Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, September 15, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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i FACTS ABOUT THE DANCE Editor Yorkvllle Enquirer: Referring1 to an article in The Yorkvllle Enquirer of September 12th, in which Rev. J. K. Walker, Pastor of Trinity Methodist church is quoted as Baying that he saw a young man and ii young woman come out of the cellar of the Trinity church, on Wednesday night while a dance was in progress, in the Nicholas Hall nearby, we wish to state- that Rev, Walker has declared that he is m.squoted and misnnderstood in connecting this affair with our dance and that he merely cited the night of the da ace to dc^gnatc the night on which this happened. Also, referring to another part of this article In which a certain oyi ui town young1 lady was described nS' boinp full of "i>op" we wish to say*" that the word "pep" which might bo'misunderstood as bobig ctrifnk* mednri, that she was full of life and her conduct seemed to be approve! of by some fifty or more ct^aperones of the rfhncc, as not one of them was heard to disapprove of her "peppiness". \\e wish to apologize to the visiting J ladles and tho ladies of our town who attended the dance for the Insinuation of that article And we feel sure that the chaperones present know that the article was not based on facts. Hal R. Mackoroll Charles H. Crawford. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. ? Laurens, September 12: John Boyd, who was fatally shot in a gun duel yesterday afternoon with his father, William B. Boyd, who wag killed outright by the son, died at 1 o'clock last night. Coroner B. R. Owings, who held the inquest last night over the body of the elder Boyd, returned, and conducted a aimdi&r official act today for tha young man. This double tragedy has greatly aroused the people of the county, coming as it does on the heels of two other homicides in the county within ten d-iys. Whisky was probably the real cause of yesterday's - tragedy, for it is stated by. the officers that containers about the Boyd house which had been broken, indicated that liquor had been emptied on the ground round about. Mrs. Boyd, tho widow, is sick in bed and was on last Saturday brought home from a hospital, and is said to be in a critical condition. Eleven children are omhans today, six or eight of thein too young to care for themselves. A double funeral for father and son was held this afternoon at Liberty Springs church. Crossbill. ? Spartanburg Herald: An unusual prisoner- in the Spartanburg county Jail is Rev. S. O. Whitman, of Oconee county, \yho is serving a six-months' sentence imposed by the Federal court in Greenville, on,the charge of violating the national prohibition law. Sheriff Miller and Jailer Lancaster say Mr. Whitman has been a model prisoner and has given them no trouble. Mr. Whitman claims he is a victim of a conspiracy, a "frame-up," by moonshiners of Oconee county, who took this method of getting revenge on him because he had reported some of them for operating moonshine stills. According to the minister's story, j most of his neighbors in Oconee county had been engaged in the manufacture ofiwhisky, and alter 'he had begged tnem to desist and they had iviumu iu uu ?o, ne reportea some 01 them to the pfficer^, The, officers asked lilm to get further evidence, and he then told some of his neighbors that he had a curios. *y to see % still in operation. They told him they would be glad to gratify his wish, and told him to come to a certain place on a certain night. He did so, and found what he supposed to be a still in operation. Just after h>* appeared on the scene, he said, the owners of the plant ran off and oftlcers came up and arrested him. His trial and conviction followed, the court sentencing him to serve six months in the Spartanburg J Jail. His /sentence will expire about > 'the last o\ October. MERE MENTION Henry Ford of Detroit, clalmr. that the Inter-State Commerce commission's a-. ? wiiiivi ui cmyi} coai cars operates to % the advantage of the coal profiteers. The Southern Power Company has given notice that Its steam plant at Salisbury will shut down one day each week unless means are found to secure mere coal Mrs. I. C. Tatum. aged 44, Is reported in a serious-condition today as the result of a flogging administered last night by, four women, one masked,, who described themselves as a "committee Indies of the Invisible Eye. Mrs. Tatum. who received 100 lashes, it is said, is accused of "ruining her daughter." ? There is little reason to hope that any of the 47 men who were entombed in the Argonaut mine in California are still alive Albert Pas3. 50, jumped into a 60 foot well in Oglethorpe, Ga., last Wednesday with suicidal intent but was rescued unhurt. ? The shipping beard got rid of its "white elephant," last Tuesday. The great fleet of wooden vessels, conceived during the war as a means of rapidly bridging the Atlantic, was knocked down at private competitive sale to G. 1). Perry, of San Francisco. The price?$750,000 for 226 vessels ?all but ten of the entire wooden fleet ?was considered a uirgain as evidenced by spirited bidding which rapidly ran the offers from a first bid of $406,000 to $750,000 which was accepted by iwuurmaii i^asaer ana other members of the shipping hoard. The wooden fleet was built at a cost of approximately $300,000,000. When the bids reached the surn of $650,000, Mr. linker calkd the board, which sat In at the sale, into executive session to determine whether the sale should be continued on the unit basis or in lots. The former course was adopted, and the bidding from then was largely between Mr. Perry arid the Dravo Contracting company, of Pittsburgh. The latter linally stopped at $740,000. Mr. Perry's representative then offered $750,000. Of the fleet, 317 vessels are wooden and nine are of wood and steel. Two hundred and eleven are now at Claremont, Va.; 13 at Orange, Texas, and two at Beaumont, Texas. One of the conditions of the sale was that they were not to be used for transportation purposes as steamships and that they would be dismantled within a reasonable time. Chairman Lasker said after the sal? he thought the successful bidder expected to dispose of the ships as scrap. ? News of yesterday from Spencer, N. C., was that the 1,700 idlo shopmen, were preparing for a big eelebration over the settlement of the strike, and that the 800 strike breakers were packing up preparatory to leaving on special trains. COTTON MARKET Friday, September 15, 1022. Cotton Seed Sharon 21i Clover ?? ?21J ? Yorkville 213 42 ? Add one cent a pound to above for oM cotton. AT THE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST Rev. D. I* TI111. Pastor. Sunday Worship?Sunday school at j 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Even- | ing service at 8:00. Jr. B. Y. P. U., 5:00 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, D. D., Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Junior C. E. at 4 p. m. Young People's C. E. at 7:30 p. m. Evening service at 8:00 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST Rev. J. K. Walker, Pa3tor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. Evening service ut 8. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD t>-.. m t Woi.h Pa?tor ncf. x. *. if mium, ? Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN (Pulpit vacant). Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at 10:00 a. m. Morning service at It. Evening service at 8:00 o'clock. Both services to be conducted by Rev. E. B. McGlll. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST. Rev. J. M. - Trogdon, ICastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at* 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7:45 fecial lldtrfs. Clover and Union. Clover?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. Union?Sunday school at 3:00 p. m. Preaching at 3:30 p. m. N. A. Hcmrick, Pastor. Clover Circuit. King's Mountain?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preaching at li. St. Paul ?Preaching at 3:00 p. m. Clover? Preaching at 8:00 o'clock p. rn. J. G. Huggin, Pastor. At Olivet. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Preaching: at 3:00 p. m. J. K. Walker, Pastor. At New Zion. Preaching at New Zion at 11:00 a. m. M. K. Meadors, Pastor. At Ramah. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Preaching at 3:30 p. m. It D. H. Dulin, Supply. OBITUARY. DIED?At his Itoine at Pauline, Spartanburg county, on last Wednesday morning, ALKItED AIKEN, aged 75 years. The deceased was a Confederate veteran, was for 40 years a deacon in Pauline Baptist church and was held in nigh esteem by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He is survived by his widow, who was formerly Sarah Ann Harrison, and two sisters, Mrs. Pinkey Beard in and Mrs. John Gentry, of Pauline. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Lost?Several days ago somewhere betv. xn the post of lice and my home on King's Mountain street, a key ring carrvine three kevs. Reward. Dr. J. D. McDowell, York, S. C. It Wanted?To employ a reliable white man for farm. Good dwelling, convenient to school and church. Apply In own hand writing. P. O. Box 337, Bock Hill. & C. 74 tf. For Sale?A'o milch cows and two heifers. Two with calves. W. H. Jackson, York No. 1. 73 2t* For Sale?Good all around horse. Cheap. J3ee W. H. Pursley, Clover, S. C. 73 2t* Place Your Ordor Now?For stove wood, cut to length, and fire wood, cut to length. Delivered about November 1st. Phone 84, York, S. C. Ike Crawford. 73 3t* Wanted?The public to know that Shoes repaired by Owen and Hartcr of Owen's Shoe Shop, wear and look like new. School days are approaching. The children will need substantial shoes to protect the feet from the cold, chilly autumnal rains that are sure to come. Don't buy ^ncw shoes Until you get Our estimate of repairs of the shoes you already have. Owen and Hnrter of Owen's Electric Shoe Shop, York, S. C. 72 4t* THE CTAD THE A TDE iiil oirti\ niminii TODAY ALICE JOYCE? In "Dollars And The Woman." A Vitagraph Feature. SATURDAY CHARLES HUTCHISON? In "Go-Get-'Em Hutch," Episode No. 6, "Under iht Avalanche." Also a good Comedy and 1 Western Drama. if ONI) AY "ACROSS THE DIVIDE"? A Playgoers picture with an All Star cast. TUESDAY WANDA HAWLEY? In "The Truthful Liar." She "wis eager to taste the fruit of life, so, while her rich husband buried himself in his business, she frollicked along Broadway with another man. Till one night?a shot?the police?blackmailers on her trail?what should she do to prove her innocence? Was her lie justified? You'll see .the answer and enjoy thrill after thrill .11 this powerful drama of modern youth's follies. J. Q. WRAY, Manager. Ready for School AUK YOU HEADY? You'll have to !.? Mlivn.iv .w.W Vmi'll Pencils, Pens, Inks, TabletH, Composl- i tion Tablets, Examination Tablets, and I Note Books and other things for use in | the school room and at home? WE ARE HEADY to supply you with everything necessary?the whole business except School Books? AND WHAT'S MORE we want to ! supply your every need? AND WHAT'S MORE we \\ill if you will drop in and tell us what you want, j AND WHAT'S MORE you'll find it | easy to get supplied here and WHAT'S MORE you'll find that our prices for School Supplies are just as low as prices can he when you consid- ; er qualities, etc. AND WHAT'S MORE we'll be much : obliged if you'll lot us supply yon. j YORK DRUG STORE NIVENS BROS HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE TWO STORES CLOVER, S. C. Near Hawthorn Mill BANKS R. NIVENS, Manager YORK, S. C. On Charlotte Street BEN. M. NIVENS, Manager WE ARE IT.' THE MARKET 7 At alt times for Country Produce, including Chickens, Butter and Eggs. ' QUALITY GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES? Trade With Uc Once and You'll Trade All tho Time With Us. NIVENS BROS. FINE FURNITURE At Reasonable Prices At FORD'S? The Old Reliable Furniture Stora \ M. L. Ford J. C. Ford Edmund Ford M. L. FORD ft SONS LICENSED UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS CLOVER. 8. C. c ssED WANTED WE ARE IN THE MARKET for all the Cotton Seed wc can set at the Highest Pfice for Cash. It will be to your Interest to see us before you sell your Seed. SEED OATS, RYE, Etc. NOW 13 THE TIME to boffin aowlnff grain. We have a good stock of Pure Fulghum Oat?, Appier Oats, A,bruzzi Rye and Bur Clover. 1IOG FEED and SPARTAN DAIRY FEED. Still have a few COTTON BASKETS. BAGGING and TIES. Galvanized Roofing? Expecting another shipment of Galvanized Rooting almost any time. Let us have your order for Roofing before it advances any more. Good stock of Ridge Rolls and Nails at a good price. Ferguson &Youngblood : : e n r r i a i >> r c 11 rt l JUST RECEIVED AN ODD LOT shipment of ONE DOLLAR SIZE TUBE PATCHING? Which we arc sdlinK for the abr.urdly low price of 50 CTS. EACH Yours for Gas-Oil Service IIDEDTV SERVICE lidliui STATION "IKE" CRAWFORD, Manaqer SERVICE CAR TEL. 84 IMPERIAL PLOWS AND REPAIRS. WE HAVE THEM and practical farmers who have used Imperial Plows say that the Imperial is eciual to the BEST t irn plow on the market. RUBBER ROOFING? IS TX)NG PAST the experimental stage. It is reliable, dependable, easily applied and economical. If you have any roofing to do see us for-Rubber Roofing. Price is right. Machine and Cylinder Oils IP YOU RUN machinery or an engine you'll need first-class Machine and Cylinder Oils. Wc have that kind and will be glad to supply your needs. See us for Ballard's Obelisk Flour? Never was better made. J. F. CARROLL CARD OF AP To the Men and Women < I am taking this mea dccj) sense of gratitude tin my heart, because of the h ferred upon me~hi selectin Treasurer. I wish to make it ch expression as coining fron I bear no resentment to 1 liave been otherwise, and i lire to serve you all. The guiding rule of be to prove that your eonfi placed. Again I thank you. WALTER D OH, RATS! AND LIKEWISE MICE. Aren't they horrid? And don't they annoy and destroy? Well, why let them do it? It is easy to destioy them and free your premises of these rodents. How? Try RAT ANNIHILATOR? The Modern Pied-Piper. It kills the rodents and completely destroys the body of the rodent, leaving no resultant odor. It really dors the business. It is Stlfc, Sanitary and SURE. A number of our customers have tried it and found that Rat Annihilatot does the work effectively. DON'T COST MUCH to try it and you'll bo pleased with th& results. Rat Annihilator hau about the same attraction for rats and mice that coraine^lias for a /lope (lend and it will quickly kill tnt\ruts. tux it. CARROLL BROS. " Your Laundry Work? WE WANT IT?want jt on a guarantee of Satisfactory Work and Prompt Service. We'll call for your work and deliver it twice a week. We wash anything?we'll please anybody. THY US. Our York Oflicc is two doors South of the Courthouse on South Main St. THE ROCK HILL LAUNDRY Prompt and Satisfactory Service Ginning and Sawing PLANTS NOW OFFER PROMPT -AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Cotton Ginning, per 1C0 Pounds of Lint 40 CTS. Bagging and Ties, per a _ 75 CTS. Sawing, per 100 feet 50 CTS. I ? TERMS: CASH to Everybody, and Everybody is requested Not to Ask for Credit. R. B. & J. S. RIDDLE, DAVIS BROTHERS. LOOK CAREFULLY OVER THE FOLLOWING LIST and See If Thero Is Not Something You Need? CUP GREASE?1 lb. Cans and up. AUTO SOAP?1 lb. Cans and up. NEVERLEAK for Radiators. CHAINS?All sizes. RIM LUGS and BOLTS for all cars. LIGHT BULBS for all cars. REPAIR KITS for tires. BLOW OUT PATCHES?All sizes. ALEMITE GREASE CUPS. MILWAUKEE TIMERS for Fords. SPARK PLUGS for all cars. GOODRICH Tires and Tubes. See us for Gasoline and Oils. J. H. CARROLL PAINT UPYOU WILL FIND ANYTHING YOU WANT IN PAINTS AND VARNISHES AT OUR SHOW ROOM. WE'LL FURNISH THE PAINT AND APPLY IT IF YOU WISH. COME IN AND LET US MAKE AN ESTIMATE FOR YOU. I SELL PAINT. I APPLY PAINT. W. L. WALLACE CONTRACTOR AND BUILUING SUPPLItb Office In Shcrer Building, Opposite Sherer & Quinn's Store. PRECIATION [>f York County: us of making known t ho nt has been awakened in igli honor von have cong nie as your County' I ?ar that 1 recognize tins1 tlie whole people; 1 hat hose whose choice may t will he niv great pleas my official conduct will idencc has not been l.iis. THOMASSON TIRZAH GINNERY OUR Machinery has been thoroughly overhauled and we are doing firstclass work. We have recently built a New Seed (louse on the gin house lot and are running the seed into this house by conveyor which eliminates handling the seed. We are better prepared to give you real service than ever before. Highest Market I'rice paid for Cotton and Cotton Seed. We solicit your patronage. 71 :it J. 1). CAMPBELL, Mgr. Famous story " "A T.'lle of Two Worlds." A (Johlwyn Special. - Cotton Sheets-WE EXPECT "COTTON SHEETS and HACHING and TIES by the time you rend this. Also another carload of DUNLOP'S SUPERLATIVE PATENT HUUH. Do not forget that we are selling a good Flour for $3.00 per Sack. We are also making a drive on SUGAR. WE HAVE all kinds of LUMBER AND BUILDING ' MATERIALS? Have not the space to itemize, but have everything you need to build or repair. You will save money if you will see us before you buy. YORK SUPPLY CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I - - - Liability Insurance DO YOU CARRY LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE COVERING ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE ? If you knew how little $&,000 cost and how much it would mean to you in case you were sued for killing somebody or damaging somebody's property, either carelessly pr accidentally and were sued, and you are almost sur? to be, you would at least call at our office and inquire about it. IN SOME SECTIONS it is secured by car owners before any other kind of insurance. SAM M. & S. E. GRIST AGENTS. CORN MEAL Corn meal has been very scarce lately but we have received a shipment of real good fresh meal and will be glad to sell you. Try Sugarine Buttermilk Egg Mash for your hen, this is the greatest egg producer on the market. (Mr. John E. Jackson feeds it regularly and ho knows chickens, ask him.) Also have Sugarine Dairy and Horse feeds. Armours Hams, Armours Breakfast Bacon, Kingans sliced Breakfast Bacon in one pound boxes. Caraja and White House Coffee. W. F. JACKSON Mackorell-Ferguson Co.'s Old Stand. LETUS SUPPLY YOU D/Mifrk T.iirnbor IVUUgll iiiuiivv/i.) Dressed Lumber Flooring, Ceiling Framing, Siding Doors, Sash, Blinds Building Hardware Paints, Oils, Putty Glass, Filler Lime, Cement, Brick, etc. LOGAN LUMBER YARD "We Strive to Serve and Satisfy." F. E. MOORE, Proprietor Men's a THE NEW FALL GOO! EEST THE NEVi MONEY-COME SUITS FOR THE BOY! In all kinds of Mixti Sonic w ith two pairs of MEN'S AND YOUNG I in all the New, Snap] pleasing' to particular dri BOYS' SCHOOL PANT! The kind that will w New Lot PONGEE SHI1 Many other good values Men's WORK SII1RTSCreat Big Full Cut OV1 Kirkpatr i lb= i The New 1 H, | successfully use I SEE US FOR MILL J |! Belting, Belt Lace, Packir Saw Teeth, Babbitt 1\ ors, Injectors, Oil Cui various articles neecle Complete Lines of Shell j! Try "RAT-NIP"?it will It at The "RED W I YORK HARI llllll]lll!l!llili!HI]!llill!inillll!illlllill]lll!l I OUR BUYERS ARE By I 'j, And while away they pi ? values in worth-wkili | ter wear for men, wo I WE NOW HAV] * . . ? Ladies New Fall Dresses of all style, awLShoes, an lines of Clothing, Shoes, 1 T $ Call in and let us shov | McC0NNELL DRY i i iiiiiiiHiiitfjiiiiiiiiiMiiiii'inuiiiiiiiiniiiiiii illlBaiiiiiiania.il... .. ...... REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOB SALE Tbirty-thrco Acres?Of good level land, 11-2 milcu of Clover, on Bethel road. Ten Room House?On King's Mountain street in the town of Clover, on corner lot 100x300, shady side of street, water, lights and sewerage; surrounded by cement paving. One-third cash and balance on easy terms. Two Story?Glass front brick building 26x90, In Clover, on lot 30x400. One-fourth cash and balanee on easy terms. Four Vacant Lots?On Main street, Clover, 25:;100, joining Nicholl's garage. ? - ? U- olftrn I rour nonm nvuuc?auu shmu m-.v building, on lot 3S.\4()0 feet fronting on Main street, Clover, near the postofllce. One-third cash and balance on 7 per cent credit. Good New Six-Room House?On a Rood lot in town of Filbert, near Presbyterian church. The McCall Farm.?50 acres all workable, 5-room house, barn and other outbuildings, 1 1-2 miles north of Clover. One-third cash and balance on time at 7 per centFifty Acre Tract?Near New Zion church and school V three-room house and barn; lot of good saw timber. Rosidence Phone 111 and Office Phone 74. C. F. SHERER tnd Boys' C DS ARE ARRIVING EVER1 r YORK MARKET HAS T< AND LET US SHOW YOU S? lire Clot lis and Serges?Sizes Pants?Suits t hat will pleasedEN'S SUITS lie yfi.'lnu ill/. Ssl \'l/?< iiml 7<\*| |M Mljr l^?3 1"V/ 1VM ?? jssers?Priced $9.95, $12.51 S? car and look good?Priced at IfTS, Collars attached in Shirts?Priced at -the kind that are full cut 49 2RALLS?Priced at ick-Beik C SELLS IT FOFt LESS. , P. "Z" Engine s KEROSENE muvmmw, iUPPUES, SUCH AS | ig, Valves, Pipe Fittings, ]! Eetal, Gage Glass, Eject- j | ps, Wrenches, and all the J | id about macliinery. [ and Heavy Hardware. . kill rats and mice. Get j | STORE." )WARE CO. | IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'JIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI 1CKFROM MARKET 1 m* mnnv snlnmlirl i> "l ; * b goods for fall and win- jj men and children. <! 3 ON DISPLAY , Coats, Coat Suits, Hats <! . < > id for Men we have good j; lats and Furnishings. <! v you the new things. GOODS COMPANY j inimmiiimiinimmimmiiiiiiiiiiiimmi EXECUTOR'S SALE. A S Executor of the Estate of Dr. M. J. WALKER, I offer for sale, One House and Lot on West Liberty street, , 100 yards from County Court House, SI feet wide and 330 feet deep. One tract of land, containing 21 ACRES, known as the Armstrong riaec. 1 1-* miles from Court House, and one tract of Iruid of 49 ACRES, known pa the Russell I'Lace, t 1-2 miles from Court I louse. Both places are on the ( lobby's Ford road. 73 41 (J. H. O'LEARY, Executor. fil lAfITV goods and , ytnLll 1 prompt Service is OUR MOTTO. r HAVE purchased the York Candy Kitchen from Isidore Christ, and promise the public to supply them with Fresh Fruits and Candies, iiuts and Fountain Drinks of Quality. PETE'S ICE CREAM Is the kind that makes you want MORE. Try it and you'll be convinced. Our Restaurant Service? Has been improved and we are pro- ^ pared to satisfy your appetite. OUR SJ^ORE? Has recently been overhauled and changed. Come in and look it over. YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. YORK CANDY KiTUHUN PETE COLGIN, Proprietor. Nothing if DAY AND ARE THE 0 OFFER FOR THE THE GOOD THINGS. I f < 8 to 18 years? ?Priced... $4.98 to $8.95 bides tluit will be 9, $15.00, $19.00 and Up. 98 CTS., $1.40, $1.93 98 CTS. $1.25, $1.48, $1.98 CTS., 75 CTS., 98 CTS. 98 CTS. Pair ompany I = ? . .>,1 .?