Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, December 16, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page Page Eleven, Image 11

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I Laying Corner ' ? N. % Ceremony of laying the corner ston Nt I? streets, N. W., In Washington. - LARCifcK OMIUKbIN r-AMIl-lfeO i Vitamined H?ns Lay More Eggs, Chemists Learn. "When American chemists \ flnisli work on which they are engaged the American hen is going to lay six eggs where she now produccs^ne. The hen means well, but doesn't know what she could do if she tried. Cy feeding hbns vitamlnes, the j chemists exi>ect to perform this won-1 der. Investigators of the Kansas State j Agricultural College told the American j Chemical Society Wednesday at Co-1. lumbia University how they were do- j ing it. * The hens are fed substances rich in j , v'tamines. Their eggs hatch strong, chicks, which in turn lay more egg*>! than their mothers. Hens deprived of vifamines lay eggs once in a while and usually these are good for nothing but the froth on a lemon meringue pie. The Chicks are Huskier. "Sb don't count your chickens before they're hatched" counsel the Kansas experimenters. "Not half of the chicks I * ? <? ; * ) ;; <-* ' (<1; i I <, . - f'T * * ' v . - <*r - i \ % The Bai I * IF the hanker could If the grocer's ho tainlv would. If cither could find a i in cold weather, bette and easily controlled ] his way for if. If son trouble or bigger niih Hut balanced gasolirn vides quick starts in c combustion develop i to dilute the lubricatin valves and pistons. A maximum mileage an "Standard" Motor Ga that gives real assurai Thafs why the bank( best for the motorist , You, too, want the b "Standard" Motor Ga you have an unheata] STANDA] ( \ stone of Victory Met e of^ihe National Victory Memorial build patched are strong and vigorous when!, they are deflcient-in vitamines." Nobody has ever seen a vitamine, but J chemists can t<jll when one is around., Dr. Atherton Seidel, of the public, health service, reports that he has! tracked down vitamines in silver salts < and hopes to get them out of the silver before Christmas. Hookworm and pellagra are due to , leave the south when the vitamine case i is perfected. Already experiments on j pigeons and calves prove that a living j. being Jias far more pop when fed on ( vitairpnes. i White mlco wercy dosed with pellagra germs and then fed. with | vit.tmine-bearing foods. They got Weill ( in short order. A few cases with laay j diseases or as the scientists call them,, "dnflfimpv flls/iasps." wnre fed vita- I . mines. They now hold good Jobs. ? ( Other Subjects Treated. ^ The chemists assembled here for their sixty-ninth annual convention arc r telling how to make better leather and cheaper shoes and how to make two j automobile tiros in the time it now, c takes to make one. I 1 v'T T tiker and t buy tl get heller gasoline at any pr v eon hi lniv more economi J 4 motor furl thai would give i r power 021 sleep grades or jjower in congested traffic, 1 other gasoline would giv age, it won hi he good judgn ? excels 011 every test. Its 1 old weather. lis rate and co maximum power with mini g oil, smul the spark plugs i lean mixture of balanced ga d economy. solinc is improved, balance ace of efficient and economi r,and the grocers boy botf j;id best for the motor. est when von buy gasoline, saline, With Polarine in y< ble combination. ati mMf I X. .1 y \ > A is J XT JL .U. NEW JERSEY) norial Building cSlk J li ing, which is to be erected at Sixth and . . ...__?'... 7 .. 2 The menace of chemical, warfare was c.' recognized by the society today as a l' "grave crisis, threatening our chemical ir industry,'" and a resolution urging the t' Washington disarmament qonference ^ to consider, carefully the reduction of f' - ' ... , ol chemical armaments,'' was passca. "Resolved, That wc urge upon the Amerjcan delegates," the resolution c? read, "most serious consideration of ^ the broad question of chemical arlfiament as affected by the development 9< md maintenance of the chemical in- w lustries in the several nations." , Members of the soiiety pointed out ol hat Germany i3 stiil the center of ihemical wftrfare experimentation. I 1 The Spur of Duty.?Second Loot: tl 'Orderly! Here we are on the streets h< ;f Part-is and I haven't my spurs on. IVhere are they?" Dog Robber: "You left them in the V lirplane, sir.;' ? Farming was the occupation of >ver half the population of France, m >efore the war. ' he he Grocer le same G / ice, ho would, ically, he ceripiicker starts ^ more flexible /jjJJJ icM <zo out of / e less carbon lent to buy it. volatility pro- ?3e5 m pie ten ess of H iinuni carbon ind carbonize 811 soline assures jM's fci d motor fuel j M ^ Cal operation. ]w jj i buy it. It is jSf ? The hesl is } >11 r crankcase I IS 111 REAL HARD JOB 4ot Easy to Enforce Prohibition ir Hew York. Commissioner Roy A. Haynes, whc las been delegated to wring some o] ho wetness out of New York, is no1 imluly sanguine over his Job. He suyj hat if his forces can make any sort ol bowing inside of a year, they will b? oing all that can be expected. OH :ing Alcohol, of the grain, wood an< ther varieties, is firmly entrenchec 1 Gotham. Judges rebuke and punish oiicc officers for attempting to enorce prohibition laws and the sentilent of the press appears to be hostile o prohibition. So Commlssjcnei laynes must work ,alone with hit muii apuugi; S4UUU. Manufacturers of hootch, and the ootleggers, hall the arrival of Comlissioner Haynes with undisguised Joy 'o them it means the~price will jump ) 25 cents a drink and secret sales rill be grcatlv benefited. As matters ow stand, \ydth OP?0 and undisguised ales over all the bars and in hotels, le bootleggers find themselves somewhat frayed. The arrival of the deputes will make the saloons more cau6us for a few days; but it will greatr increase the number of bootleggers nd their business. Meanwhile 'Til ol* New Yawk" ontinues te guzzle enormous quanties of boozo of varying quality, ranglg from plain kerosene, colored with ibacco Juice, and flavored with horse niment, to champagne concocted om vinegar, vichy water and a dash f carbolic acid and ether. Prohibition officials believe If they in make any sort df showing in New ork, where the city authorities and idges openly flaunt the law and pier;cute men who try to enforce it, their impaign will tighten the lid in New ;rsey, Marylrnd, Pennsylvania and :her states, where scant regard is lown for the .law. Caught!?For the first lime for iree weeks Mrs. Hardup happened to 3 in when the landlord knocked at ic door. j Looking through the window, she [claimed to her little son Willie: 'Tell him I'm out!" But the caller, seeing her feet as the >or was opened said: "Oh, all right, y Ind, but next tlmo she goer out tell >r to take her feet with her!" 7 / 4 ir , * 1 ' . ' \ ? - . Bf/x s Boy asoline 4 * f . t ft* * . I ' ' Jl > i-f I For Easy Selection < > \ I Of worth while Christmas souvenirs io o friends and loved ones just remember that < the store you want to visit?everything we c TTnlirlnir crnnrlo ic ivnrfVi while* an/1 will Ka ?1 ? -yr ^VVUU AU ?T VA VAX " AAAAV V?XX\* " *** ^ v V*j 1 < ated by the one whom you favor with a On ! < souvenir?Let us suggest ; t HUYLER'S AND.WHITMAN'S CANDIE 1 o The^best in the world. Here in Chris'tm o rift packages of all sifces and kinds. i jf FINE STATIONERY? {\ Always a gift that is pleasing and ap] ; o . ted. t Here in a beautiful quality assort! i \ FOUNTAIN PENS? 1 < A poetical, common-sense glft-?-one that Is ft., constant [ ( of your thou^htfulness?We hive the famous Watermai O and Copklin Poutotairi Pap??variously priced. i: EEADYPOINT PENCILS? < The best of all the mc.gazlne pencils?a gift article of e < here In silver#-variously priced. 1 TOILET ARTICLES? Perfumery?Extracts; Toilet Waters, Face Powders, S< Brushes and Combs and other Toilet Articles. cigarsJ; Our Cigars always please because ours i \\ Cigars of,quality?for gifts for m<ba w< j \ \ them in Christmas packages?10s, 25 ;; and 100s?a quality to suit all tastes\' ously priced?fine fpf gifts to men. f YORK DRUG STOR . , ^ lp| Christmas i we save the greatest use of 1 ? have ever brought to olovi presents that is unsurpass f county store?we invite yot I Only a few more shopping days remain rise our friends and customers to Shop as e will confer a favor upon us and will find thei what they -want. Holidy Goods ^re going f essary to replace part of our stock; but find place all of it. There are hundreds and hundreds of ar Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Wife and to appreciate them. Santa Claus has made the CLOVER DRUC You just ought to see the great tftarfbei for Him. Your little boy will be glad to know w wanting for Oh ristmas. Smaller Toy Guns i TAW Our Toy Department is the largesi of every description and the sco] to see them are more than pleased. 0 AMAfTC _Wc have the .famous WHITM UilWIlaT- in Ho]iday packages. Tin I It YOU DUN I Just what to give your friend or loved one over your troubles with us. We'll help, you easy, because we have so much to select froi THERE IS N To go to Charlotte or Gastonia for. Christnu you want at the CLOVER DRUG STORE s ,? The Thing 1 Is to make a line for this store as soon as } prised and pleased at what we can show you From Now Until Christmas We Are Going t< M ping Night. It Is the Only Way to 1 n A\rrn nov \^L\J V LI\ JL/IW SANTA CLATJS HEAI M R. L. WYLIE, Proprietor. ? .... 1922 MODEL i PVWV Tt-JW T>T?TJ??W>rr T>/\liov Wold. era of'the 'aTOTUAL~BMEi}IT *L^TE ,; INSURANCE CO!, to say nothing :<tf < ?* those not insured st all, or insnrsfi .In < some other company, will he amatftd r vnnr !' when they see and have explalne^-to . thrtn the new policy to be Issued'by tlllS IS \o the Grand Old Company, beginning 41 with, January, 1922. It will lnolude^aJl HT6.. 111 i' the liberal features 'embraced in^cpe W1v,ni 4' policies,now being void, and every teajpTVUl < ture ln the W22 Model be toads to istmas < > apply automatically to -every poMey < > then 1 in. force, regardless <ft when Js4 * sued. The new policy Is simply Jbe _ 4 * sum total of the ejtperlenoe *Jt the sue O? , 0 cesslve managements ooverlng a period . _ a <, of more, than seventy-six years. Not AS AI10 4 > in years, if ever, have the contracts of 4 > any life insurance company to--the 4 * United States teen nearly so liberal as ., those of the Mutual Benefit, and the i > 1922 Model goes as far ahead of 'Hhe rvrp/>-Jo < 1910 Model, which ts now beln?**o!d; As ^iccia 4 > the 1M0 Modcl jg ahead uraii 0thbrs. nent. ! ! In boylog life insurance the ONE im,, portant fact to remember is that it Is a < >. duty you o#e yourself to get the BHBV ^ . * there Is. Investigate/the Mutual BefieTemfnder >. ^ and lt8 contract, and if then you afe l, Parker not convinced that it is THE JBIST, >j why don't bi^r, but buy^ttf the^Gompd i > ny TfBl you mir muun aaww |vu more for your money. Don't buy\to xcellence * helto the agent, but YOtTRSESUBV You J will uy the freight. : SAM E ft S. E. OBXST >ap?, ??? ; DISTWCT AGENT* [' ...... . i. . . i ?r tyttwtasr .papers said by t*e pound i _ , ; : * The Enquirer Office. ^ SSmksay? gift to 3 ? THAT WE FURNISH THE BEST ? . " FRESH MEATS TO BE HAD IN He en- <, this town. Veil as i! We believe these folks kilorw whau , , they are talking about, as we are very dual? <, particular about the kind of beef d*? L ' H tie that we buy; we use every Th*1 v an- < caution, as to sanitary conditions aftirions ' or It: is killed and we know how to cut it to the best advantage. If ypu aire <?' not buying your meata from us tryjtbe \ 1 j -a few times. You'll like our service, r. o FRESH PORK tre the !! Besides always having choice Fresh ; Beef we also have fresh Pork, and alio 3 Have 4 y have first-class pure pork sausage far la AAc < > those who warn It, and also make and rs, tA/o 4 ^ sell lots 6f mixed sausage. -vari- mIi whawwitew , > Every Saturday?usually on Fridays'-1 . SANITARY ItARKET El LEWIS 0. F^hOUSON, Mflr. HtflMfl Typewriter papers sold bythe pound at The Enquirer Office, , ') 1 t T? Sh onnfiw HOLIDAY GOODS THAT WE I' !R-A STOCK OF CHRISTMAS f ED BY ANY OTHER TOKK >' IS EARLY INSPECTION. I . until Christmas and we would ad- . 2 T v{ ' jD| larlv as possible. By so doing th?y J nselves much better able to get k asf. Wo have already found it nec- M that it will be impossible te-re-. X Sc tides in our Big Holiday stock for 2 Sweetheart. One has to see them 3j 1 STORE Headquarters, as usual, Sf p of packages we have "set back" fr * s- y' / ; -i, v '* 1 ' jflK' Y ii A T> n ii ifll I e nave tnose Air nines tnat ne is m as well. ^ k fc" we have ever had. . We have Toys s' res of Clover kids who have been in & AX'S and XORRIS'S CAXDIES -ff i very Gift for HER. K r KNOW I for Christmas, come in and talk B l make the selection. It will 1m j v 10 USE I | is presenls. You'll find just what E ind for LESS MONEY. ? fo Do 1 rou read this Ad. You'll be sur- tt in Holiday goods. o Be Open Rather Late Each Shop- 8 Take 'Care of Our Customers. ^ jg store i )QUARTERS " CLOVER, S.C. - Jg ?SE4K9K<