' '1 ? ^ /5V ! KATHLEEN I NORRIS J t Cb?r.GMr ?&VI,T \? \ Vrr-V-: v'A -iJl-/ KSiiil# lb \ V 5AY- - s v\ "Hello, Old Bumpy-doodles!" Snid A!Puryin-i Poth Hands in His Feathered Collar. lnvuelx wo!! toward t!io rid.ro i !o. a >.i \ {i 1. If jilmvo i' ir Iiinids, I:* i tlio t v is. ! oC yo^ti ivvo tlust Ji: d t ii' , im rni(| |i a >.'0 i. I a' o? t olus oiw (if crosiiti.v "* I ; To t!:o 1 the - -'' " A ? : i. i I ii | ,v.?)\ ?!? ; > "* t "?V4.. ? > 0 B t' 1 '1 I ]:, ! ' I !.y ,!a : ! K l'.v \\ . ? -il ir:1 r:tjt |.l?!Sl)-* 11 >W:;? ! ! T. old 1 'lilllpyL?lor? '? -il!:v ln-:i<:. ami hiiiyin- ' :: h.nuN i:i lim feathered collar. "Slitlo, oh! !!?? !;!" \Ir-Tniidrn. for heaven's sake Stop jMlli.liil.-J Joyce Al.sguste'dly, coming ui> the patli. "I date say you've not had your breakfast. vitIlfir. Go wash your hands! 'Morning, Doctor!" I father and daughter turned to smile upon him, n tall. lean man, with t\ young face and a finely gnomcd head, and with touches of premature silver j at his temples. He was a bachelor. Just entering 1 his thirties, a fastidious, critical, ex- | nAing man by reputation, but showing ' his-best side to tlie Strickiands. They ' Iiad a vague idea that he was rich, ac- ! cording to their modest standard, but j lie apparently had no extravagant tastes, and lived as quietly, or ntore j quietly, than they did. Re liked soli- | j tude, hooks, music, .dogs, and his fireside. The old doctor's one social en- j ; Joymeut was In visiting Peter, and j ! the younger man went to no other place so steadily ns??he came to the old house under the redwoods. "'.Morning, Peter T' said Doctor Strickland now, smiling at him. ! "Have you had yours?" I "My house," said fir. Joyce, fastidiously, "is a well-managed place. Say," , he added, pursing his lips to whistle, as lie looked at the rose tree, "did Tuesday's wind do that?" i "Tuesday's wind and Dad," Alix answered. "Will it go back, Peter?" "1?I don't know!" lie mused, walking slgwly about the wreck. "If we had a lever down here, and some ; fellow on the roof with u rope, may- | lie." "Mr. Lloyd is coming over'" Allx announced. Peter nodded absently, I hut the mention of Martin Lloyd re- | minded him that they had nil dined | at his house on the very evening when ! lhe mysterious gale bad commenced, j and with interest lie asked: "Cherry catch cold coming home | Tuesday night?" ."No; she squeezed In between Dnd I and irte, and was as warm as toast!" Alix answered casually. "Ilow'd you like Mr. Lloyd?" she added. "Nice fellow!"' Peter answered. "lie's awfully nice," Aljx agreed. "Who is he?" Peter asked curiously. "Where are his people and all that?" j "Ills people live in Portland," the 1 girl answered. "He's a mining en- . gineer, and lie's walling now to he i called to El Nido; lie's to be at a mine there. He's lots of fun?when you knqw him, really!" "Talking of the new Prince Charm- j ing, of course," Anne said, joining i them, anil linking an arm in her tin- j ele's anil in Alix's arm. "Don't hring that puppy in, Alix. please! Breakfast, Uncle Lee. Come and have an- j other cup of coffee. Peter!" "Prince Charming, eh?" Peter ; echoed thoughtfully, as they nil i turned toward a delicious drift of the 1 odor of bacon and coffee, and crossed ' the porch to the dining room. "I was j going down for the mull, hut now I'll | have to stay and see this rose matter 1 through! Thanks, Anne, but I'll i watch you. Where's Cherry?" he I added, glancing about. Cherry answered the question her- 1 self by trailing in in n Japanese wrap- j per, and beginning to drink her coffee i 1*1. ni'iitc I'netlit" i\!? I lut I table. Nobody protested, the adored youngest was usually given her way. "I heard you all laughing, under iho window and it?woke?me?up!" Cherry said dreamily. "It seems to nu?," Anne, who had been eyeing Iter uneasily, said lightly, that some one I know is getting pretty old to come downstairs in tliat^ rig when, strangers are here!" "If seems to Tne this is just as do- j cent as lots of things?bathing suits, for instance!" Cherry returned In- ! stantly, gathering the robe about her, j and giving Anne a resentful glance over her blue cup. "I have a rope somewhere?" the | doctor uminated. "Where did I put that l"iig rope?what did I have it for, in th" first place " , "You had it to guy the apple tree," Alix reminded him. "The tree that died after ail?" "Aii, yes!" said her father, his attentive face brightening. "Ah, yes! Now where Is that rope?" Jhit even as .Mix observed that she had seen it somewhere, and ndvatieed a tentative guess :i< to tli" eel In r, his eyes fell upon ('berry, end v;ent from Cherry's ansorneu jaee?mr sue was un-anine.: 1 over 1 a*r breakfast?to IVtor, anil ho wondered if IVtor had kissed her. "Coine on. let's get at it!" Alls exclaimed with relish. "Come on, Sweetuins," she added, to the do;;. She caught Ids forepnws, and lie wliij: I his heanl iful tail between hi- 1< _ . and looked about wilh agon]:: d eyes while she dragged him through a clutusy dance. "He's the r darling -d pup we ever had!" Alix ? stated to t'lerry, who was departing for tii" u|'|i r regions iinti a complete 1111IIL*. "I'.riir,' your cigarette out hero, IVtcM'," the old doctor said, crossing the rardcu to look in tin* abandoned greenhouse for his rope. "It's not laic." lie Staled. Then he began a: ain. "Vosi hrouuht I'heiT.t home last night?' lie asked. 1 "As a nuttier of fact, I didn't," IVt'-r iii<>vered. in his quick, [jreelse I tonos! "IViiiuo witli Llnjif iiiut "LTieFry ] as far ns tlio bridge. tlieu T cut up the hill. Why?" he added sharply. "What's lip?" ' "Nothing's up," Doctor Strlcklnnd said plow', .v. "Rut I think Lloyd nd- j mires-or is beg'nning to adaiire? her." I e said "" i hi?Cluxry!" Peter cxcHln.ee.. i, - - - . . i 1 with distaste and incredulity In his ! tone. "You don't thin1.; so?" the doctor, looking nt him wistfully, asked eng- j erly. i "Why, certainly not!" Peter said, his face very red. "She's mu*ch j younger than Anne and Alix-?" "It doesn't always go by that," the ~ doctor ^suggested. / "No, I know it doesn't," Peter answered in his quick, annoyed fashion, c "I should be sorry," Cherry's futher admitted. "Sorry!" Peter echoed Impatiently. "But it's quite out of the question, of course! It's quite out of the question. She?she woui ln't consider him j for aq instant," lie suddenly decided j in great satisfaction. "You mustn't j forget tiiat. she lias something to do with it! Very fustidious, Cherry. ; She's not like other girls 1" i "Thnts true?that's true!" Doctor Strickland agreed, in great relief. They turned back toward the garden, ~ In time to meet Alls and several dogs streaming across the clearing. Over (lie girl's shoulder was coiled the i groat .ope; she leaped various logs ( and small bushes as she came, aud the dogs barked madly and leaped with her. Breathless, she stumbled and fell into her father's arms, and ItAth ninn Imil llin tn i,ia lliAinrlile nnn ! i'vui lucii iiuu uic ?uiiic v/iiv. that mode them siuile upon her tomhoyishness indulgently: "If this Is . twenty-one?eighteen is three long f years younger and less responsible!" (To he Continued.) I R. C. Brocktnffton F. L. Hinnanl ? W. M. Brown fi Palmetto Monument Co. f . YORK, - S. C. 1 Why Pay an Agent Profit? We know that the Agent1 has to live, | but let the other fellow keep him up. | ' Deal Direct with the I PALMETTO MONUMENT CO., , York, S. C.; Phone No. "21. If you wish us to call we will be glad j. to have one of our firm call on You. i We do not travel agents. We can and will co your work at as Low a Price and as Good in Quality as any one in the business. Try Us, is all . that we ask. You be the judge. PALMETTO MONUMENT CO. jj "Honor Them With a Monument." ; a NEW LOT OF CHOICE I . * Wc have a choice burn now?-arrived a few days for a Mule or two conic ail exchange and give you a MULES JAMES BF I | OIL MILL PRODUCI 11 Sec us for a good exc We have iice bright || OUR GINNERIES ARE THAN THEY HAA | ROLLER MILL-11 Grinds Wheat, Corn at: Feed. Chicken Feed. H I I lay, Flour ami Corn money. DEALERS IN COAL AND YORKVILLE COXTOj PROFESSIONAL CARDS I. A. Marion W. G. Finley MARION AND FINLEY [i ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office opposite the Courthouse. ! 1 3hone 125. YORK.S. C.' J.i Dr. C. L. i WOOTEN ; ? DENTIST ? OFFICE OVER THE POSTOFFICE Telephones: Office, 128; Residence, 53.! CLOVER, - - S. c. ; 71 , t. i. 6m BETTY LINK, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR c )iseases of the Spine and Nervous ! i System and all Organic Inco-ordina- i tion. Consultation and Analysis Free. 331 Chatham Avenue. !, Phone 396?J I , ROCK HILL, - - 8. C. YORK FURNITURE CO. Undertakers ? Embalmers YORK, - - 8. C. n All Its Branches?Motor Equipment ," Prompt Service Day or Night In Town or Country. Dr. R. 11. GLENN Veterinary Surgeon | j ;alls answered day or nig n Phono 92 york, - ' l- 3. c. 1 W. W. LEWIS Attorney at Law Rooms 205 and 206 'ecples Bank A Trust Co.'s Building, YORK, - 8. C. Phones: Office 63. Residence 44. 1 ' ' I JOHN R. HART ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR at law. ' 'rompt snd Careful Attention to All Business Undertakenrelephone No. 69. YORK. S. C. 76 f.t II . 4S.BEICE 1 Attorney At Law. Prompt Attention to all Legal business of Whatever Nature. rront Offices, 8econd Floor, P.. . las Bank A Tr -t Co.'s Building. Phone NO'51' i SR. WM. M. KENNEDY ? DENTAL SURGEON ? Office on Second Floar of the Wyfie Building. telephones: Office, 99; Residence, lflh york, - $. c. ?~ I M I sjj^w VEULES? li of ^rulcs at our barns ? ago. J f you have a need d see us. We will sell or fair deal. (OTHERS H0ESES VWWWWiAVWWWWWWAW 's~- " ||! liange of Meal for Seed. ! \ Hulls. ' I [ IN BETTER SHAPE || EVER BEEN. jj id Oats. Sells Flour, Hog j [ orse and Mule Feed, Oats, 1 [ Meal. Try us and save J [ ICE. LOU COMPANY j, IWWVWWWWJ FALL PAINTINGIs considered by all paint authorities is the BEST time of the year to app'y 1 House Paint. We are selling and guaranteeing 'GLIDDEN'S" Paints, which we be- j licvc to be second to none on the j market. One of our local painters, when ask?d by a prospective buyer, what he thought of GLIDDEN'S, said: "I HAVE BEEN PAINTING l-UHi THIRTY-FIVE YEARS, AND FIND, THAT IT WORKS BETTER AND | COVERS MORE SURFACE THAN ANY PAINT PER GALLON THAT,! HAVE EVER USED." Its analysis shows ninety-one ppr , ent lend and zinc, only nine per cent, neri matter to keep it from "crawk | ng." ' J ;?t i ASK FOR PRICES ' niEY ARE RIGHT, and the most atractivc tcrnis ever offered by a paint joncern. Paint Up and Preserve Your Property, with GLIDDEN'S. PEOPLES FURNITURE ?? COMPANY L THE CITY MARKET i ! THE CITY MARKET WILL HAVE ' some of the BEST STALL FED J BEEF this week that has ever been in ( York. LET US HAVE YOUR OR- i DERS and we will give you something i jood. WE WILL HAVE SOME CHOICE MUTTON" ON" FRIDAY and SATUR- J DAY. and also all kinds of MIXED i FISH. I i WE WANT YOUR? Good FAT HOGS and your VEAL j CALVES. Let us know about 'Om. J Buy at the CITY MARKET? " < Get the choice Stall Fed Meat. j When yoii get It from 'a wagtm, You know not what you eat. ' J ?O. G. j THE CITY MARKET., j SEE US FOR PAINT j A RE YOU GOING TO PAINT? It ! is important that you do if you would < preserve your buildings, aside from the "j fact that appearances count for much. WE SELL DEVOE PAINTS. Ask any good painter. He ,wlll tell you J right off the bat that DEVOE GOES | FURTHER AND LASTS LONGER. I Ask the man whose house has been < painted with DEVOE. He knows, and j he will tell you too. Good stock of DEVOE paints on J hands. Ask us for prices for either the OUTSIDE or the lNSIDE PAINTS and < PAINTS FOR FLOORS. ( LUMBER AND PRODUCTS. | Don't biiy Lumber or Lumber Pro- j ducts until ybu se$ qa for/prices. We have the Lurfibef And;IAlmber PVo- j ducts and the Price?. . i LOGAN LUMBER YARDj ilNOUK FACTORY 8; ; ON THE PREMISES v We design, make and furnish H < for yqur individual eye needs H i ,i any kind, style or shape lensH i known to the optical world. H 1 I WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN 'i M EYE NEEDS FOR GLASSES. j Eyes examined?Glasses Fitted. H J I Broken Lenses Duplicated Whiel j You Wait. r j I I CQMpjUOf 11 H Hampton Street \ ROCK HILL, - - S. C. SHOE SPECIALS ji We have Selz and Craddock- ; Terry Shoes? ; For all the members of. the family. !] There are none better than these fam- |, ous brands and we have them at all < prices and in all styles and sizes. < BUY YOUR SHOES AT CLOVER'Sii LEADING DRY GOODS STORE, , AND SAVE MONEY. Men's Shoes from $3.50 to $6.00 Pair.!1 Ladies' Shoes from $2.50 to $9.00 Pair. I Children's Shoes from $1.25 to $3.00 the i Pair. [ IT IS SCHOOL.TIME?LET US SUPPLY THE CHILDREN WITH CLOTHING. PARROTT'S ' The Store With a Conscience" CLOVER, S. C. ? ^ '' See, Phone or Write to THOS. C. O'FARRELL ! High Grade Monuments In Marble and.^aviitf: Plant on East Liberty Street, Adjoining Rose HiJI Cemetery, Phone 211 ' YORK, 3. C. i mpfi USEE York Furnitu Phone 153 HARD Crockery, I Aluminu GIASS an \ v wa I * ' SAY!Sjj i See oiijr i 1 ?n_ . L ( I - 3 ? r* I ' ' ' . j it's a Pleasure an I weather. Let i i home and instal | RED W ^^b ^^B W YOF Store WARI S. L. CO Sales TH^ UNIVE 48 S. Main St. j^N Autoraobi I known by . ! Have you eve ; LYS predomi > ' ? | grade of cars \ I THOMPSON IL. G. THOMSPON YORK, NEW MODE DODGE Best Car for the Money on the Market. J I HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE Agency; for this well known car on the Western side of the York County. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS generally know what the DODGE is and all are igreed as to its SUPERIOR MERITS. THE NEW MODEL possesses some i features that are well worth investiga- | tion. and I am in a position to enlighten all who may be interested. ^ nn Mi?nTrnn UTTT* C. F. SHERER 59 YORK, S. C. 26t 11 .1 ! w wm^ T ^jvpnwy S original Hot Blast Heater is fj bp a positive guarantee. Witt ' r"l ,T " v#i? ? / - ft.? Phone 153 J WAKfc PPPPPPPPPPIPPPPPIP?* ***? . 9$r-*4 'if '+$ '* 1 Enamel and m ware d PYREX 7T-t ; ; re ;* 1 t i , >. i ju got your mace for winter? >*l j -y n Pipeless Furnace i * VJ^. Service R5>1 CAR. W'1 YOBS, S. G. V/ . \ ' ' > le ttir, like a man, is ; 4 * nnf^i nn tVin hotfor xiuvv liiv; wvvvv* V ? r , - ! &FEWELL | , ... . W. J. /FEWELL <| - S. C. *\ 'fT i; V J[ o > o r;V ' ' & . i. .. < . > ? - *,?*%.? & . SIMRILL OIL CO. , YORK, S. C. V 'M >'<** b ' : . ' ALWAYS THE BEST ' ' ' 'jjj QUALITY OF PRODUCTS, AND AT . PRIOFS THAT ARE FAIR AND JU#T. PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE ALWAYS. '? TELEPHONE No. 242 1 ' * & Let'Us Have Your Orders by- Mail or Telephone, or See Our Drivers As f THty Passs By. JI9IILL MIL I'D.1 FRANK M. SIMRILL, Manager. e A