I ' ' ' i . ! y.iid.' .6 ' 11 77 ijmmovmis Drpartmmt. TL. Daiftk Pi*.?Two I " VB" vv "" " I men on a ship-of-war were brought up i before their superior officer for fighting. Both were pretty badly battered. The executive officer turned to the first man and said: "Well, my ti}?tn, give me your aide of this light." ? "I'm a berth-deck cook by ratip', i ) fir," answered the man. "Bill Trigger fv, here, sir, is the captain of the fo'castle, sir, and him and me Is messmates, sir, and we go into cahoots for to make h | f' pie, sir, when we gets to sea. I bein' I a cook, sir, agrees to make the pastry, sir, and do the cookin', while BUI agrees to get the can of peaches offen the bumboat afore we leaves port, sir. Well, sir he done it and I done it, and comes mess gear, I calls Bill to come . and get his share o* the pie. Well, you j see, sir, we be heeled considerable to , the breeze, sir, and I has -some trouble j kecpin* the p^ns in the galley stove, sir; but I makes the pie, sir, and calls Bill like I said, sir. Bill 'e comes, sir, and I takes my knife and cuts the pie fair down the 'midship line, sir. Well then, sir, I sits down on my mess chest, sir, for to eat my pie, when Bill comes and hits me on the head, sir, j and knocks my pie into the waterways, sir." "Now, Trigger, what have you to say to this?" asked the officer. Said Trigger: "Yes, sir, it's just like Jonesy said, sir; 'im and me gdes into partners, sir, to make a pie when we ? gets clear o* the land, sir, and our fre9h grub is gone, sir. 'E beln* a cook, sir, agrees to make the casin', sir, and do the cookin", while I takes on to furnish the can. o' peaches, it(l beln' a peach pie sir.i Well, sir, 'e makes the pie, sir, and oalls me dowp at mess gear to get my 'alf and 'e takes a'krtirfe tiTid cuts "er falt^fore and aft in two as rierir las may be: tho ship bein' 'eeled oVer some, sir, just like 'e said, sir; and'd goes and sits down on 'is mess chest, sir, to eat 'is piece o' pie, but blast 'is bioemln' eyes, sir, 'e gives me the weather side 'o the pie and 'e gets all the peaches, sir, .'er ballast 'avin. shifted on the galley stove, sir. ' So I 'ad to 'it him, sir." The Profesior's Request.?A professor noted among his students for h's caustic wit had in one of his classes one year a young man who was both ignorant and conceited. One morning be made a specially self-satisfied display of both these characteristics, and the professor said he would like to see him at the end of the hour. When he came up 'after the lecture, | the professor asked: "You arc Mr. Junklns?" "Yes, sir." "Have you a visiting card?" "I?I?yes, yes," stammered the j nuzzled student. "Then, Mr. Junkins," the professor . said dryly, * write down on your visiting card all that you know, and bring it to me to-morrow." , - i . " ' Try It.?"Oh, dad. Mrs. Smith says^ you're the handsomest man on this street," said young-lady daughter. , "What? What's that you say?" "Mrs. Smith says you're tho handsomest man on this street," she re- j peated. "Huui-m! She did, did she!" After a moment's silence, yovhg- J lady daughter was heard to rfly under I her breath: "I believe it's true!" "What's that? What's true?" a.-ked the father expectantly. < 'That a man always says 'What?' j when you give him a compliment, so , ho oan heat; ,it a,ll over again!" He Asked to Know.?"I want a ! shave," said the determined-looking I man as he climbed into the barber's | chair. "I don't want a hair cut nor ' a sampoo. Neither do I want any bay | rum, witch hazel, hair tonic, hot tow- j els or face Passage. I don't want the i manicure lady to hold my hand nor i bootblack to fondle my feet. I just I want a plain shaA*e with no trimming. 1 Do you understand that?" "Yes,- sir," sold the barber. "Will you have some lather on your face, sir?" Handling Hie Quests.?The bellboy I of the Welcome hotel has invented an ' ingenious system of calling sleepy j guests. The other night a man left instructions that he wished to be call- ! ed early'. Next morning he was dis" i turbed by a loud tattoo upon the door, j "Well?" he demanded, sharply. "I've | got a message for you, sir." Yawning j until he strained his face, the guest I jumped out of bed and unlocked the j ? door. The bellboy handed hint an envelope and then went away quickly, j The guest opened the envelope and j took, out a slip of paper bearing the words: "It's time to get up." Getting Hit Trousseau Ready.? The squire of the neighborhood was ! just leaving after a call on Mrs. Maguire. "And your son, Mrs. Maguire?" said he as he reached for his hat. "I hope he 1s well. Husy, I suppose, getting ready for his wedding to-night?" "Well, it isn't hiin that is busy; it's I nie. squire," answered the beaming mother. "He's upstairs in bed while I'm washing out his trousseau." As They Had Seen It.?The mother entered the nursery and with surprise said: "Why, children, why do you sit about looking so solemn and unhappy? Why not a game of st>me J -sort ?" "We are playing," answered the little daughter. "We're playing we're grown-up ladies making a call." v- ' * ' ' When He Knows It.?"A man," once remarked Sir Herbert Heerbohm Tree, the famous 'English actor, "newer knows what a fool he is until he hears himself imitated hi" une.V .a *.. ^ ,, .Judicial Politics.?The daily papers all carried the Cooper candidacy for the supreme Court propaganda last week, in which the usual ' urgency" candidates receive "from throughout nnTiTrn in i mi i iiTmTim miii m 11 n 111 in 111 n m | Vision and It! i Sight is the moct precious of the s< ? Y Sight is sufficiently appreciated, underestimated. $ The Eye-Sight Conservation Coti Y for the sole purpose of conducting i X cational in character to'arouse pul X eye hygiene and eye-eare.- Tpe Coi ? the eves of school children should Jr offices and industrial workers in i Y formed of the importance of Eye-c 3? aids to visfofr (glasses) when nebde Y Charlotte is now a great Venter oi 'Y of defective eyes and the specialis .5 doing as good work as is done in I *4 where else. ? Personally wc are quite?ce?'tain t X "Testing Eyes for Visual Defects," ' $ best anywhere obtainable. I We invite those who desire to pi J X SOUTHERLAND-W X 5-7 W. FIFTH ST. ^ . (Every Saturday is Speoia: miniiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiimiiiiiiii <\I H VhotshotI J?TH KB ^ battery = H ^ rOW ?MrTUM K.NTTKW Columbia Dry Batteries work better and last longer YOt ?for bells and buntn ?for thermostats .1 ?foe gas engines | j ~ ?for dry battery lighting in closet, cellar, garret, barn, etc. 0TART ?for Ignition on the Ford while starting. Put an end IT13tt( to cold weather "balks" , 1 . a Columl ' tery No. The world's most famous dry Superior battery, a serf where group of narV Cells individual (till it needed. . . , r Fahnestock Spring Clip Bind- Ideal lOtT ing Posti at no extra charge For bells one Colu I Col Dry] DO YOU WANT TO SMILE when you step on your Self-1 Starter these cold mornings? We can tell you how it can be done. ] Let us put you in a % WESTINGHOUSE BATTERY, and watch your smile. We mean it "She's a peach," und with the Eighteen Months Guarantee and every one backed up by the Westinghouse j people, who are well ab.e to stand back of what they say. And don't forget that OIL for yourj motor and tractor? GREEN FLAG OIL Fills the' bill exactly. And remember, that GUIrepair department Is fully prepared and competent to Repair your Motor, Battery. Generator, Starter or in fact anything that' you might want repaired about your car. j Plexico's CASH Garage Sharon, S. C. J. Clyde Plexico A. B. Plexieo1 mm mm mm mm mm m I Ynur f I * ~^ TO DRESS WELL is the world that you think I less you think well of vol the other fellow will do it YES, DRESS WELL, you to dress beyond your for the sake of wearing g< m well as you can within you indication of your good se i We specialize in Good Bovs??Clothes that are jjj manship and tit, and dow prices?prices that you cj dress within your meansSuit or Overcoat you are I your hoy?we can please \ RAINCOA Most any time from now need for a good Raincoat. to have it when it starts t( av /i /vaa/1 linno nf i?. ?> L" XlCl\L" JjUUU HJllTiJ l/i 111 women?good in (anility ? Let us show yon Cloth I sh0ES J- Id- S 7 the state" was related. The last 1><*Agraph in the propaganda publieity cftltains the "nigger in the woodpile," and is as follows: "In the event of the governor's election, Lieut.'Governor Hariiiii 111 ii 111 n 11111111 ii imi Ji 111 nin iniTinM i ii 5 Importance | snscs, but it is shamefully abused. A but the Importance of Eye-care Is Y 'ncil of America has been formed t a national campaign entirely edu- X blic interest in the importance of .J, unci 1 lays stress on the facts tnat j be cared for, clerks in stores and mills and factories should be in-ate and of the benefits of proper ? f activity in caring- for all manner -x ts engaged in the work here are X ^e-.v York, London, Paris or any- ?? v '1 > hat in our line of Eye Work, via., we are giving service equal to the ractice "Eye-Care" to consult us. 5. AKEFIELD CO. | CHARLOTTE, N. C. ? I School Children's Day), ? iniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHUiiiinmmiiimiinimn* quick start? your Ford car quick, no ?r how cold the weather, on 3ia "Hot Shot" Ignition Bat1461. On** package, 6 volts, to a wired-up group of ordi. Works better, lasts'longer. stationary gas engines, too. and buzzers,-you need but mbia "Bell Ringer." Little -big power. electricians, auto accessory shops s, hardware and general {.tores. , Columbia is on the label. iimbia Batteries ? they lest longer Millinery Is Always a Special With Us LADIES ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND INSPECT OUR LINE OF 1 MILLINERY FOR LADIES AND MISSES? We have THK Hat that we believe will j suit VOL* and the Price is RIGHT. It will pay you to look elsewhere and then come to PLYLER'S for your Dry Goods. S. W. PLYLER THE TRADE STREET MERCHANT ROCK HILL, S. C. " " i Bi HiH m lothing | ?ood business. It shows ij| well of youi'self and 1111irself you needn't tliink I for you? m No, we do not mean for ^ means, to dress well just M ood clothes, but dress as irmeans?that will bean ; use Clothes for Men and for ;?< imb up in quality, work- E& n to reasonable and fair jj| in afford to pay and yet ^ -Come and see us for the needing for yourself or || T TIME I 011 you arc likely to find L Better buy it now so as p > raining and you need it. fe lineoats for men and for g* md rightly priced.' ? ing and Baincoats. I ROUP , SH0I2S |j I HI ! I ; '?i? : - -." r ~ 1 ~j r vev 61' Charleston, would micce'od him as govehi'or of the state." In other words. Governor Cooper is to hand the office of governor of South CaroAUCTION SALES. CLERK'S SALE The State of South Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Common Pleat. Bessie B. Bomar, Plaintiff, against Mary J. Martin and J. B. Martin, Defendants. DECREE OF SALE T)Y virtue of a Decree of Hon. Havne " F. Rice, Presiding Judge of the Sixth Circuit, I will offer for sale, in front ^>f York Court House, on the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER, at the usual hour of sale, the following tract of land, to wit: '.All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situated in the Town of Smyrna, Soqth Carolina. County of York, on Castle Street, and running N. 70 E. 148 feet to a stake; thence S. 20 E. One hundred and forty-seven (147) feet to a stake; thence S. 70 W. One Hundred and Forty-eight (148) feet to a stake; thence N. 20 W. One Hundred and Forty-sveen feet to the beginning corner and containing TWENTY ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY SIX (21,756) SQUARE FEET, more or less, and being the same property conveyed to me (Mary J. Martin) by J. S. Wilkerson by deed dated August 26, 1920." Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, the deferred portion of bid to be secured by bond and mortgage of purchaser on above described tract of land. Purchaser to pay for papers and recording fees. Purchaser to comply with his bid in one hour or the premises will be re-sold at the risk of purchaser. T. E. MoMACKIN, C. C. C., Pis., York County. 92 f. 3t. CLERK'S SALE The State of South Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Commori Pleas. L. D. Varner, Plaintiff, . against It. F. E'.am, Defendant. made In the above entitled action, I will expose to public sale before the Court House door at York, South Carolina, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5TH, 1921 during the legal hours of sale, the following described property: "All that certain tract of land in the County of York, in the State of South Carolina, containing TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY AND 62-100 (270.62) ACRES, more or less, known as Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, of the L. D. Varner tract of land, in the said County and State, and more particularly described on a plat made by James McLamon, August 7th, 1920, and which said plat is on file in this office, subject to inspection, and said lands are bounded by the lands of Jno. A. Latta, Southern Railway Company, the old Pinckney road and others, the exact courses of which are more particularly set forth and described with the divisions thereon, on the plat hereinbefore referred to. "There is located on said premises one eight room dwelling, equipped with Dt-lco lighting-system; one new Ave room dwelling; two barns; six tenant houses; one well with large tank; one Ash pond." Terms of Sale: One-third cash with remainder in three equal annual installments one, two and three years from date of sale, with interest on the credit portion 'at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable annually from date of sale until- paid. The purchaser or purchasers will have leave to pay their entire bid in cash, and are to pay for all papers and Revenue stamps. The credit portion to be secured by Bond of the purchaser, and a mortgage of the premises so sold, which said Bond and mortgage shall contain provision that in the event default be mafle in the payment of any installment ^of principal or Interest as they severally become due, then the entire debt with interest thereon shall immediatelv become due and payable and collectible, and there shall be the further provision contained in said Bond and Mortgage that in the event of co'lection by suit or foreclosure, the makers will pay reasonable Attorney's fees for said collection. The said lands and premises may be sold as a whole or divided into lots and sold separately, announcement of whichjwill be made at the time of sale. (MEAL) T. E. McMACKIN, C. C. C. Pis., York County. November 17th, 1921. CLERK'S SALE The State of South Carolina?County of York. In the Court of Common Pleas. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, against / J. R. Mickle, The Peoples National Farm Loan Association, C. B. Ratchford and Plantei3 Bank of Sharon, S. C., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT to a decree of His Honor H. F. Rice dated November 9th 1921 and an amended decree dated November 14th, L921, in the above entitled action, I will expose to public sale at auction to the highest bidder before the Court House Door at York, S. C., at 11 o'clock or as soon thereafter as possible, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1921 the following described real estate, to wit: , "All that certain tract or plantation of land lying, being and situated in York County, State of South Carolina, in Bullock's Creek Township, on the waters of BuBock's Creek about fifteen miles in a southwesterly direction from the town of York, on the Pinckney and Love's Ford Road containing TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTYJTIVB ACRES more or less, and being particularly described in a plat thereof made by W. N. Elder dated Feb. 20th, 1921, which said plat is recorded in office of R. M. C. for York County, Book 32 at page 502, said tract being bounded by lands of A. E. Feemster on the North, C. I>. Ratchford and W. L. Cranford on the East, R. D. Cranford_ on the South, R. F. Bankhead and C. H. Feemster on the West, and being the same tract of land conveyed to C. B. Ratchford by deed of Mrs. Berta Smith McAliley dated June ? 1919, recorded in Book ?, page ?, and by the said C. B. Ratchford conveyed to J. R. Mickle Jan. 13th, 1920."" Terms (if ?:ilc- One-third cash, ba' ance in one and two years, to be secured by a bond and mortgage by the purchaser on the premises to the undersigned as Clerk of Court, purchaser to pay for all papers and revenue stamps. All crops growing, standing on or unharvested on the said premises are reserved from sale. If terms of sale are not complied with, property- to be resold at purchaser's risk. (SEAL)' T. E. MeMACKIX. C. C. C?. Pis., York County. i ~f> i ' >'1 !. > *. ; | ' Jlna tp Mf. Harvey in exchange for the votes of Mr. Harvey's friends in the supreme court contest. It's all figured out nicely.?Bamberg Herald. BEACH-IHRIE ESTABLISHED 1887 Old Reliable Jewelers ========= i ' ' \( ? ; i i ,i.v / / < ?. - Fine , / T | Watch and Jewelry Repairing T-v. Diamonds Olv' . 1 mounted in gold or platinum Neat Engraving I ? -V Beach-Ihrie Ipwplrv Co. """ ~? J ? EOCK HILL, S. C. w e furnish OUTFITS FOR MEN WHO WANT THE NEWEST, THE NOBBIEST AND THE BEST. COLD WEATHER Is coming and you'd better be looking after that OVERCOAT. ? We Have a Big Line of the Neweet Patterns on Display at Prices That Would Surprise You. I LET US SHOW YOU. PARKER-SMOAK CLOTHING CO.,; S. R. SMOAK, Manager Rock Hill, S. C. Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Troper cleaning IX addition to doing Cleaning of all kinds of garments for Ladies and Gen- i tlemen, I am also prepared to take | care of the highest class of Cleaning I and Dying Work?such as Ladies' Fine Dresses. I have connections with one of the best. Cleaning establishments in America that makes a specialty of the highest class work. Bring your garments that need cleaning to me and I will have your work done for you promptly. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD FELT HAT Bring it to me. I wi'l send ft to a i concern that makes a specialty ofj Cleaning, Rcblocking and Retrimm'.ng Felt Hats for Ladies and Gentlemen. 1 Work promptly done and at moderate j i prices. JIM LEE LAUNDRY Main and Madiaon Streets YORK, S. C. Buy 'Em Anywhere The fo'lowing are some of the stores j selling the best and most popular remedy for Headaches and Colds: YORK DRUG STORE, NIVENS BROS.,* MORRISON'S STORE, J. R. A. WALLACE'S STORE, W. W. BARRON'S STORE, ALL in YORK. W. E. LAND* STORE, Filbert. CLOVER DRUG STORE, GEORGE WILLIAMS S STORE, At Clover. PLEXICO DRUG STORE, SIMS DRUG COMPANY, At Sharon. HOOD DRUG CO.. Hickory Grove. SMYRNA DRUG STORE, R. J. CASTLES, At Smyrna. , GUTHRIESVILLE MERC..CO., At Guthriesville. J. P. WILLIAMS & CO., J. P. BARNES, I At McConnel'.svlUe. MATTHEWS & CO., At Old Point. WYMOJO COMMUNITY STORE. At Rock Hill. If you want quick relief don't forget to try one box of PINKSULES and be convinced. 25 Cts. a Box. YORK DRUG STORE I TO OUR , 4 I customers | A ' .{ > We beg to advise You that on y i . . , ?l ;j; After November 15th .j. Our terms will be . y! I STRICTLY CASH f ! A v ! A We have adopted a Cash policy A I in paying for our supplies and y IV will therefore have to sell our y v V nnAPMI/^TO TAD TACL1 rnuuuo i o rvn vnsin. v X 2 After November 15th * i '' X I *:* We will h:ive no new accounts, 't* i so please do not ,j. Ask Us to Charge. CLOVER COTTON :j: OIL & GINNING :j: I COMPANY, I ||Clover, S. C. f ... 1 jjlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I Gigantic Sh ! Red ] NOW AND HERE TH | 1 Case Bed Ticking?Regu ^ Goods?Special the Y; | 1 Case Colored Plaids?Re ^ Goods?Special the Y 1 1 Case Sheeting?Regular = ?Special the Yard | 1 Lot Ladies' Shoes?$3.0C | ues?sizes 3 and 4?tl | 1 Case Ladies' Brogue sty] : Extra Special, the Pa 1 162 Boys' Suits?values u] Priced Special the Su | $18.00 Silk Bound North C ^ Blankets?Heavy?Si | 1,000 Pairs Best 240 weigl Overalls?Special jjj 30Q pairs Boys' Pants, ma Jl_ -X* - 1 J *11 enus 01 vvuoi arm siif ders coming to us fi-oi i ?Mothers, come and boy?Special tlic Pair | 87 Young Men's Herringb " popular weave? $25 rc : York buyer kays to sel I STAPLES?LESS THAN S One Case 18 Cts. DRILLING?Sale ] = One Case LIGHT COLORED OUTi: ^ LADIES' LO] = 100 LADIES' $18.00 LONG COATSMEN'S SUITS AN 5 MEN'S $25.00 SUITS?Extra Good l 5 MEN'S LONG HEAVY OVERCOAI = MEN'S HEAVY PANTS?Splendid I BOYS' SUITSE BOYS' SUITS?A big selection?To REAL BARGAINS II 5 ALL LADIES' $7,50 SHOES?Now g = 340 Pairs of WOMEN'S SHOES, lor MEN'S SHOES?G S MEN'S TAN DRESS SHOES?Pair' E All MEN'S $8.50 W. L. Douglass SH< MEN'S HEAVY 0 ~ 1,000 Pairs of MEN'S HEAVY OVE MIDDY SUITS= $15.00 MIDDY SUITS?Siplcndid gan 5 $10.00 MIDDY SUITS?Better than i 1 SWEA S One lot SLIPOVER SWEATERS?G 2 MEN'S SWEATERS?A good valiaeEXTRA S: s One Case BED TICKING?Buy all 3 SATURDAY SHEE 5 One Case SHEETING on Sale Satu : ?Special Price SOME EXTRA G< = One Case PAJAMA CHECKS?will to 25 Cts. Yard?Watch It! Buj 2 One Case of CHAMBRAY?A good E LOOK!?One Case ALAMANCE?10 NOW IS THE TIME 1 U WOMEN'S HOSIERY?Buy a plentj E MEN'S HOSE?You need more?Bu; S CHILDREN S HOSE?They never hi 1 85 PAIRS LADIES' SH = YES. 85 Pairs of LADIES' SHOES? ?Sizes 3s and 4s?.To close out YOUNG MEI E 300 Pairs YOUNG MEN'S PANTSpat terns ? ? ? NORTH CAROLINA B E Just 24 pairs of Heavy NORTH CAF weight?Silk Boundones?values (Only Two Pairs to 137 CHILDRE1 E We want yoQ to see these?They are in good stjdes of,good materialsI SHOP EARLY?Only fox Christmas?Buy todaj 1 McCONJ = WE SELL FOR CASH < iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [ ' iiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiuimi 1 WINDOW C i; For several weeks \ | scouring the country by m = various sizes. We have w 5 our list that we thought mi 3 requirements. Finally w< 5 merit?not very large?an 3 ones who has asked us afc a you still need it?SEE L | the Glass and can supply | when nor where we will g( AND LIKEWISE | We have been having call S fri>nlno XV n /J i /"l n lmVP ~ ^ I (UV-O. !? V vuviii v im t V S them for quite a while; bir = and the Grates are now h 5 wanting a grate come ami 5 can supply you?we do not = another suj)ply. Attend t I York Furn miiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii / iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiu ock ' f facing Sale | ? PUCE TO SAVE 5 l i Liar 10 Cts. C CTS. ard ^ .. %? gular 10 Cts. C CTS. ard v. 10 Cts. Goods J CTS. j i and $4.00 val- MCTS. i le Pair le Oxfords? $198 I ^to $10-00? ,|4^g | Jaroliha Wool GJO Cfl = Decial the Pair | it Men's Denim t J 25 - - : S dc out of Tailoring P :..1j l. iiuxeu. guuus?ur- s m all states around e sco them for your rone Suits?the new g. >al value:?Our New :z II them for $15.00 r WHOLESALE COST 1 Price Yard 121-2 CT3. " *JG8?Sale Price 121-2 CT8. s m GOATS I -A goad value $12^0 3 D OVERCOATS I values?Special $15.00 3 [ S?Dovfn to $12.50 5 values dt .J r_ ? $2.50 S BIG VALUES ' I c!ose at zll.? $4.98 = I LADIES' SHOES 1 3 :o at t _! $3.98 = merly sold at 38^0?Now ....$4.98 ? REAT VALUES I $2.98 1 DES?Now $6.00 Pr. S VERALLS, $1.25 $ 1 HALLS?Now ...m $1.25 3' -CUT HALF 1 nents?Now ........ $7.50 3 iverage?Now 1 $5.00 5 .TERS , K loing at $1.48 ? ?Now ..... $1.00 PECIAL ' ft; rou need?At 5 CT8. Yard S\ ITING SPECIAL * = rday and as long as it lasts :..... 5 CT8. Yard 5 )OD SPECIALS ' I sell in the Spring at 16 Cts. X t it here now at 121-2 CT8. E 15 Cts. Quality?Now ....10 CT8. g Cts. Goods?On Sale 6 CTS. Yd. 3 '0 BUY HOSIERY 1 r?Pair ? 10 CT8. 3 v 'em now?Pair 10 CT8. 3 xve enough?Buy now 10 CT8. * 9 OES AT 50 CTS. PB. l Button?for every day wear ? quick 60 CT?. Pair 2 rs PANTS 1 -Popular English Cut?Good $3.48 to $6.00 3 LANKET SPECIAL 1 tOLINA BLANKETS?5 lbs. ? up to $15.00?Special $8.50 B a Customer). - |jgpj|fl| tf'S COATS i n splendid values?well made ? ISgS ?Priced at .. $3.98, $4.98, $6.98 ? W ir and a half weeks to | V j. Buy Here. | NELL'S I 1 DNLY?NO CREDIT | ' 1 iiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiin * = . x 1 , iiiiiiiiiiiifflimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii T GLASS ( i 9 ve have been literally s ail for Window Glass in 1 ritten to every house in 9 Lgnt possioiy supply our j b liavc secured a ship- j ; d if you are one of the j ' lout Window Glass and i ; S NOW while we have j you. We do not know i ;t another supply. ^ AS TO GRATES | [ after call for fireplace 1 them ?and couldn't find 3 t finally we landed them :> ere. If you are still 5 I see us NOW while we | know when we may get ? a 1 \ ?.'AT 1 2 o tins iujjai, piease. n. liture Co. | iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiirmiiifimtiimiimirnfiH ?' *? * ./ ... ^ m (