Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, December 02, 1921, Page Page Five, Image 5

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? / ? - j 000 to 3,000 bales are bcinsr received . daily. President Kamlner said that; there had been much interest evinced as to how the Texas association was cominp along and the statement received yesterday, he thinks, will be read with the groate.-.t interest by farmers all over the state. ? HEARD IN SCHOOL Unprepared Pupils Jump at Funny Conclusions. Do you know the read meaning of these words? If not look them up so ( you will not be in the same elass with ; -- > - ~ r,.i_ 1 me noys and gins who lowing definitions: Alias?A good man in the Bible. Amenable?Anything that is mean. 1 Audible?Worthy of applause. Ammonia?The food of the gods. Animosity?A sudden surprise. Culinary?Cunning or cute. . Kpicac?A man who likes a good dinner. Equestrian?An Equal. ? Franchise?Anything belonging to . the French. Ignition?The art of not noticing. Irrigate?To disturb. Knickerbocker?Something to ring with. I Medieval?A wicked man who has j been tempted. Mendacious?What can be mended. Herd* are a few funny sentences that' were written on examination papers: j She dresses very auspicious. You should fascinate the. vine to, the wall. The leopard is watching the sheep. I The strawberry crop was magnanimous. Ho enjoys riding on a philosopher, j lie was very quick at repetoire. There are a good many donkeys in the theological gardens. Every sentence and the name of, God must begin with a caterpillar. An exclamation point is what causes ; surprise. Climate lasts all the- lime and weather only a few days. Queen Isabella of Spain sold her watch and chain and other millinery so that Columbus could discover America. ? The regular United States army; consists of one general, twenty-one major generals, forty-six brigadier j generals of the line. f>99 colonels, 671 lieutenant colonels, 2.245 majors, 4.- I 490 captains, 4,266 first lieutenants. 2.094 second lieutenants and officers of the medical department, chaplains, etc. J ATTHE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST Sunday Worship?Sunday school at 10 a. in. I'"caching service at 11 o'clock j by Rev. J. F. Moore. ? F1KST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, I). D? Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at I 10 a. rn. Morning service at 11. Junior : C. E. at f? p. m. Young Peoples C. E. i at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7, o'clock. i TRINITY METHODIST Rev. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Sunday Services- Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. Evening s? rvice at 7 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Rev. T. T. Walsh. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11 ASSOCIATE KEF(>RM ED PRESBYTERIAN R v. J. L. Oatos. D. D., Pastor. ^ Sunday Services?Sunday school at j lo o'clock. Morning service at 11.1 Evening service at 7 o'clock. CHARLOTTE .STREET BAPTIST Rev. F. A. Liles, Pastor. Snndnv Services?Sunday school at | 10 o'clock. .Morning service at 11. Special Jlotires. - i At Olivet. Sunday school ;it l':U0 p. m. *1 'reac hing at 3 p. m. J. K. Walker. Pastor. Ciover and Union. Clover?Sunday school at 10 a. ni. Preaching at 11. Clover?Sunday school at 3 p. m. Preaching at 3:30 p. m. X. A. Hemrick, Pastor. Clover Circuit. King's Mountain Chapel?Sunday school at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11.] St. Paul?Preaching at 3 p. in. Clover ?Preaching at 7 p. m. J. (J. lluggin, Pastor. WHY THAT LAME BACK That morning lameness? those sharp pains when bending or lifting, make work a burden and rest impossible. Don't he handicapped by a bad back? look to your kidneys. You will make i.?, C/Jliitfinrr Ynrlv Ill) TillSlilft'* 11'iiu?? ?? ?-j . .. resident's example. Mrs. W. \V. Hudson, California Ave., says: "\lmul six yeats ay" J had a drayifintr ache throiiyii the small of my hack and my tack was weak and sore. The least lifting seemed to strain me terribly and headaches oertninly were terribly annoying. Nervous , spells bothered me. too and 1 felt tin ! and languid. My kidneys acted irroir"ularly and bothered me on that account. 1 felt as if I would have to cry out sometimes, the pains were so bad. Dean's Kidney I'ills pivc me liunl relief at once and two boxes in all entirely cured me of all those symptoms of kidney trouble." Price fiOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney rented >?yet Dean's Kidney Pills the same thai Mrs. Hudson had. Poster-Mil burn Co.. Mfrs., Kuffalo. OTITTTT A T?V WXXXV 4. ? l>llil>- Xon nil.or S?. nl !;i In me in I'rrftoiic. I I '. Mr. J)? >N\< >.M WITIIKI:SI*?M?N r.i:i.!? :>^< "i ?;:t >< . rs. i> ( ! was t!u m.;i of tho ! I< T. J. ;in?l M.i *!ci J, |ifll. II.' is siirvivoil 11\ ono ? i t?T, Mr:. .1. M. I'.ri.iii of Yorkvill.* :'Ih1 tv.. Iirothir:. .1. !*. I Sell of (inffnoy :ii.?l T .1. Itoll, < ' So v:.!infi'i, < la. THE COTTON MARKET l-'riil.iy, Drooinlior 1', I'.tl'l. Cotton Sroil Sharon lf.i ' <? ?'lov r I*> -I ? Vorkvilli* l?i 15 At Allison Creek. Preaching at Allison Crock eh ure li at 11 a. 111. by He v. J. U. Svvann. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. For Sale?Hoy's Bicycle. First check for $15.00 pets it. Powell Patrick York, S. C. 96 ltn. Strayed?From my home December 1 one blue and one black mare mule Notify me or it. T. Allison, at York and .1 will send for and pay expense John Jones, MeConnellsville, 5)6 It For Sale?Three room house between Charlotte street and Cannon Mill. J. A. Tate. 5>2 f St Wanted?We are In the market for good fresh milch cows and heavy springers. Nothing but real good stuff wanted. See FERGUSON LIVE STOCK CO., Sharon, or II. E. FERGUSON, York. 70 tf TAKEN UP. TWO Mare Mules, one black and t'ir other mouse colored. Owner may have them by paying for this advertisement and other expenses. .1. (I Mcknight, no. 4, York, s. c. it * NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS ALU persons without distinction as to race or color are hereby forbidden to hunt, fish, cut timber, shoot, or controlled by us. Disregard of this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law| J. H. GOOD. R. D. D. No 1. York, S. C. 9G 3t NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ALL. persons without regard to race or color, are hereby notified not to hunt, fish, cut timber, shoot, or otherwise trespass on lands owned or controlled by the undersigned. Disregard of this notice will bo punished to the full extent of the law. .1. M. STROl.'P. .Mis. J. .M. STROIiP. F 3t* ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1922 Notice ox Opening of Books of Auditor for Listing Returns for Taxation. Auditor's office, December 2, 1921. "PUKSI'ANT to llie requirements of the Statute on the subject, Notice is hereby given that my books will bo opened in my Office in York Courthouse oil MONDAY, .IANGARY 2ND, 1922, for the purpose of listing for taxation all PERSONAL and KEAI. PROPERTY held in York County, on January 2, 1922, and will be kept open until tiie' 2r.th day of February, 1922 and for the convenience of the Taxpayers of the County I will lie at the places enumerated below on the date.1 named: Clover?Tuesday and Wednesday January 3rd and 4th. llamkmu?(Perry Ferguson's Store Thursday January 5th. Hickory Grove?Monday Januarj 9th. Sharon?Tuesday January 10th. liullock's Creek?Wednesday Janu ary l1th. McConnel'sville?Thursday Januarj 12th. Newport?Friday January 13th. Fort Mill?Monday, Tuesday an< Wednesday, January Pith, 17th ant 18th. Rock Hill?Monday January 28re through Saturel ty January 28th. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, are liable to ti 1.1.!I i.ix ?.f $l.oo and a I pi r-.tus so liable an- especially n?|U? sled to gio- th? numbers of their i t soe etivc school d.stricts in making tin ir n turns. RROADl'S .M. IJIVE. Auditor York County. Dec. 2. 1921. f " QUICK REDUCTION SALE BEGINNING DEE. 3RD Best Line of Merchandise in East Cherokee at Tremendously Reduced Prices. (localise we have bought too inar.j goods lor the conditions iis 'hey no?\ exist, v..1 have ili'cided to c'ose tin n out at oiU'C at prices that will fit tla conditions. Our Stock Consists of Dry Goods Clothing, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Groceries ar.ci General Merchandise. WE ARE CUTTING ON EVERYTHING. Si-oar. 1G lbs. for a Dollar. Good Coffee. Seven lbs. to the Dollar. Eight Bars ox 5 Ctc. Soap for 25 Cts. Best Grade ef Overalls at $1.20 pair Good Overalls at One Doliar pair. Shoes that we have been selling at $7.50?Now going at $4.50 pair. YVomon's Every day Shoes that have been $3 00?Now $2.00 pair. Children's Shoes that were $2.50? Now $1.50 pair. EVERYTHING IN OUR BIG STOC'r Is going at the same proportion. Our object is to move the goods ant during the moving the publii- will hav? a better chance at Low Prices than i hits had iii a lonjj tunc and hdter inai it will likely have lor sonic time again Come Right Away and Look Us Ove While the Looking Is Good. . A . W . LOVE KING S CREEK, S. C. 1922 MODEL evbx* ti'k i'fti:sBN*T roiiov 11-id ers of ilii* MI'TVAL 15 EX* El-TP Idi-I I X.ST 11 ANTE Of. to sas nothing <> I (hose not insured at till, or insurid i I sonic other company, will he amaze ' when they see and have explained t theni the new popey to he issued h; the (hand old Company, ho?innin with January. It will include a the liberal features embraced in ill policies how heing sold, itnd eveiy fen tore in the Model will hi- made t apply automatically to every polii then in force, regardless of win 11 is , sued. The in w policy is simply th sum t-diil of the c\p i i< i cc i f Ihc sue (- s-'ive managements covering a pciiof more than seventy-six years. X* ill y? at t, if t yi r. have the eoniriiets ' any life Insurance company in Hi I * ti i t ?1 Ktati ; In en marls > liin-r.il a those of the Milt n.11 I '. l!' iii. :i l!(l in 1922 MikIi i goes ;is far ahead of i!i t!M'i Alotlcl. w!ii? li i - now Ix-in^r o t >i I91U .Mo I -I is a!i< ;ul of nl? other: In lor. inu life ilir- it ?*:i :i? tin <) X 10 iiil |>o|-(:1111 l'a<-? to |i |;e lilies' js tlliil il i'? (lllty yotl ntt'c yourself I i i;i . the ISI3S' . Invest |$ite the .Mutual I : i" lii :i'el il.; < ntroi't. ami if tie n yon at not i-oiivlicit tt is Til 1-1 I'.KS"'! \vh> don'i li'iv. >>.n I in y of t!ie ('? mps liy that yotl .i li. li'il i llVr.% yn more for \otir iiese-v. Don't l?n\ I help the - ii I. hut YOl" ItSMl.! * Vo will p;iy the I'n iirlit. SAM M. & S. E. GRIST DISTRICT AGLNTS ILIBE Service EAST LIBERTY STRE] HOT (Best Equipped and Most in the GASOLINE, OILS, TIB ACCESSORIES OF I FREE WATER , Prompt and Effective Ser SEIiViC G. P. BERR Telephone No. 84 ANTONIO HIGHEST GRADE OF NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES? ? NEW CROP?ONE BARRELL JUST OPENED ONLY 85 Cts. GALLON. I HAVE ALSO GOOD PREPARED BUCKWHEAT AND PANCAKE FLOUR AT 15 Cts. PACKAGE. LOUIS ROTH I ; THE CITY MARKET I ; ' i* THE OLD RELIABLE 1 Call us for t ho host of Meats, Porks, Sausage and1 Count rv Produce. ! , WE BUY HIDES. mxrti mmv ivr A "RTTTUT 111 xu ui x x 1 Geo. A. Sherar G. W. Sherer ! ~0YSTERSHELLS ~ j Veil (an feed your poultry on all the high price feed you can buy, but if, I you don't give tlum what thoy need to] make egg shells, they won't lay. Thera ia nothing that will take the place of slieps. Chickens need carbonate of lime and when fed on shot's they Ret the lime, .lust think, two or three eggs will pay for a hens rations on oyster] shells for one year. | BUILDING MATERIAL? We have a first class line of building material on hand. Several {trades j of shinitios. Galvanized iron 6, 7, S, 9, and In feet ienjtth. A! ? paper roofing. Do not forget! j to st e us if you have a house to repair . or build. We fed sure it will pay you. I We have received our last shipment of! wheat and seed out?;. YORK SUPPLY-CO. Wholesale and Retail. THE STAR THEATRE TODAY "THE AFFAIRS OF ANATOL"? A vivid, lingering Drama of love and marriage, glowing with luxury and lilled with gay adventure in the big city. Admission?15 Cts. and 30 Cts. SATURDAY JUNE CAPRICE? ' 1 And Geo. 1*. S< itz in "The Whirling . Menace;" Episode No. 12 oLC'The Sky t Ranger." Also The Timbei^Volves." I MONDAY r LOUISE LOVELY? In "Whik* the Devil Laughs." A Fox Special. TUESDAY "THE GREAT'DAY"? A Hugh Ford 1'roduction. J. Q. WRAY, Manager. iiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiisiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii II Childrei i> ? Scientific investigation s! ~ our American-horn children li 1 Hi and that fully 33 1-3 per cent Hi enable them In do the near \v? > Fi strain. . 2 II' A CIIII.J), ctarinu sHiool . ^ from hr.ni or lirow aeh?\ < .. ION' il ~ t?iin nf the trmil?I<* ami unit sh hH| t ~ IX At.I. TIIKSK CASKS Urn ZZ l?y s<i|n . . He who knows h"\\ am pat ii'tii'i-. ~ MANY CI 1 iKPIiKX who 0:1 L~ |M-r i f!,1 vision, in tin* srhool-roni r" astir in it i an. :ii -. iu'it, mil. fiilnr t rj and n<mii in-1p. ? TIIKSK i.iTTLK o.VKK li;iv< [; ally suffer .\!< ?UK than tin child it r " \VI: AUK I'KKI'AitKI) t" t.-> - =i fr?:st!y. ' 11 Tin- Vn lilt's ('iiinpiiiiiuii ?>f ' !E i'iicliv? .1111 ! i'.i K\'' Slnitn. 5 SOUTHERLANE ' ~ * Optcmctri 5-7 West Fifth Si (TiiiiiniiiiifHMiiiiiniiHiiiiHiniiiuiiiiiiiu i RTY I STATION I ET NEAR THE COURT | JSE | ( Convenient Filling Depot I ES AND LIGHT | CVERY DESCRIPTION I \XI) FREE AIR. |L vice at Reasonable Prices p ,'E CAR I Y, Manager. 1 YORK, s. C. y TO THE PUBLIC BECAUSE OF THE FACT that ! there has been some delay in the ship- j m< nt of our Bakery Machinery from Chicapo, we will not be in position to j serve the public with Pies, Pastries i and Bread before J Thursday, December 15th. HOWEVER tiic CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT DEPARTMENT Of our business will be ready to serve you on and after Saturday, December 3. Your Patronage Is Respectfully So- jj licited. JAMISON'S BAKERY ! W. L. JAMISON, Prop. REAL BARGAINS-- I IN ARMY PANTS. [ Just a few pairs left. Come, j We'll put good Tires on your Ford for $30.00 around. BUY YOUR SEED OATS FROM US. We handle the Best. FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT SEE H. P. JACKSON CLOVER,.3. C. PLYLER SELLS MILLINERY AND DRY... GOODS CHEAPER THAN /NYBODY ELSE IN ROCK HILL. YOUR INTEREST IS PLYLER'S INTEREST. BUY FROM PLYLER'S AND YOl SAVE MONEY, WHILE PLYLER MAKES MONEY. ^ TRY IT ONCE AND BOTH OF US WILL PROFIT. i S. W. PLYLER The Trade Street Merchant, Where Your Dollar Stretches. I JOCK HILL, 8. C. GUIDE TO GAS T^HE undersigned are at your service with Gas, Oils, Greases, etc., and respectfully solicit your patronage: . 1 Nivens Bro3., Charlotte St., York Campbell & Quyn Co. _ Clover City Pharmacy Clover M. L. Ford & Sons Clover F. E. Smith Tirzah TIRZAH GINNERY. AL'lt (Jinnery will he in operation on Thursday and Friday of each week until further notice. i <j.-? :;t J. IX L'A.MI'DKLL, Manager. : ? _ i!!]i;jiinii!i]i';ini!!iii]m}!ii!iiiii!i!iiiiiin i's Eyes | i.iit-.. im-iI -< i iiep riMit <if tZ -XV.- I....I . . .. . ... = ave slight to grave eye defects E of tliem need eye attention to E rlc of civilization without eye- E term, is nervous, irritable. suffers E K STRAIN" is probably at the hot- ~ i is jtivrn, the ehtfcl is handicapped. * jt i hildren's eyes shou'd l?e examined ? 1 is possessed of a proudly store of ? in read III" test raids showing l'?<> E n o sts suffer from hidden (latent) E rouble, ete., resulting in ? ye strain, small sight bill {hoy usu- ? ii who havr I.A.IHSKK KKKOKS ~ t tlioir ryis mil advise you inielli- ~ k.'o\\ 'Mill, pa>;?* '>* !. contains a wry ~ thai is worth loading and hwdiriK. ~ >-\VAKEFIELD CO. | st?Oculist = t., Charlotte, N. C. is iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiisiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiii ; FOR PROMPTNESS I and ACCURACY In Prescription work bring your Pre-j iAna a tie A hn fillnH We carry a full line of First-Class Drugs and are confident we can do rour work at lower prices than any Jther Drug Store. OUR PRESCRIPTION Department is in charge of Dr. D. L. | SHIEDER, a Registered Pharmacist of; nany years of experience. Always Call Dr. M. J. WALKER at No. 31. / I Mackorell Drug Co. NEAR THE COURTHOUSE. orrn luiirnT iLLU WIlEiiU Just received another car of good Tenn. grown Seed Wheat. Leap's Prolific, Blue Stem, Fulcaster and Stoner. Oats, Vetch, Clovers, Bar- ' ley, Pasture grasses, Etc. Wo have on hand spraying material and spray pumps. Garrison-Faris Seed Co. , Rock Hill, S. C. "OUR SEED WILL GROW." JllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIUIH I GET YOURS NOW | 5 DON'T DELAY having your 3 jj car properly painted, or retop- 3 S ped, or recurtained. How about 2 5 the upholstering? ~ I NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE IT DONE. = Z And If you want QUALITY 5 5 Workmanship HERE is the p'ace 2 Z to have it done. 1 JOHNSON'S PAINT I | SHOP JAS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. ROCK HILL, S. C. 5fl 111111II1111111111 i 11! 111111111111111111111II1! l77 16 PER CENT ACID, j FOR GRAIN . It won't cost you much to put a little Acid in with your grain, and it will pay you toi do so. We .have the Acid. Also have FULGHUM SEED OATS. CARROLL BROS.' DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY!, YEAR AFTER YEAR PEOPLE LAY OFF THEIR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING until the last minute. Half of these late shoppers pet disappointed by not finding what they want, or are unable ! to get waited on. Why not avoid the late crowds by SHOPPING EARLY AND GETTING FIRST CHOICE? MEN'S SUITS A complete selection of them here at | from $10 and Upward.) Men's and Ladies' Shoes in the new- j est styles?a pair to fit YOUR feet and ! ........ ..n/.L-oiKiuilr?At S2 RO and Ud. LADIES' COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS, SKIRTS, and WAISTS and GOWNS?AH moderately priced. MEN'S ODD PANTS Jlats, Shirts, Underwear, Caps and everything for a man?Prices to suit the slim pocketbooks. COME! DON'T LAY OFF UNTIL! THE LAST MINUTE. FE1NSTEIN & KPJV1S THE CASH STORE. EXTENDING *Xand WHEN MOST NEEDED. With many people practical economy is a new experience. We invite these to join the growing list of CASH & CARRY STORE PATRON'S in getting the utmost value for their money. YOUR CASrl HAS A STEADILY GROWING PURCHASING POWER When properly applied and the CASH ! AND CARRY STORK is operated to at' all times give the greatest assistance j to all classes of people. WE HAVE NEW LOTS Of II. J. IIKIXZ'S Pickles, Relishes. Plum Pudding, Combination Relish, .Mince .Meat, etc. ALSO WE HAVE Roiled Ilam. Raked Ham, and Sugar Cured H tm, Rreakfast Raeon, Crape I'Viiit, Oranges and all kinds of choice | Fruits and the RKST FLOl'R that can l?e made from the last wheat. CASH & CARRY CO. ?W~ Titles to Real Estate and Real Estate Mortgages on sale at The Enquirer Office. ! WISE FOLK i | THEY ARE ANTICIPA' I NEEDS NOW?THE THAN GLAD Yes, we believe that, stable dry goods will go It is quite true that we a Cotton Goods at less thai but we bought them whe and we are making: a reas I them t)ii to you at less th is fair enough isn't it. Ye* if you do your buying KI< A FEW GOO] One Case BED TICKING?18 Cts. One Case HICKORY SHIRTING?: One Case 20 Cts. DRESS GINGHA I One Case 25 Cts. White MIDDY 1 One Case 25 Cts. ANDROSCOGGI! One Case 15 Cts. PLAIDS?Yard Two pieces Old Time ASHELAND CLOTH?56 inches wide?valu One Piece JEANS for Pants?Yar< One Case LIGHT COLORED OUT One Case MEN'S HALF HOSE?I One Case LADIES' HALF HOSEOne Case CHILDREN'S HALF ,H' One Lot LADIES' $18.00 and $2' Close Out Quick One Lot Men's CANVAS LEGGINt > AN EXTRi ? One Case Beautiful, Heavy CHALI forts, Kimonas, Draperies an< 1 Ufa a Yard?An Extra Special I Men's Gas Mask Rain Co One Lot of 32 LAP ROBES?$12.5 while they }ast?At McCQN WE SELL FOR CASH NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ALL persons are hereby warned not to hunt upon the real estate of W. R. Carrol1, dee'd., consisting of his ' Miller" Place. "Dargan" Place, "Bradford" Iflace, "Davidson" Place, and the "P!exico" Place, near Bethany. Anyone violating this notice will be prosecuted as the law prescribes. SUSIE H. CARROLL, 90 f 4t Admrx. and Guardian. I LOOK A BARGAINS NOT 52 inch $3 Storm Serges54 inch $3.00 French Ser $1.00 Wool Serge?navy, All Wool '$12.00 Blanket 4-4 Sheeting?At the Ya Men's $1.50 Caps?Your 25 Cts. Outing?The var "Old Times" Jeans Pan YOU'LL SAVE MONEY BY BU tuc PDCiTCCT QADr.AIM! inc. unun i i.w i ..... PUBLIC. COME AND LOO 1 D. M. P/ > a CLOVER'S LEADING DRY GOOI i 1 I KITCHEN ( CABINET ? A Time and Labor Saver Kitchen In We have received a KITCHEN CABINETS bor savers for the lady 1 introduced into America] The Kitchen Cabinet j fit?everything at the fi useless walking and was 1 eludes within its four v Bread Box, Glassware re Salt, Sugar, Spices, etc., < forks and spoons, and ai It has either a Porcelain be preferred. MARSH CABINETS-] These Cabinets go on 3rd for one dav onlv on 1 I ?> M ? Tlie Kitelit? 11 Cabinet ed to your home 011 the f the balance to be paid in convenient to the buyer. * * Come in today, or any Saturday if you cannot < handsome Marsh Solid 0 a beauty?bring your \vj then decide that you w< want and we'll talk the ments over with you. Y satisfactory. Your wife' inct more than satisfactc If you like you can \ make the initial payment the cabinet at your home a most acceptable Christi It will be a really worth of furniture. Come and s On Sale Saturday, Dect York Fun \RE BUYING ] UNO THEIR WINTER J Y WILL BE MORE. LATER ON. We believe that prices of up before they go down. I re onermg many lines ui j ( 11 today's market prices; ] ! 11 the market was down,. j! enable profit and passing Jj an wholesale costs?that ]! 5, to be sure, Vou ar-e wise |! GrHT NOW. Buy Here. 0 SPECIALS Goods?Yard 10 CTS. ^ i 20 Cts. Goods?Special Yd. 10 CTS. 1 MS?At the Yard 12 1-2 CTS. i ! 'WILL?Yard 15 CT8. 1 | S' BLEACHING?Yard 18 CT8. 1 i 10 CT8.. , I REPELLENT or BROAD- i | e $2.00 yard?Now 89 CTS. i . 1 50 CT8. < j INGS?At 121-2 CT8. Yd. J I >air 10 CT8. J ' -Pair 10 CT8. i | OSE?Pair 10 CT8. j j O.OO JERSEY DRESSES?To j i $4.98 Each I 3S?Pair 50 CTS. \ [ i SPECIAL AE?36 inches wide?for Com1 Dresses?A big value at 25 ) i ( i now at 15 CT8. ? i , ats?Special $3.98 t 0 to $18.00 values?Going now J I $6.50 and $8.50 Each J NELL'S J 1 ONLY?NO CREDIT WARNING TO TRE8PA88ER8. A LL persons without distinction as to race pr color, are hereby warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber, shoot or otherwise trespass on land owned or controlled by the undersigned. Disregard of this notice will be punished,to the full extent of the law. It. B. YOUNGBLOOD, T. ANNIE Y. LAWRENCE?* 92 f 3t* T THESE I TO BE EQUALED. -Now the yard $2.00 5J *ge?Yard now $2.00 k red, green?Yd. 75 CTS. a s?Now going at $6.00 K rd v 15 CTS. g choice 98 CTS. jft d " 18 CTS. ts?At $2.50 and $3.50 g VING SHOES HERE?WE HAVE 3 EVER OFFERED THEfcUYING WC K OUR SHOES OVER. tfk iRROTT 1 HQ u Ai icc tfw 1HE HOME OF REAL BARGAINS |j& $1 DOWN That Should Be In Every America. big shipment of MARSH ?one of the greatest lafolk that has ever ,been \ 11 kitchens. is a complete kitchen outmger tips?saves lots of \ ted time?The Marsh in- ?> rails a Flour Bin, Metal ceptacles for Coffee, Tea, compartments for knives, lotlicr for j)ots and pans, or Nickeloid Top as may PRICED $42.50 to $60.00 sale Saturday, December 5he $1.00 down basis. you select will be deliver- i rnyment of $1.00 or more, installments that will be , time before Saturday, or come earlier, and see the ak Kitchen Cabinet?it is ife and let her see it and nit one and the one you matter of deferred pay- ? oifll find our terms quite Jf will find the Kitchen Cab- . ; >ry. select your Cabinet now, of $1.00 and we'll deliver } for Christmas?it will be nas present in your home. * while, time saving piece see the Marsh Cabinet. jmber 3, only. $1 down niture Co. . ? * u 1 ?