$75,000 road bonds authorized by the township at a special election held some weeks ago. and the bid of a Toledo. Ohio, concern of par and accrued interest, was accepted. The proceeds . from the sale will be available after December 1, when it is expected that work on the highway will be undertaken. Decision as to where the roads to be improved shall be located, and the class of road to be used, is in the hands of the commission which has not yet made a decision in these matters. However, it is saf6 to say that within the coming: year the township will enjoy the use ot public highways the equal of any to be found in the upper section of the state. PROPERTY AND TAXES Increased Levies Have Been Largely Voluntary. "While assessed valuations and tax x levies have /increased steadily as shown by the figures published Tuesday, it is not to be forgotten that the increased levies are due largely to voluntary action of the taxpayers themselves. The following from Hon. J.. P. Derbam, of the state tax commission under date of November 23 is both enlightening and sound: r Editor Yorkville Enquirer. I read your article under the head of "Property Taxes" in your issue of Tuesday. 22nd inst. with a gfeat deal of interest. However. I am taking the liberty of pointing out and suggesting that yuu might carry your investigation or analysis a little further. Of the ilcrense of $26,000.00 in taxes collected in your county from property in 1921 more than in 1920. you will find that about $24.<\O0.00 of this was lor special local school tax: taking the property of each year and the total local school tax of each year shows an average of one mill more irul921 than in 1920. You will note that your special local school tax for 1921 was $230?838.70. in 190f? was $6,.s34.65. an increase of $229,304.0"#. Articles and papers such as the one carried in your paper are educational, and 1 would he glad to see a similar article in each county paper in the state. With kindest regards, I am, Vnlirc V'ltrv t l*lll V .1. 1*. Dill mil). ? Commissioner. ? Furman football team defeated Davidson 28 to 0 at Greenville, yesterday. AT THE CHURCHES FIRST RAPT 1ST Sunday Worship?Sunday school at 10 a. m. \ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, I>. D., Pastor. , Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Junior C. E. at 5 p. m. Young Peoples C. E. at (1:30 p. m. Evening service u( 7 o'clock. ^ TRINITY METHODIST Rev. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Re*'. T. T. Walsh, Pastor. # Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. A SSOCIA T E RE Ft) R M ED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. I,. Oates, D. I).. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morryng service at 11. Evening service at 7 o'clock. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST Rev. F. A. Lilcs, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. " Morning service at 11. Special JTotircs. Clover and Union. Union?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. Clover?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 7 p. ni. N. A. H'emrlck, Pastor. Clover Circuit. Clover? Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. St. Paul Preaching at 3 p. m. King's Mountain?Preaching at 7 p. m. .1. G. Huggin, Pastor. At Philadelphia. Sunday school at 2:3<> p. m. Preaching at 3 p. -in. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Card of Thanks. We take this means of expressing our thanks to o-*r neighbors and friends for their many acts or kukiiu'ss and sympathy in conneetion with tho illness and death of our dear wile and mother, Martha Ji izabeth Weslniorela nd. It* J. K. Westman land and Childryn. DOING THEIR DUTY Scores of York Readers Are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys. To filter the Mood is the kidney's duty. When they fail to do this tin- kidneys are weak. , liaekaehe and other, kidney ills may follow. Help the kidnejs to do their work. I'so Moan's Kidney -J'ills the tested kidney remedy. York people endorse their worth. Ask your neighbor. .1, S. Samiller, salesman. 22 Cleveland Ave., York, says: "I had a slight attack of kidney trouhle and I suffered with hofidaehes. As Jjoan's Kid# ney I'ills were recommended highly to me. I bought some at the York Mrug Store. One box of Moan's Kidney I'ills entirely eured me of the trouble and I have been feeling line over since." I'liCe, 60c, at :i!l dealers. Don't simply ask fur a kidney remedy?get I loan's Kidney I'ills--the same that ZVI r. &indifer had. Koster-Milbiirn Co., Ml'rs., Buffalo, X. Y. HYMENEAL .M A KKIED? It Vurkville, Tuesday, I'rohate Judge J. I<. Houston officiating, Miss XANN"IK WuhKK of lim k i I ill and Mr, JOHN* C. COXLEY of Charleston. In Oakland Avenue Presbyterian church, Kock Hill, Wednesday evening, K? v. A't xander Martin, I). I), assisted by It* v J I'. Tucker officiating. Miss CECIL I'KWKLL and Mr. JAMES Y. SCIil'OOS. In Williainston, S. C. Wednesday evening. Miss KEKEIJCA WAUDLAW of Williainston and Mr. KI.'HKNE H AKKISOX. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. II Harrison f>t .Newport. The young couple will reside in Kock Hill where Mr. Harrison is a member of the -Harrison I'm is Seeil Co. X'OV. -J. Key. J. 13. I'erryhill, pastor I of the First Presbyterian church of i Clover officiating, Mr. BOYCE, FAULKNER a til Miss J AN IE KOfrlN- | SON. both of Clover. , Nov, 23, Rev. J. E. Berryhill offlciat-L inn. Miss JOHN SI E STACY, and Mr. , RALPH JACKSON, both of Clover. j , j Nov. 23. Rev. J. O. Huggin, pastor of i I C over Methodist church officiating, ; Mr. WALTER CAMP and Miss ON1E HORTON, both ol Clover. j OBITUARY. DIED?At her"Imme in tlie Crowder's ( I Creek section <>f Gaston county, Xov- ' j ember 15, Mrs. EDISON FORMES. 1 : aged about -10 years. Internment was in < i the cemetery at Rowling Green, on ( ! November 16, following funeral ser- i ; vices conducted by Rev. Geo. A. Spar- ( row. Her husband and four children I survive as do the following brothers j , and sisters; J. B. and J. F. Smith, Rock . Hill; J C. Smith, Clover; S. \V. Smith, Fort Mill; E. C. Smith, Gastonia; R. * P. Smith, Rowling Green; E. Carl J Smith. York R. F. D.; Mrs. W. H. Bar- J nett, York R. F. I).; Mrs. J. E. J Edwards, Lesslie ( November 23. at the home of her J daughter, Mrs. YV. Harris Williams. < Mrs. ELIZA GLASSCOCK in the 89th < 1 year of her age. Interment was in i the cemetery at Harmony church on J I November 24, following funeral scr-JJ f vices conducted by her pastor Rev. C,j < F. Pitman, assisted by Revs. O. W. ( Carmichael and R. A. Lummus. She ( leaves the following childrcm: James S. J Glasscock. Catawba; W. )f. Glasscock, ^ 1 Suffolk, Vu.; A. It. Glasscock, Mrs. J. ( ! M. Paris, Mrs. it. I). Robinson, Mrs. W. ( 11. Williams. Ninety grand children j and great grynd children also survive!! her. , i ( Nov. 17 of diphtheria WILLIAM;* I HENRY LANEY, aged 7 months and H j 16 days and on Nov. 23 of the samel] disease, MILDRED ADA LANEY, bothji | the chi'dren of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ( Laney of the Cannon .Mill village. The J i body ot the infant son was interred in ] Rose Hill cemetery on Nov. is while i the funeral for the infant daughter j was held yesterday, interment being in Rose HiM cemetery. i COTTON MARKET Friday, Novcmlicr 25, 1921. Cot toil Seed Sharon 171 ah Clover.... 17 4"? Yorkville 161 45 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS Lost Wednesday night between Lighter." A thrillinir i drama of a l. 11 of "THE SKY RANGER." Also Torn Santsehi in "The i She riff of Mojavc." CONSTANCE TALMADGE? I In "A Virtuous Vamp." A First National Special. Tl'KSDAY j. GEORGE MELFORDS Production? ; "The Faith Healer." The story of >1 ; sheephi rder who tramps tip and down ; the land per for mini; iniraeh s ?>f faith. ; COM INt I I HOC 1 and 1' j i Cecil B. 1 ?e.\|ilh-'s pynduution In : "THE AFFAIRS OF ANATOL." | J. Q. WRAY, Manager. j CHEESE AND SUGAR | We Kxpei t to -pal a a j CHEESE AND SUGAR' SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23TH from 8 a. m.. to 6 o'clock P. M. !) > tr>! in ss this siV. as ?c will r.mainly savr \? u in mry. Eight Cakes oi' Good 5 Cts. Soap, on Saturday, 25 Cts. Ami t -11 v >11 ' I'rii nils t>> ? ??in Ask us ilit |>i iis> ?I FLOUR Win n you l imn- in In liuy Sl 'IAIl I'llKK.sk ami S? >A1\ toRK SUPPLY CO. Wholesale and Retail. I WARNING TO TRESF'ASSERS A LL persons without regard as to i race oi* color, are hereby warned ! lot to hunt, fish, cut limber or otherwise trespass on all lands owned and controlled by the undersigned. Disregard of this notice will be prosecuted! ;o the full extent of the law. >4 2t QUINN WALLACE NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. A LL persons are hereby warned not i to hunt upon the real estate of W. Ft. Carroll, dee'd., consisting 01! his J .Miller" VlaVe, "Darffan" Place, "Bradford" Place, "Davidson" Place, ard the1 'l'lexico" Place, near Bethany. Anyone violating- this notice will be prosecut- | :d as the law prescribes. SUSIE H. CARROLL. )0 f 4t Adinrx. and Guardian. -U ' Typewriter papers sold by the pound at The Enpuirer Office. wMvywytfKwnmiAiwyyi*****; ! STILL THEY COME! I EGA It OWNERS arc lqprning (' that our class of work is supe- < | trior and as a ~esult our shop is < ( turning out more work every ] i > month. ( i | WE HAVE EXPERT work- j ! I men and can assure you of qual- ( I ity workmanship. You will be i j > more than pleascc with one - of i , Eour jobs.' J I REPAINT, RECURTAIN, | RECUSHION or RETOP |l YOUR AUTOMOBILE. I | I JOHNSON'S PAINT |j ! SHOP !j | JAS. A. JOHN-SON, Mgr. .|> ROCK HILL, S. C. I j /CJCa/VA? 5/)A(\/T)AXl9j(\Ajt/y?f\ .4 ? V 'r Zrr If (3 ku w OflTW <9 V w \ jp====== Cotton G . Wc BLANKETS, COM Some .of the things that all along through th: Our Prices as Usual GINGHAMS, CHi / APRON CJINOHAMS-?All you wa; SOLID COLORED CHAMHRAYS SHIRTINGS AND PLAIDS?Good 30 inch. PERCALE?Grays and Ll> 36 inch PAJAMA CHECKS?Vard 37 inch DRESS GINGHAMS?All ( HICKORY ST iIPE SHIRTING-i.i Inch 1IEAYY DRILL?Yard 36 Inch 3-Yar. SHEETING?Yarc 36 inch BLUE CHAMBRAY?Yarc LAD-LASSIE CLOTII?Yard 3J Inch GINGHAM?in better urnd 25 C 36 inch MADRAS SHIRTINGS?I OUTINGS?Solid and lancy eolopf WOOL DRI SERGES, STORM AND FRENCH your are looking for?Navy. 1: ALL WOOL SERGES?Priced at I". inch TRICOTINES Navy, Line BLANKETS! one Lot of ARMY RLANKETS?I PINK AND BLUE PLAID BLAN1 W?)< il.-NAP BLANKETS?Good. ALL Wool. BLANKETS? Beautll and Blue Borders?Priced .... HOSIERY! INFANTS', CHILDR INFANTS HOSE INFANTS' MERCERIZED HOSE.. CHILDREN'S HOSE?AH sizes?I it; r: ' LADIES' AlKKCEItlZKI) COTTO Hri<- <1 25 CTS., 3 LADIES' Hl.AIN SILK HOSE ?I! 50 CI ladies' fancy silk hose- 15 Wool si'okt hose Italics' ail BOX PAPER, CORRE HIVE rs A LOOK ON THIS. v i'ap.'is and ciint'SjiMiidcnco c; HON I'A l'E US- I Tired at eoKKESHoNOEXCE CAKDS- Hi KIRKPATRI TRADE AT HOME AND V ini!III)IIIS]IIIIIIi!S3ll]IIIIII!llllllll!l]]IH]llll 1 Who Should ~ o.ir prnff-s'-iionul wink is i'\anii 2 hilt In *? ;irn win tin i ur not < y?'-sl ? true ci n<1 i:iti.) i.f the t-yt-s. wt- ihei s; llt ncf, all pfrsmiH having: t-y; ~ uiv justilitil in t un^ iltiiiK us. ~ AIsn tiinsf wli'i fui any ransun ~ want dial tp.tsiitm tit ritltil pnsiti u \m?i ki ts ami tali i's why sulTt r l'roi ? ha\f ihfir tin r.vnniiiftl. All wi ? "If l.a'i ih. m iii.I i in i. i. whilst ~ dii'iiru't or imp nc< d the lit~ I';.rents Invito children who > ~ l>r t-i; 1 Schotd Children' ? S0U7HCRLANDrj ill. A S'/uthtTla nd. 'i* ~ 11 ?ploine! rist) H 5-7 V/. Fifth St. iTiniiiiiiiiiimiiiimimiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiniii It PER CENT ACID FOR GRAIN It won't cost you much to put a little Acid in with your grain, and it will pay you to do so. Wo have the Acid. Also have i FULGHUM SEED OATS. CARROLL BROS. Wanted?We are in, the market for good fresh milch cows snd heavy springers. Nothing but real . good stuff wanted. See FERGUSON LIVE STOCK CO., Sharon, or H. E. FERGUSON, York. 70 tf "guide to gas THE undersigned are at your service -* with Ga?. Oil#. Greases, etc.. and respectfully solicit your p?'.:ronage; Nivens Bros., Charlotte St., York! Campbell & Quinn Co. Clover City Pharmacy Clover M. L. Ford & Sons Clover , F. E. Smith i Tirzah t > 1 oods, >ol Goods FORTS, HOSIERY you are having to have is season of the year and Are Right. kMBRAYS, ETC. nt?Yard 10 CTS. -Yard 10 CTS. I colors?Yard 121-2 CTS. flit Colors?Yard 14 CTS. r ,14 CTS. colors and patterns?Yd .14 CTS. Y'ard* ..14 CTS. 15 CTS. I 15 CTS. 1 14 CTS. 22 CTS. Ics, solids and all coiors?Yard rS.f 29 CTS., 35 CTS., and 48 CTS. 'ast colors?Yard ... 25 CTS., 35 QTS. and 39 CTS. i?Good. heavy welpht j. 15 CTS. and 19 CTS. Yd. 3SS GOODS ; TRtcOTINES in the shades Hack and Brown 75 CTS. to $2.50 Yard. 3 k and Brown?Yard $2.75 BLANKETS!" 'riced i^t $1.19 KETS?Priced $1.98 lull size?Priced.... $3.50 to $6.50 ruI plaids and plain with Pink $8.50 to $13.50 HOSIERY! EN'S AND LADIES' 10 CTS. and Up. 25 CTS. truwn, Black and White TS., 25 CTS., 35 CTS., and 50 CTS. >N HOSE?Full Fashioned? 5 CTS., 50 CTS., 75 CTS., 98 CTS. ? la-k, White, Brown?Priced? ' rS.. 98 CTS., and Up to $3.50 Pair 'nek, White and Brown..... .... $3.25 d .Misses'- Priced 98 CTS. to $2.50 ISPONDENCE CARDS r'e have a nice assortment of Box aids 19 CTS. to $2.50 iced at 50 CTS. and 98 CTS. i CK-BELKCO. VE BOTH SAVE MONEY. '' J iimiiiiiiimmiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimmim Consult Us? | niitK Eyes, not merely for glasses, ZZ rain exists, and having learned the ? n advise accordingly. distress fir unsatisfactory vision S fear they need glasses and who S v ly; office and store and factory jjjj 11 head ache, brow ache, etc., should ~ ,,l" ,rliiuu,.u U'llllSO classes *? f;ii 1 ink vision makes close work ~ lp that we can reiuler. ? mlTer from eye-strain, lnad and E ; the school term, shou'd jjive their ? leir eves carefully examined. Sat- ~ '.s ilay, l>ut they may come any day. ~ WAKEFIELD CO. (\\\ II. Wakelield. .M. I).) = (Oculist) 25 Charlotte. N. C. ? iiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiifiiiitiiiiiiif?1 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli: i| I SPEAKS FOR 1 ITSELF? S The class of work we are turn- 3 E inf? out from our large plant on s: ~ H ack street, will speak for itself. ? 3 Our WORKMANSHIP is of E | Maximum Quality at = Minimum Cost! = 3 We are prepared for and do S r ? execute this kind of work. S = AUTOS REPAINTED, = RETOPPED and RECURTAINF.D = | J. C. HARDIN & CO. I Black Street, ROCK HILL, S. C. | ?lllllll|lllllll]l!lllillllllll!t1Hllllllllllllllu COLD WEATHER Causes a yearning for hot cakes and maple syrup. We have PANCAKE FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOW and LOG CABIN MAPLE SYRUP. Eats mighty good these times. We are Clover Agents for . CORBY'S'CAKES FRESH EVERY WEEK. Our Market Department HANDLES ONLY THE BEST in STEAKS, ROASTS AND SAUSAGE. onoice steaKi n e.n w>ia. ? r- ? Pork at 30 Cts. a Pound. Pure Pork Saucage, 30 Cts. a Pound. We pay the highest market price for Eggs. .Bring us your Eggs. ' W. H. SHERER I Phone No. 58 CLOVER, S. C. ( A BIG REDUCTION I ON GOODRICH TIRES AND TUBES Call in and lot us figure on ' your next Tire. 1 J ' i GASOLINE, . . OILS AND J GREASES J. H. CARROLL I 1 1 . FOR PROMPTNESS i and ACCURACY f. In Prescription work bring your Pre- Z scriptions to us to be filled. ; r We carry a full line of First-Class Drugs and are confident we can do ; your work at lower prices than any ? other Drug Store. OUR PRESCRIPTION j Department is in charge of Dr. D. L. S SHIEDEK. a Registered Pharmacist of ; many years ot' experience. Always Call Dr. M. J. WALKER at No. 31. Mackorell Drug Co. NEAR THE COURTHOUSE. "WE PAY YOU 10 SAVE"? " There Is a Feeling "OF COMFORT in the knowledge that no matter what the future has in store for you or your family, you are assured against want by a Bank Ac* count. You oan enjoy this feeling by starting a Bank Account with ua and adding small amounts to it at your convenience." BANK 0F HICKORY oyE J HICKORY GROVE. S. C. Millinery j Is Always a Special With Us | LADIES ARE INVITED TO COME IN E AND INSPECT OUR LINE OF = MILLINERY FOR LADIES AND = MISSES? E We have THE Hat that we believe will Z suit YOU and the Price is RIGHT. : It will pay you to look else- | where and then come to 5 PLYLER'S for your Dry | Goods. = S. W. PLYLER 1 THE TRADE STREET MERCHANT = ROCK HILL, S. C. | WARNING TO TRESPASSERS. E A LL persons without distinction as to i ? ^ race or color, tire hereby warned 5! not to hunt, fish, cut timber, shoot or z otherwise trespass on land owned orjS controlled 1 ?y the undersigned. Disre- | 5 gtird of this notice will be punished t6j ? the full extent of the law. K. li. YO UNO BLOOD, = ANNIE Y. LAWRENCE. = 92 f 3t* ijj t Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SCHOOL DECEMBI I The Patrons, Taxpayers i ty Generally?Men dially Invited to Visi Time During TXTTP U7PPV -RTnnTWNn X II II ?I JJUJlli iJXJUXrnil YOU ARE SPENDING A (fo( tional purposes and It is not only > how it is .being used. With very find your school in better conditio But there is always room for im: thing lacking tell us about it or ta] change. PERHAPS SOME TREES Afl shade trees or glass in the windowi coat of paint. POSSIBLY YOUR TEACHER lng during the week?have some e: music and a talk or two on some meeting is called visit the school i your time. The teachers wlH exti you g ad you went. THE COUNTY SUPERINTEN of "pop calls" and if the County range a trip for the purpose they hand information on both roads an TEACHERS ARE REQUEST] and report to this office. Such a hood interest in school affairs. a general CITIZEN8' meet COURTHOUSE ON SATUF Nange to have a good YOUR COMMUNITY. Details of the JJig Meeting wil JOHN E. CARRC itnHiiinnnimtinmiiiiniiminiiiiiiiiiiii rupiPT BUILDS IimiTI MANHOOD! IN EVERYTHING practical and jommendable, learning how to DO lies h the DOING. The spenatnriri cannot icqulre thrift. LITTLE SAVING DEPOSITS / v # eBolutely, habitually cut from our indigencies, do more than buiM ^cumuative Bank account?they make raanlood. / FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHARON, S. C. ' Where the Farmer Is Welcome. I. H. 8AYE, J. 8. HARTNESS, President. Cashier See The Enquirer Office for Titles ind Mortgages of Real Estate. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiuifiimiiiiiiiimiifi Gigantic Si Ret Our Stock Reducing Sale We find people eage ues that we are offe this store in great n that we have the goo talking for themseh low the crowd?You OUR SPECIALS 1 $10.00?Priced -The Suit $4.98 s h Tan Shoes?$7.50 w - $3.ys rr. ? iss $10.50 and $11.00 ie pair... j? $4.98 nas is just a bit over a l may miss */hat you de- | >p early and sfyop here. NELL'S ONLY?NO CREDIT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIlS Vi - : <