Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, October 28, 1921, Page Page Six, Image 6

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BEER FOR MEDICINE i .?h\<i?: ?-?? . Treasury Department Seeks to Nuili; 3 fy Constitution. " 4?-? REGULATIONS FOR SALE OF LIQUOR ; . ?*?'$* r * Drinkqf* Who Arc Able to Pay Can ? HtfVk Boer by the Crete, a Pint of ^hisky Every Ten Days and Wine ^bjTthe Half Gallon.' Tasftington Herald, Tuesday. Secretary of the .Treasury Mellon lifted the lid .yesterday on the manuf?ct\lVe and ?ale of beer for medicinal' l^irpbses. Deciding not* to await longer the, passage of the pending anti-beer bill by Congress, Mr. Mellon issued rigid regifl&tions for the manufacture of beer by ^tAhorizad breweries and its sale by j druggists upon an authorised? physl- ' oiarVJf prescription. Not more than , two nnd one-half gallons of beer may I be prescribed at one time for rise by the same person. * x Tho revised regulations-limit the pre-1 scriptidh of whisky and brandy to one! pint for the same person within ten to two quarts and of al- j dbliol for' external use to one pint at aj time. Druggists are directed to refuse to fill prescriptions if convinced that they alV'lssued for other than medicinal purposes. ^ J-, Can't Delay Longer. "The Issuance of the beer regulars lions," -\kr. Mellon explained, "was de- 1 fyyed originally because It seemed probable that legislation would be en-i acted whemby the action of the depart -1 meat woul<?jbe of no practical advantjt age to those interested; and this view appeared to be acquiesced in by them, s|_nce there vfcs at that time no urgent detpand for tlfe Issuance of the regula V >.< k' fit''.' ! P^ OCTC & Get your mone with your old t It's a real buri due them, hurt! you by extendi Wipe 1 PAY-l Many 1 - .* -/ Many are goinj > ing in debt and * If this movenu . debt and keepi Let's all O Get it somewhere. THING TO V This movemenl out of debt yoi being good to P A\ YORK HARDWAR] LOAN & SAVINGS FEWELL & THOM] BONEY INSURAN* W. BARRON NIVENS BROTHEI tionts. However, for some time past |it has been strongly urged by those interested that this department haj no ( right longer to withhold these regulations and that 111 so doing the department was denying to those interested! their clear legal right and thereby im-J posing serious loss upon them. "Tlie legal rights of the parties concerned being plain, the department is unab'e longer to delay the issuance of these regulations." Bill Now In Senate. In some quarters it is predicted that the action o/ the administration will strengthen the opposition to the antibeer bill and cauls; its eventual defeat. The bill is pending in the senate in the form of a conference report, but hai been laid aside until the tax bill is passed when, its backers assert, it wilt be> brought forward again. Representative Volstead, when he heard Mr. Mellon had tilted the lid on medicinal beer, gasped, "I don't believe it,".and would say no more. "The J&me reasons for withholding the regulations now exist as have ex1 c? 1 otooL'i! riiiut ' was all micu 1 Ul oc? CI?I nvvno p.w, . that could be elicited from Wayne B. Wheeler, counsel for the Anti-Saloon League. "For Medicine Only." The regulations require the sale of beer in bottles only which shall be labeled with the name of the manufacturer, and the legend "For medicinal purposed only. Sale or use for other purposes will cause heavy penalties to be inflicted." Other regulations follow: "Any malt extract containing onehalf of 1 per cent or more of alcohol by volume, regardless of the quantity of extractive matter therein derived from malt, are held to be intoxicating liquors within the purview of the national prohibition act and regulations issued pursuant thereto. Any malt extract in|p ? ' Jra m )BER 3 - v; \ . v , ? BE PR] i y together and help the Merc alances and pay your bills pre ien for the Merchant and otl s credit with manufacturers a ng credit. Play fair, and pa the Slate IP WEE Blessings I to extend the spirit of the p have resolved to liquidate lit1 rnt will be the means?and w* ng them out of debt, then we bserve "Pay-L IF YOU CANNOT SQUA! VERY ONE. Make a beginnj I is in the interest of both the 1 are helping the merchants a them. r UP THIS SPACE 3 COMPANY KIRI BANK YOR] aor^xT QTTTni L OV11 UAXAJJ 3E OFFICE McCC PEO] IS, Charlotte St. J. M, tended to be sold to the general pub* lie without prescription must contain less than one-hall of 1 p^r cent of alcohol by volume, and must be manufactured, tax paid and sold in the same manner as other cereal beverages. Doctor Goe> Dry. "No prescription shall be filled calling for a greater quantity of liquor than that authorized*by these regulations, and a pharmacist should refuse to fill any such prescription. Physicians may not prescribe liquor for their own personal use. "Every pharmacist filling a prescription for intoxicating liquor must, at the time of filling same, indorse thereon over his signature the word 'cancelled,' together with the date the'liquor was delivered. A retail druggist must preserve in a separate carefullyguarded file each prescription so filled. Pint Every Ten Days. "No prescription may be issued for a greater quantity of intoxicating liquor than is necessary for use as a medicine by.the person for whom prescribed in the treatment of an ailment from which such patient.is known by the physician to be suffering. Not more.than a pint of spirituous (distilled) liquor to be taken internally shall be prescribed for use by the taine person within any pe riod of ten days by one or more pnysicians. When spirituous (distilled) liquor is administered to any person by any physician or physicians, as provided in section 71, the aggregate quantity so administered and the quantity prescribed for such person may not exceed one pint within any period of ten days. "Not more*than a pint of alcohol for external use may be prescribed for the aame patient at one tirhe. Not move than two quarts of wine cr two and one-half galloils of intoxicating malt liquors to be taken internally shall be prescribed at one time for use * JP ^ 1st NO ????? ???? ???? fcrAKLU 1 :hants, the Professional men, >mptly. Help business get bi lers to carry your bill. It h nd others with out which the; y when your account is due. \ Clean o: K ogT. Will Fol ay up movement. They have lie by little until they are free ? ViaIipvp it. will?of ^ettinff a / MVUV . ? " O O -will have much to be thankf rp Week" Oct RE YOUR ACCOUNT DO ing. You will find the rest o creditors and debtors of Yoi nd others you owe, they hav CONTRIBUTED'P>Y THE CPATRICK-BELK CO. K FURNITURE COMPANY fcER & QUINN )NNELL DRY GOODS COM ?LES BANK & TRUST CO. , STROUP V by the .same person. "Prescription? for intoxicating liquor ! may only be filled by a licensed pharmacist, who is also a retail druggist, or by a licensed pharmacist in.the employ of a retail druggist. A pharmacist employed by any other person than a retail druggist may not fill prescriptions for intoxicating liquors." t TO WITHDRAW TROOPS Half the Soldiers on .the Rhine Are Coming Home. The gradual withdrawal of American troops from Germany expected to, start within two weeks, will involve a reduction of th? American forces there to about one half of the present strength of 13,500 officers and men. The reduction will be accomplished bj the middle of next March. Details of plans for the withdrawal were made public after a conferonce between Secretaries Weoks a id Hughes. Tl}e forces to be withdrawn consist of 121 officcra and 7,873 men of the total of 49S officers and 13.190 men. Two army transports, the Cantingny and the Cambral will be used the first troops starting from this country about the middle* of Novem\ bcr. ' Men whose enlistments in the army are neaping expiration will be the first returne d. The fiftieth Infantry has been placed | on the inactive l'st and will be dis banded with all provisional organizations expect the headquarter; troops and the headquarter" staff of the army of occupation. The organizations which remain will be reduced to a status sufficiently oniy to irnpe.^e n headquarters, o: e ibrigade of infantry r.nd necessary auxiliary troops. Self-Help. ? Voice: "Is this the ) weather bureau? How"about a show| er tonight?" . r-'v.-J ri y ;! '* * i WEI VEMBE l vH'r; ? 'v M 70R1T : t 1 9 the Banks and other interests ' . ick to normal. inders them from getting dis< y could not remain in busine* t f the Old 31st-NO How in th (had their eyes (fpened to the ] k Oflpoin TVinf ics n Klpssinflf WOT * HlgMXUf * liM V AM w Q .. - lot of York and York Count ul for. > ober 31st-Nov ' / ' THE BEST YOU CAN. f the road easier traveling, rk and York County. While e been good to you, you will ] PAY < * ; : 4 "it. * FOLLOWING': LOGAN LUMBER r J. H. CARROLL FEINSTEIN & K PANY J. F. CARROLL DICKSON BROS. FERGUSON & YC The Boaster.?"fJeorge said If i if-. I ' fused to marry him he would take to J | drink." f j "Well?" * ; "I told him if he was wealthy 1 j enough or that I nrght reconsider my . refusal."?The American- Legion j Weekly. ; ..V. . . ... I ?The only things tnat last rurever i are the human soul and expenses. REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOR SALE" | 61 1-2 Acres?Four room dwelling; 3 room tenant house, on Rutherford road I 3 1-2 miles from courthouse. Good level land, ftne neighborhood'; half mile of Cotton Belt school house. j I 97 Acres?New 4 room dwelling; 3 | room tenant house; fine orchard and pasture, near Chariotte road, six miles 1 1 from courthouse. Seven Room House?On lot 110x270 I feet, on King*^ Mountain street. Wa- | ter, sewerage, bath and^ lights. Also j lot adjoining. 90x200 feet. Last availI able vacant lot on this street. Fifty Acre Tract?Near New Zion church and school; three-room house and barn; lot of good saw timber. Cottage on Wright Avenue?Five rooms ana commuujuuH picepiug iiuiu., I electric lights, water and bath. Lot 80 , feet front? 280 feet back. ? Five Room House?Off King's Mountain street. Yorkville. Lot 90x200 feet. Thirty Acres?One mile of Yorkville, on King's Mountain road. Tract of 142 Acres?Two miles of Clover. Has a first class neatly paint- \ ed eight-room house, with good barn | and outbuildings; also a well finished four-room house with outbuildings. Entire place is good level land-with practically no %vgste. Will sell as a } whole or divide so as to leave settlement developments otf either tract New four-room house?Near Yorkville Graded chool. ' Residence Phone 111 and Office Phone 74. C. F. SHE RE R, Real Estate Elf R 5th <1 C ' ' ; outi Catch up .} counte that are 3S. They favor * * ? f ? % Debts V. 5th e Trail handicap of be- j >4Vi atritrin rr fnr L UX1 O I'X X XJLX0 iVAi - ? y people out of I ember 5th | PAY SOME- | you are getting lose nothing by Tfp , YARD ; RIVIS I >UNGBLOOD \ MMHi ?"*" U> m m -> V'tfOW'S THE TIME TO START YOUR BULBS WE K VE A COMPLETE LINE OF HYACINTHS? BOTh SINGLE AND DOUBLE?ALL COLORS; SACRED BILLIES, TULIPS AND NARCISSUS. DuriNF Nfl Rd WF'I I HFAR YOU. ER*xall CITY PHARMACY j- E. BRISON. I STORE Proprietor k Prompt and Accurate Service CLOVER, S. C. i w in wm iwiii mm*1 wpntm iwnwifwuwiwinwiiu wm iw www . .... /. " .. . :v.; >. Special Premium 5 Offer \ '' ' * ; : I ' . IDE V0RKVI1LE ENQUIRER'S: ' : * 'iiiiTAiitT/iminftirr rnn iaOO ANHUUWlimM run wu v.. . . . J.$: . 5, I ? m ?s Tr-'r c.. - ' REDUCTION IN PRICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ATTRACTIVE PREMIUMS TO CJiUBMAKERS. In Clubs of Three or More Subscription Price is $2.25 Per Annum. NEW SUBSCRIBERS GET PAPER TO JANUARY, 1, 1923, FOR PRICE OP ... YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. __ ' \ Now Is the Time to Subscribe and Now Is the Time to Begin Making Club. All of the hundred or more Clubmakers.who ? have heretofore been assisting in the annual work of renewing and paying for the subscription list of The Yorkvillo Enauivei-. and others who desire to . i' , become Clubmakers, are cordially invited to participate in the campaign for 1H22. CASH PREMIUMS. The premiums- for this campaign will be largely Cash, as follows: One Hundred Dollars to the Clubmaker who returns and pays for the Largest Club. Seventy-five Dollars to the Clubmaker who returns and pays for the Second Largest club. Fifty Dollars to the Clubmaker who returns and ? pays for the Third Largest Club. PREMIUMS FOR OTHER CLUBS. For TEN* names returned and paid for we will give the Clubmaker a year's subscription to The Yorkville Enquirer. / For FIVE names returned and paid for, we will give the Clubmaker a Three-BladeiJ' Pocket Knife with Name and Address on the handle. A LIBERAL COMMISSION, the amount of which will be made known on application, will be allowed to all Chibmakers who elect to take Commissions in lieu of other premiums. NEW SUBSCRIBERS AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, | it. #> .1 v/Ani/t/ii i r- Pil/MIIBCD ciubmakers may oner to ?ena tnem one Tunnvikue tiiyuintn TO JANUARY 1, 1923, for the price of a year's, aybscriotion, in Clubs at $2.25. A NEW SUBSCRIPTION moans an addition to thb mailing list. No kind of substitution by which the same group of readers may have the use of the paper under the New Name is to be recognized, / and no name that has been on the mailing list since July last will be counted as a NEW name. ^ 4 .1 CONDITIONS IT IS DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD that the .Clubmaker is financially responsible for all names returned, until the same are paid for. The Clubmaker has the right to discontinue any Onpaid sub- \ scription at any time on paying for the same at the rate otl 6 Cents a week during the time it may have been going to the subscriber. All names not paid for by SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 1922, at 6 O'clock, p. m., are chargeable to the accoupt of the Clubmaker returning the name. - fi . \* NEW AND OLD SUBSCRIBERS count the same for the Clubmaker, either in competition or by way of commissions. BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN THE CLUB BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN and New and Old Subscribers may be returned #s rapidly as secured. IT IS DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD that there can he* no transfers of names from one Club to another after the names have been entered on our books. t. . UYUfUKTAJNT iJUbTKUUTlUnS IX SENDING NAMES CLUB MAKERS are especially requested to write names and addresses plainly and in case of a name already on our mailing list, it is desirable that jt be written in the same manner as it now.appears op the printed label. Clubmakers will confer a favor if in sending Rehewals they will be^in the letter with "Renew" or in the case of a New name if they will<t>cgin with the word "Enter." That will save the bookkeeper trouble in having to. hunt the list to avoid entering the same name twice. AND LET IT BE REMEMBERED also that this offer of the paper at $2.25 a year will be withdrawn on February 18, 1922, and that after that date the price will be $2.50 a year. L. M. GRIST'S SONS, York, S. C. - . Hit iii inituiftuaimii nmyimi*iini>>*a?i Him niiimimmi nail * ' .? > SPECIAL DINNER SET OFFER \ [ v r . * ' WE HAVE ON HAND A LIMITED NUMBER OF 31-PIECE DINNER SETS, WORTH $S.50 EACH, WHICH WE.OFFER TO CLUBMAKERS PAYING FOR FIFTEEN ANNUAL SUB- < SCRIPTIONS TO THE YORKVILLE ENQUIRER AT $2.25 EACH. # 0 These Dinner Sots will be delivered to the Clubmakers on demand inimediately^the Fifteen ^'ames are Returned-and Paid For, provided the limited number on hand hats not already been exhausted. Dther? wise we agree to procure other Dinner Sets or Pay Commissions at the option or the ClubmaKery inutled to tne same. I , u L. M. GRIST'S SONS, York, S. C. I i j 3 I HWHUffiwuwmwwwwunwrwiUfiwiwiwii utm wwuim utwi