. F. D. No. 2; R. W. Wilks, Leeds, R. F. D.; W. R. Minor, Plum Branch; B. J. Pearman, Starr; H. H. : FOR COUNTRY CURLS, f Hf: ' i * . : -r " . '! . > i : ? 'i'-yM^ i - ' . ( ;~c r , - . , '2- , - 1 ~ ~ . ? j ;gistry secretary of tho Y. W. C. A., om New York. She says the wage11 chance 'of getting decent food or | " ' ' I * i. * ' ' r&r --'k *" * -?. >. I -?Carlisle, Abbeville; \V. 5L Ballentine, J Easley; C. At. McWhirter, Jonesville; J. W. Rankin, Walhalla; 8. W. Williford, Anderson; R. C. Bishop, Ur.ion, R. F. D. No. 2; John D. Harris, Greenville, R. F. D. No. 6; D. E. Todd, i I^aurens, R. F. D. No. 1; E. G. Jelly, j Chesnee; Prather Ballenger, Tigerville, | It. F: i>. No. 1; J. L. Murphree, Central. R. F. D. No. 4; J. E. Gardner, Gaffney, R. F. D. No. 3; George H. Reeve, Liberty; J. T. Crawford, McConnellsville; Furman C. Martin, Gaffney, R. F. D. No. 6; J. D. Hannon, McCormick; V. H. Rogers, Moore, R. F. D. No. 2; E. O. Hutchison, West Union; C. H. West, Spartanburg, R. D. No. 4; J. B. Adams, Adamsburg. FATHER JAILS SON. Parent of Otho Darnell Turns Son Over to Officers. A journey to Savannah to join a Ashing schooner ended in the Greeilwopd Jail for three white boys, this ( morning, when J. H. Darnell, father of j one of the youths, brought him to the city hall after his son, Mr. Darnell told officers, had confessed aiding in the theft of J. T. I^ec's automobile Tuesday night, says a Greenwood <llapatch of Friday. The boys in Jail are Otho Darnell, 16, and Mndison and Hubert Westberry, 1G, and 18, respectively. The youths, according to the officers, said they drove the car from Greenwood last Tuesday night, headed for Savannah, but broke down.nf'ar Kirksey. They spent the night in the woods and next day walked to Augusta, leaving their abandoned car in the road. In Augusta they boarded, a freight train and came back to Greenwood. When Otho Darnell reached home last night his father began an Investigation and as a result this morning turned his boy over to officers. HAMBOME'S MEDITATIONS ' ? ? - ?* 1 - 4..v. r-r ? ; 1 * pamsom so keen t] 5well de mem&dmsmif o' de cwuth,&ut.he tuk in a nieourt- ms las' pas' sunday whut'sho Aim' swell it'none.--. wen he ji ned evvbody Copyright 19ZI by McCJure N#wtp?p?r Syndletta AUCTION SALE NOTICE OF SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. In Court of Common Pleas. E. J. Wylie, Plaintiff, Against John Meek. Defendant. PURSUANT to the terms of the Decree by His Honor, F. P. McGowan. Special Presiding Judge, dated July 14th, 1922, 1 will sell at public auction in front of York Court House, York, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH, 1922 (Salesday), to the highest bidder, the following described real estate: "All that certain piece, parcel or | * . - .. * - ? J i-.: VArb- I iraci 01 mnu lyuis miu uwm Township, County and State aforesaid, and known as the Wylie Place, and containing ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN (111) ACRES, moro or less, bounded by the land of R. M. P. Robinson on the North, by old Loftin Sherer place on the East, and by Mrs. J. E. Gettys on the South and by Bighorn lands, now owned by Sam McNeil on the West." Terms of Sale: One-third CASH, balance in two equal annual installments. said unpaid installments to be secured bv bond and mortgage of the purchaser upon the said premises, with the privilege of paying whole bid in cash, purchaser to pay for all papers and revenue stamps. October 16th, 1922. T. E. McMACKIN, C. C. C. Pleas. NOTICE OF SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. In Court of Common Pleas. T. E. McMackin, C. C. C. Pis., Plaintiff, Against M. A. Shillinglaw, Defendant. PURSUANT to the terms of the De-; creo by Hon. Jas. E. Peurifoy, Presiding Judge, dated , 1922, I will sell at public auction In front of the York Court House Door, at York, in County and State aforesaid, on MONDAY, THE 6TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1922, (Salesday) within the legal houi;* of sale, to the highest responsible bidder, the following described real estate: "All that certain piece, parcel or I tract of land lying, being and situated! in the County of York, and State of Sou'h Carolina, bounded by lands now I or formerly of Mrs. J. L. Shillinglaw, j lands formerly belonging to Annie | Thomas Myers, lands of Robert Shillinglaw, Arthur Whitesidcs, lands of) James Kennedy, and others, and con- ' taining NINETY-SEVEN (97) ACRES more or less. Terms of Sale: One-third CASH, j and the balance in equal annual in-; stallments of one and two years with int rest thereon from the day of sale., The er- dit portion of the purchase moin y to be secured by a bond of the purchaser or purchasers, (which said bond shall provide for payment of 10 percent Attorney's fees in case of collection through an Attorney and shall aJSo contaWi a provision that failure to j pay either installment when due shall i "v * i-rv l ? .1 ' ' .?***?.-" cause the entire debt to become clue, payable and collectible at once), and also a mortgage of the premises so sold?with leave to the purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purchaser must comply by paying cash portion of his bid within one hour from the time of such sale or the land to be at once resold upon same day and at same teims at the risk of such defaulting! purchaser. Purchaser must pay for all papers, revenue stamps, etc.' Any of1 the parties to this action may bid on said property and become purchaser at said sale upon complying with terms herein stated. October 16th, 1922. T. E. McMACKIN. t', t'. L. riwu. Oct. 17-24-31 83 t 3t ? p . NOTICE OF SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. Robt. "H. Harrison, Plaintiff, Against John Smith, J. P. Harrison and M. W. White, Defendants. PURSUANT to the terms of the Deqree by His Honor, F. P. McGowan, special Presiding Judge, dated July 14th, 1922, I will sell at public auction j in front of York Court House, York, S.! C., during the legal hours of sale, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 6TH, 1922 (Salesday), to the highest bidder, the | following described real estate: "All that certain lot of land in the town of York, State ^nd County aforesaid, on California Street, bounded by said street, lands of estate W. B. McCaw, Jno. R. Hart, and lot of Friendly Aid Society, commencing at a stake on line of Friendly Aid Society, and running thenCe 1 chain 66 links to a stake on the dividing line of lot No. 6 of W. B. McCaw estate, thence with said line to lands'of John R. Hart, thence with dividing line of Hart land 1 ch. 66 links to stake, dividing line of lot No. fi FHon^lv Airi flnnJpfv thondP tvlth HI vidlng line to the beginning, this lot being known > as No. 7 of the McCaw lots and containing THREE-FOURTHS (3-4) ACRE. more or less,-and being the same lot conveyed to Albertine Harrison by W. B. McCaw, November 10th, 190B, Book 25, page 632." * " Terms of Sale:. CASH. Purchaser to pay for all papers and revenue stamps. October 16th, 1922. T. E> McMACKIN, C. C. C. Pleas. Oct. 17-24-31 93^ 3t NOTICE OF SALE. South Carolina?York' County. In Court of Common Pleat. Peoples Building & Loan Association, etc., vs. R. E. Montgomery et ah PURSUANT to the provisions of the Decree of Foreclosure in the above entitled action, I will exposOto sale at public auction, in front of York Court House, on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1922, within the hours for Sheriff's sales, All those lots or parcels of land in the town of York, County of York and State of South Carolina, that were conveyed to R. E. Montgomery by Mrs. M. E. McLain on the 30th day of March, luzv, anu ina.i arc suuuiu un ^nnuuiic and Johnson streets, having a frontage | on each of the said streets of fifty (50) j feet and being Lots No, 78 and 151 on j the Plat of the McLain property made 1 by J. L. Stacy, Surveyor, tp November, j 1913, and recorded in D^ed and Plat | Book No. 32, page 305, office of the R. M. C. for York County, S.>C.?to which said Plat and the record thereof reference is made for a morq minute and particular description of the said lots, especially as to courses and distances, the deed to R. E. Montgomery being of record in said office in D?ed-Book No. 55, page 116. 1 , Terms of Sale: One-h?0f CASH and i the balance on a credit of twelve months, to be secured by the purchaser's bond and mortgage of said premises, such credit portion to bear interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent, per annum, and the mortgage to contain stipulation that if it has to be foreclosed it secures a reasonble fee for the attorney of the plaintiffs in the action, but purchaser to have leave to pay all cash. Purchaser must pay for papers, including revenue stamps. T. E. McMACKIN, C. C. C. Pleas. Oct. 17-24-31 83 t 3t NOTICE OF SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. In Court of Common Pleas. Marie C. Wallace, Plaintiff, Against W. C. Robinson and Hart Grocery Co., Defendants. PURSUANT to the terms of the Decree by His Honor, Jas. E. Peurifoy, dated September 18th, 1922, I will sell at public auction, in front of York Court House, York, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH, 1922, (Salesday), to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit. "A certain tract of land in the County of York, and State of South Carolina, being in Bullock's Creek township, on the waters of Turkey Creek, and the branches thereof bounded by lands of Z. Carroll, Shannon lands, lands of Hafner, Stephenson and others, and and containing FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTYFOUR ACRES, more or loss, and being the same tract of land conveyed by Marie C. Wallace to W. C. Robinson on the 23rd day df December, 1918. Terms of Sale: One-third CASH and the balance on a credit of one and two years in equal installments, with interest from the day of sale, the credit portion to be secured by the purchaser's bond and a mortgage of the premises, the mortgage to contain a stipulation that if it has to be foreclosed a i^asonable fee will be paid to the Anoraey for the plaintiff in such action, but the purchaser is to have leave to pay -his entire bid in cash. Present tenant to have until December 31st, 1922, to remove crops now on land. October 16th, 1922. T. E. McMACKIN, C. C. C. Pleas. Oct. 17-24-31 83 t 3t NOTICE OF SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. In Court of Common Pleas. * L Sadie T. Torrence, Plaintiff, Against j| Nannie W. Bell, Defendant. j, pi'ItSUANT to the terms of the De-,i cree by His Honor, Jas. E. Feurifoy, dated September 11th, 1922, 1 will \ sell at public auction in front of York , Court House, York, S. C., during the , legal hours of sale, on 1 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH. 1922 1 (Salesday), to the highest bidder, the | following described real estate: "All of the right, title, interest and , estate of Nannie W. Bell, the same being a one-half undivided interest | therein as an heir-at-law of her de- ' ceased father, D. A. A. Watson, in and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract A- *?* ~ 1 _ I ' < " of land In the State and County aforesaid, lying on Allison Creek, on the South of the Charlotte Road, bounded [ by lands formerly belonging to S. S. Wright, estate of Pressly, Hugh Tate and Williams, Sahms, containing ONE HUNDRED NINETL-FOUR ACRES, and being the tract of land heretofore* conveyed to D. A. A. Watson by deed of Wm. Wallace, dated November 24th. 1873, and recorded in office of R. M. C., for York County on Jhnuary 3rd, 1876, .'n Deed Book "Z", pages 711 and 712, to which said deed and record thereof reference is had for a more complete description. Terms of Sale: One-third CASH, and the balance in three equal annual installments, payable in one, two and three years from said date, with interest from date payable annually, each installment if unpaid at Its maturity to bear interest thereafter at seven per cent, per annum, payable annually, until paid. Said credit portion to be represented by the bond of the purchaser and to bo secured by a mortgage 01 tne premises, and to carry provision that in the event default be made in the payment of any installment of principal or interest at the several maturi- j ties then the entire debt represented by said bond to forthwith become due and payable and collectible. Said bond and mortgage to provide for reasonable attorney's fees to be paid in the event of collection by or through an attorney. The purchaser to have leave to pay his entire bid in cash, and is to pay for revenue stamps and papers. October lf.th, 1922. T. E. McMACKIN. C. C. C. Pleas. Oct. 17-24-31 83 t 3t NOTICE OF 9ALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. In Court of Common Pleae. Amanda Mitchell, individually,. S. R. Mitchell and D. J! Mitchell, Individually and as Executors of John M. Morrow and Mary hi. Morrow, ueceased, Plaintiffs, Against W. M. Mitchell, J. C. Mitchell, Made White, Bessie Martin, Nellie Bullington, R. G. Byers, Florence Phillips, Emma Dixon, Althca Poole, J. J. Byers, J. M. Byers, Sarah Morrow Btarris, or if she be dead then her heirsat-law, names and residences unknown; Arimenta Morrow Roper, or If she be dead then her heirs-at-law, names and residences unknown. NOTICE. PURSUANT to a Decree of His Honor F. P. McGowan, Special Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for York County, dated July 14th, 1922, I will expose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH, 1922, at 11 o'clock A. M., In front of the Court House Door at York, S. C., the following described tracts of land, to-wit: 1. All that tract of land lying, being and situated, in Broad River Township, York County, S. C.t bounded by the lands of G. S. Cobb, J. R. Mitchell, Lattimore and other part of Morrow lands, containing SIXTY-FIVE AND ONE-TENTH (65 1-10) ACRES, more or less, and designated as tract No. 3 on plat of Morrow lands made by H. E. Hood, October, 1921, and September, 1922, and particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake, corner of Lot No. 2 and J. R. Mitchell, running thence N 3E 17.83 to road, thence N 1 1-4 E 15.90 to Water oak xllln, thence N 77 degrees 20 I minutes E 27.20 to stones, thence N 33 I E 1.74 to stake, near spring, thence S | 891-2 E 4.75 to stake, thence 3 56 E I 3.00 to P. O., dead, thence S 55 1-2 W 4.72 to stake, thence S 37 3-4 W 3.87 to stone, thence S 71 3-4 W 6.43 to pine, S - - - i o as * - -a a 11 1 o ur r 1.4 10 i-4 w Z??jo to sum?, cs n A-* *? i.it to W. 0. stump, S. 21 W. 6.50 to stump. S 47 3-4 \V 24.00 to ash stump, thence N 87 1-2 W 1.40 to beginning corner. 2. All that other certain tract T)r parcel of land in Broad River Township, York County, adjoining the above tract, near the town of Hickory Grove, and known as the John M. Morrow land, bounded by land of J. R. Cobb, J. T. Smith, J. Buice, R. E. Dagnall and others, ancfcontaining ONE HUNTJRED AND SIXTY-TWO AND 27-100 ACRES, more or less and being sub-divided into the following tracts by plat of H. E. Hood, made October, 1921, and September, 1922, as follows: ikic a u B/W | :T i In 1920 York Coi ! In 1921 York Cov V I E X That the Cotton Crop of Y $ it was in 1921 o | X : Practically the Entire Ci k cember 1st. ? Who GUESSES NEAR! County Up to D< ? LAR SAVINGS | k Is Open to Everybody?I X or Not. FillOul Iof Clover. CONTEST CLO - COTTON CONTES1 BANK OF CLC I Guess York December 1,1922. I The I | I X M. L. SMITH, President X JAS. A. PAGE. Cashier Miss SALLIE 8IFFORD, Asst. C | SAFETY (a) All that certain tract designated as lot No. 1 on the said plat, containing SIXTY-SIX (66) AGRE8, rtore or less, beginning at a P. O. stump near Ridge road, and running thence N 37 1-2 E to stake, thence 25.30 tt> stone In road, thence N 41 1-4 E 4.18, thence N 25 1-4 E 1.85 to stake, thence 9 70 3-4 E 34.80 to Hickory, thence S 49 1-4 W 0.60 to W. O., thenco N 51 1-2 W 7.0 to stake, thence S 89 3-4 W 3.00, 9 38 1-4 IV 3.18, with branch S 44 1-4 W 3.30, S 35 1-2 W 3.55. S 25 3-4 \V 3.70,; S 54 W 2.64 to stake in branch, thence ! N 87 3-4 W 25.65 to beginning. (b) All that certain tract designated as Tract No. 2 on the said plat of H. E., Hood, Eeginning at stake in road, corner of Lot No. 1, thence with road N I 25 1-4 E 6.27, N 46 3-4 E 2.38 to stake j in road, thence S 77 3-4 E 20.7 to stake, i then S 1.40 to ash stump, thence S 87 1-2 E 5.50 to Willow on branch, thence1 with branch S 35 W 9.50, S 52 3-4 W i 4.28, to stake in branch, thence N 79 3-4 ; W 24.00 to beginning. (c) AM that certain tract designated as Lot No. 4, cn said plat of H. E. j Hood, beginning at stone near road,1 corner of Lot No. 3, running thence S j 11 1-2 W 7.14 to W. O. stump, thence S 21 W 6.50 to stump, thence S 47 3-4 W 24.00 to ash stump, thence S 87 1-2 1 E 550 to Willow on branch, thence with courses of branch to stake on branch, I cornel s Lots No. 2 and No. 3, thence j S 70 3-4 E 10.80 to Hickory on Buice ! line, thence N 4.52 to P. O., thence Sj 78 14 E 5.30 to stones, thence N 29 3-4 E 9.40 to B. Gum, thence S 82 1-4 E 12.91 1o P. O., Ferry road, thence N 51 3-4 E 50 to stone, thence N 14 1-2 W 34.50 to stones, thence N. 66 1-2 W. 3.70 to beginning corner. Terms of Sale: One-third CASH, balance In one, two and three years, unpaid portion to be secured by bond and rportgage of the purchasers on the premises, with privilege of paying the whole bid in cash. Purchasers to pay for all papers and revenue stamps. If purchasers do not comply with terms of sal 3 within one hour thereafter, ...111 Ln *- Sal* a# nu.< IJi riximua win uc evjiu a, i, iiatv ui u* chaser. T. E. McMACKIN, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas, York County. York, S. C., October 0th, 1922. 1 Oct. 17-24-31 83 t 3t Good < i . 11 Have Come and You Wi j j That Needful Pall PI <; Small Grains and Co {; Plowing to Advantaj ;; Certainly Need !! HRST-CUffi' < I <! We have that kind of Tin o be had and also to the p " PLOWS AT THE RIGH <> YES, to be sure we ] ; | Mouldboards, Landslides < | as all kinds of Bolts that, YES, YOU'LL PIN < ' ;; Hardware, Enamelware, ;; Aluminum ware, Pyrex, ( ; ( complete in all details. i: TO BE SURE IT' o To visit OUR STORE < | YOUR visit and endeavoi j; are here. iYes, At the "RED W i YORK HAR1 Savings Accc mty Produced 40,075 Bales c inty Produced 41,092 Bales c Everybody is Agree "ork County for 1922 is going r 1920. BUT HOW MUCH Now Then *op of the County will be Ph The Person 1ST THE AMOUNT OF COT scember 1st, will be Presente : ACCOUNT AT THIS BAH 1 This Guessing Contest tfo Matter Whether You Are ; This Coupon, Sign Your Na SES NOVEMBER 1,1922. ? DEPT., >VER, Clover, S. C. County will Gin Signed Address - 3ank of C THE OLD RELIABLE CLOVER, S. C. F. I ashier SATISFACTION NOTICE OF SALE. South Carolina?York Ciunty. In Court of Common Plaaa. Peoples Building & Loan Association, etc., vs. Ben J. Devos et al. "PURSUANT to the provisions of the * Decree of Foreclosure and Sale .In the above entitled action, I will expose to sale at public auction, in front of York Court House, on the FTRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1922, wltb: in the hours for Sheriff's sales, All that lot or parcel of land in the town of York, York County, So. CflH conveyed to Ben J. Devos on^Ncvember 12th, 1921, by J. C. Wilbotn, A. Y. Caftwright and J. A. Tate, and described as follows: That lot or parcel of laftdt a part of the lands formefly known as the O'Leary land, situate on Charlotte ' street) In the said towil tltld.^being bounded by the said street? 'tC lift Mid to* be the lot of J. B. Beal, an alley on (Vtn liark uirlp qnd hv nnur or for merly of J. C. Wilborn, A. Y. Cartwright and J. Ai Tate, and further de? scribed as follows: Beginning at a. I stake, the N. E. front corner of the lot known as J. B. Deal's 100-fodt Jot on Charlotte street, thence' N. 82 Ef, 6<f | feet to a. stake on Charlotte street* ! then N. 29 1-2 W. approximately 201 feet to a stake on east side qf tjie alley, thence with the alley S. 02 W. 60 feet to a stake, thence with the line of tho said 100-foot lot S. 29 1-2 fc.(200.7 feet to the beginning corner. Terms of Sale: One-half CASH and the balance on a credit of twelve months, to be secured by the purchaser's bond and mortgage of, said premises, such credit portloh to bear Interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent, per annum, and tho mortgage to contalQ stipulation that if it has to be foreclose^. ; it secures a reasonable fee tdr the attorney of the plaintiff in the action, btit' the purchaser to have leave to pay all ' cash. Purchaser must pay for papers, including revenue stamps. T. E. McMACKItt, ' 1 C. C. C. Pleaa Oct. 17-24-31 83 t 3| ' 'I.1 W High grade Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Paper at Enquirer'Offlce. 1 T v" ' 3 < Rains 11 Now Want to Turn to j owing and the Sowing of < \ ver Crops, and to Do this \ j %e and Efficiently You'll, j [y I V IURN PLOWS 1 IT 4 . : ' . 1 li *n Plows?as good as can ; : oint we have the TURN X ' T Pinni?, t ? tiave the Standards, the J > and Plow Points, as well j > you '11 probably need. j $ D OUR LINES OF Crockery, Tinware* and ;;y Glassware is wonderfully *; WILL PAY YOU and we will appreciate ! ^ v to please you while you ! r* : ',> >'! w ' STORE" We Serveurite. '! * OWARE CO. i j 1 ^ 'il1. I 1 llj if vi MM TOT IOU I if Cotton. 1 if Cotton. to be Much Shorter than J ^ :ked and Ginned by Be-, ; ' ' " _ . 'A h rTON GINNED in York id With a FIVE DOLrn. : . '1 i a Patron of This Bank f me and Mail to the Bank t _J - < / i i .... Bales of Cotton to ; | < i / | | ? I ^ i r Clover I 3. A. SIFFORD, Vice Proident. t .. McELWEE, Aesietant Ca?hier. ' ' J NO. ft. HART, Attorney. ; J SERVICE ; ? i /> y? ' 1