Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 21, 1922, Page Page Five., Image 5

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Furman Davis, rural policeman. From what could bo learned of the affair it appears that Brown, in company with Edie Epton, a young woman, passed the policeman, driving at a fast and reckless rate. The officer gave chase and passed Brown's car. \Vhen he did, Brown rammed Davis* car, wrecking it and leaving Davis standing by the road. Soon a high powered car nnvis cot in and gave chase. He again passed Brown's cr.r. When he did so Brown is alleged to have run out of the road and to have thrown two jugs of whiskey out cf his car. When Davis went to make an arrest Brown made an attack on the officer and made an effort to get his gun from him. Davis jerked loose from Brown and struck him with the pistol, and when he did so the gun went off. wounding Brown in the head. Brown was rushed to the General hospital, where he died in about an hour. The young woman was lodged in the county jail on a charge of transporting. ? Two of Senator Hart's hills to make the state banking laws more stringent and to protect more fully the 1 ?? ama*. 1j? 511 n/1 liv t Kn PUDIII' 8 IllUIlvjr n ci c nmcu uj nix >ate Friday morning: following: short debates. The bill to prevent a bank from making loans to any person in excess of 10 per cent, of the capital stock and surplus was the main measure to ?0 down in defeat, the other bill being killed by the adoption of an unfavorable report from the committee on banking and insurance. This measure was to create a reserve fund in the state banks. The measure to prevent over 10 per cent, loans was debated from numerous angles and this debate became so wide that it drew a warning from Senator Laney that such statements were not calculated to upbuild the conditions of the institutions. After the discussions had gone a good way Senator Johnstone told the senate that the debate might be informing, but that it certainly was not reassuring and was not calculated to establish more confidence in the banks. Senator Hr.rt explained the intent of the bills, declaring that a auralter of state banks had "gone broke" last year and he thought more stringent regulations should be adopted. The two bills, he said, were largely along the lines as recommended by the attorney general in his annual report and favored by the bank exam ? ? ? Dispatches of the past few days indicate the brewing of another revolution in northern Mexico. Organized hands, led by discontented army oflicers are moving about in the state of Chihuahua and there are reports of a prospective attack on the border town of Juarez. The Mexican consul at Brownsville, Texas, informs the correspondents there that the Mexican government has distributed an army of federal troops along the border within the past few days to meet such emergencies as may arise. United States troops across the border from Juarez are expecting shots to come over on the American side in the event of fighting at Juarez. President Obregon is quoted as saying that if the army officers are dissatisfied they should quit the army. There is talk at Washington of the probability of American intervention if there should be developments that will make intervention necessary. "obituary" DIED?In a Gastonia hospital suddenly Saturday morning of heart disease, Mr. ANDREW J. QUINN, of Clover, in the 47th year of his age. The body of the deceased was interred in Woodside cemetery. Clover, Sunday afternoon, following funeral services / nn/lnctoil hv Alttine T-oriee. A. P. M.. of which the deceased was a member and Revs. W. P. Grier, J. E. Rorryhill and J. L. Oates. More than 1,500 relatives and friends of the deceased attended the funeral. Mr. Quinn was the eldest son of Mr. Felix Quinn and was born in the Bethany section in July, 1875. He moved to Clover about 21 years ago and had made his home in that town until his death. He had been magistrate of King's Mountain township for the past fourteen years and was prominent in the business affairs of the town. He was vice president of the First National Bank of Clover and a member of the CampbellQuinn Automobile Company of Clover. Mr. Quinn was married December 29, of last year to Miss Emma Currence of Clover, who survives him. He is also survived by his father; one sister. Mrs. John Hall of York No. 1; and the following brothers: Sheriff Fred E. Quinn, Deputy Sheriff T. 1). Quinn; li. E. Quinn. Yorkville; Choate Quinn and J. Worth Quinn, Smyrna and Albert and Peaver Quinn who live at the old Quinn home place in the Bethany section. At the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Youngblood, in Rock Hill, on last Friday morning, Mr. PERRY FERGl"SO.\, in tin; 84th year of his age. Mr. Ferguson served in the Confederate armies as a member of Company A, f>th S. C. Infantry. For many years alter the war lie conducted a mercantile business on the side of Nanny's Mountain in the northeastern part of the county. His death was due to the natural infirmities of old age. He is survived by the following' sons and daughters; S. T. Ferguson, of Remington, Va.; R. E, L. Ferguson, of York No, 5>; Mrs. A. H. Jackson of Guthries- : ville; Mrs. J. M. Youngblood, of Rock Gill: Mrs. J. F. Jackson, of Plains, Ga. lie is also survived by one sister Mrs. John Locke. The interment was at Allison Creek cemetery, on Saturday morning with Masonic honors, after religious services by Rev. P. W. Gregg. At his home in Fort Mill, Sunday afternoon, Mr. P.UCKXER. HENRY MASSEY, aged 75 years. Interment was in the cemetery in Fort Mill this morning following funeral services conducted by Rev. It. II. Visor, pastor of Fort Mill Presbyterian church. The deceased has been a resident of Fort Mill about 35 years and served for twenty-six years as postmaster of that town. He is survived by: his widow and two daughters. Misses Bertha and Kstelle Massey of Port Mill and two sons. Rev. J. B. Massey, D. 1)., of Hampden-Sydney. Va., and Dr. S. Eugene Massey, of Martinsville, Va. Special jnotircs. Card of Thanks. 1 take this method of thanking my friends and neighbors who helped me s<? liberally in my recent misfortune, when I lost both rny mules. Fannie Sherer. Sharon, February 17. It Reduced Fares Account Mardi Gra3 . Celebration. Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets at one and one-half fare, February 2oth to 2Sth, with linal limit ?.lareh 7th, to the following points account of Mardi (Iras Celebration: Ntw Orleans, ; Mobile, $32.07; l'ensacola, $31.20. An extension of final return limit un- | til March 22nd, may be secured by presenting ticket to ticket agent tint! upon j payment of fee of $1.00. For further information apply to| Jicket agents. 13 2t MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Wanted?Cropper for two horse farm. I furnish stock and good house. Jno. P. Smith, York No. 1. 15 2t Wanted?Customers for whole sweet milk, 15 cents a quart, delivered morning and evening. Notify Sep Huey, York, S. C. . la -'t" Will Pay Cash?I ''or a good secondI hand piano in good condition. Tell me what you've got to offer. Address "Piano,' care of The Yorkville Enquirer. 15 tf I . Wanted Salesmen?Exclusive rights | granted to one man in each county to i handle patent clothes reel on commission basis. Handsome income to hustlers. Commercial Employment liureau, Box 297, Oreenville, S. C. 4 . 15 2t. Sharon Electric Shoe Shop?Send me your shoes by mail and get them back the same day. 1'pay return charges. Prices: Men's half soles, $1.00; ladies' half soles, 90c; children's half soles from 40c to 05c; heels at cost; rubber heels, 50c; r;ps, 10c; patch, 10c. Send me your skuffers. S. A. Hope, Sharon, S. C. 15 8t* Young Men?Women, over 17, desiring government positions, $130 monthly write for free list of positions now open. J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner), 608 Equitable Bids. Washington, D. C. 142t O-l- 1 .1 1 ini.rln.. 1 > rur Octiu 1 wtrimuu-t i>nu mht ??? ?model; 1 Essex touring, 1921 model; 1 Ford Touring, brund new, with demountable rims; 1 practically new Ford touring; 1 Overland-4, sport roadster; 1 Ford 1 ton truck, with body. These cars are bargains, the prices are right. City Motor Company, I lock Hill. 14 f.t. 3t Wanted?The public to know that we are repairing shoes at pre-war prices: Men's half soles, sewed. $1.00; women's half soles, tacked, 75c, sewed, 90c; Misses' half soles, COc to 75c; children's half soles, 50c. We guarantee the material to be the very best on the market. Come and select it for yourself. Owen's Electric Shoe Shop, The Oood Leather Shop, O. W. Sherer's Market Stand, York, S. C. Phone 117. 14 3l? COTTON MARKET Tuesday, February 21, 1922. Cotton Seed Sharon 18 60 I t ? l r s Clover 112 oo Yorkvlllc 173 55 PHILANTHROPIC. LODGE, A. F. M. i ?k SPECIAL Communication on Xy next Friday night Feb. 24th at Aar\ 7:30 o'clock. Work in the F. C. degree. A. M. GRIST, W. M. J. E. HART, Secretary. TENSHUN, EX-SERVICE MEN 4 LL White Ex-Service Men of Sharon and vicinity are requested to assemble at Sharon Friday evening at G o'clock, sharp. Come in uniform. Parade. Feed. Organization American Legion Post. It J. CYLDE PLEX1CO, Sharon. EXECUTRIX'S SALE. T^OTICE is hereby given that on Monday, March 6th, T922,' (being Sabsday) immediately after the legal sales, I will expose .to public sale to the highest bidder for Cash, the following de?/>rih<wi Mi-tir.ifjs lieinir nart of the nor sonal estate of P. W. Love, Deceased: 2 Wagon Frames, 2 Tractors, 1 Harrow, 1 Three-Disk Plow, 1 Disk Plow, 2 Mules, 1 Wagon. Terms of Sale, Cash. MARY McC. LOVE, 13 t 3t Executrix. THE STAR THEATRE TODAY j "SENTIMENTAL TOMMY"? A Drama, full of humqr. palhos, ro| mance and sentiment. Laid in the j beautiful country of Scotland. WEDNESDAY TOM MOORE? In "Officer No. COG," A Farce so very crowded with fun that you have to count the laughs by the dozen. Don't miss it. THURSDAY GEORGE MILFORD? . Presents "A Wise Fool." The story of a man who won power and lame and almost lost the whole world. FRIDAY ANTONIO MORENO? In "Three Sevens," a Vitagraph Feature. J. Q. WRAY, Manager. See The Enquirer Office for Titles i and Mortgages of Real Estate. I SAVE MONEY Now is the time when we must save all we can. Save money by trading with us. Everytime you get a Prescription filled at our Store you save money. Check up on your old Medicine Accounts to see for yourself. We are trying to build up our Husiness by giving THE BEST QUALITY of floods obtainable at a Legitimate I'lire. Give us a Chance to Show you that . we can save you money. Mackorell Drug Co. | NEAR THE COURTHOUSE. GUIDE TO GAS { 'T'HE undersigned are at your service with Gas, Oils, Greases, etc., and! respectfully solicit your patronage: Nivens Bros., Charlotte St., York Campbell & Quinn Co. Clover City Pharmacy Clover M. L. Ford & Sons Clover F. E. Smith Tirzah Chattel and Crop Mortgages at The Enquirer Office. ! R. M. DeShazo?Greenville, South Carolina breeder of Pure Tompkins Strain Rhode Island Reds. Prize winning cocks mated to beautiful deep rich velvety hens. Eggs $3 00 and $5.00 per sitting. 11 4t ; ATTTOMO'RTT.P TOPS OP THE LATEST DESIGNS And made of the very best materials to to be procured, we will put on your car when your old one is shabby. NOTHING Elves your auto the classy appearance thut a New Top made from waterproof and first quality material will and made with Plate Glass windows. WE WILL PUT A TOP on your car that will last for years. JOHNSON'S painLOP JAS. A. JOHNSON. Manager Auto Painters, Body and Top Builders, | ROCK IIILL, S. C. SPECIAL j WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE LINE OF Men's Hats at Half Price. Men's Heavy Unionalls $1.89 Men's Heavy Overalls $1.25 1 Lot Men's Work Shirts 50 Cts. Best Tab'e Oil Cloth?All patterns ?The Yard 35 CTS. inch Wool Serge?Yard 69 CTS. Silk Poplin in all colors?Yard 69 CTS. Dress and Apron Ginghams 10 CTS. Hickory Shirting?Yard 15 CTS. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE ; Of SHOES. OXFORDS and RUBBERS for everybody, and we have them at the right prices. **i rr \ki 11 I n tr f> I A n Tfl CUOU/ VOII vv C. TV ILL uu uunu I V VI iw * .WW. Nathan Feinstein YORK, - - S. C. THE GREAT andJSli THE RICH AND THE POOR All see the advantage of trading with the CASH & CARRY STORE And knowing that we sell better merchandise for LESS?thnt we give better and quicker service, it is only natural and right for you to buy where you can SAVE MONEY. So come to the CASH AND CARRY, where you can save money. See for yourself the skilful arrangements and plans for economy fi\r- vn.ir tlmn ?k well as monev sav ing1 prices always in Plain Figures. It will well repay you to spend Just a few moments of your valuable time to make a visit to the THE CASH & CARRV You "will be interested In our stock of goods as well as our prices. I / NeSprin | Men's Stt I They just arrived y< new and right up to Iriiul of ?tvlp til Jit. PY1 have?and they are ( I THERE'S A STYLE FO || A SHADE FOR EV: it Your shape and youi ?Seal, Moth, Carbc Gray and Blacks?R STETSON'S IN STAPL Sure they fire herein, the Courier, etc ' Boss Raw Edge" ? SEE OUR SHOW WIN] Better still?step in J. M. Sr nrtv I I he breat S ?and \vc will bo more 1 i oomo in and soc just wliai I ing a liandsome line in tli d tlic very best makers of ? No, they arc not pri j[| boon?in fact wo think tli | ?qualities and prices coi gj You know we close at York Fun Wanted?Information of three 6-weeks pips, missing from my barn since January 29. Two red and black spottod males and one red female. Five dollars for information leading to return. Dr. R. H. Glenn, or John \V. . Kerry, York No. 7. 13 3t* ( THhC 1 II n U Li AT CLOVER'S LEADING DRY GOODS STORENEW GOODS BEING RECEIVED DAILY viflfai OUTFITTERS FOR , MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN. D. M. PARROH . Clover's Leading Dry Goods House CLOVER, S. C. Special Reductions On ' t I D r c 1 11\LJ Wo have just gotten in 300 United States Plain Treads because we were able to buy them at half price? NO DEFECTS, NO BLEMI8HE8 If you need Tires, this is your chance. Our prices, while they jaBt, are? 30 by 31-"2 ...- $ 7.50 32 by 31-2 $ 9.50 32 by 4 $12.50 34 by 41-2 $15.00 J. C. HARDIN & CO. L. G. Huckabee, Mgr. * Black Street ROCK HILL. S. C. . WANT TO BUY SOME CORN, CANE SEED and PEAS WANT TO 8ELL YOU i Your Fertilizer for 1922. we expect to have in stock this week: 16 Per Cent Acid, Nitrate of Soda, Kalnit, Cotton Seed- Meal, .<\cld with Potash. Will , have different grades of Guano a little ! later. i We have a good assortment of Plow Molds*' GALVANIZED IRON ROOMING in almost all lengths. SHINGLES i Both CEDAR and PINE. We want you to keep in mind that we are strictly in F LUMBER and BUILDING MATERIAL ousiness. Have everything you need. YORK SUPPLY CO. Wholesale and Retail. g Styles in jj x tson Hats f ?sterday?they are brand | > the minute in styles?the < od dressers want and will <> 7 O Genuine Stetson s. too. 'j >R EVERY HEAD ERY TASTE? vy * color is here?The colors I n, Iron, Filbert, Pearl | ightly priced, too. < \ >E SHAPES? The Columbia, the Dako- <1 and also the popular | Itetson. | D?W? I side and try em on. f raoup 1 Outdoors- I! ~| With its bright sunny 0 days and balmy air g will soon bo calling to I the little tots to come j I outside. This means % that you'll need a go- \ , cart for the little one, \ \ to give the most bene- g fit to the youngster? \ that's the best way? \ ( a go-cart and that's | ? why we have a com- | J pi etc line of go-carts \ han pleased to have you ( t we have. We are show- I n nownat ?tvlos and from H fo-cai'ts. \ cod so high as tlicy have \ te prices quite reasonable \ | isidercd. See 'em. \ | (5:00 p. m., now. \ niture Co. [ : J I LADIES Now is the time to buy your new Spring Hats. I have the most up-todate styles you will find anywhere. Have Just gotten In a new assortment of Flowers. Come in and select yours. ! DauuIK'v vnn hoi'A nnt vot lnoato/1 mv Mi'llFneWPARLOR? Vam opposite the Shandon Hotel Cafe, right In the Heart of the Town. Surely you can find it, and I can guarantee satisfaction. Of course, it is understood that my terms are strictly CASH. Everybody pays cash nowadays. Ix)ok for my ad in every Tuesday's Enquirer. _ The Millinery Parlor Mrs. J. M. FERGUSON, Prop. 5 CENTS Bring up your inner tubes for vulcanizing?For a limited time we will vulcanize all tubes at 5 CENT8. We have the best proposition on tires that we know. A stanoard tire at the price of a cheap tire?DIAMOND TIRES?Ford size 30x3* at $10.96. Other sizes at corresponding prices. t\knv uniil vam houo uhftn tVifu hnr. gain tire. Drive in anytime?Let us inspect your battery?fill up your tires. Remember us when you need gasoline, oil, or grease. \ Liberty Service Station Telephone 84 Sorvice Car. FOR SALE CHEAP One Cleveland Tractor One Tractor Plow One Turn Plow One Hay Baler One Disc Harrow One Roller One Ford Truck. Easy Terms. J. R. CANNON, York, S. C. GOODRICH TIRES GOODRICH TUBES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF TIRES AND TUBES AND THE NAME OF THEM IS A GUARANTEE OF SUPERIOR QUALITYSEE US FOR NEXT TIRE NEED. ? ?- ? ? ^ Tt?Ti<P4 n i n SUJjJJ U U it X'KJJ&U UAA The car advertised last week to be junked, has been sold, so we'll have no second-hand parts. J. H. CARROLL TAKE NOTICE The Sanitary Market Has moved from Congress Street to Madison Street And we are now ready to promptly fill all orders. -Tnef /innf 1 nil 0 U uot Wlitiixuv vv Call No. 6 For your wants in all kinds of meats. SANITARY MARKET, LEWIS G. FERGUSON. Mgr. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY, Feb. 20th, We WiH Clo?e Our Store at Six O'clock P. m., .Except on Saturday*. Our Policy Continues The Same?Maximum Value* at Minimum Prices. OUR ENTIRE LINE Df Furniture, Stoves, rnd Ranges is second to none. fVe are pleased with our Beds, Springs and Mattresses, which are built for sleep. You will be, too. Let us show you. OUR PURE PAINTS AND OILS Continue to figure as cheap as any ather. When Better Goods are Sold for Lower Prices We Will Sell Them. PEOPLES FURNITURE COMPANY NOTICE. DY virtue of order of J. A. Marion, Referee in Bankruptcy, I will ex pose to public sale at auction, to the highest bidder, in the town of Hickory Grove, on February 25th, 1922 at 12:00 m., a list of open accounts belonging to the bankrupt estate of M. A. Hood, the said accounts aggregating $912.93. Sale to be for cash subject to approval of Referee. A list of the said accounts can be obtained from the undexsigned or from the Referee. J. S. WILKERSON, Trustee of Bankrupt Estate of M. A. Hood. 14 2t ev *5 "'** "*?*** . -N*- * > iu-i. || BRIGHT S After the long spell o <; us will want to make a m< i > ih^aaihs /-* ? Anf A-f* r Y " W1 IV 111UVUIO W1 UUt l/l V 4 will find that we have a li: I HARD, I That will appeal to you s i for instance we have I Poultry Wire, Barbe Z Backhands, Turn I I Rope, Collars, Bridle | Shovels, and Spades everything in Hardi at this season of the | Whatever you may need I _?Red "TK 1 YORK HAR] I Phone 153 ?= r-For | SEED OATS-Burt, } >., CLOVERS?Red. n GRAS8 SEED?Bermuda, Car < Theae are Leader* for Permanent * Grown Alfalfi 8eed. | > LIME-SULPHUR . JPRAYJNG Mi J > do Pruning and Spraying for t U NITRATE OF SODA 'i I ARMOUR'S MIXED FERTIL] , DIGESTIBLE TANKAGE FO: < > Cabbage Plant*, Onion Set* and ?* Seed Peanuts, Bean*, etc. o SEED-IRI8H POTATOES A I GARRISON-FARIS "OUR SEED 123 W. Main Street * > Office Phone G99 ? | LOST NEP ;; science, shows tha j \ about 10 per 6cut of 0 BUT WHEN OUR EYES ARE \ \ I stance) .they consume 20, 30, 40 a ' * force, depending on the extent of * > eyes. Then all other organs are J * ne ve-energy and all manner of tr 1 > headache, eye-ache, Indigestion, n J * The ONE cure is properly adjust* < stop the leak of nerve-force. i * ' TRAINING AND YE/ ! \ Have Mad* lie Experts at G > . ,, One gratified.patient said toda ] * lion dollars and do without my gl < > the same mind. Southerfand! * < i B. A. SOUTHERLAND, Doctor of < - W. H. i: vision si Nos. 5 and 7 West Fifth St. 1 EVERYBODY IS 0 J! TO ATTENG THE EVANGELIC TO BE CONDI :: FIRST BAPTIST CHI COMM SUNDAY EVENIN( j; 'By Rev. J. MARC1 a Pastor of the First Baptist Churc a a string, forceful speaker and not <& Impressed. i I Rev. D. v "Who has recently accepted a call \ | tiat Church of Yorkvlllc, and win < * on or about the 1st of April, hope < to be conducted by Dr. Keater tc J | and get acquainted with the peoj (will begin at 7:30 o'clock on the and each member of the Church, I nity and all'others are urged to subsequent services will be made THE BOARD in mtmmmtmmmmmtmm jj GIVE US YOUR PE J FOR PROMPTNESS AND A< L PHARMACY WITH THAT PRE8 (J DOCTOR CALL US. S* WE CARRY everything that t Carry. Bring Your Wants to This f ItHOVEEXALL CITY M W Prompt and Accurate 8ervic FOR FINE FURNITURE Come to the OLD RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE. M. L. FORD & SONS UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER8 CLOVER, 8. C. iUNSHINE f rain, doubtless most of ;; jvu luvyuiu? aumc ivjjiu. ui 0 . loors: 'To begin *jth you v ;; tie of r JI ware? :: it this time of the year? !! d Wire, Trace Chains, 'lows, Plow Points, ? t \ }s, Hames, Forks, and ' * ' | and almost any and J ware that you'll need i year. . r; ?Seethe' restore H DWARE CO. i Phone 153 * i Sale | ;uiahum, Appier, Turf. White and Japan. X pet, Red Top, and Italian Rye. X Pasture. We alto have Nebraska- f &TERIAL AND PTJMPS?We also ' | he Public at Reasonable Prices. - ,, M a Big Saving to Tpu. ZERS on Easy'Terras. See Us. R HOGS-^It's great. ? > Garden Seod in Bulkt^ Also have ' ? T AN ATTRACTIVE PRICE. ! ! SEED COMPANY : WILL. GROW-- ^ BOCK HILL, S. C. :; Residence Phone 647-J b * f< > V I " ? ' >-- AWE-FORCE ! t? - -V > . 'J t Normal Eyes consume ; <; all our NerVe-Fqrce. ;; DEFECTIVE . (astigmatic, for In; ,/ r< ' nd even 60 per cent of our nerve- ;j ' the defect and the use made of the < > rnhhai< nt th?(r nflPltMLl Hlinnlv Of . ' .. -- ? " ? ... f oubles present themselves?spch 4s *, > ervouanesa, constipation'and'so on. ! \ ?d OlBsses, since they ALONE can ' [ * . v" r> t ' ' I ' J iR3 OP EXPfWENCE ilass Fitting?Our Life Work. y: ^ ! Rssea." We have many patients of ' %rj [ Wakefield Co. I Optics i WAKEFIELD. Doctor of Medieir.e X >ECIALISTS , | CHARLOTTE, N. C. ,Z 4? r>t<ti>e<K>e'<V>KK^f<W> 8RD1ALLY INVITED, jj JAL SERVICES WHICH XA TO X UCTED IN THE 1 JRCH OF YORKVILLE it ENCIflO v. : \ 5, FEBRUARY 26TH JS KESTEE, D. D., ' O. ^ of Shelby, N. C/ Dr. KE8TER Is . J fc who may hear him will fiill to'be k / L. tttt.T. . j; 11 ;; to the Pastorate of the First Bap- t > o wili oommence his work la York \ j s to be present durlhgr the meeting' e > render'such assistance as he can 7 ?le. The first service of the series v EVENING OF FEBRUARY 26TH, ] \ the Christian people of the commu- 1 be present. Announcements as to < > at the first service on the 2dth. / j * OF DEACONS i * . .n ?. ???? DESCRIPTION WORK $ ^CURACY COME TO THE CITY J CRIPTION. IF YOU NEEO THE ? in Up-to-Date Drug Store 8hould i i Drug Store. ARMACY J-e?; 1 e CLOVER, 8. C. . ' THE CASH GARAGE t*518 IN POSITION TO DO YOUIt' AUTOMOBILE REPAIR AND WELDING WORK AT MOST REASONABLE PRICE8. '/ YOU SAVE MONEY BY PAYING CASH. Expert Workmen REPAIR your car when you brine It to I this Garage for Repairs.. WE CARRY | A full line of Automobile Accessories. THE CASH GABAGE ' J. 8. JOINER, MANAGER AT THE OLD CITY HALL EAST LIBERTY 8TREET f k' o' * -: . *1 r; ? ^ J , ,