AMERICAN^ Conducted by. l^ewis M. Grfst, Publicity Officer, Meech Stewart Post, No. 66. *' i i C r? inuArl Oi* M*Afinn. Referrihg to the recent get-togethe < meeting held by Meech Stewart Pos N"o^>6, St/ito Commander Morris C Lumpkin .of Columbia, writes: '1 en joyed my little trip to York ioimons?l3 and I wish to congratulate the momhers of your Post on the splendid meeting you had." Club for Fort Will Men. Members of'fcj^ guiles Post Of th< American Legion in Fort Mill, have organized a social club composed of exservice men, and have rented the building on Cltliborne street; formerly occupied by the Fjprt Mill Times office, foi their nlub rooms. The building is to bf renovated and repaintdd at once and otherwise made attractive for the usr of ex-soldiers. The members of the club are anxious to have the public become interested in the organization, and will welcome the contribution ol pictures, books, magazines or furniture to assist them in making the rooms inviting. Sharon May Have Legiori Post, Clyde Plexico, well known ex-service man of Sharon, is considering the idea of organizing: a post or tne legion in that town. According* to Mr. Plexico there are some thirty or more white ex-service men in Sharon and vicinity . who are eligible to membership in the American Legion, and he thinks that it is quite practicable to obtain a post there. Several ex-soldiers of Sharon I are -members of the post in Yorkville. but because of the faqt that they are sp far away do not often get opportunity to attend meetings of the local post and enjoy the benefits of the Legion Club rooms, . v .-.;r ? > 1 The Givin $ In those later years has J more reasonable?more s 2 those-later years than ns< who give gifts now seek 2 wliv sn niiiiiv f-nmo hei'f ^ ing for practical, worth 1 CLOTHINGr?For Men < 2 worth giving and roc - ?-rrcjojiiomonts of all i] 5 Yos, and also in Ovoi J SHOES?Ar^not a whit \ dated gifts. You'll find them h V and Boys and Girls?in all stj ^ range bf prices to suit all gift d !) HATS AND CAPSm A gift that tops *em alfMs a 11 looks?you'lPfind them here in i | priced jCISt right for gilt giving. | 2 preciatcd as gifts. Aspic j Hosiery? In'Silk, Lisle and Cotton in R men and women, hoys and sir A priced?they make worth whil< . 5 blankets The warm and comfort of a to A pleasing and appropriate sift?it : while. May we show you our Hla j shoes J* M* S 1 4> O ?4>1> ? . Ardrey, Jr.; historian, F. M. Mack; sergeant. Oscar Hammonds; treasurer, W. B. Meacham, ,Ir. A chaplain for the post will be elected at a future meeting. Rock Hill Elects Next Month. According to Commander Perry Gill, Frank Roach P?*st of Rock Hill, will elect officers for ensuing year early in Janunry. War Tax on Legion Shows. The national legislative committee j reports that the new revenue act Just signed by *the president, includes a provision to the effect that where an exhibition of any kind is given by the icf nf (lifts f * w" ~TP" tl become moi'e practical? ? ensible gifts arc given in ? j to bo the rule. People f } gifts of usefulness?that 1 year after year?search- Z I kvhile gifty things? ! wd for Boys .make gifts f eiving?we can meet the u quality, style, price. 1 X coals and Raincoats. ? j . I i beiml Clothing as appro- Z iere?Dross Shoos for Men, Women 'les ami all leathers?with a wide emands. c at or Cap?one for comfort and for A ill the tfood styles and shades?and V Stetson Hats for men. P NECKWEAR, Etc. J ' % v . -i * Neckwear is always k in good taste as gifts. ? 2 An elegant line here. ? 3 Also shirts, belts, sns- 5 SI ponders, hose sup- a Is sorters, dress and an- (J iO gloves, etc. . J ' . A 1 SUIT CASES, J; S jj) Trunks and Hand- ! | bags arc highly ap- 2:i lidid lino of thoso hoiv. j j lack. Whife and fancy similes?for V f Is?the best in quality and rightly 7 |2 [ , acceptable gifts: L ! 3 uod Blanket arc sure to make it a ? { v ' > ' Of u^orth \vhile Chris J friends and loved ones ju the store you want to visit > Holiday goods is worth w I atcd by the one whom yov > souvenir?Let us suggest \ HUYLER'S AND WHIT The best in the world, Gift packages of all s ; FINE STATIONERY? ; Always a gift that b ; ted. Here in a beauti | FOUNTAIN PENS? A nrni'tical. rommon-sense uift > sure is a crack shot.":?Toronto Goblin. ' ' 4 .V' ? When a thus: bums an oifphnn asyl&m and is prosecuted there Is always somebody to rush intp print and charge that he is persecuted. * - vi fe ' ,IFT/ o/ /UNCTION ' ristmas | le VV7*r* . . ?) ; . . jast Saturday Morning, is pf Pleased Purchasers f Fact It Was Ail Our In- \ Could Do to Wait On f F JEWELRY : | conducted by .a Je\yelrv | during the Holiday sea- | is to buy Christmas gifts | de chance the public has I FAILED- , ' scmen't in The Yorkville \ ook it up and gO ovey it | r, only a fraction of the ? lis Sale is mentioned in | BWELRY SALE 5. Notjiing is more Suit- | 3-ift Than a Piece of Crold | tide Carried'by a First- | :i> siiop at relry Co. VRK STORE 4 - - S. C. tinues Until Christmas 5 'election ? | tmas souvenirs for your | st remember that this is | ?everything we offer in | hile and will be appreci- ^ | i favor with a Christmas | 1 'MAN'S CANDIES? . Hero in Christinas and | lizes and kinds. 4 pleasing and apprecia- | fill quality assortment. 1 ?one that is a constant reminder ve the famous Waterman, Parker & iariously priced. i encils?a gift article of excellence v *> < > Waters. Face Powders, Soaps, and <& Toilet Articles. <> KODAKS- | < > A Kodak is a royal | dft?one that never becomes old or out of date?it is the gift to be enjoyed by the entire family as well as <> by the individual? I we have them in vari- i oqs-sizes and various- | i \ | Ji inrii. A case because ours are the | >r gifts for nion wo liavo | packages?10s, 2.1s, ~)0s | to suit all tastes?vari- ^ gifts to men. I JG STORE J / ; , -pOs&r- . Jp W Christinas I WE HAVE THE GREATEST LINE OF J , SAVE EVER BROUGHT TO CLOVE PRESENTS THAT IS UNSURPAS^ COUNTY STORS-WE INVITE ,YOt Only a few more shopping (lavs remain vise our friends and enstomers to ?dior> as e I will conter a favbr upon us and Avill find jfhei what they want. Holidy Goods are going fj essarv to replace part of our stock; but find place all of it. v There are hundreds and hundreds of an Father, 'Mother, Brother, Sister, Wife and to appreciate them. Santa Glaus has made the CLOVER DRUG You just ought to see the great numbei for Him. 1 Your little boy will be glad to ki^ow wi wanting for Chriitmas. Smaller Toy Guns i TflYS~0l,r Toy Deparfroent is the largesl of every description and the scoi to see them are more than pleased. fANniFS~We ^ave ^amous whitm L/linmjJ? iu Holiday Packages. The B IF YOU DON! Jiist what to give your friend or loyed one oyer your "troubles with us. We'll help you easy, because we have so much to select fror Bp-"' To go to Charlotte or Gastohia for Christma you wont at the CLOVER DRUG STORE a I: The Thing 1 Is to make a lino for this store as soon as \ prised and pleased at what we can show yoii ( From Now Until Christmas We Are Gojngti ' ping Night. It is the Only Way to ' CLOVER DRl S SANTA CLAUS HEAD R. L. WYUE, Proprietor. "f <*' r" 1 1 u ' ; . k.-.. ^ ' .. i "i.x ( .hrttfft %#>.CM?* Toyland ? ? r., "t?i Sj We wish to announce to the Toy Buying Pul York that we have in stock a complete assor j? of TOYS, out of which we can supply the community. Some of the many things we ha ? FOR GIRLS ? ! ffR Pianos, Sewing and Embroidery Sets, Trunks, Doll Furniture Paint Boxes, China and Aluminum Tea Sets, Mud Pie 5 Washing and Wringer Sets, Puzzle Parties, Dolls fron 25 Cts. to $15, Doll Carriages, Mounted Cats and Cogs, A, B, C, Blocks, Doll Beds, Tricycles, 8$ Bicycles, Kiddy Cars, Automobiles, Rocking Horses, Picture Books, Magic Drawing Books, Tink I 30 of All Kinds, Horns, Pony Cars, Skates, Toy Stoves, $5 Music Boxes, Rock-a-Tots. IS i FOE BOYS Mechanical and Electrical Trains, Gilbert Erectors, Gilbert CI Gilbert Mutt and Jeff Jokes, Gilbert Wheel Sets, Gilbert M neering Sets, Gilbert Signal Engineering Sets, Gilbert T m- graph Sets, Gilbert Mysto-tylagic Sets, Gilbert To Chests, Mechanical Autos, Mechanical Street Cars, Mechanical Mail Wagons, Mechanical Boats, Mechanical Fire Trucks, Sandy Andy Full iff* Backs, Automatic Cranes, Electrical Dy- < SS namos, Pool Tables, Drums, Horns, *jv Guns, Long Tom Disappearing Guns, A, B, C Blocks, Guns, Ai jut Accordeons, Horse Shoe Sets, Symplexophones, Bugles, Aer< ?? Guns, Magic Drawing Books, Light Houses, Aeropla W, Rocking Horses, Kiddy Cars, Irish Mails, Automobile wij Wagons, Goat Wagons, Engines, Wheelbarrows, Bitfk cycles, Skates, Pocket Knives, Jerseys, Transit" fnrmarn RUn-a-Ltnas. Games of All Kinds. 55* Orophones, Leggings. Flash Lights, Footballs. fWe will be delighted to have you see our a ment and believe we can satisfy you witli k thing in the Toy line. 1 Rock Hill Supply Compi W T. 0. FLOWEPS, Mgr. ROCKIIILL / ' ' i t. .., , . ifm y m ? ? ^ [t . '7i : | ^ : ^ HOLIDAY QQOPS THAT WE J IE-A STOCK OF CHRISTMAS | ED RY ANY OTHER YORK | tn a t*t it nrnntiAmTAw .SB ' jjl xa ar?*y?4,yy. ^ until Christmas aiid we would ad- ji arly as possible. By so floing they IP nselves rnueli better able to get S ast. We have already found it nee- |$ that it will be impossible to re- ^ titles in our Big Holiday stock for S Sweetheart. One has to seetheip ffi r STORE Headquarters, as Usual. ff .* of packages we have "set back" g s.haye those Air Rifles that he is S is well. ' ANNUAL A8SES8MENT ^OR 1922 Notice of Opening of Books of Auditor jJ Afc for Listing Returns for Taxation. ilT/V Auditor's Office, December- 2, 1921.'L-jo of'Twr PURSUANT to the requirements oif i/rlf * the 8tattite Ort'the subject Not^is \f7fyi is hereby-grfven that mjrlfooks wilL bfe \ opened in ray Office in--Tork CourfNf house on- MONDAY, JANUARY 2ND, *' , \ 1922, for the purpose of JUltlng for } C \ ation ail PBRSONAlffiand REAL \ PROPERTY held in Yart? County/7^ 1 January 2, 1122, and wiW be kept op4h '* tmlil the 20th day of tlebruary, 1922, 1 and for the cortvenienefe'if the TawIn I payers of the County r will be at tiis i *A places enumerated beloft/on the dAW ,m-i iffcb named: ... ; -L/ Clover?Tuesday and : : Wednesday, i j January 8rd and 4th. ?' Bandana?(Perry Fergtlson's Store) ' ? 32 Thursday January 5th. TvT )llC 01 Sx. Hfckory Grove?Monday Januarsr .J trnAnt 9th. bilicilt/ ajg Sharon?Tuesday January 10th. Ji Whole w? Bullock's Creek?We