w r GARNERED WtHSCISSORS! News From Within and Without , the County. CONDENSED FOR QUICK READING t 9 What Our Neighbors Are Saying and 8ome Items of Fact, Some of Comment ajid All Helping to Give an Idea of ?, ... Doing. ? Chaster News, Oct. 10: Many Chester people a*e of the opinion that Judge Puerifoy gave the bootleggers what was coming to them in the way of road sentences, ,The News wishes that it had space to cite, the various prohibly tion cases which were tried before Scaap in Pickens county last week. In the majority of cases, and there were many, Judge Scase sentenced the bootleggers to twelve raopths apd a fine of $1,000 What yesterday appeared to be a "political battle" over the office of loca "magistrate has quieted down anu in all probability the office will now go to Mr. Z. V. Davidson when Magistrate H. H. Shannon's resignation becomes effective November first. Several names had been suggested for the place and yesterday a "battle" between Mr. Davidson and Mr. S. Churchill Carter was apparently approaching. However, The News understands that Mr. Carter withdrew from the field leaving,the matter to Mr. Davidson. His appointment has already been taken up with Governor Harvey and word from that source is now being looked for . A marriage woicn came as a surprise to many friends was that of Miss Oline Crowder and Mr. Hugh D. Cothran, which was solemnized at Purity Presbyterian manse Sunday morning at .six-fortyflve o'clock, Dr. Flournoy Sheppcrson officiating. Gaffney Ledger, Oct. 10: Drayton Allison was appointed attendance officer for Cherokee county, Saturday and .started performing the duties of that office yesterday. His first assignment was to get school district No. 10 straightened out and to report all cases where children are being illegally ? kept from attending school. Mr. Alli&? son is now making his rounds and will - ? appreciate any information that the public will give him. The regular du' /! tVnm I used to carry ine cmiurcn iu anu school and by having the school located at one end of the district the truck will only have to make one trip. James L. Pruette, a well known and highly respected citizen of Boiling Springs, N. C., died suddenly Sunday, j October 8th, at his home at Boiling j Springs. Mr. Pruette was well known : in Gaflfney, having resided here about | a, year, some fifteen years ago. His brother, Rev. L. R. Pruette preached here in the Cherokee Avenue Baptist church on numerous occasions. Mr. Pruette was a deacon in the Boiling 1 Springs Baptist church, and a man of i sterling quality. His loss to the com- j munity in which he lived and reared , a family, will be keenly felt. Lancaster News, Oct. 10: W. S. Rollins, farmer living north of the city. ' was run into Saturday night early by a Mr. Elder and family of Rock Hill, traveling in an automobile and coming to Lancaster. Mr. Rollins received several bruises, about the head and hand and the buggy was pretty badly wrecked. The lights on Mr. 1 Elder's car had gone bad on liini and he was trying to make Lancaster as I soon as possible, but Mr. Rollins said i the car, when it struck his buggy, was not going at a very great speed. Mr. ! Rollins was brought to Lancaster and 1 given medical aid and is up and about as usual Four young men, giving] Rock Hill as their homes, were fined $.'5 each in the mayor's court Sunday morning <>n tin* charge of driving an automobile on the streets of the city while under the influence of liquor .... I Charlie Strain, colored, shot and sen-! ously wounded a negro woman living in the New Cut section yesterday after- 1 noon about 4 o'clock, a shotgun being used for the purpose, the entire load entering the hack part of the woman's head and neck. The woman was sti'l living this morning, but is is not i thought she can recover A large truck loaded with 13 bales of cotton on ; its way to (iastouia. N. C.. was stopped Saturday night about 7 o'clock by the city police when it reached Lancaster and held here until S o'clock Sunday morning on the charge of being overloaded and traveling without lights j and license. The weight of the cotton and truck combined, it is said, was about 13,000 pounds, when 5,000 pounds, it is said, is tl:c maximum weight, according to law, that shall : pass over the roads and 'bridges in f Lancaster county. A tine ?>f $*>0 wan ; imposed on the driver, who after iicpi- ! tiating with parties in Gastonia. received the amount by wire, and went merrily on Ills way Sunday morning.; A wedding of much interest to I their friends in the two Caroliuas will i be solemnized in the l'ritchard >? ?? j moriul Baptist church o? Charlotte i tiiis evening at 6 o'clock when .\fiss ' Ethe.l Clrice will become the bride of I Alfred B. Ferguson, Jr., Rev., Homer j Grice, of Washington, Ga., assisted i>y j Rev. JS. R. Mason of the First Methodist churrh of this, city performing the i ceremony.?,. T. R. Bennett, esteemed ! citizen of Chesterfield avenue, this city, , was painfully hurt and bruised yesterday morning about 10 o'clock wlieji he was dragged from tbo top of a wagon loaded with cotton at the gin plant of LFIO i