Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, October 20, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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walked Into the office of the judge. She held his arm and the long, grayish veil waved in the morning breezes. The new shoes fhat sho wore on her feet hurt a little apparently; but she bit her lip and didn't seem to mind. Then they told It to the ji Ige and were made one. And when it was over they marched down the front steps of the coin-thouse and up the street?that veil still a blowing In the breezes. And the president of the Loafer's League saw them and smiled and told other loafers about it and soon a little crowd was following them up and down the street. | They stopped at' a store and he bought her a bag of candy and himself a cigar and they walked some more, giving the town the once over. And after a bit they got in their buggy and went out in the direction of Kine's Mountain, N. C.f which town | they had given as their address. And the last thing seen of them was b fleeting glimpse of a long, gray veil ns it stun': out straight from her wedding hat in the rear, looking for all the world like a bit of cloud that had dropped nearly to earth or a part of the robe of some ghostly apparition that had dropped down from the skies. And .the president of the Tjoafot'o Club opined that he bet if some agent who makes a living selling enlarged pictures should drop by her house that he could get an order; "but darned if I believe he could get all that veil in the picture." I LOCAL LACONICS Crops About Rock Hill. A. A. McKeown, district demonstration agent, says that the best cotton in his district is around Cheraw and Chesterfield and that the cotton crop? around Rock Hill are as good as any to be found in the Piedmont. Blairsville School Opens. The Blairsville school entered upon the work of the 1922-23 session this week with R. H. Cain of Sharon as the principal in charge. His Assistant teachers are Mrs. S. A. Mitchell and Miss Stella Cain. ? Truck Arrives. An automobire truck, specially-made to carry school children, recently purchased by the patrons of Bethany and Dixie districts to carry pupils from the Dixie community to school at Bethany arrived yesterday and will be put in service Monday. P. C. Fresh Win. In a ragged game of football which really was a disappointment to the several hundred fans who saw it, the Presbyterian College Freshmen won over the Davidson College FreBhmen at the York county fair in Rock Hill yesterday afternoon, 7to0? The P. C. Fresh play Rock Htll at the fair this afternoon. * 1 Ait.* a. Kl?nm wmis ITI< i aiaus 1 Carl Courtney, white is in jail in Rock Hill, charged with stabbing Charlie Burns, a negro, Wednesday night. The difficulty occurred at the York county fair grounds and is said to have resulted following words between the two. It is feared that Burns is fatally hurt since he was stabbed near the hfeart.. Football Games Today. Yorkville High's football eleven is In Lancaster . :>day where they play Lancaster High this afternoon. Chester is playing Fort Mill in Chester this afternoon while Kershaw is playing Winnsboro at Winnsboro. Rock Hill is playing the Presbyterian college freshmen at the fair grounds in Hock Hill this afternoon. Mr. Lummus Declines. At a recent meeting: of tho congregation of the Yorkville Associate Reformed churfch a vote was taken in favor of extending a call to Rev. R. A. Hummus of Edgmoor to the pastorate. Rev. Mr. Hummus, however, after very careful consideration of the matter decided that he is unable to justify himself in leaving his present charges. The Yorkville congregation is still unsettled as to its pastorship. Fort Mill Road. Fort Mill Times, Thursday: The public road between Fort Mill and the county river bridge for several days has been almost impassable in places as a result of the recent heavy rains following work done on the road two weeks ago by the county chaingang. The road was plowed up and before there was sufficient traffic over it to pack down the surface several henvv showers fell, with the result that much of the road Is now little better than a quagmire. Hilton is Pinched. P. B. Hilton of the Hilton Drug Store in Rock Hill, was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn out before Magistrate Poag of Ebenezer township, charged with selling ginger and other extracts. He gave bond in the sum of $800. Hilton was arrested following an investigation by Constable James Hart who is said to have been sent to Rock Hill by Governor Harvey. It Is common report that there are a number of other drug stores and grocery stores throughout York county who are engaged in the sale of extracts and ginger; but whether the constable has instructions from the governor to continue his investigations remains to be seen. A warrant was also issued for the arrest of a clerk in the employ of Hilton. Rock Hill Woman Still in Jail. A young woman said to be Rosa Scaley of Rock Hill, who was arrest1 ed in Spartanburg several days ago in L company with Ollie B. Moser on B charges preferred in Federal court is f?till in jail in that city, according to Bp tho Spartanburg Herald of yesterday. which says: Ollie B. Moser and Rosa Sealey, the latter a young white woman, who was arrested here some time ago, are still being held in the city jail, pending the outcome of federal investigation, from which white slavery charges may be brought. The two wtre arrested some time ago in connection with the attempted safe blowing case in the store of H. D. Waters on Howard street, when police found Moser with some piano tuning tools and later found blades of steel cutting hack saws placed between the soje and insoles of his shoes. Since the pair have been lodged in the city jail the local chapter of the ned Cross lias received a letter of inquiry from the mother of the girl in Rock Hill, the correspondence being handled through the Rock Hill Red Cross office. After describing her daughter, v_ ?i 4V.?* -.I.... ..v ? i?o cuts luucutri Btiiu. mat v> utru niic itii i home she was wearing a white middy suit, dark blue skirt, gray hose and no hat. According to the letter, the family lived until about the middle of August at Monroe. On acount of the mills at Monroe closing down the mother and her daughter moved to Rock Hill to live. The girl had begged to go back to Monroe, and on one Saturday evening she washed the supper dishes and a half-hour later it was discovered she had left the house. The letter also described a man named Olin Broom, about 25 years of age, who, it stated, had been seen often in the company of the girl. The mother asked the locaf office of the Red Cross to send the girl back to Rock Hill as soon as she is released from ? The president has appointed J. W. Tolbert to be United States Marshal for the Western District of Sooth Carolina, and Mr. Tolbert will take office as soon as he can file his bond. Mr. Tolbert was appointed while the senate was in session but the appointment was not confirmed because of the opposition of. Senator Dial. The present appointment holds until the senate acts upon it, and if the action is unfavorable the appointee will have to step down. Otherwise he will continue in office. * AT THE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST Rev. D. L. Hill, Pastor. Sunday Worship?Sunday school at 1 A o m \fnminop n t 11 T?tron_ Ing service at 7:30. Jr. 3. Y. P. U., 5:00 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, D. D., Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Junior C. E. i.. 4 p. m. Y'oung People's C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30. ' # TRINITY METHODIST Rev. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7:30. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Rev. T. T. Walsh, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning services at 11 a. m. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN (Pulpit vacant). Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at 10:00 a. m. Morning service at 11 by Rev. O. W. Carmichael. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST. Rev. J. M. Trogdon, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7:30. Special Jfloliccs. At Ramah. There will be preaching at Ramah Presbyterian church, Sunday, October 22, at 11 a. m. At Philadelphia. Sunday school at 2:30 r>. m. Prach ing at 3:00 p. m. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Clover and Union. Union?Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11:00. Clover?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. N. A. Hemrick, Pastor. Clover Circuit. Clover?Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11. St. Paul?Preaching at 3:00 p. m. King's Mountain Chapel ?Preaching at 7:30 p. m. J. G. Huggin, Pastor. THAT BAD BACK Do you have a dull, steady ache In the small of the back?sharp, stabbing twinges when stooping or lifting ?distressing urinary disorders? For bad back and "weakered kidneys York j residents recommend Doan's Kidney I Pills. Head this York statement. Mrs. It. L. McKnight, Cannon Mill, | says: "Kidney trouble came upon rge ! very slowly, but before 1 realized it. 'it | had a pretty firm hold on me. My back began to pain and ache something awful and sharp, shooting pains, would catch me every time I stooped over. Dizzy and nervous spells would i come over me and millions of little : colored specks floated before my eyes, blurring my sight. My kidneys didn't j act right and caused mc a lot of an- J noyancc. I was in pretty bad shape j when I began using Doan's Kidney j Pills. The first Box helped me so mat r continued using them and another box completely cured me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs. McKnight had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. _ _ HYMENEAL MARRIED?At the home of the , bride's mother in Chester Tuesday; afternoon, Rev. D. C. Phillips, officiat- i ing, Miss MARGARET GATES and j Mr. J. HENRY WEST of Darlington, j At Bethel Methodist church, Chester. Wednesday evening, Rev. Henry Stokes i officiating, Miss SARAH CARTER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chinch Car- : tor and Mr. SIDNEY B. GILL of Petersburg, Va. At Enon. Preaching at Enon at 3:30 p. m. D. L. Hill, Pastor. OBITUARY. DIED?Saturday night at her home In Rock Hill of paralysis, Mrs. GEORGE HELMS. Interment was in J.nurelwood cemetery, Rock Hill, the funeral conducted by Rev. T A. Snider assisted by Rev. H. E. Griffin. The deceased is survived by her husband and two children: Misses Sadie a nd Serlie Helms. Her father, Jonas Carnes and several brothers and sisters also survive. COTTON MARKET Friday, October 20, 1022. Cotton Seed Sharon 23 60 Clover 23 54 Yorkvillc 23J 60 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. For Sale?Chrysanthemums. In all colors. West Madison St., York, S. C., Mrs. Charlie Dickson. 84 It. For Sal??Fifty bushels of Red May wheat at $2.00 per bushel. J. M. Leech, Hickory Grove. 84 3t.Strayed?Wednesday morning, ISth, black male pig with white feet, about nine weeks old. Reward. C. R. Morrow, Clover, 84 It. For Sale?My country store, 62 acre farm, best country stand in the county and now enjoying a good patronage. Land level and all in cultivation, will also sell public ginnery and blacksmith shop in con* nection with this. For prices and terms address W. F. Jackson. York, S. C. 84 2t. Chrysanthemums?For sale. All colors. Fine, large blooms. See Mrs. L. W. Louthian, West Madison St., York, S. C. 83 3t* Laborers Wanted?Ask for Superintendent at Clover Quarry Company, Clover, S. C. 83 ^t Pryor Service Station?Chester, S. C. Gasoline and oils and accessories. William Betts, Prop. 83 3t* Wanted?Carpenters and Laborers; concrete mill work; long job. Gaston Construction Co., Clover, S. C. 79 t. f. , 7t Wanted?To rent storage space in my storage house. Ready when the potatoes are. See me at'corner of Cannon and Charlotte street. Frank P. Morrison. 82 f.t. 4t A Bargain?In a Cleveland Caterpillar : Tractor. Equipped with double disc j harrow and plow. This machinery I is in good shape and we win sen cheap. First National Bank, Sharon, S. C. 75 ft. tf. Wanted?To hear from owner of good Farm for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F.. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 80-4-8-92-G-100 6t Wanted?Industrious men and women to retail the genuine Watkins Products in city territories. Exception- J al opportunity to tie up with the I oldest and largest company of its j kind. Our hustlers average income | is $1.10 an hour. Are you doing as well? If not, write today for free samples and particulars. The J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. 81, New York, N. Y. 79 4t. WHOSE COW? fFAKEN up last Wednesday. Owner may have same by paying all ex T.l T I.. 11 JlCIlSrS. JUIII1 mil, IT duo uuici, ....... S. C. 84 It. U. S. DISTRICT COURT . Western District South Carolina | IN BANKRUPTCY Matter of C. E. Porcher, Bankrupt NOTICE To the Creditors of C. E. Porcher: fpAKE notice that on October 10th, 1922 C. E. Porcher of McConnollsville in the said District was duly adjudged. a bankrupt and that a first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned on THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2ND, 1922 at 10 a. in., at which meeting creditors may attend, prove their claims, elect a trustee, consider proposed sale of the property and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. JOHN A. MARION, ir* Rnngrimlpv I York, S. C., Oct. 19th" 1922. 84 It. I THE STAR THEATRE l TODAY "DANGEROUS CURVE AHEAD"? A comedy drama of American married life. Admission 10 and 20 cents. SATURDAY CHARLES HUTCHINSON? in "Go Get 'Em Hutch." Episode No. 11. Also a good comedy and western drama. MONDAY A good Pathe feature. TUESDAY ETHEL CLAYTON? In "Beyond." An "Enoch Arden" plot with a theme pertaining to spirit- ' ualism giving prominence. The star j plays the role of a young English j woman who has many trials before fate allows her to live happily. WEDNESDAY LON CHANEY? In "The Night Rose." An amazing ! story of a big city today, a battle or i good with the forces of evil. J. Q. WRAY, Manager ]; FREE! FRE ''The Wages of Sin Is Death; b J ( Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, (| "How Shall We Escape If Ye P ![ GOSPEL ,< WOODLAWN PRESS SHARON, OC' j| TWO SERVICES DAIL.Y?In the .A (| ing at 7:30 o'clock. !j Rev. W. A. ]? Of Gaffncy, will do the iireacbing i "The Spirit and the Bride cay come (I Let him that is athirst come, ai (| of the Water of Life freely." 11 OCTOBER 22-29?11:15 In the ;! WOODLAWN PRESB g Rev. C. W. McC SHARON, - PEA THRESHING TI'"1 you have peas to thresh let mo know right away. W. A. CARROLL, Filbert, No. 1. 84 lt#. BUGGY OWNERS RUBBER TIRE WORK $12.00 A SET. Best Goodyear Rubber. Prompt Service. in r miTpmw w. t. naiwEiio d - REPAIR SHOP Kell Thoniasson's Old Stand YORK, - - S.C. GUANO AND ACID FOR SMALL GRAIN Appier Seed Oats Fulcaster Seed Wheat Oliver Chilled Plows Studebaker Wagons Oxford Buggies. Come and see us for any of the above and we will make you close prices. Cheerwine?Fruit Drink CARROLL BROS. FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR WE ARE UNLOADING Two Hundred Barrels of first-Class FLOUR, that we bought at the low price. We will sell tjiis Flour while it lasts at $6.00 Per Barrel or $3.00 Per Sack It is worth 50 Cents per barrel more than this today, and still advancing. JUST RECEIVED a big lot of Galvanized Roofing And FENCING WIRE at the Right Price. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Appier and Fuighum Oats on hand. _ Expecting a shipment of pure Red KUSt i'l-oor uats ai any Lirnv. ALL KINDS OF FEEDSTUFFS? Including- Mill Feed, which is very scarce and hard to,get. Expecting another' ear of that good BLUE GEM COAL Anytime. Let us have your orders, Ferguson &Youngblood IV ? No. 2Q Folding Brownie Pictures x s/% inches Price $I3.jO Autographic Brownies They fold like Kodaks?and like Kodaks they arc Autographic, but their extreme simplicity of operation is a distinct Brownie trait. If wc nvght make a suggestion, consult your Christmas list now ? nozv ? and sec if an Autographic Brownie doesn't solve at least one problem. Autographic Brownies range in price from $(}.00 to $/j.jo according to size. I CLOVER DRUG STORE 1 ?g?j. ut the Gift of God Is Iternal Life C <leglect So Great a Salvation?" 5 SEKViUES g YTERIAN CHURCH^ rOBER 22-29 lorning at 11:15 and in tiie EvenHAFNER at those services. Jl! . Let him that heareth cay come. Ji od whosoever will let him partake 5, Morning?7:30 in the Evening. YTERIAN CHURCH \\ ULLY, Pastor, j? - - S. C. <| I HAVE MOVED "ITV watch and jewelry repair shop to front of store occupied by T. A. Rcan. D. 11. Gordon, Jeweler, Clover, S. C. 84 It*. ALDERMAN WARD THREE T IIEKEBY announce myself a candidate for Alderman Ward Three, Town of Y'ork to till an existing va- i cancy. CARL H. HART. 83 to1 ALDERMAN WARD THREE \\<rE are authorized to announce J. M. Ferguson as a candidate for alderman from Ward Three of the Town of York to till an existing vacancy, t. c. ' 82_ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. ^OTICE is hereby given by the undel-signed that they will on the 25th day of October, 1922, apply to the Secretary of State, for a charter for Mint Cola Bottling Company, of York. South Carolina, the principal place of business of said corporation being York, S. C., the capital stock to be $X,O0O, divided into eighty (80) shares of the par v.alue of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. The said corportion to engage in the business of manufacturing, buying anu selling sou drinks and doing all the acts in connection. with the manufacture, sale and delivery of same. The residence of the said applicants being York, S. C. J OS. (J. DICKSON, W..S. DICKSON, M. L. CARROLL, C. W. CARROLL. York, S. C., Oct. IS, 1922. 84 It. FLOUR * WR ARE HAULING UP A CAR\ LOAD OP MIGHTY GOOD FLOUR ?BOUGHT BEFORE THE RISE AND WE ARE DIVIDING PROF ITS WITH OUR CUSTOMERS. We Have 16 Per Cent Acid GUANO AND MEAL FOR GRAIN. YORK SUPPLY CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ICS ACRES FOUR MILES GASTONIA, N. C. Seven Room Residence?Good Barn ?Silo. Quarter Mile of Hard-Surface Bankhead Highway. 15,000 People within radius of Four Miles. Very Productive?has produced bale to acre. Great for Cotton, Corn, Truck, Dairy. Only $80.00 Per Acre. Has been appraised at $100.00 per acre. QUICK SALE?Don't Miss This. J. C. WILBORN REAL ESTATE YORK, S. C. "A Fine Job" I WAS THE OWNER'S VERDICT when he first looked at his newly painted car. SINCE THEN we have done many good jobs and are hoping to do more. Wo use the REST and most enduring Paints, Oils, Varnishes, applied by Skilled Painters who are masters of their craft, and return your old car looking like a NEW ONE. ! JOHNSON'S painLop JAS. A. JOHNSON, Manager Auto Painters, Body and Top Builders, rock iiill, s. c. 00 YOU WANT A HOME OF YOUR OWN? Now LOGAN LUMBER YARD "We Strive to S ve and Satisfy." F. E. MOORE, Proprietor !sss DAY BARGANS THURSDAY-FRIDAY FOUNTAIN PENS $3 00 Values for $2.00 $2.00 Values for $1.25 ALL $1.00 PATENT MEDICINES At 90 CENTS Dr. WESTS TOOTH BRUSHES 50 Cts. BliL'SHES?For 35 CTS. CANDIES $1.50 Boxes of Candy?For $1.25 $1.00 Boxes o!' Candy?For 75 CTS. SPECIAL ON COMB AND BRUSH SETS. Ivory Combs, Brushes and Mirrors at Wholesale Cost. THE SHIEDER DRUG CO. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiii ! THE GREA I OF SI We have ever offered to | Store?All Styles, all Sis = grave. Shoes for every r LESS THAN ORDII ? jVj we: wi 1 jE| $5QP CASH REWARD anc ? 4* tothe Wearer, any pair / = jra bearing this Star = /Rj containing leather-board/jjjfc = |R (substitutes for leather)^ S "Star Brand = (6 > yfk roberts. " ify' * * MANUfACTURERS. I Mr CV 1 LV A. ~ . In i n 11111:1111 i i m m i: i n i; 11111 i 1111111111 n 1111 I CLEAN, SOUND TEETH WITHOUT A DENTIST ACCOMPLISHED by tho systematic cleaning of the teeth?not merely once in a while or once a day, but TWICE A DAY at least and three times preferably. Two essentials are a GOOD TOOTH PASTE AND A CLEAN TOOTH BRUSH? The Brush should be replaced frequently for sanitary reasons. We can sell you TOOTH PASTE AND TOOTH BRUSHES? Anything' you want, but always of reliable qualities which we know best, imin Atrmr i\ff ft mi 1 AIT m till rHAMiAti CLOVER, - S. C. SHOES It Is That' Time of Year When You Need Shoes for the Entire Family? WE NOW HAVE THE BEST and most complete line of Shoes we've ever carried. WORK SHOES From $2.00 to $5.00 and Men's Dress Shoes from $3.50 to $6.00. ATTTl T TP A nPUQ A "DTP UUXV mvu Selr, Craddock-Terry, Stevens-Strong and Lion Brand Work Shoes. They Fit Your Feet and the Wearing Qual-1 ity Is There. D. M. PARROTT DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Clover, - - S.C. PURINA FEED "We have just received a shipment of Genuine Purina Feeds and will be glad to have your orders. We have it in the following: Purina O-Moline fop horses. Purina Cow Chow (Dairy Feed). Purina Hen Chow?Best Grain Feed i :- ? :ui_ , t,? lb 13 |7UOOIUiC vvs lllunva Purina Chicken Chowder (Mash). FLOUR, $3.00 PER SACK? Wc are expecting' a shipment of a good Straight Grind Flour that we will sell for $3.00 per Sack. W. F. JACKSON Mackorell-Ferguson Co.'s Old Stand. BLANKET BARGAINS / Cotton Blankets from $3.50 Up ARMY OLIVE DRAB BLANKETS 1 I Tk* 11 1 TTT w ore l sought itigut ana \\ c Are Selling 'Em Right. ASK TO SEE OUR BLANKET OFFERINGS M. L. FORD & SONS FINE FURNITURE. 1 LICENSED UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS CLOVER, - - S. C. TEACHERS EXAMINATION TMIE regular fall examination of ap- I plicants for primary, elementary I and high school certificates will be I held at York on November 3rd and 4lh, beginning at nine o'clock each ? morning. Two days are required for the work. No one under 18 years of |A age will he admitted. I' AH teachers under contract to teach |! in the county this winter are request- ; ' ed to register their credentials in this * office not later than November 1st.;' No warrants for salary can be approved until this is done. JOHN K. CARROLL, S2 f 2t Supt. of Education. I j iiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiimiimiiimiiijmmimmttui TEST LINE ! HOES j out* trade is how at this 5 :es from the cradle to the | nember of the family at TAEY SHOES COST. LL Rvw rm = j replace FREE OFCHARGE gf | of STAR BRAND Shoes 8g | srp7 on Heel or Lining, Bjj) = paper or fibre-board fcj s 3^in the Outsoles. Insoles, all i 'Counters. W 5 Shoeis Are: Better*' M s "DohnsonMAnd C?mk> ?r hrcnoTvuiSnMCa ST.LOUII. UB US s 119 nneiis j iiniiintiiniiHimiiiiiHinmnimiiiimiinT EAT At Pete's Restaurant and enjoy food that is properly Cooked and Served in & way that will please You. WE SERVE , Short Orders and Regular Meals at most Reasonable Prices. YORK CANDY KITCHEN Peter Golgin, Prop. Our Guarantee IT IS BECAUSE WE KNOW that | our products are BEST that y/e guarantee them? "MONEY'S WORTH OR MONEY BACK." We have FRESH WALNUTS and BRAZIL NUTS. TUNA FISH. CARMELO SARDINES In Tomato Sauce. . SMOKED NORWEGIAN SARI DINES in Olive Oil. Also ROYAL ANN CHERRIES. BOX PRUNES. THE CASH & CARRY WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST Pencil Carbon in large sheets at The Enquirer Office. 10 Cents. HARDWARE ENAMELWARE Crockery, Groceries, and Notions We now have the BEST and the most varied line of Merchandise we have ever had and at the LOWEST PRICES. Make Our Store YOUR Headquarters. We can SAVE YOU money. SOUTHERN cas?tore ft ft nPFSP M anaaer Phone 88 Phone 88 ROCK HILL, 8. C. LET US SERVE YOU , That Is Exactly What We Are Here for and Those We Are 8erving Say We Serve Them Well. May We Servo You? PICKLES? Have Sweet and Sour Pickles in bulk. MACKEREL? A choice jjrade of Salt Mackerel just arrived. They are fine for breakfast. KLIM MILK? Is the powdered milk that is Rrivinpr almost universal satisfaction to users, it is especially recommended for feeding babies. Better than fresh cow's milk. MELROSE FLOURrIS THE BEST?nsk any user of Melrose. There'll be no argument about it ?nothing to argue. Ask for Melrose if ^ou want the BEST FLOUR. SHERER & QUINN NOTICE. A LL persons are warned against hunting, cutting timber or in any vay trespassing on my lands, bounded >11 North by McCasli^i Wallace old raets; West by Thomas Hartin and W, 3. Ashe old tracts; South by Lathams ind others; East by Enoch Dostcr old >Iace and others. C. H. SMITH. , 82 f 2t* Chattel and Crop Mortgagee at The Enquirer Office.