OBITUARY. DIED?Suddenly in Montreat, N. C., last Tuesday, Rev. GEORGE A. SPARROW, for the past twenty-eight years pastor of Olney and Union Presbyterian churches in Gaston county. Interment was in the cemetery at Union church, Gaston county, yesterday morning, the funeral being conducted by Rev. J. II. Henderlite, D. D., assisted by other ministers. The following sketch of Rev. Mr. Sparrow is taken from the Gastonla Gazette. Mr. Sparrow was a native of Washington, N. C., and was practicing attorney In that town before entering the ministry. He was twice married, his first wife being Miss Sue Brown, of Washington, a sister of Judge Brown. He is survived by the following cnuuini. aB. Sparrow and G..A. Sparrow of Charlotte, Tom Sparrow, of Gastonia and Evans Sparrow of Statcsville, and Mesdaines R. B. Riddle, Jr., of Gastonia; C. W. Keyes, of Now York and Chesley Watkins, of S'atesville. His second wife was Miss Jennie Ewing, of Washington. There were no children by the second marriage. A sister, Mrs. R. P. Dalton, of Greensboro survives. George Atwood Spariow was born in Beaufort July 14, 1845, and. was thus 77 years and eleven d; ys old. In early years he attended the old Bingham school at Hillsbor-o until the outbreak of the war. Although only 16 years of age, he rfcn away from school and joined the Confederate army under the command of his father, Thomas Sparrow, a captain of artillery in the Confn^nratn armv. He served throughout the entire four-year period of the war, most of his services being \ in North Carolina. At the close of the war Mr. Sparrow took up the study of law and for eight years, was solicitor of the First judicial district. During1 reconstruction days he was solicitor and he has told, many interesting biles of his experiences with negro magistrates and others during those troublous days. He practiced law for 16 years when he decided to enter the ministry of the Presbyterian church. His lirst charge was at Franklin, Macon county. He did home mission work here. From there he went to Rutherfordton. From Rutherfordton he came to the joint pastorate of Olney and Union in November, 1893. He served both' these large country churches undl 1921, when the pastoral relations between Mr. Sparrow and Olney church were dissolved. Mr. Sparrow, together with Dr. J. C. Galloway, of Gastonia, are the two oldest ministers in point of service in Gaston county. Dr. Gallowav came to Gastonia ir? December, 1893, Just a month after Mr. Sparrow came to Union and Olney. They were warm personal friends. Mr. Sparrow was one of the most consecrated and one of the hardest working men in Gaston county. Years ago his pastorate included much more territory than it now does, and he faithfully covered the whole charge. He was a type of the country minister that is fast disappearing. Mr. Sparrow was prominently identified with the civic and social side of his community. Recently he was elected commander of William Gamble Camp, United Confederate Veterans. He was chaplain for a long time. In addition to those relatives mentioned above Mr. Sparrow has one brother, Mr. John R. Sparrow, of Washington, living ar d one sister, Mrs. H. A. McCord, of Chicago. Two sisters. Mi-s. Dr. R. H. Lewis of Raleigh, and Mrs. C. M. Payne, of Washington, died some years ago. At the family residence in Ehenezer, Tuesday afternoon a.* tho result of a stroke of paralysis, Mrs. VIRGINIA TAYLOR, ,agc$ 69 years. Interment was in the cemetery at Ebenezer on Wednesday afternoon, following funeral services conducted by Rev It. D. Byrd, pastor of Tirzah A. R. 1'. church of which church she was a member. Ail's. Taylor is survived by three children: Joe M. Taylor and Mrs. S. W. Rarron of Ebenezcr artti J. N. Taylor of Graham, N. C. She is also survived by one sister, Mi's. Jane Pierce of Arkansas. NOTICE T^OTICE is given that applications for loans through The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, will now be received. An allotment of $40,000 has been made to this Association for use in making loans up to about December 1st, 1922, and all pei-sons, who desire I'Kina tlirniuh this nonrco nre renuest ed to file applications with mo immediately, as all applications for this allotment must be in with the Hank in Columbia not later than September 1st. It* applications are not filed by that time the same cannot be received, until after December 1st. Interest rate is now 5 1-2 per cent, with all the regular Federal Farm Loan features. JOHN A. MARION. Secretary and Treasurer, Peoples National Farl Loan Association. July 27th, 1922. 60 3t. Don't Forget That Now Is The Time? TO LOOK A FT Kit l'OUR Automobile, Farm Wagons and Buggies, Mowing Machines and Rakes, the Plows and Other Farm Implements? LET MK DO YOUR WORK NOW. before you need these utilities badly? don't wait until you NEED them and then have to wait until you can got them, because somebody else iu ahead of you. MillN(J THEM NOW. If you have any work of this kind? Repairs, Adjustments, etc., I can do it for you and give you 100 per cent Satisfactory Service. Also repair end adjust Talking Machines. an 1 ran furnish parts l'ou anything in my line. I Also Sell Tires, Tubes. Gas, Oil and Auto Accessories. See Me. I A PITDrril %j n. A vawi nilNiji_e.o? ROOFING? i SCREENSFLOORING? ' CEILINGSIDING? SASHDOORS? BLINDS? ' ?ETC. "GET OUR PRICES LOGAN LUMBER YARD "We Strive to Serve and Satisfy." F. E. MOORE, Proprietor Seed Irish Potatoes WE HAVE A FEW barrels of SEED IRISH POTATOES for Fall planting Also have Fresh Crop TURNIP SEED. HAVE ANOTHER SHIPMENT? Of MOLASSES and CALCIUM ARSENATE to kill boll weevils. Some farmers say that where they use this the weevil is not nearly so bad. RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT Of FLOUR. Get our prices before you buy. We want to buy some liome-raiscd OATS. BUILDING MATERIAL? Has not been moving much for last few months; but wc are in shape now to supply your needs. YORK SUPPLY CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL imiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | LONG TIME, eas/A] = APPLICATIONS 1,QUO u ~ on First Mortgages, at 50 per cent 2 cent of the value of the insurabl 5 years, at G PHR CENT INTERES1 2 part or all of the mortgage debt, i 2 principal arc repayable in easy, fi ~ amounts to the borrower paying ' 2 eludes interest and principal and n years, unless the borrower elects U 2 does not have to live on the farm, ~ himself. These mortgages will no 2 land, but will help the sale, as th 2 owner. The borrower can name t jjjj money, and interest will not start i 2 closing loans promised. EE For further Information,and A MARION & E JOHN A. Bl E JAS. A. PAC E LEON M. A = jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I H~/v***VV^,Km>V*VVV,K~>V*VV* ; | GARRISON-FARIS | ============= I FOR ? t X Seed Irish Potatoes. y 'X Calcium Arsenate. X Dusting Machines fo: ; ? Turnip Seed. be | *? Place Your Orders Now I GARRISON-FARIS | ROCK HI 1 WWUWVWWMWWWWWVKWWI | LET US | A | DO YOUR | (K)lX(j NICELY, Til ? start we think we are doii ? doing part of the lauiuln t this town who want the 1> * | Deliveries twice a wee * will come to yonr home ,f< * back in due time and yo * with the Laundry work w We Solicit Your Patronag ? Work, Prompt Servi | THE ROCK HI |:j: Office So. Main Street SHERIFF'S SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. Claud Wade, Plaintiff vs. Lawson MeCaw, Defendant. r>Y virtue of an ?xecution to me directed in the above mentioned cause, I have levied on and will sell at Public Auction on Salesday, AUC1UST 7TH, 1922, during the lcgul hours of sale, in front of the York County Court House, One Seven Passenger Chandler Car, Model 1920, Motor No. 711,229, to satisfy the said execution and lien on said car as stated in the execution in above entitled cause. Terms of Sale: CASH. P. E. QUINN, 58 f 3t Sheriff of York County. THE STAR THEATRE TODAY ALICE CALHOUN? In "Poppy Puts II Over," a Vitapraph feature. SATURDAY RUTH ROLAND? In Epi.sodo No. 14 of "The White Eaple," "Tho Pivoted Rook." Also a pood Western Drama and a Comedy. MONDAY TEXAS GUINAN? In "The Gun Woman," A tremendous story is "The Gun Woman," with touches of historic and human interest that pet a terrific grip on the emotions. TUESDAY WANDA HAWLEY? In "Bobbed Hair." A Paramount Xneciab J. Q. WRAY, Manager. FILBERTPICNIC Cordial Invitation to York County Public. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2ND. In behalf of the Filbert Picnic Committee it gives me pleasure to state that the Annual Filbert Picnic will be held in PURSLEY'S GROVE on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, and in connection with it will also be held the official STATE CAMPAIGN MEETING FOR YORK COUNTY We hereby extend a cordial invitation to everybody especially including the ladies to come out and enjoy the social pleasures of the occasion and to meet and hear the candidates for state offices. W. L. PURSLEY, Chairman Filbert Picnic Committee. 55 6t. imimiimiiiiHimmnimmiimimiMiiiiii PAYMENT FEDERAL 1 IM LOANS 6 % Interest. | I on Improved Farming Lands tak- S CAS JOINT STOCK LAND BANK = r The Inderal Farm Loan Board, a isury Department, under the pro- E i Act. ?? ? as follows: Loans are made in ?? ipon Improved Farming Lands, up- E of their appraised value and 20 per ?2 e improvements, for a term of 33 E [\ with the privilege of paying any ?? after five years. The interest and E xed semi-annual installments and S 7 per cent per annum, (which in- E which wipes out the debt in 33 CZ o pay it off sooner.) The borrower ?? but can rent it, crop it, or work it E t prevent the borrower selling his [S ey can be transferred to the new E lie date upon which he wants his Si until he gets it. Prompt service in E pplications, see S FIN LEY, Attys., York, S. C., = -ACK. Rock Hill. S. C.. = ?E, Clover, S. C., or ? LLISON, Hickory Grove, S. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii SEED COMPANY f ?! i * / X t y v x X r Boll Weevil Control. | t : For Agricultural Lime. ?j. I SEED COMPANY ! LL, S. C. | v'X'V'X-v'/W v v%* M >! vvvvvv v AAA^WWWWWWVtAfWWWUW^ lUNDRY ? * ANK A OU. * N es, tor a ! ! ig quite nicely. We are f ' for the good people of % est of Laundry work. k. Let us know and we X i ur Laundry and mini? it * u'll bo entirely satisfied % o do for you. ? ;e and Guarantee Best of * ce and Fair Prices. % LL LAUNDRY . | York, S. C. ' *1 vvwwwvvvwwwvvwwwv ANNOUNCEMENTS.' I I FOR CONGRESS?FIFTH DISTRICT. T HEREBY announce myself as a candidate in the Democratic primaries of South Carolina, for the nomination for Representative of the Fifth Congressional District for the 68th Congress; and I take this opportunity to thank the people of the District for their loyal support in the past and to say tliut I shall endeavor to deserve their support and confidence in the future. W. F. STEVENSON. 33 t. f. te HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vl/'E are authorized to announce W. '' It. BRADFORD as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the York county primary election. 44 tc XlfE are authorized to announce ER WIN CAROTHEltS as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the York county primary election. 44 to Vine arc authorized to announce JAMES E. BEAMUUARD as a candidate for the House of Itepresontatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. CO to AT the request of numerous taxpayers who are interested in lower taxes I hereby announce -myself as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. PORTER B. KENNEDY, Sharon, July 22, 1922. 59 t o. T HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the House nf T?ninv?Kpntntives. subiect to the ac tlon of the voters in the Democratic primary. E. W. PURSLEY. 45 t.f. , te DELIKVING that Dr. J. L. SPRATT will make a most suitable member of the House of Representatives if elected to that place we submit his name as a candidate subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary. FRIENDS. 59 t e. W J. TALLEY of Rook Hill, is a " candidate for House of Representatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the Primary election. 46 te FOR JUDGE OF PRuBATE." T AM a candidate for Probate Judge of York county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Being a young man, I am naturally subject to inquiry as to character, standing, habits and capacity, and where my fellow citizens are satisfied, with the result of such inquiry, I will appreciate their support. Respectfully, RALPH H. CAIN. Sharon, S. C. 60 te T HEREBY announce niysclf as a candidate for Judge of Probate, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the Primary election. 41 te. JEPTHA D. GWINN. T hereby announce myscli a candidate for re-election for the office of Probate Judge of York County, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic Primary, te J. L. HOUSTON TO the voters of York county: At A the solicitation of friends I urn a candidate for the office of Probate Judge. I am qualified to discharge the duties of the office. I will appreciate your support. I will abide by the results of the primary election. 59 t e G. P. SMITH. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. T AM a candidate for County Supervisor subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. TJIOS. W. BOYD. T AM a candidate for re-election as County Supervisor, subject to the approval of the Democratic party in the primary. 50 to* I1UGII G. BROWN. A T the solicitation of voters of practically all sections of York county, I have decided to announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of County Supervisor of York County, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the primary election. If nominated I pledge myself to give the taxpayers an efficient, economical business administration. 32 f te JOHN F. GORDON. T HEREBY announce myself as a A candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 54 t 1 J. E. LATHAM. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER T AM a candidate for County Coinmissioncr for York County subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 55 t 1 JOHN C. KIRK PATRICK. T AM a candidate for County Commissioner for York County subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 55 t 1 L.ADD J. LUMPKIN. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. T hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, I according to the rules of the Democratic primary. \VM. A. DOUGLAS. T AM a candidate for Treasurer of , York county, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the i Primary election. 27 te ERNEST W. GUY. T hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the | Democratic voters in the primary elec- j tion. ARTHUR T. HART. T AM a candidate for Treasurer of York County, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 23 tf JOHN R. LOGAN. T AM a candidate for Treasurer of York Countv. subject to the recom- i mendation of the Democratic voters (men and women) in the primary. 55 Mrs. LUCIA EWAKT QUIXN. T licrei)y announce myself as a candldate for Treasurer of York County, j subject to the recommendation of the j Democratic A'oters in the primary j election D. L. SHIEDER. i T hereby announce myself as a candidate /or Treasurer of York County, I subject to the recommendation of the i Democratic voters in the primary ' election. W. D. TIIOMASSOX. It l | T AM a candidate for Treasurer of ] York County subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 57 t I ' GEO. W. WILLIAMS. ; ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. T AM a candidate for the office of Treasurer of York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 26 t ! M. C. WIDLIS. FOR MAGISTRATE Ebenezer Township. T HEREBY announce myself a cancfidate for magistrate of Ebenezer Township subject to the action of the voters in the primary election. 50 t e* T. O. BLACKMON". FOR MAGISTRATE Bullock's Creek Township. T AM a candidate for Magistrate in Bullock's Creek township, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary. 57 te ' J. L. DUNCAN. Bethel Township. T HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for re-appointmnet as magistrate in Bethel Township, subject to the Democratic voters in the primary election. 57 t e JOHN M. FORD. Bethesda Township. T HEREBY announce myself a candielate for re-appointment as magistrate for Bethesda Township, subject to the Democratic voters in the primary election. E. A. CRAWFORD. T AM a candidate for magistrate in Bethesda, township, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary. W. R. HARPER. T-AM a candidate for magistrate in Bethesda township, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary. 58 t 1 FRANK M. SANDIFER. Broad River Township. T AM a candidate for Magistrate in Broad River Township, subject to tho Democratic prrtnary.. 3 DAN P. LATTIMORE. T AM a candidate for re-appointmcnt A as magistrate for Broad River township, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. R. L. A. SMITH. T AM a candidate for Magistrate in Broad River township, subject to the recommendation of the voters in the primary. 57 te R. J. CALDWELL. King's Mountain Township. T HEREBY announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of magistrate for King's Mountain township subject to the action of the voters in the primary election. R. E. LOVE. 59 t e York Township. T AM a candidate for re-appointment as magistrate for York township, <1,/* imiIou nP i he* nomncrntlp. primary. F. C; BLACK. T AM a candidate for magistrate in York township, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters in the j primary election. W. S. PETERS. 58 t e*. Wofford College Fitting School SPARTANBURG, S. C. ^ U&S4- ^ // Prepares your boy for College on a College Campus. Pine Climate, Reserve Officers' Training Corps; Excellent Instruction; Christian influence. Charges reduced to actual cost; total $289.00 a year. Write for Catalog. W. C. HERBERT, Head Master. BUGGIES WE HANDLE SEVERAL makes of BUGGIES. We can please you a a to style of body and ;>aintinp and we can please you in quality and furthermore we can please you in the PRICE. Call on us and let's talk it over. SEED AND FEED OATS? We have SEED OATS and FEED OATS. If you need either or both kinds of OATS conic and see us for the kind you want. CANE SEED? Have ORANGE and AMP.ER CANE SEED, and if you haven't already put in a good sized crop of cane for feed it will be wise for you to do so. No other crop will make quite so much hay and very few crops will make better hay and you'll find plenty of use for hay this fall and next, winter and In the spring. Yes, sow some cane seed. J. F. CARROLL IF YOU ARE LOOKINGFOR ATTRACTIVE PRICES COME TO THE CASH & CARRY WESSON* OIL?Pints 28 CTS. WESSON* OIL?Quarts 55 CTS.: GELFAN'D'S RELISH 30 CTS. SANDWICH SPREAD 15 CTS. VINEGAR?Rod and White?Qt. 50 CTS. Eagle Brand Milk 22 CTS. ROAST BEEF. 1 lb. cans ..... 25 CTS. SI'GAR at the right price. Also FLOUR at right price. THE CASH AND CARRY $100.00 REWARD. A REWARD of $100.00 is hereby offi red for the arrest, with evidence j ;o convict, of the party or parties, who eccntly set fire to the buildings of' M. Whisonaat. FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COH D. E. BONEY. Treasurer. >G If York, S. C. | MMiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiMiiiiiimiimmiiimiii 1 School Days. = And if your children wil fall and winter, to be properly protected a as they go to and fru the ways'to do the tri = We have just d7 Girls' I bargain?pass it on to sell for $7.50?mai ber Company?a spl while they last at HERE'S ON = Only 41 of thdse $10.00 U Men's Rciin Coats? ?It may never liaj buy a real rain coat an umbrella?Each = These prices arc for a Cl( | McC0NNELL DRY WE WANT NO C mmimmiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiimiimmiim i LET US DO YOUR PRESCRIPTION WORK When your doctor gives you a Prescription, BRING IT TO US and. we will SAVE YOU MONEY and give you the BEST of Drugs, properly compounded. TELL YOUR DOCTOR TO SEND US YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS. If You Want Any Doctor In town, PHONE No. 31 and we will get him for you. ALWAYS KEEP US IN MIND. Mackorell Drug Co. NEAR THE COURTHOUSE. LICENSE TAX DUE BUSINESS and professional people of the Town of York, are hereby notined mat tne special license ana privilege taxes, prescribed by ordinance of said town are due and payable from and after August 1, until August 15 and that penalties will attach after last named date. The said taxes are payable to me at my office. Respectfully, J. F. FAULKNER, Treas, Town of York. ; York, S. C. July 25, 1922. 59 3t. I j ...I Chattel and Crop Mortgages at The Enauirer Office. imiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii I Fresh ( ! Proc | ON S | FRONT PORCH OF TE BUILDING, ON SO YORKVILLE? (Saturday July BEGINNING Arl | Under Auspices of Woraa: Clubs of Yo: LADIES OF COT Will Be In Char r | Ladies of 1 ARE CORDIALLY I THEIR MARKET SPECT OUR OFFEI I Choicest Country Produc I SATURDAY, JULY 29, = rvnT.nrr " V VXIV/V. 1 PROMPT SERVICE AXI | TO SELEC EE ? = This Space Donated to Th Yorkvillo Enquirer. i mi 11 [ 11 111 i 111111111111111111111111111! 11111 n f: 111 ./ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Are Coming? | I be going to school this ? sure you want them to be | gainst the rainy weather |., >111 school. Here's one of = ick? - 5'v/ = ?ain Coats?picked up a | to you?they were made | tie by United States Rub- 5 endid Rain Coat?Yours S Each? $2.50 | E FOR MEN nited States Rubber Co.'s = Cloth with Rubber Back 2 )pen again that you can = for the price of ^ JQ i )se Out?They'll do it. GOODS COMPANY I REDIT BUSINESS II HIM I I VOTAJN DON'T FORGET VCTAN COFFEE?"" IT IS THE BEST. The manufacturers of VOTAN offer to any one who can furnish a blend that is more pleasing. Ever try ICED COFFEE ? Buy a can of VOTAN and try it once. It is delicious and refreshing. Just received a shipment of FRESH-'. SALT MACKEREL. They're fine, fat. If you have a cow and are feeding to her for milk and butter, try two sacks of LARRO. It is the best Dairy Febd on the market. FLOUR HAS GONE DOWN? In Price. Try OLD COLONY, and you will keep right on using it CARROLL BROS. t i TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A IAj norsons Imvincr claims ajrainst ! the estate of Dr. M. J. Walker are hereby required to present them to tho undersigned, duly verified as required by law; and all persons indebted to said esta'e are- requested to makt> settlement with W. W. Lewis, Attorney, who is authorized to collect and receipt for same. < n<: GEORGE H. O'LEAItY, Executor of the Last Will and. Testament of Dr. M. J. Walker. 58 f!R* ?/,M . i . ' I 1 ' i HLgh Grade Typewriter Ribbons at The Enquirer Office. ? ' f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mm Country | luce | ALE AT IE OLD ROSE HOTEL | > UTH MAIN STREET, | S ' * 1 Morning, | 29th | 1 8:30 O'CLOCK n's Home Demonstration = rk County. , 1 1 > TON BELT CLUB . *S 11' ge for the Day. Yorkville | XVITED TO BRING | BASKETS AND IN- 1 IINGS. | e at Reasonable Prices. = BEGINNING AT 8:30 I KA. M. D A GREAT VARIETY 1 TFIfOM. 0 Tounti'v Store by The E 4l?lft|lllllllflllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllTll k - .z.a^ :.lAat . t t1. . .i %1-c^nMsE