Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 21, 1922, Page Page Five., Image 5

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? The state's public school books are to be purchased anew by the state boartl of education at a meeting or May 15, and already the state superintendent of education and Governoi Cooper, who is chairman ex officio oi the state board of education, are being sought after by school book agents. The state has a flve-yeai contract for its school books, and this oxrires this year. The state boart will meet with Governor Cooper th< middle of the coming month. AT THE CHURCHE3 FIRST BAPTIST Rev. D. L. Hill, Pastor. Sunday Worship?Sunday school a 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. B. Y 1\ U. at 6:30 p. m. Evening service ai 8:00. ui*. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, D. D., Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school a 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Junioi C. E. nt 4 p. m. Young Peoples C. E at 7:00 p. m. Evening service at 8:0C pi m. TRINITY METHODIST Rev. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school a 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11 Evening service at 8 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Rev. T. T. Walsh, Pastor. Morning service at Orphanage'at 11 o'clock- Evening service at churcl at 8 o'clock conducted by Bishop Fin i?y. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. L. Oates, D. D.. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school a 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11 Evening service at S o'clock. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ' Special |lotircs. Card of Thanks. We, the wife and children of J. J Faris, deceased, desire to express ou! thanks and deep appreciation for th< acts of kindness shown us durimr tin illness and death of our husband am father. Mrs. J. J. Faris and Children. York, S. C-, April 20, 1922. It' At Philadelphia. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Preach, ing at 3 p. m. J. K. Walker, Pastor. At Enon Preaching at Enon at 3:30 p. ni. D. L. Hill, Pastor. Clover and Union. Union?Sunday school at 10 a. re Pleaching at 11. Clover?Sundu: school at 10 a- m. Preaching at 8:01 p. m. , N. A. Hcmrick, Pastor. Clover Circuit. Clover?Sunday school at 10 a. m Preaching at 11. St. Paul?Preachin? at 3 p. ni. King's Mountain Chapel? ?Preaching at 8 p. m. J. G. Huggin, Pastor. WHY THAT LAME BACK That morning lameness?those shar] pains when bending or lifting, inak< work a burden and rest impossible Don't be handicapped by a bad backlook to your kidneys. You will mala no mist-ike by following this Yorl resident's example. Mrs. W. W. Hudson,* Californi: Ave., says: "About six years ago I hat a dragging ache through the small o my back and my back was weak ant sore. The least lifting seemed t< strain me terribly and headaches cer tainly were terribly annoying. Nervou spells bothered me. too and I felt tirot and languid. My kidneys acted irreg ularly and bothered me on that ac count. I felt as if I would have t< cry out sometimes, the pains were s< bad. Doan's Kidney Pills gave m< final relief at once and two boxes in al entirely cured me of all those symp. toms of kidney trouble." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don'i obrmlv aak for a kidney remedy?go Donn's Kidney Pills?the same tha Mrs. Hudson had. Foster-Milburi Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo. OBITUARY. DIED?At his h"ine on York Xo. 8 last Tuesday of infirmities of old age Mr. JOHN J. FA HIS, aged 74 years Interment was in the cemetery at Con cord Methodist church, Wednesday following funeral services conducted at his late home. The deceased was a native of York county. He was i Confederate soldier. He is suivivet by his widow and the following children: Mrs. W. A. Youngbloed, Monk's Corner, S. C.; Mrs. I. 1'. Boyd, Yorl Xo. 7; Mrs. J. S. Wallace, Rock Mil Xo. 1; Mrs. R. E. L. Ferguson, Yorl Xo. 8: Mrs. W. T. Long, York Xo 8; Mrs. W. P.. Drennan, Clover Xo. 3; E. M. Faris, York Xo. X. Three sistets Airs. Kate Th< masson < f Tampa. Fla.: 'Mrs Sallie Partlow of Washington, D C. and Mrs. A. S. Hand of York Xo. 2 also survive. At the home of her son, Mr. W. J Roddey in Rock Hill at an early bout Wednesday morning following a lonj; illness, Mrs. AXXA MASKIX ROD... . V**. t.,?Q Cint W I. ur< 1 , wiui'n ui uiv iiuv ... .. Roddey aged S3 years. Intermenl was in Laurel wood cemetery, Lock Hill, yesterday morning following funeral services conducted by het pastor. Lev. I)r. A. S. Rogers Of the Lock Hill A. U. I', church assisted l?> Rev. O. \\*. Carmichael of N'ccly'i Creek and Rev. Alexander Martin ol Rock Hill. Anna Raskin Roddey was horn. January 2S, 1S39. in Camden, being the only child of the late Joseph and Catherine Wylie Raskin, the family moving when she was a child tc Lewisville. Chester county. She was educated in Yorkville Female College a famous school of ante-bellum days, acquiring along with her education what was far more valuable, a k?>or insight into human nature and a eleai understanding of her fellow-man This was evident, even in her eel* years, but developed in her mature) life into the full flower of womanly love and sympathy. On December 20 1 KfiO, she was married to the lap Cant William Lylo Roddey. of York county, and a most ideally happy l*f< together ensued, thov nearly reaching their golden anniversary the year ol his death in 1909. They came to Loci Hill in 1 SI"), at the close of tli \Y:u Ret ween the states, and cas! tin ir lo with the then struggling village Much of its growth, at that 11 in ? was due to the interest in civil affair: manifested by Captain RoJdev am his devoted helpmate. Five ehildrei i wore born of this union, three of , whom survive. \\\ J. Roddey, John T. Roddey, and Mrs. \V. C. NVhitner, all 1 of Rock Hill. One daughter died in infancy, and another daughter was the late lamented, Mrs. Anna Lylc r Roddey Poe, wife of O. S. Poe, also of Rock Hill. COTTON MARKET J ' Friday, April 21, 1922. Cotton Seed ! Sharon 17 ? Clover 16J 60 17 CO [ J Uinvmv; ? , w MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. t Cotton Seed?Coker's Lonp Staple, 1J, 1U0 bushels for sale, $1.00 per bushel. 11 Also want customers for whole milk I See L. H. Castles, York, or E. C, I Castles, Filbert. . 32 It* For Sale?Sweet potato plants?Porte tj Itico, Nancy Hull and Early Trir | umph, $2 per 1,000. Orders filled promptly. A. M. Taylor, Phone j ! 246-J, York, S. C. 32 5t For Sale?Pedigreed Delatypo Webber cotton seed, $1.50 bushel- Extra early long staple. J. Ed Harper, R. F. D. No. 8, York, S. C. 31 3t? t . J For Sale?Several fresh milch cows. Price is right. G- W. Key, R. P. D No. 3, York, S. C. Phone 4151. 31 3t* ' For Sale?Good work horse about 10 years old, weight 1,150 pounds works like mule anywhere. $100.00 I or good paper with terms to reliable 1 ] party. W. F. Jackson, York, S. C. i 31 2t. | Potato Plants?Porto Rico and Nancj Halls, government inspected. Prompt deliveries. Fresh stocks carried at my store daily. Postpaid, 1,000 tc 5,000, $2 per 1,000. Drop shipments 1 by express, 5,000 to 10,000, $1.50 M Over 10,000, $1-40 M. Prompt and careful service given every order large or small. Nothing but standand fresh plants shipped. To get the best service place orders new, give date of shipment. See me for Gro ceries and Cane Seed. J. D. Hope Sharon, S. C. 31 t. f. 9t r For Rent?Seventy-five acres of good pasture land. See or write G. W Key, Phone No. 4151, York No. 3 20 t f. St* r > *? < i t : urow more L-cyumea?j.iiiig uuu i?nv>o: phate rock make legumes grow. Le1 gumes make farms and farmers rich. American Limestone Co., Knoxville, , Tenn. * 27 6t -{Motorcycles?Harley Davidson is th< World's Champion Motorcycle. Foi Catalogue and prices write E. L Barnes, Rock Hill, S. C. Dealer for York County, Ride the best 25 81 ' Wanted?The pubjic to know that I sol the new model Dodge Bros.' car, am also good second hand cars of al kinds. C. F. Sherer. 1 tf NEGRO MINSTREL. HOPEWELL School House Saturdaj Evening, April 22nd, 8:00 o'clock j p. m. Public invited. Admission: 1( cents and 15 cents. T- M. WYLIE. 1 TAX EXTENSION. T^OTICE is hereby given that the tirrn I for the payment of State and Coun' j ty Taxes has been extended to June 1 " j 1922, with a penalty of 3 per cent foi March; 5 per cent for April; G per ccnl for May, and 8 per cent, plus costs ol ? Treasurer from June 1, when execm tions will go into the hands of th< Sheriff. P IT. E. NEIL, 2 j 18 td. Treasurer of York County. ~ TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. < j A LL persons indebted to the estate j of Dr. J. J. GLENN, deceased, art v j hereby notified- to make payment U ] ! the undersigned at once, and all perf sons having claims against said estate I I are hereby advised to present tilt j I same to the undersigned, duly authen. I ticated, within the time prescribed b> s law. I C. W. McGEE, 28 f 3t Administrator. ; announcements! ' FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. I AT the solicitation of voters of pract j tically all sections of York county, t 11 have decided to announce myself a* t la candidate for nomination for the olII flee of County Supervisor of York County, subject to tiie approval of the Democratic voters in the primary elec: tion. If nominated 1 pledge myself to give the taxpayers an eificient, economical business administration. - 32 f to JOHN' F. GORDON. j FOR COUNTY TREASURER. T AM a candidate for Treasurer of I York county, subject to the apj j proval of the Democratic voters in tne . i Primary election. I j 27 te ERNEST W. GUY. T AM a candidate for Treasurer of * I York County, subject to the recomc mendation of tiie Democratic voters in I , tiie primary election. : 23* tr JUIIN R. LOGAN. T hereby announce myself as a candif \ date for Treasurer of York County, 1 subject to the recommendation of the . j Democratic voters in the primary , election. D. L. SIIIEDER. T hereby announce myself as a candi: ! date for Treasurer of York County, ! j subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary j election. \V. D. TIIOMASSON. 1 T AM :i candidate for the office of , . Treasurer of York county, subject to | the recommendation of the Democratic . voters in the primary election. i 2ii t 1* M. C. WILLIS. ;j"THE BifiGEST "aveI , I EVER HAD IS MY CHECK DO OK." > said a successful business man. 1 "IT SAVES MIS ALL KINDS of worry about my money. I know tlie Dank is SAKE. So I can pive all of my j thoughts to my business." . THIS BANK STANDS BEADY l?i perform a similar servieo for you. It:; i oflivials \vi)i gladly give you any infor: ' mation about opening an account here r j c j 5 Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits. 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < { OF SHARON. S. C. < i Only National Bank in Western York 1 | J. H. SAYE, President i I J. S. HARTNESS, Cashier. . | DID YOU K ' T THAT WE can do youi work just as well, if not , & haps at a more agreeable ] | DID YOU KNOW f THAT WE SEEL the T1 1 gF I THAT THE MAN AT HOI ? as well as the City's weifa , I HE IS 1 1 \ W. W. 1 THE PLUMBING A I NOTICE. ALL persons desiring' the medica ' services of Dr. Harry Niell, shouic call him at F'hone No. 2, Clover. 32 2t CLOVER DRUG STORE. SUDAN GRASSONTO OP THE MOST prolific grassei that you can sow on the farm on goot ' land. Will grow six feet high; can b< Isown Uill'K. iliiu ,VUU *;u.u tui Ik IIUC! times a year. It is a splendid feed foi stock and cattle. We also have AM HER and ORANGE Cane Seed ant CLAY and WHIPPOORWILL Peas. ' / Better make hay. The boll weevi ; will not eat it up. ,j KEEP OUT THE FLIES t Let us sell you DOOR and WINDOW . j SCREENS, also SCREEN WIRE t< i I make your own Screens. J RECEIVED A LOT OF OATS? ! For horse and mule feed. , THAT GUANO, ACID, KAINIT an( , SODA that we told you was expectet , thi3 week has arrived. We have plen ty and some to spare. We are money savers on Flour ant Sugar. i YORK SUPPLY CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THREE THINGS BEST QUALITY of Paints and Colors Superior Varnishes and Good, Hones ; Workmanship. THESE ARE THE THINGS tha ' maintain our reputation for fine Aut< ' Painting and for many years we hav? j given satisfaction to Auto Owners. Wi . could use cheaper materials, but w< , have a REPUTATION to maintain foi High Class Work. / : Superior Workmanship Is the Onl; Kind Done at Our Shop. i JOHNSON'S PAINL o, JAS. A. JOHNSON. Manager Auto Painters, Body and Top Builders ;! ROCK HILL, S. C. |! THE SOUTH HA^EA1 ! FUTURE, SAYS ROGER BABSON. WE RELIEVE he is right?we be , lieve in the South, and we believe it - YORK AND YORK COUNTY. ) ; KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME A AND IMPROVE WHAT YOU HAVE. LOGAN LUMBER YARE "We Strive to Serve and Satisfy." F. E. MOORE, Proprietor i Typewriter Ribbons and Typewrite Papers at The Enquirer Office. | Do You Need Se || COME TO SEE US. Wheth & tic cotton, you are surely going X other things?Field Seeds and V 11> beast. Then if you lose your cr< ' <> the boll weevil you will be ahea 0 other things to fall back on. C Sense tell you to plant plenty of ? the Seeds?anything you may w? i 'X prices arc right?We want to sup if FOR THE GARDEN?Every . section, including twelve varietie WATERMELONS?We have * Tom Watson, Georgia Rattlesnal CANTALOUPE?Rocky Fore | FOR THE PASTURE?Can |> Alsyke Clover, Herds Grass, Ite & t ti. ky lSlue Grass, White Clover, y have plenty of these for your Coi f CORN?(Early) Hayes's Tri |> t'eman; (Medium)?Douthit's F Williamson's Prolific and Manin 1 POP CORN?Rice and Gold corn seed are hand selected and CANE?Early Rlaek Amber, hon. Re sure to have a good pa 1 V MAMMOTH SUGAR STOCK x milk and pork producers. Produ V PEANUTS?We have the K Y Improved White Spanish, Georgi | PEAS?Red Rippers, Clays, & poorwill, California Black Eyes ? MILLETS?German and Pea ' i SUDAN GRASS?One of the FIELD OR STOCK BEANS Ilimeh, Velvet, Osceola or String > These ileans are Georgia grown ; > SEED SWEET POTATOES 6 FOR LAWN AND FLOWER GA o niuda Grass, Italian Rye Grass a / urn ilulbs, Cannas, Verbena and > COTTON?I m roved King-G J' J PLANTS ?Potato, Pimento, ( 1 ? I-1tub I Urro?Digester H? ; -y Shorts, IInils, Cotton Si'td Meal; I? !it rio'o in Dairy Feuls; IJaby i .Masli anil Scratch Seeds. All ft FERTILIZERS Nitrate of h ^ All Orders Given Our Prcnif i GARRISON-FARIS .j| 123 W. Main Street NOW? | - PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL | BETTER than some one e!se?per- t price 7 x f I kVO-YEAR GUARANTEED PHIL- | ADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID | BATTERY?Re-charge and Repair any make of Battery, using J> only genuine PHILADELPHIA Repair parts ana mat our worK a, ffivea entire satisfaction? # VIE is the one who has your interest 1 ire at^Hcart? a TRY HIM I I & BARRON >ND ELECTRIC SHOP | $ , BEST TO BE HAD? Wo believe our cuctomers want the Best in Groceries and that's why we " sell nothing but the Best Quality of Groceries?You'll find what you want at this store? * ' CHOICE FRUITS ? FINE CANDIES in Bulk, 50 Cts. r AINCJY UAfSfcS FANCY CRACKERS r OLIVES?Plain and Stuffed PIKLES?Swoet and Sour?BotI tied and in Bulk. , CANNED FISH PRODUCTS CANNED FRUITS CANNED VEGETABLES CELERY, LETTUCE > CEREALS OF ALL KINDS In Fact Almost Anything and Everything that your fancy or your appetite might, desire. ! W. E. FERGUSON 0 1 Typewriter Ribbons ,and Papers at The Enquirer Office. FLIES ? SPREAD DISEASE AND OFTEN CAUSE DEATH? ' FLY SCREENS 1 Can be fitted in the doors and windows > irmtf hnmo n t pnmnarflMvPlv littlfi B cost. We have the SCREENS. See us ~ about them NOW. QUALITY FURNITURE i is the only kind we carry M. L. FORD ft SONS licensed undertakers and embAlmers clover. q,. c. ?. ! , _ , USE KRESO DIPi . i About your premises for disinfecting?destroys the i bad odors, kills vermin of all kinds about-the dog kennel, chicken pens, cow stalls, hog pens?it insures your home against disease and bad odors. Have Xrcso Hip in pints, | quarts and half gallons. CALHOUN DRUG STORE , i r Typewriter papers sold by the pound at The Enquirer Office. eds of Any Kind? j or you* expect to plant much or lit- |j to be wise enough to plant lots of <: < j egetable Seeds?Crops for man and < j 3p or part of your crop of cotton to < j d of the game by having plenty of <| lommoty Sense and good Business <: crops for Man and Beast-?We have <' int?Our Qualities are right and ourply your every need?See US NOW. . X ' Seed and Plant adapted to this X s of Bunch and Cornfield Beans. 2 i the Bradford. Kleckley's Sweet, 4 te and Irish Gray?Best of Seeds. X I. and Emerald Gem. ? >et Grass, Bermuda Grass, Alfalfa, X d Clover, Dwarf Essex Bape, Ken- & Chufas and Lespedeza. Be sure to $ v? "VInine Hnrai>? Hoi's for ITrazine. ^ acker's Favorite and Country Gen- 4 amous Prolific, Goodman's Prolific, ? 10th Golden. Y en King. All of these varieties of 4 of excellent quality. ? Orange, Silver Drip, Japanese Rib- f tch of cane for stock feed or syrup. 4 BEETS?South Carolina's greatest ? ce more milk and more pork. ? ed Valentia, Small White Spanish, X a Runners and Virginia Jumbos. a Wood's Improved Specked, Whip- x and Mixed. X rl or Cattail. Great for forage. <| greatest of feed producers. <& -Ninety-Day Specked, Ninety-Day x ,'less (Mammoth), and Soja or Soy. x ind of 1 igh germinating percentage. X ?For bedding purpose. _ RDEN?Krntiielcv Rlue Grass. Rer- x nd Evergreen Lawn Grass. Caladi- X Cyclamen. 2 raded. x Cabbage, Tomato and I?'lower3. 2 >>,' Tankage. Hog Mial, Calf Meal, X 24 per cent, 20 percent and 17 per 2 Chick Feeds, Laying Mash, Growing 2 ood Stock Remedies. 2 i'oda, Acid, Kainit, Cotton Seed Meal. 2 )t Personal Attention. 4 i SED COMPANY f ROCK HILL, S. C. 1 t ^ ? ' ' - - -^1 i_ --L -o_l:e a TEACHER'S EXAMINATION 'T'HE regular Spring Examination j will be held in York on Friday, 'j May 12th, and Saturday, May 13th, be- 1 ginning promptly at nine o'clock each morning. This examination will cov- j | er only primary and elementary 11- j I censes. The high school examination j will be held later. The temporary per- i I mit has served its purpose and teachI ers will be expected to produce a valid J I certificate before accepting work for ^ next year. J JOHN E. CARROLL. 4 | 32 w 3t Supt. Education. BARRELS OF FUN Will be the Order of the Day at the FIDDLERS' CONVENTION AT THE CITY HALL APRII Y1 AUDITORIUM "TAIL Contests for Fiddlers, Mandolinists, Guitarists, Banjoists and Dancers. First and Second Prizes?$5 and $2.50 for Eacli Class. Quite a number of Entrants are already listed?Others are Invited. ORCHESTRA MUSIC j? By W. O. W. Orchestra Between the'! Contests?Don't Mi?? This Feature. ? UNDER AUSPICES OF ! Yorkville Camp 38, W. 0. W. < YORK, s. c. ! Remember the Date?April 27?ComeJ i ? THE STAR THEATRE j TODAY ! ALICE JOYCE? , In "The Vice of Fools." A Vitagraph ? Feature. i SATURDAY < A GOOD WESTERN DRAMA? And a good Two Reel Comedy. , MONDAY ? JACK RICHARDSON? J In "The Desert Law." A good West- ' ern Drama. J TUESDAY i A GOOD PARAMOUNT PICTURE? * Come. You will like it. < "WEDNESDAY < GOUVERNEUR MORRIS'S? ! Famous story, "The Penalty." A J drama of revenge that blazes like mol- , ten steel. Would you trade your soul < for a sound body? i J. Q. WRAY, Manager J 4 GET READY FOR THE YORK COUNTY FAIR For it is going' to be the best held yetMr. Duncan was up the other day to see my chickens, and was well enough pleased with what he saw to take a promising youngster home with him. Mr. Duncan is an old-timer when it comes to breeding Dark Cornish Indian Games; but he will have to divide the ribbons with me. I hear that Captain Marshall is getting ready to carry off the ribbons in the S. C. R. I. Red class. Well, he will have to do about to get them all. We are going to have some new fellows in the ring this fall. You can look out for them for they will have something good. I CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH GOOD HATCHING EGGS? At the right prices. Come and see. SHADY NOOK POULTRY FARM, Route No. 6, York, 8. C. FERTILIZERS^ " WHEN YOU ARE READY FOR FERTILIZERS WE HAVE 'EM? ; Have Eight-Three-Three. Have Eight-Two-Two. Have Ten-Ought-Two. Have Kainit. Have 16 Per Cent Acid, too. BUGGIES IF YOU THINK BUGGY, then right i then think about CARROLL BROS. 1 We have the Buggies?We have the Quality?We have the Prices. ( CORN PLANTERS? Insure a stand by using one of our perfected Corn Planters when you are planting corn. They please. CALL AND SEE US FOR ANY- , THING IN OUR LINES. I CARROLL BEOS. CASH I CARRY CO. i ECONOMY IS EASY TO PRAC- 1 i TICE IF YOU WANT TO PRACI TICE ECONOMY? < START BY BUYING YOUR GROCERIES AT THIS STORE? JUST GET THAT HABIT AND THE ECONOMY OF THE HABIT WILL SOON BE MADE PLAIN TO YOU. WE SELL EVERYTHING IN GRO- I CERIES THAT IS GOOD. THE CASH & CARRY DR. HESS'S REMEDIES BEST IN THE WORLD WE HAVE BEEN SELLING DR. ! HESS'S STOCK PREPARATIONS FOR YEARS?THEY ALWAYS DO I WHAT IS CLAIMED?TRY THEM. I WE HAVE? HESS'S STOCK TONIC A conditioner for Cows, Horses, Mules, Hogs. POULTRY PAN-A-CEA? Keeps Hens well and makes them lay more eggs. INSTANT LOUSE KILLER Destroys vermin of all kinds on , Hogs, Cows, Sheep, Poultry, Dogs ?makes the animal's life really worth living? j TRY 'EM?THEY'RE GOOD. J YORK DRUG STORE * See The Enquirer Office for Titles and Mortgagee of Real Estate. E \ Just a Little Store News ii TELLING YOU ABOUT A FEW SPECIALS AT McCONNELLS?the Store of Values. ;; : SILK DRESSES?$6.98? !: Only a small lot, 12 or 14 of them in Silk j ?sizes 16 to 38?just think of it, Silk I| I Dresses?Hurry?At $6.98 ! I I SOMETHING REALLY WORTH WHILE !: A great BIG bargain for only 40 men?only i I 40 of these United States Rubber Co.'s Men's ( ni JI /T"? x _ xl-'- \ lu.T It *Jiorn itam \^oais ^rvaynsier is ine name; ruuuci > 1 f. backs?retailed all over the country at $10.00 to ' > k $12.50?Here while they last as cheap as an * umbrella?Get yours quick $2.50 Ea.ch \ BACK TO 1914 PRICES? j Think of it, Over - ; J100 Young Men's I '"PR SUITS?beau- i [ \ y\\ i. y t if ill All Wool Suits in a big va- J 'r || /r I \ \ l?tk> riety of colors fh jj \ \\ m[| and sizes?Suits ;; If i i \V 'mS so^ uP as / iflPIl \l iw! /Ts as i i / ^ ^ow ^ere i | j; M But you'll have ?! i |p[l Mlj fj best pickings of ; 1*n?i l/frh^r styles and color- <| | M j \/jj ' ings. Really big ; ' U1 H values. Act 1 ; 1 n V You'll buy if .you j j / ill rtnlir doo fVinrvi A % I am urn j qkj\j iuv^ui? jj? I j ? I NEW BY EXPRESS? ? A lot of high grade Silk and Canton Crepe I Dresses?good styles?At $18.50 11 ? Plenty of Gingham Dresses, trimmed in 2 ? Organdy?At $3.50 j I j; Children's Dresses?At 75 CTS. to $2.00 | SILK AND CREPE-DE-CHINE DRESSES | Beautiful qualities and styles?values up ?.. , ., to $32,50?all grouped in one lot?Choice X of the lot?At $18.50 j j | FREE TICKETS TO SHOW? TIT /wivrtM/w nntnvv O AA L^?t a a fPt aIvA^a a tin A 4 I y vv u uru giving envoy 4\jvj xroc xiuitets tu LUC 0 | Demorest Stock Co.'s Show for Saturday aftI crnoon's performance?a ticket with all purf chases of $1.00 and over. I McCONNELLS j Not An Unusual : WELL DRESSED Occurrence nrnra p IN THE PAST several issues of The PMIkI I* Enquirer there has appeared an adver- * WVI tisement setting forth the facts in connection with the payment of a $2,000 policy by the MUTUAL BENEFIT, on A-RE NEVER RUN DOWN AT i] the life of a Utah farmer who had paid only one annual premium, and who THE HEELS died about two months AFTER the expiration of the year. For fear Aiun tupv ai u/ava at a m n Borne who read the statement, and wbO ? EY ALWAYS 8TAND ^ " m 1 1 ( n ? *??! A L f VlA AAW rtto A# in At AAA 4AAAI AAA tiir uui Kiiuuiai ? jui i?ic v.uuuuv,vo w* U r U11 VJVJL/U OvLKLO. the MUTUAL BENEFIT, got the idea ? that the case was unusual, we beg to ? state that the payment of*such claims Q I Ijpi I pA IITA Is a common occurrence, and our pur- I nf.l I 111 Jill. ** pose in using this especial one was to * V"ej UiVe impress the fact once morfe that "All Life Insurance Companies are not the "Shoe Repairing That's Different,"*? same." It is different In many re- RECORD PLACE spects as an investigation will prove _ ? ? to your satisfaction. During the time ROCK "TT.T.j g, (J# , that we have represented the MUTUAL BENEFIT it has paid several claims in our agency that NO OTHER * Company would have paid, and they were paid because the contracts pro- u/aIaw DAlirAtt __ J yidsd that they should be. Vl<il?Y) lOWCF 30(1 "Look Before You Leap." J 1*1 SAM M. & S. E. GRIST Lights DISTRICT AGENTS FOR COUNTRY HOMES PEOPLES BANK BUILDING. XT We also write Fire Insurance. you CAN HAVE all modern conve niences in your Country Home by using 0UR AUTOMATIC WATER AND ELECTRIC OUTFIT8. Ill IIII IK fl n I lkh\ They are economical, and guaranteed ViUV/i/iVlvll llllLu to give satisfaction. Thirty days free trial. Let us save you from labor and FORD SIZE drudgery, and 30X 31-2 ADD TO YOUR COMFORT. 10.90 " r, r ! u/ u / Barnes electric Lo? * We have a few 30x3 Fabric I Tires that wo are selling at Rock Hill, S. C. $7.50 while they last Invito Us to Your Next GUIDE TO GAS Blowout i 'THE undersigned are at your serviotf iidedtv service with ga,? o'1* *tc- ?n4 LIdlK 1Y station r#,p#ctfu,ly #0,lcit your p*tron?? i' SERVICE CAR TEL. 84 # Nivens Bros., Charlotte 8L, YorJ^ Campbeli 4 Quinn Co. Clover City Pharmacy Clover . . , , M. L. Ford & 8ons Clovei* i/iuiNii;i to loan on improved town _ _ ... TA and farm property. Interest rates E- Tiraaiy nd terms reasonable. MARION & FINLEY. Attys. CHICKENS AND EGGS WANTED York, S. C. 21 sw ly \\TE wil1 Pay Highest Cash price*., " Wire or write for prices. Chattel and Crop Mortgages at The OWENS FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO.r Inquirer Office. 28 8t Tampa, Fla, / * ^ %