Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, December 13, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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GARNERED WITH SCISSORS - New From Within and Without . the Couoty. CONDENSED FOI QUICK READING Some Iteme of Fast, 8ome of Comment and All Helping to Give an Idea of What Our Neighbors Are Saying and Doing. Fort Mill Times, Dec. 8: The Tres Dyierran, jnemouiov mm xwtruov w.. gregations of Fort Mill Joined Sunday evening in a union sendee of welcome at the Presbyterian church for the Rev. R. H. Viser, who has just assumed the pastoral work of the latter church. Addresses were made by the v Revi. J. W. H. Dyehea, pastor of the Baptist church, and the Rev. W. R. Bouknight, pastor of the Methodist church. The sermon was preached by Mr. Viser to a congregation which almost filled the church J. E. Harper At returned to his home in Fort Mill a few days ago, following a visit of ten days to his brother. Thns. Harper, a large landowner," in Charleston county. Mr. Harper ssiys there has been practically no frost in tho lower port of the state this fall and that cotton ma* be seen blooming down there as in midsummer. The place of Thos. Harper is near Meggets, in the truck growing section, where Mr. Harper was told two tons of cabbage seed, costing $17,000, had been sown on one place Robert Potts of .Fort Mill, who is a student at Washington and Lee university, Loxipgton, Va? wna ? awarded the university monogram at the football reception giv^n during the Thanksgiving dances in Lexington. He was one fcf the University's mainstays In football this year. He still has another year at the university and is expected to be even better next year. At Clemson in 1919 he made the "All-Southern" football team Robert B. Lee. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lee of Fort Mill, who has been in the American navy for 'some time, has written to his parents from Constantinople, where he is stationed for the present as a fireman on a submarine. *>'" The letter was written November 12, after Mr. Lee had been in Constany . tinople only a few days. He was expecting to leave the next day for Ga; ? latz, Turkey, where he was to remain ten days and then return to Constantinople. "We are expecting." said ho, "to leave for the states about the. first of the year. We have a lot of fun over liere going to Turkish dances.' i win send you some pictures of the 'Seven *'?? Wonders of the World' some time real soon. I was through the place November 7 and saw things -there that I were made in the years 1 and 2. All the Turkish rulers are buried there, and the ones who were rich have solid gold caskets, made by hand." Mr. Lee say* his submarine is now burning oil Instead of coal and that^ he likes * the former fuel much better. At a meetfng of town council Tuesday evening the local board of health was reorganized by the election of Dr. R. \ S. DesPortes Dr. J. 13. Elliott, O. T. Culp, A. B. Sheppard and E. L. Hughes. ....Word was received in Fort Mill Thursday of the marriage in Greenwood on November 30 of Miss Georgia Ott, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. I,. Ott of Fort Mill to B. P. Speed of Abbeville The Democratic primary to be held in Fort Mill Tuesday, December 13, to nominate candidates for town officers to be filled at the general Ian on Ion 1rt nrnm iur? to Tii'inf out a decidedly larger vote than has been polled at any municipal election yet held in the town. Up to last night 375 citizens, including many women, had placed their names on the Democratic club rolls. It is thought that by ' TT i *?** ififi "The Bank With the i Saturday night the r.urnber will havp 3 gone beyond 450. In. no previous elcc- < tion in Fort Mill for town officers have < more than 200 votes been cast. There I is much speculation on the outcome of < the election, especially that for may- 1 or. Thus far there are twa candidates i for the office, A. C. Lytle and B. C. i Ferguson. Both are business men of < the town .and both have friends who have been at work for them since their announcements were made last week. Interest in the race It; expected to increase with the approach of the election. Taking the talk heard on ' the. steets as a barometer, the race ( i wiU he close. I' ' =" C ''I Lancaster News, Dec. 9: A nmall son , : of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sims, of tjhe . I Rehobeth community, Jackson town- , ship, just over the line in^North Card- ( lina, died Wednesday morning aboijt 9 o'clock. The little fellow had inflammatory rheumatism, being: stricken , only a few days before. He was a ( bright boy and his parents h&ve the ( sympathy of all At a regular meeting of Jackson Lodge la#t night, the following officers were elected for the . ...? ? T. "aHf?n. w. M.: , ; next ciiBuiiiB , John H. Steele, S. W.; E. M. Croxton, J. W.; R. S. Harper, treasurer; G. J. | j Derrick, Secretary.... A barn on the form of George HancC in the Antloch j section was destroyed by fire Wednesj day morning together Wltli a lot of feedstuff, etc., one horse and two | mules. , ? - : Chester Reporter, Dec. 8*. At the meeting of tho city council Tuesday "j evening for the negular monthly conj slderat'on ot municipal affairs were Mayo? Byers and Aldermen Hamilton, I White, Whitlock, Coin, Nichols and ! Peden. Chief of Police Grant's report ; fcr the month of November read as j follows: Arrests, 64; fined, 425 continued 2; sent to the gang, 4; dts-' charged 16; fined $465.50. Policeman Gill Gregory, having shown by efficient work his fitness for the job he occupies, had Vila salary raised to the figures received by^the older members j of the force, the increase to'become I effective December 1 Mr. J." A. I Kluttz is ii: very critical condition at j his hohae on Church street, and the end apparently is not more than a few | hours off At the annual session of ' Hejaz Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., in Greenville last week, Mr. Z. Vance | Davidson of Chester, wps elected | ' Chief Rabban of the Temple, which ' means that he will be Potentate of upper South Carolina twelve months hence. Mr. Davidson was also elected or.e of the Imperial Representatives together with Messrs. George T. Bryan, of Greenville, D. A. G. Ouzts of Greenwood, and John M. Holmes of Greenville, for the meeting at San Franj cisco, Cal., next June .Mr. T. W. J Jenkins, who died at a Chester hospi' tol yesterday, was burled at Beaver j I Creek Baptist church graveyard today. SLOW . .. . ... v? r ^ DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, difficulty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's | standard remedy for kidney, livhr, bladder and uric -acid troubles? COLD MEDAL bring quick relief and often ward off ] deadly diseases. Known a* the national remedy of Holland for mora than '200 years. All druggists, in three liset. i Look for tks ouie Gold Medal on every bos ' find accept no imitation ??a S||| Everyo I H Money I: | Strong : . i I |j We i & !|: xvi,h M ! \ Bill C^ne^llock.M " ~~~ Mr. Jenkins was about sixty-flv0 years if age, and was a well known resident ?f the Shetton neighborhood In Fairfield bounty it thief' of thieves 1 ?ntered the Chester Laundry last night ida one of the windows on t te side and stole five su 1 ts of men's ^clothing, two sweaters, an overcoat, one Ijoy's suit, and a few^ pther articles. \ INCREASE RECOMMENDED. MacArthur Would Have V'eat Point, Cadets Number 2,5(0. An increase in size of the cadet corps it the West Point military academy from 1.334 to 2,500 is recommended by B^gadier General Douglas MacArthur, superintendent of the academy, in nisi annual report to the secretary of war, made public Thursday. The academy at the present time, the report shows, ;an train only one-thied of the officers needed 'even foj- a peace time army of 150,040 men and would fall. short, it was said, of providing the nucleus" of rfftcer material desired for training jivilians in time of emergency: "As our standing army goes down in numbers," he continued, the '"enrollof the military academy should go up. The basic idea which led" to the foirtidation of the academy was the desire to have a nucelus to train the great body of our citizens in time of emergency, rather than be forced to keep large bodies of men continually under arms. Over a century ago, with a population of scarcely more than 5,000,000 the American government authorized a cadet corps of over 250. Today with that population increased twenty fold the number of cadets in training is scarcely four times the original number au rnonzea. - V ' * ,? "CT; A' JT' 1 y < 1922 MODEL EVEN THE PRESENT Policy Holdera of the MUTUAL, BENEFIT LIFE J INSURANCE CO.; to Hay nothing of those not Insured, at all, or Insured ih p some other company, will be amazed when they see and have explained to c them the new policy to be issued by J the Grand Old Company, beginning 1 with January, 1922. It will include all the liberal features embraced ' in the policies now being sold, and every feature in the 1922 Model will be made to apply automatically to every policy then in force, regardless of when issued. The n$w, policy is simply the sum total of"the experience of the successive managements covering.* period of more than seventy-six years. N?* in years, if ever, have the contracts of any life Insurance company in the " United States been nearly so liberal as those of the Mutual Benellt, and the 1922 Model goes as far ahead of the 19i0 Model, which is now being sold, as th^ 1910 Model is ahead of all otheu. Ifi buying life insurance the ONE important fact to remember is that it is a duty you owe yourself to get the BEST there is. Investigate the Mutual Be'na- j fit and Its contract, and if then you are not convinced that It is THE BEST, c why don't buy, but buy of the Company that you are satisfied offers you more foAyour money. Don't buy to help the agent, but YOURSELF. You will pay the freight. t SAM M. & S. E. GRIST -J ' DISTRICT AGENTS , ,-i * v, >' . IT IS EASY TO REACH US BY MAIIj? < IF IT IS NOT convenient for you to call at the Bank you can have thQ J bepeflt of the security and profit which an account here 'affords by J atklVllklA uumu Tuun DniimiiM BY WAIL. . - . Many people are using- this method Of depositing their funds with us, and our records prove that the mails are safe. Currency should be sent by * .registered, mall. *V , 'v I Try This Easy Way? }f ydu cannot come to the Itank? ust mail us your deposit. Our Address l?? ? FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' 0^ SHARON, 8 C. Whsrs the Farmer Is Welconvs. J. H. 8AYE, J. ?. HARTNE8S. President. * 's Cashier ' . A LESSON MIENCE HAS TAUGHT. V7 MAN OUT OF A | rOB i lie had saved more J when money was il. | y man who is making can foresee the enierof the future. j ne Who Earns J Should Build a ! Bank Account. j nvite YOU to build tliis Bank. J wran & || tings lank |; YORK, 8. C. j ORE, President 3RICE, Vice Pres. j RGUSON, Cashier McCORKLE, Asst. Cashier T Profits W Healthy Livestock / l p Old Reliable Mustang Liniment stopsloseesbykeeping stock healtby. 1 SOOTHES while CURING 1 No Alcohol ? No Sting ? No Torture i 1 Mustang Liniment is made of pure, healing oils. When rubbed freely ; into the hide, ft penetrates muscle and tissue to the boiie, thereby overcoming theilfsof cattle, hogs, sheep, mules, horsev etc. . ? C-va Julia Lester, Jacksonville, Ga.? < 'I usod your Mexican Liniment ' on a cow of mine that was suffering front a cakedudder. Sine'was relieved in lday from suffering and completely cured in aboutStoedays." John H. Fisher, New Berne, N.C.-"Our 1 dwery home was so badly stove tip in his for* kg and bboulder tnat we coukj nm. use, him. By using Mexican Mustang Liniment on him he was completely cured and re, sterol to the beat of condition." ' FPFF WITH 25c TRIAL BOTTLE ' * IVErfE* ?a ootid brass "Put-andTaJte" TbCDLE TOP. Latest craze-get one! Send 25cento in gamm or coin for Trial Bottle (Household Sue) Mustang Liniment and get Toddle Top, ObsatMUly fret. Lyon Mfg. Co, 41 So. Fifth St. B'klyi^ ft Y. 25c-S0c-$1.00 . Sold by Drag and General Store* "The Good Old Standby Since1848" t:'\ , MEXICAN a," , ^^4T?y^p5t>r S?,t* tU"7ifV ^WARNING TO TRESPASSERS. ii?L persons without distinction as * tVrace 6r color, are hereby w'arnd not fo hunt, fish! cut timber or1 othnvtse trespass on ' lhnds owned 'or ontrolled by tho undersigned. Disregard ot this notice will be prosecuted o the full extent of, the law. J. jj. RAINETY S. A. MITCHELL, S. R. MITCHELL. S. H. SHERBR, W. S. LOVE, f. M. PLEXICQ, FANNIE SHERER, W. P. YOUNOBLQOD, J. W. PLEXICO, ' S. M. SHERER, 95 \ - - t 3t Christ's Coming and Judgment Women's Right and Wrong Today? Christianity Against Secret Society. Christian Faith Against Doctor's lelp.. > J Christianity Against Any Insurance if Men.) Which Day Is the Sabbath? Which Is the Right Church? The Soon Coming of Jesus Christ! AnyAit these tracts win be nialled o you for throe 2 cent s lamps, an <u i hem for 30 cents, by A. FUNTJ5ER, 03 Ma'dteoa Street, Albert Lea, Minn. 97 t 3t*" TAX NOTICE?1921-1922. f ' ... Office of th? County Treasurer of York County, NOTICE Is hereby siven that the TAX BOOKS for York County vill be opened on TUESDAY, the 15TH DAX OF NOVEMBER, 1921, and wlU emain open until the'31 ST DAY Otf* 3ECEMBER.vl921, for the collection of iTATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL and LO:AL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1921, vithout penalty; after which day ONE i ?ER CpNT penalty will bo added to I ill payments made in the month of rANUARY, 1922. and ' TWO PER ?ENT penalty for all payments made n the month of FEBRUARY, 1922. and SEVEN PER CENT pcrtally will be idded to all payments made from the i 1ST DAY OF MARCH, 1922. to the 15TH DAY OF MARCH. 1?32, and ifter this date all unpaid taxes will go Oto execution and all unpaid Single " oils will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in acjordaryee with law. All of the Banks of the county will jffer their accommodations and facilities to Taxpayers who may desire to nake use of the same, and I hhall take Measure In giving prompt attention to ill correspondence on the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my ofice wi'l receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will be made ip by Townships, and parties writing ibout Taxes will always expedite flatters if they will mention the Township )r. Townships th which their property >r properties arc located. , HARRY K. NEIL, . Treasurer of York County. Payments of J and ( I Fur the convenieiK turners .we will receive pa ! forward the same to Tret It will not be uqces [ Treasurer's office to paj irmiv i n VPS. \ i auiuum <M ^y?4i ! this for all who make the The First N ; CLOVER, ! Under United States G Is. L. CO J THE UNIVf m [ 40 a. mam at. Get Right for Chiristnia$ JUST A LITTLE MORE than thceo iveoks away; Do your Christmas bakng now?We have everything1 needful for the "FRTJIT CAKE?the Fruit, the Nuts, the Spices, etc. Bake your big Christmas Fruit Cake now and let it ripen.' .. \ IN THE MEANTIME YOU MUST EAT? \ j wr,u vun hnu? almost evervthine to I he had in the edible line that, is good.. ?nd tempting?We can't tell you all of: the ^things, wc have here, but if you know what you want tell us about it? we "have It. , DO YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING EARLY whi|c you can tlnd what you want. Don't be disappointed "by waiting until the laBt minutet DO YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING HRRE., W. E. FERGUSON I ' , f. - ? COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I1' Annual Meeting to be Held ort January 5, 1922. PURSUANT to Statute, notire Is hereby given to whom it may concern. that the' ANNUAL MEETING of the County Boftrd of CommfsBlonera. of York County,v will be lield in the Office of the County Supervisor in the Courthouse, on THURSDAY,, JANUARY 5TH, 19-2, commencing at 10 o'clock mm:' 1 * Under Section 993 of the Civil.Code, all claims agr inst the county not pre* nritu VIOU-'ry presenieu, iiiuai ire iire\? niiU the Clerk of the-Boafd on or before Jahuary t, 1922 and holders of claims will take notico that if the same arc not presented and filed during the yedr In Which the7 are contracted, or the year following, such claims will be forever burred. > 4 ... All claims against York County must be' itemized, nnd they must be accompanied' * by affidavit* of the cTaknanta setting? forth that the several amounts claimed arc Just, true, due and owing, and that no part there* of has been paid by discount or otherwise. L ~ ? All persons authorized by law to administer oaths, are required to probate claims against the County free of charge. By order of the Board. HUGH G. BROWN, Supervisor. Annid L. Wallace, Clerk* ' DocJ t' t 97 5t . T"<r tn f,"1.1. i.1 if.) a 11, i . ivi PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. A- Marion . W. G. Finley MARION Alb FINLEY ATTORNEY8 AT LAW \ - ?' Office opposite the Courthouse. Phone 126. YORK,8. C. k . . ..... , Dr. C. L. WOOTEN . ? DENTIST? .. OFFICE OVER THE POSTOFFICE Telephones: Office, 128; Residence, 58. CLOVER, - - s. o: I A. * dm 71 l. I? WW ? . ) > ' ' YORK FURNITURE to. Undertakers ? Embalmers YORK, - - & > * C Jn All Its Branches?Motor Equipment Prompt Service Day or Night In , Town or Country. W. W. LEWIS Attorney at Law Rooms 205 and 205 ..... Peoplss Bank A Trust Co.'a Building. 4 YORK, - B. C. ... M% Phones: Office 63. Residenos 44 JOHN R. HART ATTOfNEY ANO COUNSELLOR * AT LAW. Prompt and Careful Attention to All Business Undertaken. Telephone No. 69. YORK. S. C. }. 76 f.t 11 J.S.BRICE Attorney At Lay. Prompt Attention to &U Lega< Business ot Whatever Nature. Fi*ont Offices, Second Floor, P<_ let Bank A Tr -t Co.'e Building. Phone No. 51. . DR. WM. M. KENNEDY ? OEJS'TAJ. SURGEOJI ? Office on Second Floor of the Wylie Z>: >* '.. Building, A....... v, Telephones: Office, 99: Rp?ldcnce, 10A .......... JORK, . 8*, C, State | County Taxes | ;e of our friends and cus- Jj yment of their taxes and j' isurer Neil as heretofore. J isary for you to go to the J r or evep ascertain the J Ve will gladly attend to 1 request of us. fational Bank - - s. c. ;| qvernment Supervision. j! 1 1 ' ' V WWWWWWWWWIWWVWW URTNEY j Mbiiii; Service IRJAl CAR. YORK, S. C. | wwwwwvwwwwwwvww \ I jw II I?M Ml?11 IIIII m MM .^.1 |MW Immue jj^B | Are You Among h | The Lucky? 1 :: "i will pay* in jaintjaet" :: i ; - I * Is >vliat iwmdreds of Christmas Shoppers used to' \ \ & say before the (Jay of 7 ] i Christmas sAviiras ;; " f UilU-BfcP T NOW thev si?iiIo and say'to the clerk, "1 WILL *, [ I PAY YOU NOW.'; They have the money because | $ they have been putting aside each week a sum so A v small they hardly missed it, in our f | christmas savings if : i, club? ? ;; i MEMBERS OF OUR 1921 CHEISTMAS'SAV- f INGS CLUB will please bring in their Pass Books \ on and after december 15tb:? ! ' u t And Receive a Check for Your Christmas X ' Savings. 1 our 1922 christmas sayings club ^ l if. . < f Starts on December 15th. Join it?and you jf < I will be happy on your w?| to a Debt-Free Christ- ; [ 1 \ mas, next' year. - if* i PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY j r X * V* C. L COBB, President J. M. 8TROUP, Viee Prs.idsnt , f X J. H. B. JENKINS, Jr. J. T. CRAWFORD, U j| Active Vice President < Vise President X ? C. W. McGEE, Cashier WM- 3. MOORE, Aset Caehier ? | safety First-service and progress i | -r?r-always i , " - " - ' < :?"?I ."M . ,1 ..in. ;? | Three Billion Dollars ! | , Experts estimate that tfcfcre are in the/United v ! j r States upwards of Three Billions of Dollars in real' ; j | cold cash that is not being put to its proper and le- 1> j | gitimatc uses. This money, so the experts figure, ! | | f is scattered around in bureau drawers, old trunks, !; 4 J ! knot holes, under hearths, in "first national" | banks (stockings)' and men's jeans-^-entirely out I 1 J of circulation and thus so much dead timber (in a 1 way). If this vast sum of money were deposited j[ J J in the banks .of the countiy it would enter the va- j! ! \ rious streams of trade a^ put thousands of men !. I ; to work who are now ^dlp because of lacking capi- ; ! Ital, and these thousands in turn would haye mon- ; | ' ' ey to spend and this in turn would crehte a de- j ! mand for varipus kinds of farm products and man- j! ufactured products and thus in turn give employ- j!' ment to other thousands now non-prodocing. The J! hoard iner of money has a back-lash that hits every |! !; person who "hides" money away, Put your Stfr- ;! ! plup funds in this bank and. other banks aild let J1 i your idle money workior you-r-draw interest. !' ! ; DO THIS NOW?HELP BUSINESS AND YOURSELF ; ! i BANK OF CLOVER i! ... < J ,M. L. 8MITH, President . ' J AS. A. PAGE, Cashier !( FRANK McELWEE, SALLIE SIFFORD, Asst. Cashiers |! Safety Satisfaction Service J j ! i " * _ t'tf1 , v ' | ^ MBBMBBPCTSBflgniili WMBffTT iWBIWBDHMMMBUyj??BHHPB????HM??I? J : - .AiY?vl. ' .7 V. ' ;k */.* ' ! -aV.a m.va4. v> "<.. y I **"*' \ ' I <%w " [T ; _ , ?-i x -J I I BiAiTmir msv v mm TO OUR | BiUKti iv ixnv I . CUSTOMERS | "tSSSlir 1 y We beg to advise You ^hat on ?' X and ?! Not Lets Than $3,000.00, Nor Over X . A $40,000<00 to Any Individual?On * After November 15th ? One-half Valuation First Mort. Y n ..-n u Y 9??S&. foe Five Years?By La?ef JL Our terms will be y Loan Company. Prompt Convid- *v STRICTLY CASH | er*Hon- , , , ... X We have adopted a Cash policy Z 1 FOR SALE 5 in paying for our supplies and A * y will therefore have to sell our Y l 22 Acres?At Delphos Station, the X PRODUCTS FOR CASH. ? j P'operty of Mrs. Van Tassell. } Affpr "Wnvpmhpr IRt.h 2 9 Acres?Known as the Lattimore ' j. Alter novemuei ioui a pi^ at Delphos 0ne 4.r00m h0U8e> % We will have no new accounts, i I Have Many Grand Bargains for lnv X so please do not , vcstors and Home Seekers. | Ask Us to Charge. | i p um nflDM It BAT* CLOVER COTTON $ fflLDURll ESTATE 1 OIL & GINNING f - ? 2 fJOMPANY * v AUTO TRUCK SERVICE . * ' &, ? AM prepared to do Heavy. Hauling / .] e* r* ? * 'of all kinds on short notice, and am X Uover, D. v/. a! giving special attention to moving .J. .J. household goods, etc. L. O. THOMP' SON, Phone 175, York; S. C. 20 tf