AT THE CHURCHES FIliST BAPTIST Sunday Worship?Sunday school at lit a. ni. Morning service at 11 o'clock and evening service at 7.30 p. m. by Rev. J. F. Moore. > FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, D. D., Pastor. Sunday Sen ices?Sunday school at l?t a. m. .Morning service at 11. Junior *1 tA Vonno- Pont.K.g (' F! | Hardware j Slaughter | Attractive Bargains Subject to ji | Quick Action x ?? t THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF THE FARMERS ? < HARDWARE AND SUPPLY COMPANY ;l TO THE VALUE OF $7,500.00, IS NOW .. BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE <1 t prices. ' :: I: MANY ARTICLES ARE GOING AT : I I LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST j; j X ;; * And to realize what that means come and see. i WE ARE NOT GOING TO STAY HERE LONG :: X 'I ( { And people who desire the benefit of our good < :!: luck MUST ACT AT ONCE. J ' *4 ' X Merchants will do well to see what we have and ;; & the prices we can offer. *1 ? Hardware, you know, has not declined much, < <; | and it is not going to decline. ;; I ESPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO INDIVIDUAL ;: I CUSTOMERS. ':: | CASH and CASH ONLY goes; but it goes a long | | way here. . t i "FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY COM- | $ PANY'S STORE ROOM?Next to the Shan? don Hotel. ;; | T. F. IY1LE. IN CHARGE J All kinds of Typewriter Ribbons at All kinds of Typewriter Ribbons at Th? Yorkville Enauirer Office. The Enquirer Office. . ____ 1 1 1 Attractions IN OUR i f oods Department ind a Superb selection of fabrics for ladies', 's Wear?All Attractively Priced. goods $25.00 dresses at $12.95 J the leading VVe have a few of those $25.00 Satin Charmcuse very be8t of Dresses left?Don't let this opportunity to an(^ 'n buy a good dress at a low price slip by and Compari- 3 J lhe va|Ues you-SPECIALLY FRICED at $12.95 ^ d.l 75 CTS. COTTON GOODS HERE l..p.r69 cts. are rightly priced , J Bi^ck? ??? 98 CTS. When You are Ready to Supply Your Needs in Black? ^5 Cotton Goods We Can Supply You and You d Black? Will Find That Our Prices are Riflht. Navy "and*1"48 Hamilton Hickory Shirting?Yard 23 CTS. $1.98 __ . ?c?Navy, ' let us show you shoes ! $2.75 ir tings in We believe that we can give you jreen and*2"23 better values for your shoe mon?d rDr0F$3 50 ey than you can get elsewhere. KS ! CHILDREN'S SHOES e most beau- (All Solid Leather) id hereabouts I}aby-8 First Step?Pair *1-38 ?n?We have Children's 5's to 8's?brown kid and patent ed- t0?- leather?Pair $1-39 to $4.50 Chi'dren's, sizes 8 1-2 to 11. and 12 to 2? ,1.48 and $1.98 Most ctyh? and leather you can call g-?| for-Priced $1-48 to $5.00 je, Jade, ; ? ??????:tra Good $148 LADIES' SHOES aid $1.98 (All Solid Leather) [ES Women's Heavy Every Day Shoes, the kind that will stand hard wear?Priced the lee coj. Pair $2.98 to $3.^0 y* ?148 Yard Kid Dress Shoes?Priced, pair?. ...... .... >1.48 Yard ^ ^ ^3 00 g0 and $3.98 d Navy? $1.98 The finest grade Kid Shoes?Black and 98 CTS. , browns?high, military and low heels? n-Pricea 4 Priced ? $S.50 to $9.95 $2.75 ,vn?Price $2.98 MEN'S DRESS. SHOES ^g (All Solid Leather) itrine and All styles?Shoes that will please every one ird $1.49 ?Priced ?, $2.75 and Up west pat- Ladies' Black Vici Oxfords?Priced $4.98 Tired the 1.98 ar.d $2.25 Ladies' Brown Brogue Oxfords?Priced $4.98 ick-Belk Company ELLS IT FOR LESS I17 r - i V- . n, ill * l?. ill. I vuiih * vvj'.v ? -w. ?.. ui 7 ]>. m. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. K. Walker, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 1(1 o'clock. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7.30. CHURCII OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. T. Walsh, Pastor. Sunday Service?Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning service at 11. ASSOCIATE RBFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. Tj. Oates, D. D., Pastor. Sabbath Service?Sabbath school at 10 a. ni. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. A. Liles. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7.30. + special Notices. Cannon Mill. Preaching Sunday evening at 7.30 K. K. Gillespie, l'aslor. At Philadelphia. Sunday school at 1..30 p. m. Preaching at 3.30 ]>. til. J. K. Walker, Pastor Union and Clover. l*nier (I, .IA.MKS K. SMITH, aged JO years and months. The dee a sod is survived by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Smith, and the following brothers and sisters; Samuel, Heaufort, isrioe, McDowell, Clyde, liratton Gist. W. I"1, and lieaty Smith. Mrs. Ivn Dlinlap, Misses Nell and lieulah Smith. COTTON MARKET Friday, Octob r 7. 1021 Cotton Seed Sharon 20 \ ?:t Clover 2'i 60 York villi' 20 60 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. For Sale l*ure Appier seed oils. Very till* . J. F. Ashe, -MeConnollsville. S. C. HO 2t* For Sale Portable typewriter, practieally new. I'ortex No. For price address !>".\ No. 077, York, S. C. 7ii 2t For Rent Desirable stc'im heated oftiee mi second lli |ri.... ...... ply to l'?' pies Dank and Trust t'o.. York. S. "S if. For Service II; gisterod I'o'sind-China iliig type) boar, s months old. weight L'.lo pounds. Fee, or a pig. .M. K. Walk ins. Clover, It. I'. I>. No. 1. 7S*4t For Sale- Two set ond hau l Dodges, both in good condition ami fine liargains. I'. Slierer. 7s If. $5.00 to $10.00 I'a id for of prospective 1 Tioiiogra |.'h or I'iaiio buyer:-. for further patriculars, write, Triangle Music Co., Charlotte, N. C. 77 4t. Wanted We are in the market lor good lr> sh milch cows and heavy springers. Nothing hut real good stuff wanted. Se FKlitJl'SON IJVF SToCK C<>., Sharon, or F. CHIP! I."SON, York. 70 tl For Rent or Saic Mighty and one-hail acre farm mar Nannie's mountain. Will rent for one thousand pounds of lint cotton. \.ith the understanding that buildings be repaired by the renter, oi will sell < n easy terms v.itli onc-haif paid in easb. See or write S. W. (Surdiier, (iastoaiu, N. C. 7-' ft ai PHILANTHROPIC LODGE, A. F. M A, KK'MRAK CMniiiiinii'.'ition on ii' \t Twsilay niaht. ?>? t. 111li. /V\ ;it n oVlork. Full atU'lidamn tlisiivd. A. T. HART, W. M. J. K. HART. Sec. HOUSE FOR SALE. TpMVH I loom House a?1 licr davs and buy hero. IT WILL IH' LOOK THESE :.l KN'S wool, SIIIUTS MEN'S COTTON SHIRTS .MEN'S DUESS SIIIUTS B< >YS* WORK SHIRTS -MEN'S OVERALLS?A rooi North Carolina 1 Irav\ WOOL EL HAMILTON HICKORY?A good CHEVIOTS A good grade?Lay OI'TINOS?Extra good quality?1 SHEETLNOS You will n?-?I it I OINOI1A.MS A!ways? useful?A g WOOL SERHE A spVndiil value HAYXES'S I'NDERWKAR The MEN'S I'NIoN I'NDKKWEAi: I ItEO TICKINO - Two grades - Y;:i I'LEAi'HINO- You'll !,< ( il suni" ? A NI >RoSCO(K MN I ILEACIIINO THE BEST OF SI We have always made a Specialty for Men, Women, Boys, Giri good just now?But don't put money for other things. Let "STA It EUANO SHOES AUK I !! tIn- Law Shoes . Women's M'Ali I:I:AXI >. Heavy J l.nlies' Viei Kill S'i'AII IMtAXI) h < '111 IjDIiKX'S Sll< >I*:S IX ALL S I! AI: V SII<>LS C5 Cls. a Pair ai LADIES' DRESSES, 1C3 LADIES' NEW SKIRTS?A : tra good ctylce?Priced at Hundreds cf New SWEATERS f Styles and Cciors and Sizes a NEW CCATS ARRIVJf 39 Ladies' LONG COATS?values while at ?15.C0 each?Pi iced I LADIES' COATS?Splendid sty e LADIES' SUITS?Better styles? LADIES' DRESSES? colore?all sizes?Priced DON'T JUDGE THE VALUES CUR NEW YORK Bl AND 13 SENDiNG US MANY A THE LINES WE CARRY?H READY TO SNAP UP GOOD THEM TO US WE PASS Tf WATCH YOUR STEP. ; M?C0NNELL DRYWE SELL FOR T . I, ,i ?. 1 THE COOL WEATHER IS UPON US. ARE YOU PREPARED to Rive him a I I strong; fiRht? If not, we can help you. I We have a complete stock of UN- ! 1 DEItWEAR for Men, Women and for j ( Children. TtT.ANYCF.TS, WE HAVE TIIEM in Cotton and in ; Wool. I Wool Hosiery for dress and every day wear. Ladies' and Men's Coats. Sweaters for .Men, Women and Chil- j dren. Won] Caits for Children and Indies. SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY . For everyday and for dress wear. THE PRICES IN OUR STORE i Are based on the s'im pocketbook. In i other words, you can buy here $1.50 j : worth of Roods tor $1.00. That outrht to sound Rood to everybody?especially ! to the ones who would be most eco- j ; nomical. FEINSTEIN & KRIVIS THE CASH STORE We Do Not Charge or Send Out Any Goods on Approval. j ; Buy It . . . FROM FS AND GET QUALITYSTYLE ANI) RIGHT PRICES. PARKER-SMOAK CLOTHING COMPANY I ROCK HILL, S. C. rmnp Tft UUlLTLi IV unu 'PHE undersigned are at your service A with Gas, Oils, Greases, etc., and respectfully solicit your patronage: Campbell & Quinri Co Clover: City Pharmacy Clover M. L. Ford & Sons Clover F. E. Smith Tirzah Nivins Bros.. Charlotte St. York is Worth Face Value Here ' ago your dollar was only diter on as manufactured ncd your dollar's buying" spring it almost reached i bought our fall supplies tc. Since cotton begun to e climbed upward and toicli higher than last sumBut we had the contracts s?result: We have great ot be duplicated in prices ; today. Result: Our disadvantage?saving real, rs by buying at McConLue for every dollar spent crowds to this store ttat1 see what your dollar will Y MORE than elsewhere. PRICES OVER. $2 00 7j Cto. ard 98 Cts. 98Ct3. and Up. 60 Cts. and Up il time to buj Pair $1.25 (ANKETS . $5.50, $7.50 to $12.50 bay Yald 23 Cts. ' in a supply Yard 15 Cts. Warm this winter?Yard 18 Cts. ei> ii now Yard 12 1 -2 Cts. XTT CJC! VT X1U VII llfllVll JLJkJKJ BUGGY HARNESS ALL EXTRA PIECES FOR BIJGGY! HARNESS. GEO. DELKER BUGGIES Any Style and Color you want. See me while you can get a good selection. Prices attractive. Goodrich Tires, Gasoline and Oil. J. H. CARROLL SEE ME TODAY . AND TOMORROW AND OTHER TIMES For Choice Beef, Pork, Pork Sausage, Cheese, Boiled Ham, Breakfast Bacon?all choice in quality. ALSO SEE ME FOR FRESH OYSTERS SATURDAY. SEE ME FOR? 7in nanus, Apples, Grapes, Cabbage, Onions, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes. YOU WILL FIND MY PRICES JUST RIGHT?MY SERVICE PROMPT. FRESH OYSTERS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. SANITARY MARKET LEWIS G. FERGUSON, Mgr. Ballard's Obelisk Flour TRY IT. It has been a standard in First Qr.ality for half a century. It is equal to the highest grade made. See Us for Good Coffees Wo have WHITE HOUSE, CARAJA, LUZIANNE, ARP.UCKLES and also LOOSE COFFEES. Get Our Prices. LAUNDRY SOAPS. Wo have all the leading brands of SOAPS and we are selling a Good LAUNDRY SOAR Seven Bars for 25c. Si c us for Homo-Ground CORN M LA L. Also for .Mill Food and Sweet Feed. SEE US FOR PRICES ON COAL. J. F. CARROLL Our Grocery Business WAS EXTRA GOOD LAST WLLfS? AM) \VE EXi'ECT THIS WEEK TO III: l.yi'AI.LV AS GOOD, FOR WE HAVE EXTRA GOOD VALUES FOR THIS WEEK? < >:i FLOCK. LARD. HAMS, RREAKFAST MACON, ca"Nxkd goods, DKLMoNTE ASIWRAGL'S Tips Ai'RR'i ?TS. I'RFNES. I KACMES, ami also cm Thousand Island D.fssin^ ar.d Durki c'.s 1 a- ssinj;. LET US SAVE YOU MONEY ATTHE CASH & CARRY CO. All Linrlc nf Tvncwrit^r Ribbons at The Enquirer Office. t I . J.C.WHBORNH^te: I OFFER FOR SALE A Great Farm Bargain?As Rood as , I have seen in many years?short op- 1 tion. On State Highway, two miles of York courthouse; 390 acres, including ' 10 good mules, tractor, all farm too's , and machinery, all feed stuff glown on place; 1,000 bushels of corn estimated. Nice 8-room house; 5 good tenant houses; big barn, 10 or 15-horse farm open;_40 acres in wood and saw tim oer. this rarm is in a nign siaie 01 cultivation. It is a great farm for j wheat, corn, cotton, oats, alfalfa and, clover. It is also a fine cattle farm; 10] minutes ride to courthouse. Tobacco] will grow to perfection. Do not fail to see this farm. Price, $27,000. 225 Acres?King's Mountain township; 2 story 8-room house; 150 acres, under cultivation; about 100 acres in wood and timber; 2 acres of orchard; ! | 35 acres of splendid bottom land; one | mi'e of church and school; 3 good ten- l ' ant houses, 4 rooms each; 4 good ! barns. Has carbide lights in house. $35.00 per Acre. This is undoubtedly a I great bargain. Terms to suit. Remember, That I have other small-1 i er Farms for Sale, from $10.00 Up. i.C. WILBORN estate Description WORK WITH US IS A SPECIALTY We are pleased 4to announce that our Prescription Department is now in! charge of Dr. A. F. DOTY A Registered Pharmacist of tern years' experience. You are ass .red of Accuracy, Care, Promptness and Reasonable Prices. IP YOIT NEED THE DOCTOR,' Phone No. 31, and we will get him for] j you quick, Mackorell Drug Co. Near the Court House TIRZAH GINNERY. TXTK are running every day, giving as good sample as to be had. First- | class service in every respect, and buy- j ing ail the cotton seed offered at the ; highest market price for cash. Don't \ fail to give us a trial. 7K Ot J. D. CAMPBELL, Manager. I jp Specia i Dress G ( anBBaBBnBHManHDBHi Here you will f Misses' and Children ATTRACTIVE PIECE Our Expert Buyers hav* combec Dress Goods Markets for the Dress Goods?Best in Quality, Prices?We invite Inspection son?Our Prices will toll you I i 30 inch All Wool Serge?Navy am Priced at the yard 30 inch Danish Cloth?All Color the yard 30 inch French Serge?Navy an< Priced the yard 44 inch All Wool Serge?Navy and Priced the yard I 36 inch All Wool Serge?Navy am Priced the yard 54 inch All Wool French Serge?i Black?Priced the yard 44 inch Extra Fine French Serf I Hack and Drown?Priced the 42 inch All Wool Tricotlne?Na and Brown?Priced the yard 53 and 50 inch All Wool Plaid Sk beautiful color combination j the yard 50 inch All Wool Flannel?Navy, ( Hose?the very thing for Jum ur Child's Coat?Price the yai BEAUTIFUL SIL This Store has always carried th tiful lines of Silks to be fou> ?this season i3 no excepti them this season?rightly pric 36 inch Black Satins?Priced the $1.25, J Black Crepe Back Satin?Yard .... Black Canton Crepe?Priced at .... COLOKKD_ SATIN?Brown, BP Hose, Tomato ana wiiae?r,> qualities?Priced the yard Changeable Taffeta?Priced the > CREPE-DE-CHIE Pine quality?A Special at the Pi <>rs: Jade, Black, White, Nav Turquoise?Priced at Bettor Quality in B'ack, White an Priced the yard - PONC5EE?A SPECIAL?Yard Cant >ii Crepe?Navy and Brow the yard Crepe Back Satin?Navy and Broi the yard SILK SHIRTIN( Tuh Siik Shirtings in just the S Color you are looking for?Yt Civpe-Ue-Chine Shirting in the no terns shown this season?P yard $ ? ? fJ?inwmt? || Kirkpatr II s la